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package dotc
package inlines
import ast.*, core.*
import Flags.*, Symbols.*, Types.*, Decorators.*, Contexts.*
import StdNames.nme
import typer.*
import Names.TermName
import NameKinds.{InlineAccessorName, InlineBinderName, InlineScrutineeName}
import config.Printers.inlining
import util.SimpleIdentityMap
import collection.mutable
/** A utility class offering methods for rewriting inlined code */
class InlineReducer(inliner: Inliner)(using Context):
import tpd.*
import Inliner.{isElideableExpr, DefBuffer}
import inliner.{call, newSym, tryInlineArg, paramBindingDef}
extension (tp: Type)
/** same as widenTermRefExpr, but preserves modules and singleton enum values */
private def widenInlineScrutinee(using Context): Type = tp.stripTypeVar match
case tp: TermRef =>
val sym = tp.termSymbol
if sym.isAllOf(EnumCase, butNot=JavaDefined) || then tp
else if !tp.isOverloaded then tp.underlying.widenExpr.widenInlineScrutinee
else tp
case _ => tp
/** An extractor for terms equivalent to `new C(args)`, returning the class `C`,
* a list of bindings, and the arguments `args`. Can see inside blocks and Inlined nodes and can
* follow a reference to an inline value binding to its right hand side.
* @return optionally, a triple consisting of
* - the class `C`
* - the arguments `args`
* - any bindings that wrap the instance creation
* - whether the instance creation is precomputed or by-name
private object NewInstance {
def unapply(tree: Tree)(using Context): Option[(Symbol, List[Tree], List[Tree], Boolean)] = {
def unapplyLet(bindings: List[Tree], expr: Tree) =
unapply(expr) map {
case (cls, reduced, prefix, precomputed) => (cls, reduced, bindings ::: prefix, precomputed)
tree match {
case Apply(fn, args) =>
fn match {
case Select(New(tpt), nme.CONSTRUCTOR) =>
Some((tpt.tpe.classSymbol, args, Nil, false))
case TypeApply(Select(New(tpt), nme.CONSTRUCTOR), _) =>
Some((tpt.tpe.classSymbol, args, Nil, false))
case _ =>
val meth = fn.symbol
if ( == nme.apply && &&
Some(meth.owner.linkedClass, args, Nil, false)
else None
case Typed(inner, _) =>
// drop the ascribed tpt. We only need it if we can't find a NewInstance
case Ident(_) =>
val binding = tree.symbol.defTree
for ((cls, reduced, prefix, precomputed) <- unapply(binding))
yield (cls, reduced, prefix, precomputed || binding.isInstanceOf[ValDef])
case Inlined(_, bindings, expansion) =>
unapplyLet(bindings, expansion)
case Block(stats, expr) if isElideableExpr(tree) =>
unapplyLet(stats, expr)
case _ =>
/** If `tree` is equivalent to `new C(args).x` where class `C` does not have
* initialization code and `x` is a parameter corresponding to one of the
* arguments `args`, the corresponding argument, otherwise `tree` itself.
* Side effects of original arguments need to be preserved.
