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package dotc
package cc
import core.*
import Phases.*, DenotTransformers.*, SymDenotations.*
import Contexts.*, Names.*, Flags.*, Symbols.*, Decorators.*
import Types.*, StdNames.*
import Annotations.Annotation
import config.Feature
import config.Printers.{capt, captDebug}
import ast.tpd, tpd.*
import transform.{PreRecheck, Recheck}, Recheck.*
import CaptureSet.{IdentityCaptRefMap, IdempotentCaptRefMap}
import Synthetics.isExcluded
import util.Property
import reporting.Message
import printing.{Printer, Texts}, Texts.{Text, Str}
import collection.mutable
import CCState.*
/** Operations accessed from CheckCaptures */
trait SetupAPI:
type DefRecheck = (tpd.ValOrDefDef, Symbol) => Context ?=> Type
def setupUnit(tree: Tree, recheckDef: DefRecheck)(using Context): Unit
def isPreCC(sym: Symbol)(using Context): Boolean
def postCheck()(using Context): Unit
object Setup:
val name: String = "ccSetup"
val description: String = "prepare compilation unit for capture checking"
/** Recognizer for `res $throws exc`, returning `(res, exc)` in case of success */
object throwsAlias:
def unapply(tp: Type)(using Context): Option[(Type, Type)] = tp match
case AppliedType(tycon, res :: exc :: Nil) if tycon.typeSymbol == defn.throwsAlias =>
Some((res, exc))
case _ =>
end Setup
import Setup.*
/** A tree traverser that prepares a compilation unit to be capture checked.
* It does the following:
* - For every inferred type, drop any retains annotations,
* add capture sets to all its parts, add refinements to class types and function types.
* (c.f. mapInferred)
* - For explicit capturing types, expand throws aliases to the underlying (pure) function,
* and add some implied capture sets to curried functions (c.f. expandThrowsAlias, expandAbbreviations).
* - Add capture sets to self types of classes and objects, unless the self type was written explicitly.
* - Box the types of mutable variables and type arguments to methods (type arguments of types
* are boxed on access).
* - Link the external types of val and def symbols with the inferred types based on their parameter symbols.
class Setup extends PreRecheck, SymTransformer, SetupAPI:
thisPhase =>
override def phaseName: String =
override def description: String = Setup.description
override def isRunnable(using Context) =
super.isRunnable && Feature.ccEnabledSomewhere
private val toBeUpdated = new mutable.HashSet[Symbol]
private def newFlagsFor(symd: SymDenotation)(using Context): FlagSet =
object containsCovarRetains extends TypeAccumulator[Boolean]:
def apply(x: Boolean, tp: Type): Boolean =
if x then true
else if tp.derivesFromCapability && variance >= 0 then true
else tp match
case AnnotatedType(_, ann) if ann.symbol.isRetains && variance >= 0 => true
case _ => foldOver(x, tp)
def apply(tp: Type): Boolean = apply(false, tp)
if symd.symbol.isRefiningParamAccessor
&& containsCovarRetains(
then symd.flags &~ Private
else symd.flags
end newFlagsFor
def isPreCC(sym: Symbol)(using Context): Boolean =
sym.isTerm && sym.maybeOwner.isClass
&& !
&& !
&& !defn.isFunctionSymbol(sym.owner)
private def fluidify(using Context) = new TypeMap with IdempotentCaptRefMap:
def apply(t: Type): Type = t match
case t: MethodType =>
case t: TypeLambda =>
t.derivedLambdaType(resType = this(t.resType))
case CapturingType(_, _) =>
case _ =>
val t1 = t match
case t @ defn.RefinedFunctionOf(rinfo: MethodType) =>
t.derivedRefinedType(t.parent, t.refinedName, this(rinfo))
case _ =>
if variance > 0 then t1
else decorate(t1, addedSet = Function.const(CaptureSet.Fluid))
/** - Reset `private` flags of parameter accessors so that we can refine them
* in Setup if they have non-empty capture sets.
* - Special handling of some symbols defined for case classes.
