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import scala.annotation.*
import scala.language.unsafeNulls
import{FileWriter, PrintWriter}
import java.nio.file.Paths
import{ManagementFactory, GarbageCollectorMXBean, RuntimeMXBean, MemoryMXBean, ClassLoadingMXBean, CompilationMXBean}
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger
import{Notification, NotificationEmitter, NotificationListener}
import{Symbol, NoSymbol}
import annotation.internal.sharable
import scala.collection.mutable.UnrolledBuffer
object Profiler {
def apply()(using Context): Profiler =
if (!ctx.settings.YprofileEnabled.value) NoOpProfiler
else {
val reporter = if (ctx.settings.YprofileDestination.value != "")
new StreamProfileReporter(new PrintWriter(new FileWriter(ctx.settings.YprofileDestination.value, true)))
else ConsoleProfileReporter
new RealProfiler(reporter)
final def NoOp: Profiler = NoOpProfiler
private[profile] val emptySnap: ProfileSnap = ProfileSnap(0, "", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
case class GcEventData(pool:String, reportTimeNs: Long, gcStartMillis:Long, gcEndMillis:Long, durationMillis: Long, name:String, action:String, cause:String, threads:Long){
val endNanos = System.nanoTime()
case class ProfileSnap(threadId: Long, threadName: String, snapTimeNanos : Long,
idleTimeNanos:Long, cpuTimeNanos: Long, userTimeNanos: Long,
allocatedBytes:Long, heapBytes:Long,
totalClassesLoaded: Long, totalJITCompilationTime: Long) {
def updateHeap(heapBytes:Long): ProfileSnap =
copy(heapBytes = heapBytes)
case class ProfileRange(start: ProfileSnap, end:ProfileSnap, phase:Phase, purpose:String, taskCount:Int, thread:Thread) {
def allocatedBytes: Long = end.allocatedBytes - start.allocatedBytes
def userNs: Long = end.userTimeNanos - start.userTimeNanos
def cpuNs: Long = end.cpuTimeNanos - start.cpuTimeNanos
def idleNs: Long = end.idleTimeNanos - start.idleTimeNanos
def runNs: Long = end.snapTimeNanos - start.snapTimeNanos
private def toMillis(ns: Long) = ns / 1000000.0D
private def toMegaBytes(bytes: Long) = bytes / 1000000.0D
def wallClockTimeMillis: Double = toMillis(end.snapTimeNanos - start.snapTimeNanos)
def idleTimeMillis: Double = toMillis(end.idleTimeNanos - start.idleTimeNanos)
def cpuTimeMillis: Double = toMillis(end.cpuTimeNanos - start.cpuTimeNanos)
def userTimeMillis: Double = toMillis(end.userTimeNanos - start.userTimeNanos)
def allocatedMB: Double = toMegaBytes(end.allocatedBytes - start.allocatedBytes)
def retainedHeapMB: Double = toMegaBytes(end.heapBytes - start.heapBytes)
private opaque type TracedEventId <: String = String
private object TracedEventId:
def apply(stringValue: String): TracedEventId = stringValue
final val Empty: TracedEventId = ""
sealed trait Profiler {
def finished(): Unit
inline def onPhase[T](phase: Phase)(inline body: T): T =
val (event, snapshot) = beforePhase(phase)
try body
finally afterPhase(event, phase, snapshot)
protected final val EmptyPhaseEvent = (TracedEventId.Empty, Profiler.emptySnap)
protected def beforePhase(phase: Phase): (TracedEventId, ProfileSnap) = EmptyPhaseEvent
protected def afterPhase(event: TracedEventId, phase: Phase, profileBefore: ProfileSnap): Unit = ()
inline def onUnit[T](phase: Phase, unit: CompilationUnit)(inline body: T): T =
val event = beforeUnit(phase, unit)
try body
finally afterUnit(event)
protected def beforeUnit(phase: Phase, unit: CompilationUnit): TracedEventId = TracedEventId.Empty
protected def afterUnit(event: TracedEventId): Unit = ()
inline def onTypedDef[T](sym: Symbol)(inline body: T): T =
val event = beforeTypedDef(sym)
try body
finally afterTypedDef(event)
