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package dotc
package cc
import core.*
import Phases.*, DenotTransformers.*, SymDenotations.*
import Contexts.*, Names.*, Flags.*, Symbols.*, Decorators.*
import Types.*, StdNames.*, Denotations.*
import config.Printers.{capt, recheckr}
import config.{Config, Feature}
import ast.{tpd, untpd, Trees}
import Trees.*
import typer.RefChecks.{checkAllOverrides, checkSelfAgainstParents, OverridingPairsChecker}
import typer.Checking.{checkBounds, checkAppliedTypesIn}
import util.{SimpleIdentitySet, EqHashMap, SrcPos}
import transform.{Recheck, PreRecheck}
import Recheck.*
import scala.collection.mutable
import CaptureSet.{withCaptureSetsExplained, IdempotentCaptRefMap}
import StdNames.nme
import NameKinds.DefaultGetterName
import reporting.trace
/** The capture checker */
object CheckCaptures:
import ast.tpd.*
class Pre extends PreRecheck, SymTransformer:
override def isEnabled(using Context) = true
/** Reset `private` flags of parameter accessors so that we can refine them
* in Setup if they have non-empty capture sets. Special handling of some
* symbols defined for case classes.
def transformSym(sym: SymDenotation)(using Context): SymDenotation =
if sym.isAllOf(PrivateParamAccessor) && !sym.hasAnnotation(defn.ConstructorOnlyAnnot) then
sym.copySymDenotation(initFlags = sym.flags &~ Private | Recheck.ResetPrivate)
else if Synthetics.needsTransform(sym) then
end Pre
/** A class describing environments.
* @param owner the current owner
* @param nestedInOwner true if the environment is a temporary one nested in the owner's environment,
* and does not have a different actual owner symbol (this happens when doing box adaptation).
* @param captured the caputure set containing all references to tracked free variables outside of boxes
* @param isBoxed true if the environment is inside a box (in which case references are not counted)
* @param outer0 the next enclosing environment
case class Env(
owner: Symbol,
nestedInOwner: Boolean,
captured: CaptureSet,
isBoxed: Boolean,
outer0: Env | Null):
def outer = outer0.nn
def isOutermost = outer0 == null
/** If an environment is open it tracks free references */
def isOpen = !captured.isAlwaysEmpty && !isBoxed
end Env
/** Similar normal substParams, but this is an approximating type map that
* maps parameters in contravariant capture sets to the empty set.
* TODO: check what happens with non-variant.
final class SubstParamsMap(from: BindingType, to: List[Type])(using Context)
extends ApproximatingTypeMap, IdempotentCaptRefMap:
/** This SubstParamsMap is exact if `to` only contains `CaptureRef`s. */
private val isExactSubstitution: Boolean = to.forall(_.isInstanceOf[CaptureRef])
/** As long as this substitution is exact, there is no need to create `Range`s when mapping invariant positions. */
override protected def needsRangeIfInvariant(refs: CaptureSet): Boolean = !isExactSubstitution
def apply(tp: Type): Type =
tp match
case tp: ParamRef =>
if tp.binder == from then to(tp.paramNum) else tp
case tp: NamedType =>
if tp.prefix `eq` NoPrefix then tp
else tp.derivedSelect(apply(tp.prefix))
case _: ThisType =>
case _ =>
/** Check that a @retains annotation only mentions references that can be tracked.
* This check is performed at Typer.
def checkWellformed(ann: Tree)(using Context): Unit =
for elem <- retainedElems(ann) do
elem.tpe match
case ref: CaptureRef =>
if !ref.canBeTracked then
report.error(em"$elem cannot be tracked since it is not a parameter or local value", elem.srcPos)
case tpe =>
report.error(em"$elem: $tpe is not a legal element of a capture set", elem.srcPos)
/** If `tp` is a capturing type, check that all references it mentions have non-empty
* capture sets. Also: warn about redundant capture annotations.
* This check is performed after capture sets are computed in phase cc.
def checkWellformedPost(tp: Type, pos: SrcPos)(using Context): Unit = tp match
case CapturingType(parent, refs) =>
for ref <- refs.elems do
if ref.captureSetOfInfo.elems.isEmpty then
report.error(em"$ref cannot be tracked since its capture set is empty", pos)
else if parent.captureSet.accountsFor(ref) then
report.warning(em"redundant capture: $parent already accounts for $ref", pos)
case _ =>
/** Warn if `ann`, which is a tree of a @retains annotation, defines some elements that
* are already accounted for by other elements of the same annotation.
* Note: We need to perform the check on the original annotation rather than its
* capture set since the conversion to a capture set already eliminates redundant elements.
def warnIfRedundantCaptureSet(ann: Tree)(using Context): Unit =
// The lists `elems(i) :: prev.reverse :: elems(0),...,elems(i-1),elems(i+1),elems(n)`
// where `n == elems.length-1`, i <- 0..n`.
// I.e.
