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package printing
import core.*
import Texts.*, Types.*, Flags.*, Names.*, Symbols.*, NameOps.*, Constants.*, Denotations.*
import StdNames.*
import Contexts.*
import Scopes.Scope, Denotations.Denotation, Annotations.Annotation
import StdNames.nme
import ast.Trees.*
import typer.Implicits.*
import typer.ImportInfo
import Variances.varianceSign
import util.SourcePosition
import scala.util.control.NonFatal
import scala.annotation.switch
import config.{Config, Feature}
import cc.{CapturingType, RetainingType, CaptureSet, ReachCapability, MaybeCapability, isBoxed, retainedElems, isRetainsLike}
class PlainPrinter(_ctx: Context) extends Printer {
/** The context of all public methods in Printer and subclasses.
* Overridden in RefinedPrinter.
def printerContext: Context = _ctx.addMode(Mode.Printing)
protected given [DummyToEnforceDef]: Context = printerContext
protected def printDebug = ctx.settings.YprintDebug.value
private var openRecs: List[RecType] = Nil
protected def maxToTextRecursions: Int = 100
protected def showUniqueIds = ctx.settings.uniqid.value || Printer.debugPrintUnique
protected def showNestingLevel = ctx.settings.YprintLevel.value
protected final def limiter: MessageLimiter =
protected def controlled(op: => Text): Text = limiter.controlled(op)
def Str(str: String, lineRange: LineRange = EmptyLineRange): Str =
Texts.Str(str, lineRange)
given stringToText: Conversion[String, Text] = Str(_)
/** If true, tweak output so it is the same before and after pickling */
protected def homogenizedView: Boolean = ctx.settings.YtestPickler.value
protected def debugPos: Boolean = ctx.settings.YdebugPos.value
def homogenize(tp: Type): Type =
if (homogenizedView)
tp match {
case tp: ThisType if && !tp.cls.isEffectiveRoot =>
case tp: TypeVar if tp.isInstantiated =>
case AndType(tp1, tp2) =>
homogenize(tp1) & homogenize(tp2)
case OrType(tp1, tp2) =>
homogenize(tp1) | homogenize(tp2)
case AnnotatedType(parent, annot)
if ! && annot.symbol == defn.UncheckedVarianceAnnot
|| annot.symbol.isRetainsLike =>
case tp: SkolemType =>
case tp: LazyRef =>
case tp @ AppliedType(tycon, args) =>
if (defn.isCompiletimeAppliedType(tycon.typeSymbol)) tp.tryCompiletimeConstantFold
else if !tycon.typeSymbol.isOpaqueAlias then tycon.dealias.appliedTo(args)
else tp
case tp: NamedType =>
case _ =>
else tp
private def sameBound(lo: Type, hi: Type): Boolean =
try lo frozen_=:= hi catch { case NonFatal(ex) => false }
private def homogenizeArg(tp: Type) = tp match {
case TypeBounds(lo, hi) if homogenizedView && sameBound(lo, hi) => homogenize(hi)
case _ => tp
private def selfRecName(n: Int) = s"z$n"
/** If the name of the symbol's owner should be used when you care about
* seeing an interesting name: in such cases this symbol is e.g. a method
* parameter with a synthetic name, a constructor named "this", an object
* "package", etc. The kind string, if non-empty, will be phrased relative
* to the name of the owner.
protected def hasMeaninglessName(sym: Symbol): Boolean = ( && sym.owner.isSetter // x$1
|| sym.isClassConstructor // this
|| ( == nme.PACKAGE) // package
def nameString(name: Name): String =
if (name eq tpnme.FromJavaObject) && !printDebug
then nameString(tpnme.Object)
else name.toString
def toText(name: Name): Text = Str(nameString(name))
/** String representation of a name used in a refinement
* In refined printing this undoes type parameter expansion
protected def refinementNameString(tp: RefinedType): String = nameString(tp.refinedName)
/** String representation of a refinement */
def toTextRefinement(rt: RefinedType): Text =
val keyword = rt.refinedInfo match {
case _: ExprType | _: MethodOrPoly => "def "
case _: TypeBounds => "type "
case _: TypeProxy => "val "
case _ => ""
(keyword ~ refinementNameString(rt) ~ toTextRHS(rt.refinedInfo)).close
protected def argText(arg: Type, isErased: Boolean = false): Text =
keywordText("erased ").provided(isErased)
~ homogenizeArg(arg).match
case arg: TypeBounds => "?" ~ toText(arg)
case arg => toText(arg)
/** Pretty-print comma-separated type arguments for a constructor to be inserted among parentheses or brackets
* (hence with `GlobalPrec` precedence).
protected def argsText(args: List[Type]): Text =
atPrec(GlobalPrec) { Text(, ", ") }
/** The longest sequence of refinement types, starting at given type
* and following parents.
private def refinementChain(tp: Type): List[Type] =
tp :: (tp match {
case tp: RefinedType => refinementChain(tp.parent.stripTypeVar)
case _ => Nil
/** Direct references to these symbols are printed without their prefix for convenience.
