main.dotty.tools.pc.completions.NamedArgCompletions.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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package dotty.tools.pc.completions
import scala.util.Try
import dotty.tools.dotc.ast.Trees.ValDef
import dotty.tools.dotc.ast.tpd.*
import dotty.tools.dotc.ast.untpd
import dotty.tools.dotc.core.Constants.Constant
import dotty.tools.dotc.core.ContextOps.localContext
import dotty.tools.dotc.core.Contexts.Context
import dotty.tools.dotc.core.Flags
import dotty.tools.dotc.core.Flags.Method
import dotty.tools.dotc.core.NameKinds.DefaultGetterName
import dotty.tools.dotc.core.Names.Name
import dotty.tools.dotc.core.StdNames.*
import dotty.tools.dotc.core.SymDenotations.NoDenotation
import dotty.tools.dotc.core.Symbols
import dotty.tools.dotc.core.Symbols.defn
import dotty.tools.dotc.core.Symbols.NoSymbol
import dotty.tools.dotc.core.Symbols.Symbol
import dotty.tools.dotc.core.Types.AndType
import dotty.tools.dotc.core.Types.AppliedType
import dotty.tools.dotc.core.Types.MethodType
import dotty.tools.dotc.core.Types.OrType
import dotty.tools.dotc.core.Types.RefinedType
import dotty.tools.dotc.core.Types.TermRef
import dotty.tools.dotc.core.Types.Type
import dotty.tools.dotc.core.Types.TypeBounds
import dotty.tools.dotc.core.Types.WildcardType
import dotty.tools.pc.IndexedContext
import dotty.tools.pc.utils.InteractiveEnrichments.*
import scala.annotation.tailrec
object NamedArgCompletions:
def contribute(
path: List[Tree],
untypedPath: List[untpd.Tree],
indexedContext: IndexedContext,
clientSupportsSnippets: Boolean,
)(using ctx: Context): List[CompletionValue] =
path match
case (ident: Ident) :: ValDef(_, _, _) :: Block(_, app: Apply) :: _
if !app.fun.isInfix =>
case (ident: Ident) :: rest =>
def getApplyForContextFunctionParam(path: List[Tree]): Option[Apply] =
path match
// fun(arg@@)
case (app: Apply) :: _ => Some(app)
// fun(arg@@), where fun(argn: Context ?=> SomeType)
// recursively matched for multiple context arguments, e.g. Context1 ?=> Context2 ?=> SomeType
case (_: DefDef) :: Block(List(_), _: Closure) :: rest =>
case _ => None
val contribution =
app <- getApplyForContextFunctionParam(rest)
if !app.fun.isInfix
case (app: Apply) :: _ =>
* def foo(aaa: Int, bbb: Int, ccc: Int) = ???
* val x = foo(
* bbb = 123,
* ccc = 123,
* @@
* )
* In this case, typed path doesn't contain already provided arguments
untypedPath match
case (ident: Ident) :: (app: Apply) :: _ =>
case _ =>
case _ =>
end match
end contribute
private def contribute(
ident: Option[Ident],
apply: Apply,
indexedContext: IndexedContext,
clientSupportsSnippets: Boolean,
)(using context: Context): List[CompletionValue] =
def isUselessLiteral(arg: Tree): Boolean =
arg match
case Literal(Constant(())) => true // unitLiteral
case Literal(Constant(null)) => true // nullLiteral
case _ => false
def collectArgss(a: Apply): List[List[Tree]] =
def stripContextFuntionArgument(argument: Tree): List[Tree] =
argument match
case Block(List(d: DefDef), _: Closure) =>
d.rhs match
case app: Apply =>
case b @ Block(List(_: DefDef), _: Closure) =>
case _ => Nil
case v => List(v)
val args = a.args.flatMap(stripContextFuntionArgument)
a.fun match
case app: Apply => collectArgss(app) :+ args
case _ => List(args)
end collectArgss
val method = apply.fun
val argss = collectArgss(apply)
def fallbackFindApply(sym: Symbol) =
sym.info.member(nme.apply) match
case NoDenotation => Nil
case den => List(den.symbol)
// fallback for when multiple overloaded methods match the supplied args
def fallbackFindMatchingMethods() =
def maybeNameAndIndexedContext(
method: Tree
): Option[(Name, IndexedContext)] =
method match
case Ident(name) => Some((name, indexedContext))
case Select(This(_), name) => Some((name, indexedContext))
case Select(from, name) =>
val symbol = from.symbol
val ownerSymbol =
if symbol.is(Method) && symbol.owner.isClass then
else Try(symbol.info.classSymbol).toOption
ownerSymbol.map(sym =>
(name, IndexedContext(context.localContext(from, sym)))
case Apply(fun, _) => maybeNameAndIndexedContext(fun)
case _ => None
val matchingMethods =
(name, indexedContext) <- maybeNameAndIndexedContext(method)
potentialMatches <- indexedContext.findSymbol(name)
potentialMatches.collect {
