dotty.tools.languageserver.DottyLanguageServer.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package dotty.tools
package languageserver
import java.net.URI
import java.io._
import java.nio.file._
import java.util.concurrent.{CompletableFuture, ConcurrentHashMap}
import java.util.function.Function
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper
import org.eclipse.lsp4j
import scala.collection._
import scala.jdk.CollectionConverters._
import scala.util.control.NonFatal
import scala.io.Codec
import scala.compiletime.uninitialized
import dotc._
import ast.{Trees, tpd, untpd}
import core._, core.Decorators._
import Comments._, Constants._, Contexts._, Flags._, Names._, NameOps._, Symbols._, SymDenotations._, Trees._, Types._
import classpath.ClassPathEntries
import reporting._
import typer.Typer
import util._
import interactive._, interactive.InteractiveDriver._
import decompiler.IDEDecompilerDriver
import Interactive.Include
import config.Printers.interactiv
import languageserver.config.ProjectConfig
import languageserver.worksheet.{Worksheet, WorksheetService}
import languageserver.decompiler.{TastyDecompilerService}
import lsp4j.services._
/** An implementation of the Language Server Protocol for Dotty.
* You should not have to directly this class, instead see `dotty.tools.languageserver.Main`.
* For more information see:
* - The LSP is defined at https://github.com/Microsoft/language-server-protocol
* - This implementation is based on the LSP4J library: https://github.com/eclipse/lsp4j
class DottyLanguageServer extends LanguageServer
with TextDocumentService with WorkspaceService with WorksheetService with TastyDecompilerService { thisServer =>
import ast.tpd._
import DottyLanguageServer._
import InteractiveDriver._
import lsp4j.jsonrpc.{CancelChecker, CompletableFutures}
import lsp4j.jsonrpc.messages.{Either => JEither}
import lsp4j._
private var rootUri: String = uninitialized
private var myClient: DottyClient = uninitialized
def client: DottyClient = myClient
private var myDrivers: mutable.Map[ProjectConfig, InteractiveDriver] = uninitialized
private var myDependentProjects: mutable.Map[ProjectConfig, mutable.Set[ProjectConfig]] = uninitialized
def drivers: Map[ProjectConfig, InteractiveDriver] = thisServer.synchronized {
if myDrivers == null then
assert(rootUri != null, "`drivers` cannot be called before `initialize`")
val configFile = new File(new URI(rootUri + '/' + IDE_CONFIG_FILE))
val configs: List[ProjectConfig] = (new ObjectMapper).readValue(configFile, classOf[Array[ProjectConfig]]).toList
val defaultFlags = List("-color:never" /*, "-Yplain-printer","-Yprint-pos"*/)
myDrivers = new mutable.HashMap
for (config <- configs) {
implicit class updateDeco(ss: List[String]) {
def update(pathKind: String, pathInfo: String) = {
val idx = ss.indexOf(pathKind)
val ss1 = if idx >= 0 then ss.take(idx) ++ ss.drop(idx + 2) else ss
ss1 ++ List(pathKind, pathInfo)
val settings =
defaultFlags ++
.update("-d", config.classDirectory.getAbsolutePath)
.update("-classpath", (config.classDirectory +: config.dependencyClasspath).mkString(File.pathSeparator))
.update("-sourcepath", config.sourceDirectories.mkString(File.pathSeparator))
myDrivers(config) = new InteractiveDriver(settings)
/** Restart all presentation compiler drivers, copying open files over */
private def restart() = thisServer.synchronized {
interactiv.println("restarting presentation compiler")
val driverConfigs = for ((config, driver) <- myDrivers.toList) yield
(config, new InteractiveDriver(driver.settings), driver.openedFiles)
for ((config, driver, _) <- driverConfigs)
myDrivers(config) = driver
for ((_, driver, opened) <- driverConfigs; (uri, source) <- opened)
driver.run(uri, source)
if Memory.isCritical() then
println(s"WARNING: Insufficient memory to run Scala language server on these projects.")
