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package sbt

import scala.language.unsafeNulls

import java.nio.file.Path
import java.util.{Arrays, EnumSet}

import{hasClassExtension, hasTastyExtension}

import{SrcPos, NoSourcePosition}
import{AbstractFile, PlainFile, ZipArchive, NoAbstractFile, FileExtension}
import xsbti.UseScope
import xsbti.api.DependencyContext
import xsbti.api.DependencyContext.*

import scala.jdk.CollectionConverters.*

import scala.collection.{Set, mutable}
import scala.compiletime.uninitialized

/** This phase sends information on classes' dependencies to sbt via callbacks.
 *  This is used by sbt for incremental recompilation. Briefly, when a file
 *  changes sbt will recompile it, if its API has changed (determined by what
 *  `ExtractAPI` sent) then sbt will determine which reverse-dependencies
 *  (determined by what `ExtractDependencies` sent) of the API have to be
 *  recompiled depending on what changed.
 *  See the documentation of `ExtractDependenciesCollector`, `ExtractAPI`,
 *  `ExtractAPICollector` and
 * for more
 *  information on how sbt incremental compilation works.
 *  The following flags affect this phase:
 *   -Yforce-sbt-phases
 *   -Ydump-sbt-inc
 *  @see ExtractAPI
class ExtractDependencies extends Phase {
  import ExtractDependencies.*

  override def phaseName: String =

  override def description: String = ExtractDependencies.description

  override def isRunnable(using Context): Boolean = {
    super.isRunnable && ctx.runZincPhases

  // Check no needed. Does not transform trees
  override def isCheckable: Boolean = false

  // when `-Xjava-tasty` is set we actually want to run this phase on Java sources
  override def skipIfJava(using Context): Boolean = false

  // This phase should be run directly after `Frontend`, if it is run after
  // `PostTyper`, some dependencies will be lost because trees get simplified.
  // See the scripted test `constants` for an example where this matters.
  // TODO: Add a `Phase#runsBefore` method ?

  override def run(using Context): Unit = {
    val unit = ctx.compilationUnit
    val rec = unit.depRecorder
    val collector = ExtractDependenciesCollector(rec)

    if (ctx.settings.YdumpSbtInc.value) {
      val deps = { case (clazz, found) => s"$clazz: ${found.classesString}" }.toArray[Object]
      val names = { case (clazz, found) => s"$clazz: ${found.namesString}" }.toArray[Object]

      val pw = io.File(unit.source.file.jpath).changeExtension(FileExtension.Inc).toFile.printWriter()
      // val pw = Console.out
      try {
        pw.println("Used Names:")
      } finally pw.close()


object ExtractDependencies {
  val name: String = "sbt-deps"
  val description: String = "sends information on classes' dependencies to sbt"

  /** Construct String name for the given sym.
   * See
   * For a Java nested class M of a class C returns C's canonical name + "." + M's simple name.
  def classNameAsString(sym: Symbol)(using Context): String =
    def isJava(sym: Symbol)(using Context): Boolean =
      Option(sym.source) match
        case Some(src) => src.toString.endsWith(".java")
        case None      => false
    def classNameAsString0(sym: Symbol)(using Context): String =
    def javaClassNameAsString(sym: Symbol)(using Context): String =
      if sym.owner.isClass && !sym.owner.isRoot then
        javaClassNameAsString(sym.owner) + "." +
      else classNameAsString0(sym)
    if isJava(sym) then javaClassNameAsString(sym)
    else classNameAsString0(sym)

  /** Report an internal error in incremental compilation. */
  def internalError(msg: => String, pos: SrcPos = NoSourcePosition)(using Context): Unit =
    report.error(em"Internal error in the incremental compiler while compiling ${ctx.compilationUnit.source}: $msg", pos)

