scala.tools.xsbt.CallbackGlobal.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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sbt compiler bridge for Scala 2
The newest version!
* Zinc - The incremental compiler for Scala.
* Copyright Scala Center, Lightbend dba Akka, and Mark Harrah
* Scala (https://www.scala-lang.org)
* Copyright EPFL and Lightbend, Inc. dba Akka
* Licensed under Apache License 2.0
* (http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0).
* See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for
* additional information regarding copyright ownership.
package scala.tools
package xsbt
import xsbti.{AnalysisCallback, AnalysisCallback3, Severity}
import xsbti.compile._
import scala.tools.nsc._
import io.AbstractFile
import java.nio.file.{Files, Path}
import scala.reflect.NameTransformer
import scala.reflect.io.PlainFile
import scala.reflect.internal.util.BatchSourceFile
/** Defines the interface of the incremental compiler hiding implementation details. */
sealed abstract class CallbackGlobal(
settings: Settings,
reporter: reporters.Reporter,
output: Output
) extends Global(settings, reporter) {
def callback: AnalysisCallback
def findAssociatedFile(name: String): Option[(AbstractFile, Boolean)]
def fullName(
symbol: Symbol,
separator: Char,
suffix: CharSequence,
includePackageObjectClassNames: Boolean
): String
lazy val outputDirs: Iterable[Path] = {
output match {
case single: SingleOutput => List(single.getOutputDirectoryAsPath)
// Use Stream instead of List because Analyzer maps intensively over the directories
case multi: MultipleOutput =>
case x => throw new MatchError(x)
lazy val JarUtils = new JarUtils(outputDirs)
* Defines the sbt phase in which the dependency analysis is performed.
* The reason why this is exposed in the callback global is because it's used
* in [[xsbt.LocalToNonLocalClass]] to make sure the we don't resolve local
* classes before we reach this phase.
private[xsbt] val sbtDependency: SubComponent
* A map from local classes to non-local class that contains it.
* This map is used by both Dependency and Analyzer phase so it has to be
* exposed here. The Analyzer phase uses the cached lookups performed by
* the Dependency phase. By the time Analyzer phase is run (close to backend
* phases), original owner chains are lost so Analyzer phase relies on
* information saved before.
* The LocalToNonLocalClass duplicates the tracking that Scala compiler does
* internally for backed purposes (generation of EnclosingClass attributes) but
* that internal mapping doesn't have a stable interface we could rely on.
private[xsbt] val localToNonLocalClass = new LocalToNonLocalClass[this.type](this)
/** Defines the implementation of Zinc with all its corresponding phases. */
sealed class ZincCompiler(settings: Settings, dreporter: DelegatingReporter, output: Output)
extends CallbackGlobal(settings, dreporter, output)
with ZincGlobalCompat {
// AnalysisCallback3 only exists in recent Zinc
private lazy val callback3Opt =
try Some(callback.asInstanceOf[AnalysisCallback3])
catch {
case _: NoClassDefFoundError =>
override def getSourceFile(f: AbstractFile): BatchSourceFile = {
val file = (f, callback3Opt) match {
case (plainFile: PlainFile, Some(callback3)) =>
case _ => f
final class ZincRun(compileProgress: CompileProgress) extends Run {
override def informUnitStarting(phase: Phase, unit: CompilationUnit): Unit = {
compileProgress.startUnit(phase.name, unit.source.path)
override def progress(current: Int, total: Int): Unit = {
if (!compileProgress.advance(current, total, phase.name, phase.next.name)) cancel()
else ()
object dummy // temporary fix for #4426
/** Phase that analyzes the generated class files and maps them to sources. */
object sbtAnalyzer extends {
val global: ZincCompiler.this.type = ZincCompiler.this
val phaseName = Analyzer.name
val runsAfter = List("jvm")
override val runsBefore = List("terminal")
val runsRightAfter = None
} with SubComponent {
val analyzer = new Analyzer(global)
def newPhase(prev: Phase) = analyzer.newPhase(prev)
def name = phaseName
def description = "analyze the generated class files and map them to sources"
/** Phase that extracts dependency information */
object sbtDependency extends {
val global: ZincCompiler.this.type = ZincCompiler.this
val phaseName = Dependency.name
val runsAfter = List(API.name)
override val runsBefore = List("refchecks")
// Keep API and dependency close to each other -- we may want to merge them in the future.
override val runsRightAfter = Some(API.name)
} with SubComponent {
val dependency = new Dependency(global)
def newPhase(prev: Phase) = dependency.newPhase(prev)
def name = phaseName
def description = "extract dependency information"
* Phase that walks the trees and constructs a representation of the public API.
* @note It extracts the API information after picklers to see the same symbol information
* irrespective of whether we typecheck from source or unpickle previously compiled classes.
object apiExtractor extends {
val global: ZincCompiler.this.type = ZincCompiler.this
val phaseName = API.name
val runsAfter = List("typer")
override val runsBefore = List("erasure")
// TODO: Consider migrating to "uncurry" for `runsBefore`.
// TODO: Consider removing the system property to modify which phase is used for API extraction.
val runsRightAfter = Option(System.getProperty("sbt.api.phase")) orElse Some("pickler")
} with SubComponent {
val api = new API(global)
def newPhase(prev: Phase) = api.newPhase(prev)
def name = phaseName
def description = "construct a representation of the public API"
override lazy val phaseDescriptors = {
phasesSet += sbtAnalyzer
phasesDescMap(sbtAnalyzer) = sbtAnalyzer.description
if (callback.enabled()) {
phasesSet += sbtDependency
phasesDescMap(sbtDependency) = sbtDependency.description
phasesSet += apiExtractor
phasesDescMap(apiExtractor) = apiExtractor.description
private final val fqnsToAssociatedFiles = perRunCaches.newMap[String, (AbstractFile, Boolean)]()
* Returns the associated file of a fully qualified name and whether it's on the classpath.