private def checkMemory() =
if Memory.isCritical() then
CompletableFutures.computeAsync { _ => restart() }
/** The configuration of the project that owns `uri`. */
def configFor(uri: URI): ProjectConfig = thisServer.synchronized {
val config =
drivers.keys.find(config => config.sourceDirectories.exists(sourceDir =>
new File(uri.getPath).getCanonicalPath.startsWith(sourceDir.getCanonicalPath)))
config.getOrElse {
val config = drivers.keys.head
// println(s"No configuration contains $uri as a source file, arbitrarily choosing ${config.id}")
/** The driver instance responsible for compiling `uri` */
def driverFor(uri: URI): InteractiveDriver = {
/** The driver instance responsible for decompiling `uri` in `classPath` */
def decompilerDriverFor(uri: URI, classPath: String): IDEDecompilerDriver = thisServer.synchronized {
val config = configFor(uri)
val defaultFlags = List("-color:never")
implicit class updateDeco(ss: List[String]) {
def update(pathKind: String, pathInfo: String) = {
val idx = ss.indexOf(pathKind)
val ss1 = if idx >= 0 then ss.take(idx) ++ ss.drop(idx + 2) else ss
ss1 ++ List(pathKind, pathInfo)
val settings =
defaultFlags ++
.update("-classpath", (classPath +: config.dependencyClasspath).mkString(File.pathSeparator))
new IDEDecompilerDriver(settings)
/** A mapping from project `p` to the set of projects that transitively depend on `p`. */
def dependentProjects: Map[ProjectConfig, Set[ProjectConfig]] = thisServer.synchronized {
if myDependentProjects == null then
val idToConfig = drivers.keys.map(k => k.id -> k).toMap
val allProjects = drivers.keySet
def transitiveDependencies(config: ProjectConfig): Set[ProjectConfig] = {
val dependencies = config.projectDependencies.flatMap(idToConfig.get).toSet
dependencies ++ dependencies.flatMap(transitiveDependencies)
myDependentProjects = new mutable.HashMap().withDefaultValue(mutable.Set.empty)
for { project <- allProjects
dependency <- transitiveDependencies(project) } {
myDependentProjects(dependency) += project
def connect(client: DottyClient): Unit = {
myClient = client
override def exit(): Unit = {
override def shutdown(): CompletableFuture[Object] = {
CompletableFuture.completedFuture(new Object)
def computeAsync[R](fun: CancelChecker => R, synchronize: Boolean = true): CompletableFuture[R] =
CompletableFutures.computeAsync { cancelToken =>
// We do not support any concurrent use of the compiler currently.
def computation(): R = {
try {
} catch {
case NonFatal(ex) =>
throw ex
if synchronize then
thisServer.synchronized { computation() }
override def initialize(params: InitializeParams) = computeAsync { cancelToken =>
rootUri = params.getRootUri
assert(rootUri != null)
class DottyServerCapabilities(val worksheetRunProvider: Boolean = true,
val tastyDecompiler: Boolean = true) extends lsp4j.ServerCapabilities
val c = new DottyServerCapabilities
c.setCompletionProvider(new CompletionOptions(
/* resolveProvider = */ false,
/* triggerCharacters = */ List(".").asJava))
c.setSignatureHelpProvider(new SignatureHelpOptions(
/* triggerCharacters = */ List("(").asJava))
// Do most of the initialization asynchronously so that we can return early
// from this method and thus let the client know our capabilities.
