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import{DataOutputStream, File, IOException, BufferedOutputStream, FileOutputStream}
import java.nio.ByteBuffer
import java.nio.channels.{ClosedByInterruptException, FileChannel}
import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets.UTF_8
import java.nio.file.*
import java.nio.file.attribute.FileAttribute
import java.util
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap
import{CRC32, Deflater, ZipEntry, ZipOutputStream}
import{AbstractFile, PlainFile, VirtualFile}
import BTypes.InternalName
import scala.util.chaining.*
import scala.language.unsafeNulls
/** !!! This file is now copied in `` in a more general way that does not rely upon
* `PostProcessorFrontendAccess`, this should probably be changed to wrap that class instead.
* Until then, any changes to this file should be copied to `` as well.
class ClassfileWriters(frontendAccess: PostProcessorFrontendAccess) {
import frontendAccess.{compilerSettings, backendReporting}
sealed trait TastyWriter {
def writeTasty(name: InternalName, bytes: Array[Byte], sourceFile: AbstractFile): Unit
* The interface to writing classfiles. GeneratedClassHandler calls these methods to generate the
* directory and files that are created, and eventually calls `close` when the writing is complete.
* The companion object is responsible for constructing a appropriate and optimal implementation for
* the supplied settings.
* Operations are threadsafe.
sealed trait ClassfileWriter extends TastyWriter {
* Write a classfile
def writeClass(name: InternalName, bytes: Array[Byte], sourceFile: AbstractFile): AbstractFile
* Close the writer. Behavior is undefined after a call to `close`.
def close(): Unit
protected def classRelativePath(className: InternalName, suffix: String = ".class"): String =
className.replace('.', '/').nn + suffix
object ClassfileWriter {
private def getDirectory(dir: String): Path = Paths.get(dir).nn
def apply(): ClassfileWriter = {
val jarManifestMainClass: Option[String] = compilerSettings.mainClass.orElse {
frontendAccess.getEntryPoints match {
case List(name) => Some(name)
case es =>
if es.isEmpty then backendReporting.log("No Main-Class designated or discovered.")
else backendReporting.log(s"No Main-Class due to multiple entry points:\n ${es.mkString("\n ")}")
// In Scala 2 depenening on cardinality of distinct output dirs MultiClassWriter could have been used
// In Dotty we always use single output directory
val basicClassWriter = new SingleClassWriter(
FileWriter(compilerSettings.outputDirectory, jarManifestMainClass)
val withAdditionalFormats =
.filter{path => Files.exists(path).tap{ok => if !ok then backendReporting.error(em"Output dir does not exist: ${path.toString}")}}
.map(out => FileWriter(out.toPlainFile, None))
.fold[ClassfileWriter](basicClassWriter)(new DebugClassWriter(basicClassWriter, _))
// val enableStats = settings.areStatisticsEnabled && settings.YaddBackendThreads.value == 1
// if (enableStats) new WithStatsWriter(withAdditionalFormats) else
private final class SingleClassWriter(underlying: FileWriter) extends ClassfileWriter {
override def writeClass(className: InternalName, bytes: Array[Byte], sourceFile: AbstractFile): AbstractFile = {
underlying.writeFile(classRelativePath(className), bytes)
override def writeTasty(className: InternalName, bytes: Array[Byte], sourceFile: AbstractFile): Unit = {
underlying.writeFile(classRelativePath(className, ".tasty"), bytes)
override def close(): Unit = underlying.close()
private final class DebugClassWriter(basic: ClassfileWriter, dump: FileWriter) extends ClassfileWriter {
override def writeClass(className: InternalName, bytes: Array[Byte], sourceFile: AbstractFile): AbstractFile = {
val outFile = basic.writeClass(className, bytes, sourceFile)
dump.writeFile(classRelativePath(className), bytes)
override def writeTasty(className: InternalName, bytes: Array[Byte], sourceFile: AbstractFile): Unit = {
basic.writeTasty(className, bytes, sourceFile)
override def close(): Unit = {
sealed trait FileWriter {
def writeFile(relativePath: String, bytes: Array[Byte]): AbstractFile
def close(): Unit
object FileWriter {
def apply(file: AbstractFile, jarManifestMainClass: Option[String]): FileWriter =
if (file.isInstanceOf[JarArchive]) {
val jarCompressionLevel = compilerSettings.jarCompressionLevel
// Writing to non-empty JAR might be an undefined behaviour, e.g. in case if other files where
// created using `AbstractFile.bufferedOutputStream`instead of JarWriter
val jarFile = file.underlyingSource.getOrElse{
throw new IllegalStateException("No underlying source for jar")
assert(file.isEmpty, s"Unsafe writing to non-empty JAR: $jarFile")
new JarEntryWriter(jarFile, jarManifestMainClass, jarCompressionLevel)
else if (file.isVirtual) new VirtualFileWriter(file)
else if (file.isDirectory) new DirEntryWriter(file.file.toPath.nn)
else throw new IllegalStateException(s"don't know how to handle an output of $file [${file.getClass}]")
private final class JarEntryWriter(file: AbstractFile, mainClass: Option[String], compressionLevel: Int) extends FileWriter {
//keep these imports local - avoid confusion with scala naming
import java.util.jar.Attributes.Name.{MANIFEST_VERSION, MAIN_CLASS}
import java.util.jar.{JarOutputStream, Manifest}
val storeOnly = compressionLevel == Deflater.NO_COMPRESSION
val jarWriter: JarOutputStream = {
import scala.util.Properties.*
val manifest = new Manifest
val attrs = manifest.getMainAttributes.nn
attrs.put(MANIFEST_VERSION, "1.0")
attrs.put(ScalaCompilerVersion, versionNumberString)
mainClass.foreach(c => attrs.put(MAIN_CLASS, c))
val jar = new JarOutputStream(new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(file.file), 64000), manifest)
if (storeOnly) jar.setMethod(ZipOutputStream.STORED)
lazy val crc = new CRC32
override def writeFile(relativePath: String, bytes: Array[Byte]): AbstractFile = this.synchronized {
val entry = new ZipEntry(relativePath)
if (storeOnly) {
// When using compression method `STORED`, the ZIP spec requires the CRC and compressed/
// uncompressed sizes to be written before the data. The JarOutputStream could compute the
// values while writing the data, but not patch them into the stream after the fact. So we
// need to pre-compute them here. The compressed size is taken from size.
