Maven / Gradle / Ivy
import java.nio.charset.{Charset, StandardCharsets}
import java.util.jar.{Attributes, JarEntry}
// Ported from Apache Harmony
class ZipInputStream(_in: InputStream, charset: Charset)
extends InflaterInputStream(new PushbackInputStream(_in, 4096),
new Inflater(true))
with ZipConstants {
import ZipInputStream._
def this(in: InputStream) = this(in, StandardCharsets.UTF_8)
private var entriesEnd: Boolean = false
private var hasDD: Boolean = false
private var entryIn: Int = 0
private var inRead: Int = 0
private var lastRead: Int = 0
private[zip] var currentEntry: ZipEntry = null
private final var hdrBuf: Array[Byte] = new Array[Byte](LOCHDR - LOCVER)
private final var crc: CRC32 = new CRC32
private var nameBuf: Array[Byte] = new Array[Byte](256)
private var charBuf: Array[Char] = new Array[Char](256)
override def close(): Unit =
if (!closed) {
closeEntry() // Close the current entry
def closeEntry(): Unit = {
if (closed) {
throw new IOException("Stream is closed")
if (currentEntry == null) {
if (currentEntry.isInstanceOf[JarEntry]) {
val temp = currentEntry.asInstanceOf[JarEntry].getAttributes()
if (temp != null && temp.containsKey("hidden")) {
* The following code is careful to leave the ZipInputStream in a
* consistent state, even when close() results in an exception. It does
* so by:
* - pushing bytes back into the source stream
* - reading a data descriptor footer from the source stream
* - resetting fields that manage the entry being closed
// Ensure all entry bytes are read
var failure: Exception = null
try {
} catch {
case e: Exception =>
failure = e
var inB, out: Int = 0
if (currentEntry.compressionMethod == DEFLATED) {
inB = inf.getTotalIn()
out = inf.getTotalOut()
} else {
inB = inRead
out = inRead
val diff = entryIn - inB
// Pushback any required bytes
if (diff != 0) {
in.asInstanceOf[PushbackInputStream].unread(buf, len - diff, diff)
try {
readAndVerifyDataDescriptor(inB, out)
} catch {
case e: Exception =>
if (failure == null) { // otherwise we're already going to throw
failure = e
lastRead = 0
inRead = 0
entryIn = 0
len = 0
currentEntry = null
if (failure != null) {
failure match {
case _: IOException | _: RuntimeException => throw failure
case e =>
val error = new AssertionError()
throw error
private def readAndVerifyDataDescriptor(inB: Int, out: Int): Unit = {
if (hasDD) {, 0, EXTHDR)
if (getLong(hdrBuf, 0) != EXTSIG) {
throw new ZipException("Unknown format")
currentEntry.crc = getLong(hdrBuf, EXTCRC)
currentEntry.compressedSize = getLong(hdrBuf, EXTSIZ)
currentEntry.size = getLong(hdrBuf, EXTLEN)
if (currentEntry.crc != crc.getValue()) {
throw new ZipException("Crc mismatch")
if (currentEntry.compressedSize != inB || currentEntry.size != out) {
throw new ZipException("Size mismatch")
def getNextEntry(): ZipEntry = {
if (entriesEnd) {
} else {
var x, count = 0
while (count != 4) {
count += {
val read =, count, 4 - count)
x = read
if (x == -1) {
return null
val hdr = getLong(hdrBuf, 0)
if (hdr == CENSIG) {
entriesEnd = true
return null
if (hdr != LOCSIG) {
return null
// Read the local header
count = 0
while (count != (LOCHDR - LOCVER)) {
count += {
val read =, count, (LOCHDR - LOCVER) - count)
x = read
if (x == -1) {
throw new EOFException()
val version = getShort(hdrBuf, 0) & 0xff
if (version > ZIPLocalHeaderVersionNeeded) {
throw new ZipException("Cannot read version")
val flags = getShort(hdrBuf, LOCFLG - LOCVER)
hasDD = ((flags & ZIPDataDescriptorFlag) == ZIPDataDescriptorFlag)
val cetime = getShort(hdrBuf, LOCTIM - LOCVER)
val cemodDate = getShort(hdrBuf, LOCTIM - LOCVER + 2)
val cecompressionMethod = getShort(hdrBuf, LOCHOW - LOCVER)
var cecrc = 0L
var cecompressedSize = 0L
var cesize = -1L
if (!hasDD) {
cecrc = getLong(hdrBuf, LOCCRC - LOCVER)
cecompressedSize = getLong(hdrBuf, LOCSIZ - LOCVER)
cesize = getLong(hdrBuf, LOCLEN - LOCVER)
val flen = getShort(hdrBuf, LOCNAM - LOCVER)
if (flen == 0) {
throw new ZipException("Entry is not named")
val elen = getShort(hdrBuf, LOCEXT - LOCVER)
count = 0
