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package dotc
import core.*
import Contexts.*
import Periods.*
import Symbols.*
import Scopes.*
import Names.Name
import Denotations.Denotation
import typer.Typer
import typer.ImportInfo.withRootImports
import Decorators.*
import io.AbstractFile
import Phases.{unfusedPhases, Phase}
import sbt.interfaces.ProgressCallback
import util.*
import reporting.{Suppression, Action, Profile, ActiveProfile, NoProfile}
import reporting.Diagnostic
import reporting.Diagnostic.Warning
import rewrites.Rewrites
import profile.Profiler
import printing.XprintMode
import typer.ImplicitRunInfo
import config.Feature
import StdNames.nme
import{BufferedWriter, OutputStreamWriter}
import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets
import scala.collection.mutable
import scala.util.control.NonFatal
import Run.Progress
import scala.compiletime.uninitialized
/** A compiler run. Exports various methods to compile source files */
class Run(comp: Compiler, ictx: Context) extends ImplicitRunInfo with ConstraintRunInfo {
/** Default timeout to stop looking for further implicit suggestions, in ms.
* This is usually for the first import suggestion; subsequent suggestions
* may get smaller timeouts. @see ImportSuggestions.reduceTimeBudget
private var myImportSuggestionBudget: Int =
Int.MinValue // sentinel value; means whatever is set in command line option
def importSuggestionBudget =
if myImportSuggestionBudget == Int.MinValue then ictx.settings.XimportSuggestionTimeout.value
else myImportSuggestionBudget
def importSuggestionBudget_=(x: Int) =
myImportSuggestionBudget = x
/** If this variable is set to `true`, some core typer operations will
* return immediately. Currently these early abort operations are
* `Typer.typed` and `Implicits.typedImplicit`.
@volatile var isCancelled = false
private var compiling = false
private var myUnits: List[CompilationUnit] = Nil
private var myUnitsCached: List[CompilationUnit] = Nil
private var myFiles: Set[AbstractFile] = uninitialized
// `@nowarn` annotations by source file, populated during typer
private val mySuppressions: mutable.LinkedHashMap[SourceFile, mutable.ListBuffer[Suppression]] = mutable.LinkedHashMap.empty
// source files whose `@nowarn` annotations are processed
private val mySuppressionsComplete: mutable.Set[SourceFile] = mutable.Set.empty
// warnings issued before a source file's `@nowarn` annotations are processed, suspended so that `@nowarn` can filter them
private val mySuspendedMessages: mutable.LinkedHashMap[SourceFile, mutable.LinkedHashSet[Warning]] = mutable.LinkedHashMap.empty
object suppressions:
// When the REPL creates a new run (ReplDriver.compile), parsing is already done in the old context, with the
// previous Run. Parser warnings were suspended in the old run and need to be copied over so they are not lost.
// Same as scala/scala/commit/79ca1408c7.
def initSuspendedMessages(oldRun: Run | Null) = if oldRun != null then
mySuspendedMessages ++= oldRun.mySuspendedMessages
def suppressionsComplete(source: SourceFile) = source == NoSource || mySuppressionsComplete(source)
def addSuspendedMessage(warning: Warning) =
mySuspendedMessages.getOrElseUpdate(warning.pos.source, mutable.LinkedHashSet.empty) += warning
def nowarnAction(dia: Diagnostic): Action.Warning.type | Action.Verbose.type | Action.Silent.type =
mySuppressions.getOrElse(dia.pos.source, Nil).find(_.matches(dia)) match {
case Some(s) =>
if (s.verbose) Action.Verbose
else Action.Silent
case _ =>
def addSuppression(sup: Suppression): Unit =
val source = sup.annotPos.source
mySuppressions.getOrElseUpdate(source, mutable.ListBuffer.empty) += sup
def reportSuspendedMessages(source: SourceFile)(using Context): Unit = {
// sort suppressions. they are not added in any particular order because of lazy type completion
for (sups <- mySuppressions.get(source))
mySuppressions(source) = sups.sortBy(sup => 0 - sup.start)
mySuppressionsComplete += source
def runFinished(hasErrors: Boolean): Unit =
// report suspended messages (in case the run finished before typer)
// report unused nowarns only if all all phases are done
if !hasErrors && ctx.settings.WunusedHas.nowarn then
for {
source <- mySuppressions.keysIterator.toList
sups <- mySuppressions.remove(source)
sup <- sups.reverse
} if (!sup.used)
report.warning("@nowarn annotation does not suppress any warnings", sup.annotPos)
/** The compilation units currently being compiled, this may return different
* results over time.
