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package dotc
package transform

import ast.Trees
import core.Phases.*
import core.DenotTransformers.*
import core.Denotations.*
import core.SymDenotations.*
import core.Symbols.*
import core.Contexts.*
import core.Types.*
import core.Names.*
import core.StdNames.*
import core.NameOps.*
import core.Periods.currentStablePeriod
import core.NameKinds.{AdaptedClosureName, BodyRetainerName, DirectMethName}
import core.Scopes.newScopeWith
import core.Decorators.*
import core.Constants.*
import core.Definitions.*
import core.Annotations.BodyAnnotation
import typer.NoChecking
import inlines.Inlines
import typer.ProtoTypes.*
import typer.ErrorReporting.errorTree
import typer.Checking.checkValue
import core.TypeErasure.*
import core.Decorators.*
import{tpd, untpd}
import ast.TreeTypeMap
import{Constants, Flags}
import ValueClasses.*
import ContextFunctionResults.*
import ExplicitOuter.*
import core.Mode
import util.Property
import reporting.*
import scala.annotation.tailrec

class Erasure extends Phase with DenotTransformer {

  override def phaseName: String =

  override def description: String = Erasure.description

  /** List of names of phases that should precede this phase */
  override def runsAfter: Set[String] = Set(,

  override def changesMembers: Boolean = true // the phase adds bridges
  override def changesParents: Boolean = true // the phase drops Any

  def transform(ref: SingleDenotation)(using Context): SingleDenotation = ref match {
    case ref: SymDenotation =>
      def isCompacted(symd: SymDenotation) =
        symd.isAnonymousFunction && {
          atPhase( match {
            case MethodType(nme.ALLARGS :: Nil) => true
            case _                              => false

      def erasedName =
            && contextResultsAreErased(ref.symbol)
            && ( || ref.symbol.allOverriddenSymbols.hasNext)
          // Add a `$direct` to prevent this method from having the same signature
          // as a method it overrides. We need a bridge between the
          // two methods, so they are not allowed to already override after erasure.

      assert(ctx.phase == this, s"transforming $ref at ${ctx.phase}")
      if (ref.symbol eq defn.ObjectClass) {
        // After erasure, all former Any members are now Object members
        val ClassInfo(pre, _, ps, decls, selfInfo) = @unchecked
        val extendedScope = decls.cloneScope
        for decl <- defn.AnyClass.classInfo.decls do
          if !decl.isConstructor then extendedScope.enter(decl)
          info = transformInfo(ref.symbol,
              ClassInfo(pre, defn.ObjectClass, ps, extendedScope, selfInfo))
      else {
        val oldSymbol = ref.symbol
        val newSymbol =
          if ((oldSymbol.owner eq defn.AnyClass) && oldSymbol.isConstructor) then
          else oldSymbol
        val oldOwner = ref.owner
        val newOwner = if oldOwner == defn.AnyClass then defn.ObjectClass else oldOwner
        val oldName =
        val newName = erasedName
        val oldInfo =
        var newInfo = transformInfo(oldSymbol, oldInfo)
        val oldFlags = ref.flags
        var newFlags =
          if && isCompacted(oldSymbol.owner.denot) then oldFlags &~ Flags.Param
          else oldFlags
        val oldAnnotations = ref.annotations
        var newAnnotations = oldAnnotations
        if oldSymbol.isRetainedInlineMethod then
          newFlags = newFlags &~ Flags.Inline
          newAnnotations = newAnnotations.filterConserve(!_.isInstanceOf[BodyAnnotation])
        oldSymbol match
          case cls: ClassSymbol if =>
            newFlags = newFlags | Flags.Trait | Flags.JavaInterface
            newAnnotations = Nil
            newInfo = erasedClassInfo(cls)
          case _ =>
        // TODO: define derivedSymDenotation?
           || !ref.isClass  // non-package classes are always copied since their base types change
              && (oldSymbol eq newSymbol)
              && (oldOwner eq newOwner)
              && (oldName eq newName)
              && (oldInfo eq newInfo)
              && (oldFlags == newFlags)
              && (oldAnnotations eq newAnnotations)
            symbol = newSymbol,
            owner = newOwner,
            name = newName,
            initFlags = newFlags,
            info = newInfo,
            annotations = newAnnotations)
    case ref: JointRefDenotation =>
      new UniqueRefDenotation(
        ref.symbol, transformInfo(ref.symbol,, currentStablePeriod, ref.prefix)
    case _ =>
      ref.derivedSingleDenotation(ref.symbol, transformInfo(ref.symbol,

  private val eraser = new Erasure.Typer(this)

  def run(using Context): Unit = {
    val unit = ctx.compilationUnit
    unit.tpdTree = eraser.typedExpr(unit.tpdTree)(using ctx.fresh.setTyper(eraser).setPhase(

  /** erased classes get erased to empty traits with Object as parent and an empty constructor */
  private def erasedClassInfo(cls: ClassSymbol)(using Context) =
      declaredParents = defn.ObjectClass.typeRef :: Nil,
      decls = newScopeWith(newConstructor(cls, Flags.EmptyFlags, Nil, Nil)))

  override def checkPostCondition(tree: tpd.Tree)(using Context): Unit = {
    tree match {
      case _: tpd.Import => assert(false, i"illegal tree: $tree")
      case res: tpd.This =>
        assert(!ExplicitOuter.referencesOuter(ctx.owner.lexicallyEnclosingClass, res),
          i"Reference to $res from ${ctx.owner.showLocated}")
      case ret: tpd.Return =>
        // checked only after erasure, as checking before erasure is complicated
        // due presence of type params in returned types
        val from = if (ret.from.isEmpty) ctx.owner.enclosingMethod else ret.from.symbol
        val rType =
        assert(ret.expr.tpe <:< rType,
          i"Returned value:${ret.expr}  does not conform to result type(${ret.expr.tpe.widen} of method $from")
      case _ =>