protected def beforeTypedDef(sym: Symbol): TracedEventId = TracedEventId.Empty
protected def afterTypedDef(token: TracedEventId): Unit = ()
inline def onImplicitSearch[T](pt: Type)(inline body: T): T =
val event = beforeImplicitSearch(pt)
try body
finally afterImplicitSearch(event)
protected def beforeImplicitSearch(pt: Type): TracedEventId = TracedEventId.Empty
protected def afterImplicitSearch(event: TracedEventId): Unit = ()
inline def onMacroSplice[T](macroSym: Symbol)(inline body: T): T =
val event = beforeMacroSplice(macroSym)
try body
finally afterMacroSplice(event)
protected def beforeMacroSplice(macroSym: Symbol): TracedEventId = TracedEventId.Empty
protected def afterMacroSplice(event: TracedEventId): Unit = ()
inline def onCompletion[T](root: Symbol, associatedFile: => AbstractFile)(inline body: T): T =
val (event, completionName) = beforeCompletion(root, associatedFile)
try body
finally afterCompletion(event, completionName)
protected final val EmptyCompletionEvent = (TracedEventId.Empty, "")
protected def beforeCompletion(root: Symbol, associatedFile: => AbstractFile): (TracedEventId, String) = EmptyCompletionEvent
protected def afterCompletion(event: TracedEventId, completionName: String): Unit = ()
private [profile] object NoOpProfiler extends Profiler {
override def finished(): Unit = ()
private [profile] object RealProfiler {
import scala.jdk.CollectionConverters.*
val runtimeMx: RuntimeMXBean = ManagementFactory.getRuntimeMXBean
val memoryMx: MemoryMXBean = ManagementFactory.getMemoryMXBean
val gcMx: List[GarbageCollectorMXBean] = ManagementFactory.getGarbageCollectorMXBeans.asScala.toList
val classLoaderMx: ClassLoadingMXBean = ManagementFactory.getClassLoadingMXBean
val compileMx: CompilationMXBean = ManagementFactory.getCompilationMXBean
val threadMx: ExtendedThreadMxBean = ExtendedThreadMxBean.proxy
if (threadMx.isThreadCpuTimeSupported) threadMx.setThreadCpuTimeEnabled(true)
private val idGen = new AtomicInteger()
private[profile] def snapThread(idleTimeNanos: Long): ProfileSnap = {
import RealProfiler.*
val current = Thread.currentThread()
threadId = current.getId,
threadName = current.getName,
snapTimeNanos = System.nanoTime(),
idleTimeNanos = idleTimeNanos,
cpuTimeNanos = threadMx.getCurrentThreadCpuTime,
userTimeNanos = threadMx.getCurrentThreadUserTime,
allocatedBytes = threadMx.getThreadAllocatedBytes(Thread.currentThread().getId),
heapBytes = readHeapUsage(),
totalClassesLoaded = classLoaderMx.getTotalLoadedClassCount,
totalJITCompilationTime = compileMx.getTotalCompilationTime
private def readHeapUsage() = RealProfiler.memoryMx.getHeapMemoryUsage.getUsed
private [profile] class RealProfiler(reporter : ProfileReporter)(using Context) extends Profiler with NotificationListener {
val id: Int = RealProfiler.idGen.incrementAndGet()
private val mainThread = Thread.currentThread()
private val gcEvents = UnrolledBuffer[GcEventData]()
private var nextAfterUnitSnap: Long = System.nanoTime()
private final val GcThreadId = "GC"
enum Category:
def name: String = this.toString().toLowerCase()
case Run, Phase, File, TypeCheck, Implicit, Macro, Completion
private [profile] val chromeTrace =
if ctx.settings.YprofileTrace.isDefault
then null
val filename = ctx.settings.YprofileTrace.value
// Compilation units requiring multi-stage compilation (macros) would create a new profiler instances
// We need to store the traces in the seperate file to prevent overriding its content.
// Alternatives: sharing ChromeTrace instance between all runs / manual concatation after all runs are done
// FIXME: The first assigned runId is equal to 2 instead of 1 (InitialRunId).
