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package backend
package jvm

import scala.language.unsafeNulls

import scala.annotation.{switch, tailrec}
import scala.collection.mutable.SortedMap

import{Handle, Opcodes}
import BCodeHelpers.InvokeStyle

import{Label => LabelFlag, _}
import{nme, str}

 *  @author  Miguel Garcia,
 *  @version 1.0
trait BCodeBodyBuilder extends BCodeSkelBuilder {
  // import global.*
  // import definitions.*
  import tpd.*
  import int.{_, given}
  import DottyBackendInterface.symExtensions
  import bTypes.*
  import coreBTypes.*

  protected val primitives: DottyPrimitives

   * Functionality to build the body of ASM MethodNode, except for `synchronized` and `try` expressions.
  abstract class PlainBodyBuilder(cunit: CompilationUnit) extends PlainSkelBuilder(cunit) {

    import Primitives.TestOp

    /* ---------------- helper utils for generating methods and code ---------------- */

    def emit(opc: Int): Unit = { mnode.visitInsn(opc) }

    def emitZeroOf(tk: BType): Unit = {
      tk match {
        case BOOL => bc.boolconst(false)
        case BYTE  |
             SHORT |
             CHAR  |
             INT     => bc.iconst(0)
        case LONG    => bc.lconst(0)
        case FLOAT   => bc.fconst(0)
        case DOUBLE  => bc.dconst(0)
        case UNIT    => ()
        case _ => emit(asm.Opcodes.ACONST_NULL)

     * Emits code that adds nothing to the operand stack.
     * Two main cases: `tree` is an assignment,
     * otherwise an `adapt()` to UNIT is performed if needed.
    def genStat(tree: Tree): Unit = {

      tree match {
        case Assign(lhs @ DesugaredSelect(qual, _), rhs) =>
          val savedStackSize = stack.recordSize()
          val isStatic = lhs.symbol.isStaticMember
          if (!isStatic) {
            val qualTK = genLoad(qual)
          genLoad(rhs, symInfoTK(lhs.symbol))
          // receiverClass is used in the bytecode to access the field. using sym.owner may lead to IllegalAccessError
          val receiverClass = qual.tpe.typeSymbol
          fieldStore(lhs.symbol, receiverClass)

        case Assign(lhs, rhs) =>
          val s = lhs.symbol
          val Local(tk, _, idx, _) = locals.getOrMakeLocal(s)

          rhs match {
            case Apply(Select(larg: Ident, nme.ADD), Literal(x) :: Nil)
            if larg.symbol == s && tk.isIntSizedType && x.isShortRange =>
              bc.iinc(idx, x.intValue)

            case Apply(Select(larg: Ident, nme.SUB), Literal(x) :: Nil)
            if larg.symbol == s && tk.isIntSizedType && Constant(-x.intValue).isShortRange =>
              bc.iinc(idx, -x.intValue)

            case _ =>
              genLoad(rhs, tk)
    , tk)

        case _ =>
          genLoad(tree, UNIT)

    /* Generate code for primitive arithmetic operations. */
    def genArithmeticOp(tree: Tree, code: Int): BType = tree match{
      case Apply(fun @ DesugaredSelect(larg, _), args) =>
      var resKind = tpeTK(larg)

      assert(resKind.isNumericType || (resKind == BOOL),
             s"$resKind is not a numeric or boolean type [operation: ${fun.symbol}]")

      import ScalaPrimitivesOps.*

      args match {
        // unary operation
        case Nil =>
          genLoad(larg, resKind)
          code match {
            case POS => () // nothing
            case NEG => bc.neg(resKind)
            case NOT => bc.genPrimitiveArithmetic(Primitives.NOT, resKind)
            case _ => abort(s"Unknown unary operation: ${fun.symbol.showFullName} code: $code")

        // binary operation
        case rarg :: Nil =>
          val isShift = isShiftOp(code)
          resKind = tpeTK(larg).maxType(if (isShift) INT else tpeTK(rarg))

          if (isShift || isBitwiseOp(code)) {
            assert(resKind.isIntegralType || (resKind == BOOL),
                   s"$resKind incompatible with arithmetic modulo operation.")

          genLoad(larg, resKind)
          genLoad(rarg, if (isShift) INT else resKind)

          (code: @switch) match {
            case ADD => bc add resKind
            case SUB => bc sub resKind
            case MUL => bc mul resKind
            case DIV => bc div resKind
            case MOD => bc rem resKind

            case OR  | XOR | AND => bc.genPrimitiveLogical(code, resKind)

            case LSL | LSR | ASR => bc.genPrimitiveShift(code, resKind)

            case _                   => abort(s"Unknown primitive: ${fun.symbol}[$code]")

        case _ =>
          abort(s"Too many arguments for primitive function: $tree")

    /* Generate primitive array operations. */
    def genArrayOp(tree: Tree, code: Int, expectedType: BType): BType = tree match{

      case Apply(DesugaredSelect(arrayObj, _), args) =>
      import ScalaPrimitivesOps.*
      val k = tpeTK(arrayObj)
      genLoad(arrayObj, k)
      val elementType = typeOfArrayOp.getOrElse[bTypes.BType](code, abort(s"Unknown operation on arrays: $tree code: $code"))

      var generatedType = expectedType

      if (isArrayGet(code)) {
        // load argument on stack
        assert(args.length == 1, s"Too many arguments for array get operation: $tree");
        genLoad(args.head, INT)
        generatedType = k.asArrayBType.componentType
      else if (isArraySet(code)) {
        val List(a1, a2) = args
        genLoad(a1, INT)
        generatedType = UNIT
      } else {
        generatedType = INT


    def genLoadIfTo(tree: If, expectedType: BType, dest: LoadDestination): BType = tree match{
      case If(condp, thenp, elsep) =>

      val success = new asm.Label
      val failure = new asm.Label

      val hasElse = !elsep.hasAttachment(SyntheticUnit)

      genCond(condp, success, failure, targetIfNoJump = success)

      if dest == LoadDestination.FallThrough then
        if hasElse then
          val thenKind      = tpeTK(thenp)
          val elseKind      = tpeTK(elsep)
          def hasUnitBranch = (thenKind == UNIT || elseKind == UNIT) && expectedType == UNIT
          val resKind       = if (hasUnitBranch) UNIT else tpeTK(tree)

          val postIf = new asm.Label
          genLoadTo(thenp, resKind, LoadDestination.Jump(postIf, stack.recordSize()))
          genLoadTo(elsep, resKind, LoadDestination.FallThrough)
          genLoad(thenp, UNIT)
        end if
        genLoadTo(thenp, expectedType, dest)
        if hasElse then
          genLoadTo(elsep, expectedType, dest)
          genAdaptAndSendToDest(UNIT, expectedType, dest)
      end if

    def genPrimitiveOp(tree: Apply, expectedType: BType): BType = (tree: @unchecked) match {
      case Apply(fun @ DesugaredSelect(receiver, _), _) =>
      val sym = tree.symbol

      val code = primitives.getPrimitive(tree, receiver.tpe)

      import ScalaPrimitivesOps.*

      if (isArithmeticOp(code))                genArithmeticOp(tree, code)
      else if (code == CONCAT) genStringConcat(tree)
      else if (code == HASH)   genScalaHash(receiver)
      else if (isArrayOp(code))                genArrayOp(tree, code, expectedType)
      else if (isLogicalOp(code) || isComparisonOp(code)) {
        val success, failure, after = new asm.Label
        genCond(tree, success, failure, targetIfNoJump = success)
        // success block
        bc boolconst true
        bc goTo after
        // failure block
        bc boolconst false
        // after

      else if (isCoercion(code)) {
      else abort(
        s"Primitive operation not handled yet: ${sym.showFullName}(${}) at: ${tree.span}"

    def genLoad(tree: Tree): BType = {
      val generatedType = tpeTK(tree)
      genLoad(tree, generatedType)

    /* Generate code for trees that produce values on the stack */
    def genLoad(tree: Tree, expectedType: BType): Unit =
      genLoadTo(tree, expectedType, LoadDestination.FallThrough)