* Enabled only until recheck is finished, and provided some compilation unit
* is CC-enabled.
def transformSym(symd: SymDenotation)(using Context): SymDenotation =
if !pastRecheck && Feature.ccEnabledSomewhere then
val sym = symd.symbol
def mappedInfo =
if toBeUpdated.contains(sym) then
else transformExplicitType(
if Synthetics.needsTransform(symd) then
Synthetics.transform(symd, mappedInfo)
else if isPreCC(sym) then
symd.copySymDenotation(info = fluidify(
else if symd.owner.isTerm || || then
val newFlags = newFlagsFor(symd)
val newInfo = mappedInfo
if sym.isClass then
if newFlags != symd.flags || (newInfo ne
then symd.copySymDenotation(initFlags = newFlags, info = newInfo)
else symd
else symd
else symd
end transformSym
/** If `tp` is an unboxed capturing type or a function returning an unboxed capturing type,
* convert it to be boxed.
private def box(tp: Type)(using Context): Type =
def recur(tp: Type): Type = tp.dealiasKeepAnnotsAndOpaques match
case tp @ CapturingType(parent, refs) =>
if tp.isBoxed || parent.derivesFrom(defn.Caps_CapSet) then tp
else tp.boxed
case tp @ AnnotatedType(parent, ann) =>
if ann.symbol.isRetains && !parent.derivesFrom(defn.Caps_CapSet)
then CapturingType(parent, ann.tree.toCaptureSet, boxed = true)
else tp.derivedAnnotatedType(box(parent), ann)
case tp1 @ AppliedType(tycon, args) if defn.isNonRefinedFunction(tp1) =>
val res = args.last
val boxedRes = recur(res)
if boxedRes eq res then tp
else tp1.derivedAppliedType(tycon, args.init :+ boxedRes)
case tp1 @ defn.RefinedFunctionOf(rinfo: MethodType) =>
val boxedRinfo = recur(rinfo)
if boxedRinfo eq rinfo then tp
else boxedRinfo.toFunctionType(alwaysDependent = true)
case tp1: MethodOrPoly =>
val res = tp1.resType
val boxedRes = recur(res)
if boxedRes eq res then tp
else tp1.derivedLambdaType(resType = boxedRes)
case _ => tp
tp match
case tp: MethodOrPoly => tp // don't box results of methods outside refinements
case _ => recur(tp)
/** Perform the following transformation steps everywhere in a type:
* 1. Drop retains annotations
* 2. Turn plain function types into dependent function types, so that
* we can refer to their parameters in capture sets. Currently this is
* only done at the toplevel, i.e. for function types that are not
* themselves argument types of other function types. Without this restriction
* pos.../lists.scala and pos/...curried-shorthands.scala fail.
* Need to figure out why.
* 3. Refine other class types C by adding capture set variables to their parameter getters
* (see addCaptureRefinements), provided `refine` is true.
* 4. Add capture set variables to all types that can be tracked
* Polytype bounds are only cleaned using step 1, but not otherwise transformed.
private def transformInferredType(tp: Type)(using Context): Type =
def mapInferred(refine: Boolean): TypeMap = new TypeMap:
override def toString = "map inferred"
/** Refine a possibly applied class type C where the class has tracked parameters
* x_1: T_1, ..., x_n: T_n to C { val x_1: CV_1 T_1, ..., val x_n: CV_n T_n }
* where CV_1, ..., CV_n are fresh capture sets.
def addCaptureRefinements(tp: Type): Type = tp match
case _: TypeRef | _: AppliedType if refine && tp.typeParams.isEmpty =>
tp.typeSymbol match
case cls: ClassSymbol
if !defn.isFunctionClass(cls) && =>
cls.paramGetters.foldLeft(tp) { (core, getter) =>
if atPhase(
&& getter.isRefiningParamAccessor
&& !
val getterType =
mapInferred(refine = false)(tp.memberInfo(getter)).strippedDealias
CapturingType(getterType, new CaptureSet.RefiningVar(ctx.owner)))
.showing(i"add capture refinement $tp --> $result", capt)
case _ => tp
case _ => tp
private var isTopLevel = true
private def mapNested(ts: List[Type]): List[Type] =
val saved = isTopLevel
isTopLevel = false
try ts.mapConserve(this)
finally isTopLevel = saved
def apply(tp: Type) =
val tp1 = tp match
case AnnotatedType(parent, annot) if annot.symbol.isRetains =>
// Drop explicit retains annotations
case tp @ AppliedType(tycon, args) =>
val tycon1 = this(tycon)
if defn.isNonRefinedFunction(tp) then
// Convert toplevel generic function types to dependent functions
if !defn.isFunctionSymbol(tp.typeSymbol) && (tp.dealias ne tp) then
// This type is a function after dealiasing, so we dealias and recurse.