CompletableFuture.supplyAsync(() => drivers)
.exceptionally { (ex: Throwable) =>
new InitializeResult(c)
override def didOpen(params: DidOpenTextDocumentParams): Unit = thisServer.synchronized {
val document = params.getTextDocument
val uri = new URI(document.getUri)
val driver = driverFor(uri)
implicit def ctx: Context = driver.currentCtx
val worksheetMode = isWorksheet(uri)
val text =
if (worksheetMode)
val diags = driver.run(uri, text)
client.publishDiagnostics(new PublishDiagnosticsParams(
override def didChange(params: DidChangeTextDocumentParams): Unit = {
val document = params.getTextDocument
val uri = new URI(document.getUri)
val worksheetMode = isWorksheet(uri)
thisServer.synchronized {
val driver = driverFor(uri)
implicit def ctx: Context = driver.currentCtx
val change = params.getContentChanges.get(0)
assert(change.getRange == null, "TextDocumentSyncKind.Incremental support is not implemented")
val text =
if (worksheetMode)
val diags = driver.run(uri, text)
client.publishDiagnostics(new PublishDiagnosticsParams(
override def didClose(params: DidCloseTextDocumentParams): Unit = thisServer.synchronized {
val document = params.getTextDocument
val uri = new URI(document.getUri)
override def didChangeConfiguration(params: DidChangeConfigurationParams): Unit =
/*thisServer.synchronized*/ {}
override def didChangeWatchedFiles(params: DidChangeWatchedFilesParams): Unit =
/*thisServer.synchronized*/ {}
override def didSave(params: DidSaveTextDocumentParams): Unit = {
/*thisServer.synchronized*/ {}
// FIXME: share code with NotAMember
override def completion(params: CompletionParams) = computeAsync { cancelToken =>
val uri = new URI(params.getTextDocument.getUri)
val driver = driverFor(uri)
implicit def ctx: Context = driver.currentCtx
val pos = sourcePosition(driver, uri, params.getPosition)
val items = driver.compilationUnits.get(uri) match {
case Some(unit) =>
val freshCtx = ctx.fresh.setCompilationUnit(unit)
Completion.completions(pos)(using freshCtx)._2
case None => Nil
JEither.forRight(new CompletionList(
/*isIncomplete = */ false, items.map(completionItem).asJava))
/** If cursor is on a reference, show its definition and all overriding definitions.
* If cursor is on a definition, show this definition together with all overridden
* and overriding definitions.
override def definition(params: TextDocumentPositionParams) = computeAsync { cancelToken =>
val uri = new URI(params.getTextDocument.getUri)
val driver = driverFor(uri)
implicit def ctx: Context = driver.currentCtx
val pos = sourcePosition(driver, uri, params.getPosition)
val path = Interactive.pathTo(driver.openedTrees(uri), pos)
val definitions = Interactive.findDefinitions(path, pos, driver).toList
definitions.flatMap(d => location(d.namePos)).asJava
override def references(params: ReferenceParams) = computeAsync { cancelToken =>
val uri = new URI(params.getTextDocument.getUri)
val driver = driverFor(uri)
val includes = {
val includeDeclaration = params.getContext.isIncludeDeclaration
Include.references | Include.overriding | Include.imports | Include.local |
(if (includeDeclaration) Include.definitions else Include.empty)
val uriTrees = driver.openedTrees(uri)
val pos = sourcePosition(driver, uri, params.getPosition)
val (definitions, originalSymbols) = {
implicit def ctx: Context = driver.currentCtx
val path = Interactive.pathTo(driver.openedTrees(uri), pos)
val definitions = Interactive.findDefinitions(path, pos, driver)
val originalSymbols = Interactive.enclosingSourceSymbols(path, pos)
(definitions, originalSymbols)
val references = {
// Collect the information necessary to look into each project separately: representation of
// `originalSymbol` in this project, the context and correct Driver.