    /* Generate code for trees that produce values, sent to a given `LoadDestination`. */
    def genLoadTo(tree: Tree, expectedType: BType, dest: LoadDestination): Unit =
      var generatedType = expectedType
      var generatedDest = LoadDestination.FallThrough


      tree match {
        case tree@ValDef(_, _, _) =>
          val sym = tree.symbol
          /* most of the time, !locals.contains(sym), unless the current activation of genLoad() is being called
             while duplicating a finalizer that contains this ValDef. */
          val loc = locals.getOrMakeLocal(sym)
          val Local(tk, _, idx, isSynth) = loc
          if (tree.rhs == tpd.EmptyTree) { emitZeroOf(tk) }
          else { genLoad(tree.rhs, tk) }
, tk)
          val localVarStart = currProgramPoint()
          if (!isSynth) { // there are case  ValDef's emitted by patmat
            varsInScope ::= (sym -> localVarStart)
          generatedType = UNIT

        case t @ If(_, _, _) =>
          generatedType = genLoadIfTo(t, expectedType, dest)
          generatedDest = dest

        case t @ Labeled(_, _) =>
          generatedType = genLabeledTo(t, expectedType, dest)
          generatedDest = dest

        case r: Return =>
          generatedDest = LoadDestination.Return

        case t @ WhileDo(_, _) =>
          generatedDest = genWhileDo(t)
          generatedType = UNIT

        case t @ Try(_, _, _) =>
          generatedType = genLoadTry(t)

        case t: Apply if eq defn.throwMethod =>
          val thrownExpr = t.args.head
          val thrownKind = tpeTK(thrownExpr)
          genLoadTo(thrownExpr, thrownKind, LoadDestination.Throw)
          generatedDest = LoadDestination.Throw

        case New(tpt) =>
          abort(s"Unexpected New(${tpt.tpe.showSummary()}/$tpt) reached GenBCode.\n" +
                "  Call was genLoad" + ((tree, expectedType)))

        case t @ Closure(env, call, tpt) =>
          val functionalInterface: Symbol =
            if !tpt.isEmpty then tpt.tpe.classSymbol
            else t.tpe.classSymbol
          val (fun, args) = call match {
            case Apply(fun, args) => (fun, args)
            case t @ DesugaredSelect(_, _) => (t, Nil) // TODO: use Select
            case t @ Ident(_) => (t, Nil)

          val savedStackSize = stack.recordSize()
          if (!fun.symbol.isStaticMember) {
            // load receiver of non-static implementation of lambda

            // darkdimius: I haven't found in spec `this` reference should go
            // but I was able to derrive it by reading
            // AbstractValidatingLambdaMetafactory.validateMetafactoryArgs

            val DesugaredSelect(prefix, _) = fun: @unchecked
            val prefixTK = genLoad(prefix)

          genLoadArguments(env, map toTypeKind)
          generatedType = genInvokeDynamicLambda(NoSymbol, fun.symbol, env.size, functionalInterface)

        case app @ Apply(_, _) =>
          generatedType = genApply(app, expectedType)

        case This(qual) =>
          val symIsModuleClass =
          assert(tree.symbol == claszSymbol || symIsModuleClass,
                 s"Trying to access the this of another class: tree.symbol = ${tree.symbol}, class symbol = $claszSymbol compilation unit: $cunit")
          if (symIsModuleClass && tree.symbol != claszSymbol) {
            generatedType = genLoadModule(tree)
          else {
            mnode.visitVarInsn(asm.Opcodes.ALOAD, 0)
            // When compiling Array.scala, the constructor invokes `Array.this.super.`. The expectedType
            // is `[Object` (computed by typeToBType, the type of This(Array) is `Array[T]`). If we would set
            // the generatedType to `Array` below, the call to adapt at the end would fail. The situation is
            // similar for primitives (`I` vs `Int`).
            if (tree.symbol != defn.ArrayClass && !tree.symbol.isPrimitiveValueClass) {
              generatedType = classBTypeFromSymbol(claszSymbol)

        case DesugaredSelect(Ident(nme.EMPTY_PACKAGE), module) =>
          assert(, s"Selection of non-module from empty package: $tree sym: ${tree.symbol} at: ${tree.span}")

        case DesugaredSelect(qualifier, _) =>
          val sym = tree.symbol
          generatedType = symInfoTK(sym)
          val qualSafeToElide = tpd.isIdempotentExpr(qualifier)

          def genLoadQualUnlessElidable(): Unit = { if (!qualSafeToElide) { genLoadQualifier(tree) } }

          // receiverClass is used in the bytecode to access the field. using sym.owner may lead to IllegalAccessError
          def receiverClass = qualifier.tpe.typeSymbol
          if ( {
          } else if (sym.isStaticMember) {
            fieldLoad(sym, receiverClass)
          } else {
            fieldLoad(sym, receiverClass)

        case t @ Ident(name) =>
          val sym = tree.symbol
          val tk = symInfoTK(sym)
          generatedType = tk

          val desugared = cachedDesugarIdent(t)
          desugared match {
            case None =>
              if (! {
                if ( genLoadModule(sym)
                else locals.load(sym)
            case Some(t) =>
              genLoad(t, generatedType)

        case Literal(value) =>
          if (value.tag != UnitTag) (value.tag, expectedType) match {
            case (IntTag,   LONG  ) => bc.lconst(value.longValue);       generatedType = LONG
            case (FloatTag, DOUBLE) => bc.dconst(value.doubleValue);     generatedType = DOUBLE
            case (NullTag,  _     ) => bc.emit(asm.Opcodes.ACONST_NULL); generatedType = srNullRef
            case _                  => genConstant(value);               generatedType = tpeTK(tree)

        case blck @ Block(stats, expr) =>
            genLoadTo(expr, expectedType, dest)
            genBlockTo(blck, expectedType, dest)
          generatedDest = dest

        case Typed(Super(_, _), _) =>
          genLoadTo(tpd.This(claszSymbol.asClass), expectedType, dest)
          generatedDest = dest

        case Typed(expr, _) =>
          genLoadTo(expr, expectedType, dest)
          generatedDest = dest

        case Assign(_, _) =>
          generatedType = UNIT

        case av @ ArrayValue(_, _) =>
          generatedType = genArrayValue(av)

        case mtch @ Match(_, _) =>
          generatedType = genMatchTo(mtch, expectedType, dest)
          generatedDest = dest

        case tpd.EmptyTree => if (expectedType != UNIT) { emitZeroOf(expectedType) }

        case t: TypeApply => // dotty specific
          generatedType = genTypeApply(t)

        case _ => abort(s"Unexpected tree in genLoad: $tree/${tree.getClass} at: ${tree.span}")

      // emit conversion and send to the right destination
      if generatedDest == LoadDestination.FallThrough then
        genAdaptAndSendToDest(generatedType, expectedType, dest)
    end genLoadTo

    def genAdaptAndSendToDest(generatedType: BType, expectedType: BType, dest: LoadDestination): Unit =
      if generatedType != expectedType then
        adapt(generatedType, expectedType)

      dest match
        case LoadDestination.FallThrough =>
        case LoadDestination.Jump(label, targetStackSize) =>
          val stackDiff = stack.heightDiffWrt(targetStackSize)
          if stackDiff != 0 then
            if expectedType == UNIT then
              bc dropMany stackDiff
              val loc = locals.makeTempLocal(expectedType)
    , expectedType)
              bc dropMany stackDiff
              bc.load(loc.idx, expectedType)
          end if
          bc goTo label
        case LoadDestination.Return =>
          bc emitRETURN returnType
        case LoadDestination.Throw =>
          val thrownType = expectedType
          // `throw null` is valid although scala.Null (as defined in src/libray-aux) isn't a subtype of Throwable.
          // Similarly for scala.Nothing (again, as defined in src/libray-aux).
          assert(thrownType.isNullType || thrownType.isNothingType || thrownType.asClassBType.isSubtypeOf(jlThrowableRef))
    end genAdaptAndSendToDest

    // ---------------- field load and store ----------------

     * must-single-thread
    def fieldLoad( field: Symbol, hostClass: Symbol = null): Unit = fieldOp(field, isLoad = true,  hostClass)

     * must-single-thread
    def fieldStore(field: Symbol, hostClass: Symbol = null): Unit = fieldOp(field, isLoad = false, hostClass)