* They are either aliased in scala.Predef or in the scala package object, as well as `Object`
private lazy val printWithoutPrefix: Set[Symbol] =
++ defn.ScalaPackageObject.termRef.typeAliasMembers).map(
+ defn.ObjectClass
+ defn.FromJavaObjectSymbol
def toTextCaptureSet(cs: CaptureSet): Text =
if printDebug && ctx.settings.YccDebug.value && !cs.isConst then cs.toString
else if cs == CaptureSet.Fluid then ""
val core: Text =
if !cs.isConst && cs.elems.isEmpty then "?"
else "{" ~ Text(, ", ") ~ "}"
// ~ Str("?").provided(!cs.isConst)
core ~ cs.optionalInfo
private def toTextRetainedElem[T <: Untyped](ref: Tree[T]): Text = ref match
case ref: RefTree[?] if ref.typeOpt.exists =>
case TypeApply(fn, arg :: Nil) if fn.symbol == defn.Caps_capsOf =>
case _ =>
private def toTextRetainedElems[T <: Untyped](refs: List[Tree[T]]): Text =
"{" ~ Text( => toTextRetainedElem(ref)), ", ") ~ "}"
/** Print capturing type, overridden in RefinedPrinter to account for
* capturing function types.
protected def toTextCapturing(parent: Type, refsText: Text, boxText: Text): Text =
boxText ~ toTextLocal(parent) ~ "^"
~ (refsText provided refsText != rootSetText)
final protected def rootSetText = Str("{cap}") // TODO Use disambiguation
def toText(tp: Type): Text = controlled {
homogenize(tp) match {
case tp: TypeType =>
case tp: TermRef
if !tp.denotationIsCurrent
&& !homogenizedView // always print underlying when testing picklers
&& !tp.isRootCapability
|| == nme.IMPORT =>
toTextRef(tp) ~ ".type"
case tp: TermRef if tp.denot.isOverloaded =>
case tp: TypeRef =>
if (printWithoutPrefix.contains(tp.symbol))
toTextPrefixOf(tp) ~ selectionString(tp)
case tp: TermParamRef =>
ParamRefNameString(tp) ~ lambdaHash(tp.binder) ~ ".type"
case tp: TypeParamRef =>
val suffix =
if showNestingLevel then
val tvar = ctx.typerState.constraint.typeVarOfParam(tp)
if tvar.exists then s"#${tvar.asInstanceOf[TypeVar].nestingLevel.toString}" else ""
else ""
ParamRefNameString(tp) ~ lambdaHash(tp.binder) ~ suffix
case tp: SingletonType =>
case AppliedType(tycon, args) =>
(toTextLocal(tycon) ~ "[" ~ argsText(args) ~ "]").close
case tp: RefinedType =>
val parent :: (refined: List[RefinedType @unchecked]) =
refinementChain(tp).reverse: @unchecked
toTextLocal(parent) ~ "{" ~ Text(refined map toTextRefinement, "; ").close ~ "}"
case tp: RecType =>
try {
openRecs = tp :: openRecs
"{" ~ selfRecName(openRecs.length) ~ " => " ~ toTextGlobal(tp.parent) ~ "}"
finally openRecs = openRecs.tail
case AndType(tp1, tp2) =>
changePrec(AndTypePrec) { toText(tp1) ~ " & " ~ atPrec(AndTypePrec + 1) { toText(tp2) } }
case OrType(tp1, tp2) =>
changePrec(OrTypePrec) { toText(tp1) ~ " | " ~ atPrec(OrTypePrec + 1) { toText(tp2) } }
case MatchType(bound, scrutinee, cases) =>
changePrec(GlobalPrec) {
def caseText(tp: Type): Text = tp match {
case tp: HKTypeLambda => caseText(tp.resultType)
case defn.MatchCase(pat, body) => "case " ~ toText(pat) ~ " => " ~ toText(body)
case _ => "case " ~ toText(tp)