// choices(Nil, elems) = [[elems(i), elems(0), ..., elems(i-1), elems(i+1), .... elems(n)] | i <- 0..n]
def choices(prev: List[Tree], elems: List[Tree]): List[List[Tree]] = elems match
case Nil => Nil
case elem :: elems =>
List(elem :: (prev reverse_::: elems)) ++ choices(elem :: prev, elems)
for case first :: others <- choices(Nil, retainedElems(ann)) do
val firstRef = first.toCaptureRef
val remaining = CaptureSet(*)
if remaining.accountsFor(firstRef) then
report.warning(em"redundant capture: $remaining already accounts for $firstRef", ann.srcPos)
def disallowRootCapabilitiesIn(tp: Type, what: String, have: String, addendum: String, pos: SrcPos)(using Context) =
val check = new TypeTraverser:
def traverse(t: Type) =
if variance >= 0 then
t.captureSet.disallowRootCapability: () =>
def part = if t eq tp then "" else i"the part $t of "
em"""$what cannot $have $tp since
|${part}that type captures the root capability `cap`.
class CheckCaptures extends Recheck, SymTransformer:
thisPhase =>
import ast.tpd.*
import CheckCaptures.*
def phaseName: String = "cc"
override def isEnabled(using Context) = true
def newRechecker()(using Context) = CaptureChecker(ctx)
override def run(using Context): Unit =
if Feature.ccEnabled then
override def transformSym(sym: SymDenotation)(using Context): SymDenotation =
if Synthetics.needsTransform(sym) then Synthetics.transformFromCC(sym)
else super.transformSym(sym)
class CaptureChecker(ictx: Context) extends Rechecker(ictx):
import ast.tpd.*
override def keepType(tree: Tree) =
|| tree.isInstanceOf[Try] // type of `try` needs tp be checked for * escapes
/** Instantiate capture set variables appearing contra-variantly to their
* upper approximation.
private def interpolator(startingVariance: Int = 1)(using Context) = new TypeTraverser:
variance = startingVariance
override def traverse(t: Type) =
t match
case CapturingType(parent, refs: CaptureSet.Var) =>
if variance < 0 then
capt.println(i"solving $t")
case t @ defn.RefinedFunctionOf(rinfo) =>
case tp: TypeVar =>
case tp: TypeRef =>
case _ =>
/** If `tpt` is an inferred type, interpolate capture set variables appearing contra-
* variantly in it.
private def interpolateVarsIn(tpt: Tree)(using Context): Unit =
if tpt.isInstanceOf[InferredTypeTree] then
.showing(i"solved vars in ${tpt.knownType}", capt)
/** Assert subcapturing `cs1 <: cs2` */
def assertSub(cs1: CaptureSet, cs2: CaptureSet)(using Context) =
assert(cs1.subCaptures(cs2, frozen = false).isOK, i"$cs1 is not a subset of $cs2")
/** Check subcapturing `{elem} <: cs`, report error on failure */
def checkElem(elem: CaptureRef, cs: CaptureSet, pos: SrcPos)(using Context) =
val res = elem.singletonCaptureSet.subCaptures(cs, frozen = false)
if !res.isOK then
report.error(em"$elem cannot be referenced here; it is not included in the allowed capture set ${res.blocking}", pos)
/** Check subcapturing `cs1 <: cs2`, report error on failure */
def checkSubset(cs1: CaptureSet, cs2: CaptureSet, pos: SrcPos)(using Context) =
val res = cs1.subCaptures(cs2, frozen = false)
if !res.isOK then
def header =
if cs1.elems.size == 1 then i"reference ${cs1.elems.toList}%, % is not"
else i"references $cs1 are not all"
report.error(em"$header included in allowed capture set ${res.blocking}", pos)
/** The current environment */
private var curEnv: Env = Env(NoSymbol, nestedInOwner = false, CaptureSet.empty, isBoxed = false, null)
private val myCapturedVars: util.EqHashMap[Symbol, CaptureSet] = EqHashMap()
/** If `sym` is a class or method nested inside a term, a capture set variable representing
* the captured variables of the environment associated with `sym`.
def capturedVars(sym: Symbol)(using Context) =
if sym.ownersIterator.exists(_.isTerm) then CaptureSet.Var()
else CaptureSet.empty)
/** For all nested environments up to `limit` perform `op` */
def forallOuterEnvsUpTo(limit: Symbol)(op: Env => Unit)(using Context): Unit =
def recur(env: Env): Unit =
if env.isOpen && env.owner != limit then
if !env.isOutermost then
var nextEnv = env.outer
if env.owner.isConstructor then
if nextEnv.owner != limit && !nextEnv.isOutermost then
else recur(nextEnv)
/** Include `sym` in the capture sets of all enclosing environments nested in the
* the environment in which `sym` is defined.
def markFree(sym: Symbol, pos: SrcPos)(using Context): Unit =
if sym.exists then
val ref = sym.termRef
if ref.isTracked then
forallOuterEnvsUpTo(sym.enclosure) { env =>
capt.println(i"Mark $sym with cs ${ref.captureSet} free in ${env.owner}")
checkElem(ref, env.captured, pos)
/** Make sure (projected) `cs` is a subset of the capture sets of all enclosing
* environments. At each stage, only include references from `cs` that are outside
* the environment's owner
def markFree(cs: CaptureSet, pos: SrcPos)(using Context): Unit =
if !cs.isAlwaysEmpty then
forallOuterEnvsUpTo(ctx.owner.topLevelClass) { env =>
val included = cs.filter {
case ref: TermRef =>
(env.nestedInOwner || env.owner != ref.symbol.owner)
&& env.owner.isContainedIn(ref.symbol.owner)
case ref: ThisType =>
(env.nestedInOwner || env.owner != ref.cls)
&& env.owner.isContainedIn(ref.cls)
case _ => false
capt.println(i"Include call capture $included in ${env.owner}")
checkSubset(included, env.captured, pos)
/** Include references captured by the called method in the current environment stack */
def includeCallCaptures(sym: Symbol, pos: SrcPos)(using Context): Unit =
if sym.exists && curEnv.isOpen then markFree(capturedVars(sym), pos)
override def recheckIdent(tree: Ident)(using Context): Type =
if then includeCallCaptures(tree.symbol, tree.srcPos)
else markFree(tree.symbol, tree.srcPos)
/** A specialized implementation of the selection rule.