def units: List[CompilationUnit] = myUnits
private def units_=(us: List[CompilationUnit]): Unit =
myUnits = us
var suspendedUnits: mutable.ListBuffer[CompilationUnit] = mutable.ListBuffer()
var suspendedHints: mutable.Map[CompilationUnit, (String, Boolean)] = mutable.HashMap()
/** Were any units suspended in the typer phase? if so then pipeline tasty can not complete. */
var suspendedAtTyperPhase: Boolean = false
def checkSuspendedUnits(newUnits: List[CompilationUnit])(using Context): Unit =
if newUnits.isEmpty && suspendedUnits.nonEmpty && !ctx.reporter.errorsReported then
val where =
if suspendedUnits.size == 1 then i"in ${suspendedUnits.head}."
else i"""among
| ${suspendedUnits.toList}%, %
val enableXprintSuspensionHint =
if ctx.settings.XprintSuspension.value then ""
else "\n\nCompile with -Xprint-suspension for information."
report.error(em"""Cyclic macro dependencies $where
|Compilation stopped since no further progress can be made.
|To fix this, place macros in one set of files and their callers in another.$enableXprintSuspensionHint""")
/** The files currently being compiled (active or suspended).
* This may return different results over time.
* These files do not have to be source files since it's possible to compile
* from TASTY.
def files: Set[AbstractFile] = {
if (myUnits ne myUnitsCached) {
myUnitsCached = myUnits
myFiles = (myUnits ++ suspendedUnits).map(_.source.file).toSet
/** The source files of all late entered symbols, as a set */
private val lateFiles = mutable.Set[AbstractFile]()
/** A cache for static references to packages and classes */
val staticRefs = util.EqHashMap[Name, Denotation](initialCapacity = 1024)
/** Actions that need to be performed at the end of the current compilation run */
private var finalizeActions = mutable.ListBuffer[() => Unit]()
private var _progress: Progress | Null = null // Set if progress reporting is enabled
private inline def trackProgress(using Context)(inline op: Context ?=> Progress => Unit): Unit =
private inline def foldProgress[T](using Context)(inline default: T)(inline op: Context ?=> Progress => T): T =
val local = _progress
if local != null then
op(using ctx)(local)
def didEnterUnit(unit: CompilationUnit)(using Context): Boolean =
foldProgress(true /* should progress by default */)(_.tryEnterUnit(unit))
def canProgress()(using Context): Boolean =
foldProgress(true /* not cancelled by default */)(p => !p.checkCancellation())
def doAdvanceUnit()(using Context): Unit =
trackProgress: progress =>
progress.currentUnitCount += 1 // trace that we completed a unit in the current (sub)phase
def doAdvanceLate()(using Context): Unit =
trackProgress: progress =>
progress.currentLateUnitCount += 1 // trace that we completed a late compilation
private def doEnterPhase(currentPhase: Phase)(using Context): Unit =
trackProgress: progress =>
/** interrupt the thread and set cancellation state */
private def cancelInterrupted(): Unit =
private def doAdvancePhase(currentPhase: Phase, wasRan: Boolean)(using Context): Unit =
trackProgress: progress =>
progress.currentUnitCount = 0 // reset unit count in current (sub)phase
progress.currentCompletedSubtraversalCount = 0 // reset subphase index to initial
progress.seenPhaseCount += 1 // trace that we've seen a (sub)phase
if wasRan then
// add an extra traversal now that we completed a (sub)phase
progress.completedTraversalCount += 1
// no subphases were ran, remove traversals from expected total
progress.totalTraversals -= currentPhase.traversals
private def tryAdvanceSubPhase()(using Context): Unit =
trackProgress: progress =>
if progress.canAdvanceSubPhase then
progress.currentUnitCount = 0 // reset unit count in current (sub)phase
progress.seenPhaseCount += 1 // trace that we've seen a (sub)phase
progress.completedTraversalCount += 1 // add an extra traversal now that we completed a (sub)phase
progress.currentCompletedSubtraversalCount += 1 // record that we've seen a subphase
if !progress.isCancelled() then
/** if true, then we are done writing pipelined TASTy files (i.e. finished in a previous run.) */
private var myAsyncTastyWritten = false
private var _asyncTasty: Option[AsyncTastyHolder] = None
/** populated when this run needs to write pipeline TASTy files. */
def asyncTasty: Option[AsyncTastyHolder] = _asyncTasty
private def initializeAsyncTasty()(using Context): () => Unit =
// should we provide a custom ExecutionContext?