     * must-single-thread
    private def fieldOp(field: Symbol, isLoad: Boolean, specificReceiver: Symbol): Unit = {
      val useSpecificReceiver = specificReceiver != null && !field.isScalaStatic

      val owner      = internalName(if (useSpecificReceiver) specificReceiver else field.owner)
      val fieldJName = field.javaSimpleName
      val fieldDescr = symInfoTK(field).descriptor
      val isStatic   = field.isStaticMember
      val opc =
        if (isLoad) { if (isStatic) asm.Opcodes.GETSTATIC else asm.Opcodes.GETFIELD }
        else        { if (isStatic) asm.Opcodes.PUTSTATIC else asm.Opcodes.PUTFIELD }
      mnode.visitFieldInsn(opc, owner, fieldJName, fieldDescr)


    // ---------------- emitting constant values ----------------

     * For ClazzTag:
     *   must-single-thread
     * Otherwise it's safe to call from multiple threads.
    def genConstant(const: Constant): Unit = {
      (const.tag/*: @switch*/) match {

        case BooleanTag => bc.boolconst(const.booleanValue)

        case ByteTag    => bc.iconst(const.byteValue)
        case ShortTag   => bc.iconst(const.shortValue)
        case CharTag    => bc.iconst(const.charValue)
        case IntTag     => bc.iconst(const.intValue)

        case LongTag    => bc.lconst(const.longValue)
        case FloatTag   => bc.fconst(const.floatValue)
        case DoubleTag  => bc.dconst(const.doubleValue)

        case UnitTag    => ()

        case StringTag  =>
          assert(const.value != null, const) // TODO this invariant isn't documented in `case class Constant`
          mnode.visitLdcInsn(const.stringValue) // `stringValue` special-cases null, but not for a const with StringTag

        case NullTag    => emit(asm.Opcodes.ACONST_NULL)

        case ClazzTag   =>
          val tp = toTypeKind(const.typeValue)
          if tp.isPrimitive then
            val boxedClass = boxedClassOfPrimitive(tp.asPrimitiveBType)
              "TYPE", // field name

        case _ => abort(s"Unknown constant value: $const")

    private def genLabeledTo(tree: Labeled, expectedType: BType, dest: LoadDestination): BType = tree match {
      case Labeled(bind, expr) =>

      val labelSym = bind.symbol

      if dest == LoadDestination.FallThrough then
        val resKind = tpeTK(tree)
        val jumpTarget = new asm.Label
        registerJumpDest(labelSym, resKind, LoadDestination.Jump(jumpTarget, stack.recordSize()))
        genLoad(expr, resKind)
        registerJumpDest(labelSym, expectedType, dest)
        genLoadTo(expr, expectedType, dest)
      end if

    private def genReturn(r: Return): Unit = {
      val expr: Tree = r.expr
      val fromSym: Symbol = if ( r.from.symbol else NoSymbol

      if (NoSymbol == fromSym) {
        // return from enclosing method
        cleanups match {
          case Nil =>
            // not an assertion: !shouldEmitCleanup (at least not yet, pendingCleanups() may still have to run, and reset `shouldEmitCleanup`.
            genLoadTo(expr, returnType, LoadDestination.Return)
          case nextCleanup :: rest =>
            genLoad(expr, returnType)
            val saveReturnValue = (returnType != UNIT)
            if (saveReturnValue) {
              // regarding return value, the protocol is: in place of a `return-stmt`, a sequence of `adapt, store, jump` are inserted.
              if (earlyReturnVar == null) {
                earlyReturnVar = locals.makeLocal(returnType, "earlyReturnVar", expr.tpe, expr.span)
            bc goTo nextCleanup
            shouldEmitCleanup = true
      } else {
        // return from labeled
        assert(, fromSym)
        assert(!, fromSym)

        /* TODO At the moment, we disregard cleanups, because by construction we don't have return-from-labels
         * that cross cleanup boundaries. However, in theory such crossings are valid, so we should take care
         * of them.
        val (exprExpectedType, exprDest) = findJumpDest(fromSym)
        genLoadTo(expr, exprExpectedType, exprDest)
    } // end of genReturn()

    def genWhileDo(tree: WhileDo): LoadDestination = tree match{
      case WhileDo(cond, body) =>

      val isInfinite = cond == tpd.EmptyTree

      val loop = new asm.Label

      if isInfinite then
        val dest = LoadDestination.Jump(loop, stack.recordSize())
        genLoadTo(body, UNIT, dest)
        body match
          case Literal(value) if value.tag == UnitTag =>
            // this is the shape of do..while loops
            val exitLoop = new asm.Label
            genCond(cond, loop, exitLoop, targetIfNoJump = exitLoop)
          case _ =>
            val success = new asm.Label
            val failure = new asm.Label
            genCond(cond, success, failure, targetIfNoJump = success)
            genLoadTo(body, UNIT, LoadDestination.Jump(loop, stack.recordSize()))
        end match

    def genTypeApply(t: TypeApply): BType = (t: @unchecked) match {
      case TypeApply(fun@DesugaredSelect(obj, _), targs) =>

        val sym = fun.symbol
        val cast =
          if (sym == defn.Any_isInstanceOf) false
          else if (sym == defn.Any_asInstanceOf) true
          else abort(s"Unexpected type application $fun[sym: ${sym.showFullName}] in: $t")
        val l = tpeTK(obj)
        val r = tpeTK(targs.head)

        // TODO @lry make pattern match
        if (l.isPrimitive && r.isPrimitive)
          genConversion(l, r, cast)
        else if (l.isPrimitive) {
          bc drop l
          if (cast) {
            mnode.visitTypeInsn(asm.Opcodes.NEW, jlClassCastExceptionRef.internalName)
            bc dup ObjectRef
          } else {
            bc boolconst false
        else if (r.isPrimitive && cast) {
          abort(s"Erasure should have added an unboxing operation to prevent this cast. Tree: $t")
        else if (r.isPrimitive) {
          bc isInstance boxedClassOfPrimitive(r.asPrimitiveBType)
        else {
          assert(r.isRef, r) // ensure that it's not a method
          genCast(r.asRefBType, cast)

        if (cast) r else BOOL
    } // end of genTypeApply()

    private def mkArrayConstructorCall(arr: ArrayBType, app: Apply, args: List[Tree]) = {
      val dims     = arr.dimension
      var elemKind = arr.elementType
      val argsSize = args.length
      if (argsSize > dims) {
        report.error(em"too many arguments for array constructor: found ${args.length} but array has only $dims dimension(s)", ctx.source.atSpan(app.span))
      if (argsSize < dims) {
        /* In one step:
         *   elemKind = new BType(BType.ARRAY, + argsSize, arr.len - argsSize)
         * however the above does not enter a TypeName for each nested arrays in chrs.
        for (i <- args.length until dims) elemKind = ArrayBType(elemKind)
      genLoadArguments(args, List.fill(args.size)(INT))
      (argsSize /*: @switch*/) match {
        case 1 => bc newarray elemKind
        case _ =>
          val descr = ("[" * argsSize) + elemKind.descriptor // denotes the same as: arrayN(elemKind, argsSize).descriptor
          mnode.visitMultiANewArrayInsn(descr, argsSize)

    private def genApply(app: Apply, expectedType: BType): BType = {
      var generatedType = expectedType
      app match {
        case Apply(_, args) if app.symbol eq defn.newArrayMethod =>
          val List(elemClaz, Literal(c: Constant), ArrayValue(_, dims)) = args: @unchecked

          generatedType = toTypeKind(c.typeValue)
          mkArrayConstructorCall(generatedType.asArrayBType, app, dims)
        case Apply(t :TypeApply, _) =>
          generatedType =
            if (t.symbol ne defn.Object_synchronized) genTypeApply(t)
            else genSynchronized(app, expectedType)

        case Apply(fun @ DesugaredSelect(Super(superQual, _), _), args) =>
          // 'super' call: Note: since constructors are supposed to
          // return an instance of what they construct, we have to take
          // special care. On JVM they are 'void', and Scala forbids (syntactically)
          // to call super constructors explicitly and/or use their 'returned' value.
          // therefore, we can ignore this fact, and generate code that leaves nothing
          // on the stack (contrary to what the type in the AST says).