/** Extract the dependency information of a compilation unit.
 *  To understand why we track the used names see the section "Name hashing
 *  algorithm" in
 *  To understand why we need to track dependencies introduced by inheritance
 *  specially, see the subsection "Dependencies introduced by member reference and
 *  inheritance" in the "Name hashing algorithm" section.
private class ExtractDependenciesCollector(rec: DependencyRecorder) extends tpd.TreeTraverser { thisTreeTraverser =>
  import tpd.*

  private def addMemberRefDependency(sym: Symbol)(using Context): Unit =
    if (!ignoreDependency(sym)) {
      // packages have class symbol. Only record them as used names but not dependency
      if (! {
        val enclOrModuleClass = if ( sym.moduleClass else sym.enclosingClass
        assert(enclOrModuleClass.isClass, s"$enclOrModuleClass, $sym")

        rec.addClassDependency(enclOrModuleClass, DependencyByMemberRef)

  private def addInheritanceDependencies(tree: Closure)(using Context): Unit =
    // If the tpt is empty, this is a non-SAM lambda, so no need to register
    // an inheritance relationship.
    if !tree.tpt.isEmpty then
      rec.addClassDependency(tree.tpt.tpe.classSymbol, LocalDependencyByInheritance)

  private def addInheritanceDependencies(tree: Template)(using Context): Unit =
    if (tree.parents.nonEmpty) {
      val depContext = depContextOf(tree.symbol.owner)
      for parent <- tree.parents do
        rec.addClassDependency(parent.tpe.classSymbol, depContext)

  private def depContextOf(cls: Symbol)(using Context): DependencyContext =
    if cls.isLocal then LocalDependencyByInheritance
    else DependencyByInheritance

  private def ignoreDependency(sym: Symbol)(using Context) =
      !sym.exists ||
      sym.isAbsent(canForce = false) || // ignore dependencies that have a symbol but do not exist.
                                        // e.g. java.lang.Object companion object
      sym.isEffectiveRoot ||
      sym.isAnonymousFunction ||
    catch case ex: StaleSymbol =>
      // can happen for constructor proxies. Test case is pos-macros/i13532.

  /** Traverse the tree of a source file and record the dependencies and used names which
   *  can be retrieved using `foundDeps`.
  override def traverse(tree: Tree)(using Context): Unit = try {
    tree match {
      case Match(selector, _) =>
      case Import(expr, selectors) =>
        def lookupImported(name: Name) =
        def addImported(name: Name) = {
          // importing a name means importing both a term and a type (if they exist)
        for sel <- selectors if !sel.isWildcard do
          if sel.rename != then
      case exp @ Export(expr, selectors) =>
        val dep = expr.tpe.classSymbol
        if dep.exists && selectors.exists(_.isWildcard) then
          // If an export is a wildcard, that means that the enclosing class
          // has forwarders to all the applicable signatures in `dep`,
          // those forwarders will cause member/type ref dependencies to be
          // recorded. However, if `dep` adds more members with new names,
          // there has been no record that the enclosing class needs to
          // recompile to capture the new members. We add an
          // inheritance dependency in the presence of wildcard exports
          // to ensure all new members of `dep` are forwarded to.
          val depContext = depContextOf(ctx.owner.lexicallyEnclosingClass)
          rec.addClassDependency(dep, depContext)
      case t: TypeTree =>
      case ref: RefTree =>
      case t: Closure =>
      case t: Template =>
      case _ =>

    tree match {
      case tree: Inlined if !tree.inlinedFromOuterScope =>
        // The inlined call is normally ignored by TreeTraverser but we need to
        // record it as a dependency
      case vd: ValDef if =>
        // Don't visit module val
      case t: Template if =>
        // Don't visit self type of module class
      case _ =>
  } catch {
    case ex: AssertionError =>
      println(i"asserted failed while traversing $tree")
      throw ex

  /**Reused EqHashSet, safe to use as each TypeDependencyTraverser is used atomically
   * Avoid cycles by remembering both the types (testcase:
   * tests/run/enum-values.scala) and the symbols of named types (testcase:
   * tests/pos-java-interop/i13575) we've seen before.
  private val scratchSeen = new util.EqHashSet[Symbol | Type](128)