// currently it is just used to call the `apiPhaseCompleted` and `dependencyPhaseCompleted` callbacks in Zinc
val async = AsyncTastyHolder.init
_asyncTasty = Some(async)
() => async.cancel()
/** Will be set to true if any of the compiled compilation units contains
* a pureFunctions language import.
var pureFunsImportEncountered = false
/** Will be set to true if experimental.captureChecking is enabled
* or any of the compiled compilation units contains a captureChecking language import.
var ccEnabledSomewhere = Feature.enabledBySetting(Feature.captureChecking)(using ictx)
private var myEnrichedErrorMessage = false
def compile(files: List[AbstractFile]): Unit =
try compileSources(
catch case NonFatal(ex) if !this.enrichedErrorMessage =>
val files1 = if units.isEmpty then files else
report.echo(this.enrichErrorMessage(s"exception occurred while compiling ${}"))
throw ex
/** TODO: There's a fundamental design problem here: We assemble phases using `fusePhases`
* when we first build the compiler. But we modify them with -Yskip, -Ystop
* on each run. That modification needs to either transform the tree structure,
* or we need to assemble phases on each run, and take -Yskip, -Ystop into
* account. I think the latter would be preferable.
def compileSources(sources: List[SourceFile]): Unit =
if (sources forall (_.exists)) {
units =
def compileUnits(us: List[CompilationUnit]): Unit = {
units = us
def compileUnits(us: List[CompilationUnit], ctx: Context): Unit = {
units = us
compileUnits()(using ctx)
var profile: Profile = NoProfile
private def compileUnits()(using Context) = Stats.maybeMonitored {
if (! // IDEs might have multi-threaded access, accesses are synchronized
compiling = true
profile =
if ctx.settings.Vprofile.value
|| !ctx.settings.VprofileSortedBy.value.isEmpty
|| ctx.settings.VprofileDetails.value != 0
then ActiveProfile(ctx.settings.VprofileDetails.value.max(0).min(1000))
else NoProfile
// If testing pickler, make sure to stop after pickling phase:
val stopAfter =
if (ctx.settings.YtestPickler.value) List("pickler")
else ctx.settings.YstopAfter.value
val runCtx = ctx.fresh
val pluginPlan = ctx.base.addPluginPhases(ctx.base.phasePlan)
val phases = ctx.base.fusePhases(pluginPlan,
ctx.settings.Yskip.value, ctx.settings.YstopBefore.value, stopAfter, ctx.settings.Ycheck.value)
ctx.base.usePhases(phases, runCtx)
if ctx.settings.YnoDoubleBindings.value then
ctx.base.checkNoDoubleBindings = true
def runPhases(allPhases: Array[Phase])(using Context) = {
var lastPrintedTree: PrintedTree = NoPrintedTree
val profiler = ctx.profiler
var phasesWereAdjusted = false
var forceReachPhaseMaybe =
if (ctx.isBestEffort && phases.exists(_.phaseName == "typer")) Some("typer")
else None
for phase <- allPhases do
val phaseWillRun = phase.isRunnable || forceReachPhaseMaybe.nonEmpty
if phaseWillRun then
Stats.trackTime(s"phase time ms/$phase") {
val start = System.currentTimeMillis
try units = phase.runOn(units)
catch case _: InterruptedException => cancelInterrupted()
if (ctx.settings.Xprint.value.containsPhase(phase))
for (unit <- units)
def printCtx(unit: CompilationUnit) = phase.printingContext(
lastPrintedTree = printTree(lastPrintedTree)(using printCtx(unit))
if forceReachPhaseMaybe.contains(phase.phaseName) then
forceReachPhaseMaybe = None
report.informTime(s"$phase ", start)
Stats.record(s"total trees at end of $phase", ast.Trees.ntrees)
for (unit <- units)
Stats.record(s"retained typed trees at end of $phase", unit.tpdTree.treeSize)
if !phasesWereAdjusted then
phasesWereAdjusted = true
if !Feature.ccEnabledSomewhere then
end if
end if
end if
doAdvancePhase(phase, wasRan = phaseWillRun)
end for
val fusedPhases = runCtx.base.allPhases
if ctx.settings.explainCyclic.value then
runCtx.setProperty(CyclicReference.Trace, new CyclicReference.Trace())
runCtx.withProgressCallback: cb =>
_progress = Progress(cb, this,
val cancelAsyncTasty: () => Unit =
if !myAsyncTastyWritten && Phases.picklerPhase.exists && !ctx.settings.XearlyTastyOutput.isDefault then
else () => {}
runPhases(allPhases = fusedPhases)(using runCtx)
if (!ctx.reporter.hasErrors)
suppressions.runFinished(hasErrors = ctx.reporter.hasErrors)
while (finalizeActions.nonEmpty && canProgress()) {
val action = finalizeActions.remove(0)
compiling = false
private var myCompilingSuspended: Boolean = false
/** Is this run started via a compilingSuspended? */
def isCompilingSuspended: Boolean = myCompilingSuspended
/** Compile units `us` which were suspended in a previous run,
* also signal if all necessary async tasty files were written in a previous run.
