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package config
import scala.language.unsafeNulls
import core.Contexts.*
import{AbstractFile, Directory, JarArchive, PlainDirectory}
import annotation.tailrec
import annotation.internal.unshared
import collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer
import collection.mutable
import reflect.ClassTag
import scala.util.{Success, Failure}
object Settings:
val BooleanTag: ClassTag[Boolean] = ClassTag.Boolean
val IntTag: ClassTag[Int] = ClassTag.Int
val StringTag: ClassTag[String] = ClassTag(classOf[String])
val ListTag: ClassTag[List[?]] = ClassTag(classOf[List[?]])
val VersionTag: ClassTag[ScalaVersion] = ClassTag(classOf[ScalaVersion])
val OptionTag: ClassTag[Option[?]] = ClassTag(classOf[Option[?]])
val OutputTag: ClassTag[AbstractFile] = ClassTag(classOf[AbstractFile])
trait SettingCategory:
def prefixLetter: String
class SettingsState(initialValues: Seq[Any], initialChanged: Set[Int] = Set.empty):
private val values = ArrayBuffer(initialValues*)
private val changed: mutable.Set[Int] =
private var _wasRead: Boolean = false
override def toString: String = s"SettingsState(values: ${values.toList})"
def value(idx: Int): Any =
_wasRead = true
def wasChanged(idx: Int): Boolean = changed.contains(idx)
def update(idx: Int, x: Any): SettingsState =
if (_wasRead) then SettingsState(values.toSeq, changed.toSet).update(idx, x)
values(idx) = x
def reinitializedCopy(): SettingsState =
SettingsState(values.toSeq, changed.toSet)
end SettingsState
case class ArgsSummary(
sstate: SettingsState,
arguments: List[String],
errors: List[String],
warnings: List[String]):
def fail(msg: String): Settings.ArgsSummary =
ArgsSummary(sstate, arguments.tail, errors :+ msg, warnings)
def warn(msg: String): Settings.ArgsSummary =
ArgsSummary(sstate, arguments.tail, errors, warnings :+ msg)
def deprecated(msg: String, extraArgs: List[String] = Nil): Settings.ArgsSummary =
ArgsSummary(sstate, extraArgs ++ arguments.tail, errors, warnings :+ msg)
val settingCharacters = "[a-zA-Z0-9_\\-]*".r
def validateSettingString(name: String): Unit =
assert(settingCharacters.matches(name), s"Setting string $name contains invalid characters")
/** List of setting-value pairs that are required for another setting to be valid.
* For example, `s = Setting(..., depends = List(YprofileEnabled -> true))`
* means that `s` requires `YprofileEnabled` to be set to `true`.
type SettingDependencies = List[(Setting[?], Any)]
case class Setting[T: ClassTag] private[Settings] (
category: SettingCategory,
name: String,
description: String,
default: T,
helpArg: String = "",
choices: Option[Seq[?]] = None,
prefix: Option[String] = None,
aliases: List[String] = Nil,
depends: SettingDependencies = Nil,
ignoreInvalidArgs: Boolean = false,
preferPrevious: Boolean = false,
propertyClass: Option[Class[?]] = None,
deprecation: Option[Deprecation] = None,
// kept only for -Xkind-projector option compatibility
legacyArgs: Boolean = false,
// accept legacy choices (for example, valid in Scala 2 but no longer supported)
legacyChoices: Option[Seq[?]] = None)(private[Settings] val idx: Int):
assert(name.startsWith(s"-${category.prefixLetter}"), s"Setting $name does not start with category -$category")
assert(legacyArgs || !choices.exists(_.contains("")), s"Empty string is not supported as a choice for setting $name")
// Without the following assertion, it would be easy to mistakenly try to pass a file to a setting that ignores invalid args.
