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package dotc
package transform
package patmat
import core.*, Constants.*, Contexts.*, Decorators.*, Flags.*, Names.*, NameOps.*, StdNames.*, Symbols.*, Types.*
import ast.*, tpd.*
import config.Printers.*
import printing.{ Printer, * }, Texts.*
import reporting.*
import typer.*, Applications.*, Inferencing.*, ProtoTypes.*
import util.*
import scala.annotation.internal.sharable
import scala.collection.mutable
import SpaceEngine.*
/* Space logic for checking exhaustivity and unreachability of pattern matching
* Space can be thought of as a set of possible values. A type or a pattern
* both refer to spaces. The space of a type is the values that inhabit the
* type. The space of a pattern is the values that can be covered by the
* pattern.
* Space is recursively defined as follows:
* 1. `Empty` is a space
* 2. For a type T, `Typ(T)` is a space
* 3. A union of spaces `S1 | S2 | ...` is a space
* 4. `Prod(S1, S2, ..., Sn)` is a product space.
* For the problem of exhaustivity check, its formulation in terms of space is as follows:
* Is the space Typ(T) a subspace of the union of space covered by all the patterns?
* The problem of unreachable patterns can be formulated as follows:
* Is the space covered by a pattern a subspace of the space covered by previous patterns?
* Assumption:
* (1) One case class cannot be inherited directly or indirectly by another
* case class.
* (2) Inheritance of a case class cannot be well handled by the algorithm.
/** space definition */
sealed trait Space extends Showable:
@sharable private val isSubspaceCache = mutable.HashMap.empty[Space, Boolean]
def isSubspace(b: Space)(using Context): Boolean =
val a = this
val a2 = a.simplify
val b2 = b.simplify
if (a ne a2) || (b ne b2) then a2.isSubspace(b2)
else if a == Empty then true
else if b == Empty then false
else isSubspaceCache.getOrElseUpdate(b, computeIsSubspace(a, b))
@sharable private var mySimplified: Space | Null = null
def simplify(using Context): Space =
val simplified = mySimplified
if simplified == null then
val simplified = SpaceEngine.computeSimplify(this)
mySimplified = simplified
else simplified
def toText(p: Printer): Text = inContext(p.printerContext)(this match {
case Empty => s"Empty"
case sp: Typ => s"Typ(${display(sp)})"
case sp: Prod => s"Prod(${display(sp)})"
case sp: Or => s"Or(${display(sp)})"
end Space
/** Empty space */
case object Empty extends Space
/** Space representing the set of all values of a type
* @param tp: the type this space represents
* @param decomposed: does the space result from decomposition? Used for pretty print
case class Typ(tp: Type, decomposed: Boolean = true) extends Space:
private var myDecompose: List[Typ] | Null = null
def canDecompose(using Context): Boolean = decompose != ListOfTypNoType
def decompose(using Context): List[Typ] =
val decompose = myDecompose
if decompose == null then
val decompose = tp match
case Parts(parts) =>, decomposed = true))
case _ => ListOfTypNoType
myDecompose = decompose
else decompose
end Typ
/** Space representing an extractor pattern */
case class Prod(tp: Type, unappTp: TermRef, params: List[Space]) extends Space
/** Union of spaces */
case class Or(spaces: Seq[Space]) extends Space
object SpaceEngine {
def simplify(space: Space)(using Context): Space = space.simplify
def isSubspace(a: Space, b: Space)(using Context): Boolean = a.isSubspace(b)
def canDecompose(typ: Typ)(using Context): Boolean = typ.canDecompose
def decompose(typ: Typ)(using Context): List[Typ] = typ.decompose
/** Simplify space such that a space equal to `Empty` becomes `Empty` */
def computeSimplify(space: Space)(using Context): Space = trace(i"simplify($space)")(space match {
case Prod(tp, fun, spaces) =>
val sps = spaces.mapconserve(simplify)
if sps.contains(Empty) then Empty
else if decompose(tp).isEmpty then Empty
else if sps eq spaces then space else Prod(tp, fun, sps)
case Or(spaces) =>
val spaces2 = != Empty)
if spaces2.isEmpty then Empty
else if spaces2.lengthIs == 1 then spaces2.head
else if spaces2.corresponds(spaces)(_ eq _) then space else Or(spaces2)
case typ: Typ =>
if decompose(typ).isEmpty then Empty
else space
case _ => space
/** Remove a space if it's a subspace of remaining spaces
* Note: `dedup` will return the same result if the sequence >= 10
def dedup(spaces: Seq[Space])(using Context): Seq[Space] =
if (spaces.lengthCompare(1) <= 0 || spaces.lengthCompare(10) >= 0) spaces
else {
val res = => (sp, spaces.filter(_ ne sp))).find {
case (sp, sps) => isSubspace(sp, Or(LazyList(sps: _*)))