// See #15925.
val args0 = args.init
var res0 = args.last
val args1 = mapNested(args0)
val res1 = this(res0)
if isTopLevel then
depFun(args1, res1,
isContextual = defn.isContextFunctionClass(tycon1.classSymbol))
.showing(i"add function refinement $tp ($tycon1, $args1, $res1) (${tp.dealias}) --> $result", capt)
else if (tycon1 eq tycon) && (args1 eq args0) && (res1 eq res0) then
tp.derivedAppliedType(tycon1, args1 :+ res1)
tp.derivedAppliedType(tycon1, args.mapConserve(arg => box(this(arg))))
case defn.RefinedFunctionOf(rinfo: MethodType) =>
val rinfo1 = apply(rinfo)
if rinfo1 ne rinfo then rinfo1.toFunctionType(alwaysDependent = true)
else tp
case Existential(_, unpacked) =>
// drop the existential, the bound variables will be replaced by capture set variables
case tp: MethodType =>
paramInfos = mapNested(tp.paramInfos),
resType = this(tp.resType))
case tp: TypeLambda =>
// Don't recurse into parameter bounds, just cleanup any stray retains annotations
paramInfos = tp.paramInfos.mapConserve(_.dropAllRetains.bounds),
resType = this(tp.resType))
case _ =>
addVar(addCaptureRefinements(normalizeCaptures(tp1)), ctx.owner)
end apply
end mapInferred
val tp1 = mapInferred(refine = true)(tp)
val tp2 = Existential.mapCapInResults(_ => assert(false))(tp1)
if tp2 ne tp then capt.println(i"expanded implicit in ${ctx.owner}: $tp --> $tp1 --> $tp2")
catch case ex: AssertionError =>
println(i"error while mapping inferred $tp")
throw ex
end transformInferredType
private def transformExplicitType(tp: Type, tptToCheck: Option[Tree] = None)(using Context): Type =
val toCapturing = new DeepTypeMap:
override def toString = "expand aliases"
/** Expand $throws aliases. This is hard-coded here since $throws aliases in stdlib
* are defined with `?=>` rather than `?->`.
* We also have to add a capture set to the last expanded throws alias. I.e.
* T $throws E1 $throws E2
* expands to
* (erased x$0: CanThrow[E1]) ?-> (erased x$1: CanThrow[E1]) ?->{x$0} T
private def expandThrowsAlias(res: Type, exc: Type, encl: List[MethodType]): Type =
val paramType = AnnotatedType(
Annotation(defn.ErasedParamAnnot, defn.CanThrowClass.span))
val resDecomposed = throwsAlias.unapply(res)
val paramName = nme.syntheticParamName(encl.length)
val mt = ContextualMethodType(paramName :: Nil)(
_ => paramType :: Nil,
mt => resDecomposed match
case Some((res1, exc1)) => expandThrowsAlias(res1, exc1, mt :: encl)
case _ => res
val fntpe = defn.PolyFunctionOf(mt)
if !encl.isEmpty && resDecomposed.isEmpty then
val cs = CaptureSet(*)
CapturingType(fntpe, cs, boxed = false)
else fntpe
def stripImpliedCaptureSet(tp: Type): Type = tp match
case tp @ CapturingType(parent, refs)
if (refs eq defn.universalCSImpliedByCapability) && !tp.isBoxedCapturing =>
case tp @ CapturingType(parent, refs) => tp
case _ => tp
def apply(t: Type) =
t match
case t @ CapturingType(parent, refs) =>
t.derivedCapturingType(stripImpliedCaptureSet(this(parent)), refs)
case t @ AnnotatedType(parent, ann) =>
val parent1 = this(parent)
if ann.symbol.isRetains then
val parent2 = stripImpliedCaptureSet(parent1)
for tpt <- tptToCheck do
checkWellformedLater(parent2, ann.tree, tpt)
CapturingType(parent2, ann.tree.toCaptureSet)
t.derivedAnnotatedType(parent1, ann)
case throwsAlias(res, exc) =>
this(expandThrowsAlias(res, exc, Nil))
case t =>
// Map references to capability classes C to C^
if t.derivesFromCapability && !t.isSingleton && t.typeSymbol != defn.Caps_Exists
then CapturingType(t, defn.universalCSImpliedByCapability, boxed = false)
else normalizeCaptures(mapOver(t))
end toCapturing
def fail(msg: Message) =
for tree <- tptToCheck do report.error(msg, tree.srcPos)
val tp1 = toCapturing(tp)
val tp2 = Existential.mapCapInResults(fail)(tp1)
if tp2 ne tp then capt.println(i"expanded explicit in ${ctx.owner}: $tp --> $tp1 --> $tp2")
end transformExplicitType
/** Transform type of type tree, and remember the transformed type as the type the tree */
private def transformTT(tree: TypeTree, boxed: Boolean)(using Context): Unit =
if !tree.hasRememberedType then
val transformed =
if tree.isInferred
then transformInferredType(tree.tpe)
else transformExplicitType(tree.tpe, tptToCheck = Some(tree))
tree.rememberType(if boxed then box(transformed) else transformed)
/** Substitute parameter symbols in `from` to paramRefs in corresponding
* method or poly types `to`. We use a single BiTypeMap to do everything.