def casesText = Text(, "\n")
atPrec(InfixPrec) { toText(scrutinee) } ~
keywordStr(" match ") ~ "{" ~ casesText ~ "}" ~
(" <: " ~ toText(bound) provided !bound.isAny)
case tp @ CapturingType(parent, refs) =>
val boxText: Text = Str("box ") provided tp.isBoxed //&& ctx.settings.YccDebug.value
val showAsCap = refs.isUniversal && (refs.elems.size == 1 || !printDebug)
val refsText = if showAsCap then rootSetText else toTextCaptureSet(refs)
toTextCapturing(parent, refsText, boxText)
case tp @ RetainingType(parent, refs) =>
if Feature.ccEnabledSomewhere then
val refsText = refs match
case ref :: Nil if ref.symbol == defn.captureRoot => rootSetText
case _ => toTextRetainedElems(refs)
toTextCapturing(parent, refsText, "") ~ Str("R").provided(printDebug)
else toText(parent)
case tp: PreviousErrorType if ctx.settings.XprintTypes.value =>
"" // do not print previously reported error message because they may try to print this error type again recursively
case tp: ErrorType =>
case tp: WildcardType =>
if (tp.optBounds.exists) "" ~ toTextRHS(tp.bounds) ~ ">" else ">"
case NoType =>
case NoPrefix =>
case tp: MethodType =>
changePrec(GlobalPrec) {
~ keywordText("using ").provided(tp.isContextualMethod)
~ keywordText("implicit ").provided(tp.isImplicitMethod && !tp.isContextualMethod)
~ paramsText(tp)
~ ")"
~ (Str(": ") provided !tp.resultType.isInstanceOf[MethodOrPoly])
~ toText(tp.resultType)
case ExprType(restp) =>
def arrowText: Text = restp match
case AnnotatedType(parent, ann) if ann.symbol == defn.RetainsByNameAnnot =>
val refs = ann.tree.retainedElems
if refs.exists(_.symbol == defn.captureRoot) then Str("=>")
else Str("->") ~ toTextRetainedElems(refs)
case _ =>
if Feature.pureFunsEnabled then "->" else "=>"
changePrec(GlobalPrec)(arrowText ~ " " ~ toText(restp))
case tp: HKTypeLambda =>
changePrec(GlobalPrec) {
"[" ~ paramsText(tp) ~ "]" ~ lambdaHash(tp) ~ Str(" =>> ") ~ toTextGlobal(tp.resultType)
case tp: PolyType =>
changePrec(GlobalPrec) {
"[" ~ paramsText(tp) ~ "]" ~ lambdaHash(tp) ~
(Str(": ") provided !tp.resultType.isInstanceOf[MethodOrPoly]) ~
case AnnotatedType(tpe, annot) =>
if annot.symbol == defn.InlineParamAnnot || annot.symbol == defn.ErasedParamAnnot
then toText(tpe)
else if (annot.symbol == defn.IntoAnnot || annot.symbol == defn.IntoParamAnnot)
&& !printDebug
then atPrec(GlobalPrec)( Str("into ") ~ toText(tpe) )
else toTextLocal(tpe) ~ " " ~ toText(annot)
case FlexibleType(_, tpe) =>
"(" ~ toText(tpe) ~ ")?"
case tp: TypeVar =>
def toTextCaret(tp: Type) = if printDebug then toTextLocal(tp) ~ Str("^") else toText(tp)
if (tp.isInstantiated)
else {
val constr = ctx.typerState.constraint
val bounds =
if constr.contains(tp) then
if (bounds.isTypeAlias) toTextCaret(bounds.lo)
else if (ctx.settings.YshowVarBounds.value) "(" ~ toText(tp.origin) ~ "?" ~ toText(bounds) ~ ")"
else toText(tp.origin)
case tp: LazyRef =>
def refTxt =
try toTextGlobal(tp.ref)
catch {
case ex: Throwable => Str("...")
