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package transform
package sjs

import scala.collection.mutable

import ast.tpd
import core.*
import typer.Checking
import util.SrcPos
import Annotations.*
import Constants.*
import Contexts.*
import Decorators.*
import DenotTransformers.*
import Flags.*
import NameKinds.{DefaultGetterName, ModuleClassName}
import NameOps.*
import StdNames.*
import Symbols.*

import Types.*

import JSSymUtils.*



/** A macro transform that runs after typer and before pickler to perform
 *  additional Scala.js-specific checks and transformations necessary for
 *  interoperability with JavaScript.
 *  It performs the following functions:
 *  - Sanity checks for the js.Any hierarchy
 *  - Annotate subclasses of js.Any to be treated specially
 *  - Create JSExport methods: Dummy methods that are propagated
 *    through the whole compiler chain to mark exports. This allows
 *    exports to have the same semantics than methods.
 *  This is the equivalent of `PrepJSInterop` in Scala 2, minus the handling
 *  of `scala.Enumeration`.
 *  The reason for making this a macro transform is that some functions (in particular
 *  all the checks that behave differently depending on properties of classes in
 *  the enclosing class chain) are naturally top-down and don't lend themselves to the
 *  bottom-up approach of a mini phase.
 *  In addition, the addition of export forwarders must be done before pickling to
 *  be signature-compatible with scalac, and there are only macro transforms before
 *  pickling.
class PrepJSInterop extends MacroTransform with IdentityDenotTransformer { thisPhase =>
  import PrepJSInterop.*
  import tpd.*

  override def phaseName: String =

  override def description: String = PrepJSInterop.description

  override def isEnabled(using Context): Boolean =

  override def changesMembers: Boolean = true // the phase adds export forwarders

  protected def newTransformer(using Context): Transformer =
    new ScalaJSPrepJSInteropTransformer

  class ScalaJSPrepJSInteropTransformer extends Transformer with Checking {
    import PrepJSExports.*

    /** Kind of the directly enclosing (most nested) owner. */
    private var enclosingOwner: OwnerKind = OwnerKind.None

    /** Cumulative kinds of all enclosing owners. */
    private var allEnclosingOwners: OwnerKind = OwnerKind.None

    /** Nicer syntax for `allEnclosingOwners is kind`. */
    private def anyEnclosingOwner: OwnerKind = allEnclosingOwners

    private def enterOwner[A](kind: OwnerKind)(body: => A): A = {
      require(kind.isBaseKind, kind)
      val oldEnclosingOwner = enclosingOwner
      val oldAllEnclosingOwners = allEnclosingOwners
      enclosingOwner = kind
      allEnclosingOwners |= kind
      try {
      } finally {
        enclosingOwner = oldEnclosingOwner
        allEnclosingOwners = oldAllEnclosingOwners

    private var dynamicImportEnclosingClasses: Set[Symbol] = Set.empty

    private def enterDynamicImportEnclosingClass[A](cls: Symbol)(body: => A): A = {
      val saved = dynamicImportEnclosingClasses
      dynamicImportEnclosingClasses = saved + cls
        dynamicImportEnclosingClasses = saved

    private def hasImplicitThisPrefixToDynamicImportEnclosingClass(tpe: Type)(using Context): Boolean =
      tpe match
        case tpe: ThisType      => dynamicImportEnclosingClasses.contains(tpe.cls)
        case TermRef(prefix, _) => hasImplicitThisPrefixToDynamicImportEnclosingClass(prefix)
        case _                  => false
    end hasImplicitThisPrefixToDynamicImportEnclosingClass

    /** DefDefs in class templates that export methods to JavaScript */
    private val exporters = mutable.Map.empty[Symbol, mutable.ListBuffer[Tree]]

    override def transform(tree: Tree)(using Context): Tree = {
      tree match {
        case tree: ValDef if =>
          /* Never apply this transformation on the term definition of modules.
           * Instead, all relevant checks are performed on the module class definition.
           * We still need to mark exposed if required, since that needs to be done
           * on the module symbol, not its module class.

        case tree: MemberDef => transformMemberDef(tree)
        case tree: Template  => transformTemplate(tree)
        case _               => transformStatOrExpr(tree)

    private def transformMemberDef(tree: MemberDef)(using Context): Tree = {
      val sym = tree.symbol



      /* Checks related to @js.native:
       * - if @js.native, verify that it is allowed in this context, and if
       *   yes, compute and store the JS native load spec
       * - if not @js.native, verify that we do not use any other annotation
       *   reserved for @js.native members (namely, JS native load spec annots)
      val isJSNative = sym.getAnnotation(jsdefn.JSNativeAnnot) match {
        case Some(annot) =>
          checkJSNativeDefinition(tree, annot.tree, sym)
        case None =>



      tree match {
        case tree: TypeDef if tree.isClassDef =>

          if (isJSAny(sym))

        case _: TypeDef =>

        case tree: ValOrDefDef =>
          // Prepare exports
          exporters.getOrElseUpdate(sym.owner, mutable.ListBuffer.empty) ++= genExportMember(sym)

          if (sym.isLocalToBlock)
          else if (isJSNative)
          else if (enclosingOwner is OwnerKind.JSType)

    private def transformScalaClassDef(tree: TypeDef)(using Context): Tree = {
      val sym = tree.symbol