def reduceProjection(tree: Tree)(using Context): Tree = {
if (ctx.debug) inlining.println(i"try reduce projection $tree")
tree match {
case Select(NewInstance(cls, args, prefix, precomputed), field) if cls.isNoInitsRealClass =>
def matches(param: Symbol, selection: Symbol): Boolean =
param == selection || { match {
case InlineAccessorName(underlying) => == underlying &&[ExprType]
case _ =>
val idx = cls.asClass.paramAccessors.indexWhere(matches(_, tree.symbol))
if (idx >= 0 && idx < args.length) {
def finish(arg: Tree) =
new TreeTypeMap().transform(arg) // make sure local bindings in argument have fresh symbols
.showing(i"projecting $tree -> $result", inlining)
val arg = args(idx)
if (precomputed)
if (isElideableExpr(arg)) finish(arg)
else tree // nothing we can do here, projection would duplicate side effect
else {
// newInstance is evaluated in place, need to reflect side effects of
// arguments in the order they were written originally
def collectImpure(from: Int, end: Int) =
(from until end).filterNot(i => isElideableExpr(args(i)))
val leading = collectImpure(0, idx)
val trailing = collectImpure(idx + 1, args.length)
val argInPlace =
if (trailing.isEmpty) arg
def argsSpan =
letBindUnless(TreeInfo.Pure, arg)(Block(trailing, _).withSpan(argsSpan))
val blockSpan = (prefix ::: leading).map(_.span).foldLeft(argInPlace.span)(_.union(_))
finish(seq(prefix, seq(leading, argInPlace)).withSpan(blockSpan))
else tree
case Block(stats, expr) if stats.forall(isPureBinding) =>
cpy.Block(tree)(stats, reduceProjection(expr))
case _ => tree
/** If this is a value binding:
* - reduce its rhs if it is a projection and adjust its type accordingly,
* - record symbol -> rhs in the InlineBindings context propery.
def normalizeBinding(binding: ValOrDefDef)(using Context) = {
val binding1 = binding match {
case binding: ValDef =>
val rhs1 = reduceProjection(binding.rhs)
binding.symbol.defTree = rhs1
if (rhs1 `eq` binding.rhs) binding
else { = rhs1.tpe
cpy.ValDef(binding)(tpt = TypeTree(rhs1.tpe), rhs = rhs1)
case _ =>
/** The result type of reducing a match. It consists optionally of a list of bindings
* for the pattern-bound variables and the RHS of the selected case.
* Returns `None` if no case was selected.
type MatchRedux = Option[(List[MemberDef], Tree)]
/** Same as MatchRedux, but also includes a boolean
* that is true if the guard can be checked at compile time.
type MatchReduxWithGuard = Option[(List[MemberDef], Tree, Boolean)]
/** Reduce an inline match
* @param mtch the match tree
* @param scrutinee the scrutinee expression, assumed to be pure, or
* EmptyTree for a summonFrom
* @param scrutType its fully defined type, or
* ImplicitScrutineeTypeRef for a summonFrom
* @param typer The current inline typer
* @return optionally, if match can be reduced to a matching case: A pair of
* bindings for all pattern-bound variables and the RHS of the case.
def reduceInlineMatch(scrutinee: Tree, scrutType: Type, cases: List[CaseDef], typer: Typer)(using Context): MatchRedux = {
val isImplicit = scrutinee.isEmpty
/** Try to match pattern `pat` against scrutinee reference `scrut`. If successful add
* bindings for variables bound in this pattern to `caseBindingMap`.
def reducePattern(
caseBindingMap: mutable.ListBuffer[(Symbol, MemberDef)],
scrut: TermRef,
pat: Tree
)(using Context): Boolean = {
/** Create a binding of a pattern bound variable with matching part of
* scrutinee as RHS and type that corresponds to RHS.