          // scala/bug#10290: qual can be `this.$outer()` (not just `this`), so we call genLoad (not just ALOAD_0)
          val superQualTK = genLoad(superQual)
          genLoadArguments(args, paramTKs(app))
          generatedType = genCallMethod(fun.symbol, InvokeStyle.Super, app.span)

        // 'new' constructor call: Note: since constructors are
        // thought to return an instance of what they construct,
        // we have to 'simulate' it by DUPlicating the freshly created
        // instance (on JVM,  methods return VOID).
        case Apply(fun @ DesugaredSelect(New(tpt), nme.CONSTRUCTOR), args) =>
          val ctor = fun.symbol
          assert(ctor.isClassConstructor, s"'new' call to non-constructor: ${}")

          generatedType = toTypeKind(tpt.tpe)
          assert(generatedType.isRef, s"Non reference type cannot be instantiated: $generatedType")

          generatedType match {
            case arr: ArrayBType =>
              mkArrayConstructorCall(arr, app, args)

            case rt: ClassBType =>
              assert(classBTypeFromSymbol(ctor.owner) == rt, s"Symbol ${ctor.owner.showFullName} is different from $rt")
              mnode.visitTypeInsn(asm.Opcodes.NEW, rt.internalName)
              bc dup generatedType
              genLoadArguments(args, paramTKs(app))
              genCallMethod(ctor, InvokeStyle.Special, app.span)

            case _ =>
              abort(s"Cannot instantiate $tpt of kind: $generatedType")

        case Apply(fun, List(expr)) if Erasure.Boxing.isBox(fun.symbol) && fun.symbol.denot.owner != defn.UnitModuleClass =>
          val nativeKind = tpeTK(expr)
          genLoad(expr, nativeKind)
          val MethodNameAndType(mname, methodType) = asmBoxTo(nativeKind)
          bc.invokestatic(srBoxesRuntimeRef.internalName, mname, methodType.descriptor, itf = false)
          generatedType = boxResultType(fun.symbol) // was toTypeKind(fun.symbol.tpe.resultType)

        case Apply(fun, List(expr)) if Erasure.Boxing.isUnbox(fun.symbol) && fun.symbol.denot.owner != defn.UnitModuleClass =>
          val boxType = unboxResultType(fun.symbol) // was toTypeKind(fun.symbol.owner.linkedClassOfClass.tpe)
          generatedType = boxType
          val MethodNameAndType(mname, methodType) = asmUnboxTo(boxType)
          bc.invokestatic(srBoxesRuntimeRef.internalName, mname, methodType.descriptor, itf = false)

        case app @ Apply(fun, args) =>
          val sym = fun.symbol

          if (isPrimitive(fun)) { // primitive method call
            generatedType = genPrimitiveOp(app, expectedType)
          } else { // normal method call
            val invokeStyle =
              if (sym.isStaticMember) InvokeStyle.Static
              else if ( || sym.isClassConstructor) InvokeStyle.Special
              else if (app.hasAttachment(BCodeHelpers.UseInvokeSpecial)) InvokeStyle.Special
              else InvokeStyle.Virtual

            val savedStackSize = stack.recordSize()
            if invokeStyle.hasInstance then
            genLoadArguments(args, paramTKs(app))

            val DesugaredSelect(qual, name) = fun: @unchecked // fun is a Select, also checked in genLoadQualifier
            val isArrayClone = name == nme.clone_ && qual.tpe.widen.isInstanceOf[JavaArrayType]
            if (isArrayClone) {
              // Special-case Array.clone, introduced in 36ef60e. The goal is to generate this call
              // as "[I.clone" instead of "java/lang/Object.clone". This is consistent with javac.
              // Arrays have a public method `clone` (jls 10.7).
              // The JVMS is not explicit about this, but that receiver type can be an array type
              // descriptor (instead of a class internal name):
              //   invokevirtual  #2; //Method "[I".clone:()Ljava/lang/Object
              // Note that using `Object.clone()` would work as well, but only because the JVM
              // relaxes protected access specifically if the receiver is an array:
              // Example: `class C { override def clone(): Object = "hi" }`
              // Emitting `def f(c: C) = c.clone()` as `Object.clone()` gives a VerifyError.
              val target: String = tpeTK(qual).asRefBType.classOrArrayType
              val methodBType = asmMethodType(sym)
              bc.invokevirtual(target, sym.javaSimpleName, methodBType.descriptor)
              generatedType = methodBType.returnType
            } else {
              val receiverClass = if (!invokeStyle.isVirtual) null else {
                // receiverClass is used in the bytecode to as the method receiver. using sym.owner
                // may lead to IllegalAccessErrors, see 9954eaf / aladdin bug 455.
                val qualSym = qual.tpe.typeSymbol
                if (qualSym == defn.ArrayClass) {
                  // For invocations like `Array(1).hashCode` or `.wait()`, use Object as receiver
                  // in the bytecode. Using the array descriptor (like we do for clone above) seems
                  // to work as well, but it seems safer not to change this. Javac also uses Object.
                  // Note that array apply/update/length are handled by isPrimitive (above).
                  assert(sym.owner == defn.ObjectClass, s"unexpected array call: $app")
                } else qualSym
              generatedType = genCallMethod(sym, invokeStyle, app.span, receiverClass)

    } // end of genApply()

    private def genArrayValue(av: tpd.JavaSeqLiteral): BType = {
      val ArrayValue(tpt, elems) = av: @unchecked

      genArray(elems, tpt)

    private def genArray(elems: List[Tree], elemType: Type): BType = {
      val elmKind       = toTypeKind(elemType)
      val generatedType = ArrayBType(elmKind)

      bc iconst   elems.length
      bc newarray elmKind

      // during the genLoad below, there is the result, its dup, and the index

      var i = 0
      var rest = elems
      while (!rest.isEmpty) {
        bc dup     generatedType
        bc iconst  i
        genLoad(rest.head, elmKind)
        bc astore  elmKind
        rest = rest.tail
        i = i + 1



    /* A Match node contains one or more case clauses, each case clause lists one or more
     * Int/String values to use as keys, and a code block. The exception is the "default" case
     * clause which doesn't list any key (there is exactly one of these per match).
    private def genMatchTo(tree: Match, expectedType: BType, dest: LoadDestination): BType = tree match {
      case Match(selector, cases) =>

      val (generatedType, postMatch, postMatchDest) =
        if dest == LoadDestination.FallThrough then
          val postMatch = new asm.Label
          (tpeTK(tree), postMatch, LoadDestination.Jump(postMatch, stack.recordSize()))
          (expectedType, null, dest)

      // Only two possible selector types exist in `Match` trees at this point: Int and String
      if (tpeTK(selector) == INT) {

        /* On a first pass over the case clauses, we flatten the keys and their
         * targets (the latter represented with asm.Labels). That representation
         * allows JCodeMethodV to emit a lookupswitch or a tableswitch.
         * On a second pass, we emit the switch blocks, one for each different target.

        var flatKeys: List[Int]       = Nil
        var targets:  List[asm.Label] = Nil
        var default:  asm.Label       = null
        var switchBlocks: List[(asm.Label, Tree)] = Nil

        genLoad(selector, INT)

        // collect switch blocks and their keys, but don't emit yet any switch-block.
        for (caze @ CaseDef(pat, guard, body) <- cases) {
          assert(guard == tpd.EmptyTree, guard)
          val switchBlockPoint = new asm.Label
          switchBlocks ::= (switchBlockPoint, body)
          pat match {
            case Literal(value) =>
              flatKeys ::= value.intValue
              targets  ::= switchBlockPoint
            case Ident(nme.WILDCARD) =>
              assert(default == null, s"multiple default targets in a Match node, at ${tree.span}")
              default = switchBlockPoint
            case Alternative(alts) =>
              alts foreach {
                case Literal(value) =>
                  flatKeys ::= value.intValue
                  targets  ::= switchBlockPoint
                case _ =>
                  abort(s"Invalid alternative in alternative pattern in Match node: $tree at: ${tree.span}")
            case _ =>
              abort(s"Invalid pattern in Match node: $tree at: ${tree.span}")

        bc.emitSWITCH(mkArrayReverse(flatKeys), mkArrayL(targets.reverse), default, MIN_SWITCH_DENSITY)

        // emit switch-blocks.
        for (sb <- switchBlocks.reverse) {
          val (caseLabel, caseBody) = sb
          genLoadTo(caseBody, generatedType, postMatchDest)
      } else {

