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package dotc
package transform

import core.*
import MegaPhase.*
import Symbols.*, Contexts.*, Types.*, StdNames.*, NameOps.*
import patmat.SpaceEngine
import util.Spans.*
import typer.Applications.*

import Annotations.*
import Flags.*, Constants.*
import Decorators.*
import NameKinds.{PatMatStdBinderName, PatMatAltsName, PatMatResultName}
import config.Printers.patmatch
import reporting.*
import ast.*
import util.Property.*

import scala.annotation.tailrec
import scala.collection.mutable

/** The pattern matching transform.
 *  After this phase, the only Match nodes remaining in the code are simple switches
 *  where every pattern is an integer or string constant
class PatternMatcher extends MiniPhase {
  import ast.tpd.*
  import PatternMatcher.*

  override def phaseName: String =

  override def description: String = PatternMatcher.description

  override def runsAfter: Set[String] = Set(

  private val InInlinedCode = new util.Property.Key[Boolean]
  private def inInlinedCode(using Context) =

  override def prepareForInlined(tree: Inlined)(using Context): Context =
    if inInlinedCode then ctx
    else ctx.fresh.setProperty(InInlinedCode, true)

  override def transformMatch(tree: Match)(using Context): Tree =
    if (tree.isInstanceOf[InlineMatch]) tree
    else {
      // Widen termrefs with underlying `=> T` types. Otherwise ElimByName will produce
      // inconsistent types. See i7743.scala.
      // Question: Does this need to be done more systematically, not just for pattern matches?
      val matchType = tree.tpe.widenSingleton match
        case ExprType(rt) => rt
        case rt => tree.tpe
      val translated = new Translator(matchType, this).translateMatch(tree)

      if !inInlinedCode then
        // check exhaustivity and unreachability
        // only check exhaustivity, as inlining may generate unreachable code 
        // like in i19157.scala


object PatternMatcher {
  import ast.tpd.*

  val name: String = "patternMatcher"
  val description: String = "compile pattern matches"

  inline val selfCheck = false // debug option, if on we check that no case gets generated twice

  /** Minimal number of cases to emit a switch */
  inline val MinSwitchCases = 4

  val TrustedTypeTestKey: Key[Unit] = new StickyKey[Unit]

  /** Was symbol generated by pattern matcher? */
  def isPatmatGenerated(sym: Symbol)(using Context): Boolean = &&

  /** The pattern matching translator.
   *  Its general structure is a pipeline:
   *     Match tree ---matchPlan---> Plan ---optimize---> Plan ---emit---> Tree
   *  The pipeline consists of three steps:
   *    - build a plan, using methods `matchPlan`, `caseDefPlan`, `patternPlan`.
   *    - optimize the plan, using methods listed in `optimization`,
   *    - emit the translated tree, using methods `emit`, `collectSwitchCases`,
   *      `emitSwitchCases`, and `emitCondition`.
   *  A plan represents the underlying decision graph. It consists of tests,
   *  let bindings, labeled blocks, return from said labeled blocks and code blocks.
   *  It's represented by its own data type. Plans are optimized by merging common
   *  tests and eliminating dead code.
  class Translator(resultType: Type, thisPhase: MiniPhase)(using Context) {

    // ------- Bindings for variables and labels ---------------------

    private val resultLabel =
      newSymbol(ctx.owner, PatMatResultName.fresh(), Synthetic | Label, resultType)

    /** A map from variable symbols to their defining trees
     *  and from labels to their defining plans
    private val initializer = MutableSymbolMap[Tree]()

    private def newVar(rhs: Tree, flags: FlagSet, tpe: Type): TermSymbol =
      newSymbol(ctx.owner, PatMatStdBinderName.fresh(), SyntheticCase | flags,
        sanitize(tpe), coord = rhs.span)
        // TODO: Drop Case once we use everywhere else `isPatmatGenerated`.

    /** The plan `let x = rhs in body(x)` where `x` is a fresh variable */
    private def letAbstract(rhs: Tree, tpe: Type = NoType)(body: Symbol => Plan): Plan = {
      val declTpe = if tpe.exists then tpe else rhs.tpe
      val vble = newVar(rhs, EmptyFlags, declTpe)
      initializer(vble) = rhs
      LetPlan(vble, body(vble))

    /** The plan `l: { expr(l) }` where `l` is a fresh label */
    private def altsLabeledAbstract(expr: (=> Plan) => Plan): Plan = {
      val label = newSymbol(ctx.owner, PatMatAltsName.fresh(), Synthetic | Label,
      LabeledPlan(label, expr(ReturnPlan(label)))

    /** Test whether a type refers to a pattern-generated variable */
    private val refersToInternal = new TypeAccumulator[Boolean] {
      def apply(x: Boolean, tp: Type) =
        x || {
          tp match {
            case tp: TermRef => isPatmatGenerated(tp.symbol)
            case _ => false
        } || foldOver(x, tp)