// Example: -opt Main.scala would be interpreted as -opt:Main.scala, and the source file would be ignored.
assert(!(summon[ClassTag[T]] == ListTag && ignoreInvalidArgs), s"Ignoring invalid args is not supported for multivalue settings: $name")
val allFullNames: List[String] = s"$name" :: s"-$name" :: aliases
def valueIn(state: SettingsState): T = state.value(idx).asInstanceOf[T]
def updateIn(state: SettingsState, x: Any): SettingsState = x match
case _: T => state.update(idx, x)
case _ => throw IllegalArgumentException(s"found: $x of type ${x.getClass.getName}, required: ${summon[ClassTag[T]]}")
def isDefaultIn(state: SettingsState): Boolean = valueIn(state) == default
def isMultivalue: Boolean = summon[ClassTag[T]] == ListTag
def acceptsNoArg: Boolean = summon[ClassTag[T]] == BooleanTag || summon[ClassTag[T]] == OptionTag || choices.exists(_.contains(""))
def legalChoices: String =
choices match
case Some(xs) if xs.isEmpty => ""
case Some(r: Range) => s"${r.head}..${r.last}"
case Some(xs) => xs.mkString(", ")
case None => ""
def tryToSet(state: ArgsSummary): ArgsSummary =
val ArgsSummary(sstate, arg :: args, errors, warnings) = state: @unchecked
* Updates the value in state
* @param getValue it is crucial that this argument is passed by name, as [setOutput] have side effects.
* @param argStringValue string value of currently proccessed argument that will be used to set deprecation replacement
* @param args remaining arguments to process
* @return new argumment state
def update(getValue: => Any, argStringValue: String, args: List[String]): ArgsSummary =
deprecation match
case Some(Deprecation(msg, Some(replacedBy))) =>
val deprecatedMsg = s"Option $name is deprecated: $msg"
if argStringValue.isEmpty then state.deprecated(deprecatedMsg, List(replacedBy))
else state.deprecated(deprecatedMsg, List(s"$replacedBy:$argStringValue"))
case Some(Deprecation(msg, _)) =>
state.deprecated(s"Option $name is deprecated: $msg")
case None =>
val value = getValue
var dangers = warnings
val valueNew =
if sstate.wasChanged(idx) && isMultivalue then
val valueList = value.asInstanceOf[List[String]]
val current = valueIn(sstate).asInstanceOf[List[String]]
valueList.filter(current.contains).foreach(s => dangers :+= s"Setting $name set to $s redundantly")
current ++ valueList
if sstate.wasChanged(idx) then
assert(!preferPrevious, "should have shortcutted with ignoreValue, side-effect may be present!")
dangers :+= s"Flag $name set repeatedly"
ArgsSummary(updateIn(sstate, valueNew), args, errors, dangers)
end update
def ignoreValue(args: List[String]): ArgsSummary =
ArgsSummary(sstate, args, errors, warnings)
def missingArg =
val msg = s"missing argument for option $name"
if ignoreInvalidArgs then state.warn(msg + ", the tag was ignored") else
def invalidChoices(invalid: List[String]) =
val msg = s"invalid choice(s) for $name: ${invalid.mkString(",")}"
if ignoreInvalidArgs then state.warn(msg + ", the tag was ignored") else
def setBoolean(argValue: String, args: List[String]) =
if argValue.equalsIgnoreCase("true") || argValue.isEmpty then update(true, argValue, args)
else if argValue.equalsIgnoreCase("false") then update(false, argValue, args)
else"$argValue is not a valid choice for boolean setting $name")
def setString(argValue: String, args: List[String]) =
choices match
case Some(xs) if !xs.contains(argValue) =>"$argValue is not a valid choice for $name")
case _ =>
update(argValue, argValue, args)
def setInt(argValue: String, args: List[String]) = intValue =>
choices match
case Some(r: Range) if intValue < r.head || r.last < intValue =>"$argValue is out of legal range ${r.head}..${r.last} for $name")
case Some(xs) if !xs.contains(intValue) =>"$argValue is not a valid choice for $name")