      // In native JS things, only js.Any stuff is allowed
      if (enclosingOwner is OwnerKind.JSNative) {
        /* We have to allow synthetic companion objects here, as they get
         * generated when a nested native JS class has default arguments in
         * its constructor (see #1891).
        if (! {
              "Native JS traits, classes and objects cannot contain inner Scala traits, classes or objects (i.e., not extending js.Any)",

      if (sym == jsdefn.PseudoUnionClass)

      val kind = if (sym.isSubClass(jsdefn.scalaEnumeration.EnumerationClass)) {
        if ( OwnerKind.EnumMod
        else if (sym == jsdefn.scalaEnumeration.EnumerationClass) OwnerKind.EnumImpl
        else OwnerKind.EnumClass
      } else {
        if ( OwnerKind.NonEnumScalaMod
        else OwnerKind.NonEnumScalaClass
      enterOwner(kind) {

    private def transformTemplate(tree: Template)(using Context): Template = {
      // First, recursively transform the template
      val transformedTree = super.transform(tree).asInstanceOf[Template]

      val clsSym = ctx.owner

      // Check that @JSExportStatic fields come first
      if ( { // quick check to avoid useless work
        var foundStatOrNonStaticVal: Boolean = false
        for (tree <- transformedTree.body) {
          tree match {
            case vd: ValDef if vd.symbol.hasAnnotation(jsdefn.JSExportStaticAnnot) =>
              if (foundStatOrNonStaticVal) {
                    "@JSExportStatic vals and vars must be defined before any other val/var, and before any constructor statement.",
            case vd: ValDef if ! =>
              foundStatOrNonStaticVal = true
            case _: MemberDef =>
            case _ =>
              foundStatOrNonStaticVal = true

      // Add exports to the template, if there are any
      exporters.get(clsSym).fold {
      } { exports =>

          transformedTree.body ::: exports.toList

    private def transformStatOrExpr(tree: Tree)(using Context): Tree = {
      tree match {
        case Closure(env, call, functionalInterface) =>
          val tpeSym = functionalInterface.tpe.typeSymbol
          if (tpeSym.isJSType) {
            def reportError(reasonAndExplanation: String): Unit = {
                  em"Using an anonymous function as a SAM for the JavaScript type ${
                    } is not allowed because $reasonAndExplanation",
            if (! || tpeSym.asClass.superClass != jsdefn.JSFunctionClass) {
                  "it is not a trait extending js.Function. " +
                  "Use an anonymous class instead.")
            } else if (tpeSym.hasAnnotation(jsdefn.JSNativeAnnot)) {
                  "it is a native JS type. " +
                  "It is not possible to directly implement it.")
            } else if (!tree.tpe.possibleSamMethods.exists(_.symbol.hasJSCallCallingConvention)) {
                  "its single abstract method is not named `apply`. " +
                  "Use an anonymous class instead.")

        // Validate js.constructorOf[T]
        case TypeApply(ctorOfTree, List(tpeArg))
            if ctorOfTree.symbol == jsdefn.JSPackage_constructorOf =>
          validateJSConstructorOf(tree, tpeArg)

        /* Rewrite js.ConstructorTag.materialize[T] into
         * runtime.newConstructorTag[T](js.constructorOf[T])
        case TypeApply(ctorOfTree, List(tpeArg))
            if ctorOfTree.symbol == jsdefn.JSConstructorTag_materialize =>
          validateJSConstructorOf(tree, tpeArg)
          val ctorOf = ref(jsdefn.JSPackage_constructorOf).appliedToTypeTree(tpeArg)

        /* Rewrite js.dynamicImport[T](body) into
         * runtime.dynamicImport[T](
         *   new DynamicImportThunk { def apply(): Any = body }
         * )
        case Apply(TypeApply(fun, List(tpeArg)), List(body))
            if fun.symbol == jsdefn.JSPackage_dynamicImport =>
          val span = tree.span
          val currentOwner = ctx.owner

          assert(currentOwner.isTerm, s"unexpected owner: $currentOwner at ${tree.sourcePos}")

          val enclosingClass = currentOwner.enclosingClass

          // new DynamicImportThunk { def apply(): Any = body }
          val dynamicImportThunkAnonClass = AnonClass(currentOwner, List(jsdefn.DynamicImportThunkType), span) { cls =>
            val applySym = newSymbol(cls, nme.apply, Method, MethodType(Nil, Nil, defn.AnyType), coord = span).entered
            val transformedBody = enterDynamicImportEnclosingClass(enclosingClass) {
            val newBody = transformedBody.changeOwnerAfter(currentOwner, applySym, thisPhase)
            val applyDefDef = DefDef(applySym, newBody)

          // runtime.DynamicImport[A](new ...)

        // #17344 Make `ThisType`-based references to enclosing classes of `js.dynamicImport` explicit
        case tree: Ident if hasImplicitThisPrefixToDynamicImportEnclosingClass(tree.tpe) =>
          def rec(tpe: Type): Tree = (tpe: @unchecked) match // exhaustive because of the `if ... =>`
            case tpe: ThisType            => This(tpe.cls)
            case tpe @ TermRef(prefix, _) => rec(prefix).select(tpe.symbol)


        // Compile-time errors and warnings for js.Dynamic.literal
        case Apply(Apply(fun, nameArgs), args)
            if fun.symbol == jsdefn.JSDynamicLiteral_applyDynamic ||
              fun.symbol == jsdefn.JSDynamicLiteral_applyDynamicNamed =>
          // Check that the first argument list is a constant string "apply"
          nameArgs match {
            case List(Literal(Constant(s: String))) =>
              if (s != "apply")
                report.error(em"js.Dynamic.literal does not have a method named $s", tree)
            case _ =>
              report.error(em"js.Dynamic.literal.${} may not be called directly", tree)

          // TODO Warn for known duplicate property names


        // Warnings for scala.Enumeration.Value that could not be transformed
        case _:Ident | _:Select | _:Apply if jsdefn.scalaEnumeration.isValueMethodNoName(tree.symbol) =>
              "Could not transform call to scala.Enumeration.Value.\n" +
              "The resulting program is unlikely to function properly as this operation requires reflection.",

        // Warnings for scala.Enumeration.Value with a `null` name
        case Apply(_, args) if jsdefn.scalaEnumeration.isValueMethodName(tree.symbol) && isNullLiteral(args.last) =>
              "Passing null as name to scala.Enumeration.Value requires reflection at run-time.\n" +
              "The resulting program is unlikely to function properly.",

