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package dotc
package transform

import core.*
import Contexts.*
import Decorators.*
import tasty.*
import config.Printers.{noPrinter, pickling}
import config.Feature
import io.FileWriters.{TastyWriter, ReadOnlyContext}
import StdNames.{str, nme}
import Periods.*
import Phases.*
import Symbols.*
import Flags.Module
import reporting.{ThrowingReporter, Profile, Message}
import collection.mutable
import util.concurrent.{Executor, Future}
import compiletime.uninitialized
import{JarArchive, AbstractFile}
import scala.annotation.constructorOnly
import scala.concurrent.Promise

import scala.util.chaining.given
import{EagerReporter, BufferingReporter}
import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext
import scala.util.control.NonFatal
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean
import java.nio.file.Files

object Pickler {
  val name: String = "pickler"
  val description: String = "generates TASTy info"

  /** If set, perform jump target compacting, position and comment pickling,
   *  as well as final assembly in parallel with downstream phases; force
   *  only in backend.
  inline val ParallelPickling = true

  /**A holder for synchronization points and reports when writing TASTy asynchronously.
   * The callbacks should only be called once.
  class AsyncTastyHolder private (
      val earlyOut: AbstractFile, incCallback: IncrementalCallback | Null)(using @constructorOnly ex: ExecutionContext):
    import scala.concurrent.Future as StdFuture
    import scala.concurrent.Await
    import scala.concurrent.duration.Duration
    import AsyncTastyHolder.Signal

    private val _cancelled = AtomicBoolean(false)

    /**Cancel any outstanding work.
     * This should be done at the end of a run, e.g. background work may be running even though
     * errors in main thread will prevent reaching the backend. */
    def cancel(): Unit =
      if _cancelled.compareAndSet(false, true) then
        asyncTastyWritten.trySuccess(None) // cancel the wait for TASTy writing
        if incCallback != null then
          asyncAPIComplete.trySuccess(Signal.Cancelled) // cancel the wait for API completion
        () // nothing else to do

    /** check if the work has been cancelled. */
    def cancelled: Boolean = _cancelled.get()

    private val asyncTastyWritten = Promise[Option[AsyncTastyHolder.State]]()
    private val asyncAPIComplete =
      if incCallback == null then Promise.successful(Signal.Done) // no need to wait for API completion
      else Promise[Signal]()

    private val backendFuture: StdFuture[Option[BufferingReporter]] =
      val asyncState = asyncTastyWritten.future
        .zipWith(asyncAPIComplete.future)((state, api) => state.filterNot(_ => api == Signal.Cancelled)) optState =>
        optState.flatMap: state =>
          if incCallback != null && state.done && !state.hasErrors then
            asyncZincPhasesCompleted(incCallback, state.pending).toBuffered
          else state.pending

    /** awaits the state of async TASTy operations indefinitely, returns optionally any buffered reports. */
    def sync(): Option[BufferingReporter] =
      Await.result(backendFuture, Duration.Inf)

    def signalAPIComplete(): Unit =
      if incCallback != null then

    /** should only be called once */
    def signalAsyncTastyWritten()(using ctx: ReadOnlyContext): Unit =
      val done = !
      if done then
          // when we are done, i.e. no suspended units,
          // we should close the file system so it can be read in the same JVM process.
          // Note: we close even if we have been cancelled.
          earlyOut match
            case jar: JarArchive => jar.close()
            case _ =>
          case NonFatal(t) =>
            ctx.reporter.error(em"Error closing early output: ${t}")

            hasErrors = ctx.reporter.hasErrors,
            done = done,
            pending = ctx.reporter.toBuffered
    end signalAsyncTastyWritten
  end AsyncTastyHolder

  object AsyncTastyHolder:
    /** The state after writing async tasty. Any errors should have been reported, or pending.
     *  if suspendedUnits is true, then we can't signal Zinc yet.
    private class State(val hasErrors: Boolean, val done: Boolean, val pending: Option[BufferingReporter])
    private enum Signal:
      case Done, Cancelled

    /**Create a holder for Asynchronous state of early-TASTy operations.
     * the `ExecutionContext` parameter is used to call into Zinc to signal
     * that API and Dependency phases are complete.
    def init(using Context, ExecutionContext): AsyncTastyHolder =
      AsyncTastyHolder(ctx.settings.XearlyTastyOutput.value, ctx.incCallback)