case _ =>
update(intValue, argValue, args)
.getOrElse:"$argValue is not an integer argument for $name")
def setOutput(argValue: String, args: List[String]) =
val path = Directory(argValue)
val isJar = path.ext.isJar
if (!isJar && !path.isDirectory) then"'$argValue' does not exist or is not a directory or .jar file")
/* Side effect, do not change this method to evaluate eagerly */
def output = if (isJar) JarArchive.create(path) else new PlainDirectory(path)
update(output, argValue, args)
def setVersion(argValue: String, args: List[String]) =
ScalaVersion.parse(argValue) match
case Success(v) => update(v, argValue, args)
case Failure(ex) =>
def appendList(strings: List[String], argValue: String, args: List[String]) =
choices match
case Some(valid) => strings.partition(valid.contains) match
case (_, Nil) => update(strings, argValue, args)
case (validStrs, invalidStrs) => legacyChoices match
case Some(validBefore) =>
invalidStrs.filterNot(validBefore.contains) match
case Nil => update(validStrs, argValue, args)
case realInvalidStrs => invalidChoices(realInvalidStrs)
case _ => invalidChoices(invalidStrs)
case _ => update(strings, argValue, args)
def doSet(argRest: String) =
((summon[ClassTag[T]], args): @unchecked) match
case (BooleanTag, _) =>
if sstate.wasChanged(idx) && preferPrevious then ignoreValue(args)
else setBoolean(argRest, args)
case (OptionTag, _) =>
update(Some(propertyClass.get.getConstructor().newInstance()), "", args)
case (ct, args) =>
val argInArgRest = !argRest.isEmpty || legacyArgs
val argAfterParam = !argInArgRest && args.nonEmpty && (ct == IntTag || !args.head.startsWith("-"))
if argInArgRest then
doSetArg(argRest, args)
else if argAfterParam then
doSetArg(args.head, args.tail)
else missingArg
def doSetArg(arg: String, argsLeft: List[String]) = summon[ClassTag[T]] match
case ListTag =>
val strings = arg.split(",").toList
appendList(strings, arg, argsLeft)
case StringTag =>
setString(arg, argsLeft)
case OutputTag =>
if sstate.wasChanged(idx) && preferPrevious then
ignoreValue(argsLeft) // do not risk side effects e.g. overwriting a jar
setOutput(arg, argsLeft)
case IntTag =>
setInt(arg, argsLeft)
case VersionTag =>
setVersion(arg, argsLeft)
case _ =>
def matches(argName: String): Boolean =
(allFullNames).exists(_ == argName.takeWhile(_ != ':')) || prefix.exists(arg.startsWith)
def argValRest: String =
if(prefix.isEmpty) arg.dropWhile(_ != ':').drop(1) else arg.drop(prefix.get.length)
if matches(arg) then
deprecation match
case Some(Deprecation(msg, _)) if ignoreInvalidArgs => // a special case for Xlint
state.deprecated(s"Option $name is deprecated: $msg")
case _ => doSet(argValRest)
else state
end tryToSet
end Setting
* Class used for deprecating purposes.
* It contains all necessary information to deprecate given option.
* Scala Settings are considered deprecated when this object is present at their creation site.
* @param msg deprecation message that will be displayed in following format: s"Option $name is deprecated: $msg"
* @param replacedBy option that is substituting current option
case class Deprecation(
msg: String,
replacedBy: Option[String] = None,
object Deprecation:
def renamed(replacement: String) = Some(Deprecation(s"Use $replacement instead.", Some(replacement)))
def removed(removedVersion: Option[String] = None) =
val msg =" in " + _).getOrElse(".")
Some(Deprecation(s"Scheduled for removal$msg", None))
object Setting:
extension [T](setting: Setting[T])
def value(using Context): T = setting.valueIn(ctx.settingsState)
def update(x: T)(using Context): SettingsState = setting.updateIn(ctx.settingsState, x)
def isDefault(using Context): Boolean = setting.isDefaultIn(ctx.settingsState)
* A choice with help description.