    /** Widen type as far as necessary so that it does not refer to a pattern-
     *  generated variable.
    private def sanitize(tp: Type): Type = tp.widenIfUnstable match {
      case tp: TermRef if refersToInternal(false, tp) => sanitize(tp.underlying)
      case tp => tp

    // ------- Plan and test types ------------------------

    /** Counter to display plans nicely, for debugging */
    private var nxId = 0

    /** The different kinds of plans */
    sealed abstract class Plan { val id: Int = nxId; nxId += 1 }

    case class TestPlan(test: Test, var scrutinee: Tree, span: Span,
                        var onSuccess: Plan) extends Plan {
      override def equals(that: Any): Boolean = that match {
        case that: TestPlan => this.scrutinee === that.scrutinee && this.test == that.test
        case _ => false
      override def hashCode: Int = scrutinee.hash * 41 + test.hashCode

    case class LetPlan(sym: TermSymbol, var body: Plan) extends Plan
    case class LabeledPlan(sym: TermSymbol, var expr: Plan) extends Plan
    case class ReturnPlan(var label: TermSymbol) extends Plan
    case class SeqPlan(var head: Plan, var tail: Plan) extends Plan
    case class ResultPlan(var tree: Tree) extends Plan

    object TestPlan {
      def apply(test: Test, sym: Symbol, span: Span, ons: Plan): TestPlan =
        TestPlan(test, ref(sym), span, ons)

    /** The different kinds of tests */
    sealed abstract class Test
    case class TypeTest(tpt: Tree, trusted: Boolean) extends Test {  // scrutinee.isInstanceOf[tpt]
      override def equals(that: Any): Boolean = that match {
        case that: TypeTest => this.tpt.tpe =:= that.tpt.tpe
        case _ => false
      override def hashCode: Int = tpt.tpe.hash
    case class EqualTest(tree: Tree) extends Test {                  // scrutinee == tree
      override def equals(that: Any): Boolean = that match {
        case that: EqualTest => this.tree === that.tree
        case _ => false
      override def hashCode: Int = tree.hash
    case class LengthTest(len: Int, exact: Boolean) extends Test     // scrutinee (== | >=) len
    case object NonEmptyTest extends Test                            // !scrutinee.isEmpty
    case object NonNullTest extends Test                             // scrutinee ne null
    case object GuardTest extends Test                               // scrutinee

    // ------- Generating plans from trees ------------------------

    /** A set of variabes that are known to be not null */
    private val nonNull = mutable.Set[Symbol]()

    /** A conservative approximation of which patterns do not discern anything.
      * They are discarded during the translation.
    private object WildcardPattern {
      def unapply(pat: Tree): Boolean = pat match {
        case Typed(_, tpt) if tpt.tpe.isRepeatedParam => true
        case Bind(nme.WILDCARD, WildcardPattern()) => true // don't skip when binding an interesting symbol!
        case t if isWildcardArg(t)                 => true
        case x: Ident                              => && !isBackquoted(x)
        case Alternative(ps)                       => ps.forall(unapply)
        case EmptyTree                             => true
        case _                                     => false

    private object VarArgPattern {
      def unapply(pat: Tree): Option[Tree] = swapBind(pat) match {
        case Typed(pat1, tpt) if tpt.tpe.isRepeatedParam => Some(pat1)
        case _ => None

    /** Rewrite (repeatedly) `x @ (p: T)` to `(x @ p): T`
     *  This brings out the type tests to where they can be analyzed.
    private def swapBind(tree: Tree): Tree = tree match {
      case Bind(name, pat0) =>
        swapBind(pat0) match {
          case Typed(pat, tpt) => Typed(cpy.Bind(tree)(name, pat), tpt)
          case _ => tree
      case _ => tree

    /** Plan for matching `scrutinee` symbol against `tree` pattern */
    private def patternPlan(scrutinee: Symbol, tree: Tree, onSuccess: Plan): Plan = {

      extension (tree: Tree) def avoidPatBoundType(): Type =
        tree.tpe.widen match
        case tref: TypeRef if tref.symbol.isPatternBound =>
        case _ =>

