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package dottydoc
package staticsite
import java.nio.file.{ Files, FileSystems }
import java.nio.file.StandardCopyOption.REPLACE_EXISTING
import{ File => JFile, OutputStreamWriter, BufferedWriter, ByteArrayInputStream }
import java.util.{ List => JList, Arrays }
import java.nio.file.Path
import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets
import{ separator => sep }
import com.vladsch.flexmark.parser.{ Parser, ParserEmulationProfile }
import com.vladsch.flexmark.ext.gfm.tables.TablesExtension
import com.vladsch.flexmark.ext.gfm.strikethrough.StrikethroughExtension
import com.vladsch.flexmark.ext.gfm.tasklist.TaskListExtension
import com.vladsch.flexmark.ext.emoji.EmojiExtension
import com.vladsch.flexmark.ext.autolink.AutolinkExtension
import com.vladsch.flexmark.ext.anchorlink.AnchorLinkExtension
import com.vladsch.flexmark.ext.yaml.front.matter.YamlFrontMatterExtension
import com.vladsch.flexmark.html.HtmlRenderer
import com.vladsch.flexmark.util.options.{ DataHolder, MutableDataSet }
import dotc.core.Contexts.{Context, ctx}
import dotc.util.SourceFile
import model.Package
import{ Codec, Source }
import scala.util.Using
import io.{ AbstractFile, VirtualFile, File }
import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer
import util.syntax._
case class Site(
root: JFile,
outDir: JFile,
projectTitle: String,
projectVersion: String,
projectUrl: Option[String],
projectLogo: Option[String],
documentation: Map[String, Package],
baseUrl: String
) extends ResourceFinder {
/** Documentation serialized to java maps */
private val docs: JList[_] = {
import model.JavaConverters._
private val docsFlattened: JList[_] = {
import model.JavaConverters._
/** All files that are considered static in this context, this can be
* anything from CSS, JS to images and other files.
* @note files that are *not* considered static are files ending in a compilable
* extension.
def staticAssets(using Context): Array[JFile] = {
if (_staticAssets eq null) initFiles
/** All files that are considered compilable assets in this context. This
* is mainly markdown and html files, but could include other files in the
* future.
* @note files that are considered compilable end in `.md` or `.html`
def compilableFiles(using Context): Array[JFile] = {
if (_compilableFiles eq null) initFiles
/** All files that are considered blogposts, currently this means that files have been placed in:
* ```
* ./blog/_posts/year-month-day-title.ext
* ```
* where `ext` is either markdown or html.
def blogposts(using Context): Array[JFile] = {
if (_blogposts eq null) initFiles
/** Sidebar created from `sidebar.yml` file in site root */
val sidebar: Sidebar =
.find(_.getName == "sidebar.yml")
.map(f => "---\n" + Using(Source.fromFile(f))(_.mkString).get + "\n---")
private[this] var _blogInfo: Array[BlogPost] = _
protected def blogInfo(using Context): Array[BlogPost] = {
if (_blogInfo eq null) {
_blogInfo =
.flatMap { file =>
val BlogPost.extract(year, month, day, name, ext) = file.getName
val sourceFile = toSourceFile(file)
val params = defaultParams(file).withUrl(s"/blog/$year/$month/$day/$name.html").toMap
val page =
if (ext == "md")
new MarkdownPage(file.getPath, sourceFile, params, includes, documentation)
else new HtmlPage(file.getPath, sourceFile, params, includes)
BlogPost(file, page)
// FileSystem getter
private[this] val fs = FileSystems.getDefault
/** Create virtual file from string `sourceCode` */
private def stringToSourceFile(name: String, path: String, sourceCode: String): SourceFile = {
val virtualFile = new VirtualFile(name, path)
val writer = new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(virtualFile.output,
new SourceFile(virtualFile, Codec.UTF8)
def copyStaticFiles()(using Context): this.type =
createOutput {
// Copy user-defined static assets
staticAssets.foreach { asset =>
val target = mkdirs(fs.getPath(outDir.getAbsolutePath, stripRoot(asset)))
val source = mkdirs(fs.getPath(asset.getAbsolutePath))
Files.copy(source, target, REPLACE_EXISTING)
// Copy statics included in resources
"css/toolbar.css" -> "/css/toolbar.css",
"css/search.css" -> "/css/search.css",
"css/sidebar.css" -> "/css/sidebar.css",
"css/dottydoc.css" -> "/css/dottydoc.css",
"css/color-brewer.css" -> "/css/color-brewer.css",
"css/bootstrap.min.css" -> "/css/bootstrap.min.css",
"js/toolbar.js" -> "/js/toolbar.js",
"js/sidebar.js" -> "/js/sidebar.js",
"js/dottydoc.js" -> "/js/dottydoc.js",
"js/api-search.js" -> "/js/api-search.js",
"js/bootstrap.min.js" -> "/js/bootstrap.min.js",
"js/jquery.min.js" -> "/js/jquery.min.js",