val perProjectInfo = inProjectsSeeing(driver, definitions, originalSymbols)
perProjectInfo.flatMap { (remoteDriver, ctx, definitions) =>
definitions.flatMap { definition =>
val name = definition.name(using ctx).sourceModuleName.toString
val trees = remoteDriver.sourceTreesContaining(name)(using ctx)
val matches = Interactive.findTreesMatching(trees, includes, definition)(using ctx)
matches.map(tree => location(tree.namePos(using ctx)))
override def rename(params: RenameParams) = computeAsync { cancelToken =>
val uri = new URI(params.getTextDocument.getUri)
val driver = driverFor(uri)
implicit def ctx: Context = driver.currentCtx
val uriTrees = driver.openedTrees(uri)
val pos = sourcePosition(driver, uri, params.getPosition)
val path = Interactive.pathTo(uriTrees, pos)
val syms = Interactive.enclosingSourceSymbols(path, pos)
val newName = params.getNewName
def findRenamedReferences(trees: List[SourceTree], syms: List[Symbol], withName: Name): List[SourceTree] = {
val includes = Include.all
syms.flatMap { sym =>
Interactive.findTreesMatching(trees, Include.all, sym, t => Interactive.sameName(t.name, withName))
val refs =
path match {
// Selected a renaming in an import node
case untpd.ImportSelector(_, rename: untpd.Ident, _) :: (_: Import) :: rest if rename.span.contains(pos.span) =>
findRenamedReferences(uriTrees, syms, rename.name)
// Selected a reference that has been renamed
case (nameTree: NameTree) :: rest if Interactive.isRenamed(nameTree) =>
findRenamedReferences(uriTrees, syms, nameTree.name)
case _ =>
val (include, allSymbols) =
if (syms.exists(_.allOverriddenSymbols.nonEmpty)) {
RENAME_OVERRIDDEN -> (() => (Include.all, syms.flatMap(s => s :: s.allOverriddenSymbols.toList))),
RENAME_NO_OVERRIDDEN -> (() => (Include.all.except(Include.overridden), syms)))
).get.getOrElse((Include.empty, Nil))
} else {
(Include.all, syms)
val names = allSymbols.map(_.name.sourceModuleName).toSet
val definitions = Interactive.findDefinitions(allSymbols, driver, include.isOverridden, includeExternal = true)
val perProjectInfo = inProjectsSeeing(driver, definitions, allSymbols)
perProjectInfo.flatMap { (remoteDriver, ctx, definitions) =>
definitions.flatMap { definition =>
val name = definition.name(using ctx).sourceModuleName.toString
val trees = remoteDriver.sourceTreesContaining(name)(using ctx)
t => names.exists(Interactive.sameName(t.name, _)))(using ctx)
val changes =
refs.groupBy(ref => toUriOption(ref.source))
.flatMap { case (uriOpt, refs) => uriOpt.map(uri => (uri.toString, refs)) }
.transform((_, refs) => refs.flatMap(ref =>
range(ref.namePos).map(nameRange => new TextEdit(nameRange, newName))).distinct.asJava)
new WorkspaceEdit(changes.asJava)
override def documentHighlight(params: TextDocumentPositionParams) = computeAsync { cancelToken =>
val uri = new URI(params.getTextDocument.getUri)
val driver = driverFor(uri)
implicit def ctx: Context = driver.currentCtx
val pos = sourcePosition(driver, uri, params.getPosition)
val uriTrees = driver.openedTrees(uri)
val path = Interactive.pathTo(uriTrees, pos)
val syms = Interactive.enclosingSourceSymbols(path, pos)
val includes = Include.all.except(Include.linkedClass)
syms.flatMap { sym =>
val refs = Interactive.findTreesMatching(uriTrees, includes, sym)
(for {
ref <- refs
nameRange <- range(ref.namePos)
} yield new DocumentHighlight(nameRange, DocumentHighlightKind.Read))
override def hover(params: TextDocumentPositionParams) = computeAsync { cancelToken =>
val uri = new URI(params.getTextDocument.getUri)
val driver = driverFor(uri)
implicit def ctx: Context = driver.currentCtx
val pos = sourcePosition(driver, uri, params.getPosition)
val trees = driver.openedTrees(uri)
val path = Interactive.pathTo(trees, pos)
val tp = Interactive.enclosingType(trees, pos)
val tpw = tp.widenTermRefExpr