"LazyRef(" ~ refTxt ~ ")"
case Range(lo, hi) =>
toText(lo) ~ ".." ~ toText(hi)
case _ =>
def toTextSingleton(tp: SingletonType): Text =
"(" ~ toTextRef(tp) ~ " : " ~ toTextGlobal(tp.underlying) ~ ")"
protected def paramsText(lam: LambdaType): Text = {
def paramText(ref: ParamRef) =
val erased = ref.underlying.hasAnnotation(defn.ErasedParamAnnot)
keywordText("erased ").provided(erased) ~ ParamRefNameString(ref) ~ lambdaHash(lam) ~ toTextRHS(ref.underlying, isParameter = true)
Text(, ", ")
protected def ParamRefNameString(name: Name): String = nameString(name)
protected def ParamRefNameString(param: ParamRef): String =
/** The name of the symbol without a unique id. */
protected def simpleNameString(sym: Symbol): String = nameString(
/** If -uniqid is set, the hashcode of the lambda type, after a # */
protected def lambdaHash(pt: LambdaType): Text =
if (showUniqueIds)
try "#" + pt.hashCode
catch { case ex: NullPointerException => "" }
else ""
/** A string to append to a symbol composed of:
* - if -uniqid is set, its unique id after a #.
* - if -Yprint-level, its nesting level after a %.
protected def idString(sym: Symbol): String =
(if (showUniqueIds || Printer.debugPrintUnique) "#" + else "") +
(if showNestingLevel then "%" + sym.nestingLevel else "")
def nameString(sym: Symbol): String =
simpleNameString(sym) + idString(sym) // + "<" + (if (sym.exists) sym.owner else "") + ">"
def fullNameString(sym: Symbol): String =
if (sym eq defn.FromJavaObjectSymbol) && !printDebug then
else if sym.isRoot || sym == NoSymbol || sym.owner.isEffectiveRoot then
fullNameString(fullNameOwner(sym)) + "." + nameString(sym)
protected def fullNameOwner(sym: Symbol): Symbol = sym.effectiveOwner.enclosingClass
protected def objectPrefix: String = "object "
protected def packagePrefix: String = "package "
protected def trimPrefix(text: Text): Text =
protected def selectionString(tp: NamedType): String = {
val sym = if (homogenizedView) tp.symbol else tp.currentSymbol
if (sym.exists) nameString(sym) else nameString(
/** The string representation of this type used as a prefix */
def toTextRef(tp: SingletonType): Text = controlled {
tp match {
case tp: TermRef =>
toTextPrefixOf(tp) ~ selectionString(tp)
case tp: ThisType =>
nameString(tp.cls) + ".this"
case SuperType(thistpe: SingletonType, _) =>
toTextRef(thistpe).map(_.replaceAll("""\bthis$""", "super").nn)
case SuperType(thistpe, _) =>
"Super(" ~ toTextGlobal(thistpe) ~ ")"
case tp @ ConstantType(value) =>
case pref: TermParamRef =>
ParamRefNameString(pref) ~ lambdaHash(pref.binder)
case tp: RecThis =>
val idx = openRecs.reverse.indexOf(tp.binder)
if (idx >= 0) selfRecName(idx + 1)
else "{...}.this" // TODO move underlying type to an addendum, e.g. ... z3 ... where z3: ...
case tp: SkolemType =>
if (homogenizedView) toText(
else if (ctx.settings.XprintTypes.value) "<" ~ toText(tp.repr) ~ ":" ~ toText( ~ ">"
else toText(tp.repr)
def toTextCaptureRef(tp: Type): Text =
homogenize(tp) match
case tp: TermRef if tp.symbol == defn.captureRoot => Str("cap")
case tp: SingletonType => toTextRef(tp)
case tp: (TypeRef | TypeParamRef) => toText(tp) ~ "^"
case ReachCapability(tp1) => toTextCaptureRef(tp1) ~ "*"
case MaybeCapability(tp1) => toTextCaptureRef(tp1) ~ "?"
case tp => toText(tp)
protected def isOmittablePrefix(sym: Symbol): Boolean =
defn.unqualifiedOwnerTypes.exists(_.symbol == sym) || isEmptyPrefix(sym)
/** The string representation of type prefix, including separator */
def toTextPrefixOf(tp: NamedType): Text = controlled {
homogenize(tp.prefix) match {
case NoPrefix => ""
case tp: SingletonType => toTextRef(tp) ~ "."
case tp => trimPrefix(toTextLocal(tp)) ~ "#"
protected def isEmptyPrefix(sym: Symbol): Boolean =
sym.isEffectiveRoot || sym.isAnonymousClass ||
/** String representation of a definition's type following its name,
* if symbol is completed, ": ?" otherwise.