* @param from a list of lists of type or term parameter symbols of a curried method
* @param to a list of method or poly types corresponding one-to-one to the parameter lists
private class SubstParams(from: List[List[Symbol]], to: List[LambdaType])(using Context)
extends DeepTypeMap, BiTypeMap:
def apply(t: Type): Type = t match
case t: NamedType =>
if t.prefix == NoPrefix then
val sym = t.symbol
def outer(froms: List[List[Symbol]], tos: List[LambdaType]): Type =
def inner(from: List[Symbol], to: List[ParamRef]): Type =
if from.isEmpty then outer(froms.tail, tos.tail)
else if sym eq from.head then to.head
else inner(from.tail, to.tail)
if tos.isEmpty then t
else inner(froms.head, tos.head.paramRefs)
outer(from, to)
else t.derivedSelect(apply(t.prefix))
case _ =>
lazy val inverse = new BiTypeMap:
override def toString = "SubstParams.inverse"
def apply(t: Type): Type = t match
case t: ParamRef =>
def recur(from: List[LambdaType], to: List[List[Symbol]]): Type =
if from.isEmpty then t
else if t.binder eq from.head then to.head(t.paramNum).namedType
else recur(from.tail, to.tail)
recur(to, from)
case _ =>
def inverse = SubstParams.this
end SubstParams
/** Update info of `sym` for CheckCaptures phase only */
private def updateInfo(sym: Symbol, info: Type)(using Context) =
toBeUpdated += sym
sym.updateInfo(thisPhase, info, newFlagsFor(sym))
toBeUpdated -= sym
sym.namedType match
case ref: CaptureRef if ref.isTrackableRef => ref.invalidateCaches() // TODO: needed?
case _ =>
extension (sym: Symbol) def nextInfo(using Context): Type =
def setupTraverser(recheckDef: DefRecheck) = new TreeTraverserWithPreciseImportContexts:
def transformResultType(tpt: TypeTree, sym: Symbol)(using Context): Unit =
boxed =, butNot = Method)
&& !ccConfig.useSealed
&& !sym.hasAnnotation(defn.UncheckedCapturesAnnot),
// types of mutable variables are boxed in pre 3.3 code
catch case ex: IllegalCaptureRef =>
capt.println(i"fail while transforming result type $tpt of $sym")
throw ex
val addDescription = new TypeTraverser:
def traverse(tp: Type) = tp match
case tp @ CapturingType(parent, refs) =>
if !refs.isConst && refs.description.isEmpty then
refs.withDescription(i"of $sym")
case _ =>
def traverse(tree: Tree)(using Context): Unit =
tree match
case tree @ DefDef(_, paramss, tpt: TypeTree, _) =>
val meth = tree.symbol
if isExcluded(meth) then
transformResultType(tpt, meth)
//println(i"TYPE of ${tree.symbol.showLocated} = ${tpt.knownType}")
case tree @ ValDef(_, tpt: TypeTree, _) =>
val sym = tree.symbol
val defCtx = if sym.isOneOf(TermParamOrAccessor) then ctx else ctx.withOwner(sym)
transformResultType(tpt, sym)
capt.println(i"mapped $tree = ${tpt.knownType}")
case tree @ TypeApply(fn, args) =>
if !defn.isTypeTestOrCast(fn.symbol) then
for case arg: TypeTree <- args do
transformTT(arg, boxed = true) // type arguments in type applications are boxed
case tree: TypeDef if tree.symbol.isClass =>
val sym = tree.symbol
case tree @ SeqLiteral(elems, tpt: TypeTree) =>
case tree: Block =>
case _ =>
end traverse
def postProcess(tree: Tree)(using Context): Unit = tree match
case tree: TypeTree =>
transformTT(tree, boxed = false)
case tree: ValOrDefDef =>
val sym = tree.symbol
/** The return type of a constructor instantiated with local type and value
* parameters. Constructors have `unit` result type, that's why we can't
* get this type by reading the result type tree, and have to construct it
* explicitly.