        /* Since the JVM doesn't have a way to switch on a string, we  switch
         * on the `hashCode` of the string then do an `equals` check (with a
         * possible second set of jumps if blocks can be reach from multiple
         * string alternatives).
         * This mirrors the way that Java compiles `switch` on Strings.

        var default:  asm.Label       = null
        var indirectBlocks: List[(asm.Label, Tree)] = Nil

        // Cases grouped by their hashCode
        val casesByHash = SortedMap.empty[Int, List[(String, Either[asm.Label, Tree])]]
        var caseFallback: Tree = null

        for (caze @ CaseDef(pat, guard, body) <- cases) {
          assert(guard == tpd.EmptyTree, guard)
          pat match {
            case Literal(value) =>
              val strValue = value.stringValue
              casesByHash.updateWith(strValue.##) { existingCasesOpt =>
                val newCase = (strValue, Right(body))
                Some(newCase :: existingCasesOpt.getOrElse(Nil))
            case Ident(nme.WILDCARD) =>
              assert(default == null, s"multiple default targets in a Match node, at ${tree.span}")
              default = new asm.Label
              indirectBlocks ::= (default, body)
            case Alternative(alts) =>
              // We need an extra basic block since multiple strings can lead to this code
              val indirectCaseGroupLabel = new asm.Label
              indirectBlocks ::= (indirectCaseGroupLabel, body)
              alts foreach {
                case Literal(value) =>
                  val strValue = value.stringValue
                  casesByHash.updateWith(strValue.##) { existingCasesOpt =>
                    val newCase = (strValue, Left(indirectCaseGroupLabel))
                    Some(newCase :: existingCasesOpt.getOrElse(Nil))
                case _ =>
                  abort(s"Invalid alternative in alternative pattern in Match node: $tree at: ${tree.span}")

            case _ =>
              abort(s"Invalid pattern in Match node: $tree at: ${tree.span}")

        // Organize the hashCode options into switch cases
        var flatKeys: List[Int]       = Nil
        var targets:  List[asm.Label] = Nil
        var hashBlocks: List[(asm.Label, List[(String, Either[asm.Label, Tree])])] = Nil
        for ((hashValue, hashCases) <- casesByHash) {
          val switchBlockPoint = new asm.Label
          hashBlocks ::= (switchBlockPoint, hashCases)
          flatKeys ::= hashValue
          targets  ::= switchBlockPoint

        // Push the hashCode of the string (or `0` it is `null`) onto the stack and switch on it
        bc.emitSWITCH(mkArrayReverse(flatKeys), mkArrayL(targets.reverse), default, MIN_SWITCH_DENSITY)

        // emit blocks for each hash case
        for ((hashLabel, caseAlternatives) <- hashBlocks.reverse) {
          for ((caseString, indirectLblOrBody) <- caseAlternatives) {
            val comparison = if (caseString == null) defn.Any_== else defn.Any_equals
            val condp = Literal(Constant(caseString)).select(defn.Any_==).appliedTo(tree.selector)
            val keepGoing = new asm.Label
            indirectLblOrBody match {
              case Left(jump) =>
                genCond(condp, jump, keepGoing, targetIfNoJump = keepGoing)

              case Right(caseBody) =>
                val thisCaseMatches = new asm.Label
                genCond(condp, thisCaseMatches, keepGoing, targetIfNoJump = thisCaseMatches)
                genLoadTo(caseBody, generatedType, postMatchDest)
          bc goTo default

        // emit blocks for common patterns
        for ((caseLabel, caseBody) <- indirectBlocks.reverse) {
          genLoadTo(caseBody, generatedType, postMatchDest)

      if postMatch != null then

    def genBlockTo(tree: Block, expectedType: BType, dest: LoadDestination): Unit = tree match {
      case Block(stats, expr) =>

      val savedScope = varsInScope
      varsInScope = Nil
      stats foreach genStat
      genLoadTo(expr, expectedType, dest)
      varsInScope = savedScope

    /** Add entries to the `LocalVariableTable` JVM attribute for all the vars in
     *  `varsInScope`, ending at the current program point.
    def emitLocalVarScopes(): Unit =
      if (emitVars) {
        val end = currProgramPoint()
        for ((sym, start) <- varsInScope.reverse) {
          emitLocalVarScope(sym, start, end)
    end emitLocalVarScopes

    def adapt(from: BType, to: BType): Unit = {
      if (!from.conformsTo(to)) {
        to match {
          case UNIT => bc drop from
          case _    => bc.emitT2T(from, to)
      } else if (from.isNothingType) {
        /* There are two possibilities for from.isNothingType: emitting a "throw e" expressions and
         * loading a (phantom) value of type Nothing.
         * The Nothing type in Scala's type system does not exist in the JVM. In bytecode, Nothing
         * is mapped to scala.runtime.Nothing$. To the JVM, a call to Predef.??? looks like it would
         * return an object of type Nothing$. We need to do something with that phantom object on
         * the stack. "Phantom" because it never exists: such methods always throw, but the JVM does
         * not know that.
         * Note: The two verifiers (old: type inference, new: type checking) have different
         * requirements. Very briefly:
         * Old ( at
         * each program point, no matter what branches were taken to get there
         *   - Stack is same size and has same typed values
         *   - Local and stack values need to have consistent types
         *   - In practice, the old verifier seems to ignore unreachable code and accept any
         *     instructions after an ATHROW. For example, there can be another ATHROW (without
         *     loading another throwable first).
         * New (
         *   - Requires consistent stack map frames. GenBCode generates stack frames if -target:jvm-1.6
         *     or higher.
         *   - In practice: the ASM library computes stack map frames for us (ClassWriter). Emitting
         *     correct frames after an ATHROW is probably complex, so ASM uses the following strategy:
         *       - Every time when generating an ATHROW, a new basic block is started.
         *       - During classfile writing, such basic blocks are found to be dead: no branches go there
         *       - Eliminating dead code would probably require complex shifts in the output byte buffer
         *       - But there's an easy solution: replace all code in the dead block with
         *         `nop; nop; ... nop; athrow`, making sure the bytecode size stays the same
         *       - The corresponding stack frame can be easily generated: on entering a dead the block,
         *         the frame requires a single Throwable on the stack.
         *       - Since there are no branches to the dead block, the frame requirements are never violated.
         * To summarize the above: it does matter what we emit after an ATHROW.
         * NOW: if we end up here because we emitted a load of a (phantom) value of type Nothing$,
         * there was no ATHROW emitted. So, we have to make the verifier happy and do something
         * with that value. Since Nothing$ extends Throwable, the easiest is to just emit an ATHROW.
         * If we ended up here because we generated a "throw e" expression, we know the last
         * emitted instruction was an ATHROW. As explained above, it is OK to emit a second ATHROW,
         * the verifiers will be happy.
        if (lastInsn.getOpcode != asm.Opcodes.ATHROW)
      } else if (from.isNullType) {
        /* After loading an expression of type `scala.runtime.Null$`, introduce POP; ACONST_NULL.
         * This is required to pass the verifier: in Scala's type system, Null conforms to any
         * reference type. In bytecode, the type Null is represented by scala.runtime.Null$, which
         * is not a subtype of all reference types. Example:
         *   def nl: Null = null // in bytecode, nl has return type scala.runtime.Null$
         *   val a: String = nl  // OK for Scala but not for the JVM, scala.runtime.Null$ does not conform to String
         * In order to fix the above problem, the value returned by nl is dropped and ACONST_NULL is
         * inserted instead - after all, an expression of type scala.runtime.Null$ can only be null.
        if (lastInsn.getOpcode != asm.Opcodes.ACONST_NULL) {
          bc drop from
      else (from, to) match  {
        case (BYTE, LONG) | (SHORT, LONG) | (CHAR, LONG) | (INT, LONG) => bc.emitT2T(INT, LONG)
        case _ => ()