* NOTE : `equals` and `toString` have special behaviors
case class ChoiceWithHelp[T](name: T, description: String):
override def equals(x: Any): Boolean = x match
case s:String => s == name.toString()
case _ => false
override def toString(): String =
s"\n- $name${if description.isEmpty() then "" else s" :\n\t${description.replace("\n","\n\t")}"}"
end Setting
class SettingGroup:
private val _allSettings = new ArrayBuffer[Setting[?]]
def allSettings: Seq[Setting[?]] = _allSettings.toSeq
def defaultState: SettingsState = new SettingsState(allSettings map (_.default))
def userSetSettings(state: SettingsState): Seq[Setting[?]] =
allSettings filterNot (_.isDefaultIn(state))
def toConciseString(state: SettingsState): String =
userSetSettings(state).mkString("(", " ", ")")
private def checkDependencies(state: ArgsSummary): ArgsSummary =
private def checkDependenciesOfSetting(state: ArgsSummary, setting: Setting[?]) =
setting.depends.foldLeft(state): (s, dep) =>
val (depSetting, reqValue) = dep
if (depSetting.valueIn(state.sstate) == reqValue) s
else"incomplete option ${} (requires ${})")
/** Iterates over the arguments applying them to settings where applicable.
* Then verifies setting dependencies are met.
* This takes a boolean indicating whether to keep
* processing if an argument is seen which is not a command line option.
* This is an expedience for the moment so that you can say
* scalac -d /tmp foo.scala -optimise
* while also allowing
* scala Program opt opt
* to get their arguments.
final def processArguments(state: ArgsSummary, processAll: Boolean, skipped: List[String]): ArgsSummary =
def stateWithArgs(args: List[String]) = ArgsSummary(state.sstate, args, state.errors, state.warnings)
state.arguments match
case Nil =>
case "--" :: args =>
checkDependencies(stateWithArgs(skipped ++ args))
case x :: _ if x startsWith "-" =>
@tailrec def loop(settings: List[Setting[?]]): ArgsSummary = settings match
case setting :: settings1 =>
val state1 = setting.tryToSet(state)
if state1 ne state then state1
else loop(settings1)
case Nil =>
state.warn(s"bad option '$x' was ignored")
processArguments(loop(allSettings.toList), processAll, skipped)
case arg :: args =>
if processAll then processArguments(stateWithArgs(args), processAll, skipped :+ arg)
else state
end processArguments
def processArguments(arguments: List[String], processAll: Boolean, settingsState: SettingsState = defaultState): ArgsSummary =
processArguments(ArgsSummary(settingsState, arguments, Nil, Nil), processAll, Nil)
def publish[T](settingf: Int => Setting[T]): Setting[T] =
val setting = settingf(_allSettings.length)
_allSettings += setting
def prependName(name: String): String =
assert(!name.startsWith("-"), s"Setting $name cannot start with -")
"-" + name
def BooleanSetting(category: SettingCategory, name: String, descr: String, initialValue: Boolean = false, aliases: List[String] = Nil, preferPrevious: Boolean = false, deprecation: Option[Deprecation] = None, ignoreInvalidArgs: Boolean = false): Setting[Boolean] =
publish(Setting(category, prependName(name), descr, initialValue, aliases = aliases, preferPrevious = preferPrevious, deprecation = deprecation, ignoreInvalidArgs = ignoreInvalidArgs))
def StringSetting(category: SettingCategory, name: String, helpArg: String, descr: String, default: String, aliases: List[String] = Nil, deprecation: Option[Deprecation] = None, depends: SettingDependencies = Nil): Setting[String] =
publish(Setting(category, prependName(name), descr, default, helpArg, aliases = aliases, deprecation = deprecation, depends = depends))
def ChoiceSetting(category: SettingCategory, name: String, helpArg: String, descr: String, choices: List[String], default: String, aliases: List[String] = Nil, legacyArgs: Boolean = false, deprecation: Option[Deprecation] = None): Setting[String] =
publish(Setting(category, prependName(name), descr, default, helpArg, Some(choices), aliases = aliases, legacyArgs = legacyArgs, deprecation = deprecation))
