Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package dotc
package reporting
import core.*
import Contexts.*, Decorators.*, Symbols.*, Types.*, Flags.*
import printing.{RefinedPrinter, MessageLimiter, ErrorMessageLimiter}
import printing.Texts.Text
import printing.Formatting.hl
import config.SourceVersion
import scala.language.unsafeNulls
import scala.annotation.threadUnsafe
/** ## Tips for error message generation
* - You can use the `em` interpolator for error messages. It's defined in core.Decorators.
* - You can also use a simple string argument for `error` or `warning` (not for the other variants),
* but the string should not be interpolated or composed of objects that require a
* Context for evaluation.
* - When embedding interpolated substrings defined elsewhere in error messages,
* use `i` and make sure they are defined as def's instead of vals. That way, the
* possibly expensive interpolation will performed only in the case where the message
* is eventually printed. Note: At least during typer, it's common for messages
* to be discarded without being printed. Also, by making them defs, you ensure that
* they will be evaluated in the Message context, which makes formatting safer
* and more robust.
* - For common messages, or messages that might require explanation, prefer defining
* a new `Message` class in file `messages.scala` and use that instead. The advantage is that these
* messages have unique IDs that can be referenced elsewhere.
object Message:
def rewriteNotice(what: String, version: SourceVersion | Null = null, options: String = "")(using Context): String =
if ! then
val sourceStr = if version != null then i"-source $version" else ""
val optionStr =
if options.isEmpty then sourceStr
else if sourceStr.isEmpty then options
else i"$sourceStr $options"
i"\n$what can be rewritten automatically under -rewrite $optionStr."
else ""
private type Recorded = Symbol | ParamRef | SkolemType
private case class SeenKey(str: String, isType: Boolean)
/** A class that records printed items of one of the types in `Recorded`,
* adds superscripts for disambiguations, and can explain recorded symbols
* in ` where` clause
private class Seen(disambiguate: Boolean):
/** The set of lambdas that were opened at some point during printing. */
private val openedLambdas = new collection.mutable.HashSet[LambdaType]
/** Register that `tp` was opened during printing. */
def openLambda(tp: LambdaType): Unit =
openedLambdas += tp
val seen = new collection.mutable.HashMap[SeenKey, List[Recorded]].withDefaultValue(Nil)
var nonSensical = false
/** If false, stop all recordings */
private var recordOK = disambiguate
/** Clear all entries and stop further entries to be added */
def disable() =
recordOK = false
/** Record an entry `entry` with given String representation `str` and a
* type/term namespace identified by `isType`.
* If the entry was not yet recorded, allocate the next superscript corresponding
* to the same string in the same name space. The first recording is the string proper
* and following recordings get consecutive superscripts starting with 2.
* @return The possibly superscripted version of `str`.
def record(str: String, isType: Boolean, entry: Recorded)(using Context): String = if !recordOK then str else
//println(s"recording $str, $isType, $entry")
/** If `e1` is an alias of another class of the same name, return the other
* class symbol instead. This normalization avoids recording e.g. scala.List
* and scala.collection.immutable.List as two different types
def followAlias(e1: Recorded): Recorded = e1 match {
case e1: Symbol if e1.isAliasType =>
val underlying = e1.typeRef.underlyingClassRef(refinementOK = false).typeSymbol
if ( == underlying else e1.namedType.dealias.typeSymbol
case _ => e1
val key = SeenKey(str, isType)
val existing = seen(key)
lazy val dealiased = followAlias(entry)
/** All lambda parameters with the same name are given the same superscript as
* long as their corresponding binder has been printed.
* See tests/neg/lambda-rename.scala for test cases.
def sameSuperscript(cur: Recorded, existing: Recorded) =
(cur eq existing) ||
(cur, existing).match
case (cur: ParamRef, existing: ParamRef) =>
(cur.paramName eq existing.paramName) &&
openedLambdas.contains(cur.binder) &&
case _ =>
// The length of alts corresponds to the number of superscripts we need to print.
var alts = existing.dropWhile(alt => !sameSuperscript(dealiased, followAlias(alt)))
if alts.isEmpty then
alts = entry :: existing
seen(key) = alts
val suffix = alts.length match {
case 1 => ""
case n => {
case '0' => '⁰'
case '1' => '¹'
case '2' => '²'
case '3' => '³'
case '4' => '⁴'
case '5' => '⁵'
case '6' => '⁶'
case '7' => '⁷'
case '8' => '⁸'
case '9' => '⁹'
str + suffix
end record
/** Create explanation for single `Recorded` type or symbol */
private def explanation(entry: AnyRef)(using Context): String =
def boundStr(bound: Type, default: ClassSymbol, cmp: String) =
if (bound.isRef(default)) "" else i"$cmp $bound"
def boundsStr(bounds: TypeBounds): String = {
val lo = boundStr(bounds.lo, defn.NothingClass, ">:")
val hi = boundStr(bounds.hi, defn.AnyClass, "<:")
if (lo.isEmpty) hi
else if (hi.isEmpty) lo
else s"$lo and $hi"
def addendum(cat: String, info: Type): String = info match {
case bounds @ TypeBounds(lo, hi) if !(bounds =:= TypeBounds.empty) && !bounds.isErroneous =>
if (lo eq hi) i" which is an alias of $lo"
else i" with $cat ${boundsStr(bounds)}"
case _ =>
entry match {
case param: TypeParamRef =>
s"is a type variable${addendum("constraint", TypeComparer.bounds(param))}"
case param: TermParamRef =>
s"is a reference to a value parameter"
case sym: Symbol =>
val info =
if (ctx.gadt.contains(sym)) & ctx.gadt.fullBounds(sym)
s"is a ${ctx.printer.kindString(sym)}${sym.showExtendedLocation}${addendum("bounds", info)}"
case tp: SkolemType =>
s"is an unknown value of type ${}"
end explanation
/** Produce a where clause with explanations for recorded iterms.