def constrReturnType(info: Type, psymss: List[List[Symbol]]): Type = info match
case info: MethodOrPoly =>
constrReturnType(info.instantiate(, psymss.tail)
case _ =>
/** The local result type, which is the known type of the result type tree,
* with special treatment for constructors.
def localReturnType =
if sym.isConstructor then constrReturnType(, sym.paramSymss)
else tree.tpt.knownType
def paramSignatureChanges = tree.match
case tree: DefDef =>
case param: ValDef => param.tpt.hasRememberedType
case param: TypeDef => param.rhs.hasRememberedType
case _ => false
// A symbol's signature changes if some of its parameter types or its result type
// have a new type installed here (meaning hasRememberedType is true)
def signatureChanges =
tree.tpt.hasRememberedType && !sym.isConstructor || paramSignatureChanges
// Replace an existing symbol info with inferred types where capture sets of
// TypeParamRefs and TermParamRefs put in correspondence by BiTypeMaps with the
// capture sets of the types of the method's parameter symbols and result type.
def integrateRT(
info: Type, // symbol info to replace
psymss: List[List[Symbol]], // the local (type and term) parameter symbols corresponding to `info`
resType: Type, // the locally computed return type
prevPsymss: List[List[Symbol]], // the local parameter symbols seen previously in reverse order
prevLambdas: List[LambdaType] // the outer method and polytypes generated previously in reverse order
): Type =
info match
case mt: MethodOrPoly =>
val psyms = psymss.head
// TODO: the substitution does not work for param-dependent method types.
// For example, `(x: T, y: x.f.type) => Unit`. In this case, when we
// substitute `x.f.type`, `x` becomes a `TermParamRef`. But the new method
// type is still under initialization and `paramInfos` is still `null`,
// so the new `NamedType` will not have a denoation.
mt1 =>
if !paramSignatureChanges && !mt.isParamDependent && prevLambdas.isEmpty then
val subst = SubstParams(psyms :: prevPsymss, mt1 :: prevLambdas) => subst(psym.nextInfo).asInstanceOf[mt.PInfo]),
mt1 =>
integrateRT(mt.resType, psymss.tail, resType, psyms :: prevPsymss, mt1 :: prevLambdas)
case info: ExprType =>
info.derivedExprType(resType =
integrateRT(info.resType, psymss, resType, prevPsymss, prevLambdas))
case info =>
if prevLambdas.isEmpty then resType
else SubstParams(prevPsymss, prevLambdas)(resType)
if sym.exists && signatureChanges then
val newInfo =
Existential.mapCapInResults(report.error(_, tree.srcPos)):
integrateRT(, sym.paramSymss, localReturnType, Nil, Nil)
.showing(i"update info $sym: ${} = $result", capt)
if newInfo ne then
val updatedInfo =
if sym.isAnonymousFunction
|| sym.isPrimaryConstructor
// closures are handled specially; the newInfo is constrained from
// the expected type and only afterwards we recheck the definition
else new LazyType:
def complete(denot: SymDenotation)(using Context) =
// infos of other methods are determined from their definitions which
// are checked on demand
assert(ctx.phase ==, i"$sym")
capt.println(i"forcing $sym, printing = ${}")
//if then new Error().printStackTrace() = newInfo
recheckDef(tree, sym)
updateInfo(sym, updatedInfo)
case tree: Bind =>
val sym = tree.symbol
updateInfo(sym, transformInferredType(
case tree: TypeDef =>
tree.symbol match
case cls: ClassSymbol =>
val cinfo @ ClassInfo(prefix, _, ps, decls, selfInfo) = cls.classInfo
def innerModule = && !cls.isStatic
val selfInfo1 =
if (selfInfo ne NoType) && !innerModule then
// if selfInfo is explicitly given then use that one, except if
// self info applies to non-static modules, these still need to be inferred
else if cls.isPureClass then
// is cls is known to be pure, nothing needs to be added to self type
else if !cls.isEffectivelySealed && !cls.baseClassHasExplicitNonUniversalSelfType then
// assume {cap} for completely unconstrained self types of publicly extensible classes
CapturingType(cinfo.selfType, CaptureSet.universal)
// Infer the self type for the rest, which is all classes without explicit
// self types (to which we also add nested module classes), provided they are
// neither pure, nor are publicily extensible with an unconstrained self type.
