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package dotc
package interactive
import scala.language.unsafeNulls
import java.nio.file.*
import java.nio.file.attribute.BasicFileAttributes
import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets
import scala.collection.*
import ast.{Trees, tpd}
import core.*, core.Decorators.*
import Contexts.*, Names.*, NameOps.*, Symbols.*, SymDenotations.*, Trees.*, Types.*
import Denotations.staticRef
import classpath.*
import reporting.*
import util.*
/** A Driver subclass designed to be used from IDEs */
class InteractiveDriver(val settings: List[String]) extends Driver {
import tpd.*
override def sourcesRequired: Boolean = false
private val myInitCtx: Context = {
val rootCtx = initCtx.fresh.addMode(Mode.ReadPositions).addMode(Mode.Interactive)
rootCtx.setSetting(rootCtx.settings.YretainTrees, true)
rootCtx.setSetting(rootCtx.settings.YcookComments, true)
rootCtx.setSetting(rootCtx.settings.YreadComments, true)
val ctx = setup(settings.toArray, rootCtx) match
case Some((_, ctx)) => ctx
case None => rootCtx
ctx.initialize()(using ctx)
private var myCtx: Context = myInitCtx
def currentCtx: Context = myCtx
private val compiler: Compiler = new InteractiveCompiler
private val myOpenedFiles = new mutable.LinkedHashMap[URI, SourceFile].withDefaultValue(NoSource)
def openedFiles: Map[URI, SourceFile] = myOpenedFiles
private val myOpenedTrees = new mutable.LinkedHashMap[URI, List[SourceTree]].withDefaultValue(Nil)
def openedTrees: Map[URI, List[SourceTree]] = myOpenedTrees
private val myCompilationUnits = new mutable.LinkedHashMap[URI, CompilationUnit]
def compilationUnits: Map[URI, CompilationUnit] = myCompilationUnits
// Presence of a file with one of these suffixes indicates that the
// corresponding class has been pickled with TASTY.
private val tastySuffix = ".tasty"
// FIXME: All the code doing classpath handling is very fragile and ugly,
// improving this requires changing the dotty classpath APIs to handle our usecases.
// We also need something like sbt server-mode to be informed of changes on
// the classpath.
private val (zipClassPaths, dirClassPaths) = currentCtx.platform.classPath(using currentCtx) match {
case AggregateClassPath(cps) =>
// FIXME: We shouldn't assume that ClassPath doesn't have other
// subclasses. For now, the only other subclass is JrtClassPath on Java
// 9+, we can safely ignore it for now because it's only used for the
// standard Java library, but this will change once we start supporting
// adding entries to the modulepath.
val zipCps = cps.collect { case cp: ZipArchiveFileLookup[?] => cp }
val dirCps = cps.collect { case cp: JFileDirectoryLookup[?] => cp }
(zipCps, dirCps)
case _ =>
(Seq(), Seq())
// Like in `ZipArchiveFileLookup` we assume that zips are immutable
private val zipClassPathClasses: Seq[TypeName] = {
val names = new mutable.ListBuffer[TypeName]
for (cp <- zipClassPaths)
classesFromZip(cp.zipFile, names)
* The trees for all the source files in this project.
* This includes the trees for the buffers that are presently open in the IDE, and the trees
* from the target directory.
def sourceTrees(using Context): List[SourceTree] = sourceTreesContaining("")
* The trees for all the source files in this project that contain `id`.
* This includes the trees for the buffers that are presently open in the IDE, and the trees
* from the target directory.
def sourceTreesContaining(id: String)(using Context): List[SourceTree] = {
val fromBuffers = openedTrees.values.flatten.toList
val fromCompilationOutput = {
val classNames = new mutable.ListBuffer[TypeName]
val output = ctx.settings.outputDir.value
if (output.isDirectory)
classesFromDir(output.jpath, classNames)
classesFromZip(output.file, classNames)
classNames.flatMap { cls =>
treesFromClassName(cls, id)
(fromBuffers ++ fromCompilationOutput).distinct
* All the trees for this project.
* This includes the trees of the sources of this project, along with the trees that are found
* on this project's classpath.
def allTrees(using Context): List[SourceTree] = allTreesContaining("")
* All the trees for this project that contain `id`.
