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miniboxing.plugin.metadata.MiniboxMetadataUtils.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
// _____ .__ .__ ___. .__
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// / Y \| || | \| | | \_\ \( <_> ) > < | || | \ / /_/ >
// \____|__ /|__||___| /|__| |___ / \____/ /__/\_ \|__||___| / \___ /
// \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ /_____/
// Copyright (c) 2011-2015 Scala Team, École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne
// Authors:
// * Iulian Dragos
// * Cristian Talau
// * Vlad Ureche
package miniboxing.plugin
package metadata
import scala.Option.option2Iterable
import scala.collection.immutable
trait MiniboxMetadataUtils {
self: MiniboxInjectComponent =>
import global._
import definitions._
import scala.collection.immutable
import scala.collection.mutable.HashMap
def createNewTParams(oldParams: List[Symbol], newOwner: Symbol): Map[Symbol, Symbol] = {
def newName(p: Symbol): Name ="sp")
val newParams = oldParams map (p => p.cloneSymbol(newOwner, p.flags, newName(p)))
// Update references to old type parameters to the new type parameters
// See for details. => info.substituteSymbols(oldParams, newParams)))
newParams foreach (p => { p.removeAnnotation(MinispecClass); p.removeAnnotation(SpecializedClass) })
(oldParams zip newParams).toMap
implicit class RichPartialSpec(pspec: PartialSpec) {
def toAllBoxed: PartialSpec = => (tp, Boxed)).toMap
object variants {
* For a set of type parameters, get all the possible partial specializations.
* A partial specialization is represented as a list that gives the types that
* specifies what a type parameter is instantiated to.
def allSpecializations(tParams: List[Symbol]): List[PartialSpec] = {
var envs: List[List[SpecInfo]] = List(Nil)
val mboxTParams = tParams.filter(s => s.hasAnnotation(MinispecClass) || s.hasAnnotation(SpecializedClass))
for (tParam <- mboxTParams)
if (tParam.hasAnnotation(MinispecClass) || tParam.hasAnnotation(SpecializedClass))
envs = envs.flatMap(rest =>
if (!flag_two_way)
List(Miniboxed(LongClass) :: rest, Boxed :: rest)
List(Miniboxed(LongClass) :: rest, Miniboxed(DoubleClass) :: rest, Boxed :: rest)) List[SpecInfo]) => (mboxTParams zip types).toMap)
def typeParamValues(clazz: Symbol, env: PartialSpec): List[Type] =
clazz.typeParams.filter(metadata.miniboxedTParamFlag(_)).map(env) map {
case Boxed => AnyRefClass.tpe
case Miniboxed(repr) => repr.tpe
object PartialSpec {
def isAllAnyRef(env: PartialSpec) = !env.isEmpty && env.forall(_._2 == Boxed)
def allAnyRefPSpec(clazz: Symbol): PartialSpec = clazz.typeParams.filter(_.isMiniboxAnnotated).map(t => (t, Boxed)).toMap
def fromType(pos: Position, tpe: TypeRef, owner: Symbol): PartialSpec = fromType(pos, tpe, owner, Map.empty)
def fromType(pos: Position, tpe: TypeRef, owner: Symbol, pspec: PartialSpec): PartialSpec =
tpe match {
case TypeRef(pre, sym, targs) =>
val tparams =
fromTargs(pos, tparams, targs, owner, pspec)
def fromTargs(pos: Position, tparams: List[Symbol], targs: List[Type], currentOwner: Symbol, pspec: PartialSpec = Map.empty): PartialSpec = {
val instantiation = tparams zip targs
fromTargsAllTargs(pos, instantiation, currentOwner, pspec) collect {
case (tparam, spec) if metadata.miniboxedTParamFlag(tparam) => (tparam, spec)
def valueClassRepresentation(vclass: Symbol): Symbol = {
val FloatRepr = if (flag_two_way) DoubleClass else LongClass
vclass match {
case `UnitClass` => LongClass
case `BooleanClass` => LongClass
case `ByteClass` => LongClass
case `CharClass` => LongClass
case `ShortClass` => LongClass
case `IntClass` => LongClass
case `LongClass` => LongClass
case `FloatClass` => FloatRepr
case `DoubleClass` => FloatRepr
def specializationsFromOwnerChain(owner: Symbol): List[(Symbol, SpecInfo)] =
owner.ownerChain flatMap { sym =>
// for methods => normalization
// for classes => specialization
afterMiniboxInject( // make sure it's specialized
if (sym.isMethod && !sym.typeParams.isEmpty) {
// NOTE: We could also rely on the method's specialization, but we rely on the
// assumption that a class' specialization is the one that dominates, else we
// would be messing up forwarders.