CapturingType(cinfo.selfType, CaptureSet.Var(cls, level = currentLevel))
val ps1 = inContext(ctx.withOwner(cls)):
if (selfInfo1 ne selfInfo) || (ps1 ne ps) then
val newInfo = ClassInfo(prefix, cls, ps1, decls, selfInfo1)
updateInfo(cls, newInfo)
capt.println(i"update class info of $cls with parents $ps selfinfo $selfInfo to $newInfo")
if then
// if it's a module, the capture set of the module reference is the capture set of the self type
val modul = cls.sourceModule
updateInfo(modul, CapturingType(, selfInfo1.asInstanceOf[Type].captureSet))
case _ =>
case _ =>
end postProcess
end setupTraverser
/** Checks whether an abstract type could be impure. See also: [[needsVariable]]. */
private def instanceCanBeImpure(tp: Type)(using Context): Boolean = {
tp.dealiasKeepAnnots match
case CapturingType(_, refs) =>
case RetainingType(parent, refs) =>
case tp: (TypeRef | AppliedType) =>
val sym = tp.typeSymbol
if sym.isClass
then !sym.isPureClass
else !tp.derivesFrom(defn.Caps_CapSet) // CapSet arguments don't get other capture set variables added
&& instanceCanBeImpure(tp.superType)
case tp: (RefinedOrRecType | MatchType) =>
case tp: AndType =>
instanceCanBeImpure(tp.tp1) || instanceCanBeImpure(tp.tp2)
case tp: OrType =>
instanceCanBeImpure(tp.tp1) && instanceCanBeImpure(tp.tp2)
case _ =>
}.showing(i"instance can be impure $tp = $result", capt)
/** Should a capture set variable be added on type `tp`? */
def needsVariable(tp: Type)(using Context): Boolean = {
tp.typeParams.isEmpty && tp.match
case tp: (TypeRef | AppliedType) =>
val sym = tp.typeSymbol
if sym.isClass then
!sym.isPureClass && sym != defn.AnyClass
val tp1 = tp.dealiasKeepAnnotsAndOpaques
if tp1 ne tp then needsVariable(tp1)
else instanceCanBeImpure(tp1)
case tp: (RefinedOrRecType | MatchType) =>
case tp: AndType =>
needsVariable(tp.tp1) && needsVariable(tp.tp2)
case tp: OrType =>
needsVariable(tp.tp1) || needsVariable(tp.tp2)
case CapturingType(parent, refs) =>
&& refs.isConst // if refs is a variable, no need to add another
&& !refs.isUniversal // if refs is {cap}, an added variable would not change anything
case RetainingType(parent, refs) =>
&& !refs.tpes.exists:
case ref: TermRef => ref.isRootCapability
case _ => false
case AnnotatedType(parent, _) =>
case _ =>
}.showing(i"can have inferred capture $tp = $result", captDebug)
/** Pull out an embedded capture set from a part of `tp` */
def normalizeCaptures(tp: Type)(using Context): Type = tp match
case tp @ RefinedType(parent @ CapturingType(parent1, refs), rname, rinfo) =>
CapturingType(tp.derivedRefinedType(parent1, rname, rinfo), refs, parent.isBoxed)
case tp: RecType =>
tp.parent match
case parent @ CapturingType(parent1, refs) =>
CapturingType(tp.derivedRecType(parent1), refs, parent.isBoxed)
case _ =>
tp // can return `tp` here since unlike RefinedTypes, RecTypes are never created
// by `mapInferred`. Hence if the underlying type admits capture variables
// a variable was already added, and the first case above would apply.