* E |- f: Cf f { m: Cr R }
* ------------------------
* E |- f.m: C R
* The implementation picks as `C` one of `{f}` or `Cr`, depending on the
* outcome of a `mightSubcapture` test. It picks `{f}` if this might subcapture Cr
* and Cr otherwise.
override def recheckSelection(tree: Select, qualType: Type, name: Name, pt: Type)(using Context) = {
def disambiguate(denot: Denotation): Denotation = denot match
case MultiDenotation(denot1, denot2) =>
// This case can arise when we try to merge multiple types that have different
// capture sets on some part. For instance an asSeenFrom might produce
// a bi-mapped capture set arising from a substition. Applying the same substitution
// to the same type twice will nevertheless produce different capture setsw which can
// lead to a failure in disambiguation since neither alternative is better than the
// other in a frozen constraint. An example test case is disambiguate-select.scala.
// We address the problem by disambiguating while ignoring all capture sets as a fallback.
withMode(Mode.IgnoreCaptures) {
disambiguate(denot1).meet(disambiguate(denot2), qualType)
case _ => denot
val selType = recheckSelection(tree, qualType, name, disambiguate)
val selCs = selType.widen.captureSet
if selCs.isAlwaysEmpty || selType.widen.isBoxedCapturing || qualType.isBoxedCapturing then
val qualCs = qualType.captureSet
capt.println(i"intersect $qualType, ${selType.widen}, $qualCs, $selCs in $tree")
if qualCs.mightSubcapture(selCs)
&& !selCs.mightSubcapture(qualCs)
&& !pt.stripCapturing.isInstanceOf[SingletonType]
.showing(i"alternate type for select $tree: $selType --> $result, $qualCs / $selCs", capt)
}//.showing(i"recheck sel $tree, $qualType = $result")
/** A specialized implementation of the apply rule.
* E |- f: Cf (Ra -> Cr Rr)
* E |- a: Ca Ra
* ------------------------
* E |- f a: C Rr
* The implementation picks as `C` one of `{f, a}` or `Cr`, depending on the
* outcome of a `mightSubcapture` test. It picks `{f, a}` if this might subcapture Cr
* and Cr otherwise.
override def recheckApply(tree: Apply, pt: Type)(using Context): Type =
val meth =
includeCallCaptures(meth, tree.srcPos)
def mapArgUsing(f: Type => Type) =
val arg :: Nil = tree.args: @unchecked
val argType0 = f(recheckStart(arg, pt))
val argType = super.recheckFinish(argType0, arg, pt)
super.recheckFinish(argType, tree, pt)
if meth == defn.Caps_unsafeBox then
else if meth == defn.Caps_unsafeUnbox then
else if meth == defn.Caps_unsafeBoxFunArg then
mapArgUsing {
case defn.FunctionOf(paramtpe :: Nil, restpe, isContectual) =>
defn.FunctionOf(paramtpe.forceBoxStatus(true) :: Nil, restpe, isContectual)
super.recheckApply(tree, pt) match
case appType @ CapturingType(appType1, refs) => match
case Select(qual, _)
if !
&& !qual.tpe.isBoxedCapturing
&& !tree.args.exists(_.tpe.isBoxedCapturing)
&& qual.tpe.captureSet.mightSubcapture(refs)
&& tree.args.forall(_.tpe.captureSet.mightSubcapture(refs))
val callCaptures = tree.args.foldLeft(qual.tpe.captureSet)((cs, arg) =>
cs ++ arg.tpe.captureSet)
appType.derivedCapturingType(appType1, callCaptures)
.showing(i"narrow $tree: $appType, refs = $refs, qual = ${qual.tpe.captureSet} --> $result", capt)
case _ => appType
case appType => appType
end recheckApply
/** Handle an application of method `sym` with type `mt` to arguments of types `argTypes`.
* This means:
* - Instantiate result type with actual arguments
* - If call is to a constructor:
* - remember types of arguments corresponding to tracked
* parameters in refinements.
* - add capture set of instantiated class to capture set of result type.
override def instantiate(mt: MethodType, argTypes: List[Type], sym: Symbol)(using Context): Type =
val ownType =
if mt.isResultDependent then SubstParamsMap(mt, argTypes)(mt.resType)
else mt.resType
if sym.isConstructor then
val cls = sym.owner.asClass
/** First half of result pair:
* Refine the type of a constructor call `new C(t_1, ..., t_n)`
* to C{val x_1: T_1, ..., x_m: T_m} where x_1, ..., x_m are the tracked
* parameters of C and T_1, ..., T_m are the types of the corresponding arguments.