// With compression method `DEFLATED` JarOutputStream computes and sets the values.
try jarWriter.write(bytes, 0, bytes.length)
finally jarWriter.flush()
// important detail here, even on Windows, Zinc expects the separator within the jar
// to be the system default, (even if in the actual jar file the entry always uses '/').
// see
val pathInJar =
if File.separatorChar == '/' then relativePath
else relativePath.replace('/', File.separatorChar)
override def close(): Unit = this.synchronized(jarWriter.close())
private final class DirEntryWriter(base: Path) extends FileWriter {
val builtPaths = new ConcurrentHashMap[Path, java.lang.Boolean]()
val noAttributes = Array.empty[FileAttribute[?]]
private val isWindows = scala.util.Properties.isWin
private def checkName(component: Path): Unit = if (isWindows) {
val specials = raw"(?i)CON|PRN|AUX|NUL|COM[1-9]|LPT[1-9]".r
val name = component.toString
def warnSpecial(): Unit = backendReporting.warning(em"path component is special Windows device: ${name}")
specials.findPrefixOf(name).foreach(prefix => if (prefix.length == name.length || name(prefix.length) == '.') warnSpecial())
def ensureDirForPath(baseDir: Path, filePath: Path): Unit = {
import java.lang.Boolean.TRUE
val parent = filePath.getParent
if (!builtPaths.containsKey(parent)) {
try Files.createDirectories(parent, noAttributes*)
catch {
case e: FileAlreadyExistsException =>
// `createDirectories` reports this exception if `parent` is an existing symlink to a directory
// but that's fine for us (and common enough, `scalac -d /tmp` on mac targets symlink).
if (!Files.isDirectory(parent))
throw new FileConflictException(s"Can't create directory $parent; there is an existing (non-directory) file in its path", e)
builtPaths.put(baseDir, TRUE)
var current = parent
while ((current ne null) && (null ne builtPaths.put(current, TRUE))) {
current = current.getParent
// the common case is that we are are creating a new file, and on MS Windows the create and truncate is expensive
// because there is not an options in the windows API that corresponds to this so the truncate is applied as a separate call
// even if the file is new.
// as this is rare, its best to always try to create a new file, and it that fails, then open with truncate if that fails
private val fastOpenOptions = util.EnumSet.of(StandardOpenOption.CREATE_NEW, StandardOpenOption.WRITE)
private val fallbackOpenOptions = util.EnumSet.of(StandardOpenOption.CREATE, StandardOpenOption.WRITE, StandardOpenOption.TRUNCATE_EXISTING)
override def writeFile(relativePath: String, bytes: Array[Byte]): AbstractFile = {
val path = base.resolve(relativePath)
try {
ensureDirForPath(base, path)
val os = if (isWindows) {
try, fastOpenOptions)
catch {
case _: FileAlreadyExistsException =>, fallbackOpenOptions)
} else, fallbackOpenOptions)
try os.write(ByteBuffer.wrap(bytes), 0L)
catch {
case ex: ClosedByInterruptException =>
try Files.deleteIfExists(path) // don't leave a empty of half-written classfile around after an interrupt
catch { case _: Throwable => () }
throw ex
} catch {
case e: FileConflictException =>
backendReporting.error(em"error writing ${path.toString}: ${e.getMessage}")
case e: java.nio.file.FileSystemException =>
if (compilerSettings.debug) e.printStackTrace()
backendReporting.error(em"error writing ${path.toString}: ${e.getClass.getName} ${e.getMessage}")
override def close(): Unit = ()
private final class VirtualFileWriter(base: AbstractFile) extends FileWriter {
private def getFile(base: AbstractFile, path: String): AbstractFile = {
def ensureDirectory(dir: AbstractFile): AbstractFile =
if (dir.isDirectory) dir
else throw new FileConflictException(s"${base.path}/${path}: ${dir.path} is not a directory")
val components = path.split('/')
var dir = base
for (i <- 0 until components.length - 1) dir = ensureDirectory(dir) subdirectoryNamed components(i).toString
ensureDirectory(dir) fileNamed components.last.toString
private def writeBytes(outFile: AbstractFile, bytes: Array[Byte]): Unit = {
val out = new DataOutputStream(outFile.bufferedOutput)
try out.write(bytes, 0, bytes.length)
finally out.close()
override def writeFile(relativePath: String, bytes: Array[Byte]): AbstractFile = {
val outFile = getFile(base, relativePath)
writeBytes(outFile, bytes)
override def close(): Unit = ()
/** Can't output a file due to the state of the file system. */
class FileConflictException(msg: String, cause: Throwable = null) extends IOException(msg, cause)
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