Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
enum SocialLinks(val url: String, val className: String):
case Github(ghUrl: String) extends SocialLinks(ghUrl, "gh")
case Twitter(tUrl: String) extends SocialLinks(tUrl, "twitter")
case Gitter(gUrl: String) extends SocialLinks(gUrl, "gitter")
case Discord(dUrl: String) extends SocialLinks(dUrl, "discord")
case Custom(cUrl: String, lightIcon: String, darkIcon: String) extends SocialLinks(cUrl, "custom")
object SocialLinks:
val LowercaseNamePattern = "^[a-z]+$".r
def parse(s: String): Either[String, SocialLinks] =
val errorPrefix = s"Social links arg $s is invalid: "
val splitted = s.split("::")
splitted.head.toLowerCase match {
case "github" if splitted.size == 2 => Right(Github(splitted(1)))
case "github" => Left(errorPrefix + "For 'github' arg expected one argument: url")
case "twitter" if splitted.size == 2 => Right(Twitter(splitted(1)))
case "twitter" => Left(errorPrefix + "For 'twitter' arg expected one argument: url")
case "gitter" if splitted.size == 2 => Right(Gitter(splitted(1)))
case "gitter" => Left(errorPrefix + "For 'gitter' arg expected one argument: url")
case "discord" if splitted.size == 2 => Right(Discord(splitted(1)))
case "discord" => Left(errorPrefix + "For 'discord' arg expected one argument: url")
case LowercaseNamePattern() if splitted.size == 4 => Right(Custom(splitted(1), splitted(2), splitted(3)))
case LowercaseNamePattern() if splitted.size == 3 => Right(Custom(splitted(1), splitted(2), splitted(2)))
case LowercaseNamePattern() => Left(errorPrefix + "For the 'custom' link, a minimum of two arguments is expected: URL, light icon file name, [dark icon file name]")
case _ => Left(errorPrefix)