  /** Asynchronously writes TASTy files to the destination -Yearly-tasty-output.
   *  If no units have been suspended, then we are "done", which enables Zinc to be signalled.
   *  If there are suspended units, (due to calling a macro defined in the same run), then the API is incomplete,
   *  so it would be a mistake to signal Zinc. This is a sensible default, because Zinc by default will ignore the
   *  signal if there are macros in the API.
   *  - See `sbt-test/pipelining/pipelining-scala-macro` for an example.
   *  TODO: The user can override this default behaviour in Zinc to always listen to the signal,
   *  (e.g. if they define the macro implementation in an upstream, non-pipelined project).
   *  - See `sbt-test/pipelining/pipelining-scala-macro-force` where we force Zinc to listen to the signal.
   *  If the user wants force early output to be written, then they probably also want to benefit from pipelining,
   *  which then makes suspension problematic as it increases compilation times.
   *  Proposal: perhaps we should provide a flag `-Ystrict-pipelining` (as an alternative to `-Yno-suspended-units`),
   *    which fails in the condition of definition of a macro where its implementation is in the same project.
   *    (regardless of if it is used); this is also more strict than preventing suspension at typer.
   *    The user is then certain that they are always benefitting as much as possible from pipelining.
  def writeSigFilesAsync(
      tasks: List[(String, Array[Byte])],
      writer: EarlyFileWriter,
      async: AsyncTastyHolder)(using ctx: ReadOnlyContext): Unit = {
        for (internalName, pickled) <- tasks do
          if !async.cancelled then
            val _ = writer.writeTasty(internalName, pickled)
        case NonFatal(t) => ctx.reporter.exception(em"writing TASTy to early output", t)
      case NonFatal(t) => ctx.reporter.exception(em"closing early output writer", t)

  class EarlyFileWriter private (writer: TastyWriter):
    def this(dest: AbstractFile)(using @constructorOnly ctx: ReadOnlyContext) = this(TastyWriter(dest))

    export writer.{writeTasty, close}

/** This phase pickles trees */
class Pickler extends Phase {
  import ast.tpd.*

  private def doAsyncTasty(using Context): Boolean =

  private var fastDoAsyncTasty: Boolean = false

  override def phaseName: String =

  override def description: String = Pickler.description

  // No need to repickle trees coming from TASTY, however in the case that we need to write TASTy to early-output,
  // then we need to run this phase to send the tasty from compilation units to the early-output.
  override def isRunnable(using Context): Boolean =
    (super.isRunnable || ctx.isBestEffort)
    && (!ctx.settings.fromTasty.value || doAsyncTasty)
    && (!ctx.usedBestEffortTasty || ctx.isBestEffort)
    // we do not want to pickle `.betasty` if do not plan to actually create the
    // betasty file (as signified by the -Ybest-effort option)

  // when `-Xjava-tasty` is set we actually want to run this phase on Java sources
  override def skipIfJava(using Context): Boolean = false

  private def output(name: String, msg: String) = {
    val s = new PrintStream(name)

  // Maps that keep a record if -Ytest-pickler is set.
  private val beforePickling = new mutable.HashMap[ClassSymbol, String]
  private val printedTasty = new mutable.HashMap[ClassSymbol, String]
  private val pickledBytes = new mutable.HashMap[ClassSymbol, (CompilationUnit, Array[Byte])]

  /** Drop any elements of this list that are linked module classes of other elements in the list */
  private def dropCompanionModuleClasses(clss: List[ClassSymbol])(using Context): List[ClassSymbol] = {
    val companionModuleClasses =

  /** Runs given functions with a scratch data block in a serialized fashion (i.e.
   *  inside a synchronized block). Scratch data is re-used between calls.
   *  Used to conserve on memory usage by avoiding to create scratch data for each
   *  pickled unit.
  object serialized:
    val scratch = new ScratchData
    private val buf = mutable.ListBuffer.empty[(String, Array[Byte])]
    def run(body: ScratchData => Array[Byte]): Array[Byte] =
      synchronized {
    def commit(internalName: String, tasty: Array[Byte]): Unit = synchronized {
      buf += ((internalName, tasty))
    def result(): List[(String, Array[Byte])] = synchronized {
      val res = buf.toList

  private val executor = Executor[Array[Byte]]()

  private def useExecutor(using Context) =
    Pickler.ParallelPickling && !ctx.isBestEffort && !ctx.settings.YtestPickler.value

  private def printerContext(isOutline: Boolean)(using Context): Context =
    if isOutline then ctx.fresh.setPrinterFn(OutlinePrinter(_))
    else ctx