val localPSpec = metadata.getNormalLocalSpecialization(sym)
} else if (sym.isClass || sym.isTrait) {
val localPSpec = metadata.getClassLocalSpecialization(sym)
} else
def fromTargsAllTargs(pos: Position, instantiation: List[(Symbol, Type)], currentOwner: Symbol, pspec: PartialSpec = Map.empty): PartialSpec = {
def useMbArrayInsteadOfArrayWarning(p: Symbol): Unit =
if (flag_warn_mbarrays) suboptimalCodeWarning(pos, "Use MbArray instead of Array and benefit from miniboxing specialization", p.isGenericAnnotated)
def replaceSpecializedWithMiniboxedWarning(p: Symbol): Unit =
suboptimalCodeWarning(pos, s"Although the type parameter ${p.nameString} of ${p.owner.tweakedFullString} is specialized, miniboxing and specialization communicate among themselves by boxing (thus, inefficiently) on all classes other than as FunctionX and TupleX. If you want to maximize performance, consider switching from specialization to miniboxing: '@miniboxed T':", p.isGenericAnnotated, inLibrary = (p.sourceFile == null))
def primitive(p: Symbol, spec: SpecInfo): (Symbol, SpecInfo) = {
if (!metadata.miniboxedTParamFlag(p) && !isUselessWarning(p.owner))
if (p.owner.isArray) useMbArrayInsteadOfArrayWarning(p)
else if (p.hasAnnotation(SpecializedClass)) replaceSpecializedWithMiniboxedWarning(p)
else suboptimalCodeWarning(pos, s"The ${p.owner.tweakedFullString} would benefit from miniboxing type parameter ${p.nameString}, since it is instantiated by a primitive type.", p.isGenericAnnotated, inLibrary = (p.sourceFile == null))
(p, spec)
def isUselessWarning(p: Symbol): Boolean = {
p.isMbArrayMethod ||
p.isImplicitlyPredefMethod ||
p.isCastSymbol ||
p.isIsInstanceOfAnyMethod ||
val mboxedTpars = specializationsFromOwnerChain(currentOwner).toMap ++ pspec
val spec = instantiation map { (pair: (Symbol, Type)) =>
(pair._1, pair._2.withoutAnnotations) match {
case (p, tpe) if ScalaValueClasses.contains(tpe.typeSymbol) => primitive(p, Miniboxed(valueClassRepresentation(tpe.typeSymbol)))
case (p, TypeRef(_, tpar, _)) if tpar.deSkolemize.isTypeParameter =>
mboxedTpars.get(tpar.deSkolemize) match {
case Some(spec: SpecInfo) =>
if (!metadata.miniboxedTParamFlag(p) && spec != Boxed && !isUselessWarning(p.owner))
if (p.owner.isArray) useMbArrayInsteadOfArrayWarning(p)
else if (!p.hasAnnotation(SpecializedClass)) suboptimalCodeWarning(pos, s"The ${p.owner.tweakedFullString} would benefit from miniboxing type parameter ${p.nameString}, since it is instantiated by miniboxed type parameter ${tpar.nameString.stripSuffix("sp")} of ${metadata.getStem(tpar.owner).tweakedToString}.", p.isGenericAnnotated, inLibrary = (p.sourceFile == null))
else replaceSpecializedWithMiniboxedWarning(p)
(p, spec)
case None if metadata.miniboxedTParamFlag(tpar.deSkolemize) && metadata.isClassStem(tpar.deSkolemize.owner) && !p.isMbArrayMethod =>
if (metadata.miniboxedTParamFlag(p) && !isUselessWarning(p.owner))
if (p.owner.isArray) useMbArrayInsteadOfArrayWarning(p)
else if (!p.hasAnnotation(SpecializedClass)) suboptimalCodeWarning(pos, s"""The following code could benefit from miniboxing specialization (the reason was explained before).""", p.isGenericAnnotated)
else replaceSpecializedWithMiniboxedWarning(p)
(p, Boxed)
case None =>
if (metadata.miniboxedTParamFlag(p) && !isUselessWarning(p.owner))
if (p.owner.isArray) useMbArrayInsteadOfArrayWarning(p)
