scala.swing.TabbedPane.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
/* __ *\
** ________ ___ / / ___ Scala API **
** / __/ __// _ | / / / _ | (c) 2007-2010, LAMP/EPFL **
** __\ \/ /__/ __ |/ /__/ __ | http://scala-lang.org/ **
** /____/\___/_/ |_/____/_/ | | **
** |/ **
\* */
package scala.swing
import event._
import scala.collection.mutable.Buffer
import javax.swing.{JTabbedPane, JComponent}
object TabbedPane {
object Layout extends Enumeration {
val Wrap = Value(JTabbedPane.WRAP_TAB_LAYOUT)
val Scroll = Value(JTabbedPane.SCROLL_TAB_LAYOUT)
class Page protected[TabbedPane](parent0: TabbedPane, title0: String, content0: Component, tip0: String) extends Proxy {
def self = content0
def this(title0: String, content0: Component, tip0: String) =
this(null, title0, content0, tip0)
def this(title0: String, content0: Component) =
this(title0, content0, "")
content = content0 // first add component, *then* set other things
title = title0
tip = tip0
protected[TabbedPane] var parent: TabbedPane = parent0
protected var _title = title0
def title: String = _title
def title_=(t: String) {
// beware to keep this order since, index depends on the _old_ title
if (parent != null) parent.peer.setTitleAt(index, t)
_title = t
protected var _content = content0
def content: Component = _content//UIElement.cachedWrapper(peer.getComponentAt(index).asInstanceOf[JComponent])
def content_=(c: Component) { _content = c; if (parent != null) parent.peer.setComponentAt(index, c.peer) }
protected var _tip = tip0
def tip: String = _tip//peer.getToolTipTextAt(index)
def tip_=(t: String) { _tip = t; if (parent != null) parent.peer.setToolTipTextAt(index, t) }
protected var _enabled = true
def enabled: Boolean = _enabled//peer.isEnabledAt(index)
def enabled_=(b: Boolean) { _enabled = b; if (parent != null) parent.peer.setEnabledAt(index, b) }
protected var _mnemonic = -1
def mnemonic: Int = _mnemonic//peer.getMnemonicAt(index)
def mnemonic_=(k: Int) { _mnemonic = k; if (parent != null) parent.peer.setMnemonicAt(index, k)}
protected var _foreground: Color = null
def foreground: Color = _foreground//peer.getForegroundAt(index)
def foreground_=(c: Color) { _foreground = c; if (parent != null) parent.peer.setForegroundAt(index, c)}
protected var _background: Color = null
def background: Color = _background //peer.getBackgroundAt(index)
def background_=(c: Color) { _background = c; if (parent != null) parent.peer.setBackgroundAt(index, c)}
def bounds: Rectangle = parent.peer.getBoundsAt(index)
// TODO: icon, disabledIcon
def index = if(parent != null) parent.peer.indexOfTab(title) else 0//_index
//protected[TabbedPane] var _index: Int = index0
* Displays the contents of one of several pages at a time. For each page a tab is
* visible at all times. The user can click on one of these tabs to move the
* corresponding page to the front.
* @see javax.swing.JTabbedPane
class TabbedPane extends Component with Publisher {
override lazy val peer: JTabbedPane = new JTabbedPane with SuperMixin
import TabbedPane._
object pages extends BufferWrapper[Page] {
def runCount: Int = peer.getTabRunCount
def remove(n: Int): Page = {
val t = apply(n)
t.parent = null
//for(i <- n to length) apply(i)._index -= 1
protected def insertAt(n: Int, t: Page) {
//for(i <- n to length) apply(i)._index += 1
t.parent = TabbedPane.this
peer.insertTab(t.title, null, t.content.peer, t.tip, n)
def +=(t: Page): this.type = { t.parent = TabbedPane.this; peer.addTab(t.title, null, t.content.peer, t.tip); this }
def length = peer.getTabCount
def apply(n: Int) = new Page(TabbedPane.this, peer.getTitleAt(n),
def tabLayoutPolicy: Layout.Value = Layout(peer.getTabLayoutPolicy)
def tabLayoutPolicy_=(p: Layout.Value) { peer.setTabLayoutPolicy(p.id) }
def tabPlacement: Alignment.Value = Alignment(peer.getTabPlacement)
* Possible values are Left, Right, Top, Bottom.
def tabPlacement(b: Alignment.Value) { peer.setTabPlacement(b.id) }
* The current page selection
object selection extends Publisher {
def page: Page = pages(index)
def page_=(p: Page) { index = p.index }
def index: Int = peer.getSelectedIndex
def index_=(n: Int) { peer.setSelectedIndex(n) }
peer.addChangeListener(new javax.swing.event.ChangeListener {
def stateChanged(e: javax.swing.event.ChangeEvent) {
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