if (tp.isError || tpw == NoType) null // null here indicates that no response should be sent
else {
Interactive.enclosingSourceSymbols(path, pos) match {
case Nil =>
case symbols =>
val docComments = symbols.flatMap(ParsedComment.docOf)
val content = hoverContent(Some(tpw.show), docComments)
new Hover(content, null)
override def documentSymbol(params: DocumentSymbolParams) = computeAsync { cancelToken =>
val uri = new URI(params.getTextDocument.getUri)
val driver = driverFor(uri)
implicit def ctx: Context = driver.currentCtx
val uriTrees = driver.openedTrees(uri)
// Excludes type and term params from synthetic symbols
val excludeParamsFromSyntheticSymbols = (n: NameTree) => {
val owner = n.symbol.owner
!n.symbol.is(Param) || {
!owner.is(Synthetic) &&
val defs = Interactive.namedTrees(uriTrees, Include.local, excludeParamsFromSyntheticSymbols)
(for {
d <- defs if (!isWorksheetWrapper(d) && !isTopLevelWrapper(d))
info <- symbolInfo(d.tree.symbol, d.pos)
} yield JEither.forLeft(info)).asJava
override def symbol(params: WorkspaceSymbolParams) = computeAsync { cancelToken =>
val query = params.getQuery
drivers.values.toList.flatMap { driver =>
implicit def ctx: Context = driver.currentCtx
val trees = driver.sourceTreesContaining(query)
val defs = Interactive.namedTrees(trees, Include.empty, _.name.toString.contains(query))
defs.flatMap(d => symbolInfo(d.tree.symbol, d.namePos))
override def implementation(params: TextDocumentPositionParams) = computeAsync { cancelToken =>
val uri = new URI(params.getTextDocument.getUri)
val driver = driverFor(uri)
val pos = sourcePosition(driver, uri, params.getPosition)
val (definitions, originalSymbols) = {
implicit def ctx: Context = driver.currentCtx
val path = Interactive.pathTo(driver.openedTrees(uri), pos)
val originalSymbols = Interactive.enclosingSourceSymbols(path, pos)
val definitions = Interactive.findDefinitions(path, pos, driver)
(definitions, originalSymbols)
val implementations = {
val perProjectInfo = inProjectsSeeing(driver, definitions, originalSymbols)
perProjectInfo.flatMap { (remoteDriver, ctx, definitions) =>
val trees = remoteDriver.sourceTrees(using ctx)
val predicate: NameTree => Boolean = {
val predicates = definitions.map(Interactive.implementationFilter(_)(using ctx))
tree => predicates.exists(_(tree))
val matches = Interactive.namedTrees(trees, Include.local, predicate)(using ctx)
matches.map(tree => location(tree.namePos(using ctx)))
override def signatureHelp(params: TextDocumentPositionParams) = computeAsync { canceltoken =>
val uri = new URI(params.getTextDocument.getUri)
val driver = driverFor(uri)
driver.compilationUnits.get(uri) match
case Some(unit) =>
given newCtx: Context = driver.currentCtx.fresh.setCompilationUnit(unit)
val pos = sourcePosition(driver, uri, params.getPosition)
val adjustedSpan = pos.span.withEnd(pos.span.end + 1)
val path = Interactive.pathTo(ctx.compilationUnit.tpdTree, adjustedSpan)
val (paramN, callableN, signatures) = Signatures.signatureHelp(path, adjustedSpan)
new SignatureHelp(signatures.map(signatureToSignatureInformation).asJava, callableN, paramN)
case _ => new SignatureHelp()
override def getTextDocumentService: TextDocumentService = this
override def getWorkspaceService: WorkspaceService = this
// Unimplemented features. If you implement one of them, you may need to add a
// capability in `initialize`
override def codeAction(params: CodeActionParams) = null
override def codeLens(params: CodeLensParams) = null
override def formatting(params: DocumentFormattingParams) = null
override def rangeFormatting(params: DocumentRangeFormattingParams) = null
override def onTypeFormatting(params: DocumentOnTypeFormattingParams) = null
override def resolveCodeLens(params: CodeLens) = null
override def resolveCompletionItem(params: CompletionItem) = null
* Find the set of projects that have any of `definitions` on their classpath.