    /* Emit code to Load the qualifier of `tree` on top of the stack. */
    def genLoadQualifier(tree: Tree): BType = {
      tree match {
        case DesugaredSelect(qualifier, _) => genLoad(qualifier)
        case t: Ident             => // dotty specific
          cachedDesugarIdent(t) match {
            case Some(sel) => genLoadQualifier(sel)
            case None =>
              assert(t.symbol.owner == this.claszSymbol)
        case _                    => abort(s"Unknown qualifier $tree")

    def genLoadArguments(args: List[Tree], btpes: List[BType]): Unit =
      @tailrec def loop(args: List[Tree], btpes: List[BType]): Unit =
        args match
          case arg :: args1 =>
            btpes match
              case btpe :: btpes1 =>
                genLoad(arg, btpe)
                loop(args1, btpes1)
              case _ =>
          case _ =>

      val savedStackSize = stack.recordSize()
      loop(args, btpes)
    end genLoadArguments

    def genLoadModule(tree: Tree): BType = {
      val module = (
        if (! tree.symbol
        else match {
          case NoSymbol => abort(s"SI-5604: Cannot use package as value: $tree")
          case s        => abort(s"SI-5604: found package class where package object expected: $tree")

    def genLoadModule(module: Symbol): Unit = {
      def inStaticMethod = methSymbol != null && methSymbol.isStaticMember
      if (claszSymbol == module.moduleClass && jMethodName != "readResolve" && !inStaticMethod) {
        mnode.visitVarInsn(asm.Opcodes.ALOAD, 0)
      } else {
        val mbt = symInfoTK(module).asClassBType
          mbt.internalName /* + "$" */ ,
          mbt.descriptor // for nostalgics: toTypeKind(module.tpe).descriptor

    def genConversion(from: BType, to: BType, cast: Boolean): Unit = {
      if (cast) { bc.emitT2T(from, to) }
      else {
        bc drop from
        bc boolconst (from == to)

    def genCast(to: RefBType, cast: Boolean): Unit = {
      if (cast) { bc checkCast  to }
      else      { bc isInstance to }

    /* Is the given symbol a primitive operation? */
    def isPrimitive(fun: Tree): Boolean = {

    /* Generate coercion denoted by "code" */
    def genCoercion(code: Int): Unit = {
      import ScalaPrimitivesOps.*
      (code: @switch) match {
        case B2B | S2S | C2C | I2I | L2L | F2F | D2D => ()
        case _ =>
          val from = coercionFrom(code)
          val to   = coercionTo(code)
          bc.emitT2T(from, to)

    /* Generate string concatenation
     * On JDK 8: create and append using `StringBuilder`
     * On JDK 9+: use `invokedynamic` with `StringConcatFactory`
    def genStringConcat(tree: Tree): BType = {
      liftStringConcat(tree) match {
        // Optimization for expressions of the form "" + x
        case List(Literal(Constant("")), arg) =>
          genLoad(arg, ObjectRef)
          genCallMethod(defn.String_valueOf_Object, InvokeStyle.Static)

        case concatenations =>
          val concatArguments = concatenations.view
            .filter {
              case Literal(Constant("")) => false // empty strings are no-ops in concatenation
              case _ => true
            .map {
              case Apply(boxOp, value :: Nil) if Erasure.Boxing.isBox(boxOp.symbol) && boxOp.symbol.denot.owner != defn.UnitModuleClass =>
                // Eliminate boxing of primitive values. Boxing is introduced by erasure because
                // there's only a single synthetic `+` method "added" to the string class.
              case other => other

          // `StringConcatFactory` only got added in JDK 9, so use `StringBuilder` for lower
          if (backendUtils.classfileVersion < asm.Opcodes.V9) {

            // Estimate capacity needed for the string builder
            val approxBuilderSize = {
              case Literal(Constant(s: String)) => s.length
              case Literal(c @ Constant(_)) if c.isNonUnitAnyVal => String.valueOf(c).length
              case _ => 0

            stack.push(jlStringBuilderRef) // during the genLoad below, there is a reference to the StringBuilder on the stack
            for (elem <- concatArguments) {
              val elemType = tpeTK(elem)
              genLoad(elem, elemType)

          } else {

            /* `StringConcatFactory#makeConcatWithConstants` accepts max 200 argument slots. If
             * the string concatenation is longer (unlikely), we spill into multiple calls
            val MaxIndySlots = 200
            val TagArg = '\u0001'    // indicates a hole (in the recipe string) for an argument
            val TagConst = '\u0002'  // indicates a hole (in the recipe string) for a constant

            val recipe = new StringBuilder()
            val argTypes = Seq.newBuilder[asm.Type]
            val constVals = Seq.newBuilder[String]
            var totalArgSlots = 0
            var countConcats = 1     // ie. 1 + how many times we spilled

            val savedStackSize = stack.recordSize()

            for (elem <- concatArguments) {
              val tpe = tpeTK(elem)
              val elemSlots = tpe.size

              // Unlikely spill case
              if (totalArgSlots + elemSlots >= MaxIndySlots) {
                for _ <- 0 until countConcats do
                bc.genIndyStringConcat(recipe.toString, argTypes.result(), constVals.result())
                countConcats += 1
                totalArgSlots = 0

              elem match {
                case Literal(Constant(s: String)) =>
                  if (s.contains(TagArg) || s.contains(TagConst)) {
                    totalArgSlots += elemSlots
                    constVals += s
                  } else {

                case other =>
                  totalArgSlots += elemSlots
                  val tpe = tpeTK(elem)
                  argTypes += tpe.toASMType
                  genLoad(elem, tpe)
            bc.genIndyStringConcat(recipe.toString, argTypes.result(), constVals.result())

            // If we spilled, generate one final concat
            if (countConcats > 1) {
                TagArg.toString * countConcats,

     * Generate a method invocation. If `specificReceiver != null`, it is used as receiver in the
     * invocation instruction, otherwise `method.owner`. A specific receiver class is needed to
     * prevent an IllegalAccessError, (aladdin bug 455).
    def genCallMethod(method: Symbol, style: InvokeStyle, pos: Span = NoSpan, specificReceiver: Symbol = null): BType = {
      val methodOwner = method.owner

      // the class used in the invocation's method descriptor in the classfile
      val receiverClass = {
        if (specificReceiver != null)
          assert(style.isVirtual || specificReceiver == methodOwner, s"specificReceiver can only be specified for virtual calls. $method - $specificReceiver")

        val useSpecificReceiver = specificReceiver != null && !defn.isBottomClass(specificReceiver) && !method.isScalaStatic
        val receiver = if (useSpecificReceiver) specificReceiver else methodOwner

        // workaround for a JVM bug:
        // when an interface method overrides a member of Object (note that all interfaces implicitly
        // have superclass Object), the receiver needs to be the interface declaring the override (and
        // not a sub-interface that inherits it). example:
        //   trait T { override def clone(): Object = "" }
        //   trait U extends T
        //   class C extends U
        //   class D { def f(u: U) = u.clone() }
        // The invocation `u.clone()` needs `T` as a receiver:
        //   - using Object is illegal, as Object.clone is protected
        //   - using U results in a `NoSuchMethodError: U.clone. This is the JVM bug.
        // Note that a mixin forwarder is generated, so the correct method is executed in the end:
        //   class C { override def clone(): Object = super[T].clone() }
        val isTraitMethodOverridingObjectMember = {
          receiver != methodOwner && // fast path - the boolean is used to pick either of these two, if they are the same it does not matter
            style.isVirtual &&
            isEmittedInterface(receiver) &&
            defn.ObjectType.decl( && { // fast path - compute overrideChain on the next line only if necessary
              val syms = method.allOverriddenSymbols.toList
              !syms.isEmpty && syms.last.owner == defn.ObjectClass
        if (isTraitMethodOverridingObjectMember) methodOwner else receiver
      } // ensure types the type is up to date; erasure may add lateINTERFACE to traits
      val receiverName = internalName(receiverClass)

      val jname    = method.javaSimpleName
      val bmType   = asmMethodType(method)
      val mdescr   = bmType.descriptor

      val isInterface = isEmittedInterface(receiverClass)
      import InvokeStyle.*
      if (style == Super) {
        if (isInterface && ! {
          val args = new Array[BType](bmType.argumentTypes.length + 1)
          val ownerBType = toTypeKind(
          bmType.argumentTypes.copyToArray(args, 1)
          val staticDesc = MethodBType(ownerBType :: bmType.argumentTypes, bmType.returnType).descriptor
          val staticName = traitSuperAccessorName(method)
          bc.invokestatic(receiverName, staticName, staticDesc, isInterface)
        } else {
          bc.invokespecial(receiverName, jname, mdescr, isInterface)
      } else {
        val opc = style match {
          case Static => Opcodes.INVOKESTATIC
          case Special => Opcodes.INVOKESPECIAL
          case Virtual => if (isInterface) Opcodes.INVOKEINTERFACE else Opcodes.INVOKEVIRTUAL
        bc.emitInvoke(opc, receiverName, jname, mdescr, isInterface)

