ildl.plugin.transform.coerce.CoerceTreeTransformer.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
// NOTE: This file was adapted form the miniboxing repository:
// _____ .__ .__ ___. .__
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// / \ / \ | | / \ | | | __ \ / _ \ \ \/ /| | / \ / ___\
// / Y \| || | \| | | \_\ \( <_> ) > < | || | \ / /_/ >
// \____|__ /|__||___| /|__| |___ / \____/ /__/\_ \|__||___| / \___ /
// \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ /_____/
// Copyright (c) 2011-2015 Scala Team, École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne
// Authors:
// * Vlad Ureche
// * Eugene Burmako
package ildl.plugin
package transform
package coerce
import scala.util.DynamicVariable
import scala.collection.immutable.ListMap
trait CoerceTreeTransformer extends TypingTransformers {
self: CoerceComponent =>
import global._
import helper._
class CoercePhase(prev: StdPhase) extends StdPhase(prev) {
override def name = CoerceTreeTransformer.this.phaseName
override def checkable = false
def apply(unit: CompilationUnit): Unit = {
val tree = afterCoerce(new TreeAdapters().adapt(unit))
tree.foreach(node => assert(node.tpe != null, node))
class TreeAdapters extends Analyzer {
var indent = 0
override lazy val global: =
def adapt(unit: CompilationUnit): Tree = {
val context = rootContext(unit)
// turnOffErrorReporting(this)(context)
val checker = new TreeAdapter(context)
unit.body = checker.typed(unit.body)
override def newTyper(context: Context): Typer =
new TreeAdapter(context)
def adaptdbg(ind: Int, msg: => String): Unit = {
// println(" " * ind + msg)
object MaybeImplicit {
abstract sealed trait ImplicitMetadata
case class NonEmptyMetadata(method: Tree, targs: List[Type]) extends ImplicitMetadata
case object EmptyMetadata extends ImplicitMetadata
def unapply(tree: Tree): Option[(Tree, ImplicitMetadata, String)] = tree match {
case Apply(impl, List(qual)) if impl.symbol.isImplicit => Some((qual, NonEmptyMetadata(impl, Nil), "implicit_" +
case Apply(TypeApply(impl, targs), List(qual)) if impl.symbol.isImplicit => Some((qual, NonEmptyMetadata(impl,, "implicit_" +
case _ => Some((tree, EmptyMetadata, "extension"))
def apply(qual: Tree, meta: ImplicitMetadata) = meta match {
case meta: NonEmptyMetadata => gen.mkMethodCall(meta.method, /* meta.targs, */ List(qual))
case EmptyMetadata => qual
object FullApply {
def unapply(tree: Tree): Option[(Tree, List[Tree], List[Tree])] =
tree match {
case Apply(sel@Select(_, _), args) if !sel.symbol.isImplicit => Some((sel, Nil, args))
case Apply(TypeApply(sel@Select(_, _), targs), args) if !sel.symbol.isImplicit => Some((sel, targs, args))
case _ => None
def apply(qual: Tree, targs: List[Tree], args: List[Tree]): Tree =
if (targs.isEmpty)
Apply(qual, args)
Apply(TypeApply(qual, targs), args)
class TreeAdapter(context0: Context) extends Typer(context0) {
override val infer = new Inferencer {
def context = TreeAdapter.this.context
// As explained in #132, the inferencer can refer to private
// members and we don't want to crash in the retyper due to
// this => we just replace the check. :)
override def checkAccessible(tree: Tree, sym: Symbol, pre: Type, site: Tree): Tree =
override protected def finishMethodSynthesis(templ: Template, clazz: Symbol, context: Context): Template =
def supertyped(tree: Tree, mode: Mode, pt: Type): Tree =