case m
if m.is(Flags.Method) &&
m.vparamss.length >= argss.length &&
.getOrElse(false) &&
.forall { case (pair, index) =>
.doMatch(allArgsProvided = index != 0, ident)
} =>
end fallbackFindMatchingMethods
val matchingMethods: List[Symbols.Symbol] =
if method.symbol.paramSymss.nonEmpty then
val allArgsAreSupplied =
val vparamss = method.symbol.vparamss
vparamss.length == argss.length && vparamss
.exists { case (baseParams, baseArgs) =>
baseArgs.length == baseParams.length
// ```
// m(arg : Int)
// m(arg : Int, anotherArg : Int)
// m(a@@)
// ```
// complier will choose the first `m`, so we need to manually look for the other one
if allArgsAreSupplied then
val foundPotential = fallbackFindMatchingMethods()
if foundPotential.contains(method.symbol) then foundPotential
else method.symbol :: foundPotential
else List(method.symbol)
else if method.symbol.is(Method) || method.symbol == NoSymbol then
else fallbackFindApply(method.symbol)
end if
end matchingMethods
val allParams = matchingMethods.flatMap { methodSym =>
val vparamss = methodSym.vparamss
// get params and args we are interested in
// e.g.
// in the following case, the interesting args and params are
// - params: [apple, banana]
// - args: [apple, b]
// ```
// def curry(x: Int)(apple: String, banana: String) = ???
// curry(1)(apple = "test", b@@)
// ```
val (baseParams0, baseArgs) =
vparamss.zip(argss).lastOption.getOrElse((Nil, Nil))
val baseParams: List[ParamSymbol] =
def defaultBaseParams = baseParams0.map(JustSymbol(_))
def getRefinedParams(refinedType: Type, level: Int): List[ParamSymbol] =
if level > 0 then
val resultTypeOpt =
refinedType match
case RefinedType(AppliedType(_, args), _, _) => args.lastOption
case AppliedType(_, args) => args.lastOption
case _ => None
resultTypeOpt match
case Some(resultType) => getRefinedParams(resultType, level - 1)
case _ => defaultBaseParams
refinedType match
case RefinedType(AppliedType(_, args), _, MethodType(ri)) =>
baseParams0.zip(ri).zip(args).map { case ((sym, name), arg) =>
RefinedSymbol(sym, name, arg)
case _ => defaultBaseParams
// finds param refinements for lambda expressions
// val hello: (x: Int, y: Int) => Unit = (x, _) => println(x)
def refineParams(method: Tree, level: Int): List[ParamSymbol] =
method match
case Select(Apply(f, _), _) => refineParams(f, level + 1)
case Select(h, name) =>
// for Select(foo, name = apply) we want `foo.symbol`
if name == nme.apply then getRefinedParams(h.symbol.info, level)
else getRefinedParams(method.symbol.info, level)
case Apply(f, _) =>
refineParams(f, level + 1)
case _ => getRefinedParams(method.symbol.info, level)
refineParams(method, 0)
end baseParams
val args = ident
.map(i => baseArgs.filterNot(_ == i))
def isDefaultArg(t: Tree): Boolean = t match
// default args
case Ident(name) => name.is(DefaultGetterName)
// default args for methods defined in object
case Select(_, name) =>
// default args in not-first parameter list
// eg. def m(fst: Int)(snd: Int)(arg1: Int, arg2: Int = 123) = ???
case Apply(fun, _) => isDefaultArg(fun)
case _ => false
val isNamed: Set[Name] = args.iterator
// filter out synthesized args and default arg getters
.filterNot {
case (arg, _) if arg.symbol.denot.is(Flags.Synthetic) => true
case (arg, _) => isDefaultArg(arg)
.map {
case (NamedArg(name, _), _) => name
case (_, param) => param.name
baseParams.filterNot(param =>
isNamed(param.name) ||
) // filter out synthesized param, like evidence
val prefix = ident
.replace(Cursor.value, "")
val params: List[ParamSymbol] =
.filter(param => param.name.startsWith(prefix))
.distinctBy(sym => (sym.name, sym.info))
val completionSymbols = indexedContext.scopeSymbols
def matchingTypesInScope(paramType: Type): List[String] =
if paramType != defn.AnyType then
.collect {
case sym
if sym.info <:< paramType && sym.isTerm && !sym.info.isErroneous && !sym.info.isNullType && !sym.info.isNothingType && !sym
.is(Flags.Method) && !sym.is(Flags.Synthetic) =>
.filter(name => name != "Nil" && name != "None")
else Nil
def findDefaultValue(param: ParamSymbol): String =
val matchingType = matchingTypesInScope(param.info)
if matchingType.size == 1 then s":${matchingType.head}"
else if matchingType.size > 1 then s"|???,${matchingType.mkString(",")}|"
else ":???"
