miniboxing.plugin.metadata.MiniboxMetadataAddons.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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// Copyright (c) 2011-2015 Scala Team, École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne
// Authors:
// * Eugene Burmako
package miniboxing.plugin
package metadata
import scala.collection.immutable.ListMap
import language.implicitConversions
import scala.reflect.NameTransformer
trait MiniboxMetadataAddons {
self: MiniboxInjectComponent =>
import global._
import definitions._
import scala.collection.immutable
implicit def richSym(sym: Symbol) = new RichSym(sym)
implicit def richType(tpe: Type) = new RichType(tpe)
implicit def richTree(tree: Tree) = new RichTree(tree)
// Thanks to @xeno-by :)
class RichSym(sym: Symbol) {
def getMiniboxedTypeParameters: List[Symbol] =
sym.typeParams.filter((s: Symbol) => s.isMiniboxAnnotated)
def hasMiniboxedTypeParameters: Boolean = {
val existsMbox = sym.typeParams.exists((s: Symbol) => s.isMiniboxAnnotated)
val existsSpec = sym.typeParams.exists((s: Symbol) => s hasAnnotation SpecializedClass)
// #117: you can't mix @specialized and @miniboxed!
if (existsMbox && existsSpec)
global.reporter.error(sym.pos, s"You can't mix @specialized and @miniboxed in the same ${sym.kindString}. Use only @miniboxing!")
existsMbox && !existsSpec
def isMiniboxAnnotated: Boolean = {
beforeMiniboxInject( // make sure the annotation hijacker updated it
sym hasAnnotation MinispecClass
def isGenericAnnotated: Boolean = {
sym hasAnnotation GenericClass
def isField = sym.isValue && !sym.isMethod
def isMbArrayMethod: Boolean = isSymbolMbArrayMethod(sym)
def isArray: Boolean = sym == ArrayClass
def isImplicitlyPredefMethod: Boolean = isPredefMemberNamed(sym, nme.implicitly)
def isCastSymbol: Boolean = definitions.isCastSymbol(sym)
def isIsInstanceOfAnyMethod: Boolean = sym == Any_isInstanceOf
def isArrowAssocMethod: Boolean =
isPredefMemberNamed(sym, newTermName("ArrowAssoc")) ||
isPredefMemberNamed(sym, newTermName("any2ArrowAssoc")) ||
(sym.owner == getMemberClass(PredefModule, newTermName("ArrowAssoc")) && == newTermName(NameTransformer.encode("->")))
private def tweakedKind = if (sym.isTrait) if (flagdata.classStemTraitFlag(sym)) "trait" else "class" else sym.kindString
private def tweakedName = if (sym.hasMeaninglessName) sym.owner.decodedName + sym.idString else sym.nameString
def tweakedToString: String = tweakedKind + " " + tweakedName
def tweakedFullString: String = tweakedKind + " " + sym.fullNameString
class RichType(tpe: Type) {
def getStorageRepr: Symbol = tpe.dealiasWiden.annotations.filter(_.tpe.typeSymbol == StorageClass) match {
case Nil => assert(false, "No storage type detected?!?"); ???
case List(annot) => annot.tpe.typeArgs(0).typeSymbol
def isStorage: Boolean = tpe.dealiasWiden.annotations.exists(_.tpe.typeSymbol == StorageClass)
def withStorage(store: Type): Type = tpe.withAnnotations(List(Annotation.apply(appliedType(StorageClass.tpe, List(store)), Nil, ListMap.empty)))
def withoutStorage: Type = tpe.filterAnnotations(_.tpe.typeSymbol != StorageClass)
def withoutStorageDeep: Type = (new TypeMap {
def apply(tpe: Type): Type = mapOver(tpe)
override def mapOver(tpe: Type): Type = tpe match {
case ann: AnnotatedType if ann.annotations.exists(_.tpe.typeSymbol == StorageClass) =>
tpe.filterAnnotations(_.tpe.typeSymbol != StorageClass)
case _ =>
class RichTree(tree: Tree) {
def isStorage: Boolean = tree.tpe.isStorage