if (res.isEmpty) spaces
else res.get._2
/** Flatten space to get rid of `Or` for pretty print */
def flatten(space: Space)(using Context): Seq[Space] = space match {
case Prod(tp, fun, spaces) =>
val ss = LazyList(spaces: _*).map(flatten)
ss.foldLeft(LazyList(Nil : List[Space])) { (acc, flat) =>
for { sps <- acc; s <- flat }
yield sps :+ s
}.map { sps =>
Prod(tp, fun, sps)
case Or(spaces) =>
LazyList(spaces: _*).flatMap(flatten)
case _ =>
/** Is `a` a subspace of `b`? Equivalent to `simplify(simplify(a) - simplify(b)) == Empty`, but faster */
def computeIsSubspace(a: Space, b: Space)(using Context): Boolean = trace(i"isSubspace($a, $b)") {
val a2 = simplify(a)
val b2 = simplify(b)
if (a ne a2) || (b ne b2) then isSubspace(a2, b2)
else (a, b) match {
case (Empty, _) => true
case (_, Empty) => false
case (Or(ss), _) => ss.forall(isSubspace(_, b))
case (a @ Typ(tp1, _), Or(ss)) => // optimization: don't go to subtraction too early
ss.exists(isSubspace(a, _))
|| canDecompose(a) && isSubspace(Or(decompose(a)), b)
case (_, Or(_)) => simplify(minus(a, b)) == Empty
case (a @ Typ(tp1, _), b @ Typ(tp2, _)) =>
isSubType(tp1, tp2)
|| canDecompose(a) && isSubspace(Or(decompose(a)), b)
|| canDecompose(b) && isSubspace(a, Or(decompose(b)))
case (Prod(tp1, _, _), Typ(tp2, _)) =>
isSubType(tp1, tp2)
case (Typ(tp1, _), Prod(tp2, fun, ss)) =>
isSubType(tp1, tp2)
&& covers(fun, tp1, ss.length)
&& isSubspace(Prod(tp2, fun, signature(fun, tp1, ss.length).map(Typ(_, false))), b)
case (Prod(_, fun1, ss1), Prod(_, fun2, ss2)) =>
isSameUnapply(fun1, fun2) && ss1.lazyZip(ss2).forall(isSubspace)
/** Intersection of two spaces */
def intersect(a: Space, b: Space)(using Context): Space = trace(i"intersect($a & $b)") {
(a, b) match {
case (Empty, _) | (_, Empty) => Empty
case (_, Or(ss)) => Or(, _)).filter(_ ne Empty))
case (Or(ss), _) => Or(, b)).filter(_ ne Empty))
case (a @ Typ(tp1, _), b @ Typ(tp2, _)) =>
if isSubType(tp1, tp2) then a
else if isSubType(tp2, tp1) then b
else intersectUnrelatedAtomicTypes(tp1, tp2)(a)
case (a @ Typ(tp1, _), b @ Prod(tp2, fun, ss)) =>
if isSubType(tp2, tp1) then b
else if isSubType(tp1, tp2) then a // problematic corner case: inheriting a case class
else intersectUnrelatedAtomicTypes(tp1, tp2)(b)
case (a @ Prod(tp1, fun, ss), b @ Typ(tp2, _)) =>
if isSubType(tp1, tp2) then a
else if isSubType(tp2, tp1) then a // problematic corner case: inheriting a case class
else intersectUnrelatedAtomicTypes(tp1, tp2)(a)
case (a @ Prod(tp1, fun1, ss1), Prod(tp2, fun2, ss2)) =>
if !isSameUnapply(fun1, fun2) then intersectUnrelatedAtomicTypes(tp1, tp2)(a)
else if ss1.lazyZip(ss2).exists((a, b) => simplify(intersect(a, b)) == Empty) then Empty
else Prod(tp1, fun1, ss1.lazyZip(ss2).map(intersect))
/** The space of a not covered by b */
def minus(a: Space, b: Space)(using Context): Space = trace(i"minus($a - $b)") {
(a, b) match {
case (Empty, _) => Empty
case (_, Empty) => a
case (Or(ss), _) => Or(, b)))
case (_, Or(ss)) => ss.foldLeft(a)(minus)
case (a @ Typ(tp1, _), b @ Typ(tp2, _)) =>
if isSubType(tp1, tp2) then Empty
else if canDecompose(a) then minus(Or(decompose(a)), b)
else if canDecompose(b) then minus(a, Or(decompose(b)))
else a
case (a @ Typ(tp1, _), Prod(tp2, fun, ss)) =>
// rationale: every instance of `tp1` is covered by `tp2(_)`
if isSubType(tp1, tp2) && covers(fun, tp1, ss.length) then
minus(Prod(tp1, fun, signature(fun, tp1, ss.length).map(Typ(_, false))), b)
else if canDecompose(a) then minus(Or(decompose(a)), b)
else a
case (Prod(tp1, fun, ss), b @ Typ(tp2, _)) =>
// uncovered corner case: tp2 :< tp1, may happen when inheriting case class
if isSubType(tp1, tp2) then Empty
else if simplify(a) == Empty then Empty
else if canDecompose(b) then minus(a, Or(decompose(b)))
else a
case (Prod(tp1, fun1, ss1), Prod(tp2, fun2, ss2))
if !isSameUnapply(fun1, fun2) => a
case (Prod(tp1, fun1, ss1), Prod(tp2, fun2, ss2))
if == nme.unapply && ss1.length != ss2.length => a
case (a @ Prod(tp1, fun1, ss1), Prod(tp2, fun2, ss2)) =>
val range = ss1.indices.toList
val cache = Array.fill[Space | Null](ss2.length)(null)
def sub(i: Int) =
if cache(i) == null then
cache(i) = minus(ss1(i), ss2(i))
if range.exists(i => isSubspace(ss1(i), sub(i))) then a
else if cache.forall(sub => isSubspace(sub.nn, Empty)) then Empty
// `(_, _, _) - (Some, None, _)` becomes `(None, _, _) | (_, Some, _) | (_, _, Empty)`
val spaces = LazyList(range: _*).flatMap { i =>
flatten(sub(i)).map(s => Prod(tp1, fun1, ss1.updated(i, s)))
/** Is the unapply or unapplySeq irrefutable?