def MultiChoiceSetting(category: SettingCategory, name: String, helpArg: String, descr: String, choices: List[String], default: List[String] = Nil, legacyChoices: List[String] = Nil, aliases: List[String] = Nil, deprecation: Option[Deprecation] = None): Setting[List[String]] =
publish(Setting(category, prependName(name), descr, default, helpArg, Some(choices), legacyChoices = Some(legacyChoices), aliases = aliases, deprecation = deprecation))
def MultiChoiceHelpSetting(category: SettingCategory, name: String, helpArg: String, descr: String, choices: List[ChoiceWithHelp[String]], default: List[ChoiceWithHelp[String]], legacyChoices: List[String] = Nil, aliases: List[String] = Nil, deprecation: Option[Deprecation] = None): Setting[List[ChoiceWithHelp[String]]] =
publish(Setting(category, prependName(name), descr, default, helpArg, Some(choices), legacyChoices = Some(legacyChoices), aliases = aliases, deprecation = deprecation))
def IntSetting(category: SettingCategory, name: String, descr: String, default: Int, aliases: List[String] = Nil, deprecation: Option[Deprecation] = None): Setting[Int] =
publish(Setting(category, prependName(name), descr, default, aliases = aliases, deprecation = deprecation))
def IntChoiceSetting(category: SettingCategory, name: String, descr: String, choices: Seq[Int], default: Int, deprecation: Option[Deprecation] = None): Setting[Int] =
publish(Setting(category, prependName(name), descr, default, choices = Some(choices), deprecation = deprecation))
def MultiStringSetting(category: SettingCategory, name: String, helpArg: String, descr: String, default: List[String] = Nil, aliases: List[String] = Nil, deprecation: Option[Deprecation] = None): Setting[List[String]] =
publish(Setting(category, prependName(name), descr, default, helpArg, aliases = aliases, deprecation = deprecation))
def OutputSetting(category: SettingCategory, name: String, helpArg: String, descr: String, default: AbstractFile, aliases: List[String] = Nil, preferPrevious: Boolean = false, deprecation: Option[Deprecation] = None): Setting[AbstractFile] =
publish(Setting(category, prependName(name), descr, default, helpArg, aliases = aliases, preferPrevious = preferPrevious, deprecation = deprecation))
def PathSetting(category: SettingCategory, name: String, descr: String, default: String, aliases: List[String] = Nil, deprecation: Option[Deprecation] = None): Setting[String] =
publish(Setting(category, prependName(name), descr, default, aliases = aliases, deprecation = deprecation))
def PhasesSetting(category: SettingCategory, name: String, descr: String, default: String = "", aliases: List[String] = Nil, deprecation: Option[Deprecation] = None, depends: SettingDependencies = Nil): Setting[List[String]] =
publish(Setting(category, prependName(name), descr, if (default.isEmpty) Nil else List(default), aliases = aliases, deprecation = deprecation, depends = depends))
def PrefixSetting(category: SettingCategory, name0: String, descr: String, deprecation: Option[Deprecation] = None): Setting[List[String]] =
val name = prependName(name0)
val prefix = name.takeWhile(_ != '<')
publish(Setting(category, name, descr, Nil, prefix = Some(prefix), deprecation = deprecation))
def VersionSetting(category: SettingCategory, name: String, descr: String, default: ScalaVersion = NoScalaVersion, legacyArgs: Boolean = false, deprecation: Option[Deprecation] = None): Setting[ScalaVersion] =
publish(Setting(category, prependName(name), descr, default, legacyArgs = legacyArgs, deprecation = deprecation))
def OptionSetting[T: ClassTag](category: SettingCategory, name: String, descr: String, aliases: List[String] = Nil, deprecation: Option[Deprecation] = None): Setting[Option[T]] =
publish(Setting(category, prependName(name), descr, None, propertyClass = Some(summon[ClassTag[T]].runtimeClass), aliases = aliases, deprecation = deprecation))
end SettingGroup
end Settings
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