  /** only ran under -Ypickle-write and -from-tasty */
  private def runFromTasty(unit: CompilationUnit)(using Context): Unit = {
    val pickled = unit.pickled
    for (cls, bytes) <- pickled do
      serialized.commit(computeInternalName(cls), bytes())

  private def computeInternalName(cls: ClassSymbol)(using Context): String =
    if then cls.binaryClassName.stripSuffix(str.MODULE_SUFFIX).nn
    else cls.binaryClassName

  override def run(using Context): Unit = {
    val unit = ctx.compilationUnit
    val isBestEffort = ctx.reporter.errorsReported || ctx.usedBestEffortTasty
    pickling.println(i"unpickling in run ${ctx.runId}")

    if ctx.settings.fromTasty.value then
      // skip the rest of the phase, as tasty is already "pickled",
      // however we still need to set up tasks to write TASTy to
      // early output when pipelining is enabled.
      if fastDoAsyncTasty then
      return ()

      cls <- dropCompanionModuleClasses(topLevelClasses(unit.tpdTree))
      tree <- sliceTopLevel(unit.tpdTree, cls)
      if ctx.settings.YtestPickler.value then beforePickling(cls) = printerContext(unit.typedAsJava))

      val sourceRelativePath =
        val reference = ctx.settings.sourceroot.value
        util.SourceFile.relativePath(unit.source, reference)
      val isJavaAttr = unit.isJava // we must always set JAVAattr when pickling Java sources
      if isJavaAttr then
        // assert that Java sources didn't reach Pickler without `-Xjava-tasty`.
        assert(ctx.settings.XjavaTasty.value, "unexpected Java source file without -Xjava-tasty")
      val isOutline = isJavaAttr // TODO: later we may want outline for Scala sources too
      val attributes = Attributes(
        sourceFile = sourceRelativePath,
        scala2StandardLibrary = ctx.settings.YcompileScala2Library.value,
        explicitNulls = ctx.settings.YexplicitNulls.value,
        captureChecked = Feature.ccEnabled,
        withPureFuns = Feature.pureFunsEnabled,
        isJava = isJavaAttr,
        isOutline = isOutline

      val pickler = new TastyPickler(cls, isBestEffortTasty = isBestEffort)
      val treePkl = new TreePickler(pickler, attributes)
      val successful =
          treePkl.pickle(tree :: Nil)
          case NonFatal(ex) if ctx.isBestEffort =>
            report.bestEffortError(ex, "Some best-effort tasty files will not be generated.")

      val positionWarnings = new mutable.ListBuffer[Message]()
      def reportPositionWarnings() = positionWarnings.foreach(report.warning(_))

      val internalName = if fastDoAsyncTasty then computeInternalName(cls) else ""

      def computePickled(): Array[Byte] = inContext(ctx.fresh) { { scratch =>
          if tree.span.exists then
            val reference = ctx.settings.sourceroot.value
                pickler, treePkl.buf.addrOfTree, treePkl.treeAnnots, treePkl.typeAnnots, reference,
                unit.source, tree :: Nil, positionWarnings,
                scratch.positionBuffer, scratch.pickledIndices)

          if !ctx.settings.XdropComments.value then
                pickler, treePkl.buf.addrOfTree, treePkl.docString, tree,

          AttributePickler.pickleAttributes(attributes, pickler, scratch.attributeBuffer)

          val pickled = pickler.assembleParts()

          def rawBytes = // not needed right now, but useful to print raw format.
            pickled.iterator.grouped(10) {
              case (row, i) => s"${i}0: ${row.mkString(" ")}"

          // println(i"rawBytes = \n$rawBytes%\n%") // DEBUG
          if ctx.settings.YprintTasty.value || pickling != noPrinter then
            println(i"**** pickled info of $cls")
            println(TastyPrinter.showContents(pickled, ctx.settings.color.value == "never", isBestEffortTasty = false))
            println(i"**** end of pickled info of $cls")

          if fastDoAsyncTasty then
            serialized.commit(internalName, pickled)


      if successful then
        /** A function that returns the pickled bytes. Depending on `Pickler.ParallelPickling`
         *  either computes the pickled data in a future or eagerly before constructing the
         *  function value.
        val demandPickled: () => Array[Byte] =
          if useExecutor then
            val futurePickled = executor.schedule(computePickled)
            () =>
              try futurePickled.force.get
              finally reportPositionWarnings()
            val pickled = computePickled()
            if ctx.settings.YtestPickler.value then
              pickledBytes(cls) = (unit, pickled)
              if ctx.settings.YtestPicklerCheck.value then
                printedTasty(cls) = TastyPrinter.showContents(pickled, noColor = true, isBestEffortTasty = false, testPickler = true)
            () => pickled

        unit.pickled += (cls -> demandPickled)
    end for

  override def runOn(units: List[CompilationUnit])(using Context): List[CompilationUnit] = {
    val useExecutor = this.useExecutor

    val writeTask: Option[() => Unit] = async =>
        fastDoAsyncTasty = true
        () =>
          given ReadOnlyContext = if useExecutor then ReadOnlyContext.buffered else ReadOnlyContext.eager
          val writer = Pickler.EarlyFileWriter(async.earlyOut)
          writeSigFilesAsync(serialized.result(), writer, async)