        // Warnings for scala.Enumeration.Val without name
        case _: Apply if jsdefn.scalaEnumeration.isValCtorNoName(tree.symbol) =>
              "Calls to the non-string constructors of scala.Enumeration.Val require reflection at run-time.\n" +
              "The resulting program is unlikely to function properly.",

        // Warnings for scala.Enumeration.Val with a `null` name
        case Apply(_, args) if jsdefn.scalaEnumeration.isValCtorName(tree.symbol) && isNullLiteral(args.last) =>
              "Passing null as name to a constructor of scala.Enumeration.Val requires reflection at run-time.\n" +
              "The resulting program is unlikely to function properly.",

        case _: Export =>
          if enclosingOwner is OwnerKind.JSNative then
            report.error("Native JS traits, classes and objects cannot contain exported definitions.", tree)
          else if enclosingOwner is OwnerKind.JSTrait then
            report.error("Non-native JS traits cannot contain exported definitions.", tree)


        case _ =>

    private def isNullLiteral(tree: Tree): Boolean = tree match
      case Literal(Constant(null)) => true
      case _                       => false

    private def validateJSConstructorOf(tree: Tree, tpeArg: Tree)(using Context): Unit = {
      val tpe = checkClassType(tpeArg.tpe, tpeArg.srcPos, traitReq = false, stablePrefixReq = false)

      tpe.underlyingClassRef(refinementOK = false) match {
        case typeRef: TypeRef if typeRef.symbol.isOneOf(Trait | ModuleClass) =>
          report.error(em"non-trait class type required but $tpe found", tpeArg)
        case _ =>
          // an error was already reported above

    /** Performs checks and rewrites specific to classes / objects extending `js.Any`. */
    private def transformJSClassDef(classDef: TypeDef)(using Context): Tree = {
      val sym = classDef.symbol.asClass
      val isJSNative = sym.hasAnnotation(jsdefn.JSNativeAnnot)


      // Forbid @EnableReflectiveInstantiation on JS types
      sym.getAnnotation(jsdefn.EnableReflectiveInstantiationAnnot).foreach { annot =>
            "@EnableReflectiveInstantiation cannot be used on types extending js.Any.",

      // Forbid package objects that extends js.Any
      if (sym.isPackageObject)
        report.error("Package objects may not extend js.Any.", classDef)

      // Check that we do not have a case modifier
      if ( {
            "Classes and objects extending js.Any may not have a case modifier",

      // Check the parents
      for (parentSym <- sym.parentSyms) {
        parentSym match {
          case parentSym if parentSym == defn.ObjectClass =>
            // AnyRef is valid, except for non-native JS classes and objects
            if (!isJSNative && ! {
                  "Non-native JS classes and objects cannot directly extend AnyRef. They must extend a JS class (native or not).",
          case parentSym if isJSAny(parentSym) =>
            // A non-native JS type cannot extend a native JS trait
            // Otherwise, extending a JS type is valid
            if (!isJSNative && && parentSym.hasAnnotation(jsdefn.JSNativeAnnot)) {
                  "Non-native JS types cannot directly extend native JS traits.",
          case parentSym if parentSym == defn.DynamicClass =>
            /* We have to allow scala.Dynamic to be able to define js.Dynamic
             * and similar constructs.
             * This causes the unsoundness filed as scala-js/scala-js#1385.
          case parentSym =>
            /* This is a Scala class or trait other than AnyRef and Dynamic,
             * which is never valid.
                em"${} extends ${parentSym.fullName} which does not extend js.Any.",

      // Checks for non-native JS stuff
      if (!isJSNative) {
        // It cannot be in a native JS class or trait
        if (enclosingOwner is OwnerKind.JSNativeClass) {
              "Native JS classes and traits cannot contain non-native JS classes, traits or objects",

        // Unless it is a trait, it cannot be in a native JS object
        if (! && (enclosingOwner is OwnerKind.JSNativeMod)) {
              "Native JS objects cannot contain inner non-native JS classes or objects",

        // Local JS classes cannot be abstract (implementation restriction)
        if (, butNot = Trait) && sym.isLocalToBlock) {
              "Implementation restriction: local JS classes cannot be abstract",

      // Check for consistency of JS semantics across overriding
      val overridingPairsCursor = new OverridingPairs.Cursor(sym)
      while (overridingPairsCursor.hasNext) {
        val overriding = overridingPairsCursor.overriding
        val overridden = overridingPairsCursor.overridden // prepare for next turn

        val clsSym = sym

        if (overriding.isTerm) {
          def errorPos = {
            if (clsSym == overriding.owner) overriding.srcPos
            else if (clsSym == overridden.owner) overridden.srcPos
            else clsSym.srcPos

          // Some utils inspired by RefChecks

          def infoString0(sym: Symbol, showLocation: Boolean): String = {
            val sym1 = sym.underlyingSymbol
            def info = clsSym.thisType.memberInfo(sym1)
            val infoStr =
              if ( ""
              else i" of type $info"
            val ccStr = s" called from JS as '${sym.jsCallingConvention.displayName}'"
            i"${if (showLocation) sym1.showLocated else sym1}$infoStr$ccStr"

          def infoString(sym: Symbol): String = infoString0(sym, sym.owner != clsSym)
          def infoStringWithLocation(sym: Symbol): String = infoString0(sym, true)

          def emitOverrideError(msg: String): Unit = {
              em"""error overriding ${infoStringWithLocation(overridden)};
                  |  ${infoString(overriding)} $msg""",

          // Check for overrides with different JS names - issue scala-js/scala-js#1983
          if (overriding.jsCallingConvention != overridden.jsCallingConvention)
            emitOverrideError("has a different JS calling convention")