* @param unapp The unapply function reference
def isIrrefutable(unapp: TermRef, argLen: Int)(using Context): Boolean = {
val unappResult = unapp.widen.finalResultType
|| unappResult <:< ConstantType(Constant(true)) // only for unapply
|| ( && // scala2 compatibility
|| unapplySeqTypeElemTp(unappResult).exists // only for unapplySeq
|| isProductMatch(unappResult, argLen)
|| extractorMemberType(unappResult, nme.isEmpty, NoSourcePosition) <:< ConstantType(Constant(false))
|| unappResult.derivesFrom(defn.NonEmptyTupleClass)
|| unapp.symbol == defn.TupleXXL_unapplySeq // Fixes TupleXXL.unapplySeq which returns Some but declares Option
/** Is the unapply or unapplySeq irrefutable?
* @param unapp The unapply function tree
def isIrrefutable(unapp: Tree, argLen: Int)(using Context): Boolean = {
funPart(unapp).tpe match
case funRef: TermRef => isIrrefutable(funRef, argLen)
case _: ErrorType => false
/** Is this an `'{..}` or `'[..]` irrefutable quoted patterns?
* @param unapp The unapply function tree
* @param implicits The implicits of the unapply
* @param pt The scrutinee type
def isIrrefutableQuotedPattern(unapp: tpd.Tree, implicits: List[tpd.Tree], pt: Type)(using Context): Boolean = {
implicits.headOption match
// pattern '{ $x: T }
case Some(tpd.Apply(tpd.Select(tpd.Quote(tpd.TypeApply(fn, List(tpt)), _), nme.apply), _))
if unapp.symbol.owner.eq(defn.QuoteMatching_ExprMatchModule)
&& fn.symbol.eq(defn.QuotedRuntimePatterns_patternHole) =>
pt <:< defn.QuotedExprClass.typeRef.appliedTo(tpt.tpe)
// pattern '[T]
case Some(tpd.Apply(tpd.TypeApply(fn, List(tpt)), _))
if unapp.symbol.owner.eq(defn.QuoteMatching_TypeMatchModule) =>
pt =:= defn.QuotedTypeClass.typeRef.appliedTo(tpt.tpe)
case _ => false
/** Return a space containing the values of both types.
* The types should be atomic (non-decomposable) and unrelated (neither
* should be a subtype of the other).
def intersectUnrelatedAtomicTypes(tp1: Type, tp2: Type)(sp: Typ | Prod)(using Context): Space = trace(i"intersectUnrelatedAtomicTypes($tp1, $tp2)(${sp.className})") {
// Precondition: !isSubType(tp1, tp2) && !isSubType(tp2, tp1).
def intersection = sp match
case sp: Prod => sp.copy(AndType(tp1, tp2))
case sp: Typ => sp.copy(AndType(tp1, tp2))
if ! && (tp1.isNullType || tp2.isNullType) then
// Since projections of types don't include null, intersection with null is empty.