  /** Assert that tree type and its widened underlying type are erased.
   *  Also assert that term refs have fixed symbols (so we are sure
   *  they need not be reloaded using member; this would likely fail as signatures
   *  may change after erasure).
  def assertErased(tree: tpd.Tree)(using Context): Unit = {
    assertErased(tree.typeOpt, tree)
    if (!defn.isPolymorphicAfterErasure(tree.symbol))
      assertErased(tree.typeOpt.widen, tree)
    if (ctx.mode.isExpr)
      tree.tpe match {
        case ref: TermRef =>
          assert(ref.denot.isInstanceOf[SymDenotation] ||
            i"non-sym type $ref of class ${ref.getClass} with denot of class ${ref.denot.getClass} of $tree")
        case _ =>

  def assertErased(tp: Type, tree: tpd.Tree = tpd.EmptyTree)(using Context): Unit = {
    def isAllowed(cls: Symbol, sourceName: String) =
      tp.typeSymbol == cls && == sourceName
      || isAllowed(defn.ArrayClass, "Array.scala")
      || isAllowed(defn.TupleClass, "Tuple.scala")
      || isAllowed(defn.NonEmptyTupleClass, "Tuple.scala")
      || isAllowed(defn.PairClass, "Tuple.scala")
      || isAllowed(defn.PureClass, "Pure.scala"),
      i"The type $tp - ${tp.toString} of class ${tp.getClass} of tree $tree : ${tree.tpe} / ${tree.getClass} is illegal after erasure, phase = ${ctx.phase.prev}")

object Erasure {
  import tpd.*
  import TypeTestsCasts.*

  val name: String = "erasure"
  val description: String = "rewrite types to JVM model"

  /** An attachment on Apply nodes indicating that multiple arguments
   *  are passed in a single array. This occurs only if the function
   *  implements a FunctionXXL apply.
  private val BunchedArgs = new Property.Key[Unit]

  /** An Apply node which might still be missing some arguments */
  def partialApply(fn: Tree, args: List[Tree])(using Context): Tree =
    untpd.Apply(fn, args.toList)
      .withType(applyResultType(fn.tpe.widen.asInstanceOf[MethodType], args))

  /** The type of an Apply node which might still be missing some arguments */
  private def applyResultType(mt: MethodType, args: List[Tree])(using Context): Type =
    if mt.paramInfos.length <= args.length then mt.resultType
    else MethodType(mt.paramInfos.drop(args.length), mt.resultType)

  /** The method type corresponding to `mt`, except that bunched parameters
   *  are expanded. The expansion is determined using the original function
   *  tree `origFun` which has a type that is not yet converted to a type
   *  with bunched arguments.
  def expandedMethodType(mt: MethodType, origFun: Tree)(using Context): MethodType =
    mt.paramInfos match
      case JavaArrayType(elemType) :: Nil if elemType.isRef(defn.ObjectClass) =>
        val origArity = totalParamCount(origFun.symbol)(using preErasureCtx)
        if origArity > MaxImplementedFunctionArity then
          MethodType(List.fill(origArity)(defn.ObjectType), mt.resultType)
        else mt
      case _ => mt

  object Boxing:

    def isUnbox(sym: Symbol)(using Context): Boolean = == nme.unbox && sym.owner.linkedClass.isPrimitiveValueClass

    def isBox(sym: Symbol)(using Context): Boolean = == && sym.owner.linkedClass.isPrimitiveValueClass

    def boxMethod(cls: ClassSymbol)(using Context): Symbol =
    def unboxMethod(cls: ClassSymbol)(using Context): Symbol =

    /** Isf this tree is an unbox operation which can be safely removed
     *  when enclosed in a box, the unboxed argument, otherwise EmptyTree.
     *  Note that one can't always remove a Box(Unbox(x)) combination because the
     *  process of unboxing x may lead to throwing an exception.
     *  This is important for specialization: calls to the super constructor should not box/unbox specialized
     *  fields (see TupleX). (ID)
    private def safelyRemovableUnboxArg(tree: Tree)(using Context): Tree = tree match {
      case Apply(fn, arg :: Nil)
      if isUnbox(fn.symbol) && defn.ScalaBoxedClasses().contains(arg.tpe.typeSymbol) =>
      case _ =>

    def constant(tree: Tree, const: Tree)(using Context): Tree =
      (if (isPureExpr(tree)) const else Block(tree :: Nil, const)).withSpan(tree.span)

    final def box(tree: Tree, target: => String = "")(using Context): Tree = trace(i"boxing ${tree.showSummary()}: ${tree.tpe} into $target") {
      tree.tpe.widen match {
        case ErasedValueType(tycon, _) =>
          New(tycon, cast(tree, underlyingOfValueClass(tycon.symbol.asClass)) :: Nil) // todo: use adaptToType?
        case tp =>
          val cls = tp.classSymbol
          if (cls eq defn.UnitClass) constant(tree, ref(defn.BoxedUnit_UNIT))
          else if (cls eq defn.NothingClass) tree // a non-terminating expression doesn't need boxing
          else {
            assert(cls ne defn.ArrayClass)
            val arg = safelyRemovableUnboxArg(tree)
            if (arg.isEmpty) ref(boxMethod(cls.asClass)).appliedTo(tree)
            else {
              report.log(s"boxing an unbox: ${tree.symbol} -> ${arg.tpe}")

    def unbox(tree: Tree, pt: Type)(using Context): Tree = trace(i"unboxing ${tree.showSummary()}: ${tree.tpe} as a $pt") {
      pt match {
        case ErasedValueType(tycon, underlying) =>
          def unboxedTree(t: Tree) =
            adaptToType(t, tycon)