* Second half: union of all capture sets of arguments to tracked parameters.
def addParamArgRefinements(core: Type, initCs: CaptureSet): (Type, CaptureSet) =
mt.paramNames.lazyZip(argTypes).foldLeft((core, initCs)) { (acc, refine) =>
val (core, allCaptures) = acc
val (getterName, argType) = refine
val getter =
if getter.termRef.isTracked && !
then (RefinedType(core, getterName, argType), allCaptures ++ argType.captureSet)
else (core, allCaptures)
def augmentConstructorType(core: Type, initCs: CaptureSet): Type = core match
case core: MethodType =>
// more parameters to follow; augment result type
core.derivedLambdaType(resType = augmentConstructorType(core.resType, initCs))
case CapturingType(parent, refs) =>
// can happen for curried constructors if instantiate of a previous step
// added capture set to result.
augmentConstructorType(parent, initCs ++ refs)
case _ =>
val (refined, cs) = addParamArgRefinements(core, initCs)
augmentConstructorType(ownType, CaptureSet.empty) match
case augmented: MethodType =>
case augmented =>
// add capture sets of class and constructor to final result of constructor call
augmented.capturing(capturedVars(cls) ++ capturedVars(sym))
.showing(i"constr type $mt with $argTypes%, % in $cls = $result", capt)
else ownType
end instantiate
override def recheckClosure(tree: Closure, pt: Type)(using Context): Type =
val cs = capturedVars(tree.meth.symbol)
capt.println(i"typing closure $tree with cvs $cs")
super.recheckClosure(tree, pt).capturing(cs)
.showing(i"rechecked $tree / $pt = $result", capt)
/** Additionally to normal processing, update types of closures if the expected type
* is a function with only pure parameters. In that case, make the anonymous function
* also have the same parameters as the prototype.
* TODO: Develop a clearer rationale for this.
* TODO: Can we generalize this to arbitrary parameters?
* Currently some tests fail if we do this. (e.g. neg.../stackAlloc.scala, others)
override def recheckBlock(block: Block, pt: Type)(using Context): Type =
block match
case closureDef(mdef) =>
pt.dealias match
case defn.FunctionOf(ptformals, _, _)
if ptformals.nonEmpty && ptformals.forall(_.captureSet.isAlwaysEmpty) =>
// Redo setup of the anonymous function so that formal parameters don't
// get capture sets. This is important to avoid false widenings to `cap`
// when taking the base type of the actual closures's dependent function
// type so that it conforms to the expected non-dependent function type.
// See withLogFile.scala for a test case.
val meth = mdef.symbol
// First, undo the previous setup which installed a completer for `meth`.
// Next, update all parameter symbols to match expected formals
meth.paramSymss.head.lazyZip(ptformals).foreach { (psym, pformal) =>
psym.updateInfoBetween(preRecheckPhase, thisPhase, pformal.mapExprType)
// Next, update types of parameter ValDefs
mdef.paramss.head.lazyZip(ptformals).foreach { (param, pformal) =>
val ValDef(_, tpt, _) = param: @unchecked
// Next, install a new completer reflecting the new parameters for the anonymous method
val mt =[MethodType]
val completer = new LazyType:
def complete(denot: SymDenotation)(using Context) = = mt.companion(ptformals, mdef.tpt.knownType)
.showing(i"simplify info of $meth to $result", capt)
recheckDef(mdef, meth)
meth.updateInfoBetween(preRecheckPhase, thisPhase, completer)
case _ =>
case _ =>
super.recheckBlock(block, pt)
override def recheckValDef(tree: ValDef, sym: Symbol)(using Context): Unit =
if ! then // Modules are checked by checking the module class
super.recheckValDef(tree, sym)
if ! then
// Parameters with inferred types belong to anonymous methods. We need to wait
// for more info from the context, so we cannot interpolate. Note that we cannot
// expect to have all necessary info available at the point where the anonymous
// function is compiled since we do not propagate expected types into blocks.
override def recheckDefDef(tree: DefDef, sym: Symbol)(using Context): Unit =
if !Synthetics.isExcluded(sym) then
val saved = curEnv
val localSet = capturedVars(sym)
if !localSet.isAlwaysEmpty then curEnv = Env(sym, nestedInOwner = false, localSet, isBoxed = false, curEnv)
try super.recheckDefDef(tree, sym)
curEnv = saved
/** Class-specific capture set relations:
* 1. The capture set of a class includes the capture sets of its parents.
* 2. The capture set of the self type of a class includes the capture set of the class.
* 3. The capture set of the self type of a class includes the capture set of every class parameter,
* unless the parameter is marked @constructorOnly.
override def recheckClassDef(tree: TypeDef, impl: Template, cls: ClassSymbol)(using Context): Type =
val saved = curEnv
val localSet = capturedVars(cls)
for parent <- impl.parents do // (1)
checkSubset(capturedVars(parent.tpe.classSymbol), localSet, parent.srcPos)
if !localSet.isAlwaysEmpty then curEnv = Env(cls, nestedInOwner = false, localSet, isBoxed = false, curEnv)
val thisSet = cls.classInfo.selfType.captureSet.withDescription(i"of the self type of $cls")
checkSubset(localSet, thisSet, tree.srcPos) // (2)
for param <- cls.paramGetters do
if !param.hasAnnotation(defn.ConstructorOnlyAnnot) then
checkSubset(param.termRef.captureSet, thisSet, param.srcPos) // (3)
for pureBase <- cls.pureBaseClass do
CaptureSet.empty.withDescription(i"of pure base class $pureBase"),
super.recheckClassDef(tree, impl, cls)
curEnv = saved
/** If type is of the form `T @requiresCapability(x)`,
* mark `x` as free in the current environment. This is used to require the
* correct `CanThrow` capability when encountering a `throw`.
override def recheckTyped(tree: Typed)(using Context): Type =
tree.tpt.tpe match
case AnnotatedType(_, annot) if annot.symbol == defn.RequiresCapabilityAnnot =>
annot.tree match
case Apply(_, cap :: Nil) =>
markFree(cap.symbol, tree.srcPos)
case _ =>
case _ =>
override def recheckTry(tree: Try, pt: Type)(using Context): Type =
val tp = super.recheckTry(tree, pt)
if allowUniversalInBoxed && Feature.enabled(Feature.saferExceptions) then
"Result of `try`", "have type",
"This is often caused by a locally generated exception capability leaking as part of its result.",
/* Currently not needed, since capture checking takes place after ElimByName.
