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import scala.language.unsafeNulls

import{File => JFile}
import{URI, URL}
import java.nio.file.{FileSystems, Files}

import{packageContains, separatePkgAndClassNames}
import{AbstractFile, PlainFile, ClassPath, ClassRepresentation, EfficientClassPath, JDK9Reflectors}
import FileUtils.*
import PlainFile.toPlainFile

import scala.jdk.CollectionConverters.*
import scala.collection.immutable.ArraySeq
import scala.util.control.NonFatal

 * A trait allowing to look for classpath entries in directories. It provides common logic for
 * classes handling class and source files.
 * It makes use of the fact that in the case of nested directories it's easy to find a file
 * when we have a name of a package.
 * It abstracts over the file representation to work with both JFile and AbstractFile.
trait DirectoryLookup[FileEntryType <: ClassRepresentation] extends EfficientClassPath {
  type F

  val dir: F

  protected def emptyFiles: Array[F] // avoids reifying ClassTag[F]
  protected def getSubDir(dirName: String): Option[F]
  protected def listChildren(dir: F, filter: Option[F => Boolean] = None): Array[F]
  protected def getName(f: F): String
  protected def toAbstractFile(f: F): AbstractFile
  protected def isPackage(f: F): Boolean

  protected def createFileEntry(file: AbstractFile): FileEntryType
  protected def isMatchingFile(f: F): Boolean

  private def getDirectory(forPackage: PackageName): Option[F] =
    if (forPackage.isRoot)

  override private[dotty] def hasPackage(pkg: PackageName): Boolean = getDirectory(pkg).isDefined

  private[dotty] def packages(inPackage: PackageName): Seq[PackageEntry] = {
    val dirForPackage = getDirectory(inPackage)
    val nestedDirs: Array[F] = dirForPackage match {
      case None => emptyFiles
      case Some(directory) => listChildren(directory, Some(isPackage))
    ArraySeq.unsafeWrapArray(nestedDirs).map(f => PackageEntryImpl(inPackage.entryName(getName(f))))

  protected def files(inPackage: PackageName): Seq[FileEntryType] = {
    val dirForPackage = getDirectory(inPackage)
    val files: Array[F] = dirForPackage match {
      case None => emptyFiles
      case Some(directory) => listChildren(directory, Some(isMatchingFile))
    } => createFileEntry(toAbstractFile(f))).toSeq

  override def list(inPackage: PackageName, onPackageEntry: PackageEntry => Unit, onClassesAndSources: ClassRepresentation => Unit): Unit = {
    val dirForPackage = getDirectory(inPackage)
    dirForPackage match {
      case None =>
      case Some(directory) =>
        for (file <- listChildren(directory)) {
          if (isPackage(file))
          else if (isMatchingFile(file))

trait JFileDirectoryLookup[FileEntryType <: ClassRepresentation] extends DirectoryLookup[FileEntryType] {
  type F = JFile

  protected def emptyFiles: Array[JFile] = Array.empty
  protected def getSubDir(packageDirName: String): Option[JFile] = {
    val packageDir = new JFile(dir, packageDirName)
    if (packageDir.exists && packageDir.isDirectory) Some(packageDir)
    else None
  protected def listChildren(dir: JFile, filter: Option[JFile => Boolean]): Array[JFile] = {
    val listing = filter match {
      case Some(f) => dir.listFiles(mkFileFilter(f))
      case None => dir.listFiles()

    if (listing != null) {
      // Sort by file name for stable order of directory .class entries in package scope.
      // This gives stable results ordering of base type sequences for unrelated classes
      // with the same base type depth.
      // Notably, this will stably infer`Product with Serializable`
      // as the type of `case class C(); case class D(); List(C(), D()).head`, rather than the opposite order.
      // On Mac, the HFS performs this sorting transparently, but on Linux the order is unspecified.
      // Note this behaviour can be enabled in javac with `javac -XDsortfiles`, but that's only
      // intended to improve determinism of the compiler for compiler hackers.
        new java.util.Comparator[JFile] {
          def compare(o1: JFile, o2: JFile) = o1.getName.compareTo(o2.getName)
    else Array()
  protected def getName(f: JFile): String = f.getName
  protected def toAbstractFile(f: JFile): AbstractFile = f.toPath.toPlainFile
  protected def isPackage(f: JFile): Boolean = f.isPackage