else if (!p.hasAnnotation(SpecializedClass)) suboptimalCodeWarning(pos, s"""The following code could benefit from miniboxing specialization if the type parameter ${} of ${tpar.owner.tweakedToString} would be marked as "@miniboxed ${}" (it would be used to instantiate miniboxed type parameter ${} of ${p.owner.tweakedToString})""", p.isGenericAnnotated)
else replaceSpecializedWithMiniboxedWarning(p)
(p, Boxed)
case (p, tpe) if tpe <:< AnyRefTpe =>
(p, Boxed)
case (p, tpe) => {
if (metadata.miniboxedTParamFlag(p) && !isUselessWarning(p.owner))
if (p.owner.isArray) useMbArrayInsteadOfArrayWarning(p)
else if (!p.hasAnnotation(SpecializedClass)) suboptimalCodeWarning(pos, s"""Using the type argument "$tpe" for the miniboxed type parameter ${} of ${p.owner.tweakedToString} is not specific enough, as it could mean either a primitive or a reference type. Although ${p.owner.tweakedToString} is miniboxed, it won't benefit from specialization:""", p.isGenericAnnotated)
else replaceSpecializedWithMiniboxedWarning(p)
(p, Boxed)
object typeMappers {
class SubstSkolemsTypeMap(from: List[Symbol], to: List[Type]) extends SubstTypeMap(from, to) {
protected override def matches(sym1: Symbol, sym2: Symbol) =
if (sym2.isTypeSkolem) sym2.deSkolemize eq sym1
else sym1 eq sym2
override def toString() =
s"SubstSkolemsTypeMap(${from zip to})"
case class MiniboxSubst(env: Map[Symbol, Type]) extends TypeMap {
val (keys, shallowTypes) = env.toList.unzip
val deepTypes = != StorageClass))
val deepSubst = new SubstSkolemsTypeMap(keys, deepTypes)
val shallowSubst = new SubstSkolemsTypeMap(keys, shallowTypes) {
override def mapOver(tp: Type) = {
val res = tp match {
case TypeRef(pre, sym, args) if (!keys.exists(sym2 => matches(sym2, sym))) =>
case TypeBounds(lo, hi) =>
val lo1 = deepSubst(lo)
val hi1 = deepSubst(hi)
if ((lo1 eq lo) && (hi1 eq hi)) tp
else TypeBounds(lo1, hi1)
case _ =>
def apply(tp: Type) = shallowSubst(tp)
def mapOverDeep(tp: Type) = deepSubst(tp)
override def toString() =
s"MiniboxSubst with shallow=${shallowSubst} and deep=${deepSubst}"
* Every specialized class has its own symbols for the type parameters,
* this function replaces the ones of the original class with the ones
* from the specialized class.
private def substParams(pmap: Map[Symbol, Symbol])(tpe: Type): Type = {
val (oldTParams, newTParams) = pmap.toList.unzip
tpe.instantiateTypeParams(oldTParams, newTParams map (_.tpe))
object parentClasses {
class SpecializeTypeMap(pos: Position, current: Symbol) extends TypeMap {
import metadata._
// TODO: Take owneship chain into account!
def extractPSpec(tref: TypeRef) = PartialSpec.fromType(pos, tref, current.owner)
override def apply(tp: Type): Type = tp match {
case tref@TypeRef(pre, sym, args) if args.nonEmpty && classOverloads.isDefinedAt(sym)=>
val pre1 = this(pre)
classOverloads(sym).get(extractPSpec(tref)) match {
case Some(sym1) =>
val localTParamMap = (sym1.typeParams zip
inheritedDeferredTypeTags.getOrElseUpdate(current, HashMap()) ++=
primaryDeferredTypeTags.getOrElse(sym1, HashMap()).mapValues(s => localTParamMap.getOrElse(s, s)) ++
inheritedDeferredTypeTags.getOrElse(sym1, HashMap()).mapValues(s => localTParamMap.getOrElse(s, s))
typeRef(pre1, sym1, args)
case None => typeRef(pre1, sym, args)
case _ => tp
def specializeParentsTypeMapForGeneric(pos: Position, current: Symbol) = new SpecializeTypeMap(pos, current)
def specializeParentsTypeMapForSpec(pos: Position, spec: Symbol, origin: Symbol, pspec: PartialSpec) = new SpecializeTypeMap(pos, spec) {
override def extractPSpec(tref: TypeRef) = PartialSpec.fromType(pos, tref, spec.owner, pspec)