* Note that the abstract file returned must exist.
def findAssociatedFile(fqn: String): Option[(AbstractFile, Boolean)] = {
def findOnPreviousCompilationProducts(name: String): Option[AbstractFile] = {
// This class file path is relative to the output jar/directory and computed from class name
val classFilePath = name.replace('.', '/') + ".class"
JarUtils.outputJar match {
case Some(outputJar) =>
if (!callback.classesInOutputJar().contains(classFilePath)) None
else {
* Important implementation detail: `classInJar` has the format of `$JAR!$CLASS_REF`
* which is, of course, a path to a file that does not exist. This file path is
* interpreted especially by Zinc to decompose the format under straight-to-jar
* compilation. For this strategy to work, `PlainFile` must **not** check that
* this file does exist or not because, if it does, it will return `null` in
* `processExternalDependency` and the dependency will not be correctly registered.
* If scalac breaks this contract (the check for existence is done when creating
* a normal reflect file but not a plain file), Zinc will not work correctly.
Some(new PlainFile(JarUtils.classNameInJar(outputJar, classFilePath)))
case None => // The compiler outputs class files in a classes directory (the default)
// This lookup could be improved if a hint where to look is given.
if (classFilePath.contains("<")) None
def findOnClassPath(name: String): Option[AbstractFile] =
fqnsToAssociatedFiles.get(fqn).orElse {
val newResult = findOnPreviousCompilationProducts(fqn)
.map(f => (f, true))
.orElse(findOnClassPath(fqn).map(f => (f, false)))
newResult.foreach(res => fqnsToAssociatedFiles.put(fqn, res))
private def flattenedOwner(g: Global)(sym: g.Symbol): g.Symbol = {
val chain = sym.owner.ownerChain.dropWhile(o => o.isClass && !o.hasPackageFlag)
if (chain.isEmpty) g.NoSymbol else chain.head
private def flattenedName(g: Global)(sym: g.Symbol): g.Name = {
val owner = sym.owner
val prefix =
if (owner.isRoot || owner == g.NoSymbol || owner.hasPackageFlag) ""
else "" + flattenedName(g)(owner) + NameTransformer.NAME_JOIN_STRING
val flat = prefix + sym.rawname
val nameString = if (owner.isJava) flat else ReflectAccess.compactifyName(g, flat)
if (sym.isType) g.newTypeNameCached(nameString) else g.newTermNameCached(nameString)
* Replicate the behaviour of `fullName` with a few changes to the code to produce
* correct file-system compatible full names for non-local classes. It mimics the
* paths of the class files produced by genbcode.
* Changes compared to the normal version in the compiler:
* 1. It will use the encoded name instead of the normal n2. It will not skip the name of the package object class (required for the class file path).
* Note that using `javaBinaryName` is not useful for these symbols because we
* need the encoded names. Zinc keeps track of encoded names in both the binary
* names and the Zinc names.
* @param symbol The symbol for which we extract the full name.
* @param separator The separator that we will apply between every name.
* @param suffix The suffix to add at the end (in case it's a module).
* @param includePackageObjectClassNames Include package object class names or not.
* @return The full name.
override def fullName(
symbol: Symbol,
separator: Char,
suffix: CharSequence,
includePackageObjectClassNames: Boolean
): String = {
def loop(sb: StringBuilder, size: Int, sym: Symbol): StringBuilder = {
val symName = flattenedName(this)(sym)
// Use of encoded to produce correct paths for names that have symbols
val encodedName = symName.encode
val nSize = encodedName.length - (if (symName.endsWith(nme.LOCAL_SUFFIX_STRING)) 1 else 0)
val owner = flattenedOwner(this)(sym)
val sb1 =
if (sym.isRoot || sym.isRootPackage || sym == NoSymbol || owner.isEffectiveRoot) {
val capacity = size + nSize
new StringBuilder(capacity)
} else {
val next = if (owner.isPackageObjectClass) owner else owner.skipPackageObject
val sep = if (owner.isPackageObjectClass) nme.MODULE_SUFFIX_STRING else separator
loop(sb, size + nSize + 1, next)
encodedName.appendTo(sb1, 0, nSize)
loop(sb = null, suffix.length(), symbol)
private[this] var callback0: AnalysisCallback = null
/** Returns the active analysis callback, set by [[set]] and cleared by [[clear]]. */
def callback: AnalysisCallback = callback0
final def set(callback: AnalysisCallback, dreporter: DelegatingReporter): Unit = {
this.callback0 = callback
reporter = dreporter
final def clear(): Unit = {
callback0 = null
reporter = null
this match {
case c: java.io.Closeable => c.close()
case _ =>
// Scala 2.10.x and later
private[xsbt] def logUnreportedWarnings(seq: Seq[(String, List[(Position, String)])]): Unit = {
for ((what, warnings) <- seq; (pos, msg) <- warnings)
yield callback.problem(what, DelegatingReporter.convert(pos), msg, Severity.Warn, false)
import scala.reflect.internal.Positions
final class ZincCompilerRangePos(settings: Settings, dreporter: DelegatingReporter, output: Output)
extends ZincCompiler(settings, dreporter, output)
with Positions
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