  /** Traverse a used type and record all the dependencies we need to keep track
   *  of for incremental recompilation.
   *  As a motivating example, given a type `T` defined as:
   *    type T >: L <: H
   *    type L <: A1
   *    type H <: B1
   *    class A1 extends A0
   *    class B1 extends B0
   *  We need to record a dependency on `T`, `L`, `H`, `A1`, `B1`. This is
   *  necessary because the API representation that `ExtractAPI` produces for
   *  `T` just refers to the strings "L" and "H", it does not contain their API
   *  representation. Therefore, the name hash of `T` does not change if for
   *  example the definition of `L` changes.
   *  We do not need to keep track of superclasses like `A0` and `B0` because
   *  the API representation of a class (and therefore its name hash) already
   *  contains all necessary information on superclasses.
   *  A natural question to ask is: Since traversing all referenced types to
   *  find all these names is costly, why not change the API representation
   *  produced by `ExtractAPI` to contain that information? This way the name
   *  hash of `T` would change if any of the types it depends on change, and we
   *  would only need to record a dependency on `T`. Unfortunately there is no
   *  simple answer to the question "what does T depend on?" because it depends
   *  on the prefix and `ExtractAPI` does not compute types as seen from every
   *  possible prefix, the documentation of `ExtractAPI` explains why.
   *  The tests in sbt `types-in-used-names-a`, `types-in-used-names-b`,
   *  `as-seen-from-a` and `as-seen-from-b` rely on this.
  private abstract class TypeDependencyTraverser(using Context) extends TypeTraverser() {
    protected def addDependency(symbol: Symbol): Unit

    scratchSeen.clear(resetToInitial = false)

    def traverse(tp: Type): Unit = if scratchSeen.add(tp) then {
      tp match {
        case tp: NamedType =>
          val sym = tp.symbol
          if ! && scratchSeen.add(sym) then
            if !sym.isClass then traverse(
        case tp: ThisType =>
        case tp: ConstantType =>
        case tp: ParamRef =>
        case _ =>

  def addTypeDependency(tpe: Type)(using Context): Unit = {
    val traverser = new TypeDependencyTraverser {
      def addDependency(symbol: Symbol) = addMemberRefDependency(symbol)

  def addPatMatDependency(tpe: Type)(using Context): Unit = {
    val traverser = new TypeDependencyTraverser {
      def addDependency(symbol: Symbol) =
        if (!ignoreDependency(symbol) && {
          rec.addUsedName(symbol, includeSealedChildren = true)

/** Record dependencies using `addUsedName`/`addClassDependency` and inform Zinc using `sendToZinc()`.
 *  Note: As an alternative design choice, we could directly call the appropriate
 *  callback as we record each dependency, this way we wouldn't need to record
 *  them locally and we could get rid of `sendToZinc()`, but this may be less
 *  efficient since it would mean calling `classNameAsString` on each call
 *  to `addUsedName` rather than once per class.
class DependencyRecorder {
  import ExtractDependencies.*

  /** A map from a non-local class to the names and classes it uses, this does not include
   *  names which are only defined and not referenced.
  def foundDeps: util.ReadOnlyMap[Symbol, FoundDepsInClass] = _foundDeps

  /** Record a reference to the name of `sym` from the current non-local
   *  enclosing class.
   *  @param includeSealedChildren  See documentation of `addUsedRawName`.
  def addUsedName(sym: Symbol, includeSealedChildren: Boolean = false)(using Context): Unit =
    addUsedRawName(sym.zincMangledName, includeSealedChildren)

  /** Record a reference to `name` from the current non-local enclosing class (aka, "from class").
   *  Most of the time, prefer to use `addUsedName` which takes
   *  care of name mangling.
   *  Zinc will use this information to invalidate the current non-local
   *  enclosing class if something changes in the set of definitions named
   *  `name` among the possible dependencies of the from class.
   *  @param includeSealedChildren  If true, the addition or removal of children
   *                                to a sealed class called `name` will also
   *                                invalidate the from class.
   *                                Note that this only has an effect if zinc's
   *                                `IncOptions.useOptimizedSealed` is enabled,
   *                                otherwise the addition or removal of children
   *                                always lead to invalidation.
   *  TODO: If the compiler reported to zinc all usages of
   *  `SymDenotation#{children,sealedDescendants}` (including from macro code),
   *  we should be able to turn `IncOptions.useOptimizedSealed` on by default
   *  safely.
  def addUsedRawName(name: Name, includeSealedChildren: Boolean = false)(using Context): Unit = {
    val fromClass = resolveDependencyFromClass
    if (fromClass.exists) {
      lastFoundCache.recordName(name, includeSealedChildren)