          /* Cannot override a non-@JSOptional with an @JSOptional. Unfortunately
           * at this point the symbols do not have @JSOptional yet, so we need
           * to detect whether it would be applied.
          if (!isJSNative) {
            def isJSOptional(sym: Symbol): Boolean = {
     && ! && !sym.isConstructor &&
            if (isJSOptional(overriding) && !( || isJSOptional(overridden)))
              emitOverrideError("cannot override a concrete member in a non-native JS trait")

      val kind = {
        if (!isJSNative) {
          if ( OwnerKind.JSMod
          else if ( OwnerKind.JSTrait
          else OwnerKind.JSNonTraitClass
        } else {
          if ( OwnerKind.JSNativeMod
          else OwnerKind.JSNativeClass
      enterOwner(kind) {

    private def checkJSNativeDefinition(treePos: SrcPos, annotPos: SrcPos, sym: Symbol)(using Context): Unit = {
      // Check if we may have a JS native here
      if (sym.isLocalToBlock) {
        report.error("@js.native is not allowed on local definitions", annotPos)
      } else if (!sym.isClass && (anyEnclosingOwner is (OwnerKind.ScalaClass | OwnerKind.JSType))) {
        report.error("@js.native vals and defs can only appear in static Scala objects", annotPos)
      } else if (sym.isClass && !isJSAny(sym)) {
        report.error("Classes, traits and objects not extending js.Any may not have an @js.native annotation", annotPos)
      } else if (anyEnclosingOwner is OwnerKind.ScalaClass) {
        report.error("Scala traits and classes may not have native JS members", annotPos)
      } else if (enclosingOwner is OwnerKind.JSNonNative) {
        report.error("non-native JS classes, traits and objects may not have native JS members", annotPos)
      } else {
        // The symbol can be annotated with @js.native. Now check its JS native loading spec.
        if ( {
          for (annot <- sym.annotations) {
            val annotSym = annot.symbol
            if (isJSNativeLoadingSpecAnnot(annotSym))
              report.error(em"Traits may not have an @${} annotation.", annot.tree)
        } else {
          checkJSNativeLoadSpecOf(treePos, sym)

    private def checkJSNativeLoadSpecOf(pos: SrcPos, sym: Symbol)(using Context): Unit = {

      def checkGlobalRefName(globalRef: String): Unit = {
        if (!JSGlobalRef.isValidJSGlobalRefName(globalRef))
          report.error(em"The name of a JS global variable must be a valid JS identifier (got '$globalRef')", pos)

      if (enclosingOwner is OwnerKind.JSNative) {
        /* We cannot get here for @js.native vals and defs. That would mean we
         * have an @js.native val/def inside a JavaScript type, which is not
         * allowed and already caught in checkJSNativeDefinition().
            s"undetected @js.native val or def ${sym.fullName} inside JS type at $pos")

        for (annot <- sym.annotations) {
          val annotSym = annot.symbol
          if (isJSNativeLoadingSpecAnnot(annotSym))
            report.error(em"Nested JS classes and objects cannot have an @${} annotation.", annot.tree)

        if (sym.owner.isStaticOwner) {
          for (annot <- sym.annotations) {
            if (annot.symbol == jsdefn.JSNameAnnot && !(annot.arguments.head.tpe.derivesFrom(defn.StringClass))) {
                  "Implementation restriction: " +
                  "@JSName with a js.Symbol is not supported on nested native classes and objects",

          if (sym.owner.hasAnnotation(jsdefn.JSGlobalScopeAnnot)) {
            val jsName = sym.jsName match {
              case JSName.Literal(jsName) =>
              case JSName.Computed(_) =>
                () // compile error above or in `checkJSNameArgument`
      } else {
        def checkGlobalRefPath(pathName: String): Unit = {
          val dotIndex = pathName.indexOf('.')
          val globalRef =
            if (dotIndex < 0) pathName
            else pathName.substring(0, dotIndex).nn

        checkAndGetJSNativeLoadingSpecAnnotOf(pos, sym) match {
          case Some(annot) if annot.symbol == jsdefn.JSGlobalScopeAnnot =>
            if (! {
                  "@JSGlobalScope can only be used on native JS objects (with @js.native).",

          case Some(annot) if annot.symbol == jsdefn.JSGlobalAnnot =>
            val pathName = annot.argumentConstantString(0).getOrElse {
              val symTermName =
              if (symTermName == nme.apply) {
                    "Native JS definitions named 'apply' must have an explicit name in @JSGlobal",
              } else if (symTermName.isSetterName) {
                    "Native JS definitions with a name ending in '_=' must have an explicit name in @JSGlobal",

          case Some(annot) if annot.symbol == jsdefn.JSImportAnnot =>
            if (annot.arguments.sizeIs < 2) {
              val symTermName =
              if (symTermName == nme.apply) {
                    "Native JS definitions named 'apply' must have an explicit name in @JSImport",
              } else if (symTermName.isSetterName) {
                    "Native JS definitions with a name ending in '_=' must have an explicit name in @JSImport",
            annot.argumentConstantString(2).foreach { globalPathName =>

          case _ =>
            // We already emitted an error in checkAndGetJSNativeLoadingSpecAnnotOf

    /** Transforms a non-`@js.native` ValDef or DefDef in a Scala class. */
    private def transformScalaValOrDefDef(tree: ValOrDefDef)(using Context): Tree = {
      tree match {
        // Catch ValDefs in enumerations with simple calls to Value
        case vd: ValDef
            if (enclosingOwner is OwnerKind.Enum) && jsdefn.scalaEnumeration.isValueMethodNoName(vd.rhs.symbol) =>
          val enumDefn = jsdefn.scalaEnumeration