* Keep around in case we need to get back to it
def recheckByNameArg(tree: Tree, pt: Type)(using Context): Type =
val closureDef(mdef) = tree: @unchecked
val arg = mdef.rhs
val localSet = CaptureSet.Var()
curEnv = Env(mdef.symbol, localSet, isBoxed = false, curEnv)
val result =
inContext(ctx.withOwner(mdef.symbol)) {
recheckStart(arg, pt).capturing(localSet)
finally curEnv = curEnv.outer
recheckFinish(result, arg, pt)
/** If expected type `pt` is boxed and the tree is a function or a reference,
* don't propagate free variables.
* Otherwise, if the result type is boxed, simulate an unboxing by
* adding all references in the boxed capture set to the current environment.
override def recheck(tree: Tree, pt: Type = WildcardType)(using Context): Type =
if tree.isTerm && pt.isBoxedCapturing then
val saved = curEnv
tree match
case _: RefTree | closureDef(_) =>
curEnv = Env(curEnv.owner, nestedInOwner = false, CaptureSet.Var(), isBoxed = true, curEnv)
case _ =>
try super.recheck(tree, pt)
finally curEnv = saved
val res = super.recheck(tree, pt)
if tree.isTerm then markFree(res.boxedCaptureSet, tree.srcPos)
/** If `tree` is a reference or an application where the result type refers
* to an enclosing class or method parameter of the reference, check that the result type
* does not capture the universal capability. This is justified since the
* result type would have to be implicitly unboxed.
* TODO: Can we find a cleaner way to achieve this? Logically, this should be part
* of simulated boxing and unboxing.
override def recheckFinish(tpe: Type, tree: Tree, pt: Type)(using Context): Type =
val typeToCheck = tree match
case _: Ident | _: Select | _: Apply | _: TypeApply if tree.symbol.unboxesResult =>
case _: Try =>
case _ =>
def checkNotUniversal(tp: Type): Unit = tp.widenDealias match
case wtp @ CapturingType(parent, refs) =>
refs.disallowRootCapability { () =>
val kind = if tree.isInstanceOf[ValDef] then "mutable variable" else "expression"
em"""The $kind's type $wtp is not allowed to capture the root capability `cap`.
|This usually means that a capability persists longer than its allowed lifetime.""",
case _ =>
if !allowUniversalInBoxed then checkNotUniversal(typeToCheck)
super.recheckFinish(tpe, tree, pt)
/** Massage `actual` and `expected` types using the methods below before checking conformance */
override def checkConformsExpr(actual: Type, expected: Type, tree: Tree)(using Context): Unit =
val expected1 = alignDependentFunction(addOuterRefs(expected, actual), actual.stripCapturing)
val actual1 = adaptBoxed(actual, expected1, tree.srcPos)
//println(i"check conforms $actual1 <<< $expected1")
super.checkConformsExpr(actual1, expected1, tree)
private def toDepFun(args: List[Type], resultType: Type, isContextual: Boolean)(using Context): Type =
MethodType.companion(isContextual = isContextual)(args, resultType)
.toFunctionType(alwaysDependent = true)
/** Turn `expected` into a dependent function when `actual` is dependent. */
private def alignDependentFunction(expected: Type, actual: Type)(using Context): Type =
def recur(expected: Type): Type = expected.dealias match
case expected @ CapturingType(eparent, refs) =>
CapturingType(recur(eparent), refs, boxed = expected.isBoxed)
case expected @ defn.FunctionOf(args, resultType, isContextual)
if defn.isNonRefinedFunction(expected) && defn.isFunctionNType(actual) && !defn.isNonRefinedFunction(actual) =>
val expected1 = toDepFun(args, resultType, isContextual)
case _ =>
/** For the expected type, implement the rule outlined in #14390:
* - when checking an expression `a: Ca Ta` against an expected type `Ce Te`,
* - where the capture set `Ce` contains Cls.this,
* - and where and all method definitions enclosing `a` inside class `Cls`
* have only pure parameters,
* - add to `Ce` all references to variables or this-references in `Ca`
* that are outside `Cls`. These are all accessed through `Cls.this`,
* so we can assume they are already accounted for by `Ce` and adding
* them explicitly to `Ce` changes nothing.
private def addOuterRefs(expected: Type, actual: Type)(using Context): Type =
def isPure(info: Type): Boolean = info match
case info: PolyType => isPure(info.resType)
case info: MethodType => info.paramInfos.forall(_.captureSet.isAlwaysEmpty) && isPure(info.resType)
case _ => true
def isPureContext(owner: Symbol, limit: Symbol): Boolean =
if owner == limit then true
else if !owner.exists then false
else isPure( && isPureContext(owner.owner, limit)
def augment(erefs: CaptureSet, arefs: CaptureSet): CaptureSet =
(erefs /: erefs.elems) { (erefs, eref) =>
eref match
case eref: ThisType if isPureContext(ctx.owner, eref.cls) =>
erefs ++ arefs.filter {
case aref: TermRef => eref.cls.isProperlyContainedIn(aref.symbol.owner)
case aref: ThisType => eref.cls.isProperlyContainedIn(aref.cls)
case _ => false
case _ =>
expected match
case CapturingType(ecore, erefs) =>
val erefs1 = augment(erefs, actual.captureSet)
if erefs1 ne erefs then
capt.println(i"augmented $expected from ${actual.captureSet} --> $erefs1")
expected.derivedCapturingType(ecore, erefs1)
case _ =>
/** Adapt `actual` type to `expected` type by inserting boxing and unboxing conversions
* @param alwaysConst always make capture set variables constant after adaptation
def adaptBoxed(actual: Type, expected: Type, pos: SrcPos, alwaysConst: Boolean = false)(using Context): Type =
/** Adapt function type `actual`, which is `aargs -> ares` (possibly with dependencies)
* to `expected` type.