          // Null unboxing needs to be treated separately since we cannot call a method on null.
          // "Unboxing" null to underlying is equivalent to doing null.asInstanceOf[underlying]
          // See tests/pos/valueclasses/nullAsInstanceOfVC.scala for cases where this might happen.
          val tree1 =
            if (tree.tpe isRef defn.NullClass)
              adaptToType(tree, underlying)
            else if (!(tree.tpe <:< tycon)) {
              val nullTree = nullLiteral
              val unboxedNull = adaptToType(nullTree, underlying)

              evalOnce(tree) { t =>
            else unboxedTree(tree)

          cast(tree1, pt)
        case _ =>
          val cls = pt.classSymbol
          if (cls eq defn.UnitClass) constant(tree, unitLiteral)
          else {
            assert(cls ne defn.ArrayClass)

    /** Generate a synthetic cast operation from tree.tpe to pt.
     *  Does not do any boxing/unboxing (this is handled upstream).
     *  Casts from and to ErasedValueType are special, see the explanation
     *  in ExtensionMethods#transform.
    def cast(tree: Tree, pt: Type)(using Context): Tree = trace(i"cast ${tree.tpe.widen} --> $pt", show = true) {
      def wrap(tycon: TypeRef) =
      def unwrap(tycon: TypeRef) =

      assert(!pt.isInstanceOf[SingletonType], pt)
      if (pt isRef defn.UnitClass) unbox(tree, pt)
      else (tree.tpe.widen, pt) match {
        // Convert primitive arrays into reference arrays, this path is only
        // needed to handle repeated arguments, see
        // `Definitions#FromJavaObjectSymbol` and `ElimRepeated#adaptToArray`.
        case (JavaArrayType(treeElem), JavaArrayType(ptElem))
        if treeElem.widen.isPrimitiveValueType && !ptElem.isPrimitiveValueType =>
          cast(ref(defn.ScalaRuntime_toObjectArray).appliedTo(tree), pt)

        // When casting between two EVTs, we need to check which one underlies the other to determine
        // whether u2evt or evt2u should be used.
        case (tp1 @ ErasedValueType(tycon1, underlying1), tp2 @ ErasedValueType(tycon2, underlying2)) =>
          if (tp1 <:< underlying2)
            // Cast EVT(tycon1, underlying1) to EVT(tycon2, EVT(tycon1, underlying1))
          else {
            assert(underlying1 <:< tp2, i"Non-sensical cast between unrelated types $tp1 and $tp2")
            // Cast EVT(tycon1, EVT(tycon2, underlying2)) to EVT(tycon2, underlying2)

        // When only one type is an EVT then we already know that the other one is the underlying
        case (_, ErasedValueType(tycon2, _)) =>
        case (ErasedValueType(tycon1, _), _) =>

        case _ =>
          if (pt.isPrimitiveValueType)
            primitiveConversion(tree, pt.classSymbol)

    /** Adaptation of an expression `e` to an expected type `PT`, applying the following
     *  rewritings exhaustively as long as the type of `e` is not a subtype of `PT`.
     *    e -> e()           if `e` appears not as the function part of an application
     *    e -> box(e)        if `e` is of erased value type
     *    e -> unbox(e, PT)  otherwise, if `PT` is an erased value type
     *    e -> box(e)        if `e` is of primitive type and `PT` is not a primitive type
     *    e -> unbox(e, PT)  if `PT` is a primitive type and `e` is not of primitive type
     *    e -> cast(e, PT)   otherwise
    def adaptToType(tree: Tree, pt: Type)(using Context): Tree = pt match
      case _: FunProto | AnyFunctionProto => tree
      case _ => tree.tpe.widen match
        case mt: MethodType if tree.isTerm =>
          assert(mt.paramInfos.isEmpty, i"bad adapt for $tree: $mt")
          adaptToType(tree.appliedToNone, pt)
        case tpw =>
          if (pt.isInstanceOf[ProtoType] || tree.tpe <:< pt)
          else if (tpw.isErasedValueType)
            if (pt.isErasedValueType) then
              adaptToType(box(tree), pt)
          else if (pt.isErasedValueType)
            adaptToType(unbox(tree, pt), pt)
          else if (tpw.isPrimitiveValueType && !pt.isPrimitiveValueType)
            adaptToType(box(tree), pt)
          else if (pt.isPrimitiveValueType && !tpw.isPrimitiveValueType)
            adaptToType(unbox(tree, pt), pt)
            cast(tree, pt)
    end adaptToType

    /** The following code:
     *      val f: Function1[Int, Any] = x => ...
     *  results in the creation of a closure and an implementation method in the typer:
     *      def $anonfun(x: Int): Any = ...
     *      val f: Function1[Int, Any] = closure($anonfun)
     *  Notice that `$anonfun` takes a primitive as argument, but the SAM (Single Abstract Method)
     *  of `Function1` after erasure is:
     *      def apply(x: Object): Object
     *  which takes a reference as argument. Hence, some form of adaptation is
     *  required. The most reliable way to do this adaptation is to replace the
     *  closure implementation method by a bridge method that forwards to the
     *  original method with appropriate boxing/unboxing. For our example above,
     *  this would be:
     *      def $anonfun$adapted(x: Object): Object = $anonfun(BoxesRunTime.unboxToInt(x))
     *      val f: Function1 = closure($anonfun$adapted)
     *  But in some situations we can avoid generating this bridge, either
     *  because the runtime can perform auto-adaptation, or because we can
     *  replace the closure functional interface by a specialized sub-interface,
     *  see comments in this method for details.
     *  See test cases lambda-*.scala and t8017/ for concrete examples.
    def adaptClosure(tree: tpd.Closure)(using Context): Tree =
      val Closure(env, meth, tpt) = tree
      assert(env.isEmpty, tree)