else if tp1.classSymbol.isNumericValueClass && tp2.classSymbol.isNumericValueClass then
// unrelated numeric value classes can equal each other, so let's not consider type space intersection empty
else if isPrimToBox(tp1, tp2) || isPrimToBox(tp2, tp1) then intersection
else if TypeComparer.provablyDisjoint(tp1, tp2) then Empty
else intersection
/** Return the space that represents the pattern `pat` */
def project(pat: Tree)(using Context): Space = trace(i"project($pat ${pat.className} ${pat.tpe})")(pat match {
case Literal(c) =>
if (c.value.isInstanceOf[Symbol])
Typ(c.value.asInstanceOf[Symbol].termRef, decomposed = false)
Typ(ConstantType(c), decomposed = false)
case pat: Ident if isBackquoted(pat) =>
Typ(pat.tpe, decomposed = false)
case Ident(_) | Select(_, _) =>
Typ(erase(pat.tpe.stripAnnots.widenSkolem, isValue = true), decomposed = false)
case Alternative(trees) =>
case Bind(_, pat) =>
case SeqLiteral(pats, _) =>
case UnApply(fun, _, pats) =>
val fun1 = funPart(fun)
val funRef = fun1.tpe.asInstanceOf[TermRef]
if ( == nme.unapplySeq)
val (arity, elemTp, resultTp) = unapplySeqInfo(fun.tpe.widen.finalResultType, fun.srcPos)
if (fun.symbol.owner == defn.SeqFactoryClass && defn.ListType.appliedTo(elemTp) <:< pat.tpe)
// The exhaustivity and reachability logic already handles decomposing sum types (into its subclasses)
// and product types (into its components). To get better counter-examples for patterns that are of type
// List (or a super-type of list, like LinearSeq) we project them into spaces that use `::` and Nil.
// Doing so with a pattern of `case Seq() =>` with a scrutinee of type `Vector()` doesn't work because the
// space is then discarded leading to a false positive reachability warning, see #13931.
else {
if (elemTp.exists)
Prod(erase(pat.tpe.stripAnnots, isValue = false), funRef, projectSeq(pats) :: Nil)
Prod(erase(pat.tpe.stripAnnots, isValue = false), funRef, pats.take(arity - 1).map(project) :+ projectSeq(pats.drop(arity - 1)))
Prod(erase(pat.tpe.stripAnnots, isValue = false), funRef,
case Typed(pat @ UnApply(_, _, _), _) =>
case Typed(_, tpt) =>
Typ(erase(tpt.tpe.stripAnnots, isValue = true), decomposed = false)
case This(_) =>
Typ(pat.tpe.stripAnnots, decomposed = false)
case EmptyTree => // default rethrow clause of try/catch, check tests/patmat/try2.scala
Typ(WildcardType, decomposed = false)
case Block(Nil, expr) =>
case _ =>
// Pattern is an arbitrary expression; assume a skolem (i.e. an unknown value) of the pattern type
Typ(pat.tpe.narrow, decomposed = false)
private def project(tp: Type)(using Context): Space = tp match {
case OrType(tp1, tp2) => Or(project(tp1) :: project(tp2) :: Nil)
case tp => Typ(tp, decomposed = true)
private def unapplySeqInfo(resTp: Type, pos: SrcPos)(using Context): (Int, Type, Type) = {
var resultTp = resTp
var elemTp = unapplySeqTypeElemTp(resultTp)
var arity = productArity(resultTp, pos)
if (!elemTp.exists && arity <= 0) {
resultTp =
elemTp = unapplySeqTypeElemTp(resultTp.widen)
arity = productSelectorTypes(resultTp, pos).size
(arity, elemTp, resultTp)
/** Erase pattern bound types with WildcardType
* For example, the type `C[T$1]` should match any `C[?]`, thus
* `v` should be `WildcardType` instead of `T$1`:
* sealed trait B
* case class C[T](v: T) extends B
* (b: B) match {
* case C(v) => // case C.unapply[T$1 @ T$1](v @ _):C[T$1]
* }
* However, we cannot use WildcardType for Array[?], due to that
* `Array[WildcardType] <: Array[Array[WildcardType]]`, which may
* cause false unreachable warnings. See tests/patmat/t2425.scala
* We cannot use type erasure here, as it would lose the constraints
* involving GADTs. For example, in the following code, type
* erasure would lose the constraint that `x` and `y` must be
* the same type, resulting in false inexhaustive warnings:
* sealed trait Expr[T]
* case class IntExpr(x: Int) extends Expr[Int]
* case class BooleanExpr(b: Boolean) extends Expr[Boolean]
* def foo[T](x: Expr[T], y: Expr[T]) = (x, y) match {
* case (IntExpr(_), IntExpr(_)) =>
* case (BooleanExpr(_), BooleanExpr(_)) =>
* }
* @param inArray whether `tp` is a type argument to `Array`
* @param isValue whether `tp` is the type which match against values
* @param isTyped whether `tp` is the type from a `Typed` tree
* If `isValue` is true, then pattern-bound symbols are erased to its upper bound.