          // Extract the Int argument if it is present
          val optIntArg = vd.rhs match {
            case _:Select | _:Ident      => None
            case Apply(_, intArg :: Nil) => Some(intArg)

          val defaultName =

          /* Construct the following tree
           *   if (nextName != null && nextName.hasNext)
           *   else
          val thisClass = vd.symbol.owner.asClass
          val nextNameTree = This(thisClass).select(enumDefn.Enumeration_nextName)
          val nullCompTree =
          val hasNextTree =
          val condTree =
          val nameTree = If(condTree,, Literal(Constant(defaultName)))

          val newRhs = optIntArg match {
            case None =>
            case Some(intArg) =>
              This(thisClass).select(enumDefn.Enumeration_Value_IntStringArg).appliedTo(intArg, nameTree)

          cpy.ValDef(vd)(rhs = newRhs)

        case _ =>

    /** Verify a ValOrDefDef that is annotated with `@js.native`. */
    private def transformJSNativeValOrDefDef(tree: ValOrDefDef)(using Context): ValOrDefDef = {
      val sym = tree.symbol

      def annotPos(annotSym: Symbol): SrcPos =

      if ( || sym.isJSSetter)
        report.error("@js.native is not allowed on vars, lazy vals and setter defs", annotPos(jsdefn.JSNativeAnnot))
      else if (sym.isJSBracketAccess)
        report.error("@JSBracketAccess is not allowed on @js.native vals and defs", annotPos(jsdefn.JSBracketAccessAnnot))
      else if (sym.isJSBracketCall)
        report.error("@JSBracketCall is not allowed on @js.native vals and defs", annotPos(jsdefn.JSBracketCallAnnot))

      checkRHSCallsJSNative(tree, "@js.native members")

      // Check that we do not override or implement anything from a superclass
      val overriddenSymbols = sym.allOverriddenSymbols
      if (overriddenSymbols.hasNext) {
        val overridden =
        val verb = if ( "implement" else "override"
        report.error(em"An @js.native member cannot $verb the inherited member ${overridden.fullName}", tree)


    /** Verify a ValOrDefDef inside a js.Any */
    private def transformValOrDefDefInJSType(tree: ValOrDefDef)(using Context): Tree = {
      val sym = tree.symbol

      assert(!sym.isLocalToBlock, i"$tree at ${tree.span}") match {
        case nme.apply if !sym.hasAnnotation(jsdefn.JSNameAnnot) && (! || sym.isJSGetter) =>
              "A member named apply represents function application in JavaScript. " +
              "A parameterless member should be exported as a property. " +
              "You must add @JSName(\"apply\")",

        case nme.equals_ if =>
              "error overriding method equals(that: Any): Boolean in a JS class;\n" +
              "  method equals(that: Any): Boolean is considered final in trait js.Any;\n" +
              "  if you want to define a method named \"equals\" in JavaScript, use a different name and add @JSName(\"equals\").",

        case nme.hashCode_ if =>
              "error overriding method hashCode(): Int in a JS class;\n" +
              "  method hashCode(): Int is considered final in trait js.Any;\n" +
              "  if you want to define a method named \"hashCode\" in JavaScript, use a different name and add @JSName(\"hashCode\").",

        case _ =>

      if (sym.isJSSetter)
        checkSetterSignature(sym, tree, exported = false)

      if (enclosingOwner is OwnerKind.JSNonNative) {
        JSCallingConvention.of(sym) match {
          case JSCallingConvention.Property(_) => // checked above
          case JSCallingConvention.Method(_)   => // no checks needed

          case JSCallingConvention.Call if ! =>
            report.error("A non-native JS class cannot declare a concrete method named `apply` without `@JSName`", tree)

          case JSCallingConvention.Call => // if sym.isDeferred
            /* Allow an abstract `def apply` only if the owner is a plausible
             * JS function SAM trait.
            val owner = sym.owner
            val isPlausibleJSFunctionType = {
              owner.asClass.superClass == jsdefn.JSFunctionClass &&
     == Seq(sym) &&
            if (!isPlausibleJSFunctionType) {
                  "A non-native JS type can only declare an abstract method named `apply` without `@JSName` " +
                  "if it is the SAM of a trait that extends js.Function",

          case JSCallingConvention.BracketAccess =>
            report.error("@JSBracketAccess is not allowed in non-native JS classes", tree)
          case JSCallingConvention.BracketCall =>
            report.error("@JSBracketCall is not allowed in non-native JS classes", tree)
          case JSCallingConvention.UnaryOp(_) =>
            report.error("A non-native JS class cannot declare a method named like a unary operation without `@JSName`", tree)
          case JSCallingConvention.BinaryOp(_) =>
            report.error("A non-native JS class cannot declare a method named like a binary operation without `@JSName`", tree)
      } else {
        def checkNoDefaultOrRepeated(subject: String) = {
          if (
            report.error(s"$subject may not have repeated parameters", tree)
          if (sym.hasDefaultParams)
            report.error(s"$subject may not have default parameters", tree)

        JSCallingConvention.of(sym) match {
          case JSCallingConvention.Property(_) => // checked above
          case JSCallingConvention.Method(_)   => // no checks needed
          case JSCallingConvention.Call        => // no checks needed
          case JSCallingConvention.UnaryOp(_)  => // no checks needed

          case JSCallingConvention.BinaryOp(_) =>
            checkNoDefaultOrRepeated("methods representing binary operations")

          case JSCallingConvention.BracketAccess =>
            val paramCount =
            if (paramCount != 1 && paramCount != 2)
              report.error("@JSBracketAccess methods must have one or two parameters", tree)
            else if (paramCount == 2 && !
              report.error("@JSBracketAccess methods with two parameters must return Unit", tree)

            checkNoDefaultOrRepeated("@JSBracketAccess methods")

          case JSCallingConvention.BracketCall =>
            // JS bracket calls must have at least one non-repeated parameter
   match {
              case mt: MethodType if mt.paramInfos.nonEmpty && !mt.paramInfos.head.isRepeatedParam =>
                // ok
              case _ =>
                report.error("@JSBracketCall methods must have at least one non-repeated parameter", tree)

      if (sym.hasAnnotation(defn.NativeAnnot)) {
        // Native methods are not allowed
        report.error("Methods in a js.Any may not be @native", tree)

