scala.tools.xsbt.Dependency.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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sbt compiler bridge for Scala 2
The newest version!
* Zinc - The incremental compiler for Scala.
* Copyright Scala Center, Lightbend dba Akka, and Mark Harrah
* Scala (https://www.scala-lang.org)
* Copyright EPFL and Lightbend, Inc. dba Akka
* Licensed under Apache License 2.0
* (http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0).
* See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for
* additional information regarding copyright ownership.
package scala.tools
package xsbt
import java.nio.file.Path
import xsbti.VirtualFile
import xsbti.api.DependencyContext
import DependencyContext._
import scala.tools.nsc.io.{ PlainFile, ZipArchive }
import scala.tools.nsc.Phase
import java.util.{ HashSet => JavaSet }
import java.util.{ HashMap => JavaMap }
object Dependency {
def name = "xsbt-dependency"
* Extracts dependency information from each compilation unit.
* This phase detects all the dependencies both at the term and type level.
* When dependency symbol is processed, it is mapped back to either source file where
* it's defined in (if it's available in current compilation run) or classpath entry
* where it originates from. The Symbol -> Classfile mapping is implemented by
* LocateClassFile that we inherit from.
final class Dependency(val global: CallbackGlobal) extends LocateClassFile with GlobalHelpers {
import global._
def newPhase(prev: Phase): Phase = new DependencyPhase(prev)
private class DependencyPhase(prev: Phase) extends GlobalPhase(prev) {
override def description = "Extracts dependency information"
def name = Dependency.name
override def run(): Unit = {
val start = System.currentTimeMillis
val stop = System.currentTimeMillis
debuglog("Dependency phase took : " + ((stop - start) / 1000.0) + " s")
// TODO In 2.13, shouldSkipThisPhaseForJava should be overridden instead of cancelled
// override def shouldSkipThisPhaseForJava = !global.callback.isPickleJava
override def cancelled(unit: CompilationUnit) = {
if (Thread.interrupted()) reporter.cancelled = true
reporter.cancelled || unit.isJava && !global.callback.isPickleJava
def apply(unit: CompilationUnit): Unit = {
if (!unit.isJava || global.callback.isPickleJava) {
// Process dependencies if name hashing is enabled, fail otherwise
val dependencyProcessor = new DependencyProcessor(unit)
val dependencyTraverser = new DependencyTraverser(dependencyProcessor)
// Traverse symbols in compilation unit and register all dependencies
private class DependencyProcessor(unit: CompilationUnit) {
private def firstClassOrModuleClass(tree: Tree): Option[Symbol] = {
val maybeClassOrModule = tree find {
case ((_: ClassDef) | (_: ModuleDef)) => true
case _ => false
maybeClassOrModule.map { classOrModule =>
val sym = classOrModule.symbol
if (sym.isModule) sym.moduleClass else sym
private val sourceFile: VirtualFile = unit.source.file match { case AbstractZincFile(vf) => vf case x => throw new MatchError(x) }
private val responsibleOfImports = firstClassOrModuleClass(unit.body)
private var orphanImportsReported = false
* Registers top level import dependencies as coming from a first top level
* class/trait/object declared in the compilation unit. Otherwise, issue warning.
def processTopLevelImportDependency(dep: Symbol): Unit = {
if (!orphanImportsReported) {
responsibleOfImports match {
case Some(classOrModuleDef) =>
memberRef(ClassDependency(classOrModuleDef, dep))
case None =>
) // package-info.java & empty scala files
orphanImportsReported = true
// Define processor reusing `processDependency` definition
val memberRef = processDependency(DependencyByMemberRef, allowLocal = false)(_)
val inheritance = processDependency(DependencyByInheritance, allowLocal = true)(_)
val localInheritance = processDependency(LocalDependencyByInheritance, allowLocal = true)(_)
@deprecated("Use processDependency that takes allowLocal.", "1.1.0")
def processDependency(context: DependencyContext)(dep: ClassDependency): Unit =
processDependency(context, allowLocal = true)(dep)
* Handles dependency on given symbol by trying to figure out if represents a term
* that is coming from either source code (not necessarily compiled in this compilation
* run) or from class file and calls respective callback method.