protected def toTextRHS(optType: Option[Type]): Text = optType match {
case Some(tp) => toTextRHS(tp)
case None => ": ?"
protected def decomposeLambdas(bounds: TypeBounds): (Text, TypeBounds) =
def decompose(tp: Type): (Text, Type) = tp.stripTypeVar match
case lam: HKTypeLambda =>
val names =
if lam.isDeclaredVarianceLambda then
lam.paramNames.lazyZip(lam.declaredVariances).map((name, v) =>
varianceSign(v) + name)
val infos =
val tparams = ~ _)
("[" ~ Text(tparams, ",") ~ "]", lam.resType)
case _ =>
("", tp)
bounds match
case bounds: AliasingBounds =>
val (tparamStr, aliasRhs) = decompose(bounds.alias)
(tparamStr, bounds.derivedAlias(aliasRhs))
case TypeBounds(lo, hi) =>
val (_, loRhs) = decompose(lo)
val (tparamStr, hiRhs) = decompose(hi)
(tparamStr, bounds.derivedTypeBounds(loRhs, hiRhs))
end decomposeLambdas
/** String representation of a definition's type following its name */
protected def toTextRHS(tp: Type, isParameter: Boolean = false): Text = controlled {
homogenize(tp) match {
case tp: TypeBounds =>
val (tparamStr, rhs) = decomposeLambdas(tp)
val binder = rhs match
case tp: AliasingBounds =>
" = " ~ toText(tp.alias)
case TypeBounds(lo, hi) =>
(if lo.isExactlyNothing then Text() else " >: " ~ toText(lo))
~ (if hi.isExactlyAny || (!printDebug && hi.isFromJavaObject) then Text() else " <: " ~ toText(hi))
tparamStr ~ binder
case tp @ ClassInfo(pre, cls, cparents, decls, selfInfo) =>
val preText = toTextLocal(pre)
val (tparams, otherDecls) = decls.toList partition treatAsTypeParam
val tparamsText =
if (tparams.isEmpty) Text() else ("[" ~ dclsText(tparams) ~ "]").close
val selfText: Text = selfInfo match {
case NoType => Text()
case sym: Symbol if !sym.isCompleted => "this: ? =>"
case _ => "this: " ~ atPrec(InfixPrec) { toText(tp.selfType) } ~ " =>"
val trueDecls = otherDecls.filterNot(treatAsTypeArg)
val declsText =
if (trueDecls.isEmpty || !ctx.settings.Ydebug.value) Text()
else dclsText(trueDecls)
tparamsText ~ " extends " ~ toTextParents(tp.parents) ~~ "{" ~ selfText ~ declsText ~
"} at " ~ preText
case mt: MethodType =>
case tp: ExprType =>
// parameterless methods require special treatment, see #11201
(if (isParameter) ": => " else ": ") ~ toTextGlobal(tp.widenExpr)
case tp: PolyType =>
"[" ~ paramsText(tp) ~ "]"
~ (Str(": ") provided !tp.resultType.isInstanceOf[MethodOrPoly])
~ toTextGlobal(tp.resultType)
case tp =>
": " ~ toTextGlobal(tp)
protected def toTextParents(parents: List[Type]): Text = Text(, " with ")
protected def treatAsTypeParam(sym: Symbol): Boolean = false
protected def treatAsTypeArg(sym: Symbol): Boolean = false
/** String representation of symbol's kind. */
def kindString(sym: Symbol): String = {
val flags = sym.flagsUNSAFE
if ( "package class"
else if ( "package"
else if (sym.isPackageObject)
if (sym.isClass) "package object class"
else "package object"
else if (sym.isAnonymousClass) "anonymous class"
else if ( "object class"
else if ( "object"
else if ( "trait"
else if (sym.isClass) "class"
else if (sym.isType) "type"
else if (sym.isGetter) "getter"
else if (sym.isSetter) "setter"
else if then "parameter"
else if then "given instance"
else if ( "lazy value"
else if ( "variable"
else if (sym.isClassConstructor && sym.isPrimaryConstructor) "primary constructor"
else if (sym.isClassConstructor) "constructor"
else if ( "method"
else if (sym.isTerm) "value"
else ""
/** String representation of symbol's definition keyword */
protected def keyString(sym: Symbol): String = {
val flags = sym.flagsUNSAFE
if (flags.isAllOf(JavaInterface)) "interface"
else if ( "trait"
else if ( "object"
else if (sym.isClass) "class"
else if (sym.isType) "type"
else if ( "var"
else if ( "package"