* This includes the trees of the sources of this project, along with the trees that are found
* on this project's classpath.
def allTreesContaining(id: String)(using Context): List[SourceTree] = {
val fromSource = openedTrees.values.flatten.toList
val fromClassPath = (dirClassPathClasses ++ zipClassPathClasses).flatMap { cls =>
treesFromClassName(cls, id)
(fromSource ++ fromClassPath).distinct
def run(uri: URI, sourceCode: String): List[Diagnostic] = run(uri, SourceFile.virtual(uri, sourceCode))
def run(uri: URI, source: SourceFile): List[Diagnostic] = {
import typer.ImportInfo.*
val previousCtx = myCtx
try {
val reporter =
new StoreReporter(null) with UniqueMessagePositions with HideNonSensicalMessages
val run = compiler.newRun(using myInitCtx.fresh.setReporter(reporter))
myCtx = run.runContext.withRootImports
given Context = myCtx
myOpenedFiles(uri) = source
val ctxRun =
val unit = if ctxRun.units.nonEmpty then ctxRun.units.head else ctxRun.suspendedUnits.head
val t = unit.tpdTree
myOpenedTrees(uri) = topLevelTrees(t, source)
myCompilationUnits(uri) = unit
myCtx = myCtx.fresh.setPhase(myInitCtx.base.typerPhase)
catch {
case ex: FatalError =>
myCtx = previousCtx
def close(uri: URI): Unit = {
* The `SourceTree`s that define the class `className` and/or module `className`.
* @see SourceTree.fromSymbol
private def treesFromClassName(className: TypeName, id: String)(using Context): List[SourceTree] = {
def trees(className: TypeName, id: String): List[SourceTree] = {
val clsd = staticRef(className)
clsd match {
case clsd: ClassDenotation =>
SourceTree.fromSymbol(clsd.symbol.asClass, id)
case _ =>
trees(className, id) ::: trees(className.moduleClassName, id)
// FIXME: classfiles in directories may change at any point, so we retraverse
// the directories each time, if we knew when classfiles changed (sbt
// server-mode might help here), we could do cache invalidation instead.
private def dirClassPathClasses: Seq[TypeName] = {
val names = new mutable.ListBuffer[TypeName]
dirClassPaths.foreach { dirCp =>
val root = dirCp.dir.toPath
classesFromDir(root, names)
/** Adds the names of the classes that are defined in `file` to `buffer`. */
private def classesFromZip(file: File, buffer: mutable.ListBuffer[TypeName]): Unit = {
val zipFile = new ZipFile(file)
try {
val entries = zipFile.entries()
while (entries.hasMoreElements) {
val entry = entries.nextElement()
val name = entry.getName
if name.endsWith(tastySuffix) then
buffer += name.replace("/", ".").stripSuffix(tastySuffix).toTypeName
finally zipFile.close()
/** Adds the names of the classes that are defined in `dir` to `buffer`. */
private def classesFromDir(dir: Path, buffer: mutable.ListBuffer[TypeName]): Unit =
Files.walkFileTree(dir, new SimpleFileVisitor[Path] {
override def visitFile(path: Path, attrs: BasicFileAttributes) = {
if (!attrs.isDirectory) {
val name = path.getFileName.toString
if name.endsWith(tastySuffix) then
buffer += dir.relativize(path).toString.replace("/", ".").stripSuffix(tastySuffix).toTypeName
catch {
case _: NoSuchFileException =>
private def topLevelTrees(topTree: Tree, source: SourceFile): List[SourceTree] = {
val trees = new mutable.ListBuffer[SourceTree]
def addTrees(tree: Tree): Unit = tree match {
case PackageDef(_, stats) =>
case imp: Import =>
trees += SourceTree(imp, source)
case tree: TypeDef =>
trees += SourceTree(tree, source)
case _ =>
/** Remove attachments and error out completers. The goal is to avoid
* having a completer hanging in a typed tree which can capture the context
* of a previous run. Note that typed trees can have untyped or partially
* typed children if the source contains errors.
private def cleanup(tree: tpd.Tree)(using Context): Unit = {
val seen = mutable.Set.empty[tpd.Tree]
def cleanupTree(tree: tpd.Tree): Unit = {
seen += tree
tree.foreachSubTree { t =>
if (t.symbol.exists && t.hasType) {
if (!t.symbol.isCompleted) = UnspecifiedErrorType
t.symbol.annotations.foreach { annot =>
/* In some cases annotations are used on themself (possibly larger cycles).
* This is the case with the java.lang.annotation.Target annotation, would end
* in an infinite loop while cleaning. The `seen` is added to ensure that those
* trees are not cleand twice.
* TODO: Find a less expensive way to check for those cycles.
if (annot.isEvaluated && !seen(annot.tree))
* Initialize this driver and compiler.
* This is necessary because an `InteractiveDriver` can be put to work without having
* compiled anything (for instance, resolving a symbol coming from a different compiler in
* this compiler). In those cases, an un-initialized compiler may crash (for instance if
* late-compilation is needed).
private def initialize(): Unit = {
val run = compiler.newRun(using myInitCtx.fresh)
myCtx = run.runContext
run.compileUnits(Nil, myCtx)
object InteractiveDriver {
def toUriOption(file: AbstractFile): Option[URI] =
if (!file.exists)
// We don't use file.file here since it'll be null
// for the VirtualFiles created by SourceFile#virtual
// TODO: To avoid these round trip conversions, we could add an
// AbstractFile#toUri method and implement it by returning a constant
// passed as a parameter to a constructor of VirtualFile
catch {
case e: InvalidPathException =>
def toUriOption(source: SourceFile): Option[URI] =
if (!source.exists)
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