* This is needed to avoid spurious unreachable warnings. See tests/patmat/i6197.scala.
private def erase(tp: Type, inArray: Boolean = false, isValue: Boolean = false, isTyped: Boolean = false)(using Context): Type =
val inArr = if inArray then " inArray" else ""
val isVal = if isValue then " isValue" else ""
val isTyp = if isTyped then " isTyped" else ""
trace(i"erase($tp ${tp.className}$inArr$isVal$isTyp)")(tp match {
case tp @ AppliedType(tycon, args) if tycon.typeSymbol.isPatternBound =>
case tp @ AppliedType(tycon, args) =>
val inArray = tycon.isRef(defn.ArrayClass) || tp.translucentSuperType.isRef(defn.ArrayClass)
val args2 =
if isTyped && !inArray then => WildcardType)
else => erase(arg, inArray = inArray, isValue = false))
tp.derivedAppliedType(erase(tycon, inArray, isValue = false), args2)
case tp @ OrType(tp1, tp2) =>
OrType(erase(tp1, inArray, isValue), erase(tp2, inArray, isValue), tp.isSoft)
case AndType(tp1, tp2) =>
AndType(erase(tp1, inArray, isValue), erase(tp2, inArray, isValue))
case tp @ RefinedType(parent, _, _) =>
erase(parent, inArray, isValue)
case tref: TypeRef if tref.symbol.isPatternBound =>
if inArray then erase(tref.underlying, inArray, isValue, isTyped)
else if isValue then erase(tref.superType, inArray, isValue, isTyped)
else WildcardType
case _ => tp
/** Space of the pattern: unapplySeq(a, b, c: _*)
def projectSeq(pats: List[Tree])(using Context): Space = {
if (pats.isEmpty) return Typ(defn.NilType, false)
val (items, zero) = if (isWildcardStarArg(pats.last))
(pats.init, Typ(defn.ListType.appliedTo(pats.last.tpe.elemType), false))
(pats, Typ(defn.NilType, false))
val unapplyTp =
items.foldRight[Space](zero) { (pat, acc) =>
val consTp = defn.ConsType.appliedTo(pats.head.tpe.widen)
Prod(consTp, unapplyTp, project(pat) :: acc :: Nil)
def isPrimToBox(tp: Type, pt: Type)(using Context): Boolean =
tp.isPrimitiveValueType && (defn.boxedType(tp).classSymbol eq pt.classSymbol)
/** Is `tp1` a subtype of `tp2`? */
def isSubType(tp1: Type, tp2: Type)(using Context): Boolean = trace(i"$tp1 <:< $tp2") {
if tp1 == ConstantType(Constant(null)) && !
then tp2 == ConstantType(Constant(null))
else if tp1.isTupleXXLExtract(tp2) then true // See isTupleXXLExtract, fixes TupleXXL parameter type
else tp1 <:< tp2
/** True if we can assume that the two unapply methods are the same.
* That is, given the same parameter, they return the same result.
* We assume that unapply methods are pure, but the same method may
* be called with different prefixes, thus behaving differently.
def isSameUnapply(tp1: TermRef, tp2: TermRef)(using Context): Boolean = trace(i"isSameUnapply($tp1, $tp2)") {
def isStable(tp: TermRef) =
! // The "prefix" of an extension method may be, but the receiver isn't, so exclude
&& tp.prefix.isStable
// always assume two TypeTest[S, T].unapply are the same if they are equal in types
(isStable(tp1) && isStable(tp2) || tp1.symbol == defn.TypeTest_unapply)
&& tp1 =:= tp2
/** Return term parameter types of the extractor `unapp`.
* Parameter types of the case class type `tp`. Adapted from `unapplyPlan` in patternMatcher */
def signature(unapp: TermRef, scrutineeTp: Type, argLen: Int)(using Context): List[Type] = trace(i"signature($unapp, $scrutineeTp, $argLen)") {
val unappSym = unapp.symbol
val mt: MethodType = unapp.widen match {
case mt: MethodType => mt
case pt: PolyType =>
val tvars = constrained(pt)
val mt = pt.instantiate(tvars).asInstanceOf[MethodType]
scrutineeTp <:< mt.paramInfos(0)
// force type inference to infer a narrower type: could be singleton
// see tests/patmat/i4227.scala
mt.paramInfos(0) <:< scrutineeTp
instantiateSelected(mt, tvars)
isFullyDefined(mt, ForceDegree.all)
// Case unapply:
// 1. return types of constructor fields if the extractor is synthesized for Scala2 case classes & length match
// 2. return Nil if unapply returns Boolean (boolean pattern)
// 3. return product selector types if unapply returns a product type (product pattern)
// 4. return product selectors of `T` where `def get: T` is a member of the return type of unapply & length match (named-based pattern)
// 5. otherwise, return `T` where `def get: T` is a member of the return type of unapply
// Case unapplySeq:
// 1. return the type `List[T]` where `T` is the element type of the unapplySeq return type `Seq[T]`
val resTp = ctx.typeAssigner.safeSubstMethodParams(mt, scrutineeTp :: Nil).finalResultType
val sig =
if (resTp.isRef(defn.BooleanClass))
else {
val isUnapplySeq = == nme.unapplySeq
if (isUnapplySeq) {