* @param definitions The definitions to consider when looking for projects.
* @return The set of projects that have any of `definitions` on their classpath.
private def projectsSeeing(definitions: List[SourceTree])(implicit ctx: Context): Set[ProjectConfig] = {
if (definitions.isEmpty) {
} else {
for {
definition <- definitions.toSet
uri <- toUriOption(definition.pos.source).toSet
config = configFor(uri)
project <- dependentProjects(config) union Set(config)
} yield project
* Finds projects that can see any of `definitions`, translate `symbols` in their universe.
* @param baseDriver The driver responsible for the trees in `definitions` and `symbol`.
* @param definitions The definitions to consider when looking for projects.
* @param symbol Symbols to translate in the universes of the remote projects.
* @return A list consisting of the remote drivers, their context, and the translation of `symbol`
* into their universe.
private def inProjectsSeeing(baseDriver: InteractiveDriver,
definitions: List[SourceTree],
symbols: List[Symbol]): List[(InteractiveDriver, Context, List[Symbol])] = {
val projects = projectsSeeing(definitions)(using baseDriver.currentCtx)
projects.toList.map { config =>
val remoteDriver = drivers(config)
val ctx = remoteDriver.currentCtx
val definitions = symbols.map(Interactive.localize(_, baseDriver, remoteDriver))
(remoteDriver, ctx, definitions)
* Send a `window/showMessageRequest` to the client, asking to choose between `choices`, and
* perform the associated operation.
* @param tpe The type of the request
* @param message The message accompanying the request
* @param choices The choices and their associated operation
* @return A future that will complete with the result of executing the action corresponding to
* the user's response.
private def showMessageRequest[T](tpe: MessageType,
message: String,
choices: List[(String, () => T)]): CompletableFuture[Option[T]] = {
val options = choices.map((title, _) => new MessageActionItem(title))
val request = new ShowMessageRequestParams(options.asJava)
client.showMessageRequest(request).thenApply { (message: MessageActionItem) =>
for {
answer <- Option(message)
(_, action) <- choices.find(_._1 == answer.getTitle)
} yield action()
object DottyLanguageServer {
final val IDE_CONFIG_FILE = ".dotty-ide.json"
final val RENAME_OVERRIDDEN_QUESTION = "Do you want to rename the base member, or only this member?"
final val RENAME_OVERRIDDEN= "Rename the base member"
final val RENAME_NO_OVERRIDDEN = "Rename only this member"
/** Convert an lsp4j.Position to a SourcePosition */
def sourcePosition(driver: InteractiveDriver, uri: URI, pos: lsp4j.Position): SourcePosition = {
val actualPosition =
if (isWorksheet(uri)) toWrappedPosition(pos)
else pos
val source = driver.openedFiles(uri)
if (source.exists)
source.lineToOffsetOpt(actualPosition.getLine).map(_ + actualPosition.getCharacter) match {
// `<=` to allow an offset to point to the end of the file
case Some(offset) if offset <= source.content().length =>
val p = Spans.Span(offset)
new SourcePosition(source, p)
case _ =>
else NoSourcePosition
/** Convert a SourcePosition to an lsp4j.Range */
def range(p: SourcePosition): Option[lsp4j.Range] =
if (p.exists) {
val mappedPosition = positionMapperFor(p.source).map(_(p)).getOrElse(p)
Some(new lsp4j.Range(
new lsp4j.Position(mappedPosition.startLine, mappedPosition.startColumn),
new lsp4j.Position(mappedPosition.endLine, mappedPosition.endColumn)
} else
/** Convert a SourcePosition to an lsp4.Location */
def location(p: SourcePosition): Option[lsp4j.Location] =
for {
uri <- toUriOption(p.source)
r <- range(p)
} yield new lsp4j.Location(uri.toString, r)
* Convert a Diagnostic to an lsp4j.Diagnostic.