* It returns the adapted type along with the additionally captured variable
* during adaptation.
* @param reconstruct how to rebuild the adapted function type
def adaptFun(actual: Type, aargs: List[Type], ares: Type, expected: Type,
covariant: Boolean, boxed: Boolean,
reconstruct: (List[Type], Type) => Type): (Type, CaptureSet) =
val saved = curEnv
curEnv = Env(curEnv.owner, nestedInOwner = true, CaptureSet.Var(), isBoxed = false, if boxed then null else curEnv)
val (eargs, eres) = expected.dealias.stripCapturing match
case defn.FunctionOf(eargs, eres, _) => (eargs, eres)
case expected: MethodType => (expected.paramInfos, expected.resType)
case expected @ RefinedType(_, _, rinfo: MethodType) if defn.isFunctionNType(expected) => (rinfo.paramInfos, rinfo.resType)
case _ => ( => WildcardType), WildcardType)
val aargs1 = aargs.zipWithConserve(eargs) { (aarg, earg) => adapt(aarg, earg, !covariant) }
val ares1 = adapt(ares, eres, covariant)
val resTp =
if (ares1 eq ares) && (aargs1 eq aargs) then actual
else reconstruct(aargs1, ares1)
(resTp, curEnv.captured)
curEnv = saved
/** Adapt type function type `actual` to the expected type.
* @see [[adaptFun]]
def adaptTypeFun(
actual: Type, ares: Type, expected: Type,
covariant: Boolean, boxed: Boolean,
reconstruct: Type => Type): (Type, CaptureSet) =
val saved = curEnv
curEnv = Env(curEnv.owner, nestedInOwner = true, CaptureSet.Var(), isBoxed = false, if boxed then null else curEnv)
val eres = expected.dealias.stripCapturing match
case defn.PolyFunctionOf(rinfo: PolyType) => rinfo.resType
case expected: PolyType => expected.resType
case _ => WildcardType
val ares1 = adapt(ares, eres, covariant)
val resTp =
if ares1 eq ares then actual
else reconstruct(ares1)
(resTp, curEnv.captured)
curEnv = saved
end adaptTypeFun
def adaptInfo(actual: Type, expected: Type, covariant: Boolean): String =
val arrow = if covariant then "~~>" else "<~~"
i"adapting $actual $arrow $expected"
def adapt(actual: Type, expected: Type, covariant: Boolean): Type = trace(adaptInfo(actual, expected, covariant), recheckr, show = true) {
if expected.isInstanceOf[WildcardType] then actual
// Decompose the actual type into the inner shape type, the capture set and the box status
val styp = if actual.isFromJavaObject then actual else actual.stripCapturing
val cs = actual.captureSet
val boxed = actual.isBoxedCapturing
// A box/unbox should be inserted, if the actual box status mismatches with the expectation
val needsAdaptation = boxed != expected.isBoxedCapturing
// Whether to insert a box or an unbox?
val insertBox = needsAdaptation && covariant != boxed
// Adapt the inner shape type: get the adapted shape type, and the capture set leaked during adaptation
val (styp1, leaked) = styp match {
case actual @ AppliedType(tycon, args) if defn.isNonRefinedFunction(actual) =>
adaptFun(actual, args.init, args.last, expected, covariant, insertBox,
(aargs1, ares1) => actual.derivedAppliedType(tycon, aargs1 :+ ares1))
case actual @ defn.RefinedFunctionOf(rinfo: MethodType) =>
// TODO Find a way to combine handling of generic and dependent function types (here and elsewhere)
adaptFun(actual, rinfo.paramInfos, rinfo.resType, expected, covariant, insertBox,
(aargs1, ares1) =>
rinfo.derivedLambdaType(paramInfos = aargs1, resType = ares1)
.toFunctionType(alwaysDependent = true))
case actual: MethodType =>
adaptFun(actual, actual.paramInfos, actual.resType, expected, covariant, insertBox,
(aargs1, ares1) =>
actual.derivedLambdaType(paramInfos = aargs1, resType = ares1))
case actual @ defn.RefinedFunctionOf(rinfo: PolyType) =>
adaptTypeFun(actual, rinfo.resType, expected, covariant, insertBox,
ares1 =>
val rinfo1 = rinfo.derivedLambdaType(rinfo.paramNames, rinfo.paramInfos, ares1)
val actual1 = actual.derivedRefinedType(refinedInfo = rinfo1)
case _ =>
(styp, CaptureSet())
// Capture set of the term after adaptation
val cs1 = cs ++ leaked
// Compute the adapted type
def adaptedType(resultBoxed: Boolean) =
styp1.capturing(if alwaysConst then CaptureSet(cs1.elems) else cs1).forceBoxStatus(resultBoxed)
if needsAdaptation then
val criticalSet = // the set which is not allowed to have `cap`
if covariant then cs1 // can't box with `cap`
else expected.captureSet // can't unbox with `cap`
if criticalSet.isUniversal && expected.isValueType && !allowUniversalInBoxed then
// We can't box/unbox the universal capability. Leave `actual` as it is
// so we get an error in checkConforms. This tends to give better error
// messages than disallowing the root capability in `criticalSet`.
