main.dotty.tools.pc.HoverProvider.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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package dotty.tools.pc
import java.util as ju
import scala.meta.internal.metals.Report
import scala.meta.internal.metals.ReportContext
import scala.meta.internal.pc.ScalaHover
import scala.meta.pc.ContentType
import scala.meta.pc.HoverSignature
import scala.meta.pc.OffsetParams
import scala.meta.pc.SymbolSearch
import dotty.tools.dotc.ast.tpd.*
import dotty.tools.dotc.core.Constants.*
import dotty.tools.dotc.core.Contexts.*
import dotty.tools.dotc.core.Flags.*
import dotty.tools.dotc.core.Names.*
import dotty.tools.dotc.core.StdNames.*
import dotty.tools.dotc.core.Symbols.*
import dotty.tools.dotc.core.Types.*
import dotty.tools.dotc.interactive.Interactive
import dotty.tools.dotc.interactive.InteractiveDriver
import dotty.tools.dotc.util.SourceFile
import dotty.tools.dotc.util.SourcePosition
import dotty.tools.pc.printer.ShortenedTypePrinter
import dotty.tools.pc.printer.ShortenedTypePrinter.IncludeDefaultParam
import dotty.tools.pc.utils.InteractiveEnrichments.*
object HoverProvider:
def hover(
params: OffsetParams,
driver: InteractiveDriver,
search: SymbolSearch,
contentType: ContentType
)(implicit reportContext: ReportContext): ju.Optional[HoverSignature] =
val uri = params.uri().nn
val text = params.text().nn
val sourceFile = SourceFile.virtual(uri, text)
driver.run(uri, sourceFile)
val unit = driver.compilationUnits.get(uri)
given ctx: Context =
val ctx = driver.currentCtx
val pos = driver.sourcePosition(params)
val path = unit
.map(unit => Interactive.pathTo(unit.tpdTree, pos.span))
.getOrElse(Interactive.pathTo(driver.openedTrees(uri), pos))
val indexedContext = IndexedContext(ctx)
def typeFromPath(path: List[Tree]) =
if path.isEmpty then NoType else path.head.typeOpt
val tp = typeFromPath(path)
val tpw = tp.widenTermRefExpr
// For expression we need to find all enclosing applies to get the exact generic type
val enclosing = path.expandRangeToEnclosingApply(pos)
if tp.isError || tpw == NoType || tpw.isError || path.isEmpty
def report =
val posId =
if path.isEmpty || !path.head.sourcePos.exists
then pos.start
else path.head.sourcePos.start
|pos: ${pos.toLsp}
|tp: $tp
|has error: ${tp.isError}
|tpw: $tpw
|has error: ${tpw.isError}
|- ${path.map(_.toString()).mkString("\n- ")}
|- ${unit
.map(u => List(u.tpdTree))
.map(_.toString()).mkString("\n- ")}
end report
reportContext.unsanitized.create(report, ifVerbose = true)
val skipCheckOnName =
!pos.isPoint // don't check isHoveringOnName for RangeHover
val printerCtx = Interactive.contextOfPath(path)
val printer = ShortenedTypePrinter(search, IncludeDefaultParam.Include)(
using IndexedContext(printerCtx)
) match
case Nil =>
fallbackToDynamics(path, printer, contentType)
case (symbol, tpe, _) :: _
if symbol.name == nme.selectDynamic || symbol.name == nme.applyDynamic =>
fallbackToDynamics(path, printer, contentType)
case symbolTpes @ ((symbol, tpe, None) :: _) =>
val exprTpw = tpe.widenTermRefExpr.deepDealias
val hoverString =
tpw match
// https://github.com/scala/scala3/issues/8891
case tpw: ImportType =>
printer.hoverSymbol(symbol, symbol.paramRef)
case _ =>
val (tpe, sym) =
if symbol.isType then (symbol.typeRef, symbol)
else enclosing.head.seenFrom(symbol)
val finalTpe =
if tpe != NoType then tpe
else tpw
printer.hoverSymbol(sym, finalTpe.deepDealias)
end match
end hoverString
val docString = symbolTpes
.flatMap(symTpe => search.symbolDocumentation(symTpe._1, contentType))
printer.expressionType(exprTpw) match
case Some(expressionType) =>
val forceExpressionType =
!pos.span.isZeroExtent || (
!hoverString.endsWith(expressionType) &&
!symbol.isType &&
!symbol.is(Module) &&
new ScalaHover(
expressionType = Some(expressionType),
symbolSignature = Some(hoverString),
docstring = Some(docString),
forceExpressionType = forceExpressionType,
contextInfo = printer.getUsedRenamesInfo,
contentType = contentType
case _ =>
end match
case (_, tpe, Some(namedTupleArg)) :: _ =>
val exprTpw = tpe.widenTermRefExpr.deepDealias
printer.expressionType(exprTpw) match
case Some(tpe) =>
new ScalaHover(
expressionType = Some(tpe),
symbolSignature = Some(s"$namedTupleArg: $tpe"),
docstring = None,
forceExpressionType = false,
contextInfo = printer.getUsedRenamesInfo,
contentType = contentType
case _ => ju.Optional.empty().nn
end match
end if
end hover
extension (pos: SourcePosition)
private def isPoint: Boolean = pos.start == pos.end
private def fallbackToDynamics(
path: List[Tree],
printer: ShortenedTypePrinter,
contentType: ContentType
)(using Context): ju.Optional[HoverSignature] = path match
case SelectDynamicExtractor(sel, n, name, rest) =>
def findRefinement(tp: Type): Option[HoverSignature] =
tp match
case RefinedType(_, refName, tpe) if (name == refName.toString() || refName.toString() == nme.Fields.toString()) =>
val resultType =
rest match
case Select(_, asInstanceOf) :: TypeApply(_, List(tpe)) :: _ if asInstanceOf == nme.asInstanceOfPM =>
case _ if n == nme.selectDynamic => tpe.resultType
case _ => tpe
val tpeString =
if n == nme.selectDynamic then s": ${printer.tpe(resultType)}"
else printer.tpe(resultType)
val valOrDef =
if refName.toString() == nme.Fields.toString() then ""
else if n == nme.selectDynamic && !tpe.isInstanceOf[ExprType]
then "val "
else "def "
new ScalaHover(
expressionType = Some(tpeString),
symbolSignature = Some(s"$valOrDef$name$tpeString"),
contextInfo = printer.getUsedRenamesInfo,
contentType = contentType
case RefinedType(parent, _, _) =>
case _ => None
val refTpe = sel.typeOpt.widen.deepDealias match
case r: RefinedType => Some(r)
case t: (TermRef | TypeProxy) => Some(t.termSymbol.info.deepDealias)
case _ => None
case _ =>
end HoverProvider
object SelectDynamicExtractor:
def unapply(path: List[Tree])(using Context) =
path match
// tests `structural-types` and `structural-types1` in HoverScala3TypeSuite
case Select(_, _) :: Apply(
Select(Apply(reflSel, List(sel)), n),
List(Literal(Constant(name: String)))
) :: rest
if (n == nme.selectDynamic || n == nme.applyDynamic) &&
nme.reflectiveSelectable == reflSel.symbol.name =>
Some(sel, n, name, rest)
// tests `selectable`, `selectable2` and `selectable-full` in HoverScala3TypeSuite
case Select(_, _) :: Apply(
Select(sel, n),
List(Literal(Constant(name: String)))
) :: rest if n == nme.selectDynamic || n == nme.applyDynamic =>
Some(sel, n, name, rest)
case _ => None
end match
end unapply
end SelectDynamicExtractor
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