// Fix me when bug described in Compiler.runId is resolved by removing +/- 1 adjustments
val suffix = if ctx.runId > InitialRunId + 1 then s".${ctx.runId - 1}" else ""
private val compilerRunEvent: TracedEventId = traceDurationStart(Category.Run, s"scalac-$id")
def completeBackground(threadRange: ProfileRange): Unit =
reporter.reportBackground(this, threadRange)
def outDir: AbstractFile = ctx.settings.outputDir.value
private def doGC(): Unit = {
RealProfiler.gcMx foreach {
case emitter: NotificationEmitter => emitter.addNotificationListener(this, null, null)
case gc => println(s"Cant connect gcListener to ${gc.getClass}")
override def finished(): Unit = {
//we may miss a GC event if gc is occurring as we call this
RealProfiler.gcMx foreach {
case emitter: NotificationEmitter => emitter.removeNotificationListener(this)
case gc =>
if chromeTrace != null then
traceDurationEnd(Category.Run, compilerRunEvent)
for gcEvent <- gcEvents
do {
val durationNanos = TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.toNanos(gcEvent.durationMillis)
val startNanos = gcEvent.endNanos - durationNanos
chromeTrace.traceDurationEvent(, startNanos, durationNanos, tid = GcThreadId)
override def handleNotification(notification: Notification, handback: scala.Any): Unit = {
import java.lang.{Long => jLong}
import java.lang.{Integer => jInt}
val reportNs = System.nanoTime()
val data = notification.getUserData
val tpe = notification.getType
data match {
case cd: CompositeData if tpe == "" =>
val name = cd.get("gcName").toString
val action = cd.get("gcAction").toString
val cause = cd.get("gcCause").toString
val info = cd.get("gcInfo").asInstanceOf[CompositeData]
val duration = info.get("duration").asInstanceOf[jLong].longValue()
val startTime = info.get("startTime").asInstanceOf[jLong].longValue()
val endTime = info.get("endTime").asInstanceOf[jLong].longValue()
val threads = info.get("GcThreadCount").asInstanceOf[jInt].longValue()
val gcEvent = GcEventData("", reportNs, startTime, endTime, duration, name, action, cause, threads)
synchronized { gcEvents += gcEvent }
override def afterPhase(event: TracedEventId, phase: Phase, snapBefore: ProfileSnap): Unit = {
assert(mainThread eq Thread.currentThread())
val initialSnap = RealProfiler.snapThread(0)
if (ctx.settings.YprofileExternalTool.value.contains(phase.toString)) {
println("Profile hook stop")
val finalSnap = if (ctx.settings.YprofileRunGcBetweenPhases.value.contains(phase.toString)) {
else initialSnap
traceDurationEnd(Category.Phase, event)
reporter.reportForeground(this, ProfileRange(snapBefore, finalSnap, phase, "", 0, Thread.currentThread))
override def beforePhase(phase: Phase): (TracedEventId, ProfileSnap) = {
assert(mainThread eq Thread.currentThread())
val eventId = traceDurationStart(Category.Phase, escapeSpecialChars(phase.phaseName))
if (ctx.settings.YprofileRunGcBetweenPhases.value.contains(phase.toString))
if (ctx.settings.YprofileExternalTool.value.contains(phase.toString)) {
println("Profile hook start")
(eventId, RealProfiler.snapThread(0))
override def beforeUnit(phase: Phase, unit: CompilationUnit): TracedEventId = {
assert(mainThread eq Thread.currentThread())
if chromeTrace != null then
traceDurationStart(Category.File, escapeSpecialChars(
else TracedEventId.Empty
override def afterUnit(event: TracedEventId): Unit = {
assert(mainThread eq Thread.currentThread())
if chromeTrace != null then
traceDurationEnd(Category.File, event)
private def traceThreadSnapshotCounters(initialSnap: => ProfileSnap = RealProfiler.snapThread(0)) =
if chromeTrace != null && System.nanoTime() > nextAfterUnitSnap then {
val snap = initialSnap
chromeTrace.traceCounterEvent("allocBytes", "allocBytes", snap.allocatedBytes, processWide = false)
chromeTrace.traceCounterEvent("heapBytes", "heapBytes", snap.heapBytes, processWide = true)
chromeTrace.traceCounterEvent("classesLoaded", "classesLoaded", snap.totalClassesLoaded, processWide = true)
chromeTrace.traceCounterEvent("jitCompilationTime", "jitCompilationTime", snap.totalJITCompilationTime, processWide = true)
chromeTrace.traceCounterEvent("userTime", "userTime", snap.userTimeNanos, processWide = false)
chromeTrace.traceCounterEvent("cpuTime", "cpuTime", snap.cpuTimeNanos, processWide = false)
chromeTrace.traceCounterEvent("idleTime", "idleTime", snap.idleTimeNanos, processWide = false)
nextAfterUnitSnap = System.nanoTime() + 10 * 1000 * 1000
override def beforeTypedDef(sym: Symbol): TracedEventId = traceDurationStart(Category.TypeCheck, symbolName(sym))
override def afterTypedDef(event: TracedEventId): Unit = traceDurationEnd(Category.TypeCheck, event)
override def beforeImplicitSearch(pt: Type): TracedEventId = traceDurationStart(Category.Implicit, s"?[${symbolName(pt.typeSymbol)}]", colour = "yellow")
override def afterImplicitSearch(event: TracedEventId): Unit = traceDurationEnd(Category.Implicit, event, colour = "yellow")