      /** Plan for matching `components` against argument patterns `args` */
      def matchArgsPlan(components: List[Tree], args: List[Tree], onSuccess: Plan): Plan = {
        /* For a case with arguments that have some test on them such as
         * ```
         * case Foo(1, 2) => someCode
         * ```
         * all arguments values are extracted before the checks are performed. This shape is expected by `emit`
         * to avoid generating deep trees.
         * ```
         * val x1: Foo = ...
         * val x2: Int = x1._1
         * val x3: Int = x1._2
         * if (x2 == 1) {
         *   if (x3 == 2) someCode
         *   else ()
         * } else ()
         * ```
        def matchArgsComponentsPlan(components: List[Tree], syms: List[Symbol]): Plan =
          components match {
            case component :: components1 => letAbstract(component, component.avoidPatBoundType())(sym => matchArgsComponentsPlan(components1, sym :: syms))
            case Nil => matchArgsPatternPlan(args, syms.reverse)
        def matchArgsPatternPlan(args: List[Tree], syms: List[Symbol]): Plan =
          args match {
            case arg :: args1 =>
              val sym :: syms1 = syms: @unchecked
              patternPlan(sym, arg, matchArgsPatternPlan(args1, syms1))
            case Nil =>
        matchArgsComponentsPlan(components, Nil)

      /** Plan for matching the sequence in `seqSym` against sequence elements `args`.
       *  If `exact` is true, the sequence is not permitted to have any elements following `args`.
      def matchElemsPlan(seqSym: Symbol, args: List[Tree], exact: Boolean, onSuccess: Plan) = {
        val selectors = =>
        TestPlan(LengthTest(args.length, exact), seqSym, seqSym.span,
          matchArgsPlan(selectors, args, onSuccess))

      /** Plan for matching the sequence in `getResult` against sequence elements
       *  and a possible last varargs argument `args`.
      def unapplySeqPlan(getResult: Symbol, args: List[Tree]): Plan = args.lastOption match {
        case Some(VarArgPattern(arg)) =>
          val matchRemaining =
            if (args.length == 1) {
              val toSeq = ref(getResult)
              letAbstract(toSeq) { toSeqResult =>
                patternPlan(toSeqResult, arg, onSuccess)
            else {
              val dropped = ref(getResult)
                .appliedTo(Literal(Constant(args.length - 1)))
              letAbstract(dropped) { droppedResult =>
                patternPlan(droppedResult, arg, onSuccess)
          matchElemsPlan(getResult, args.init, exact = false, matchRemaining)
        case _ =>
          matchElemsPlan(getResult, args, exact = true, onSuccess)

      /** Plan for matching the sequence in `getResult`
       *  `getResult` is a product, where the last element is a sequence of elements.
      def unapplyProductSeqPlan(getResult: Symbol, args: List[Tree], arity: Int): Plan = {
        assert(arity <= args.size + 1)
        val selectors = productSelectors(

        val matchSeq =
          letAbstract(selectors.last) { seqResult =>
            unapplySeqPlan(seqResult, args.drop(arity - 1))
        matchArgsPlan(selectors.take(arity - 1), args.take(arity - 1), matchSeq)

      /** Plan for matching the result of an unapply against argument patterns `args` */
      def unapplyPlan(unapp: Tree, args: List[Tree]): Plan = {
        def caseClass = unapp.symbol.owner.linkedClass
        lazy val caseAccessors = caseClass.caseAccessors.filter(

        def isSyntheticScala2Unapply(sym: Symbol) =
          sym.isAllOf(SyntheticCase) &&

        def tupleApp(i: Int, receiver: Tree) = // manually inlining the call to NonEmptyTuple#apply, because it's an inline method
            .appliedTo(receiver, Literal(Constant(i)))

        if (isSyntheticScala2Unapply(unapp.symbol) && caseAccessors.length == args.length)
          def tupleSel(sym: Symbol) = ref(scrutinee).select(sym)
          val isGenericTuple = defn.isTupleClass(caseClass) &&
            !defn.isTupleNType(tree.tpe match { case tp: OrType => tp.join case tp => tp }) // widen even hard unions, to see if it's a union of tuples
          val components = if isGenericTuple then, ref(scrutinee))) else
          matchArgsPlan(components, args, onSuccess)
        else if (unapp.tpe <:< (defn.BooleanType))
          TestPlan(GuardTest, unapp, unapp.span, onSuccess)
          letAbstract(unapp) { unappResult =>
            val isUnapplySeq = == nme.unapplySeq
            if (isProductMatch(unapp.tpe.widen, args.length) && !isUnapplySeq) {
              val selectors = productSelectors(unapp.tpe).take(args.length)
              matchArgsPlan(selectors, args, onSuccess)
            else if (isUnapplySeq && isProductSeqMatch(unapp.tpe.widen, args.length, unapp.srcPos)) {
              val arity = productArity(unapp.tpe.widen, unapp.srcPos)
              unapplyProductSeqPlan(unappResult, args, arity)
            else if (isUnapplySeq && unapplySeqTypeElemTp(unapp.tpe.widen.finalResultType).exists) {
              unapplySeqPlan(unappResult, args)
            else if <:< defn.NonEmptyTupleTypeRef then
              val components = (0 until foldApplyTupleType(, ref(unappResult)))
              matchArgsPlan(components, args, onSuccess)
            else {
              val argsPlan = {
                val get = ref(unappResult).select(nme.get,
                val arity = productArity(get.tpe, unapp.srcPos)
                if (isUnapplySeq)
                  letAbstract(get) { getResult =>
                    if (arity > 0) unapplyProductSeqPlan(getResult, args, arity)
                    else unapplySeqPlan(getResult, args)
                  letAbstract(get) { getResult =>
                    val selectors =
                      if (args.tail.isEmpty) ref(getResult) :: Nil
                      else productSelectors(get.tpe).map(ref(getResult).select(_))
                    matchArgsPlan(selectors, args, onSuccess)
              TestPlan(NonEmptyTest, unappResult, unapp.span, argsPlan)