      // The type of the lambda expression
      val lambdaType = tree.tpe
      // The interface containing the SAM that this closure should implement
      val functionalInterface = tpt.tpe
      // A lack of an explicit functional interface means we're implementing a scala.FunctionN
      val isFunction = !functionalInterface.exists
      // The actual type of the implementation method
      val implType = meth.tpe.widen.asInstanceOf[MethodType]
      val implParamTypes = implType.paramInfos
      val implResultType = implType.resultType
      val implReturnsUnit = implResultType.classSymbol eq defn.UnitClass
      // The SAM that this closure should implement.
      // At this point it should be already guaranteed that there's only one method to implement
      val Seq(sam: MethodType) = @unchecked
      val samParamTypes = sam.paramInfos
      val samResultType = sam.resultType

      /** Can the implementation parameter type `tp` be auto-adapted to a different
       *  parameter type in the SAM?
       *  For derived value classes, we always need to do the bridging manually.
       *  For primitives, we cannot rely on auto-adaptation on the JVM because
       *  the Scala spec requires null to be "unboxed" to the default value of
       *  the value class, but the adaptation performed by LambdaMetaFactory
       *  will throw a `NullPointerException` instead. See `lambda-null.scala`
       *  for test cases.
       *  @see [LambdaMetaFactory](
      def autoAdaptedParam(tp: Type) =
        !tp.isErasedValueType && !tp.isPrimitiveValueType

      /** Can the implementation result type be auto-adapted to a different result
       *  type in the SAM?
       *  For derived value classes, it's the same story as for parameters.
       *  For non-Unit primitives, we can actually rely on the `LambdaMetaFactory`
       *  adaptation, because it only needs to box, not unbox, so no special
       *  handling of null is required.
      def autoAdaptedResult =
        !implResultType.isErasedValueType && !implReturnsUnit

      def sameClass(tp1: Type, tp2: Type) = tp1.classSymbol == tp2.classSymbol

      val paramAdaptationNeeded =
        implParamTypes.lazyZip(samParamTypes).exists((implType, samType) =>
          !sameClass(implType, samType) && !autoAdaptedParam(implType))
      val resultAdaptationNeeded =
        !sameClass(implResultType, samResultType) && !autoAdaptedResult

      if paramAdaptationNeeded || resultAdaptationNeeded then
        // Instead of instantiating `scala.FunctionN`, see if we can instantiate
        // a specialized sub-interface where the SAM type matches the
        // implementation method type, thus avoiding the need for bridging.
        // This optimization is skipped when using Scala.js because its backend
        // does not support closures using custom functional interfaces.
        if isFunction && !ctx.settings.scalajs.value then
          val arity = implParamTypes.length
          val specializedFunctionalInterface =
            if !implType.hasErasedParams && defn.isSpecializableFunctionSAM(implParamTypes, implResultType) then
              // Using these subclasses is critical to avoid boxing since their
              // SAM is a specialized method `apply$mc*$sp` whose default
              // implementation in FunctionN boxes.
              tpnme.JFunctionPrefix(arity).specializedFunction(implResultType, implParamTypes)
            else if !paramAdaptationNeeded && implReturnsUnit then
              // Here, there is no actual boxing to avoid so we could get by
              // without JProcedureN, but Unit-returning functions are very
              // common so it seems worth it to not generate bridges for them.
          if !specializedFunctionalInterface.isEmpty then
            return cpy.Closure(tree)(tpt = TypeTree(requiredClass(specializedFunctionalInterface).typeRef))

        // Otherwise, generate a new closure implemented with a bridge.
        val bridgeType =
          if paramAdaptationNeeded then
            if resultAdaptationNeeded then
              implType.derivedLambdaType(paramInfos = samParamTypes)
            implType.derivedLambdaType(resType = samResultType)
        val bridge = newSymbol(ctx.owner, AdaptedClosureName(, Flags.Synthetic | Flags.Method | Flags.Bridge, bridgeType)
        Closure(bridge, bridgeParamss =>
          inContext(ctx.withOwner(bridge)) {
            val List(bridgeParams) = bridgeParamss
            val rhs = Apply(meth, bridgeParams.lazyZip(implParamTypes).map(ctx.typer.adapt(_, _)))
            ctx.typer.adapt(rhs, bridgeType.resultType)
          targetType = functionalInterface).withSpan(tree.span)
    end adaptClosure
  end Boxing

  class Typer(erasurePhase: DenotTransformer) extends typer.ReTyper with NoChecking {
    import Boxing.*

    def isErased(tree: Tree)(using Context): Boolean = tree match {
      case TypeApply(Select(qual, _), _) if tree.symbol == defn.Any_typeCast =>
      case _ => tree.symbol.isEffectivelyErased

    /** Check that Java statics and packages can only be used in selections.
    private def checkNotErased(tree: Tree)(using Context): tree.type =
      if ! then
        if isErased(tree) then
          val msg =
            if then
              em"""${tree.symbol} is declared as `inline`, but was not inlined
                  |Try increasing `-Xmax-inlines` above ${ctx.settings.XmaxInlines.value}"""
              em"${tree.symbol} is declared as `erased`, but is in fact used"
          report.error(msg, tree.srcPos)
        tree.symbol.getAnnotation(defn.CompileTimeOnlyAnnot) match
          case Some(annot) =>
            val message = annot.argumentConstant(0) match
              case Some(c) =>
                val addendum = tree match
                  case tree: RefTree
                  if tree.symbol == defn.Compiletime_deferred && != nme.deferred =>
                    i".\nNote that `deferred` can only be used under its own name when implementing a given in a trait; `${}` is not accepted."
                  case _ =>
                (c.stringValue ++ addendum).toMessage
              case _ =>
                em"""Reference to ${tree.symbol.showLocated} should not have survived,
                    |it should have been processed and eliminated during expansion of an enclosing macro or term erasure."""
            report.error(message, tree.srcPos)
          case _ => // OK