  assert(dir != null, "Directory file in DirectoryFileLookup cannot be null")

  def asURLs: Seq[URL] = Seq(dir.toURI.toURL)
  def asClassPathStrings: Seq[String] = Seq(dir.getPath)

object JrtClassPath {
  import java.nio.file.*,
  def apply(release: Option[String]): Option[ClassPath] = {
    import scala.util.Properties.*
    if (!isJavaAtLeast("9")) None
    else {
      // Longer term we'd like an official API for this in the JDK
      // Discussion:

      val currentMajorVersion: Int = JDK9Reflectors.runtimeVersionMajor(JDK9Reflectors.runtimeVersion()).intValue()
      release match {
        case Some(v) if v.toInt < currentMajorVersion =>
          try {
            val ctSym = Paths.get(javaHome).resolve("lib").resolve("ct.sym")
            if (Files.notExists(ctSym)) None
            else Some(new CtSymClassPath(ctSym, v.toInt))
          } catch {
            case NonFatal(_) => None
        case _ =>
          try {
            val fs = FileSystems.getFileSystem(URI.create("jrt:/"))
            Some(new JrtClassPath(fs))
          } catch {
            case _: ProviderNotFoundException | _: FileSystemNotFoundException => None

  * Implementation `ClassPath` based on the JDK 9 encapsulated runtime modules (JEP-220)
  * is the most up to date reference
  * for the structure of the jrt:// filesystem.
  * The implementation assumes that no classes exist in the empty package.
final class JrtClassPath(fs: java.nio.file.FileSystem) extends ClassPath with NoSourcePaths {
  import java.nio.file.Path, java.nio.file.*
  type F = Path
  private val dir: Path = fs.getPath("/packages")

  // e.g. "java.lang" -> Seq("/modules/java.base")
  private val packageToModuleBases: Map[String, Seq[Path]] = {
    val ps = Files.newDirectoryStream(dir).iterator().asScala
    def lookup(pack: Path): Seq[Path] =
      Files.list(pack).iterator() => if (Files.isSymbolicLink(l)) Files.readSymbolicLink(l) else l).toList => (p.toString.stripPrefix("/packages/"), lookup(p))).toMap

  /** Empty string represents root package */
  override private[dotty] def hasPackage(pkg: PackageName): Boolean = packageToModuleBases.contains(pkg.dottedString)

  override private[dotty] def packages(inPackage: PackageName): Seq[PackageEntry] =
    packageToModuleBases.keysIterator.filter(pack => packageContains(inPackage.dottedString, pack)).map(PackageEntryImpl(_)).toVector

  private[dotty] def classes(inPackage: PackageName): Seq[BinaryFileEntry] =
    if (inPackage.isRoot) Nil
      packageToModuleBases.getOrElse(inPackage.dottedString, Nil).flatMap(x =>
        Files.list(x.resolve(inPackage.dirPathTrailingSlash)).iterator().asScala.filter(_.getFileName.toString.endsWith(".class"))).map(x =>

  override private[dotty] def list(inPackage: PackageName): ClassPathEntries =
    if (inPackage.isRoot) ClassPathEntries(packages(inPackage), Nil)
    else ClassPathEntries(packages(inPackage), classes(inPackage))

  def asURLs: Seq[URL] = Seq(new URI("jrt:/").toURL)
  // We don't yet have a scheme to represent the JDK modules in our `-classpath`.
  // java models them as entries in the new "module path", we'll probably need to follow this.
  def asClassPathStrings: Seq[String] = Nil

  def findClassFile(className: String): Option[AbstractFile] =
    if (!className.contains(".")) None
    else {
      val (inPackage, _) = separatePkgAndClassNames(className)
      packageToModuleBases.getOrElse(inPackage, Nil).iterator.flatMap{ x =>
        val file = x.resolve(FileUtils.dirPath(className) + ".class")
        if (Files.exists(file)) file.toPlainFile :: Nil else Nil

