main.dotty.tools.pc.IndexedContext.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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package dotty.tools.pc
import scala.annotation.tailrec
import scala.util.control.NonFatal
import dotty.tools.dotc.core.Contexts.*
import dotty.tools.dotc.core.Flags.*
import dotty.tools.dotc.core.NameOps.moduleClassName
import dotty.tools.dotc.core.Names.*
import dotty.tools.dotc.core.Scopes.EmptyScope
import dotty.tools.dotc.core.Symbols.*
import dotty.tools.dotc.core.Types.*
import dotty.tools.dotc.interactive.Interactive
import dotty.tools.dotc.typer.ImportInfo
import dotty.tools.pc.IndexedContext.Result
import dotty.tools.pc.utils.InteractiveEnrichments.*
sealed trait IndexedContext:
given ctx: Context
def scopeSymbols: List[Symbol]
def names: IndexedContext.Names
def rename(sym: Symbol): Option[String]
def outer: IndexedContext
def findSymbol(name: String): Option[List[Symbol]]
final def findSymbol(name: Name): Option[List[Symbol]] =
final def lookupSym(sym: Symbol): Result =
findSymbol(sym.decodedName) match
case Some(symbols) if symbols.exists(_ == sym) =>
case Some(symbols)
if symbols.exists(s => isNotConflictingWithDefault(s, sym) || isTypeAliasOf(s, sym) || isTermAliasOf(s, sym)) =>
// when all the conflicting symbols came from an old version of the file
case Some(symbols) if symbols.nonEmpty && symbols.forall(_.isStale) => Result.Missing
case Some(symbols) if symbols.exists(rename(_).isEmpty) => Result.Conflict
case _ => Result.Missing
end lookupSym
* Scala by default imports following packages:
* https://scala-lang.org/files/archive/spec/3.4/02-identifiers-names-and-scopes.html
* import java.lang.*
* {
* import scala.*
* {
* import Predef.*
* { /* source */ }
* }
* }
* This check is necessary for proper scope resolution, because when we compare symbols from
* index including the underlying type like scala.collection.immutable.List it actually
* is in current scope in form of type forwarder imported from Predef.
private def isNotConflictingWithDefault(sym: Symbol, queriedSym: Symbol): Boolean =
sym.info.widenDealias =:= queriedSym.info.widenDealias && (Interactive.isImportedByDefault(sym))
final def hasRename(sym: Symbol, as: String): Boolean =
rename(sym) match
case Some(v) => v == as
case None => false
// detects import scope aliases like
// object Predef:
// val Nil = scala.collection.immutable.Nil
private def isTermAliasOf(termAlias: Symbol, queriedSym: Symbol): Boolean =
termAlias.isTerm && (
queriedSym.info match
case clz: ClassInfo => clz.appliedRef =:= termAlias.info.resultType
case _ => false
private def isTypeAliasOf(alias: Symbol, queriedSym: Symbol): Boolean =
alias.isAliasType && alias.info.deepDealias.typeSymbol == queriedSym
final def isEmpty: Boolean = this match
case IndexedContext.Empty => true
case _ => false
final def importContext: IndexedContext =
this match
case IndexedContext.Empty => this
case _ if ctx.owner.is(Package) => this
case _ => outer.importContext
final def toplevelClashes(sym: Symbol): Boolean =
if sym == NoSymbol || sym.owner == NoSymbol || sym.owner.isRoot then
lookupSym(sym) match
case IndexedContext.Result.Conflict => true
case _ => false
else toplevelClashes(sym.owner)
end IndexedContext
object IndexedContext:
def apply(ctx: Context): IndexedContext =
ctx match
case NoContext => Empty
case _ => LazyWrapper(using ctx)
case object Empty extends IndexedContext:
given ctx: Context = NoContext
def findSymbol(name: String): Option[List[Symbol]] = None
def scopeSymbols: List[Symbol] = List.empty
val names: Names = Names(Map.empty, Map.empty)
def rename(sym: Symbol): Option[String] = None
def outer: IndexedContext = this
class LazyWrapper(using val ctx: Context) extends IndexedContext:
val outer: IndexedContext = IndexedContext(ctx.outer)
val names: Names = extractNames(ctx)
def findSymbol(name: String): Option[List[Symbol]] =
def scopeSymbols: List[Symbol] =
val acc = Set.newBuilder[Symbol]
(this :: outers).foreach { ref =>
acc ++= ref.names.symbols.values.flatten
def rename(sym: Symbol): Option[String] =
private def outers: List[IndexedContext] =
val builder = List.newBuilder[IndexedContext]
var curr = outer
while !curr.isEmpty do
builder += curr
curr = curr.outer
end LazyWrapper
enum Result:
case InScope, Conflict, Missing
def exists: Boolean = this match
case InScope | Conflict => true
case Missing => false
case class Names(
symbols: Map[String, List[Symbol]],
renames: Map[Symbol, String]
private def extractNames(ctx: Context): Names =
def isAccessibleFromSafe(sym: Symbol, site: Type): Boolean =
try sym.isAccessibleFrom(site, superAccess = false)
case NonFatal(e) =>
def accessibleSymbols(site: Type, tpe: Type)(using
): List[Symbol] =
tpe.decls.toList.filter(sym => isAccessibleFromSafe(sym, site))
def accesibleMembers(site: Type)(using Context): List[Symbol] =
.filter(denot =>
try isAccessibleFromSafe(denot.symbol, site)
case NonFatal(e) =>
def allAccessibleSymbols(
tpe: Type,
filter: Symbol => Boolean = _ => true
)(using Context): List[Symbol] =
val initial = accessibleSymbols(tpe, tpe).filter(filter)
val fromPackageObjects =
.flatMap(sym => accessibleSymbols(tpe, sym.thisType))
initial ++ fromPackageObjects
def fromImport(site: Type, name: Name)(using Context): List[Symbol] =
def fromImportInfo(
imp: ImportInfo
)(using Context): List[(Symbol, Option[TermName])] =
val excludedNames = imp.excluded.map(_.decoded)
if imp.isWildcardImport then
sym => !excludedNames.contains(sym.name.decoded)
).map((_, None))
imp.forwardMapping.toList.flatMap { (name, rename) =>
val isRename = name != rename
if !isRename && !excludedNames.contains(name.decoded) then
fromImport(imp.site, name).map((_, None))
else if isRename then
fromImport(imp.site, name).map((_, Some(rename)))
else Nil
end if
end fromImportInfo
given Context = ctx
val (symbols, renames) =
if ctx.isImportContext then
val (syms, renames) =
.map((sym, rename) => (sym, rename.map(r => sym -> r.decoded)))
(syms, renames.flatten.toMap)
else if ctx.owner.isClass then
val site = ctx.owner.thisType
(accesibleMembers(site), Map.empty)
else if ctx.scope != EmptyScope then (ctx.scope.toList, Map.empty)
else (List.empty, Map.empty)
val initial = Map.empty[String, List[Symbol]]
val values =
symbols.foldLeft(initial) { (acc, sym) =>
val name = sym.decodedName
val syms = acc.getOrElse(name, List.empty)
acc.updated(name, sym :: syms)
Names(values, renames)
end extractNames
end IndexedContext
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