if ctx.settings.YccDebug.value then
println(i"cannot box/unbox $actual vs $expected")
if !allowUniversalInBoxed then
// Disallow future addition of `cap` to `criticalSet`.
criticalSet.disallowRootCapability { () =>
em"""$actual cannot be box-converted to $expected
|since one of their capture sets contains the root capability `cap`""",
if !insertBox then // unboxing
markFree(criticalSet, pos)
var actualw = actual.widenDealias
actual match
case ref: CaptureRef if ref.isTracked =>
actualw match
case CapturingType(p, refs) =>
actualw = actualw.derivedCapturingType(p, ref.singletonCaptureSet)
// given `a: C T`, improve `C T` to `{a} T`
case _ =>
case _ =>
val adapted = adapt(actualw, expected, covariant = true)
if adapted ne actualw then
capt.println(i"adapt boxed $actual vs $expected ===> $adapted")
else actual
end adaptBoxed
/** Check overrides again, taking capture sets into account.
* TODO: Can we avoid doing overrides checks twice?
* We need to do them here since only at this phase CaptureTypes are relevant
* But maybe we can then elide the check during the RefChecks phase under captureChecking?
def checkOverrides = new TreeTraverser:
class OverridingPairsCheckerCC(clazz: ClassSymbol, self: Type, srcPos: SrcPos)(using Context) extends OverridingPairsChecker(clazz, self) {
/** Check subtype with box adaptation.
* This function is passed to RefChecks to check the compatibility of overriding pairs.
* @param sym symbol of the field definition that is being checked
override def checkSubType(actual: Type, expected: Type)(using Context): Boolean =
val expected1 = alignDependentFunction(addOuterRefs(expected, actual), actual.stripCapturing)
val actual1 =
val saved = curEnv
curEnv = Env(clazz, nestedInOwner = true, capturedVars(clazz), isBoxed = false, outer0 = curEnv)
val adapted = adaptBoxed(actual, expected1, srcPos, alwaysConst = true)
actual match
case _: MethodType =>
// We remove the capture set resulted from box adaptation for method types,
// since class methods are always treated as pure, and their captured variables
// are charged to the capture set of the class (which is already done during
// box adaptation).
case _ => adapted
finally curEnv = saved
actual1 frozen_<:< expected1
def traverse(t: Tree)(using Context) =
t match
case t: Template =>
checkAllOverrides(ctx.owner.asClass, OverridingPairsCheckerCC(_, _, t))
case _ =>
override def checkUnit(unit: CompilationUnit)(using Context): Unit =
Setup(preRecheckPhase, thisPhase, recheckDef)(ctx.compilationUnit.tpdTree)
withCaptureSetsExplained {
if ctx.settings.YccDebug.value then
show(unit.tpdTree) // this does not print tree, but makes its variables visible for dependency printing
/** Check that self types of subclasses conform to self types of super classes.
* (See comment below how this is achieved). The check assumes that classes
* without an explicit self type have the universal capture set `{cap}` on the
* self type. If a class without explicit self type is not `effectivelyFinal`
* it is checked that the inferred self type is universal, in order to assure
* that joint and separate compilation give the same result.
def checkSelfTypes(unit: tpd.Tree)(using Context): Unit =
val parentTrees = mutable.HashMap[Symbol, List[Tree]]()
unit.foreachSubTree {
case cdef @ TypeDef(_, impl: Template) => parentTrees(cdef.symbol) = impl.parents
case _ =>
// Perform self type checking. The problem here is that `checkParents` compares a
// self type of a subclass with the result of an asSeenFrom of the self type of the
// superclass. That's no good. We need to constrain the original superclass self type
// capture set, not the set mapped by asSeenFrom.
// Instead, we proceed from parent classes to child classes. For every class
// we first check its parents, and then interpolate the self type to an
// upper approximation that satisfies all constraints on its capture set.
// That means all capture sets of parent self types are constants, so mapping
// them with asSeenFrom is OK.
while parentTrees.nonEmpty do
val roots = parentTrees.keysIterator.filter {
cls => !parentTrees(cls).exists(ptree => parentTrees.contains(ptree.tpe.classSymbol))
for case root: ClassSymbol <- roots do
checkSelfAgainstParents(root, root.baseClasses)
val selfType = root.asClass.classInfo.selfType
interpolator(startingVariance = -1).traverse(selfType)
if !root.isEffectivelySealed then
def matchesExplicitRefsInBaseClass(refs: CaptureSet, cls: ClassSymbol): Boolean =
cls.baseClasses.tail.exists { psym =>
val selfType = psym.asClass.givenSelfType
selfType.exists && selfType.captureSet.elems == refs.elems
selfType match
case CapturingType(_, refs: CaptureSet.Var)
if !refs.isUniversal && !matchesExplicitRefsInBaseClass(refs, root) =>
// Forbid inferred self types unless they are already implied by an explicit
// self type in a parent.
em"""$root needs an explicitly declared self type since its
|inferred self type $selfType
|is not visible in other compilation units that define subclasses.""",
case _ =>
parentTrees -= root
capt.println(i"checked $root with $selfType")
end checkSelfTypes
/** Heal ill-formed capture sets in the type parameter.
* We can push parameter refs into a capture set in type parameters
* that this type parameter can't see.
* For example, when capture checking the following expression:
* def usingLogFile[T](op: (f: {cap} File) => T): T = ...
* usingLogFile[box ?1 () -> Unit] { (f: {cap} File) => () => { f.write(0) } }
* We may propagate `f` into ?1, making ?1 ill-formed.