    end checkNotErased

    private def checkNotErasedClass(tp: Type, tree: untpd.Tree)(using Context): Unit = tp match
      case JavaArrayType(et) =>
        checkNotErasedClass(et, tree)
      case _ =>
        if tp.isErasedClass then
          val (kind, tree1) = tree match
            case tree: untpd.ValOrDefDef => ("definition", tree.tpt)
            case tree: untpd.DefTree => ("definition", tree)
            case _ => ("expression", tree)
          report.error(em"illegal reference to erased ${tp.typeSymbol} in $kind that is not itself erased", tree1.srcPos)

    private def checkNotErasedClass(tree: Tree)(using Context): tree.type =
      checkNotErasedClass(tree.tpe.widen.finalResultType, tree)

    def erasedDef(sym: Symbol)(using Context): Tree =
      if sym.isClass then
        // We cannot simply drop erased classes, since then they would not generate classfiles
        // and would not be visible under separate compilation. So we transform them to
        // empty interfaces instead.
        tpd.ClassDef(sym.asClass, DefDef(sym.primaryConstructor.asTerm), Nil)
        if sym.owner.isClass then sym.dropAfter(erasurePhase)

    def erasedType(tree: untpd.Tree)(using Context): Type = {
      val tp = tree.typeOpt
      if (tree.isTerm) erasedRef(tp) else valueErasure(tp)

    override def promote(tree: untpd.Tree)(using Context): tree.ThisTree[Type] = {
      val erasedTp = erasedType(tree)
      report.log(s"promoting ${}: ${erasedTp.showWithUnderlying()}")

    /** When erasing most TypeTrees we should not semi-erase value types.
     *  This is not the case for [[DefDef#tpt]], [[ValDef#tpt]] and [[Typed#tpt]], they
     *  are handled separately by [[typedDefDef]], [[typedValDef]] and [[typedTyped]].
    override def typedTypeTree(tree: untpd.TypeTree, pt: Type)(using Context): TypeTree =

    /** This override is only needed to semi-erase type ascriptions */
    override def typedTyped(tree: untpd.Typed, pt: Type)(using Context): Tree =
      val Typed(expr, tpt) = tree
      if tpt.typeOpt.typeSymbol == defn.UnitClass then
        typed(expr, defn.UnitType)
        val tpt1 = tpt match
          case Block(_, tpt) => tpt // erase type aliases (statements) from type block
          case tpt => tpt
        val tpt2 = typedType(tpt1)
        val expr1 = typed(expr, tpt2.tpe)
        assignType(untpd.cpy.Typed(tree)(expr1, tpt2), tpt2)

    override def typedLiteral(tree: untpd.Literal)(using Context): Tree =
      if (tree.typeOpt.isRef(defn.UnitClass))
      else if (tree.const.tag == Constants.ClazzTag)

    override def typedIdent(tree: untpd.Ident, pt: Type)(using Context): Tree =
      checkNotErased(super.typedIdent(tree, pt))

    /** Type check select nodes, applying the following rewritings exhaustively
     *  on selections `e.m`, where `OT` is the type of the owner of `m` and `ET`
     *  is the erased type of the selection's original qualifier expression.
     *      e.m1 -> e.m2          if `m1` is a member of a class that erases to Object and `m2` is
     *                            the same-named member in Object.
     *      e.m -> box(e).m       if `e` is primitive and `m` is a member or a reference class
     *                            or `e` has an erased value class type.
     *      e.m -> unbox(e).m     if `e` is not primitive and `m` is a member of a primtive type.
     *      e.m -> cast(e, OT).m  if the type of `e` does not conform to OT and `m`
     *                            is not an array operation.
     *  If `m` is an array operation, i.e. one of the members apply, update, length, clone, and
     *   of class Array, we additionally try the following rewritings:
     *      e.m -> runtime.array_m(e)   if ET is Object
     *      e.m -> cast(e, ET).m        if the type of `e` does not conform to ET
     *      e.clone -> e.clone'         where clone' is Object's clone method
     *      e.m -> e.[]m                if `m` is an array operation other than `clone`.
    override def typedSelect(tree: untpd.Select, pt: Type)(using Context): Tree = {
      if == nme.apply && integrateSelect(tree) then
        return typed(tree.qualifier, pt)

      val qual1 = typed(tree.qualifier, AnySelectionProto)

      def mapOwner(sym: Symbol): Symbol =
        if !sym.exists && == nme.apply then
          // PolyFunction apply Selects will not have a symbol, so deduce the owner
          // from the typed tree of the erasure of the original qualifier's PolyFunction type.
          // We cannot simply call `erasure` on the qualifier because its erasure might be
          // `Object` due to how we erase intersections (see pos/i13950.scala).
          // Instead, we manually lookup the type of `apply` in the qualifier.
          inContext(preErasureCtx) {
            val qualTp = tree.qualifier.typeOpt.widen
            if qualTp.derivesFrom(defn.PolyFunctionClass) then
          val owner = sym.maybeOwner
          if defn.specialErasure.contains(owner) then
            assert(sym.isConstructor, s"${sym.showLocated}")
          else if defn.isSyntheticFunctionClass(owner) then

      val origSym = tree.symbol

      if !origSym.exists && qual1.tpe.widen.isInstanceOf[JavaArrayType] then
        return tree.asInstanceOf[Tree] // we are re-typing a primitive array op