override def beforeMacroSplice(macroSym: Symbol): TracedEventId = traceDurationStart(Category.Macro, s"«${symbolName(macroSym)}»", colour = "olive")
override def afterMacroSplice(event: TracedEventId): Unit = traceDurationEnd(Category.Macro, event, colour = "olive")
override def beforeCompletion(root: Symbol, associatedFile: => AbstractFile): (TracedEventId, String) =
if chromeTrace == null
then EmptyCompletionEvent
val completionName = this.completionName(root, associatedFile)
val event = TracedEventId(escapeSpecialChars(
chromeTrace.traceDurationEventStart(, "↯", colour = "thread_state_sleeping")
chromeTrace.traceDurationEventStart(, event)
chromeTrace.traceDurationEventStart(, completionName)
(event, completionName)
override def afterCompletion(event: TracedEventId, completionName: String): Unit =
if chromeTrace != null
chromeTrace.traceDurationEventEnd(, completionName)
chromeTrace.traceDurationEventEnd(, event)
chromeTrace.traceDurationEventEnd(, "↯", colour = "thread_state_sleeping")
private inline def traceDurationStart(category: Category, inline eventName: String, colour: String = ""): TracedEventId =
if chromeTrace == null
then TracedEventId.Empty
val event = TracedEventId(eventName)
chromeTrace.traceDurationEventStart(, event, colour)
private inline def traceDurationEnd(category: Category, event: TracedEventId, colour: String = ""): Unit =
if chromeTrace != null then
chromeTrace.traceDurationEventEnd(, event, colour)
private inline def escapeSpecialChars(value: String): String =
private def symbolName(sym: Symbol): String = escapeSpecialChars:
s"${sym.showKind} ${sym.showName}"
private def completionName(root: Symbol, associatedFile: AbstractFile): String = escapeSpecialChars:
def isTopLevel = root.owner != NoSymbol &&
if || isTopLevel
then root.javaBinaryName
val enclosing = root.enclosingClass
enum EventType(name: String):
// main thread with other tasks
case MAIN extends EventType("main")
// other task ( background thread)
case BACKGROUND extends EventType("background")
// total for compile
case GC extends EventType("GC")
sealed trait ProfileReporter {
def reportBackground(profiler: RealProfiler, threadRange: ProfileRange): Unit
def reportForeground(profiler: RealProfiler, threadRange: ProfileRange): Unit
def reportGc(data: GcEventData): Unit
def header(profiler: RealProfiler) :Unit
def close(profiler: RealProfiler) :Unit
object ConsoleProfileReporter extends ProfileReporter {
@sharable var totalAlloc = 0L
override def reportBackground(profiler: RealProfiler, threadRange: ProfileRange): Unit =
reportCommon(EventType.BACKGROUND, profiler, threadRange)
override def reportForeground(profiler: RealProfiler, threadRange: ProfileRange): Unit =
reportCommon(EventType.MAIN, profiler, threadRange)
private def reportCommon(tpe:EventType, profiler: RealProfiler, threadRange: ProfileRange): Unit =
totalAlloc += threadRange.allocatedBytes
println(s"${threadRange.phase.phaseName.replace(',', ' ')},run ns = ${threadRange.runNs},idle ns = ${threadRange.idleNs},cpu ns = ${threadRange.cpuNs},user ns = ${threadRange.userNs},allocated = ${threadRange.allocatedBytes},heap at end = ${threadRange.end.heapBytes}, total allocated = $totalAlloc ")
override def close(profiler: RealProfiler): Unit = ()
override def header(profiler: RealProfiler): Unit =
println(s"Profiler start (${}) ${profiler.outDir}")
override def reportGc(data: GcEventData): Unit =
println(s"Profiler GC reported ${data.gcEndMillis - data.gcStartMillis}ms")
class StreamProfileReporter(out:PrintWriter) extends ProfileReporter {
override def header(profiler: RealProfiler): Unit = {
out.println(s"info, ${}, version, 2, output, ${profiler.outDir}")
override def reportBackground(profiler: RealProfiler, threadRange: ProfileRange): Unit =
reportCommon(EventType.BACKGROUND, profiler, threadRange)
override def reportForeground(profiler: RealProfiler, threadRange: ProfileRange): Unit =
reportCommon(EventType.MAIN, profiler, threadRange)
private def reportCommon(tpe:EventType, profiler: RealProfiler, threadRange: ProfileRange): Unit =
out.println(s"$tpe,${threadRange.start.snapTimeNanos},${threadRange.end.snapTimeNanos},${},${},${threadRange.phase.phaseName.replace(',', ' ')},${threadRange.purpose},${threadRange.taskCount},${threadRange.thread.getId},${threadRange.thread.getName},${threadRange.runNs},${threadRange.idleNs},${threadRange.cpuNs},${threadRange.userNs},${threadRange.allocatedBytes},${threadRange.end.heapBytes} ")
override def reportGc(data: GcEventData): Unit = {
val duration = TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.toNanos(data.gcEndMillis - data.gcStartMillis + 1)
val start = data.reportTimeNs - duration
out.println(s"${EventType.GC},$start,${data.reportTimeNs},${data.gcStartMillis}, ${data.gcEndMillis},${},${data.action},${data.cause},${data.threads}")
override def close(profiler: RealProfiler): Unit = {
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