else if ( "def"
else if (sym.isTerm && ! "val"
else ""
protected def privateWithinString(sym: Symbol): String =
if (sym.exists && sym.privateWithin.exists)
else ""
/** String representation of symbol's flags */
protected def toTextFlags(sym: Symbol): Text = toTextFlags(sym, sym.flagsUNSAFE)
protected def toTextFlags(sym: Symbol, flags: FlagSet): Text =
Text(flags.flagStrings(privateWithinString(sym)).map(flag => stringToText(keywordStr(flag))), " ")
def annotsText(sym: Symbol): Text = Text(
def dclText(sym: Symbol): Text = dclTextWithInfo(sym, sym.unforcedInfo)
def dclText(d: SingleDenotation): Text = dclTextWithInfo(d.symbol, Some(
private def dclTextWithInfo(sym: Symbol, info: Option[Type]): Text =
(toTextFlags(sym) ~~ keyString(sym) ~~
(varianceSign(sym.variance) ~ nameString(sym)) ~ toTextRHS(info)).close
def toText(sym: Symbol): Text =
(kindString(sym) ~~ {
if (sym.isAnonymousClass) toTextParents( ~~ "{...}"
else if (hasMeaninglessName(sym) && !printDebug) simpleNameString(sym.owner) + idString(sym)
else if then fullNameString(sym)
else nameString(sym)
def locationText(sym: Symbol): Text =
if (!sym.exists) ""
else {
val ownr = sym.effectiveOwner
if (ownr.isClass && !isEmptyPrefix(ownr)) " in " ~ toText(ownr) else Text()
def locatedText(sym: Symbol): Text =
(toText(sym) ~ locationText(sym)).close
def extendedLocationText(sym: Symbol): Text =
if (!sym.exists) ""
else if isEmptyPrefix(sym.owner) then
" in the empty package"
else {
def recur(ownr: Symbol, innerLocation: String): Text = {
def nextOuter(innerKind: String): Text =
if (!innerLocation.isEmpty) innerLocation
else s" in an anonymous $innerKind")
def showLocation(ownr: Symbol, where: String): Text =
innerLocation ~ " " ~ where ~ " " ~ toText(ownr)
if (ownr.isAnonymousClass) nextOuter("class")
else if (ownr.isAnonymousFunction) nextOuter("function")
else if (isEmptyPrefix(ownr)) ""
else if (ownr.isLocalDummy) showLocation(ownr.owner, "locally defined in")
else if (ownr.isTerm && !ownr.isOneOf(Module | Method)) showLocation(ownr, "in the initializer of")
else showLocation(ownr, "in")
recur(sym.owner, "")
def toText(denot: Denotation): Text = toText(denot.symbol) ~ "/D"
private def escapedChar(ch: Char): String = (ch: @switch) match {
case '\b' => "\\b"
case '\t' => "\\t"
case '\n' => "\\n"
case '\f' => "\\f"
case '\r' => "\\r"
case '"' => "\\\""
case '\'' => "\\\'"
case '\\' => "\\\\"
case _ => if ch.isControl then f"${"\\"}u${ch.toInt}%04x" else String.valueOf(ch).nn
def toText(const: Constant): Text = const.tag match {
case StringTag => stringText("\"" + escapedString(const.value.toString) + "\"")
case ClazzTag => "classOf[" ~ toText(const.typeValue) ~ "]"
case CharTag => literalText(s"'${escapedChar(const.charValue)}'")
case LongTag => literalText(const.longValue.toString + "L")
case DoubleTag => literalText(const.doubleValue.toString + "d")
case FloatTag => literalText(const.floatValue.toString + "f")
case _ => literalText(String.valueOf(const.value).nn)
/** Usual target for `Annotation#toText`, overridden in RefinedPrinter */
def annotText(annot: Annotation): Text = s"@${}"
def toText(annot: Annotation): Text = annot.toText(this)
def toText(param: LambdaParam): Text =
~ toText(param.paramName)
~ (if param.isTypeParam then "" else ": ")
~ toText(param.paramInfo)
protected def escapedString(str: String): String = str flatMap escapedChar
def dclsText(syms: List[Symbol], sep: String): Text = Text(syms map dclText, sep)
def toText(sc: Scope): Text =
("Scope{" ~ dclsText(sc.toList) ~ "}").close
def toText[T <: Untyped](tree: Tree[T]): Text = {
def toTextElem(elem: Any): Text = elem match {
case elem: Showable => elem.toText(this)