override def apply(tp: Type): Type = tp match {
case tref@TypeRef(pre, sym, args) if sym == origin =>
case _ =>
object tagUtils {
def separateTypeTagArgsInTree(args: List[Tree]): (List[Tree], List[Tree]) = args match {
case ttarg :: rest if"_TypeTag") =>
val (ttargs, args) = separateTypeTagArgsInTree(rest)
(ttarg :: ttargs, args)
case _ => (Nil, args)
def separateTypeTagArgsInType(tpe: Type, tpArgs: List[Type], preserveTags: Boolean = true, preserveParams: Boolean = false): (List[Symbol], List[Symbol]) = tpe match {
case MethodType(args, _) => separateTypeTagArgsInArgs(args)
case PolyType(formals, ret) =>
val preserveRes = separateTypeTagArgsInType(ret, Nil)
val modifyRes = separateTypeTagArgsInType(ret.instantiateTypeParams(formals, tpArgs), Nil)
(if (preserveTags) preserveRes._1 else modifyRes._2, if (preserveParams) preserveRes._2 else modifyRes._2)
case _ => (Nil, Nil)
def separateTypeTagArgsInArgs(args: List[Symbol]): (List[Symbol], List[Symbol]) = args match {
case ttarg :: rest if"_TypeTag") =>
val (ttargs, args) = separateTypeTagArgsInArgs(rest)
(ttarg :: ttargs, args)
case _ => (Nil, args)
object heuristics {
def hasSpecializedArgumentsOrReturn(clazz: Symbol, member: Symbol) =
flag_spec_no_opt || {
val tparams = clazz.typeParams.filter(s => new RichSym(s).isMiniboxAnnotated)
val res = => tparams.contains( ||
* Tells whether a class must be specialized by looking at the annotations
def isSpecializableClass(clazz: Symbol) =
clazz.isClass &&
clazz.hasMiniboxedTypeParameters &&
// shamelessly stolen from specialization
def specializableClass(tp: Type): Boolean = (
&& !tp.typeSymbol.isJavaDefined
&& !tp.typeSymbol.isPackageClass
def specializableMethodInClass(clazz: Symbol, mbr: Symbol): Boolean = {
// TODO: Make this invariant stand (it's violated by normalization)
// assert(clazz.isClass || clazz.isModule || clazz.isTrait, clazz.defString)
// The synthetic canEqual method generated for case classes is incorrect, as the existential type
// is not correctly transformed by the asSeenFrom TypeMap:
// $ cat gh-bug-130.scala
// package minboxing.tests.compile.bug130
// case class C[@miniboxed T]()
// class D[@miniboxed T] {
// def canEqual(`x$1`: Any): Boolean = `x$1`.`$isInstanceOf`[D[_]]
// }
// $ ../mb-scalac gh-bug-129.scala -Xprint:interop-commit,minibox-commit 2>&1 | grep "def canEqual"
// def canEqual(x$1: Any): Boolean = x$1.$isInstanceOf[miniboxing.tests.compile.bug129.C[_]]();
// def canEqual(x$1: Any): Boolean = x$1.isInstanceOf[miniboxing.tests.compile.bug129.D[_]]()
// def canEqual(x$1: Any): Boolean;
// def canEqual(x$1: Any): Boolean = x$1.$isInstanceOf[miniboxing.tests.compile.bug129.C[Tsp]]();
// def canEqual(x$1: Any): Boolean = x$1.$isInstanceOf[miniboxing.tests.compile.bug129.C[Tsp]]();
// def canEqual(x$1: Any): Boolean = x$1.$isInstanceOf[miniboxing.tests.compile.bug129.C[Tsp]]();
// def canEqual(x$1: Any): Boolean
// def canEqual(x$1: Any): Boolean = x$1.isInstanceOf[miniboxing.tests.compile.bug129.D[_]]()
// def canEqual(x$1: Any): Boolean = x$1.isInstanceOf[miniboxing.tests.compile.bug129.D[_]]()
// def canEqual(x$1: Any): Boolean = x$1.isInstanceOf[miniboxing.tests.compile.bug129.D[_]]()
// For more details see bugs #129 and #130, which give the entire context
val isCanEqual = ( == "canEqual") && mbr.isMethod && clazz.isCase && mbr.isSynthetic
// mbr.isMethod && mbr.isSynthetic
def normalizableMethodInMethod(sym: Symbol): Boolean = (
&& sym.hasMiniboxedTypeParameters
&& sym.owner.isMethod