val (arity, elemTp, resultTp) = unapplySeqInfo(resTp, unappSym.srcPos)
if (elemTp.exists) defn.ListType.appliedTo(elemTp) :: Nil
else {
val sels = productSeqSelectors(resultTp, arity, unappSym.srcPos)
sels.init :+ defn.ListType.appliedTo(sels.last)
else {
val arity = productArity(resTp, unappSym.srcPos)
if (arity > 0)
productSelectorTypes(resTp, unappSym.srcPos)
else {
val getTp =
if (argLen == 1) getTp :: Nil
else productSelectorTypes(getTp, unappSym.srcPos)
/** Whether the extractor covers the given type */
def covers(unapp: TermRef, scrutineeTp: Type, argLen: Int)(using Context): Boolean =
SpaceEngine.isIrrefutable(unapp, argLen)
|| unapp.symbol == defn.TypeTest_unapply && {
val AppliedType(_, _ :: tp :: Nil) = unapp.prefix.widen.dealias: @unchecked
scrutineeTp <:< tp
|| unapp.symbol == defn.ClassTagClass_unapply && {
val AppliedType(_, tp :: Nil) = unapp.prefix.widen.dealias: @unchecked
scrutineeTp <:< tp
/** Decompose a type into subspaces -- assume the type can be decomposed */
def decompose(tp: Type)(using Context): List[Type] = trace(i"decompose($tp)") {
def rec(tp: Type, mixins: List[Type]): List[Type] = tp.dealias match
case AndType(tp1, tp2) =>
var tpB = tp2
var parts = rec(tp1, tp2 :: mixins)
if parts == ListOfNoType then
tpB = tp1
parts = rec(tp2, tp1 :: mixins)
if parts == ListOfNoType then ListOfNoType
else parts.collect:
case tp if tp <:< tpB => tp
case tp if tpB <:< tp => tpB
case tp if !TypeComparer.provablyDisjoint(tp, tpB) => AndType(tp, tpB)
case OrType(tp1, tp2) => List(tp1, tp2)
case tp if tp.isRef(defn.BooleanClass) => List(ConstantType(Constant(true)), ConstantType(Constant(false)))
case tp if tp.isRef(defn.UnitClass) => ConstantType(Constant(())) :: Nil
case tp @ NamedType(Parts(parts), _) => if parts.exists(_ eq tp) then ListOfNoType else
case _: SingletonType => ListOfNoType
case tp if tp.classSymbol.isAllOf(JavaEnumTrait) =>
// the class of a java enum value is the enum class, so this must follow SingletonType to not loop infinitely
case tp @ AppliedType(Parts(parts), targs) if tp.classSymbol.children.isEmpty =>
// It might not obvious that it's OK to apply the type arguments of a parent type to child types.
// But this is guarded by `tp.classSymbol.children.isEmpty`,
// meaning we'll decompose to the same class, just not the same type.
// For instance, from i15029, `decompose((X | Y).Field[T]) = [X.Field[T], Y.Field[T]]`., targs))
case tp if tp.isDecomposableToChildren =>
def getChildren(sym: Symbol): List[Symbol] =
sym.children.flatMap { child =>
if child eq sym then List(sym) // i3145: sealed trait Baz, val x = new Baz {}, Baz.children returns Baz...
else if tp.classSymbol == defn.TupleClass || tp.classSymbol == defn.NonEmptyTupleClass then
List(child) // TupleN and TupleXXL classes are used for Tuple, but they aren't Tuple's children
else if ( || && child.isOneOf(AbstractOrTrait) then getChildren(child)
else List(child)
val children = trace(i"getChildren($tp)")(getChildren(tp.classSymbol))
val parts = { sym =>
val sym1 = if ( sym.sourceModule else sym
val refined = trace(i"refineUsingParent($tp, $sym1, $mixins)")(TypeOps.refineUsingParent(tp, sym1, mixins))
def inhabited(tp: Type): Boolean = tp.dealias match
case AndType(tp1, tp2) => !TypeComparer.provablyDisjoint(tp1, tp2)
case OrType(tp1, tp2) => inhabited(tp1) || inhabited(tp2)
case tp: RefinedType => inhabited(tp.parent)
case tp: TypeRef => inhabited(tp.prefix)
case _ => true
if inhabited(refined) then refined
else NoType
case _ => ListOfNoType
end rec
rec(tp, Nil)
extension (tp: Type)
def isDecomposableToChildren(using Context): Boolean =
val sym = tp.typeSymbol // e.g. Foo[List[Int]] = type Foo (i19275)
val cls = tp.classSymbol // e.g. Foo[List[Int]] = class List
tp.hasSimpleKind // can't decompose higher-kinded types
&& cls.isOneOf(AbstractOrTrait) // ignore sealed non-abstract classes
&& !cls.hasAnonymousChild // can't name anonymous classes as counter-examples
&& cls.children.nonEmpty // can't decompose without children
&& !sym.isOpaqueAlias // can't instantiate subclasses to conform to an opaque type (i19275)
val ListOfNoType = List(NoType)
val ListOfTypNoType =, decomposed = true))
object Parts:
def unapply(tp: Type)(using Context): PartsExtractor = PartsExtractor(decompose(tp))
final class PartsExtractor(val get: List[Type]) extends AnyVal:
def isEmpty: Boolean = get == ListOfNoType
/** Show friendly type name with current scope in mind
* E.g. C.this.B --> B if current owner is C
* C.this.x.T --> x.T if current owner is C
* C --> C if current owner is C !!!