  * Implementation `ClassPath` based on the \$JAVA_HOME/lib/ct.sym backing
final class CtSymClassPath(ctSym: java.nio.file.Path, release: Int) extends ClassPath with NoSourcePaths {
  import java.nio.file.Path, java.nio.file.*

  private val fileSystem: FileSystem = FileSystems.newFileSystem(ctSym, null: ClassLoader)
  private val root: Path =
  private val roots = Files.newDirectoryStream(root).iterator.asScala.toList

  private def codeFor(major: Int): String = if (major < 10) major.toString else ('A' + (major - 10)).toChar.toString

  private val releaseCode: String = codeFor(release)
  private def fileNameMatchesRelease(fileName: String) = !fileName.contains("-") && fileName.contains(releaseCode) // exclude `9-modules`
  private val rootsForRelease: List[Path] = roots.filter(root => fileNameMatchesRelease(root.getFileName.toString))

  // e.g. "java.lang" -> Seq(/876/java/lang, /87/java/lang, /8/java/lang))
  private val packageIndex: scala.collection.Map[String, scala.collection.Seq[Path]] = {
    val index = collection.mutable.AnyRefMap[String, collection.mutable.ListBuffer[Path]]()
    val isJava12OrHigher = scala.util.Properties.isJavaAtLeast("12")
    rootsForRelease.foreach(root => Files.walk(root).iterator().asScala.filter(Files.isDirectory(_)).foreach { p =>
      val moduleNamePathElementCount = if (isJava12OrHigher) 1 else 0
      if (p.getNameCount > root.getNameCount + moduleNamePathElementCount) {
        val packageDotted = p.subpath(moduleNamePathElementCount + root.getNameCount, p.getNameCount).toString.replace('/', '.')
        index.getOrElseUpdate(packageDotted, new collection.mutable.ListBuffer) += p

  /** Empty string represents root package */
  override private[dotty] def hasPackage(pkg: PackageName) = packageIndex.contains(pkg.dottedString)
  override private[dotty] def packages(inPackage: PackageName): Seq[PackageEntry] = {
    packageIndex.keysIterator.filter(pack => packageContains(inPackage.dottedString, pack)).map(PackageEntryImpl(_)).toVector
  private[dotty] def classes(inPackage: PackageName): Seq[BinaryFileEntry] = {
    if (inPackage.isRoot) Nil
    else {
      val sigFiles = packageIndex.getOrElse(inPackage.dottedString, Nil).iterator.flatMap(p =>
        Files.list(p).iterator.asScala.filter(_.getFileName.toString.endsWith(".sig"))) => ClassFileEntry(f.toPlainFile)).toVector

  override private[dotty] def list(inPackage: PackageName): ClassPathEntries =
    if (inPackage.isRoot) ClassPathEntries(packages(inPackage), Nil)
    else ClassPathEntries(packages(inPackage), classes(inPackage))

  def asURLs: Seq[URL] = Nil
  def asClassPathStrings: Seq[String] = Nil
  def findClassFile(className: String): Option[AbstractFile] = {
    if (!className.contains(".")) None
    else {
      val (inPackage, classSimpleName) = separatePkgAndClassNames(className)
      packageIndex.getOrElse(inPackage, Nil).iterator.flatMap { p =>
        val path = p.resolve(classSimpleName + ".sig")
        if (Files.exists(path)) path.toPlainFile :: Nil else Nil

case class DirectoryClassPath(dir: JFile) extends JFileDirectoryLookup[BinaryFileEntry] with NoSourcePaths {

  def findClassFile(className: String): Option[AbstractFile] = {
    val relativePath = FileUtils.dirPath(className)
    val classFile = new JFile(dir, relativePath + ".class")
    if classFile.exists then Some(classFile.toPath.toPlainFile)
    else None

  protected def createFileEntry(file: AbstractFile): BinaryFileEntry = BinaryFileEntry(file)

  protected def isMatchingFile(f: JFile): Boolean =
    f.isTasty || f.isBestEffortTasty || (f.isClass && !f.hasSiblingTasty)

  private[dotty] def classes(inPackage: PackageName): Seq[BinaryFileEntry] = files(inPackage)

case class DirectorySourcePath(dir: JFile) extends JFileDirectoryLookup[SourceFileEntry] with NoClassPaths {
  def asSourcePathString: String = asClassPathString

  protected def createFileEntry(file: AbstractFile): SourceFileEntry = SourceFileEntry(file)
  protected def isMatchingFile(f: JFile): Boolean = endsScalaOrJava(f.getName)

  private[dotty] def sources(inPackage: PackageName): Seq[SourceFileEntry] = files(inPackage)

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