Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
* This is trivial html renderer using api inspired by ScalaTags
* It probably could be more efficient but for now on it should be good enough.
object HTML:
type AttrArg = AppliedAttr | Seq[AppliedAttr]
type TagArg = AppliedTag | Seq[AppliedTag] | String | Seq[String]
case class Tag(name: String):
def apply(tags: TagArg*): AppliedTag = apply()(tags*)
def apply(first: AttrArg, rest: AttrArg*): AppliedTag = apply((first +: rest)*)()
def apply(attrs: AttrArg*)(tags: TagArg*): AppliedTag =
def unpackTags(tags: TagArg*)(using sb: StringBuilder): StringBuilder =
tags.foreach {
case t: AppliedTag =>
case s: String =>
case s: Seq[AppliedTag | String] =>
val sb = StringBuilder()
attrs.filter(_ != Nil).foreach{
case s: Seq[AppliedAttr] =>
s.foreach(sb.append(" ").append)
case e: AppliedAttr =>
sb.append(" ").append(e)
unpackTags(tags*)(using sb)
extension (s: String) def escapeReservedTokens: String =
s.replace("&", "&")
.replace("<", "<")
.replace(">", ">")
.replace("\"", """)
.replace("'", "'")
case class Attr(name: String):
def :=(value: String): AppliedAttr = new AppliedAttr(s"""$name="$value"""")
opaque type AppliedTag = StringBuilder
opaque type AppliedAttr = String
val div = Tag("div")
val span = Tag("span")
val em = Tag("em")
val strong = Tag("strong")
val a = Tag("a")
val p = Tag("p")
val h1 = Tag("h1")
val h2 = Tag("h2")
val h3 = Tag("h3")
val h4 = Tag("h4")
val h5 = Tag("h5")
val h6 = Tag("h6")
val dl = Tag("dl")
val dd = Tag("dd")
val dt = Tag("dt")
val svg = Tag("svg")
val button = Tag("button")
val input = Tag("input")
val label = Tag("label")
val script = Tag("script")
val link = Tag("link")
val footer = Tag("footer")
val html = Tag("html")
val head = Tag("head")
val meta = Tag("meta")
val main = Tag("main")
val title = Tag("title")
val body = Tag("body")
val nav = Tag("nav")
val img = Tag("img")
val ul = Tag("ul")
val ol = Tag("ol")
val li = Tag("li")
val code = Tag("code")
val pre = Tag("pre")
val table = Tag("table")
val thead = Tag("thead")
val tbody = Tag("tbody")
val th = Tag("th")
val tr = Tag("tr")
val td = Tag("td")
val section = Tag("section")
val cls = Attr("class")
val href = Attr("href")
val style = Attr("style")
val id = Attr("id")
val `type` = Attr("type")
val placeholder = Attr("placeholder")
val defer = Attr("defer")
val src = Attr("src")
val rel = Attr("rel")
val charset = Attr("charset")
val name = Attr("name")
val content = Attr("content")
val testId = Attr("data-test-id")
val alt = Attr("alt")
val value = Attr("value")
val onclick=Attr("onclick")
val titleAttr =Attr("title")
val onkeyup = Attr("onkeyup")
val target = Attr("target")
def raw(content: String): AppliedTag = new AppliedTag(content)
def raw(content: StringBuilder): AppliedTag = content
def text(content: String) = content.escapeReservedTokens
val hr = raw("