* This also causes soundness issues, since `f` in ?1 should be widened to `cap`,
* giving rise to an error that `cap` cannot be included in a boxed capture set.
* To solve this, we still allow ?1 to capture parameter refs like `f`, but
* compensate this by pushing the widened capture set of `f` into ?1.
* This solves the soundness issue caused by the ill-formness of ?1.
private def healTypeParam(tree: Tree)(using Context): Unit =
val checker = new TypeTraverser:
private def isAllowed(ref: CaptureRef): Boolean = ref match
case ref: TermParamRef => allowed.contains(ref)
case _ => true
// Widen the given term parameter refs x₁ : C₁ S₁ , ⋯ , xₙ : Cₙ Sₙ to their capture sets C₁ , ⋯ , Cₙ.
// If in these capture sets there are any capture references that are term parameter references we should avoid,
// we will widen them recursively.
private def widenParamRefs(refs: List[TermParamRef]): List[CaptureSet] =
def recur(todos: List[TermParamRef], acc: List[CaptureSet]): List[CaptureSet] =
todos match
case Nil => acc
case ref :: rem =>
val cs = ref.captureSetOfInfo
val nextAcc = cs.filter(isAllowed(_)) :: acc
val nextRem: List[TermParamRef] = (cs.elems.toList.filter(!isAllowed(_)) ++ rem).asInstanceOf
recur(nextRem, nextAcc)
recur(refs, Nil)
private def healCaptureSet(cs: CaptureSet): Unit =
def avoidance(elems: List[CaptureRef])(using Context): Unit =
val toInclude = widenParamRefs(elems.filter(!isAllowed(_)).asInstanceOf)
//println(i"HEAL $cs by widening to $toInclude")
toInclude.foreach(checkSubset(_, cs, tree.srcPos))
private var allowed: SimpleIdentitySet[TermParamRef] = SimpleIdentitySet.empty
def traverse(tp: Type) =
tp match
case CapturingType(parent, refs) =>
case defn.RefinedFunctionOf(rinfo: MethodType) =>
case tp: TermLambda =>
val saved = allowed
tp.paramRefs.foreach(allowed += _)
finally allowed = saved
case _ =>
if tree.isInstanceOf[InferredTypeTree] then
end healTypeParam
/** Perform the following kinds of checks
* - Check all explicitly written capturing types for well-formedness using `checkWellFormedPost`.
* - Check that externally visible `val`s or `def`s have empty capture sets. If not,
* suggest an explicit type. This is so that separate compilation (where external
* symbols have empty capture sets) gives the same results as joint compilation.
* - Check that arguments of TypeApplys and AppliedTypes conform to their bounds.
* - Heal ill-formed capture sets of type parameters. See `healTypeParam`.
def postCheck(unit: tpd.Tree)(using Context): Unit =
val checker = new TreeTraverser:
def traverse(tree: Tree)(using Context): Unit =
def check(tree: Tree) = tree match
case _: InferredTypeTree =>
case tree: TypeTree if !tree.span.isZeroExtent =>
tree.knownType.foreachPart { tp =>
checkWellformedPost(tp, tree.srcPos)
tp match
case AnnotatedType(_, annot) if annot.symbol == defn.RetainsAnnot =>
case _ =>
case t: ValOrDefDef
if t.tpt.isInstanceOf[InferredTypeTree] && !Synthetics.isExcluded(t.symbol) =>
val sym = t.symbol
val isLocal =
|| sym.accessBoundary(defn.RootClass).isContainedIn(sym.topLevelClass)
def canUseInferred = // If canUseInferred is false, all capturing types in the type of `sym` need to be given explicitly // private symbols can always have inferred types
|| // default getters are exempted since otherwise it would be
// too annoying. This is a hole since a defualt getter's result type
// might leak into a type variable.
|| // non-local symbols cannot have inferred types since external capture types are not inferred
isLocal // local symbols still need explicit types if
&& ! // they are defined in a trait, since we do OverridingPairs checking before capture inference
def isNotPureThis(ref: CaptureRef) = ref match {
case ref: ThisType => !ref.cls.isPureClass
case _ => true
if !canUseInferred then
val inferred = t.tpt.knownType
def checkPure(tp: Type) = tp match
case CapturingType(_, refs)
if !refs.elems.filter(isNotPureThis).isEmpty =>
val resultStr = if t.isInstanceOf[DefDef] then " result" else ""
em"""Non-local $sym cannot have an inferred$resultStr type
|with non-empty capture set $refs.
|The type needs to be declared explicitly.""".withoutDisambiguation(),
case _ =>
inferred.foreachPart(checkPure, StopAt.Static)
case t @ TypeApply(fun, args) =>
fun.knownType.widen match
case tl: PolyType =>
val normArgs = args.lazyZip(tl.paramInfos).map { (arg, bounds) =>
bounds.hi.isBoxedCapturing | bounds.lo.isBoxedCapturing))
checkBounds(normArgs, tl)
case _ =>
case _ =>
end check
end checker
if !ctx.reporter.errorsReported then
// We dont report errors here if previous errors were reported, because other
// errors often result in bad applied types, but flagging these bad types gives
// often worse error messages than the original errors.
val checkApplied = new TreeTraverser:
def traverse(t: Tree)(using Context) = t match
case tree: InferredTypeTree =>
case tree: New =>
case tree: TypeTree => checkAppliedTypesIn(tree.withKnownType)
case _ => traverseChildren(t)
end CaptureChecker
end CheckCaptures
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