      /* In native JS types, there should not be any private member, except
       * private[this] constructors.
      if ((enclosingOwner is OwnerKind.JSNative) && isPrivateMaybeWithin(sym)) {
        if (sym.isClassConstructor) {
          if (!sym.isAllOf(PrivateLocal)) {
                "Native JS classes may not have private constructors. " +
                "Use `private[this]` to declare an internal constructor.",
        } else if (! {
              "Native JS classes may not have private members. " +
              "Use a public member in a private facade instead.",

      if (enclosingOwner is OwnerKind.JSNonNative) {
        // Private methods cannot be overloaded
        if ( && isPrivateMaybeWithin(sym)) {
          val alts =, required = Method)
          if (alts.isOverloaded) {
                "Private methods in non-native JS classes cannot be overloaded. Use different names instead.",

        // private[Scope] methods must be final
        if (!sym.isOneOf(Final | Protected) && sym.privateWithin.exists && !sym.isClassConstructor)
          report.error("Qualified private members in non-native JS classes must be final", tree)

        // Traits must be pure interfaces, except for js.undefined members
        if ( && sym.isTerm && !sym.isConstructor) {
          if ( && isPrivateMaybeWithin(sym)) {
            report.error("A non-native JS trait cannot contain private members", tree)
          } else if ( {
            report.error("A non-native JS trait cannot contain lazy vals", tree)
          } else if ( {
            // #12621
            report.error("A non-native JS trait cannot have constructor parameters", tree)
          } else if (! {
            /* Tell the back-end not to emit this thing. In fact, this only
             * matters for mixed-in members created from this member.

            if (!sym.isSetter) {
              // Check that methods do not have parens
              if (, butNot = Accessor) &&[MethodType])
                report.error("In non-native JS traits, defs with parentheses must be abstract.", tree.rhs)

              // Check that the rhs is `js.undefined`
              tree.rhs match {
                case sel: Select if sel.symbol == jsdefn.JSPackage_undefined =>
                  // ok
                case Apply(Apply(TypeApply(fromTypeConstructorFun, _), (sel: Select) :: Nil), _)
                    if sel.symbol == jsdefn.JSPackage_undefined
                        && fromTypeConstructorFun.symbol == jsdefn.PseudoUnion_fromTypeConstructor =>
                  // ok: js.|.fromTypeConstructor(js.undefined)(...)
                case _ =>
                      "Members of non-native JS traits must either be abstract, or their right-hand-side must be `js.undefined`.",
      } else { // enclosingOwner isnt OwnerKind.JSNonNative
        // Check that the rhs is valid
        if (sym.isPrimaryConstructor || sym.isOneOf(Param | ParamAccessor | Deferred | Synthetic)
            || || sym.isSetter) {
          /* Ignore, i.e., allow:
           * - primary constructor
           * - all kinds of parameters
           * - setters
           * - default parameter getters (i.e., the default value of parameters)
           * - abstract members
           * - synthetic members (to avoid double errors with case classes, e.g. generated copy method)
        } else if (sym.isConstructor) {
          // Force secondary ctor to have only a call to the primary ctor inside
          tree.rhs match {
            case Block(List(Apply(trg, _)), Literal(Constant(())))
                if trg.symbol.isPrimaryConstructor && trg.symbol.owner == sym.owner =>
              // everything is fine here
            case _ =>
                  "A secondary constructor of a native JS class may only call the primary constructor",
        } else {
          // Check that the tree's rhs is exactly `= js.native`
          checkRHSCallsJSNative(tree, "Concrete members of JS native types")


    /** Removes annotations from exported definitions (e.g. `export`):
     *  - `js.native`
     *  - `js.annotation.*`
    private def stripJSAnnotsOnExported(sym: Symbol)(using Context): Unit =
      if ! then
        return // only remove annotations from exported definitions

      val JSNativeAnnot = jsdefn.JSNativeAnnot
      val JSAnnotPackage = jsdefn.JSAnnotPackage

      extension (sym: Symbol) def isJSAnnot =
        (sym eq JSNativeAnnot) || (sym.owner eq JSAnnotPackage)

      val newAnnots = sym.annotations.filterConserve(!_.symbol.isJSAnnot)
      if newAnnots ne sym.annotations then
        sym.annotations = newAnnots
    end stripJSAnnotsOnExported

    private def checkRHSCallsJSNative(tree: ValOrDefDef, longKindStr: String)(using Context): Unit = {
      if then
        return // we already report an error that exports are not allowed here, this prevents extra errors.

      // Check that the rhs is exactly `= js.native`
      tree.rhs match {
        case sel: Select if sel.symbol == jsdefn.JSPackage_native =>
          // ok
        case rhs: Ident if rhs.symbol == jsdefn.JSPackage_native =>
          // ok
        case _ =>
          val pos = if (tree.rhs != EmptyTree) tree.rhs.srcPos else tree.srcPos
          report.error(s"$longKindStr may only call js.native.", pos)

      // Check that the result type was explicitly specified
      // (This is stronger than Scala 2, which only warns, and only if it was inferred as Nothing.)
      if (tree.tpt.isInstanceOf[InferredTypeTree])
        report.error(em"The type of ${} must be explicitly specified because it is JS native.", tree)

    private def checkJSNativeSpecificAnnotsOnNonJSNative(memberDef: MemberDef)(using Context): Unit = {
      for (annot <- memberDef.symbol.annotations) {
        annot.symbol match {
          case annotSym if annotSym == jsdefn.JSGlobalAnnot =>
            report.error("@JSGlobal can only be used on native JS definitions (with @js.native).", annot.tree)
          case annotSym if annotSym == jsdefn.JSImportAnnot =>
            report.error("@JSImport can only be used on native JS definitions (with @js.native).", annot.tree)
          case annotSym if annotSym == jsdefn.JSGlobalScopeAnnot =>
            report.error("@JSGlobalScope can only be used on native JS objects (with @js.native).", annot.tree)
          case _ =>
            // ok

    private def checkJSNameAnnots(sym: Symbol)(using Context): Unit = {
      val allJSNameAnnots = sym.annotations.filter(_.symbol == jsdefn.JSNameAnnot).reverse

      for (annot <- allJSNameAnnots.headOption) {
        // Check everything about the first @JSName annotation
        if (sym.isLocalToBlock || (enclosingOwner isnt OwnerKind.JSType))
          report.error("@JSName can only be used on members of JS types.", annot.tree)
        else if (
          report.error("@JSName cannot be used on traits.", annot.tree)
        else if (isPrivateMaybeWithin(sym))
          report.error("@JSName cannot be used on private members.", annot.tree)
          checkJSNameArgument(sym, annot)