  // The two possible value of `UseScope`. To avoid unnecessary allocations,
  // we use vals here, but that means we must be careful to never mutate these sets.
  private val DefaultScopes = EnumSet.of(UseScope.Default)
  private val PatMatScopes = EnumSet.of(UseScope.Default, UseScope.PatMatTarget)

  /** An object that maintain the set of used names and class dependencies from within a class */
  final class FoundDepsInClass {
    /** Each key corresponds to a name used in the class. To understand the meaning
     *  of the associated value, see the documentation of parameter `includeSealedChildren`
     *  of `addUsedRawName`.
    private val _names = new util.HashMap[Name, DefaultScopes.type | PatMatScopes.type]

    /** Each key corresponds to a class dependency used in the class.
    private val _classes = util.EqHashMap[Symbol, EnumSet[DependencyContext]]()

    def addDependency(fromClass: Symbol, context: DependencyContext): Unit =
      val set = _classes.getOrElseUpdate(fromClass, EnumSet.noneOf(classOf[DependencyContext]))

    def classes: Iterator[(Symbol, EnumSet[DependencyContext])] = _classes.iterator

    def names: Iterator[(Name, EnumSet[UseScope])] = _names.iterator

    private[DependencyRecorder] def recordName(name: Name, includeSealedChildren: Boolean): Unit = {
      if (includeSealedChildren)
        _names(name) = PatMatScopes
        _names.getOrElseUpdate(name, DefaultScopes)

    def namesString: String = {
      val builder = new StringBuilder
      names.foreach { case (name, scopes) =>
        builder.append(" in [")
        scopes.forEach(scope => builder.append(scope.toString))
        builder.append(", ")

    def classesString: String = {
      val builder = new StringBuilder
      classes.foreach { case (clazz, scopes) =>
        builder.append(" in [")
        scopes.forEach(scope => builder.append(scope.toString))
        builder.append(", ")

  /** Record a dependency to the class `to` in a given `context`
   *  from the current non-local enclosing class.
  def addClassDependency(toClass: Symbol, context: DependencyContext)(using Context): Unit =
    val fromClass = resolveDependencyFromClass
    if (fromClass.exists)
      lastFoundCache.addDependency(toClass, context)

  private val _foundDeps = new util.EqHashMap[Symbol, FoundDepsInClass]

  /** Send the collected dependency information to Zinc and clear the local caches. */
  def sendToZinc()(using Context): Unit =
    ctx.withIncCallback: cb =>
      val siblingClassfiles = new mutable.HashMap[PlainFile, Path]
        case (clazz, foundDeps) =>
          val className = classNameAsString(clazz)
          foundDeps.names.foreach: (usedName, scopes) =>
            cb.usedName(className, usedName.toString, scopes)
          for (toClass, deps) <- foundDeps.classes do
            for dep <- deps.asScala do
              recordClassDependency(cb, clazz, toClass, dep, siblingClassfiles)

   /** Clear all state. */
  def clear(): Unit =
    lastOwner = NoSymbol
    lastDepSource = NoSymbol
    lastFoundCache = null
    _responsibleForImports = NoSymbol

  /** Handles dependency on given symbol by trying to figure out if represents a term
   *  that is coming from either source code (not necessarily compiled in this compilation
   *  run) or from class file and calls respective callback method.
  private def recordClassDependency(cb: interfaces.IncrementalCallback, fromClass: Symbol, toClass: Symbol,
      depCtx: DependencyContext, siblingClassfiles: mutable.Map[PlainFile, Path])(using Context): Unit = {
    val fromClassName = classNameAsString(fromClass)
    val sourceFile = ctx.compilationUnit.source