      // begin patternPlan
      swapBind(tree) match {
        case Typed(pat, tpt) =>
          val isTrusted = pat match {
            case UnApply(extractor, _, _) =>
              && !hasExplicitTypeArgs(extractor)
            case _ => false
          TestPlan(TypeTest(tpt, isTrusted), scrutinee, tree.span,
            letAbstract(ref(scrutinee).cast(tpt.tpe)) { casted =>
              nonNull += casted
              patternPlan(casted, pat, onSuccess)
        case UnApply(extractor, implicits, args) =>
          val unappPlan = if (
            // Generate a throwaway but type-correct plan.
            // This plan will never execute because it'll be guarded by a `NonNullTest`.
          else {
            def applyImplicits(acc: Tree, implicits: List[Tree], mt: Type): Tree = mt match {
              case mt: MethodType =>
                val (args, rest) = implicits.splitAt(mt.paramNames.size)
                applyImplicits(acc.appliedToTermArgs(args), rest, mt.resultType)
              case _ =>
            val mt @ MethodType(_) = extractor.tpe.widen: @unchecked
            val unapp0 = extractor.appliedTo(ref(scrutinee).ensureConforms(mt.paramInfos.head))
            val unapp = applyImplicits(unapp0, implicits, mt.resultType)
            unapplyPlan(unapp, args)
          if ( || nonNull(scrutinee)) unappPlan
          else TestPlan(NonNullTest, scrutinee, tree.span, unappPlan)
        case Bind(name, body) =>
          if (name == nme.WILDCARD) patternPlan(scrutinee, body, onSuccess)
          else {
            // The type of `name` may refer to val in `body`, therefore should come after `body`
            val bound = tree.symbol.asTerm
            initializer(bound) = ref(scrutinee)
            patternPlan(scrutinee, body, LetPlan(bound, onSuccess))
        case Alternative(alts) =>
          altsLabeledAbstract { onf =>
              altsLabeledAbstract { ons =>
                alts.foldRight(onf) { (alt, next) =>
                  SeqPlan(patternPlan(scrutinee, alt, ons), next)
        case WildcardPattern() =>
        case SeqLiteral(pats, _) =>
          matchElemsPlan(scrutinee, pats, exact = true, onSuccess)
        case _ =>
          TestPlan(EqualTest(tree), scrutinee, tree.span, onSuccess)

    private def caseDefPlan(scrutinee: Symbol, cdef: CaseDef): Plan = {
      var onSuccess: Plan = ResultPlan(cdef.body)
      if (!cdef.guard.isEmpty)
        onSuccess = TestPlan(GuardTest, cdef.guard, cdef.guard.span, onSuccess)
      patternPlan(scrutinee, cdef.pat, onSuccess)

    private def matchPlan(tree: Match): Plan =
      letAbstract(tree.selector) { scrutinee =>
        val matchError: Plan = ResultPlan(Throw(New(defn.MatchErrorClass.typeRef, ref(scrutinee) :: Nil)))
        tree.cases.foldRight(matchError) { (cdef, next) =>
          SeqPlan(caseDefPlan(scrutinee, cdef), next)

    // ----- Optimizing plans ---------------

    /** A superclass for plan transforms */
    class PlanTransform extends (Plan => Plan) {
      protected val treeMap: TreeMap = new TreeMap {
        override def transform(tree: Tree)(using Context) = tree
      def apply(tree: Tree): Tree = treeMap.transform(tree)
      def apply(plan: TestPlan): Plan = {
        plan.scrutinee = apply(plan.scrutinee)
        plan.onSuccess = apply(plan.onSuccess)
      def apply(plan: LetPlan): Plan = {
        plan.body = apply(plan.body)
        initializer(plan.sym) = apply(initializer(plan.sym))
      def apply(plan: LabeledPlan): Plan = {
        plan.expr = apply(plan.expr)
      def apply(plan: ReturnPlan): Plan = plan
      def apply(plan: SeqPlan): Plan = {
        plan.head = apply(plan.head)
        plan.tail = apply(plan.tail)
      def apply(plan: Plan): Plan = plan match {
        case plan: TestPlan => apply(plan)
        case plan: LetPlan => apply(plan)
        case plan: LabeledPlan => apply(plan)
        case plan: ReturnPlan => apply(plan)
        case plan: SeqPlan => apply(plan)
        case plan: ResultPlan => plan

    private class RefCounter extends PlanTransform {
      val count = new mutable.HashMap[Symbol, Int].withDefaultValue(0)