def newTermBinding(sym: TermSymbol, rhs: Tree): Unit = {
val copied = sym.copy(info = rhs.tpe.widenInlineScrutinee, coord = sym.coord, flags = sym.flags &~ Case).asTerm
caseBindingMap += ((sym, ValDef(copied, constToLiteral(rhs)).withSpan(sym.span)))
def newTypeBinding(sym: TypeSymbol, alias: Type): Unit = {
val copied = sym.copy(info = TypeAlias(alias), coord = sym.coord).asType
caseBindingMap += ((sym, TypeDef(copied)))
def searchImplicit(sym: TermSymbol, tpt: Tree) = {
val evTyper = new Typer(ctx.nestingLevel + 1)
val evCtx = ctx.fresh.setTyper(evTyper)
inContext(evCtx) {
val evidence = evTyper.inferImplicitArg(tpt.tpe, tpt.span)
evidence.tpe match {
case fail: Implicits.AmbiguousImplicits =>
report.error(evTyper.missingArgMsg(evidence, tpt.tpe, ""), tpt.srcPos)
true // hard error: return true to stop implicit search here
case fail: Implicits.SearchFailureType =>
case _ =>
//inlining.println(i"inferred implicit $sym: ${} with $evidence: ${evidence.tpe.widen}, ${evCtx.gadt.constraint}, ${evCtx.typerState.constraint}")
newTermBinding(sym, evidence)
type TypeBindsMap = SimpleIdentityMap[TypeSymbol, java.lang.Boolean]
def getTypeBindsMap(pat: Tree, tpt: Tree): TypeBindsMap = {
val getBinds = new TreeAccumulator[Set[TypeSymbol]] {
def apply(syms: Set[TypeSymbol], t: Tree)(using Context): Set[TypeSymbol] = {
val syms1 = t match {
case t: Bind if t.symbol.isType =>
syms + t.symbol.asType
case _ => syms
foldOver(syms1, t)
// Extractors can contain Bind nodes in type parameter lists,
// for that case tree looks like this:
// UnApply[t @ t](pats)(implicits): T[t]
// Test case is pos/inline-caseclass.scala.
// Alternatively, for explicitly specified type binds in type annotations like in
// case A(B): A[t]
// the tree will look like this:
// Unapply[t](pats)(implicits) : T[t @ t]
// and the binds will be found in the type tree instead
// Test case is pos-macros/i15971
val tptBinds = getBinds(Set.empty[TypeSymbol], tpt)
val binds: Set[TypeSymbol] = pat match {
case UnApply(TypeApply(_, tpts), _, _) =>
getBinds(Set.empty[TypeSymbol], tpts) ++ tptBinds
case _ => tptBinds
val extractBindVariance = new TypeAccumulator[TypeBindsMap] {
def apply(syms: TypeBindsMap, t: Type) = {
val syms1 = t match {
// `binds` is used to check if the symbol was actually bound by the pattern we're processing
case tr: TypeRef if && binds.contains(tr.symbol.asType) =>
val trSym = tr.symbol.asType
// Exact same logic as in IsFullyDefinedAccumulator:
// the binding is to be maximized iff it only occurs contravariantly in the type
val wasToBeMinimized: Boolean = {
val v = syms(trSym)
if (v != null) v else false
syms.updated(trSym, wasToBeMinimized || variance >= 0 : java.lang.Boolean)
case _ =>
foldOver(syms1, t)
extractBindVariance(SimpleIdentityMap.empty, tpt.tpe)
def addTypeBindings(typeBinds: TypeBindsMap)(using Context): Unit =
typeBinds.foreachBinding { case (sym, shouldBeMinimized) =>
ctx.gadtState.approximation(sym, fromBelow = shouldBeMinimized, maxLevel = Int.MaxValue))
def registerAsGadtSyms(typeBinds: TypeBindsMap)(using Context): Unit =
if (typeBinds.size > 0) ctx.gadtState.addToConstraint(typeBinds.keys)
pat match {
case Typed(pat1, tpt) =>
val typeBinds = getTypeBindsMap(pat1, tpt)
scrut <:< tpt.tpe && {
reducePattern(caseBindingMap, scrut, pat1)
case pat @ Bind(name: TermName, Typed(_, tpt)) if isImplicit =>
val typeBinds = getTypeBindsMap(tpt, tpt)
searchImplicit(pat.symbol.asTerm, tpt) && {