        // Check that there is at most one @JSName annotation.
        for (duplicate <- allJSNameAnnots.tail)
          report.error("Duplicate @JSName annotation.", duplicate.tree)

    /** Checks that the argument to `@JSName` annotations on `memberSym` is legal.
     *  Reports an error on each annotation where this is not the case.
     *  One one `@JSName` annotation is allowed, but that is handled somewhere else.
    private def checkJSNameArgument(memberSym: Symbol, annot: Annotation)(using Context): Unit = {
      val argTree = annot.arguments.head
      if (argTree.tpe.derivesFrom(defn.StringClass)) {
        // We have a String. It must be a literal.
        if (!annot.argumentConstantString(0).isDefined)
          report.error("A String argument to JSName must be a literal string", argTree)
      } else {
        // We have a js.Symbol. It must be a stable reference.
        val sym = argTree.symbol
        if (!sym.isStatic || !sym.isStableMember) {
          report.error("A js.Symbol argument to JSName must be a static, stable identifier", argTree)
        } else if ((enclosingOwner is OwnerKind.JSNonNative) && sym.owner == memberSym.owner) {
              "This symbol is defined in the same object as the annotation's target. " +
              "This will cause a stackoverflow at runtime",

    /** Constant-folds arguments to `@JSExportTopLevel` and `@JSExportStatic`.
     *  Unlike scalac, dotc does not constant-fold expressions in annotations.
     *  Our back-end needs to have access to the arguments to those two
     *  annotations as literal strings, so we specifically constant-fold them
     *  here.
    private def constFoldJSExportTopLevelAndStaticAnnotations(sym: Symbol)(using Context): Unit = {
      val annots = sym.annotations
      val newAnnots = annots.mapConserve { annot =>
        if (annot.symbol == jsdefn.JSExportTopLevelAnnot || annot.symbol == jsdefn.JSExportStaticAnnot) {
          annot.tree match {
            case app @ Apply(fun, args) =>
              val newArgs = args.mapConserve { arg =>
                arg match {
                  case _: Literal =>
                  case _ =>
                    arg.tpe.widenTermRefExpr.normalized match {
                      case ConstantType(c) => Literal(c).withSpan(arg.span)
                      case _               => arg // PrepJSExports will emit an error for those cases
              if (newArgs eq args)
                Annotation(cpy.Apply(app)(fun, newArgs))
            case _ =>
        } else {
      if (newAnnots ne annots)
        sym.annotations = newAnnots

    /** Mark the symbol as exposed if it is a non-private term member of a
     *  non-native JS class.
     *  @param sym
     *    The symbol, which must be the module symbol for a module, not its
     *    module class symbol.
    private def markExposedIfRequired(sym: Symbol)(using Context): Unit = {
      val shouldBeExposed: Boolean = {
        // it is a term member
        sym.isTerm &&
        // it is a member of a non-native JS class
        (enclosingOwner is OwnerKind.JSNonNative) && !sym.isLocalToBlock &&
        // it is not synthetic
        !sym.isOneOf(Synthetic) &&
        // it is not private
        !isPrivateMaybeWithin(sym) &&
        // it is not a constructor
        !sym.isConstructor &&
        // it is not a default getter

      if (shouldBeExposed)

object PrepJSInterop {
  val name: String = "prepjsinterop"
  val description: String = "additional checks and transformations for Scala.js"

  private final class OwnerKind private (private val baseKinds: Int) extends AnyVal {

    inline def isBaseKind: Boolean =
      Integer.lowestOneBit(baseKinds) == baseKinds && baseKinds != 0 // exactly 1 bit on

    // cannot be `inline` because it accesses the private constructor
    @inline def |(that: OwnerKind): OwnerKind =
      new OwnerKind(this.baseKinds | that.baseKinds)

    inline def is(that: OwnerKind): Boolean =
      (this.baseKinds & that.baseKinds) != 0

    inline def isnt(that: OwnerKind): Boolean =

  private object OwnerKind {
    /** No owner, i.e., we are at the top-level. */
    val None = new OwnerKind(0x00)

    // Base kinds - those form a partition of all possible enclosing owners

    /** A Scala class/trait. */
    val NonEnumScalaClass = new OwnerKind(0x01)
    /** A Scala object. */
    val NonEnumScalaMod = new OwnerKind(0x02)
    /** A native JS class/trait, which extends js.Any. */
    val JSNativeClass = new OwnerKind(0x04)
    /** A native JS object, which extends js.Any. */
    val JSNativeMod = new OwnerKind(0x08)
    /** A non-native JS class (not a trait). */
    val JSNonTraitClass = new OwnerKind(0x10)
    /** A non-native JS trait. */
    val JSTrait = new OwnerKind(0x20)
    /** A non-native JS object. */
    val JSMod = new OwnerKind(0x40)
    /** A Scala class/trait that extends Enumeration. */
    val EnumClass = new OwnerKind(0x80)
    /** A Scala object that extends Enumeration. */
    val EnumMod = new OwnerKind(0x100)
    /** The Enumeration class itself. */
    val EnumImpl = new OwnerKind(0x200)

    // Compound kinds

    /** A Scala class/trait, possibly Enumeration-related. */
    val ScalaClass = NonEnumScalaClass | EnumClass | EnumImpl
    /** A Scala object, possibly Enumeration-related. */
    val ScalaMod = NonEnumScalaMod | EnumMod