    /** Reference counts for all labels */
    private def labelRefCount(plan: Plan): collection.Map[Symbol, Int] = {
      object refCounter extends RefCounter {
        override def apply(plan: LabeledPlan): Plan = {
        override def apply(plan: ReturnPlan): Plan = {
          count(plan.label) += 1

    /** Reference counts for all variables */
    private def varRefCount(plan: Plan): collection.Map[Symbol, Int] = {
      object refCounter extends RefCounter {
        override val treeMap = new TreeMap {
          override def transform(tree: Tree)(using Context) = tree match {
            case tree: Ident =>
              if (isPatmatGenerated(tree.symbol)) count(tree.symbol) += 1
            case _ =>
        override def apply(plan: LetPlan): Plan = {
          if (count(plan.sym) != 0 || !isPatmatGenerated(plan.sym))
        override def apply(plan: SeqPlan): Plan = {
          if (canFallThrough(plan.head))

    /** Merge identical consecutive tests.
     *  When we have the following shape:
     *  if (testA) plan1
     *  if (testA) plan2
     *  nextPlan?
     *  transform it to
     *  if (testA) {
     *    plan1
     *    plan2
     *  }
     *  nextPlan?
     *  Similarly, when we have equivalent let bindings:
     *  let x1 = rhs1 in plan1
     *  let x2 = rhs2 in plan2
     *  nextPlan?
     *  and rhs1 and rhs2 are equivalent, transform it to
     *  let x1 = rhs1 in {
     *    plan1
     *    plan2[x1/x2]
     *  }
     *  where plan2[x1/x2] means substituting x1 for x2 in plan2.
     *  There are some tricks to "ignore" non-patmat-generated let bindings, i.e.,
     *  captures written in the source code, while identifying common subplans.
    def mergeTests(plan: Plan): Plan = {
      class SubstituteIdent(from: TermSymbol, to: TermSymbol) extends PlanTransform {
        override val treeMap = new TreeMap {
          override def transform(tree: Tree)(using Context) = tree match {
            case tree: Ident if tree.symbol == from => ref(to)
            case _ => super.transform(tree)

      class MergeTests extends PlanTransform {
        override def apply(plan: SeqPlan): Plan = {
          def tryMerge(plan1: Plan, plan2: Plan): Option[Plan] = {
            def skipNonPatmatGenedLets(plan: Plan): Plan = plan match {
              case LetPlan(sym, body) if !isPatmatGenerated(sym) =>
              case _ =>

            def transferNonPatmatGenedLets(originalPlan: Plan, newPlan: Plan): Plan = originalPlan match {
              case originalPlan: LetPlan if !isPatmatGenerated(originalPlan.sym) =>
                originalPlan.body = transferNonPatmatGenedLets(originalPlan.body, newPlan)
              case _ =>

            (skipNonPatmatGenedLets(plan1), skipNonPatmatGenedLets(plan2)) match {
              case (testPlan1: TestPlan, testPlan2: TestPlan) if testPlan1 == testPlan2 =>
                /* Because testPlan2 is the same as testPlan1, it cannot possibly refer to
                 * the symbols defined by any of the skipped lets.
                testPlan1.onSuccess = SeqPlan(testPlan1.onSuccess,
                  transferNonPatmatGenedLets(plan2, testPlan2.onSuccess))
                Some(plan1) // that's the original plan1, on purpose

              case (letPlan1: LetPlan, letPlan2: LetPlan) if initializer(letPlan1.sym) === initializer(letPlan2.sym) =>
                // By construction, letPlan1.sym and letPlan2.sym are patmat-generated
                val newPlan2Body = new SubstituteIdent(letPlan2.sym, letPlan1.sym)(letPlan2.body)
                letPlan1.body = SeqPlan(letPlan1.body,
                  transferNonPatmatGenedLets(plan2, newPlan2Body))
                Some(plan1) // that's the original plan1, on purpose

              case _ =>

          plan.head = apply(plan.head)
          plan.tail = apply(plan.tail)
          plan.tail match {
            case SeqPlan(tailHead, tailTail) =>
              tryMerge(plan.head, tailHead) match {
                case Some(merged) => SeqPlan(apply(merged), tailTail)
                case none => plan
            case tail =>
              tryMerge(plan.head, tail) match {
                case Some(merged) => apply(merged)
                case none => plan
      new MergeTests()(plan)