def diagnostic(dia: Diagnostic)(implicit ctx: Context): Option[lsp4j.Diagnostic] =
if (!dia.pos.exists)
None // diagnostics without positions are not supported: https://github.com/Microsoft/language-server-protocol/issues/249
else {
def severity(level: Int): lsp4j.DiagnosticSeverity = {
import interfaces.{Diagnostic => D}
import lsp4j.{DiagnosticSeverity => DS}
level match {
case D.INFO =>
case D.WARNING =>
case D.ERROR =>
val message = dia.msg
if (displayMessage(message, dia.pos.source)) {
val code = message.errorId.errorNumber.toString
range(dia.pos).map(r =>
new lsp4j.Diagnostic(
r, dia.message, severity(dia.level), /*source =*/ "", code))
} else {
* Check whether `message` should be displayed in the IDE.
* Currently we only filter out the warning about pure expressions in statement position when they
* are immediate children of the worksheet wrapper.
* @param message The message to filter.
* @param sourceFile The sourcefile from which `message` originates.
* @return true if the message should be displayed in the IDE, false otherwise.
private def displayMessage(message: Message, sourceFile: SourceFile)(implicit ctx: Context): Boolean = {
if (isWorksheet(sourceFile)) {
message match {
case msg: PureExpressionInStatementPosition =>
val ownerSym = if (msg.exprOwner.isLocalDummy) msg.exprOwner.owner else msg.exprOwner
case _ =>
} else {
/** Does this URI represent a worksheet? */
private def isWorksheet(uri: URI): Boolean =
/** Does this sourcefile represent a worksheet? */
private def isWorksheet(sourcefile: SourceFile): Boolean =
/** Wrap the source of a worksheet inside an `object`. */
private def wrapWorksheet(source: String): String =
s"""object ${StdNames.nme.WorksheetWrapper} {
* Map `position` in a wrapped worksheet to the same position in the unwrapped source.
* Because worksheet are wrapped in an `object`, the positions in the source are one line
* above from what the compiler sees.
* @see wrapWorksheet
* @param position The position as seen by the compiler (after wrapping)
* @return The position in the actual source file (before wrapping).
private def toUnwrappedPosition(position: SourcePosition): SourcePosition = {
new SourcePosition(position.source, position.span, position.outer) {
override def startLine: Int = position.startLine - 1
override def endLine: Int = position.endLine - 1
* Map `position` in an unwrapped worksheet to the same position in the wrapped source.
* Because worksheet are wrapped in an `object`, the positions in the source are one line
* above from what the compiler sees.
* @see wrapWorksheet
* @param position The position as seen by VSCode (before wrapping)
* @return The position as seen by the compiler (after wrapping)
private def toWrappedPosition(position: lsp4j.Position): lsp4j.Position = {
new lsp4j.Position(position.getLine + 1, position.getCharacter)
* Returns the position mapper necessary to unwrap positions for `sourcefile`. If `sourcefile` is
* not a worksheet, no mapper is necessary. Otherwise, return `toUnwrappedPosition`.
private def positionMapperFor(sourcefile: SourceFile): Option[SourcePosition => SourcePosition] = {
if (isWorksheet(sourcefile)) Some(toUnwrappedPosition)
else None
* Is `sourceTree` the wrapper object that we put around worksheet sources?
* @see wrapWorksheet
def isWorksheetWrapper(sourceTree: SourceTree)(implicit ctx: Context): Boolean = {
isWorksheet(sourceTree.source) && isWorksheetWrapper(sourceTree.tree.symbol)
* Is this symbol the wrapper object that we put around worksheet sources?
