Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package dotc
package transform
import core.*
import Contexts.*
import Symbols.*
import Flags.*
import Names.*
import NameOps.*
import Decorators.*
import Types.*
import util.Spans.Span
import config.Printers.transforms
/** A utility class for generating access proxies. Currently used for
* inline accessors and protected accessors.
abstract class AccessProxies {
import ast.tpd.*
import AccessProxies.*
/** accessor -> accessed */
private val accessedBy = MutableSymbolMap[Symbol]()
/** Given the name of an accessor, is the receiver of the call to accessed obtained
* as a parameterer?
protected def passReceiverAsArg(accessorName: Name)(using Context): Boolean = false
/** The accessor definitions that need to be added to class `cls` */
private def accessorDefs(cls: Symbol)(using Context): Iterator[DefDef] =
for accessor <-; accessed <- accessedBy.get(accessor) yield
DefDef(accessor.asTerm, prefss => {
def numTypeParams = match {
case info: PolyType => info.paramNames.length
case _ => 0
val (targs, argss) = splitArgs(prefss)
val (accessRef, forwardedTpts, forwardedArgss) =
if (passReceiverAsArg(
(, targs.takeRight(numTypeParams), argss.tail)
(if (accessed.isStatic) ref(accessed) else ref(TermRef(cls.thisType, accessed)),
targs, argss)
val rhs =
if ( &&
forwardedArgss.nonEmpty && forwardedArgss.head.nonEmpty) // defensive conditions
.etaExpandCFT(using ctx.withOwner(accessor))
/** Add all needed accessors to the `body` of class `cls` */
def addAccessorDefs(cls: Symbol, body: List[Tree])(using Context): List[Tree] = {
val accDefs = accessorDefs(cls).toList
transforms.println(i"add accessors for $cls: $accDefs%, %")
if (accDefs.isEmpty) body else body ++ accDefs
trait Insert {
import ast.tpd.*
/** The name of the accessor for definition with given `name` in given `site` */
def accessorNameOf(name: TermName, site: Symbol)(using Context): TermName
def needsAccessor(sym: Symbol)(using Context): Boolean
def ifNoHost(reference: RefTree)(using Context): Tree = {
assert(false, i"no host found for $reference with ${reference.symbol.showLocated} from ${ctx.owner}")
/** A fresh accessor symbol */
private def newAccessorSymbol(owner: Symbol, name: TermName, info: Type, accessed: Symbol)(using Context): TermSymbol = {
val sym = newSymbol(owner, name, Synthetic | Method, info, coord = accessed.span).entered
if then sym.setFlag(Final)
else if sym.allOverriddenSymbols.exists(! then sym.setFlag(Override)
if accessed.hasAnnotation(defn.ExperimentalAnnot) then
/** An accessor symbol, create a fresh one unless one exists already */
protected def accessorSymbol(owner: Symbol, accessorName: TermName, accessorInfo: Type, accessed: Symbol)(using Context): Symbol = {
def refersToAccessed(sym: Symbol) = accessedBy.get(sym).contains(accessed) {
val acc = newAccessorSymbol(owner, accessorName, accessorInfo, accessed)
accessedBy(acc) = accessed
/** Rewire reference to refer to `accessor` symbol */
private def rewire(reference: RefTree, accessor: Symbol)(using Context): Tree = {
reference match {
case Select(qual, _) if qual.tpe.derivesFrom(accessor.owner) =>
case _ => ref(accessor)
/** Given a reference to a getter accessor, the corresponding setter reference */
def useSetter(getterRef: Tree)(using Context): Tree = getterRef match {
case getterRef: RefTree =>
val getter = getterRef.symbol.asTerm
val accessed = accessedBy(getter)
val setterName =
def toSetterInfo(getterInfo: Type): Type = getterInfo match {
case getterInfo: LambdaType =>
getterInfo.derivedLambdaType(resType = toSetterInfo(getterInfo.resType))
case _ =>
MethodType(getterInfo :: Nil, defn.UnitType)
val setterInfo = toSetterInfo(
val setter = accessorSymbol(getter.owner, setterName, setterInfo, accessed)
rewire(getterRef, setter)
case Apply(fn, args) =>
cpy.Apply(getterRef)(useSetter(fn), args)
case TypeApply(fn, args) =>
cpy.TypeApply(getterRef)(useSetter(fn), args)
/** Create an accessor unless one exists already, and replace the original
* access with a reference to the accessor.
* @param reference The original reference to the non-public symbol
* @param onLHS The reference is on the left-hand side of an assignment
def useAccessor(reference: RefTree)(using Context): Tree = {
val accessed = reference.symbol.asTerm
var accessorClass = hostForAccessorOf(accessed: Symbol)
if (accessorClass.exists) {
if then
accessorClass = ctx.owner.topLevelClass
val accessorName = accessorNameOf(, accessorClass)
val accessorInfo =, accessed.owner)
val accessor = accessorSymbol(accessorClass, accessorName, accessorInfo, accessed)
rewire(reference, accessor)
else ifNoHost(reference)
/** Replace tree with a reference to an accessor if needed */
def accessorIfNeeded(tree: Tree)(using Context): Tree = tree match {
case tree: RefTree if needsAccessor(tree.symbol) =>
if (tree.symbol.isConstructor) {
report.error("Implementation restriction: cannot use private constructors in inlineable methods", tree.srcPos)
tree // TODO: create a proper accessor for the private constructor
else useAccessor(tree)
case _ =>
object AccessProxies {
/** Where an accessor for the `accessed` symbol should be placed.
* This is the closest enclosing class that has `accessed` as a member.
def hostForAccessorOf(accessed: Symbol)(using Context): Symbol = {
def recur(cls: Symbol): Symbol =
if (!cls.exists) NoSymbol
else if cls.derivesFrom(accessed.owner)
|| cls.companionModule.moduleClass == accessed.owner
then cls
else recur(cls.owner)
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