if (flen > nameBuf.length) {
nameBuf = new Array[Byte](flen)
charBuf = new Array[Char](flen)
while (count != flen) {
count += {
val read =, count, flen - count)
x = read
if (x == -1) {
throw new EOFException()
currentEntry = createZipEntry(
convertUTF8WithBuf(nameBuf, charBuf, 0, flen))
currentEntry.time = cetime
currentEntry.modDate = cemodDate
if (cesize != -1) {
if (elen > 0) {
count = 0
val e = new Array[Byte](elen)
while (count != elen) {
count += {
val read =, count, elen - count)
x = read
if (x == -1) {
throw new EOFException()
override def read(buffer: Array[Byte], start: Int, length: Int): Int = {
if (closed) {
throw new IOException("Stream is closed")
if (inf.finished() || currentEntry == null) {
return -1
// avoid int overflow, check null buffer
if (start > buffer.length || length < 0 || start < 0
|| buffer.length - start < length) {
throw new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException()
if (currentEntry.compressionMethod == STORED) {
val csize = currentEntry.size.toInt
if (inRead >= csize) {
return -1
if (lastRead >= len) {
lastRead = 0
if ({ len =; len } == -1) {
eof = true
return -1
entryIn += len
var toRead = if (length > (len - lastRead)) len - lastRead else length
if ((csize - inRead) < toRead) {
toRead = csize - inRead
System.arraycopy(buf, lastRead, buffer, start, toRead)
lastRead += toRead
inRead += toRead
crc.update(buffer, start, toRead)
return toRead
if (inf.needsInput()) {
if (len > 0) {
entryIn += len
var read = 0
try {
read = inf.inflate(buffer, start, length)
} catch {
case e: DataFormatException =>
throw new ZipException(e.getMessage())
if (read == 0 && inf.finished()) {
} else {
crc.update(buffer, start, read)
override def skip(value: Long): Long = {
if (value < 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException()
var skipped = 0L
val b = new Array[Byte](Math.min(value, 2048L).toInt)
while (skipped != value) {
val rem = value - skipped
val x =
read(b, 0, if (b.length > rem) rem.toInt else b.length)
if (x == -1) {
return skipped
skipped += x
override def available(): Int = {
if (closed) {
throw new IOException("Stream is closed")
} else if (currentEntry == null || inRead < currentEntry.size) {
} else {
protected def createZipEntry(name: String): ZipEntry =
new ZipEntry(name)
private def getShort(buffer: Array[Byte], off: Int): Int =
(buffer(off) & 0xFF) | ((buffer(off + 1) & 0xFF) << 8)
private def getLong(buffer: Array[Byte], off: Int): Long = {
var l = 0L
l |= (buffer(off) & 0xFF)
l |= (buffer(off + 1) & 0xFF) << 8
l |= (buffer(off + 2) & 0xFF) << 16
l |= (buffer(off + 3) & 0xFF).toLong << 24
private def convertUTF8WithBuf(buf: Array[Byte],
out: Array[Char],
offset: Int,
utfSize: Int): String = {
var count, s, a = 0
while (count < utfSize) {
count += 1
out(s) = buf(offset + count - 1).toChar
if (out(s) < '\u0080') {
s += 1
} else if (({ a = out(s); a } & 0xe0) == 0xc0) {
if (count >= utfSize)
throw new UTFDataFormatException(
s"Second byte at $count doesn't match UTF8 specification.")
val b = buf(count)
count += 1
if ((b & 0xC0) != 0x80)
throw new UTFDataFormatException(
s"Second byte at ${count - 1} doesn't match UTF8 specification.")
out(s) = (((a & 0x1F) << 6) | (b & 0x3F)).toChar
s += 1
} else if ((a & 0xf0) == 0xe0) {
if (count + 1 >= utfSize)
throw new UTFDataFormatException(
s"Third byte at ${count + 1} doesn't match UTF8 specification.")
val b = buf(count)
count += 1
val c = buf(count)
count += 1
if (((b & 0xC0) != 0x80) || ((c & 0xC0) != 0x80))
throw new UTFDataFormatException(
s"Second or third byte at ${count - 2} doesnt match UTF8 specification.")
out(s) = (((a & 0x0F) << 12) | ((b & 0x3F) << 6) | (c & 0x3F)).toChar
s += 1
} else {
throw new UTFDataFormatException(
s"Input at ${count - 1} doesn't match UTF8 specification")
new String(out, 0, s);
object ZipInputStream {
final val DEFLATED: Int = 8
final val STORED: Int = 0
final val ZIPDataDescriptorFlag: Int = 8
final val ZIPLocalHeaderVersionNeeded: Int = 20
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