private class LocalPrinter(_ctx: Context) extends RefinedPrinter(_ctx):
val enclosingCls = ctx.owner.enclosingClass
override def isOmittablePrefix(sym: Symbol) =
|| sym == enclosingCls || sym == enclosingCls.sourceModule
/** Whether the counterexample is satisfiable. The space is flattened and non-empty. */
def satisfiable(sp: Space)(using Context): Boolean = {
def impossible: Nothing = throw new AssertionError("`satisfiable` only accepts flattened space.")
def genConstraint(space: Space): List[(Type, Type)] = space match {
case Prod(tp, unappTp, ss) =>
val tps = signature(unappTp, tp, ss.length) {
case (sp : Prod, tp) => -> tp :: genConstraint(sp)
case (Typ(tp1, _), tp2) => tp1 -> tp2 :: Nil
case _ => impossible
case Typ(_, _) => Nil
case _ => impossible
def checkConstraint(constrs: List[(Type, Type)])(using Context): Boolean = {
val tvarMap = collection.mutable.Map.empty[Symbol, TypeVar]
val typeParamMap = new TypeMap() {
override def apply(tp: Type): Type = tp match {
case tref: TypeRef if =>
tvarMap.getOrElseUpdate(tref.symbol, newTypeVar(tref.underlying.bounds))
case tp => mapOver(tp)
constrs.forall { case (tp1, tp2) => typeParamMap(tp1) <:< typeParamMap(tp2) }
checkConstraint(genConstraint(sp))(using ctx.fresh.setNewTyperState())
/** Display spaces. Used for printing uncovered spaces in the in-exhaustive error message. */
def display(s: Space)(using Context): String = inContext(ctx.fresh.setPrinterFn(LocalPrinter(_))) {
def params(tp: Type): List[Type] =
/** does the companion object of the given symbol have custom unapply */
def hasCustomUnapply(sym: Symbol): Boolean = {
val companion = sym.companionModule
companion.findMember(nme.unapply, NoPrefix, required = EmptyFlags, excluded = Synthetic).exists ||
companion.findMember(nme.unapplySeq, NoPrefix, required = EmptyFlags, excluded = Synthetic).exists
def doShow(s: Space, flattenList: Boolean = false): String = s match {
case Empty => "empty"
case Typ(c: ConstantType, _) =>
case Typ(tp: TermRef, _) =>
if (flattenList && tp <:< defn.NilType) ""
else tp.symbol.showName
case Typ(tp, decomposed) =>
val cls = tp.classSymbol
if ctx.definitions.isTupleNType(tp) then
params(tp).map(_ => "_").mkString("(", ", ", ")")
else if defn.ListType.isRef(cls) then
if flattenList then "_*" else "_: List"
else if (defn.ConsType.isRef(cls))
if flattenList then "_, _*" else "List(_, _*)"
else if cls.hasAnonymousChild then
s"_: ${} (anonymous)"
else if && !hasCustomUnapply(cls) then
// use constructor syntax for case class + params(tp).map(_ => "_").mkString("(", ", ", ")")
else if !decomposed then "_"
else "_: " +
case Prod(tp, fun, params) =>
if ctx.definitions.isTupleNType(tp) then
"(" +", ") + ")"
else if tp.isRef(defn.ConsType.symbol) then
val body =, flattenList = true)).filter(_.nonEmpty).mkString(", ")
if flattenList then body else s"List($body)"
val isUnapplySeq = eq nme.unapplySeq
val paramsStr =, flattenList = isUnapplySeq)).mkString("(", ", ", ")")
val prefix = fun.prefix match
case pre: TermRef => pre.symbol.typeRef
case pre => pre + paramsStr
case Or(ss) =>, flattenList)).mkString(" | ")
private def exhaustivityCheckable(sel: Tree)(using Context): Boolean = {
val seen = collection.mutable.Set.empty[Symbol]
// Possible to check everything, but be compatible with scalac by default
def isCheckable(tp: Type): Boolean =
val tpw = tp.widen.dealias
val classSym = tpw.classSymbol && !tpw.isLargeGenericTuple || // exclude large generic tuples from exhaustivity
// requires an unknown number of changes to make work
tpw.isInstanceOf[OrType] ||
(tpw.isInstanceOf[AndType] && {
val and = tpw.asInstanceOf[AndType]
isCheckable(and.tp1) || isCheckable(and.tp2)
}) ||
tpw.isRef(defn.BooleanClass) ||
classSym.isAllOf(JavaEnumTrait) || && {
if seen.add(classSym) then productSelectorTypes(tpw, sel.srcPos).exists(isCheckable(_))
else true // recursive case class: return true and other members can still fail the check
&& {
|| isCheckable(sel.tpe)
/** Whether counter-examples should be further checked? True for GADTs. */
private def shouldCheckExamples(tp: Type)(using Context): Boolean =
new TypeAccumulator[Boolean] {
override def apply(b: Boolean, tp: Type): Boolean = tp match {
case tref: TypeRef if && variance != 1 => true
case tp => b || foldOver(b, tp)
}.apply(false, tp)
/** Return the underlying type of non-module, non-constant, non-enum case singleton types.