case elem: List[?] => "List(" ~ Text(elem map toTextElem, ",") ~ ")"
case elem => elem.toString
val nodeName = tree.productPrefix
val elems =
Text(, ", ")
val tpSuffix =
if (ctx.settings.XprintTypes.value && tree.hasType)
" | " ~ toText(tree.typeOpt)
nodeName ~ "(" ~ elems ~ tpSuffix ~ ")" ~ (Str(tree.sourcePos.toString) provided printDebug)
def toText(pos: SourcePosition): Text =
if (!pos.exists) ""
else if (pos.source.exists) s"${}:${pos.line + 1}"
else s"(no source file, offset = ${pos.span.point})"
def toText(cand: Candidate): Text =
~ toTextRef(cand.ref)
~ (if cand.isConversion then " conv" else "")
~ (if cand.isExtension then " ext" else "")
~ Str(" L" + cand.level) ~ ")"
def toText(result: SearchResult): Text = result match {
case result: SearchSuccess =>
"SearchSuccess: " ~ toText(result.ref) ~ " via " ~ toText(result.tree)
case result: SearchFailure =>
result.reason match {
case _: NoMatchingImplicits => "No Matching Implicit"
case _: DivergingImplicit => "Diverging Implicit"
case result: AmbiguousImplicits =>
"Ambiguous Implicit: " ~ toText(result.alt1.ref) ~ " and " ~ toText(result.alt2.ref)
case _ =>
"Search Failure: " ~ toText(result.tree)
def toText(importInfo: ImportInfo): Text =
val siteStr =
val exprStr = if siteStr.endsWith(".type") then siteStr.dropRight(5) else siteStr
val selectorStr = importInfo.selectors match
case sel :: Nil if sel.renamed.isEmpty && sel.bound.isEmpty =>
if sel.isGiven then "given" else
case _ => "{...}"
s"import $exprStr.$selectorStr"
def toText(c: OrderingConstraint): Text =
val savedConstraint = ctx.typerState.constraint
// The current TyperState constraint determines how type variables are printed
ctx.typerState.constraint = c
def entryText(tp: Type) = tp match {
case tp: TypeBounds =>
case _ =>
" := " ~ toText(tp)
val indent = 3
val uninstVarsText = " uninstantiated variables: " ~
Text(, ", ")
val constrainedText =
" constrained types: " ~ Text(, ", ")
val boundsText =
" bounds: " ~ {
val assocs =
for (param <- c.domainParams)
yield (" " * indent) ~ toText(param) ~ entryText(c.entry(param))
Text(assocs, "\n")
val orderingText =
" ordering: " ~ {
val deps =
for {
param <- c.domainParams
ups = c.minUpper(param)
if ups.nonEmpty
(" " * indent) ~ toText(param) ~ " <: " ~
Text(, ", ")
Text(deps, "\n")
val depsText = if Config.showConstraintDeps then c.depsToString else ""
//Printer.debugPrintUnique = false
Text.lines(List(uninstVarsText, constrainedText, boundsText, orderingText, depsText))
ctx.typerState.constraint = savedConstraint
def toText(g: GadtConstraint): Text =
val deps = for sym <- g.symbols yield
val bound = g.fullBounds(sym).nn
(typeText(toText(sym.typeRef)) ~ toText(bound)).close
("GadtConstraint(" ~ Text(deps, ", ") ~ ")").close
def plain: PlainPrinter = this
protected def keywordStr(text: String): String = coloredStr(text, SyntaxHighlighting.KeywordColor)
protected def keywordText(text: String): Text = coloredStr(text, SyntaxHighlighting.KeywordColor)
protected def valDefText(text: Text): Text = coloredText(text, SyntaxHighlighting.ValDefColor)
protected def typeText(text: Text): Text = coloredText(text, SyntaxHighlighting.TypeColor)
protected def literalText(text: Text): Text = coloredText(text, SyntaxHighlighting.LiteralColor)
protected def stringText(text: Text): Text = coloredText(text, SyntaxHighlighting.StringColor)
protected def coloredStr(text: String, color: String): String =
if (ctx.useColors) color + text + SyntaxHighlighting.NoColor else text
protected def coloredText(text: Text, color: String): Text =
if (ctx.useColors) color ~ text ~ SyntaxHighlighting.NoColor else text
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