      val owner = mapOwner(origSym)
      val sym =
        (if (owner eq origSym.maybeOwner) origSym else
        .orElse {
          // We fail the sym.exists test for pos/i15158.scala, where we pass an infinitely
          // recurring match type to an overloaded constructor. An equivalent test
          // with regular apply methods succeeds. It's at present unclear whether
          //  - the program should be rejected, or
          //  - there is another fix.
          // Therefore, we apply the fix to use the pre-erasure symbol, but only
          // for constructors, in order not to mask other possible bugs that would
          // trigger the assert(sym.exists, ...) below.
          val prevSym = tree.symbol(using preErasureCtx)
          if prevSym.isConstructor then prevSym else NoSymbol

      assert(sym.exists, i"no owner from $owner/${origSym.showLocated} in $tree")

      if owner == defn.ObjectClass then checkValue(qual1)

      def select(qual: Tree, sym: Symbol): Tree =
        untpd.cpy.Select(tree)(qual,, sym))

      def selectArrayMember(qual: Tree, erasedPre: Type): Tree =
        if erasedPre.isAnyRef then
          partialApply(ref(defn.runtimeMethodRef(, qual :: Nil)
        else if !(qual.tpe <:< erasedPre) then
          selectArrayMember(cast(qual, erasedPre), erasedPre)
          assignType(untpd.cpy.Select(tree)(qual,, qual)

      def adaptIfSuper(qual: Tree): Tree = qual match {
        case Super(thisQual, untpd.EmptyTypeIdent) =>
          val SuperType(thisType, supType) = qual.tpe: @unchecked
          if (
            cpy.Super(qual)(thisQual, untpd.Ident(
              .withType(SuperType(thisType, sym.owner.typeRef))
            qual.withType(SuperType(thisType, thisType.firstParent.typeConstructor))
        case _ =>

      /** Can we safely use `cls` as a qualifier without getting a runtime error on
       *  the JVM due to its accessibility checks?
      def isJvmAccessible(cls: Symbol): Boolean =
        // Scala classes are always emitted as public, unless the
        // `private` modifier is used, but a non-private class can never
        // extend a private class, so such a class will never be a cast target.
        ! || {
          // We can't rely on `isContainedWith` here because packages are
          // not nested from the JVM point of view.
          val boundary = cls.accessBoundary(cls.owner)(using preErasureCtx)
          (boundary eq defn.RootClass) ||
          (ctx.owner.enclosingPackageClass eq boundary)

      def recur(qual: Tree): Tree =
        val qualIsPrimitive = qual.tpe.widen.isPrimitiveValueType
        val symIsPrimitive = sym.owner.isPrimitiveValueClass

        def originalQual: Type =

        if qualIsPrimitive && !symIsPrimitive || qual.tpe.widenDealias.isErasedValueType then
        else if !qualIsPrimitive && symIsPrimitive then
          recur(unbox(qual, sym.owner.typeRef))
        else if sym.owner eq defn.ArrayClass then
          selectArrayMember(qual, originalQual)
          adaptIfSuper(qual) match
            case qual1: Super =>
              select(qual1, sym)
            case qual1 if !isJvmAccessible(qual1.tpe.typeSymbol)
                || !qual1.tpe.derivesFrom(sym.owner) =>
              val castTarget = // Avoid inaccessible cast targets, see i8661
                if isJvmAccessible(sym.owner) && sym.owner.isType then
                  // If the owner is inaccessible, try going through the qualifier,
                  // but be careful to not go in an infinite loop in case that doesn't
                  // work either.
                  val tp = originalQual
                  if tp =:= qual1.tpe.widen then
                    return errorTree(qual1,
                      em"Unable to emit reference to ${sym.showLocated}, ${sym.owner} is not accessible in ${ctx.owner.enclosingClass}")
              recur(cast(qual1, castTarget))
            case qual1 =>
              select(qual1, sym)
      end recur


    override def typedThis(tree: untpd.This)(using Context): Tree =
      if (tree.symbol == ctx.owner.lexicallyEnclosingClass || tree.symbol.isStaticOwner) promote(tree)
      else {
        report.log(i"computing outer path from ${ctx.owner.ownersIterator.toList}%, % to ${tree.symbol}, encl class = ${ctx.owner.enclosingClass}")
        outer.path(toCls = tree.symbol)

    override def typedTypeApply(tree: untpd.TypeApply, pt: Type)(using Context): Tree = {
      val ntree = atPhase(erasurePhase){
        // Use erased-type semantic to intercept TypeApply in explicit nulls
        val interceptCtx = if ctx.explicitNulls then ctx.retractMode(Mode.SafeNulls) else ctx
        interceptTypeApply(tree.asInstanceOf[TypeApply])(using interceptCtx)

      ntree match {
        case TypeApply(fun, args) =>
          val fun1 = typedExpr(fun, AnyFunctionProto)
          fun1.tpe.widen match {
            case funTpe: PolyType =>
              val args1 = args.mapconserve(typedType(_))
              untpd.cpy.TypeApply(tree)(fun1, args1).withType(funTpe.instantiate(args1.tpes))
            case _ => fun1
        case _ => typedExpr(ntree, pt)

    override def typedBind(tree: untpd.Bind, pt: Type)(using Context): Bind =
      super.typedBind(tree, pt)