def fillAllFields(): List[CompletionValue] =
val suffix = "autofill"
def shouldShow =
allParams.exists(param => param.name.startsWith(prefix))
def isExplicitlyCalled = suffix.startsWith(prefix)
def hasParamsToFill = allParams.count(!_.symbol.is(Flags.HasDefault)) > 1
if clientSupportsSnippets && matchingMethods.length == 1 && (shouldShow || isExplicitlyCalled) && hasParamsToFill
val editText = allParams.zipWithIndex
.collect {
case (param, index) if !param.symbol.is(Flags.HasDefault) =>
s"${param.nameBackticked.replace("$", "$$")} = $${${index + 1}${findDefaultValue(param)}}"
.mkString(", ")
else List.empty
end if
end fillAllFields
def findPossibleDefaults(): List[CompletionValue] =
params.flatMap { param =>
val allMembers = matchingTypesInScope(param.info)
allMembers.map { memberName =>
val editText =
param.nameBackticked + " = " + memberName + " "
label = editText,
params.map(p =>
s"${p.nameBackticked} = ",
) ::: findPossibleDefaults() ::: fillAllFields()
end contribute
extension (method: Symbols.Symbol)
def vparamss(using Context) = method.filteredParamss(_.isTerm)
def tparams(using Context) = method.filteredParamss(_.isType).flatten
def filteredParamss(f: Symbols.Symbol => Boolean)(using Context) =
method.paramSymss.filter(params => params.forall(f))
end NamedArgCompletions
class FuzzyArgMatcher(tparams: List[Symbols.Symbol])(using Context):
* A heuristic for checking if the passed arguments match the method's arguments' types.
* For non-polymorphic methods we use the subtype relation (`<:<`)
* and for polymorphic methods we use a heuristic.
* We check the args types not the result type.
def doMatch(
allArgsProvided: Boolean,
ident: Option[Ident]
)(expectedArgs: List[Symbols.Symbol], actualArgs: List[Tree]) =
(expectedArgs.length == actualArgs.length ||
(!allArgsProvided && expectedArgs.length >= actualArgs.length)) &&
actualArgs.zipWithIndex.forall {
case (arg: Ident, _) if ident.contains(arg) => true
case (NamedArg(name, arg), _) =>
expectedArgs.exists { expected =>
expected.name == name && (!arg.hasType || arg.typeOpt.unfold
case (arg, i) =>
!arg.hasType || arg.typeOpt.unfold.fuzzyArg_<:<(expectedArgs(i).info)
extension (arg: Type)
def fuzzyArg_<:<(expected: Type) =
if tparams.isEmpty then arg <:< expected
else arg <:< substituteTypeParams(expected)
def unfold =
arg match
case arg: TermRef => arg.underlying
case e => e
private def substituteTypeParams(t: Type): Type =
t match
case e if tparams.exists(_ == e.typeSymbol) =>
val matchingParam = tparams.find(_ == e.typeSymbol).get
matchingParam.info match
case b @ TypeBounds(_, _) => WildcardType(b)
case _ => WildcardType
case o @ OrType(e1, e2) =>
OrType(substituteTypeParams(e1), substituteTypeParams(e2), o.isSoft)
case AndType(e1, e2) =>
AndType(substituteTypeParams(e1), substituteTypeParams(e2))
case AppliedType(et, eparams) =>
AppliedType(et, eparams.map(substituteTypeParams))
case _ => t
end FuzzyArgMatcher
sealed trait ParamSymbol:
def name: Name
def info: Type
def symbol: Symbol
def nameBackticked(using Context) = name.decoded.backticked
case class JustSymbol(symbol: Symbol)(using Context) extends ParamSymbol:
def name: Name = symbol.name
def info: Type = symbol.info
case class RefinedSymbol(symbol: Symbol, name: Name, info: Type)
extends ParamSymbol
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