Maven / Gradle / Ivy
import scala.language.unsafeNulls
/** A specialized implementation of GenericHashMap with standard hashCode and equals
* as comparison
class HashMap[Key, Value]
(initialCapacity: Int = 8, capacityMultiple: Int = 2)
extends GenericHashMap[Key, Value](initialCapacity, capacityMultiple):
/** Hashcode is left-shifted by 1, so lowest bit is not lost
* when taking the index.
final def hash(key: Key): Int =
val h = key.hashCode
// Part of the MurmurHash3 32 bit finalizer
val i = (h ^ (h >>> 16)) * 0x85EBCA6B
val j = (i ^ (i >>> 13)) & 0x7FFFFFFF
(if j==0 then 0x41081989 else j) << 1
final def isEqual(x: Key, y: Key): Boolean = x.equals(y)
// The following methods are duplicated from GenericHashMap
// to avoid polymorphic dispatches
private def index(x: Int): Int = x & (table.length - 2)
private def firstIndex(key: Key) = if isDense then 0 else index(hash(key))
private def nextIndex(idx: Int) =
index(idx + 2)
private def keyAt(idx: Int): Key = table(idx).asInstanceOf[Key]
private def valueAt(idx: Int): Value = table(idx + 1).asInstanceOf[Value]
private def setKey(idx: Int, key: Key) =
table(idx) = key.asInstanceOf[AnyRef]
private def setValue(idx: Int, value: Value) =
table(idx + 1) = value.asInstanceOf[AnyRef]
override def lookup(key: Key): Value | Null =
var idx = firstIndex(key)
var k = keyAt(idx)
while k != null do
if isEqual(k, key) then return valueAt(idx)
idx = nextIndex(idx)
k = keyAt(idx)
override def update(key: Key, value: Value): Unit =
var idx = firstIndex(key)
var k = keyAt(idx)
while k != null do
if isEqual(k, key) then
setValue(idx, value)
idx = nextIndex(idx)
k = keyAt(idx)
setKey(idx, key)
setValue(idx, value)
used += 1
if used > limit then growTable()
private def addOld(key: Key, value: Value): Unit =
var idx = firstIndex(key)
var k = keyAt(idx)
while k != null do
idx = nextIndex(idx)
k = keyAt(idx)
setKey(idx, key)
setValue(idx, value)
override def copyFrom(oldTable: Array[AnyRef | Null]): Unit =
if isDense then
Array.copy(oldTable, 0, table, 0, oldTable.length)
var idx = 0
while idx < oldTable.length do
val key = oldTable(idx).asInstanceOf[Key]
if key != null then addOld(key, oldTable(idx + 1).asInstanceOf[Value])
idx += 2
end HashMap
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