    /** Besides normal typing, this method does uncurrying and collects parameters
     *  to anonymous functions of arity > 22.
    override def typedApply(tree: untpd.Apply, pt: Type)(using Context): Tree =
      val Apply(fun, args) = tree
      val origFun = fun.asInstanceOf[tpd.Tree]
      val origFunType = origFun.tpe.widen(using preErasureCtx)
      val ownArgs = origFunType match
        case mt: MethodType if mt.hasErasedParams =>
 { case (arg, false) => arg }
        case _ => args
      val fun1 = typedExpr(fun, AnyFunctionProto)
      fun1.tpe.widen match
        case mt: MethodType =>
          val (xmt,        // A method type like `mt` but with bunched arguments expanded to individual ones
                bunchArgs,  // whether arguments are bunched
                outers) =   // the outer reference parameter(s)
            if fun1.isInstanceOf[Apply] then
              (mt, fun1.removeAttachment(BunchedArgs).isDefined, Nil)
              val xmt = expandedMethodType(mt, origFun)
              (xmt, xmt ne mt, outer.args(origFun))

          val args0 = outers ::: ownArgs
          val args1 = args0.zipWithConserve(xmt.paramInfos)(typedExpr)

          def mkApply(finalFun: Tree, finalArgs: List[Tree]) =
            val app = untpd.cpy.Apply(tree)(finalFun, finalArgs)
              .withType(applyResultType(xmt, args1))
            if bunchArgs then app.withAttachment(BunchedArgs, ()) else app

          def app(fun1: Tree): Tree = fun1 match
            case Block(stats, expr) =>
              cpy.Block(fun1)(stats, app(expr))
            case Apply(fun2, SeqLiteral(prevArgs, argTpt) :: _) if bunchArgs =>
              mkApply(fun2, JavaSeqLiteral(prevArgs ++ args1, argTpt) :: Nil)
            case Apply(fun2, prevArgs) =>
              mkApply(fun2, prevArgs ++ args1)
            case _ if bunchArgs =>
              mkApply(fun1, JavaSeqLiteral(args1, TypeTree(defn.ObjectType)) :: Nil)
            case _ =>
              mkApply(fun1, args1)

        case t =>
          if ownArgs.isEmpty || t.isError then fun1
          else throw new MatchError(i"tree $tree has unexpected type of function $fun/$fun1: $t, was $origFunType, args = $ownArgs")
    end typedApply

    // The following four methods take as the proto-type the erasure of the pre-existing type,
    // if the original proto-type is not a value type.
    // This makes all branches be adapted to the correct type.
    override def typedSeqLiteral(tree: untpd.SeqLiteral, pt: Type)(using Context): SeqLiteral =
      super.typedSeqLiteral(tree, erasure(tree.typeOpt))
        // proto type of typed seq literal is original type;

    override def typedIf(tree: untpd.If, pt: Type)(using Context): Tree =
      super.typedIf(tree, adaptProto(tree, pt))

    override def typedMatch(tree: untpd.Match, pt: Type)(using Context): Tree =
      super.typedMatch(tree, adaptProto(tree, pt))

    override def typedTry(tree: untpd.Try, pt: Type)(using Context): Try =
      super.typedTry(tree, adaptProto(tree, pt))

    private def adaptProto(tree: untpd.Tree, pt: Type)(using Context) =
      if (pt.isValueType) pt else
        if (tree.typeOpt.derivesFrom(ctx.definitions.UnitClass))
        else valueErasure(tree.typeOpt)

    override def typedInlined(tree: untpd.Inlined, pt: Type)(using Context): Tree =
      super.typedInlined(tree, pt) match {
        case tree: Inlined => Inlines.dropInlined(tree)

    override def typedValDef(vdef: untpd.ValDef, sym: Symbol)(using Context): Tree =
      if (sym.isEffectivelyErased) erasedDef(sym)
        checkNotErasedClass(, vdef)
          tpt = untpd.TypedSplice(TypeTree(, sym)

    /** Besides normal typing, this function also compacts anonymous functions
     *  with more than `MaxImplementedFunctionArity` parameters to use a single
     *  parameter of type `[]Object`.
    override def typedDefDef(ddef: untpd.DefDef, sym: Symbol)(using Context): Tree =
      if sym.isEffectivelyErased || then
        checkNotErasedClass(, ddef)
        val restpe = if sym.isConstructor then defn.UnitType else
        var vparams = outerParamDefs(sym)
            ::: ddef.paramss.collect {
              case untpd.ValDefs(vparams) => vparams

        def skipContextClosures(rhs: Tree, crCount: Int)(using Context): Tree =
          if crCount == 0 then rhs
          else rhs match
            case closureDef(meth) =>
              val contextParams = meth.termParamss.head
              for param <- contextParams do
                if ! then
                  param.symbol.copySymDenotation(owner = sym).installAfter(erasurePhase)
                  vparams = vparams :+ param
              if crCount == 1 then meth.rhs.changeOwnerAfter(meth.symbol, sym, erasurePhase)
              else skipContextClosures(meth.rhs, crCount - 1)
            case inlined: Inlined =>
              skipContextClosures(Inlines.dropInlined(inlined), crCount)

        var rhs1 = skipContextClosures(ddef.rhs.asInstanceOf[Tree], contextResultCount(sym))

        if sym.isAnonymousFunction && vparams.length > MaxImplementedFunctionArity then
          val bunchedParam = newSymbol(sym, nme.ALLARGS, Flags.TermParam, JavaArrayType(defn.ObjectType))
          def selector(n: Int) = ref(bunchedParam)
          val paramDefs = {
            case (paramDef, idx) =>
              assignType(untpd.cpy.ValDef(paramDef)(rhs = selector(idx)), paramDef.symbol)
          vparams = ValDef(bunchedParam) :: Nil
          rhs1 = Block(paramDefs, rhs1)

        val ddef1 = untpd.cpy.DefDef(ddef)(
          paramss = vparams :: Nil,
          tpt = untpd.TypedSplice(TypeTree(restpe).withSpan(ddef.tpt.span)),
          rhs = rhs1)
        super.typedDefDef(ddef1, sym)
    end typedDefDef