    def runPhase(writeCB: (doWrite: () => Unit) => Unit) =
      super.runOn(units).tap(_ => writeTask.foreach(writeCB))

    val result =
      if useExecutor then
          runPhase: doWrite =>
            // unless we redesign executor to have "Unit" schedule overload, we need some sentinel value.
            executor.schedule(() => { doWrite(); Array.emptyByteArray })
        finally executor.close()
    if ctx.settings.YtestPickler.value then
      val ctx2 = ctx.fresh
        .setSetting(ctx.settings.XreadComments, true)
        .setSetting(ctx.settings.YshowPrintErrors, true)
        using ctx2
          .setPeriod(Period(ctx.runId + 1,
          .setReporter(new ThrowingReporter(ctx.reporter))
    if ctx.isBestEffort then
      val outpath =
      BestEffortTastyWriter.write(outpath.nn, result)

  private def testUnpickler(using Context): Unit =
    pickling.println(i"testing unpickler at run ${ctx.runId}")
    val resolveCheck = ctx.settings.YtestPicklerCheck.value
    val unpicklers =
      for ((cls, (unit, bytes)) <- pickledBytes) yield {
        val unpickler = new DottyUnpickler(unit.source.file, bytes, isBestEffortTasty = false)
        unpickler.enter(roots = Set.empty)
        val optCheck =
          if resolveCheck then
            val resolved = unit.source.file.resolveSibling(s"${}.tastycheck")
            if resolved == null then None
            else Some(resolved)
          else None
        cls -> (unit, unpickler, optCheck)
    pickling.println("************* entered toplevel ***********")
    val rootCtx = ctx
    for ((cls, (unit, unpickler, optCheck)) <- unpicklers) do
      val testJava = unit.typedAsJava
      if testJava then
        if unpickler.unpickler.nameAtRef.contents.exists(_ == nme.FromJavaObject) then
          report.error(em"Pickled reference to FromJavaObject in Java defined $cls in ${cls.source}")
      val unpickled = unpickler.rootTrees
      val freshUnit = CompilationUnit(rootCtx.compilationUnit.source)
      freshUnit.needsCaptureChecking = unit.needsCaptureChecking
      freshUnit.knowsPureFuns = unit.knowsPureFuns
      optCheck match
        case Some(check) =>
          import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets.UTF_8
          val checkContents = String(check.toByteArray, UTF_8)
            testSamePrinted(printedTasty(cls), checkContents, cls, check)
        case None =>

      inContext(printerContext(testJava)(using rootCtx.fresh.setCompilationUnit(freshUnit))):
        testSame(i"$unpickled%\n%", beforePickling(cls), cls)

  private def testSame(unpickled: String, previous: String, cls: ClassSymbol)(using Context) =
    import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets.UTF_8
    def normal(s: String) = new String(s.getBytes(UTF_8), UTF_8)
    val unequal = unpickled.length() != previous.length() || normal(unpickled) != normal(previous)
    if unequal then
      output("before-pickling.txt", previous)
      output("after-pickling.txt", unpickled)
      //sys.process.Process("diff -u before-pickling.txt after-pickling.txt").!
      report.error(em"""pickling difference for $cls in ${cls.source}, for details:
                    |  diff before-pickling.txt after-pickling.txt""")
  end testSame

  private def testSamePrinted(printed: String, checkContents: String, cls: ClassSymbol, check: AbstractFile)(using Context): Unit = {
    for lines <- diff(printed, checkContents) do
      output("after-printing.txt", printed)
      report.error(em"""TASTy printer difference for $cls in ${cls.source}, did not match ${check},
                    |  output dumped in after-printing.txt, check diff with `git diff --no-index -- $check after-printing.txt`
                    |  actual output:

  /** Reuse diff logic from compiler/test/dotty/tools/vulpix/FileDiff.scala */
  private def diff(actual: String, expect: String): Option[Seq[String]] =
    import scala.util.Using
    val actualLines = Using(Source.fromString(actual))(_.getLines().toList).get
    val expectLines = Using(Source.fromString(expect))(_.getLines().toList).get
    Option.when(!matches(actualLines, expectLines))(actualLines)

  private def matches(actual: String, expect: String): Boolean = {
    val actual1 = actual.stripLineEnd
    val expect1  = expect.stripLineEnd

    // handle check file path mismatch on windows
    actual1 == expect1 || File.separatorChar == '\\' && actual1.replace('\\', '/') == expect1

  private def matches(actual: Seq[String], expect: Seq[String]): Boolean = {
    actual.length == expect.length
    && actual.lazyZip(expect).forall(matches)

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