"js/highlight.pack.js" -> "/js/highlight.pack.js",
"images/scala3-logo.svg" -> "/images/scala3-logo.svg",
"images/scala-logo.svg" -> "/images/scala-logo.svg",
"images/scala3-logo-white.svg" -> "/images/scala3-logo-white.svg",
"images/scala-logo-white.svg" -> "/images/scala-logo-white.svg"
.transform((_, v) => getResource(v))
.foreach { case (path, resource) =>
val source = new ByteArrayInputStream(resource.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8))
val target = mkdirs(fs.getPath(outDir.getAbsolutePath, path))
Files.copy(source, target, REPLACE_EXISTING)
/** Generate default params included in each page */
private def defaultParams(pageLocation: JFile): DefaultParams =
val pathFromRoot = stripRoot(pageLocation)
docs, docsFlattened, documentation, PageInfo(pathFromRoot),
baseUrl, projectTitle, projectVersion, projectUrl, projectLogo, Array(),
/* Creates output directories if allowed */
private def createOutput(op: => Unit)(using Context): this.type = {
if (!outDir.isDirectory) outDir.mkdirs()
if (!outDir.isDirectory) ctx.docbase.error(s"couldn't create output folder: $outDir")
else op
/** Generate HTML for the API documentation */
def generateApiDocs()(using Context): this.type =
createOutput {
def genDoc(e: model.Entity): Unit = {
ctx.docbase.echo(s"Generating doc page for: ${e.path.mkString(".")}")
// Suffix is index.html for packages and therefore the additional depth
// is increased by 1
val (suffix, offset) =
if (e.kind == "package") (sep + "index.html", -1)
else (".html", 0)
val path = if (scala.util.Properties.isWin)"<", "_").replace(">", "_"))
val target = mkdirs(fs.getPath(outDir.getAbsolutePath + sep + "api" + sep + path.mkString(sep) + suffix))
val params = defaultParams(target.toFile).withPosts(blogInfo).withEntity(Some(e)).toMap
val page = new HtmlPage("_layouts" + sep + "api-page.html", layouts("api-page").content, params, includes)
render(page).foreach { rendered =>
val source = new ByteArrayInputStream(rendered.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8))
Files.copy(source, target, REPLACE_EXISTING)
// Generate docs for nested objects/classes:
documentation.values.foreach { pkg =>
// generate search page:
val target = mkdirs(fs.getPath(outDir.getAbsolutePath + sep + "api" + sep + "search.html"))
val searchPageParams = defaultParams(target.toFile).withPosts(blogInfo).toMap
val searchPage = new HtmlPage("_layouts" + sep + "search.html", layouts("search").content, searchPageParams, includes)
render(searchPage).foreach { rendered =>
new ByteArrayInputStream(rendered.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8)),
/** Generate HTML files from markdown and .html sources */
def generateHtmlFiles()(using Context): this.type =
createOutput {
compilableFiles.foreach { asset =>
val pathFromRoot = stripRoot(asset)
val sourceFile = toSourceFile(asset)
val params = defaultParams(asset).withPosts(blogInfo).toMap
val page =
if (asset.getName.endsWith(".md")) new MarkdownPage(pathFromRoot, sourceFile, params, includes, documentation)
else new HtmlPage(pathFromRoot, sourceFile, params, includes)
render(page).foreach { renderedPage =>
val source = new ByteArrayInputStream(renderedPage.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8))
val target = pathFromRoot.splitAt(pathFromRoot.lastIndexOf('.'))._1 + ".html"
val htmlTarget = mkdirs(fs.getPath(outDir.getAbsolutePath, target))
Files.copy(source, htmlTarget, REPLACE_EXISTING)
/** Generate blog from files in `blog/_posts` and output in `outDir` */
def generateBlog()(using Context): this.type =
createOutput {
blogposts.foreach { file =>
val BlogPost.extract(year, month, day, name, ext) = file.getName
val sourceFile = toSourceFile(file)
val date = s"$year-$month-$day 00:00:00"
val params = defaultParams(file).withPosts(blogInfo).withDate(date).toMap
// Output target
val target = mkdirs(fs.getPath(outDir.getAbsolutePath, "blog", year, month, day, name + ".html"))
val page =
if (ext == "md")
new MarkdownPage(target.toString, sourceFile, params, includes, documentation)
new HtmlPage(target.toString, sourceFile, params, includes)
render(page).map { rendered =>
val source = new ByteArrayInputStream(rendered.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8))
Files.copy(source, target, REPLACE_EXISTING)
/** Create directories and issue an error if could not */
private def mkdirs(path: Path)(using Context): path.type = {
val parent = path.getParent.toFile
if (!parent.isDirectory && !parent.mkdirs())
ctx.docbase.error(s"couldn't create directory: $parent")
/** This function allows the stripping of the path that leads up to root.
