scala.swing.test.UIDemo.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package scala.swing
package test
import swing._
import event._
import Swing._
import ListView._
object UIDemo extends SimpleSwingApplication {
def top = new MainFrame {
title = "Scala Swing Demo"
* Create a menu bar with a couple of menus and menu items and
* set the result as this frame's menu bar.
menuBar = new MenuBar {
contents += new Menu("A Menu") {
contents += new MenuItem("An item")
contents += new MenuItem(Action("An action item") {
println("Action '"+ title +"' invoked")
contents += new Separator
contents += new CheckMenuItem("Check me")
contents += new CheckMenuItem("Me too!")
contents += new Separator
val a = new RadioMenuItem("a")
val b = new RadioMenuItem("b")
val c = new RadioMenuItem("c")
val mutex = new ButtonGroup(a,b,c)
contents ++= mutex.buttons
contents += new Menu("Empty Menu")
* The root component in this frame is a panel with a border layout.
contents = new BorderPanel {
import BorderPanel.Position._
var reactLive = false
val tabs = new TabbedPane {
import TabbedPane._
val buttons = new FlowPanel {
border = Swing.EmptyBorder(5,5,5,5)
contents += new BoxPanel(Orientation.Vertical) {
border = CompoundBorder(TitledBorder(EtchedBorder, "Radio Buttons"), EmptyBorder(5,5,5,10))
val a = new RadioButton("Green Vegetables")
val b = new RadioButton("Red Meat")
val c = new RadioButton("White Tofu")
val mutex = new ButtonGroup(a,b,c)
contents ++= mutex.buttons
contents += new BoxPanel(Orientation.Vertical) {
border = CompoundBorder(TitledBorder(EtchedBorder, "Check Boxes"), EmptyBorder(5,5,5,10))
val paintLabels = new CheckBox("Paint Labels")
val paintTicks = new CheckBox("Paint Ticks")
val snapTicks = new CheckBox("Snap To Ticks")
val live = new CheckBox("Live")
contents.append(paintLabels, paintTicks, snapTicks, live)
listenTo(paintLabels, paintTicks, snapTicks, live)
reactions += {
case ButtonClicked(`paintLabels`) =>
slider.paintLabels = paintLabels.selected
case ButtonClicked(`paintTicks`) =>
slider.paintTicks = paintTicks.selected
case ButtonClicked(`snapTicks`) =>
slider.snapToTicks = snapTicks.selected
case ButtonClicked(`live`) =>
reactLive = live.selected
contents += new Button(Action("Center Frame") { centerOnScreen() })
pages += new Page("Buttons", buttons)
pages += new Page("GridBag", GridBagDemo.ui)
pages += new Page("Converter", CelsiusConverter2.ui)
pages += new Page("Tables", TableSelection.ui)
pages += new Page("Dialogs", Dialogs.ui)
pages += new Page("Combo Boxes", ComboBoxes.ui)
pages += new Page("Split Panes",
new SplitPane(Orientation.Vertical, new Button("Hello"), new Button("World")) {
continuousLayout = true
val password = new FlowPanel {
contents += new Label("Enter your secret password here ")
val field = new PasswordField(10)
contents += field
val label = new Label(field.text)
contents += label
reactions += {
case EditDone(`field`) => label.text = field.password.mkString
pages += new Page("Password", password)
pages += new Page("Painting", LinePainting.ui)
//pages += new Page("Text Editor", TextEditor.ui)
val list = new ListView(tabs.pages) {
selection.intervalMode = ListView.IntervalMode.Single
renderer = ListView.Renderer(_.title)
val center = new SplitPane(Orientation.Vertical, new ScrollPane(list), tabs) {
oneTouchExpandable = true
continuousLayout = true
layout(center) = Center
* This slider is used above, so we need lazy initialization semantics.
* Objects or lazy vals are the way to go, but objects give us better
* type inference at times.
object slider extends Slider {
min = 0
value = tabs.selection.index
max = tabs.pages.size-1
majorTickSpacing = 1
layout(slider) = South
* Establish connection between the tab pane, slider, and list view.
reactions += {
case ValueChanged(`slider`) =>
if(!slider.adjusting || reactLive) tabs.selection.index = slider.value
case SelectionChanged(`tabs`) =>
slider.value = tabs.selection.index
case SelectionChanged(`list`) =>
if (list.selection.items.length == 1)
tabs.selection.page = list.selection.items(0)
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