def processDependency(context: DependencyContext, allowLocal: Boolean)(
dep: ClassDependency
): Unit = {
val fromClassName = classNameAsString(dep.from)
def binaryDependency(file: Path, binaryClassName: String) = {
callback.binaryDependency(file, binaryClassName, fromClassName, sourceFile, context)
import scala.tools.nsc.io.AbstractFile
def processExternalDependency(binaryClassName: String, at: AbstractFile): Unit = {
at match {
case zipEntry: ZipArchive#Entry =>
// The dependency comes from a JAR
for {
zip <- zipEntry.underlyingSource
} {
// workaround for JDK9 and Scala 2.10/2.11, see https://github.com/sbt/sbt/pull/3701
val ignore = zip.file == null || (!zip.hasExtension("jar") && zip.isDirectory)
if (!ignore)
binaryDependency(zip.file.toPath, binaryClassName)
case pf: ZincCompat.PlainNioFile =>
// The dependency comes from a class file
binaryDependency(ZincCompat.unwrapPlainNioFile(pf), binaryClassName)
case pf: PlainFile =>
// The dependency comes from a class file
binaryDependency(pf.file.toPath, binaryClassName)
case _ =>
// On Scala 2.10 you get Internal error: comes from unknown origin null
// if you uncomment the following:
// reporter.error(
// NoPosition,
// s"Internal error: ${binaryClassName} comes from unknown origin ${at} (${at.getClass})"
// )
val targetSymbol = dep.to
val onSource = targetSymbol.sourceFile
onSource match {
case AbstractZincFile(onSourceFile) =>
if (onSourceFile != sourceFile || allowLocal) {
// We cannot ignore dependencies coming from the same source file because
// the dependency info needs to propagate. See source-dependencies/trait-trait-211.
val onClassName = classNameAsString(dep.to)
callback.classDependency(onClassName, fromClassName, context)
} else ()
// This could match null or scala.reflect.io.FileZipArchive$LeakyEntry
case _ =>
val noByteCode = (
// Ignore packages right away as they don't map to a class file/jar
targetSymbol.hasFlag(scala.tools.nsc.symtab.Flags.PACKAGE) ||
// Seen in the wild: an Ident as the original of a TypeTree from a synthetic case accessor was symbol-less
targetSymbol == NoSymbol ||
// Also ignore magic symbols that don't have bytecode like Any/Nothing/Singleton///...
if (!noByteCode) {
classFile(targetSymbol) match {
case Some((at, binaryClassName)) =>
// Associated file is set, so we know which classpath entry it came from
processExternalDependency(binaryClassName, at)
case None =>
/* If there is no associated file, it's likely the compiler didn't set it correctly.
* This happens very rarely, see https://github.com/sbt/zinc/issues/559 as an example,
* but when it does we must ensure the incremental compiler tries its best no to lose
* any dependency. Therefore, we do a last-time effort to get the origin of the symbol
* by inspecting the classpath manually.
val fqn = fullName(targetSymbol, '.', targetSymbol.moduleSuffix, includePackageObjectClassNames = false)
global.findAssociatedFile(fqn) match {
case Some((at, true)) =>
processExternalDependency(fqn, at)
case Some((_, false)) | None =>
// Study the possibility of warning or adding this to the zinc profiler so that
// if users reports errors, the lost dependencies are present in the zinc profiler
private case class ClassDependency(from: Symbol, to: Symbol)
private final class DependencyTraverser(processor: DependencyProcessor) extends Traverser {
// are we traversing an Import node at the moment?
private var inImportNode = false
// Define caches for dependencies that have already been processed
private val _memberRefCache = new JavaSet[ClassDependency]()
private val _inheritanceCache = new JavaSet[ClassDependency]()
private val _localInheritanceCache = new JavaSet[ClassDependency]()
private val _topLevelImportCache = new JavaSet[Symbol]()
private var _currentDependencySource: Symbol = _
private var _currentNonLocalClass: Symbol = _
private var _isLocalSource: Boolean = false
@inline def resolveNonLocalClass(from: Symbol): (Symbol, Boolean) = {
val fromClass = enclOrModuleClass(from)
if (fromClass == NoSymbol || fromClass.hasPackageFlag) (fromClass, false)
else {
val nonLocal = localToNonLocalClass.resolveNonLocal(fromClass)
(nonLocal, fromClass != nonLocal)
* Resolves dependency source (that is, the closest non-local enclosing
* class from a given `currentOwner` set by the `Traverser`).