    /** Inline let-bound trees that are referenced only once and eliminate dead code.
     *  - Drop all variables that are not referenced anymore after inlining.
     *  - Drop the `tail` of `SeqPlan`s whose `head` cannot fall through.
    private def inlineVars(plan: Plan): Plan = {
      val refCount = varRefCount(plan)
      val LetPlan(topSym, _) = plan: @unchecked

      def toDrop(sym: Symbol) =
        val rhs = initializer.lookup(sym)
        if rhs != null then
          isPatmatGenerated(sym) && refCount(sym) <= 1 && sym != topSym && isPureExpr(rhs)

      object Inliner extends PlanTransform {
        override val treeMap = new TreeMap {
          override def transform(tree: Tree)(using Context) = tree match {
            case tree: Ident =>
              val sym = tree.symbol
              if (toDrop(sym)) transform(initializer(sym))
              else tree
            case _ =>
        override def apply(plan: LetPlan): Plan =
          if (toDrop(plan.sym)) apply(plan.body)
          else {
            initializer(plan.sym) = apply(initializer(plan.sym))
            plan.body = apply(plan.body)
        override def apply(plan: SeqPlan): Plan = {
          val newHead = apply(plan.head)
          if (!canFallThrough(newHead))
            // If the head cannot fall through, the tail is dead code
          else {
            plan.head = newHead
            plan.tail = apply(plan.tail)

    // ----- Generating trees from plans ---------------

    /** The condition a test plan rewrites to */
    private def emitCondition(plan: TestPlan): Tree =
      val scrutinee = plan.scrutinee
      (plan.test: @unchecked) match
        case NonEmptyTest =>
        case NonNullTest =>
        case GuardTest =>
        case EqualTest(tree) =>
        case LengthTest(len, exact) =>
          val lengthCompareSym = defn.Seq_lengthCompare.matchingMember(scrutinee.tpe)
          if (lengthCompareSym.exists)
              .select(if (exact) defn.Int_== else defn.Int_>=)
          else // try length
              .select(if (exact) defn.Int_== else defn.Int_>=)
        case TypeTest(tpt, trusted) =>
          val expectedTp = tpt.tpe

          def typeTest(scrut: Tree, expected: Type): Tree =
            val ttest =
            if trusted then ttest.pushAttachment(TrustedTypeTestKey, ())

          /** An outer test is needed in a situation like  `case x: y.Inner => ...
           *  or like  case x: O#Inner  if the owner of Inner is not a subclass of O.
           *  Outer tests are added here instead of in TypeTestsCasts since they
           *  might cause outer accessors to be added to inner classes (via ensureOuterAccessors)
           *  and therefore have to run before ExplicitOuter.
          def addOuterTest(tree: Tree, expected: Type): Tree = expected.dealias match
            case tref @ TypeRef(pre, _) =>
              tref.symbol match
                case expectedCls: ClassSymbol if ExplicitOuter.needsOuterIfReferenced(expectedCls) =>
                  def selectOuter =
                    scrutinee.ensureConforms(expected).outerSelect(1, expectedCls.owner.typeRef)
                  if pre.isSingleton then
                    val expectedOuter = singleton(pre)
                  else if !expectedCls.isStatic
                    && expectedCls.owner.isType
                    && !expectedCls.owner.derivesFrom(pre.classSymbol)
                    val testPre =
                      if expected.hasAnnotation(defn.UncheckedAnnot) then
                        AnnotatedType(pre, Annotation(defn.UncheckedAnnot, tree.span))
                      else pre
                    tree.and(typeTest(selectOuter, testPre))
                  else tree
                case _ => tree
            case AppliedType(tycon, _) =>
              addOuterTest(tree, tycon)
            case _ =>

          expectedTp.dealias match
            case expectedTp: SingletonType =>
              scrutinee.isInstance(expectedTp)  // will be translated to an equality test
            case _ =>
              addOuterTest(typeTest(scrutinee, expectedTp), expectedTp)
    end emitCondition

    private def canFallThrough(plan: Plan): Boolean = plan match {
      case _:ReturnPlan | _:ResultPlan => false
      case _:TestPlan | _:LabeledPlan => true
      case LetPlan(_, body) => canFallThrough(body)
      case SeqPlan(_, tail) => canFallThrough(tail)

    /** Collect longest list of plans that represent possible cases of
     *  a switch, including a last default case, by starting with this
     *  plan and following onSuccess plans.
    private def collectSwitchCases(scrutinee: Tree, plan: SeqPlan): List[(List[Tree], Plan)] = {
      def isSwitchableType(tpe: Type): Boolean =
        (tpe <:< defn.IntType) ||
        (tpe <:< defn.ByteType) ||
        (tpe <:< defn.ShortType) ||
        (tpe <:< defn.CharType) ||
        (tpe <:< defn.StringType)

      val seen = mutable.Set[Any]()

      def isNewSwitchableConst(tree: Tree) = tree match {
        case Literal(const)
        if (const.isIntRange || const.tag == Constants.StringTag) && !seen.contains(const.value) =>
          seen += const.value
        case _ =>