* Also widen ExprType to its result type, and rewrap any annotation wrappers.
* For example, with `val opt = None`, widen `opt.type` to `None.type`. */
def toUnderlying(tp: Type)(using Context): Type = trace(i"toUnderlying($tp)")(tp match {
case _: ConstantType => tp
case tp: TermRef if => tp
case tp: TermRef if tp.symbol.isAllOf(EnumCase) => tp
case tp: SingletonType => toUnderlying(tp.underlying)
case tp: ExprType => toUnderlying(tp.resultType)
case AnnotatedType(tp, annot) => AnnotatedType(toUnderlying(tp), annot)
case _ => tp
def checkExhaustivity(m: Match)(using Context): Unit = trace(i"checkExhaustivity($m)") {
val selTyp = toUnderlying(m.selector.tpe).dealias
val targetSpace = trace(i"targetSpace($selTyp)")(project(selTyp))
val patternSpace = Or(m.cases.foldLeft(List.empty[Space]) { (acc, x) =>
val space = if x.guard.isEmpty then trace(i"project(${x.pat})")(project(x.pat)) else Empty
space :: acc
val checkGADTSAT = shouldCheckExamples(selTyp)
val uncovered =
flatten(simplify(minus(targetSpace, patternSpace))).filter({ s =>
s != Empty && (!checkGADTSAT || satisfiable(s))
if uncovered.nonEmpty then
val deduped = dedup(uncovered)
report.warning(PatternMatchExhaustivity(, m), m.selector)
private def reachabilityCheckable(sel: Tree)(using Context): Boolean =
// Ignore Expr[T] and Type[T] for unreachability as a special case.
// Quote patterns produce repeated calls to the same unapply method, but with different implicit parameters.
// Since we assume that repeated calls to the same unapply method overlap
// and implicit parameters cannot normally differ between two patterns in one `match`,
// the easiest solution is just to ignore Expr[T] and Type[T].
&& !sel.tpe.widen.isRef(defn.QuotedExprClass)
&& !sel.tpe.widen.isRef(defn.QuotedTypeClass)
def checkReachability(m: Match)(using Context): Unit = trace(i"checkReachability($m)") {
val cases = m.cases.toIndexedSeq
val selTyp = toUnderlying(m.selector.tpe).dealias
val isNullable = selTyp.classSymbol.isNullableClass
val targetSpace = trace(i"targetSpace($selTyp)")(if isNullable
then project(OrType(selTyp, ConstantType(Constant(null)), soft = false))
else project(selTyp)
var i = 0
val len = cases.length
var prevs = List.empty[Space]
var deferred = List.empty[Tree]
while (i < len) {
val CaseDef(pat, guard, _) = cases(i)
val curr = trace(i"project($pat)")(project(pat))
val covered = trace("covered")(simplify(intersect(curr, targetSpace)))
val prev = trace("prev")(simplify(Or(prevs)))
if prev == Empty && covered == Empty then // defer until a case is reachable
deferred ::= pat
else {
for (pat <- deferred.reverseIterator)
report.warning(MatchCaseUnreachable(), pat.srcPos)
if pat != EmptyTree // rethrow case of catch uses EmptyTree
&& !pat.symbol.isAllOf(SyntheticCase, butNot=Method) // ExpandSAMs default cases use SyntheticCase
&& isSubspace(covered, prev)
then {
val nullOnly = isNullable && i == len - 1 && isWildcardArg(pat)
val msg = if nullOnly then MatchCaseOnlyNullWarning() else MatchCaseUnreachable()
report.warning(msg, pat.srcPos)
deferred = Nil
// in redundancy check, take guard as false in order to soundly approximate
prevs ::= (if guard.isEmpty then covered else Empty)
i += 1
def checkMatch(m: Match)(using Context): Unit =
if reachabilityCheckable(m.selector) then checkReachability(m)
def checkMatchExhaustivityOnly(m: Match)(using Context): Unit =
if exhaustivityCheckable(m.selector) then checkExhaustivity(m)
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