* This method modifies the value of `_currentDependencySource`,
* `_currentNonLocalClass` and `_isLocalSource` and it is not modeled
* as a case class for performance reasons.
* The used caching strategy works as follows:
* 1. Return previous non-local class if owners are referentially equal.
* 2. Otherwise, check if they resolve to the same non-local class.
* 1. If they do, overwrite `_isLocalSource` and return
* `_currentNonLocalClass`.
* 2. Otherwise, overwrite all the pertinent fields to be consistent.
private def resolveDependencySource: Symbol = {
if (_currentDependencySource == null) {
// First time we access it, initialize it
_currentDependencySource = currentOwner
val (nonLocalClass, isLocal) = resolveNonLocalClass(currentOwner)
_currentNonLocalClass = nonLocalClass
_isLocalSource = isLocal
} else {
// Check if cached is equally referential
if (_currentDependencySource == currentOwner) _currentNonLocalClass
else {
// Check they resolve to the same nonLocalClass. If so, spare writes.
val (nonLocalClass, isLocal) = resolveNonLocalClass(currentOwner)
if (_currentNonLocalClass == nonLocalClass) {
// Resolution can be the same, but the origin affects `isLocal`
_isLocalSource = isLocal
} else {
_currentDependencySource = _currentDependencySource
_currentNonLocalClass = nonLocalClass
_isLocalSource = isLocal
* Process a given ClassDependency and add it to the cache.
* This class dependency can be of three different types:
* 1. Member reference;
* 2. Local inheritance; or,
* 3. Inheritance.
private def addClassDependency(
cache: JavaSet[ClassDependency],
process: ClassDependency => Unit,
fromClass: Symbol,
dep: Symbol
): Unit = {
assert(fromClass.isClass, Feedback.expectedClassSymbol(fromClass))
val depClass = enclOrModuleClass(dep)
val dependency = ClassDependency(fromClass, depClass)
if (
!cache.contains(dependency) &&
) {
def addTopLevelImportDependency(dep: global.Symbol): Unit = {
val depClass = enclOrModuleClass(dep)
if (!_topLevelImportCache.contains(depClass) && !dep.hasPackageFlag) {
private def addTreeDependency(tree: Tree): Unit = {
val tpe = tree.tpe
if (!ignoredType(tpe)) {
private def addDependency(dep: Symbol): Unit = {
val fromClass = resolveDependencySource
if (ignoredSymbol(fromClass) || fromClass.hasPackageFlag) {
if (inImportNode) addTopLevelImportDependency(dep)
else devWarning(Feedback.missingEnclosingClass(dep, currentOwner))
} else {
addClassDependency(_memberRefCache, processor.memberRef, fromClass, dep)
/** Define a type traverser to keep track of the type dependencies. */
object TypeDependencyTraverser extends TypeDependencyTraverser {
type Handler = Symbol => Unit
// Type dependencies are always added to member references
val memberRefHandler = processor.memberRef
def createHandler(fromClass: Symbol): Handler = { (dep: Symbol) =>
if (ignoredSymbol(fromClass) || fromClass.hasPackageFlag) {
if (inImportNode) addTopLevelImportDependency(dep)
else devWarning(Feedback.missingEnclosingClass(dep, currentOwner))
} else {
addClassDependency(_memberRefCache, memberRefHandler, fromClass, dep)
val cache = new JavaMap[Symbol, (Handler, JavaSet[Type])]()
private var handler: Handler = _
private var visitedOwner: Symbol = _
def setOwner(owner: Symbol) = {
if (visitedOwner != owner) {
cache.get(owner) match {
case null =>
val newVisited = new JavaSet[Type]()
handler = createHandler(owner)
cache.put(owner, handler -> newVisited)
visited = newVisited
visitedOwner = owner
case (h, ts) =>
visited = ts
handler = h
override def addDependency(symbol: global.Symbol) = handler(symbol)
def addTypeDependencies(tpe: Type): Unit = {
val fromClass = resolveDependencySource
private def addInheritanceDependency(dep: Symbol): Unit = {
val fromClass = resolveDependencySource
if (_isLocalSource) {
addClassDependency(_localInheritanceCache, processor.localInheritance, fromClass, dep)
} else {
addClassDependency(_inheritanceCache, processor.inheritance, fromClass, dep)
* Some macros appear to contain themselves as original tree.