def compileSuspendedUnits(us: List[CompilationUnit], asyncTastyWritten: Boolean): Unit =
myCompilingSuspended = true
myAsyncTastyWritten = asyncTastyWritten
for unit <- us do unit.suspended = false
/** Enter top-level definitions of classes and objects contained in source file `file`.
* The newly added symbols replace any previously entered symbols.
* If `typeCheck = true`, also run typer on the compilation unit, and set
* `rootTreeOrProvider`.
def lateCompile(file: AbstractFile, typeCheck: Boolean)(using Context): Unit =
if (!files.contains(file) && !lateFiles.contains(file)) {
lateFiles += file
val unit = CompilationUnit(ctx.getSource(file))
val unitCtx = runContext.fresh
def process()(using Context) =
ctx.typer.lateEnterUnit(typeCheck)(doTypeCheck =>
if compiling then finalizeActions += doTypeCheck
else doTypeCheck()
process()(using unitCtx)
private sealed trait PrintedTree
private /*final*/ case class SomePrintedTree(phase: String, tree: String) extends PrintedTree
private object NoPrintedTree extends PrintedTree
private def printTree(last: PrintedTree)(using Context): PrintedTree = {
val unit = ctx.compilationUnit
val fusedPhase = ctx.phase.prev.megaPhase
val echoHeader = f"[[syntax trees at end of $fusedPhase%25s]] // ${unit.source}"
val tree = if ctx.isAfterTyper then unit.tpdTree else unit.untpdTree
val treeString =
last match {
case SomePrintedTree(phase, lastTreeString) if lastTreeString == treeString =>
report.echo(s"$echoHeader: unchanged since $phase")
case SomePrintedTree(phase, lastTreeString) if ctx.settings.XprintDiff.value || ctx.settings.XprintDiffDel.value =>
val diff = DiffUtil.mkColoredCodeDiff(treeString, lastTreeString, ctx.settings.XprintDiffDel.value)
SomePrintedTree(fusedPhase.phaseName, treeString)
case _ =>
SomePrintedTree(fusedPhase.phaseName, treeString)
def compileFromStrings(scalaSources: List[String], javaSources: List[String] = Nil): Unit = {
def sourceFile(source: String, isJava: Boolean): SourceFile = {
val uuid = java.util.UUID.randomUUID().toString
val ext = if (isJava) "java" else "scala"
val name = s"compileFromString-$uuid.$ext"
SourceFile.virtual(name, source)
val sources =, isJava = false)) ++, isJava = true))
/** Print summary of warnings and errors encountered */
def printSummary(): Unit = {
val r = runContext.reporter
if !r.errorsReported then
override def reset(): Unit = {
myCtx = null
myUnits = Nil
myUnitsCached = Nil
/** Produces the following contexts, from outermost to innermost
* bootStrap: A context with next available runId and a scope consisting of
* the RootPackage _root_
* start A context with RootClass as owner and the necessary initializations
* for type checking.