    } // end of genCallMethod()

    /* Generate the scala ## method. */
    def genScalaHash(tree: Tree): BType = {
      genLoad(tree, ObjectRef)
      genCallMethod(NoSymbol, InvokeStyle.Static) // used to dispatch ## on primitives to ScalaRuntime.hash. Should be implemented by a miniphase

     * Returns a list of trees that each should be concatenated, from left to right.
     * It turns a chained call like "a".+("b").+("c") into a list of arguments.
    def liftStringConcat(tree: Tree): List[Tree] = tree match {
      case tree @ Apply(fun @ DesugaredSelect(larg, method), rarg) =>
        if (isPrimitive(fun) &&
            primitives.getPrimitive(tree, larg.tpe) == ScalaPrimitivesOps.CONCAT)
          liftStringConcat(larg) ::: rarg
          tree :: Nil
      case _ =>
        tree :: Nil

    /* Emit code to compare the two top-most stack values using the 'op' operator. */
    private def genCJUMP(success: asm.Label, failure: asm.Label, op: TestOp, tk: BType, targetIfNoJump: asm.Label, negated: Boolean = false): Unit = {
      if (targetIfNoJump == success) genCJUMP(failure, success, op.negate(), tk, targetIfNoJump, negated = !negated)
      else {
        if (tk.isIntSizedType) { // BOOL, BYTE, CHAR, SHORT, or INT
          bc.emitIF_ICMP(op, success)
        } else if (tk.isRef) { // REFERENCE(_) | ARRAY(_)
          bc.emitIF_ACMP(op, success)
        } else {
          import Primitives.*
          def useCmpG = if (negated) op == GT || op == GE else op == LT || op == LE
          (tk: @unchecked) match {
            case LONG   => emit(asm.Opcodes.LCMP)
            case FLOAT  => emit(if (useCmpG) asm.Opcodes.FCMPG else asm.Opcodes.FCMPL)
            case DOUBLE => emit(if (useCmpG) asm.Opcodes.DCMPG else asm.Opcodes.DCMPL)
          bc.emitIF(op, success)
        if (targetIfNoJump != failure) bc goTo failure

    /* Emits code to compare (and consume) stack-top and zero using the 'op' operator */
    private def genCZJUMP(success: asm.Label, failure: asm.Label, op: TestOp, tk: BType, targetIfNoJump: asm.Label, negated: Boolean = false): Unit = {
      import Primitives.*
      if (targetIfNoJump == success) genCZJUMP(failure, success, op.negate(), tk, targetIfNoJump, negated = !negated)
      else {
        if (tk.isIntSizedType) { // BOOL, BYTE, CHAR, SHORT, or INT
          bc.emitIF(op, success)
        } else if (tk.isRef) { // REFERENCE(_) | ARRAY(_)
          (op: @unchecked) match { // references are only compared with EQ and NE
            case EQ => bc emitIFNULL    success
            case NE => bc emitIFNONNULL success
        } else {
          def useCmpG = if (negated) op == GT || op == GE else op == LT || op == LE
          (tk: @unchecked) match {
            case LONG   =>
            case FLOAT  =>
              emit(if (useCmpG) asm.Opcodes.FCMPG else asm.Opcodes.FCMPL)
            case DOUBLE =>
              emit(if (useCmpG) asm.Opcodes.DCMPG else asm.Opcodes.DCMPL)
          bc.emitIF(op, success)
        if (targetIfNoJump != failure) bc goTo failure

    def testOpForPrimitive(primitiveCode: Int) = (primitiveCode: @switch) match {
       case ScalaPrimitivesOps.ID => Primitives.EQ
       case ScalaPrimitivesOps.NI => Primitives.NE
       case ScalaPrimitivesOps.EQ => Primitives.EQ
       case ScalaPrimitivesOps.NE => Primitives.NE
       case ScalaPrimitivesOps.LT => Primitives.LT
       case ScalaPrimitivesOps.LE => Primitives.LE
       case ScalaPrimitivesOps.GT => Primitives.GT
       case ScalaPrimitivesOps.GE => Primitives.GE

     * Generate code for conditional expressions.
     * The jump targets success/failure of the test are `then-target` and `else-target` resp.
    private def genCond(tree: Tree, success: asm.Label, failure: asm.Label, targetIfNoJump: asm.Label): Unit = {

      def genComparisonOp(l: Tree, r: Tree, code: Int): Unit = {
        val op = testOpForPrimitive(code)
        def isNull(t: Tree): Boolean = t match {
          case Literal(Constant(null)) => true
          case _ => false
        def ifOneIsNull(l: Tree, r: Tree): Tree = if (isNull(l)) r else if (isNull(r)) l else null
        val nonNullSide = if (ScalaPrimitivesOps.isReferenceEqualityOp(code)) ifOneIsNull(l, r) else null
        if (nonNullSide != null) {
          // special-case reference (in)equality test for null (null eq x, x eq null)
          genLoad(nonNullSide, ObjectRef)
          genCZJUMP(success, failure, op, ObjectRef, targetIfNoJump)
        } else {
          val tk = tpeTK(l).maxType(tpeTK(r))
          genLoad(l, tk)
          genLoad(r, tk)
          genCJUMP(success, failure, op, tk, targetIfNoJump)

      def loadAndTestBoolean() = {
        genLoad(tree, BOOL)
        genCZJUMP(success, failure, Primitives.NE, BOOL, targetIfNoJump)

      tree match {

        case tree @ Apply(fun, args) if primitives.isPrimitive(fun.symbol) =>
          import ScalaPrimitivesOps.{ ZNOT, ZAND, ZOR, EQ }

          // lhs and rhs of test
          lazy val DesugaredSelect(lhs, _) = fun: @unchecked
          val rhs = if (args.isEmpty) tpd.EmptyTree else args.head // args.isEmpty only for ZNOT

          def genZandOrZor(and: Boolean): Unit = {
            // reaching "keepGoing" indicates the rhs should be evaluated too (ie not short-circuited).
            val keepGoing = new asm.Label

            if (and) genCond(lhs, keepGoing, failure, targetIfNoJump = keepGoing)
            else     genCond(lhs, success,   keepGoing, targetIfNoJump = keepGoing)

            genCond(rhs, success, failure, targetIfNoJump)

          primitives.getPrimitive(fun.symbol) match {
            case ZNOT   => genCond(lhs, failure, success, targetIfNoJump)
            case ZAND   => genZandOrZor(and = true)
            case ZOR    => genZandOrZor(and = false)
            case code   =>
              if (ScalaPrimitivesOps.isUniversalEqualityOp(code) && tpeTK(lhs).isClass) {
                // rewrite `==` to null tests and `equals`. not needed for arrays (`equals` is reference equality).
                if (code == EQ) genEqEqPrimitive(lhs, rhs, success, failure, targetIfNoJump)
                else            genEqEqPrimitive(lhs, rhs, failure, success, targetIfNoJump)
              } else if (ScalaPrimitivesOps.isComparisonOp(code)) {
                genComparisonOp(lhs, rhs, code)
              } else

        case Block(stats, expr) =>
          /* Push the decision further down the `expr`.
           * This is particularly effective for the shape of do..while loops.
          val savedScope = varsInScope
          varsInScope = Nil
          stats foreach genStat
          genCond(expr, success, failure, targetIfNoJump)
          varsInScope = savedScope

        case If(condp, thenp, elsep) =>
          val innerSuccess = new asm.Label
          val innerFailure = new asm.Label
          genCond(condp, innerSuccess, innerFailure, targetIfNoJump = innerSuccess)
          genCond(thenp, success, failure, targetIfNoJump = innerFailure)
          genCond(elsep, success, failure, targetIfNoJump)

        case _ => loadAndTestBoolean()

    } // end of genCond()

     * Generate the "==" code for object references. It is equivalent of
     * if (l eq null) r eq null else l.equals(r);
     * @param l       left-hand-side  of the '=='
     * @param r       right-hand-side of the '=='
    def genEqEqPrimitive(l: Tree, r: Tree, success: asm.Label, failure: asm.Label, targetIfNoJump: asm.Label): Unit = {