      // An extractor to recover the shape of plans that can become alternatives
      object AlternativesPlan {
        def unapply(plan: LabeledPlan): Option[(List[Tree], Plan)] =
          plan.expr match {
            case SeqPlan(LabeledPlan(innerLabel, innerPlan), ons) if !canFallThrough(ons) =>
              val outerLabel = plan.sym
              val alts = List.newBuilder[Tree]
              def rec(innerPlan: Plan): Boolean = innerPlan match {
                case SeqPlan(TestPlan(EqualTest(tree), scrut, _, ReturnPlan(`innerLabel`)), tail)
                if scrut === scrutinee && isNewSwitchableConst(tree) =>
                  alts += tree
                case ReturnPlan(`outerLabel`) =>
                case _ =>
              if (rec(innerPlan))
                Some((alts.result(), ons))

            case _ =>

      def recur(plan: Plan): List[(List[Tree], Plan)] = plan match {
        case SeqPlan(testPlan @ TestPlan(EqualTest(tree), scrut, _, ons), tail)
        if scrut === scrutinee && !canFallThrough(ons) && isNewSwitchableConst(tree) =>
          (tree :: Nil, ons) :: recur(tail)
        case SeqPlan(AlternativesPlan(alts, ons), tail) =>
          (alts, ons) :: recur(tail)
        case _ =>
          (Nil, plan) :: Nil

      if (isSwitchableType(scrutinee.tpe)) recur(plan)
      else Nil

    private def hasEnoughSwitchCases(cases: List[(List[Tree], Plan)], required: Int): Boolean =
      // 1 because of the default case
      required <= 1 || {
        cases match {
          case (alts, _) :: cases1 => hasEnoughSwitchCases(cases1, required - alts.size)
          case _ => false

    /** Emit a switch-match */
    private def emitSwitchMatch(scrutinee: Tree, cases: List[(List[Tree], Plan)]): Match = {
      /* Make sure to adapt the scrutinee to Int or String, as well as all the
       * alternatives, so that only Matches on pritimive Ints or Strings survive
       * this phase.

      val (primScrutinee, scrutineeTpe) =
        if (scrutinee.tpe <:< defn.IntType) (scrutinee, defn.IntType)
        else if (scrutinee.tpe <:< defn.StringType) (scrutinee, defn.StringType)
        else (, defn.IntType)

      def primLiteral(lit: Tree): Tree =
        val Literal(constant) = lit: @unchecked
        if (constant.tag == Constants.IntTag) lit
        else if (constant.tag == Constants.StringTag) lit
        else cpy.Literal(lit)(Constant(constant.intValue))

      val caseDefs = { (alts, ons) =>
        val pat = alts match {
          case alt :: Nil => primLiteral(alt)
          case Nil => Underscore(scrutineeTpe) // default case
          case _ => Alternative(
        CaseDef(pat, EmptyTree, emit(ons))

      Match(primScrutinee, caseDefs)

    /** If selfCheck is `true`, used to check whether a tree gets generated twice */
    private val emitted = mutable.Set[Int]()

    /** Translate plan to tree */
    private def emit(plan: Plan): Tree = {
      if (selfCheck) {
        assert(plan.isInstanceOf[ReturnPlan] || !emitted.contains(,
        emitted +=
      plan match {
        case plan: TestPlan =>
          /** Merge nested `if`s that have the same `else` branch into a single `if`.
           *  This optimization targets calls to label defs for case failure jumps to next case.
           *  Plan for
           *  ```
           *  val x1: Int = ...
           *  val x2: Int = ...
           *  if (x1 == y1) {
           *    if (x2 == y2) someCode
           *    else ()
           *  } else ()
           *  ```
           *  is emitted as
           *  ```
           *  val x1: Int = ...
           *  val x2: Int = ...
           *  if (x1 == y1 && x2 == y2) someCode
           *  else ()
           *  ```
          def emitWithMashedConditions(plans: List[TestPlan]): Tree = {
            val plan = plans.head
            plan.onSuccess match {
              case plan2: TestPlan =>
                emitWithMashedConditions(plan2 :: plans)
              case _ =>
                def emitCondWithPos(plan: TestPlan) = emitCondition(plan).withSpan(plan.span)
                val conditions =
                  plans.foldRight[Tree](EmptyTree) { (otherPlan, acc) =>
                    if (acc.isEmpty) emitCondWithPos(otherPlan)
                If(conditions, emit(plan.onSuccess), unitLiteral)
          emitWithMashedConditions(plan :: Nil)
        case LetPlan(sym, body) =>
          val valDef = ValDef(sym, initializer(sym).ensureConforms(, inferred = true).withSpan(sym.span)
          seq(valDef :: Nil, emit(body))
        case LabeledPlan(label, expr) =>
          Labeled(label, emit(expr))
        case ReturnPlan(label) =>
          Return(unitLiteral, ref(label))
        case plan: SeqPlan =>
          def default = seq(emit(plan.head) :: Nil, emit(plan.tail))
          def maybeEmitSwitch(scrutinee: Tree): Tree = {
            val switchCases = collectSwitchCases(scrutinee, plan)
            if (hasEnoughSwitchCases(switchCases, MinSwitchCases)) // at least 3 cases + default
              emitSwitchMatch(scrutinee, switchCases)
          plan.head match {
            case testPlan: TestPlan =>
            case LabeledPlan(_, SeqPlan(LabeledPlan(_, SeqPlan(testPlan: TestPlan, _)), _)) =>
            case _ =>
        case ResultPlan(tree) =>
          if (tree.symbol == defn.throwMethod) tree // For example MatchError
          else Return(tree, ref(resultLabel))