def explanations(using Context): String =
def needsExplanation(entry: Recorded) = entry match {
case param: TypeParamRef => ctx.typerState.constraint.contains(param)
case param: ParamRef => false
case skolem: SkolemType => true
case sym: Symbol => ctx.gadt.contains(sym) && ctx.gadt.fullBounds(sym) != TypeBounds.empty
val toExplain: List[(String, Recorded)] = seen.toList.flatMap { kvs =>
val res: List[(String, Recorded)] = kvs match {
case (key, entry :: Nil) =>
if (needsExplanation(entry)) (key.str, entry) :: Nil else Nil
case (key, entries) =>
for (alt <- entries) yield {
val tickedString = record(key.str, key.isType, alt)
(tickedString, alt)
res // help the inferencer out
def columnar(parts: List[(String, String)]): List[String] = {
lazy val maxLen = {
case (leader, trailer) =>
val variable = hl(leader)
s"""$variable${" " * (maxLen - leader.length)} $trailer"""
val explainParts = { case (str, entry) => (str, explanation(entry)) }
val explainLines = columnar(explainParts)
if (explainLines.isEmpty) "" else i"where: $explainLines%\n %\n"
end explanations
end Seen
/** Printer to be used when formatting messages */
private class Printer(val seen: Seen, _ctx: Context) extends RefinedPrinter(_ctx):
/** True if printer should a show source module instead of its module class */
private def useSourceModule(sym: Symbol): Boolean =, butNot = Package) && sym.sourceModule.exists && !_ctx.settings.YdebugNames.value
override def simpleNameString(sym: Symbol): String =
if useSourceModule(sym) then simpleNameString(sym.sourceModule)
else seen.record(super.simpleNameString(sym), sym.isType, sym)
override def ParamRefNameString(param: ParamRef): String =
seen.record(super.ParamRefNameString(param), param.isInstanceOf[TypeParamRef], param)
override def toTextRef(tp: SingletonType): Text = tp match
case tp: SkolemType => seen.record(tp.repr.toString, isType = true, tp)
case _ => super.toTextRef(tp)
override def toTextMethodAsFunction(info: Type, isPure: Boolean, refs: Text): Text =
info match
case info: LambdaType =>
case _ =>
super.toTextMethodAsFunction(info, isPure, refs)
override def toText(tp: Type): Text =
if !tp.exists || tp.isErroneous then seen.nonSensical = true
tp match
case tp: TypeRef if useSourceModule(tp.symbol) => Str("object ") ~ super.toText(tp)
case tp: LambdaType =>
case _ => super.toText(tp)
override def toText(sym: Symbol): Text =
sym.infoOrCompleter match
case _: ErrorType | TypeAlias(_: ErrorType) | NoType => seen.nonSensical = true
case _ =>
end Printer
end Message
/** A `Message` contains all semantic information necessary to easily
* comprehend what caused the message to be logged. Each message can be turned
* into a `Diagnostic` which contains the log level and can later be
* consumed by a subclass of `Reporter`. However, the error position is only
* part of `Diagnostic`, not `Message`.
* NOTE: you should not persist a message directly, because most messages take
* an implicit `Context` and these contexts weigh in at about 4mb per instance.
* Therefore, persisting these will result in a memory leak.
* Instead use the `persist` method to create an instance that does not keep a
* reference to these contexts.
* @param errorId a unique id identifying the message, this will be
* used to reference documentation online
* Messages modify the rendendering of interpolated strings in several ways:
* 1. The size of the printed code is limited with a MessageLimiter. If the message
* would get too large or too deeply nested, a `...` is printed instead.
* 2. References to module classes are prefixed with `object` for better recognizability.
* 3. A where clause is sometimes added which contains the following additional explanations:
* - References are disambiguated: If a message contains occurrences of the same identifier
* representing different symbols, the duplicates are printed with superscripts
* and the where-clause explains where each symbol is located.
* - Uninstantiated variables are explained in the where-clause with additional
* info about their bounds.
* - Skolems are explained with additional info about their underlying type.
* Messages inheriting from the NoDisambiguation trait or returned from the
* `noDisambiguation()` method skip point (3) above. This makes sense if the
* message already exolains where different occurrences of the same identifier
* are located. Examples are NamingMsgs such as double definition errors,
* overriding errors, and ambiguous implicit errors.