super.typed(tree, mode, pt)
override protected def adapt(tree: Tree, mode: Mode, pt: Type, original: Tree = EmptyTree): Tree = {
val oldTpe = tree.tpe
val newTpe = pt
def superAdapt =
if (oldTpe <:< newTpe)
super.adapt(tree, mode, pt, original)
if ((tree.tpe.isInstanceOf[PolyType]) && (mode.inFunMode))
super.adapt(tree, mode, pt, original)
else if (tree.isTerm) {
if ((oldTpe.hasReprAnnot ^ newTpe.hasReprAnnot) && (!pt.isWildcard)) {
val descObject = if (oldTpe.hasReprAnnot) oldTpe.getAnnotDescrObject else newTpe.getAnnotDescrObject
val conversion = if (oldTpe.hasReprAnnot) oldTpe.getAnnotDescrReprToHigh else newTpe.getAnnotDescrHighToRepr
val (tpe, descr) =
if (oldTpe.hasReprAnnot)
(oldTpe.dealiasWiden.withoutReprAnnot, oldTpe.getAnnotDescrObject)
(newTpe.dealiasWiden.withoutReprAnnot, newTpe.getAnnotDescrObject)
val convCall = gen.mkAttributedSelect(gen.mkAttributedRef(descObject), conversion)
val tree1 = gen.mkMethodCall(convCall, List(tree.withTypedAnnot))
val tree2 = super.typed(tree1, mode, pt)
//assert(tree2.tpe != ErrorType, tree2)
// super.adapt is automatically executed when calling super.typed
} else if (oldTpe.hasReprAnnot && (oldTpe.hasReprAnnot == newTpe.hasReprAnnot) && !(oldTpe <:< newTpe)) {
val descr1 = oldTpe.getAnnotDescrObject
val descr2 = newTpe.getAnnotDescrObject
if (descr1 != descr2) {
// representation mismatch -- TODO: WARN HERE
val convCall1 = gen.mkAttributedSelect(gen.mkAttributedRef(oldTpe.getAnnotDescrObject), oldTpe.getAnnotDescrReprToHigh)
val convCall2 = gen.mkAttributedSelect(gen.mkAttributedRef(newTpe.getAnnotDescrObject), newTpe.getAnnotDescrHighToRepr)
val tree1 = gen.mkMethodCall(convCall2, gen.mkMethodCall(convCall1, List(tree.withTypedAnnot)) :: Nil)
super.typed(tree1, mode, pt)
} else {
// workaround the isSubType issue with singleton types
// and annotated types (see mb_erasure_torture10.scala)
} else
} else {
def typechecks(candidate: Symbol, descObject: Symbol, tree: Tree, qual2: Tree, targs: List[Tree], args: List[Tree], mode: Mode, pt: Type): Boolean =
typechecks(candidate, descObject, tree, targs, qual2 :: args, mode, pt)
def typechecks(candidate: Symbol, descObject: Symbol, tree: Tree, targs: List[Tree], args: List[Tree], mode: Mode, pt: Type): Boolean = {
val newQual = gen.mkAttributedRef(descObject)
val extMeth = gen.mkAttributedSelect(newQual, candidate)
val candTree = FullApply(extMeth, Nil,
// cleaned up typer
val unit = global.currentUnit
val contextZ = rootContext(unit, throwing = false, checking = false)
contextZ.implicitsEnabled = false
contextZ.macrosEnabled = false
contextZ.enrichmentEnabled = false
val localTyper = newTyper(contextZ)
val result: Boolean =
localTyper.silent(_.typed(candTree, mode, pt), reportAmbiguousErrors = false) match {
case SilentResultValue(t: Tree) => t.tpe.withoutReprAnnotAggresive <:< pt.withoutReprAnnotAggresive
case SilentTypeError(err) => false
case object AlreadyTyped
case object ConstructorRedirectFailed
implicit class WithAlreadyTyped(val tree: Tree) {
def withTypedAnnot: Tree = tree.updateAttachment[AlreadyTyped.type](AlreadyTyped)
override def typed(tree: Tree, mode: Mode, pt: Type): Tree = {
val ind = indent
indent += 1
adaptdbg(ind, " <== " + tree + " now: " + tree.tpe + " expected: " + pt)
if (tree.hasAttachment[AlreadyTyped.type] && (pt == WildcardType) && (tree.tpe != null))
return tree
val res = tree match {