* We must check that we don't inspect the same tree over and over.
* See https://issues.scala-lang.org/browse/SI-8486
* https://github.com/sbt/sbt/issues/1237
* https://github.com/sbt/sbt/issues/1544
private val inspectedOriginalTrees = new JavaSet[Tree]()
override def traverse(tree: Tree): Unit = tree match {
case Import(expr, selectors) =>
inImportNode = true
selectors.foreach {
case ImportSelector(nme.WILDCARD, _, null, _) =>
// in case of wildcard import we do not rely on any particular name being defined
// on `expr`; all symbols that are being used will get caught through selections
case ImportSelector(name: Name, _, _, _) =>
def lookupImported(name: Name) = expr.symbol.info.member(name)
// importing a name means importing both a term and a type (if they exist)
val termSymbol = lookupImported(name.toTermName)
if (termSymbol.info != NoType) addDependency(termSymbol)
inImportNode = false
* Idents are used in number of situations:
* - to refer to local variable
* - to refer to a top-level package (other packages are nested selections)
* - to refer to a term defined in the same package as an enclosing class;
* this looks fishy, see this thread:
* https://groups.google.com/d/topic/scala-internals/Ms9WUAtokLo/discussion
case id: Ident => addTreeDependency(id)
case sel @ Select(qual, _) =>
traverse(qual); addTreeDependency(sel)
case sel @ SelectFromTypeTree(qual, _) =>
traverse(qual); addTreeDependency(sel)
case Template(parents, self, body) =>
// use typeSymbol to dealias type aliases -- we want to track the dependency on the real class in the alias's RHS
def flattenTypeToSymbols(tp: Type): List[Symbol] =
if (tp eq null) Nil
tp match {
// rt.typeSymbol is redundant if we list out all parents, TODO: what about rt.decls?
case rt: RefinedType => rt.parents.flatMap(flattenTypeToSymbols)
case _ => List(tp.typeSymbol)
val inheritanceTypes = parents.map(_.tpe).toSet
val inheritanceSymbols = inheritanceTypes.flatMap(flattenTypeToSymbols)
"Parent types for " + tree.symbol + " (self: " + self.tpt.tpe + "): " + inheritanceTypes + " with symbols " + inheritanceSymbols
inheritanceSymbols.foreach { symbol =>
case Literal(value) if value.tag == ClazzTag =>
/* Original type trees have to be traversed because typer is very
* aggressive when expanding explicit user-defined types. For instance,
* `Foo#B` will be expanded to `C` and the dependency on `Foo` will be
* lost. This makes sure that we traverse all the original prefixes. */
case typeTree: TypeTree if !ignoredType(typeTree.tpe) =>
val original = typeTree.original
if (original != null && !inspectedOriginalTrees.contains(original)) {
case m @ MacroExpansionOf(original) if inspectedOriginalTrees.add(original) =>
case l: Literal =>
case _: ClassDef | _: ModuleDef if !ignoredSymbol(tree.symbol) =>
// make sure we cache lookups for all classes declared in the compilation unit; the recorded information
// will be used in Analyzer phase
val sym = if (tree.symbol.isModule) tree.symbol.moduleClass else tree.symbol
case f: Function =>
f.attachments.get[SAMFunction].foreach { sam =>
// Not using addInheritanceDependency as it would incorrectly classify dependency as non-local
// ref: https://github.com/scala/scala/pull/10617/files#r1415226169
val from = resolveDependencySource
addClassDependency(_localInheritanceCache, processor.localInheritance, from, sam.samTp.typeSymbol)
case other => super.traverse(other)
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