    /** A Scala class, trait or object, i.e., anything not extending js.Any. */
    val ScalaType = ScalaClass | ScalaMod

    /** A Scala class/trait/object extending Enumeration, but not Enumeration itself. */
    val Enum = EnumClass | EnumMod

    /** A native JS class/trait/object. */
    val JSNative = JSNativeClass | JSNativeMod
    /** A non-native JS class/trait/object. */
    val JSNonNative = JSNonTraitClass | JSTrait | JSMod
    /** A JS type, i.e., something extending js.Any. */
    val JSType = JSNative | JSNonNative

    /** Any kind of class/trait, i.e., a Scala or JS class/trait. */
    val AnyClass = ScalaClass | JSNativeClass | JSNonTraitClass | JSTrait

  /** Tests if the symbol extend `js.Any`.
   *  This is different from `sym.isJSType` because it returns `false` for the
   *  pseudo-union type.
  def isJSAny(sym: Symbol)(using Context): Boolean =

  /** Checks that a setter has the right signature.
   *  Reports error messages otherwise.
  def checkSetterSignature(sym: Symbol, pos: SrcPos, exported: Boolean)(using Context): Unit = {
    val typeStr = if (exported) "Exported" else "JS"

    val tpe =

    // The result type must be Unit
    if (!tpe.resultType.isRef(defn.UnitClass))
      report.error(s"$typeStr setters must return Unit", pos)

    // There must be exactly one non-varargs, non-default parameter
    tpe.paramInfoss match {
      case List(List(argInfo)) =>
        // Arg list is OK. Do additional checks.
        if (tpe.isVarArgsMethod)
          report.error(s"$typeStr setters may not have repeated params", pos)
        if (sym.hasDefaultParams)
          report.error(s"$typeStr setters may not have default params", pos)

      case _ =>
        report.error(s"$typeStr setters must have exactly one argument", pos)

  /** Tests whether the symbol has `private` in any form, either `private`,
   *  `private[this]` or `private[Enclosing]`.
  def isPrivateMaybeWithin(sym: Symbol)(using Context): Boolean = || (sym.privateWithin.exists && !

  /** Checks that the optional argument to an `@JSGlobal` annotation is a
   *  literal.
   *  Reports an error on the annotation if it is not the case.
  private def checkJSGlobalLiteral(annot: Annotation)(using Context): Unit = {
    if (annot.arguments.nonEmpty) {
      assert(annot.arguments.size == 1,
          s"@JSGlobal annotation $annot has more than 1 argument")

      val argIsValid = annot.argumentConstantString(0).isDefined
      if (!argIsValid)
        report.error("The argument to @JSGlobal must be a literal string.", annot.arguments.head)

  /** Checks that arguments to an `@JSImport` annotation are literals.
   *  The second argument can also be the singleton `JSImport.Namespace`
   *  object.
   *  Reports an error on the annotation if it is not the case.
  private def checkJSImportLiteral(annot: Annotation)(using Context): Unit = {
    val args = annot.arguments
    val argCount = args.size
    assert(argCount >= 1 && argCount <= 3,
        i"@JSImport annotation $annot does not have between 1 and 3 arguments")

    val firstArgIsValid = annot.argumentConstantString(0).isDefined
    if (!firstArgIsValid)
      report.error("The first argument to @JSImport must be a literal string.", args.head)

    val secondArgIsValid = argCount < 2 || annot.argumentConstantString(1).isDefined || args(1).symbol == jsdefn.JSImportNamespaceModule
    if (!secondArgIsValid)
      report.error("The second argument to @JSImport must be literal string or the JSImport.Namespace object.", args(1))

    val thirdArgIsValid = argCount < 3 || annot.argumentConstantString(2).isDefined
    if (!thirdArgIsValid)
      report.error("The third argument to @JSImport, when present, must be a literal string.", args(2))

  private def checkAndGetJSNativeLoadingSpecAnnotOf(pos: SrcPos, sym: Symbol)(
      using Context): Option[Annotation] = {

    // Must not have @JSName

    for (annot <- sym.getAnnotation(jsdefn.JSNameAnnot))
      report.error("@JSName can only be used on members of JS types.", annot.tree)

    // Must have exactly one JS native load spec annotation

    val annots = sym.annotations.filter(annot => isJSNativeLoadingSpecAnnot(annot.symbol))

    val badAnnotCountMsg =
      if ( "Native JS objects must have exactly one annotation among @JSGlobal, @JSImport and @JSGlobalScope."
      else "Native JS classes, vals and defs must have exactly one annotation among @JSGlobal and @JSImport."

    annots match {
      case Nil =>
        report.error(badAnnotCountMsg, pos)
      case result :: Nil =>
      case _ =>
        // Annotations are stored in reverse order, which we re-reverse now
        val result :: duplicates = annots.reverse: @unchecked
        for (annot <- duplicates)
          report.error(badAnnotCountMsg, annot.tree)

  /* Note that we consider @JSGlobalScope as a JS native loading spec because
   * it's convenient for the purposes of PrepJSInterop. Actually @JSGlobalScope
   * objects do not receive a JS loading spec in their IR.
  private def isJSNativeLoadingSpecAnnot(sym: Symbol)(using Context): Boolean = {
    sym == jsdefn.JSGlobalAnnot
      || sym == jsdefn.JSImportAnnot
      || sym == jsdefn.JSGlobalScopeAnnot

  private def checkInternalAnnotations(sym: Symbol)(using Context): Unit = {
    /** Returns true iff it is a compiler annotations. */
    def isCompilerAnnotation(annotation: Annotation): Boolean = {
      annotation.symbol == jsdefn.ExposedJSMemberAnnot
        || annotation.symbol == jsdefn.JSTypeAnnot
        || annotation.symbol == jsdefn.JSOptionalAnnot

    for (annotation <- sym.annotations) {
      if (isCompilerAnnotation(annotation)) {
            em"@${annotation.symbol.fullName} is for compiler internal use only. Do not use it yourself.",

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