* We consciously made the design decision to disambiguate by default and disable
* disambiguation as an opt-in. The reason is that one usually does not consider all
* fine-grained details when writing an error message. If disambiguation is the default,
* some tests will show where clauses that look too noisy and that then can be disabled
* when needed. But if silence is the default, one usually does not realize that
* better info could be obtained by turning disambiguation on.
abstract class Message(val errorId: ErrorMessageID)(using Context) { self =>
import Message.*
/** The kind of the error message, e.g. "Syntax" or "Type Mismatch".
* This will be printed as "$kind Error", "$kind Warning", etc, on the first
* line of the message.
def kind: MessageKind
/** The `msg` contains the diagnostic message e.g:
* > expected: String
* > found: Int
* This message will be placed underneath the position given by the enclosing
* `Diagnostic`. The message is given in raw form, with possible embedded
* tags.
protected def msg(using Context): String
/** The explanation should provide a detailed description of why the error
* occurred and use examples from the user's own code to illustrate how to
* avoid these errors. It might contain embedded tags.
protected def explain(using Context): String
/** What gets printed after the message proper */
protected def msgPostscript(using Context): String =
if ctx eq NoContext then ""
else ctx.printer match
case msgPrinter: Message.Printer =>
myIsNonSensical = msgPrinter.seen.nonSensical
val addendum = msgPrinter.seen.explanations
// Clear entries and stop futher recording so that messages containing the current
// one don't repeat the explanations or use explanations from the msgPostscript.
if addendum.isEmpty then "" else "\n\n" ++ addendum
case _ =>
/** Does this message have an explanation?
* This is normally the same as `explain.nonEmpty` but can be overridden
* if we need a way to return `true` without actually calling the
* `explain` method.
def canExplain: Boolean = explain.nonEmpty
private var myIsNonSensical: Boolean = false
/** A message is non-sensical if it contains references to internally
* generated error types. Normally we want to suppress error messages
* referring to types like this because they look weird and are normally
* follow-up errors to something that was diagnosed before.
def isNonSensical: Boolean = { message; myIsNonSensical }
private var disambiguate: Boolean = true
def withoutDisambiguation(): this.type =
disambiguate = false
private def inMessageContext(disambiguate: Boolean)(op: Context ?=> String): String =
if ctx eq NoContext then op
val msgContext = ctx.printer match
case _: Message.Printer => ctx
case _ =>
val seen = Seen(disambiguate)
val ctx1 = ctx.fresh.setPrinterFn(Message.Printer(seen, _))
if ! then
ctx1.setProperty(MessageLimiter, ErrorMessageLimiter())
op(using msgContext)
/** The message to report. tags are filtered out */
@threadUnsafe lazy val message: String =
inMessageContext(disambiguate)(msg + msgPostscript)
/** The explanation to report. tags are filtered out */
@threadUnsafe lazy val explanation: String =
inMessageContext(disambiguate = false)(explain)
/** The implicit `Context` in messages is a large thing that we don't want
* persisted. This method gets around that by duplicating the message,
* forcing its `msg` and `explanation` vals and dropping the implicit context
* that was captured in the original message.
def persist: Message = new Message(errorId)(using NoContext):
val kind = self.kind
private val persistedMsg = self.message
private val persistedExplain = self.explanation
def msg(using Context) = persistedMsg
def explain(using Context) = persistedExplain
override val canExplain = self.canExplain
override def isNonSensical = self.isNonSensical
def append(suffix: => String): Message = mapMsg(_ ++ suffix)
def prepend(prefix: => String): Message = mapMsg(prefix ++ _)
def mapMsg(f: String => String): Message = new Message(errorId):
val kind = self.kind
def msg(using Context) = f(self.msg)
def explain(using Context) = self.explain
override def canExplain = self.canExplain
def appendExplanation(suffix: => String): Message = new Message(errorId):
val kind = self.kind
def msg(using Context) = self.msg
def explain(using Context) = self.explain ++ suffix
override def canExplain = true
/** Override with `true` for messages that should always be shown even if their
* position overlaps another message of a different class. On the other hand
* multiple messages of the same class with overlapping positions will lead
* to only a single message of that class to be issued.
def showAlways = false
/** A list of actions attached to this message to address the issue this
* message represents.
def actions(using Context): List[CodeAction] = List.empty
override def toString = msg
/** A marker trait that suppresses generation of `where` clause for disambiguations */
trait NoDisambiguation extends Message:
/** The fallback `Message` containing no explanation and having no `kind` */
final class NoExplanation(msgFn: Context ?=> String)(using Context) extends Message(ErrorMessageID.NoExplanationID) {
def msg(using Context): String = msgFn
def explain(using Context): String = ""
val kind: MessageKind = MessageKind.NoKind
override def toString(): String = msg
/** The extractor for `NoExplanation` can be used to check whether any error
* lacks an explanation
object NoExplanation {
def unapply(m: Message): Option[Message] =
if (m.explanation == "") Some(m)
else None
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