    /** Pretty-print plan; used for debugging */
    def show(plan: Plan): String = {
      val lrefCount = labelRefCount(plan)
      val vrefCount = varRefCount(plan)
      val sb = new StringBuilder
      val seen = mutable.Set[Int]()
      def showTest(test: Test) = test match {
        case EqualTest(tree) => i"EqualTest($tree)"
        case TypeTest(tpt, trusted) => i"TypeTest($tpt, trusted=$trusted)"
        case _ => test.toString
      def showPlan(plan: Plan): Unit =
        if (!seen.contains( {
          seen +=
          sb append s"\n${}: "
          plan match {
            case TestPlan(test, scrutinee, _, ons) =>
              sb.append(i"$scrutinee ? ${showTest(test)}(${})")
            case LetPlan(sym, body) =>
              sb.append(i"Let($sym = ${initializer(sym)}}, ${})")
              sb.append(s", refcount = ${vrefCount(sym)}")
            case LabeledPlan(label, expr) =>
              sb.append(i"Labeled($label: { ${} })")
              sb.append(s", refcount = ${lrefCount(label)}")
            case ReturnPlan(label) =>
            case SeqPlan(head, tail) =>
              sb.append(s"Seq(${}, ${})")
            case ResultPlan(tree) =>

    /** If match is switch annotated, check that it translates to a switch
     *  with at least as many cases as the original match.
    private def checkSwitch(original: Match, result: Tree) = original.selector match
      case Typed(_, tpt) if tpt.tpe.hasAnnotation(defn.SwitchAnnot) =>
        val resultCases = result match
          case Match(_, cases) => cases
          case Block(_, Match(_, cases)) => cases
          case Block((_: ValDef) :: Block(_, Match(_, cases)) :: Nil, _) => cases
          case _ => Nil
        val caseThreshold =
          if tpt.tpe.typeSymbol.isDerivedValueClass then 1
          else MinSwitchCases
        def typesInPattern(pat: Tree): List[Type] = pat match
          case Alternative(pats) => pats.flatMap(typesInPattern)
          case _ => pat.tpe :: Nil
        def typesInCases(cdefs: List[CaseDef]): List[Type] =
          cdefs.flatMap(cdef => typesInPattern(cdef.pat))
        def numTypes(cdefs: List[CaseDef]): Int =
          typesInCases(cdefs).toSet.size: Int // without the type ascription, testPickling fails because of #2840.
        val numTypesInOriginal = numTypes(original.cases)
        if numTypesInOriginal >= caseThreshold && numTypes(resultCases) < numTypesInOriginal then
          patmatch.println(i"switch warning for ${ctx.compilationUnit}")
          patmatch.println(i"original types: ${typesInCases(original.cases)}%, %")
          patmatch.println(i"switch types  : ${typesInCases(resultCases)}%, %")
          patmatch.println(i"tree = $result")
          report.warning(UnableToEmitSwitch(), original.srcPos)
      case _ =>
    end checkSwitch

    val optimizations: List[(String, Plan => Plan)] = List(
      "mergeTests" -> mergeTests,
      "inlineVars" -> inlineVars

    /** Translate pattern match to sequence of tests. */
    def translateMatch(tree: Match): Tree = {
      var plan = matchPlan(tree)
      patmatch.println(i"Plan for $tree: ${show(plan)}")
      if (!ctx.settings.YnoPatmatOpt.value)
        for ((title, optimization) <- optimizations) {
          plan = optimization(plan)
          patmatch.println(s"After $title: ${show(plan)}")
      val result = emit(plan)
      checkSwitch(tree, result)
      Labeled(resultLabel, result)

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