      /* True if the equality comparison is between values that require the use of the rich equality
       * comparator (scala.runtime.Comparator.equals). This is the case when either side of the
       * comparison might have a run-time type subtype of java.lang.Number or java.lang.Character.
       * When it is statically known that both sides are equal and subtypes of Number of Character,
       * not using the rich equality is possible (their own equals method will do ok.)
      val mustUseAnyComparator: Boolean = {
        val areSameFinals = && && (l.tpe =:= r.tpe)
        // todo: remove
        def isMaybeBoxed(sym: Symbol): Boolean = {
          (sym == defn.ObjectClass) ||
            (sym == defn.JavaSerializableClass) ||
            (sym == defn.ComparableClass) ||
            (sym derivesFrom defn.BoxedNumberClass) ||
            (sym derivesFrom defn.BoxedCharClass) ||
            (sym derivesFrom defn.BoxedBooleanClass)
        !areSameFinals && isMaybeBoxed(l.tpe.typeSymbol) && isMaybeBoxed(r.tpe.typeSymbol)
      def isNull(t: Tree): Boolean = t match {
        case Literal(Constant(null)) => true
        case _ => false
      def isNonNullExpr(t: Tree): Boolean = t.isInstanceOf[Literal] || ((t.symbol ne null) &&

      if (mustUseAnyComparator) {
        val equalsMethod: Symbol = {
          if (l.tpe <:< {
            if (r.tpe <:< defn.BoxesRunTimeModule.requiredMethod(nme.equalsNumNum)
            else if (r.tpe <:< defn.BoxesRunTimeModule.requiredMethod(nme.equalsNumChar)
            else defn.BoxesRunTimeModule.requiredMethod(nme.equalsNumObject)
          } else defn.BoxesRunTimeModule_externalEquals

        genLoad(l, ObjectRef)
        genLoad(r, ObjectRef)
        genCallMethod(equalsMethod, InvokeStyle.Static)
        genCZJUMP(success, failure, Primitives.NE, BOOL, targetIfNoJump)
      else {
        if (isNull(l)) {
          // null == expr -> expr eq null
          genLoad(r, ObjectRef)
          genCZJUMP(success, failure, Primitives.EQ, ObjectRef, targetIfNoJump)
        } else if (isNull(r)) {
          // expr == null -> expr eq null
          genLoad(l, ObjectRef)
          genCZJUMP(success, failure, Primitives.EQ, ObjectRef, targetIfNoJump)
        } else if (isNonNullExpr(l)) {
          // SI-7852 Avoid null check if L is statically non-null.
          genLoad(l, ObjectRef)
          genLoad(r, ObjectRef)
          genCallMethod(defn.Any_equals, InvokeStyle.Virtual)
          genCZJUMP(success, failure, Primitives.NE, BOOL, targetIfNoJump)
        } else {
          // l == r -> if (l eq null) r eq null else l.equals(r)
          val eqEqTempLocal = locals.makeLocal(ObjectRef, nme.EQEQ_LOCAL_VAR.mangledString, defn.ObjectType, r.span)
          val lNull    = new asm.Label
          val lNonNull = new asm.Label

          genLoad(l, ObjectRef)
          genLoad(r, ObjectRef)

          bc dup ObjectRef
          genCZJUMP(lNull, lNonNull, Primitives.EQ, ObjectRef, targetIfNoJump = lNull)

          bc drop ObjectRef
          genCZJUMP(success, failure, Primitives.EQ, ObjectRef, targetIfNoJump = lNonNull)

          genCallMethod(defn.Any_equals, InvokeStyle.Virtual)
          genCZJUMP(success, failure, Primitives.NE, BOOL, targetIfNoJump)

    def genSynchronized(tree: Apply, expectedType: BType): BType
    def genLoadTry(tree: Try): BType

    def genInvokeDynamicLambda(ctor: Symbol, lambdaTarget: Symbol, environmentSize: Int, functionalInterface: Symbol): BType = {
      import java.lang.invoke.LambdaMetafactory.{FLAG_BRIDGES, FLAG_SERIALIZABLE}

      report.debuglog(s"Using invokedynamic rather than `new ${ctor.owner}`")
      val generatedType = classBTypeFromSymbol(functionalInterface)
      // Lambdas should be serializable if they implement a SAM that extends Serializable or if they
      // implement a scala.Function* class.
      val isSerializable = functionalInterface.isSerializable || defn.isFunctionClass(functionalInterface)
      val isInterface = isEmittedInterface(lambdaTarget.owner)
      val invokeStyle =
        if (lambdaTarget.isStaticMember) asm.Opcodes.H_INVOKESTATIC
        else if ( || lambdaTarget.isClassConstructor) asm.Opcodes.H_INVOKESPECIAL
        else if (isInterface) asm.Opcodes.H_INVOKEINTERFACE
        else asm.Opcodes.H_INVOKEVIRTUAL

      val targetHandle =
        new asm.Handle(invokeStyle,
          /* itf = */ isInterface)

      val (a,b) =
      var (capturedParamsTypes, lambdaParamTypes) = (a,b)

      if (invokeStyle != asm.Opcodes.H_INVOKESTATIC) capturedParamsTypes = :: capturedParamsTypes

      // Requires on the runtime classpath
      val returnUnit = == defn.UnitClass
      val functionalInterfaceDesc: String = generatedType.descriptor
      val desc = => toTypeKind(tpe)).mkString(("("), "", ")") + functionalInterfaceDesc
      // TODO specialization
      val instantiatedMethodType = new MethodBType( => toTypeKind(p)), toTypeKind(

      val samMethod = atPhase(erasurePhase) {
        val samMethods = toDenot(functionalInterface).info.possibleSamMethods.toList
        samMethods match {
          case x :: Nil => x.symbol
          case Nil => abort(s"${} is not a functional interface. It doesn't have abstract methods")
          case xs => abort(s"${} is not a functional interface. " +
            s"It has the following abstract methods: ${", ")}")

      val methodName = samMethod.javaSimpleName
      val samMethodType = asmMethodType(samMethod).toASMType
      // scala/bug#10334: make sure that a lambda object for `T => U` has a method `apply(T)U`, not only the `(Object)Object`
      // version. Using the lambda a structural type `{def apply(t: T): U}` causes a reflective lookup for this method.
      val needsGenericBridge = samMethodType != instantiatedMethodType
      val bridgeMethods = atPhase(erasurePhase){
      val overriddenMethodTypes = => asmMethodType(b).toASMType)

      // any methods which `samMethod` overrides need bridges made for them
      // this is done automatically during erasure for classes we generate, but LMF needs to have them explicitly mentioned
      // so we have to compute them at this relatively late point.
      val bridgeTypes = (
        if (needsGenericBridge)
          instantiatedMethodType +: overriddenMethodTypes
      ).distinct.filterNot(_ == samMethodType)

      val needsBridges = bridgeTypes.nonEmpty

      def flagIf(b: Boolean, flag: Int): Int = if (b) flag else 0
      val flags = flagIf(isSerializable, FLAG_SERIALIZABLE) | flagIf(needsBridges, FLAG_BRIDGES)

      val bsmArgs0 = Seq(samMethodType, targetHandle, instantiatedMethodType)
      val bsmArgs1 = if (flags != 0) Seq( else Seq.empty
      val bsmArgs2 = if needsBridges then bridgeTypes.length +: bridgeTypes else Seq.empty

      val bsmArgs = bsmArgs0 ++ bsmArgs1 ++ bsmArgs2

      val metafactory =
        if (flags != 0)
          jliLambdaMetaFactoryAltMetafactoryHandle // altMetafactory required to be able to pass the flags and additional arguments if needed

      bc.jmethod.visitInvokeDynamicInsn(methodName, desc, metafactory, bsmArgs*)


  /** Does this symbol actually correspond to an interface that will be emitted?
   *  In the backend, this should be preferred over `isInterface` because it
   *  also returns true for the symbols of the fake companion objects we
   *  create for Java-defined classes as well as for Java annotations
   *  which we represent as classes.
  private def isEmittedInterface(sym: Symbol): Boolean = sym.isInterface || && (toDenot(sym).isAnnotation || && ( ||


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