* @see wrapWorksheet
def isWorksheetWrapper(symbol: Symbol)(implicit ctx: Context): Boolean = {
symbol.name == StdNames.nme.WorksheetWrapper.moduleClassName &&
symbol.owner == ctx.definitions.EmptyPackageClass
* Is this symbol the wrapper object for top level definitions?
def isTopLevelWrapper(sourceTree: SourceTree)(implicit ctx: Context): Boolean = {
val symbol = sourceTree.tree.symbol
/** Create an lsp4j.CompletionItem from a completion result */
def completionItem(completion: Completion)(implicit ctx: Context): lsp4j.CompletionItem = {
def completionItemKind(sym: Symbol)(implicit ctx: Context): lsp4j.CompletionItemKind = {
import lsp4j.{CompletionItemKind => CIK}
if sym.is(Package) || sym.is(Module) then
CIK.Module // No CompletionItemKind.Package (https://github.com/Microsoft/language-server-protocol/issues/155)
else if sym.isConstructor then
else if sym.isClass then
else if sym.is(Mutable) then
else if sym.is(Method) then
val item = new lsp4j.CompletionItem(completion.label)
val documentation = for {
sym <- completion.symbols
doc <- ParsedComment.docOf(sym)
} yield doc
if (documentation.nonEmpty) {
item.setDocumentation(hoverContent(None, documentation))
completion.symbols.headOption.foreach(s => item.setKind(completionItemKind(s)))
def markupContent(content: String): lsp4j.MarkupContent = {
if content.isEmpty then
else {
val markup = new lsp4j.MarkupContent
private def hoverContent(typeInfo: Option[String],
comments: List[ParsedComment]
)(implicit ctx: Context): lsp4j.MarkupContent = {
val buf = new StringBuilder
typeInfo.foreach { info =>
comments.foreach { comment =>
/** Create an lsp4j.SymbolInfo from a Symbol and a SourcePosition */
def symbolInfo(sym: Symbol, pos: SourcePosition)(implicit ctx: Context): Option[lsp4j.SymbolInformation] = {
def symbolKind(sym: Symbol)(implicit ctx: Context): lsp4j.SymbolKind = {
import lsp4j.{SymbolKind => SK}
if (sym.is(Package))
else if (sym.isConstructor)
else if (sym.is(Module))
else if (sym.isAllOf(EnumCase) || sym.isAllOf(EnumValue))
else if (sym.is(Enum))
else if (sym.is(Trait))
else if (sym.isClass)
else if (sym.is(Mutable))
else if (sym.is(Method))
else if (sym.is(TypeParam) || sym.isAbstractOrAliasType)
def containerName(sym: Symbol): String = {
val owner = if (sym.owner.exists && sym.owner.isPackageObject) sym.owner.owner else sym.owner
if (owner.exists && !owner.isEmptyPackage) {
} else
val name = sym.name.stripModuleClassSuffix.show
location(pos).map(l => new lsp4j.SymbolInformation(name, symbolKind(sym), l, containerName(sym)))
/** Convert `signature` to a `SignatureInformation` */
def signatureToSignatureInformation(signature: Signatures.Signature): lsp4j.SignatureInformation = {
val paramInfoss =
val paramLists =
.map { paramList =>
val labels = paramList.map(_.show)
val isImplicit = paramList.exists:
case p: Signatures.MethodParam => p.isImplicit
case _ => false
val prefix = if isImplicit then "using " else ""
val isTypeParams = paramList.forall(_.isInstanceOf[Signatures.TypeParam]) && paramList.nonEmpty
val wrap: String => String = label => if isTypeParams then
wrap(labels.mkString(prefix, ", ", ""))
val returnTypeLabel = signature.returnType.map(t => s": $t").getOrElse("")
val label = s"${signature.name}$paramLists$returnTypeLabel"
val documentation = signature.doc.map(DottyLanguageServer.markupContent)
val sig = new lsp4j.SignatureInformation(label)
/** Convert `param` to `ParameterInformation` */
private def paramToParameterInformation(param: Signatures.Param): lsp4j.ParameterInformation = {
val documentation = param.doc.map(DottyLanguageServer.markupContent)
val info = new lsp4j.ParameterInformation(param.show)
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