* ```scala
* stripRoot(new JFile("/some/root/dir/css/index.css"))
* // returns: dir/css/index.css
* // given that root is: /some/root
* ```
def stripRoot(f: JFile, root: JFile = root): String = {
val rootLen = root.getAbsolutePath.length + 1
// Initialization of `staticAssets` and `compilableAssets`, and `blogPosts`:
private[this] var _staticAssets: Array[JFile] = _
private[this] var _compilableFiles: Array[JFile] = _
private[this] var _blogposts: Array[JFile] = _
private[this] def initFiles(using Context) = {
// Split files between compilable and static assets
def splitFiles(f: JFile, assets: ArrayBuffer[JFile], comp: ArrayBuffer[JFile]): Unit = {
val name = f.getName
if (f.isDirectory) {
val name = f.getName
if (!name.startsWith("_") && name != "api") f.listFiles.foreach(splitFiles(_, assets, comp))
if (f.getName == "api") ctx.docbase.warn {
"the specified `/api` directory will not be used since it is needed for the api documentation"
else if (name.endsWith(".md") || name.endsWith(".html")) comp.append(f)
else assets.append(f)
// Collect posts from ./blog/_posts
def collectPosts(file: JFile): Option[JFile] = file.getName match {
case BlogPost.extract(year, month, day, name, ext) => Some(file)
case _ => None
val assets = new ArrayBuffer[JFile]
val comp = new ArrayBuffer[JFile]
splitFiles(root, assets, comp)
_staticAssets = assets.toArray
_compilableFiles = comp.toArray
_blogposts =
.find(dir => dir.getName == "blog" && dir.isDirectory)
.map(_.listFiles).getOrElse(Array.empty[JFile]) //FIXME: remove [JFile] once #1907 is fixed
.find(dir => dir.getName == "_posts" && dir.isDirectory)
.map(_.listFiles).getOrElse(Array.empty[JFile]) //FIXME: remove [JFile] once #1907 is fixed
/** Files that define a layout then referred to by `layout: filename-no-ext`
* in yaml front-matter.
* The compiler will look in two locations, `/_layouts/` and
* in the bundled jar file's resources `/_layouts`.
* If the user supplies a layout that has the same name as one of the
* defaults, the user-defined one will take precedence.
val layouts: Map[String, Layout] = {
val userDefinedLayouts =
.listFiles.find(d => d.getName == "_layouts" && d.isDirectory)
.map(collectFiles(_, f => f.endsWith(".md") || f.endsWith(".html")))
.map(f => (f.getName.substring(0, f.getName.lastIndexOf('.')), Layout(f.getPath, toSourceFile(f))))
val defaultLayouts: Map[String, Layout] = Map(
"base" -> "/_layouts/base.html",
"main" -> "/_layouts/main.html",
"search" -> "/_layouts/search.html",
"doc-page" -> "/_layouts/doc-page.html",
"api-page" -> "/_layouts/api-page.html",
"blog-page" -> "/_layouts/blog-page.html",
"index" -> "/_layouts/index.html"
).map {
case (name, path) =>
(name, Layout(path, stringToSourceFile(name, path, getResource(path))))
defaultLayouts ++ userDefinedLayouts
/** Include files are allowed under the directory `_includes`. These files
* have to be compilable files and can be used with liquid includes:
* ```
* {% include "some-file" %}
* ```
* You can also use the `with` statement:
* ```
* {% include "some-file" with { key: value } %}
* ```
val includes: Map[String, Include] = {
val userDefinedIncludes =
.listFiles.find(d => d.getName == "_includes" && d.isDirectory)
.map(collectFiles(_, f => f.endsWith(".md") || f.endsWith(".html")))
.map(f => (f.getName, Include(f.getPath, toSourceFile(f))))
val defaultIncludes: Map[String, Include] = Map(
"header.html" -> "/_includes/header.html",
"toolbar.html" -> "/_includes/toolbar.html",
"sidebar.html" -> "/_includes/sidebar.html"
).map {
case (name, path) =>
(name, Include(path, stringToSourceFile(name, path, getResource(path))))
defaultIncludes ++ userDefinedIncludes
private def toSourceFile(f: JFile): SourceFile =
new SourceFile(AbstractFile.getFile(new File(f.toPath)), Using(Source.fromFile(f,
private def collectFiles(dir: JFile, includes: String => Boolean): Array[JFile] =
.filter(f => includes(f.getName))
/** Render a page to html, the resulting string is the result of the complete
* expansion of the template with all its layouts and includes.
def render(page: Page, params: Map[String, AnyRef] = Map.empty)(using Context): Option[String] =
page.yaml.get("layout").flatMap(xs => layouts.get(xs.toString)) match {
case Some(layout) if page.html.isDefined =>
val newParams = page.params ++ params ++ Map("page" -> page.yaml) ++ Map("content" -> page.html.get)
val expandedTemplate = new HtmlPage(layout.path, layout.content, newParams, includes)
render(expandedTemplate, params)
case _ =>
object Site {
val markdownOptions: DataHolder =
new MutableDataSet()
.set(HtmlRenderer.FENCED_CODE_NO_LANGUAGE_CLASS, "nohighlight")
.set(AnchorLinkExtension.ANCHORLINKS_WRAP_TEXT, false)
.set(AnchorLinkExtension.ANCHORLINKS_ANCHOR_CLASS, "anchor")
.set(EmojiExtension.ROOT_IMAGE_PATH, "")
.set(Parser.EXTENSIONS, Arrays.asList(