case AndType(tp1 @ CapturingType(parent1, refs1), tp2 @ CapturingType(parent2, refs2)) =>
assert(tp1.isBoxed == tp2.isBoxed)
CapturingType(AndType(parent1, parent2), refs1 ** refs2, tp1.isBoxed)
case tp @ OrType(tp1 @ CapturingType(parent1, refs1), tp2 @ CapturingType(parent2, refs2)) =>
assert(tp1.isBoxed == tp2.isBoxed)
CapturingType(OrType(parent1, parent2, tp.isSoft), refs1 ++ refs2, tp1.isBoxed)
case tp @ OrType(tp1 @ CapturingType(parent1, refs1), tp2) =>
CapturingType(OrType(parent1, tp2, tp.isSoft), refs1, tp1.isBoxed)
case tp @ OrType(tp1, tp2 @ CapturingType(parent2, refs2)) =>
CapturingType(OrType(tp1, parent2, tp.isSoft), refs2, tp2.isBoxed)
case tp @ AppliedType(tycon, args) if !defn.isFunctionClass(tp.dealias.typeSymbol) =>
tp.derivedAppliedType(tycon, args.mapConserve(box))
case tp: RealTypeBounds =>
tp.derivedTypeBounds(tp.lo, box(tp.hi))
case tp: LazyRef =>
case _ =>
/** Add a capture set variable to `tp` if necessary, or maybe pull out
* an embedded capture set variable from a part of `tp`.
def decorate(tp: Type, addedSet: Type => CaptureSet)(using Context): Type =
if tp.typeSymbol == defn.FromJavaObjectSymbol then
// For capture checking, we assume Object from Java is the same as Any
def maybeAdd(target: Type, fallback: Type) =
if needsVariable(target) then CapturingType(target, addedSet(target))
else fallback
val dealiased = tp.dealiasKeepAnnotsAndOpaques
if dealiased ne tp then
val transformed = transformInferredType(dealiased)
maybeAdd(transformed, if transformed ne dealiased then transformed else tp)
else maybeAdd(tp, tp)
/** Add a capture set variable to `tp` if necessary, or maybe pull out
* an embedded capture set variable from a part of `tp`.
private def addVar(tp: Type, owner: Symbol)(using Context): Type =
addedSet = _.dealias.match
case CapturingType(_, refs) => CaptureSet.Var(owner, refs.elems, level = currentLevel)
case _ => CaptureSet.Var(owner, level = currentLevel))
def setupUnit(tree: Tree, recheckDef: DefRecheck)(using Context): Unit =
setupTraverser(recheckDef).traverse(tree)(using ctx.withPhase(thisPhase))
// ------ Checks to run after main capture checking --------------------------
/** A list of actions to perform at postCheck */
private val todoAtPostCheck = new mutable.ListBuffer[Context => Unit]
/** If `tp` is a capturing type, check that all references it mentions have non-empty
* capture sets.
* Also: warn about redundant capture annotations.
* This check is performed after capture sets are computed in phase cc.
* Note: We need to perform the check on the original annotation rather than its
* capture set since the conversion to a capture set already eliminates redundant elements.
private def checkWellformedPost(parent: Type, ann: Tree, tpt: Tree)(using Context): Unit =
capt.println(i"checkWF post $parent ${ann.retainedElems} in $tpt")
var retained = ann.retainedElems.toArray
for i <- 0 until retained.length do
val refTree = retained(i)
for ref <- refTree.toCaptureRefs do
def pos =
if refTree.span.exists then refTree.srcPos
else if ann.span.exists then ann.srcPos
else tpt.srcPos
def check(others: CaptureSet, dom: Type | CaptureSet): Unit =
if others.accountsFor(ref) then
report.warning(em"redundant capture: $dom already accounts for $ref", pos)
if ref.captureSetOfInfo.elems.isEmpty && !ref.derivesFrom(defn.Caps_Capability) then
report.error(em"$ref cannot be tracked since its capture set is empty", pos)
check(parent.captureSet, parent)
val others =
j <- 0 until retained.length if j != i
r <- retained(j).toCaptureRefs
yield r
val remaining = CaptureSet(others*)
check(remaining, remaining)
end for
end for
end checkWellformedPost
/** Check well formed at post check time */
private def checkWellformedLater(parent: Type, ann: Tree, tpt: Tree)(using Context): Unit =
if !tpt.span.isZeroExtent && enclosingInlineds.isEmpty then
todoAtPostCheck += (ctx1 =>
checkWellformedPost(parent, ann, tpt)(using ctx1.withOwner(ctx.owner)))
def postCheck()(using Context): Unit =
for chk <- todoAtPostCheck do chk(ctx)
end Setup
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