Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package site
import com.fasterxml.jackson.dataformat.yaml.YAMLFactory;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.`type`.TypeReference;
import scala.jdk.CollectionConverters._
import java.util.Optional
import scala.beans._
import java.nio.file.{Files, Paths}
enum Sidebar:
case Category(
title: Option[String],
indexPath: Option[String],
nested: List[Sidebar],
directory: Option[String]
case Page(title: Option[String], pagePath: String, hidden: Boolean)
object Sidebar:
case class RawInput(
@BeanProperty var title: String,
@BeanProperty var page: String,
@BeanProperty var index: String,
@BeanProperty var subsection: JList[RawInput],
@BeanProperty var directory: String,
@BooleanBeanProperty var hidden: Boolean
def this() = this("", "", "", JList(), "", false)
private object RawInputTypeRef extends TypeReference[RawInput]
private def toSidebar(r: RawInput, content: String | CompilerContext): Sidebar = r match
case RawInput(title, page, index, subsection, dir, hidden) if page.nonEmpty && index.isEmpty && subsection.isEmpty() =>
val pagePath = content match
case f: =>
val pagePath = f.toPath()
if !Files.exists(pagePath) then
report.error(s"Page $page does not exist.")
case s: String => None
Sidebar.Page(Option.when(title.nonEmpty)(title), page, hidden)
case RawInput(title, page, index, subsection, dir, hidden) if page.isEmpty && (!subsection.isEmpty() || !index.isEmpty()) =>
Sidebar.Category(Option.when(title.nonEmpty)(title), Option.when(index.nonEmpty)(index),, content)).toList, Option.when(dir.nonEmpty)(dir))
case RawInput(title, page, index, subsection, dir, hidden) =>
if title.isEmpty() && index.isEmpty() then
val msg = "`title` property is missing for some page."
else if title.nonEmpty && (page.isEmpty() || index.isEmpty()) then
val msg = s"Error parsing YAML configuration file: 'index' or 'page' path is missing for title '$title'."
val msg = "Problem when parsing YAML configuration file."
Sidebar.Page(None, page, hidden)
def schemaMessage: String =
s"""Static site YAML configuration file should comply with the following description:
|The root element of static site needs to be
|`title` and `directory` properties are ignored in root subsection.
| title: # optional - Default value is file name. Title can be also set using front-matter.
| index: # optional - If not provided, default empty index template is generated.
| directory: # optional - By default, directory name is title name in kebab case.
| subsection: # optional - If not provided, pages are loaded from the index directory
| - |
| # either index or subsection needs to be present
| title: # optional - Default value is file name. Title can be also set using front-matter.
| page:
| hidden: # optional - Default value is false.
|For more information visit:
def load(content: String | CompilerContext): Sidebar.Category =
import scala.util.Try
val mapper = ObjectMapper(YAMLFactory())
def readValue = content match
case s: String => mapper.readValue(s, RawInputTypeRef)
case f: => mapper.readValue(f, RawInputTypeRef)
val root: RawInput = Try(readValue)
{ e =>
report.warn(schemaMessage, e)
new RawInput()
toSidebar(root, content) match
case c: Sidebar.Category => c
case _ =>
report.error(s"Root element is not a subsection.\n$schemaMessage")
Sidebar.Category(None, None, List.empty, None)