case pat @ Bind(name: TermName, body) =>
reducePattern(caseBindingMap, scrut, body) && {
if (name != nme.WILDCARD) newTermBinding(pat.symbol.asTerm, ref(scrut))
case Ident(nme.WILDCARD) =>
case pat: Literal =>
scrut.widenTermRefExpr =:= pat.tpe
case pat: RefTree =>
scrut =:= pat.tpe || && scrut.widen =:= pat.tpe.widen && {
scrut.prefix match {
case _: SingletonType | NoPrefix => true
case _ => false
case UnApply(unapp, _, pats) =>
unapp.tpe.widen match {
case mt: MethodType if mt.paramInfos.length == 1 =>
def reduceSubPatterns(pats: List[Tree], selectors: List[Tree]): Boolean = (pats, selectors) match {
case (Nil, Nil) => true
case (pat :: pats1, selector :: selectors1) =>
val elem = newSym(InlineBinderName.fresh(), Synthetic, selector.tpe.widenInlineScrutinee).asTerm
val rhs = constToLiteral(selector)
elem.defTree = rhs
caseBindingMap += ((NoSymbol, ValDef(elem, rhs).withSpan(elem.span)))
reducePattern(caseBindingMap, elem.termRef, pat) &&
reduceSubPatterns(pats1, selectors1)
case _ => false
val paramType = mt.paramInfos.head
val paramCls = paramType.classSymbol
if ( && && scrut <:< paramType) {
val caseAccessors =
if ( paramCls.caseAccessors.filter(
else paramCls.asClass.paramAccessors
val selectors =
for (accessor <- caseAccessors)
yield constToLiteral(reduceProjection(ref(scrut).select(accessor).ensureApplied))
caseAccessors.length == pats.length && reduceSubPatterns(pats, selectors)
else false
case _ =>
case Alternative(pats) =>
pats.exists(reducePattern(caseBindingMap, scrut, _))
case tree: Inlined if tree.inlinedFromOuterScope =>
reducePattern(caseBindingMap, scrut, tree.expansion)
case _ => false
/** The initial scrutinee binding: `val $scrutineeN = ` */
val scrutineeSym = newSym(InlineScrutineeName.fresh(), Synthetic, scrutType).asTerm
val scrutineeBinding = normalizeBinding(ValDef(scrutineeSym, scrutinee))
def reduceCase(cdef: CaseDef): MatchReduxWithGuard = {
val caseBindingMap = new mutable.ListBuffer[(Symbol, MemberDef)]()
def substBindings(
bindings: List[(Symbol, MemberDef)],
bbuf: mutable.ListBuffer[MemberDef],
from: List[Symbol], to: List[Symbol]): (List[MemberDef], List[Symbol], List[Symbol]) =
bindings match {
case (sym, binding) :: rest =>
bbuf += binding.subst(from, to).asInstanceOf[MemberDef]
if (sym.exists) substBindings(rest, bbuf, sym :: from, binding.symbol :: to)
else substBindings(rest, bbuf, from, to)
case Nil => (bbuf.toList, from, to)
if (!isImplicit) caseBindingMap += ((NoSymbol, scrutineeBinding))
val gadtCtx = ctx.fresh.setFreshGADTBounds.addMode(Mode.GadtConstraintInference)
if (reducePattern(caseBindingMap, scrutineeSym.termRef, cdef.pat)(using gadtCtx)) {
val (caseBindings, from, to) = substBindings(caseBindingMap.toList, mutable.ListBuffer(), Nil, Nil)
val (guardOK, canReduceGuard) =
if cdef.guard.isEmpty then (true, true)
else typer.typed(cdef.guard.subst(from, to), defn.BooleanType) match {
case ConstantValue(v: Boolean) => (v, true)
case _ => (false, false)
if guardOK then Some((, to)), cdef.body.subst(from, to), canReduceGuard))
else if canReduceGuard then None
else Some((, to)), cdef.body.subst(from, to), canReduceGuard))
else None
def recur(cases: List[CaseDef]): MatchRedux = cases match {
case Nil => None
case cdef :: cases1 =>
reduceCase(cdef) match
case None => recur(cases1)
case r @ Some((caseBindings, rhs, canReduceGuard)) if canReduceGuard => Some((caseBindings, rhs))
case _ => None
end InlineReducer
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