case EmptyTree | TypeTree() =>
super.typed(tree, mode, pt)
// Don't retype transformation description objects
case tpl: ClassDef =>
val isDescrObject = tpl.symbol.isTransfDescriptionObject
if (isDescrObject)
else {
super.typed(tpl, mode, pt)
case Apply(Select(New(tpt), nme.CONSTRUCTOR), args) if (pt.hasReprAnnot) && !tree.hasAttachment[ConstructorRedirectFailed.type] =>
val descObject = pt.getAnnotDescrObject
val tpe = tpt.tpe
if (matchesDescrHighType(descObject, tpe)) {
// try to find a constructor
val ctorName = TermName("ctor_" + tpt.tpe.typeSymbol.nameString)
val publicCandidates = => mb.isPublic && !mb.isDeferred)
val matchingCandidates = publicCandidates.filter(typechecks(_, descObject, tree, Nil, args, mode, pt))
matchingCandidates match {
case List(candidate) =>
val newQual = gen.mkAttributedRef(descObject)
val extMeth = gen.mkAttributedSelect(newQual, candidate)
super.typed(FullApply(extMeth, Nil, args), mode, pt)
case _ =>,
"The new operator can be optimized if you define a public, non-overloaded " +
"and matching constructor method for it in " + descObject + ", with the name " + ctorName.decoded +
(if (matchingCandidates.isEmpty) "." else " (the method is overloaded).\n"))
// bail out to conversions:
typed(tree.updateAttachment(ConstructorRedirectFailed), mode, pt)
} else
// bail out to conversions:
typed(tree.updateAttachment(ConstructorRedirectFailed), mode, pt)
case FullApply(sel@Select(MaybeImplicit(qual, implData, prefix), meth), targs, args) if qual.isTerm && tree.symbol.isMethod =>
val qual2 = super.typedQualifier(qual.setType(null), mode, WildcardType).withTypedAnnot
import helper._
val global =
if (qual2.hasReprAnnot) {
val tpe2 = if (qual2.tpe.hasAnnotation(reprClass)) qual2.tpe else qual2.tpe.widen
val tpe3 = tpe2.removeAnnotation(reprClass)
val descObject = qual2.tpe.getAnnotDescrObject
val extName = TermName(prefix + "_" + meth)
val publicCandidates = => mb.isPublic && !mb.isDeferred)
val matchingCandidates = publicCandidates.filter(typechecks(_, descObject, tree, qual2, Nil, args, mode, pt))
matchingCandidates match {
case List(candidate) =>
val newQual = gen.mkAttributedRef(descObject)
val extMeth = gen.mkAttributedSelect(newQual, candidate)
super.typed(FullApply(extMeth, Nil, qual2 :: args), mode, pt)
case _ =>,
"The " + sel.symbol + " can be optimized if you define a public, non-overloaded " +
"and matching exension method for it in " + descObject + ", with the name " + extName.decoded +
(if (matchingCandidates.isEmpty) "." else " (the method is overloaded).\n"))
val conversion = qual2.tpe.getAnnotDescrReprToHigh
val convCall = gen.mkAttributedSelect(gen.mkAttributedRef(descObject), conversion)
val qual3 = gen.mkMethodCall(convCall, List(qual2))
super.typed(FullApply(Select(MaybeImplicit(qual3, implData), meth) setSymbol tree.symbol, targs, args).withTypedAnnot, mode, pt)
} else {
super.typed(tree, mode, pt)
case _ =>
super.typed(tree, mode, pt)
// Stupid hack to get rid of an error when typing the
// reference - the typer set the Outer.type as type instead of
// ()Outer.type. There, I fixed it:
if (tree.hasSymbolField && == "" && !tree.isInstanceOf[Apply])
tree.tpe match {
case MethodType(Nil, _) => // ok
case _ => tree.setType(MethodType(Nil, tree.tpe))
adaptdbg(ind, " ==> " + res + ": " + res.tpe)
// if (res.tpe == ErrorType)
// adaptdbg(ind, "ERRORS: " + context.errBuffer)
indent -= 1