    /** The outer parameter definition of a constructor if it needs one */
    private def outerParamDefs(constr: Symbol)(using Context): List[ValDef] =
      if constr.isConstructor && needsOuterParam(constr.owner.asClass) then match
          case MethodTpe(outerName :: _, outerType :: _, _) =>
            val outerSym = newSymbol(constr, outerName, Flags.Param | Flags.SyntheticArtifact, outerType)
            ValDef(outerSym) :: Nil
          case _ =>
            // There's a possible race condition that a constructor was looked at
            // after erasure before we had a chance to run ExplicitOuter on its class
            // If furthermore the enclosing class does not always have constructors,
            // but needs constructors in this particular case, we miss the constructor
            // accessor that's produced with an `enteredAfter` in ExplicitOuter, so
            // `tranformInfo` of the constructor in erasure yields a method type without
            // an outer parameter. We fix this problem by adding the missing outer
            // parameter here.
              info = outer.addParam(constr.owner.asClass,
      else Nil

    /** For all statements in stats: given a retained inline method and
     *  its retainedBody method such as
     *     inline override def f(x: T) = body1
     *     private def f$retainedBody(x: T) = body2
     *  return the runtime version of `f` as
     *     override def f(x: T) = body2
     *  Here, the owner of body2 is changed to f and all references
     *  to parameters of f$retainedBody are changed to references of
     *  corresponding parameters in f.
     *  `f$retainedBody` is subseqently mapped to the empty tree in `typedDefDef`
     *  which is then dropped in `typedStats`.
    private def addRetainedInlineBodies(stats: List[untpd.Tree])(using Context): List[untpd.Tree] =
      lazy val retainerDef: Map[Symbol, DefDef] = stats.collect {
        case stat: DefDef @unchecked if =>
          val retainer = stat.symbol
          val origName =
          val targetName =
            if retainer.hasAnnotation(defn.TargetNameAnnot) then
            else origName
          val inlineMeth = atPhase(typerPhase) {
              .matchingDenotation(retainer.owner.thisType,, targetName)
          (inlineMeth, stat)
      stats.mapConserve {
        case stat: DefDef @unchecked if stat.symbol.isRetainedInlineMethod =>
          val rdef = retainerDef(stat.symbol)
          val fromParams = untpd.allParamSyms(rdef)
          val toParams = untpd.allParamSyms(stat)
          val mapBody = TreeTypeMap(
            oldOwners = rdef.symbol :: Nil,
            newOwners = stat.symbol :: Nil,
            substFrom = fromParams,
            substTo   = toParams)
          cpy.DefDef(stat)(rhs = mapBody.transform(rdef.rhs))
        case stat => stat

    override def typedClosure(tree: untpd.Closure, pt: Type)(using Context): Tree = {
      val xxl = defn.isXXLFunctionClass(tree.typeOpt.typeSymbol)
      var implClosure = super.typedClosure(tree, pt).asInstanceOf[Closure]
      if (xxl) implClosure = cpy.Closure(implClosure)(tpt = TypeTree(defn.FunctionXXLClass.typeRef))

    override def typedNew(tree: untpd.New, pt: Type)(using Context): Tree =
      checkNotErasedClass(super.typedNew(tree, pt))

    override def typedTypeDef(tdef: untpd.TypeDef, sym: Symbol)(using Context): Tree =

    override def typedClassDef(cdef: untpd.TypeDef, cls: ClassSymbol)(using Context): Tree =
      if then erasedDef(cls)
        val typedTree@TypeDef(name, impl @ Template(constr, _, self, _)) = super.typedClassDef(cdef, cls): @unchecked
        // In the case where a trait extends a class, we need to strip any non trait class from the signature
        // and accept the first one (see tests/run/mixins.scala)
        val newTraits = impl.parents.tail.filterConserve: tree =>
          def isTraitConstructor = tree match
            case Trees.Block(_, expr) => // Specific management for trait constructors (see tests/pos/i9213.scala)
              expr.symbol.isConstructor &&
            case _ => tree.symbol.isConstructor &&
 || isTraitConstructor

        val newParents =
          if impl.parents.tail eq newTraits then impl.parents
          else impl.parents.head :: newTraits
        cpy.TypeDef(typedTree)(rhs = cpy.Template(impl)(parents = newParents))

    override def typedAnnotated(tree: untpd.Annotated, pt: Type)(using Context): Tree =
      typed(tree.arg, pt)

    override def typedStats(stats: List[untpd.Tree], exprOwner: Symbol)(using Context): (List[Tree], Context) = {
      // discard Imports first, since Bridges will use tree's symbol
      val stats0 = addRetainedInlineBodies(stats.filter(!_.isInstanceOf[untpd.Import]))(using preErasureCtx)
      val stats1 =
        if (takesBridges(ctx.owner)) new Bridges(ctx.owner.asClass, erasurePhase).add(stats0)
        else stats0
      val (stats2, finalCtx) = super.typedStats(stats1, exprOwner)
      (stats2.filterConserve(!_.isEmpty), finalCtx)

    /** Finally drops all (language-) imports in erasure.
     *  Since some of the language imports change the subtyping,
     *  we cannot check the trees before erasure.
    override def typedImport(tree: untpd.Import)(using Context) = EmptyTree

    override def adapt(tree: Tree, pt: Type, locked: TypeVars)(using Context): Tree =
      trace(i"adapting ${tree.showSummary()}: ${tree.tpe} to $pt", show = true) {
        if ctx.phase != erasurePhase && ctx.phase != then
          // this can happen when reading annotations loaded during erasure,
          // since these are loaded at phase typer.
          atPhase(, pt, locked))
        else if (tree.isEmpty) tree
        else if (ctx.mode is Mode.Pattern) tree // TODO: replace with assertion once pattern matcher is active
        else adaptToType(tree, pt)

    override def simplify(tree: Tree, pt: Type, locked: TypeVars)(using Context): tree.type = tree

  private def takesBridges(sym: Symbol)(using Context): Boolean =
    sym.isClass && !sym.isOneOf(Flags.Trait | Flags.Package)

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