* imports For each element of RootImports, an import context
protected def rootContext(using Context): Context = {
val rootScope = new MutableScope(0)
val bootstrap = ctx.fresh
.setPeriod(Period(comp.nextRunId, FirstPhaseId))
rootScope.enter(ctx.definitions.RootPackage)(using bootstrap)
var start = bootstrap.fresh
.setTyper(new Typer)
if ctx.settings.YexplicitNulls.value && !Feature.enabledBySetting(nme.unsafeNulls) then
start = start.addMode(Mode.SafeNulls)
ctx.initialize()(using start) // re-initialize the base context with start
// `this` must be unchecked for safe initialization because by being passed to setRun during
// initialization, it is not yet considered fully initialized by the initialization checker
start.setRun(this: @unchecked)
private var myCtx: Context | Null = rootContext(using ictx)
/** The context created for this run */
given runContext[Dummy_so_its_a_def]: Context = myCtx.nn
assert(runContext.runId <= Periods.MaxPossibleRunId)
object Run {
case class SubPhase(val name: String):
override def toString: String = name
class SubPhases(val phase: Phase):
private def baseName: String = phase match
case phase: MegaPhase => phase.shortPhaseName
case phase => phase.phaseName
val all = IArray.from( => s"$baseName[$sub]"))
def next(using Context): Option[SubPhases] =
val next0 =
if next0.exists then Some(SubPhases(next0))
else None
def size: Int = all.size
def subPhase(index: Int) =
if index < all.size then all(index)
else baseName
private class Progress(cb: ProgressCallback, private val run: Run, val initialTraversals: Int):
export cb.{cancel, isCancelled}
var totalTraversals: Int = initialTraversals // track how many phases we expect to run
var currentUnitCount: Int = 0 // current unit count in the current (sub)phase
var currentLateUnitCount: Int = 0 // current late unit count
var completedTraversalCount: Int = 0 // completed traversals over all files
var currentCompletedSubtraversalCount: Int = 0 // completed subphases in the current phase
var seenPhaseCount: Int = 0 // how many phases we've seen so far
private var currPhase: Phase = uninitialized // initialized by enterPhase
private var subPhases: SubPhases = uninitialized // initialized by enterPhase
private var currPhaseName: String = uninitialized // initialized by enterPhase
private var nextPhaseName: String = uninitialized // initialized by enterPhase
/** Enter into a new real phase, setting the current and next (sub)phases */
def enterPhase(newPhase: Phase)(using Context): Unit =
if newPhase ne currPhase then
currPhase = newPhase
subPhases = SubPhases(newPhase)
def canAdvanceSubPhase: Boolean =
currentCompletedSubtraversalCount + 1 < subPhases.size
/** Compute the current (sub)phase name and next (sub)phase name */
def tickSubphase()(using Context): Unit =
val index = currentCompletedSubtraversalCount
val s = subPhases
currPhaseName = s.subPhase(index)
nextPhaseName =
if index + 1 < s.all.size then s.subPhase(index + 1)
else match
case None => ""
case Some(next0) => next0.subPhase(0)
if seenPhaseCount > 0 then
/** Counts the number of completed full traversals over files, plus the number of units in the current phase */
private def currentProgress(): Int =
completedTraversalCount * work() + currentUnitCount + currentLateUnitCount
/**Total progress is computed as the sum of
* - the number of traversals we expect to make over all files
* - the number of late compilations
private def totalProgress(): Int =
totalTraversals * work() + run.lateFiles.size
private def work(): Int = run.files.size
private def requireInitialized(): Unit =
require((currPhase: Phase | Null) != null, "enterPhase was not called")
def checkCancellation(): Boolean =
if Thread.interrupted() then cancel()
/** trace that we are beginning a unit in the current (sub)phase, unless cancelled */
def tryEnterUnit(unit: CompilationUnit): Boolean =
if checkCancellation() then false
cb.informUnitStarting(currPhaseName, unit)
/** trace the current progress out of the total, in the current (sub)phase, reporting the next (sub)phase */
def refreshProgress()(using Context): Unit =
val total = totalProgress()
if total > 0 && !cb.progress(currentProgress(), total, currPhaseName, nextPhaseName) then
extension (run: Run | Null)
/** record that the current phase has begun for the compilation unit of the current Context */
def enterUnit(unit: CompilationUnit)(using Context): Boolean =
if run != null then run.didEnterUnit(unit)
else true // don't check cancellation if we're not tracking progress
/** check progress cancellation, true if not cancelled */
def enterRegion()(using Context): Boolean =
if run != null then run.canProgress()
else true // don't check cancellation if we're not tracking progress
/** advance the unit count and record progress in the current phase */
def advanceUnit()(using Context): Unit =
if run != null then run.doAdvanceUnit()
/** if there exists another subphase, switch to it and record progress */
def enterNextSubphase()(using Context): Unit =
if run != null then run.tryAdvanceSubPhase()
/** advance the late count and record progress in the current phase */
def advanceLate()(using Context): Unit =
if run != null then run.doAdvanceLate()
def enrichedErrorMessage: Boolean = if run == null then false else run.myEnrichedErrorMessage
def enrichErrorMessage(errorMessage: String)(using Context): String =
if run == null then
else if !run.enrichedErrorMessage then
run.myEnrichedErrorMessage = true
def doNotEnrichErrorMessage: Unit =
if run != null then run.myEnrichedErrorMessage = true
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