    /**For a `.tasty` file, constructs a sibling class to the `jpath`.
     * Does not validate if it exists as a real file.
     * Because classpath scanning looks for tasty files first, `dep.fromClass` will be
     * associated to a `.tasty` file. However Zinc records all dependencies either based on `.jar` or `.class` files,
     * where classes are in directories on the filesystem.
     * So if the dependency comes from an upstream `.tasty` file and it was not packaged in a jar, then
     * we need to call this to resolve the classfile that will eventually exist at runtime.
     * The way this works is that by the end of compilation analysis,
     * we should have called `cb.generatedNonLocalClass` with the same class file name.
     * FIXME: we still need a way to resolve the correct classfile when we split tasty and classes between
     * different outputs (e.g. scala2-library-bootstrapped).
    def cachedSiblingClass(pf: PlainFile): Path =
      siblingClassfiles.getOrElseUpdate(pf, {
        val jpath = pf.jpath
        jpath.getParent.resolve(jpath.getFileName.toString.stripSuffix(".tasty") + ".class")

    def binaryDependency(path: Path, binaryClassName: String) =
      cb.binaryDependency(path, binaryClassName, fromClassName, sourceFile, depCtx)

    val depClass = toClass
    val depFile = depClass.associatedFile
    if depFile != null then {
      // Cannot ignore inheritance relationship coming from the same source (see sbt/zinc#417)
      def allowLocal = depCtx == DependencyByInheritance || depCtx == LocalDependencyByInheritance
      val isTastyOrSig = depFile.hasTastyExtension

      def processExternalDependency() = {
        val binaryClassName = depClass.binaryClassName
        depFile match {
          case ze: ZipArchive#Entry => // The dependency comes from a JAR
            ze.underlyingSource match
              case Some(zip) if zip.jpath != null =>
                binaryDependency(zip.jpath, binaryClassName)
              case _ =>
          case pf: PlainFile => // The dependency comes from a class file, Zinc handles JRT filesystem
            binaryDependency(if isTastyOrSig then cachedSiblingClass(pf) else pf.jpath, binaryClassName)
          case _ =>
            internalError(s"Ignoring dependency $depFile of unknown class ${depFile.getClass}}", fromClass.srcPos)

      if isTastyOrSig || depFile.hasClassExtension then
      else if allowLocal || depFile != sourceFile.file then
        // We cannot ignore dependencies coming from the same source file because
        // the dependency info needs to propagate. See source-dependencies/trait-trait-211.
        val toClassName = classNameAsString(depClass)
        cb.classDependency(toClassName, fromClassName, depCtx)

  private var lastOwner: Symbol = uninitialized
  private var lastDepSource: Symbol = uninitialized
  private var lastFoundCache: FoundDepsInClass | Null = uninitialized

  /** The source of the dependency according to `nonLocalEnclosingClass`
   *  if it exists, otherwise fall back to `responsibleForImports`.
   *  This is backed by a cache which is invalidated when `ctx.owner` changes.
  private def resolveDependencyFromClass(using Context): Symbol = {
    if (lastOwner != ctx.owner) {
      lastOwner = ctx.owner
      val source = nonLocalEnclosingClass
      val fromClass = if ( responsibleForImports else source
      if lastDepSource != fromClass then
        lastDepSource = fromClass
        lastFoundCache = _foundDeps.getOrElseUpdate(fromClass, new FoundDepsInClass)


  /** The closest non-local enclosing class from `ctx.owner`. */
  private def nonLocalEnclosingClass(using Context): Symbol = {
    var clazz = ctx.owner.enclosingClass
    var owner = clazz

    while (! {
      if (owner.isTerm) {
        clazz = owner.enclosingClass
        owner = clazz
      } else {
        owner = owner.owner

  private var _responsibleForImports: Symbol = uninitialized

  /** Top level import dependencies are registered as coming from a first top level
   *  class/trait/object declared in the compilation unit. If none exists, issue a warning and return NoSymbol.
  private def responsibleForImports(using Context) = {
    import tpd.*
    def firstClassOrModule(tree: Tree) = {
      val acc = new TreeAccumulator[Symbol] {
        def apply(x: Symbol, t: Tree)(using Context) =
          t match {
            case typeDef: TypeDef =>
            case other =>
              foldOver(x, other)
      acc(NoSymbol, tree)

    if (_responsibleForImports == null) {
      val tree = ctx.compilationUnit.tpdTree
      _responsibleForImports = firstClassOrModule(tree)
      if (!_responsibleForImports.exists)
          report.warning("""|No class, trait or object is defined in the compilation unit.
                            |The incremental compiler cannot record the dependency information in such case.
                            |Some errors like unused import referring to a non-existent class might not be reported.
                            |""".stripMargin, tree.sourcePos)

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