scala.scalanative.nscplugin.NirGenPhase.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package scala.scalanative
package nscplugin
import java.nio.file.{Path => JPath, Paths => JPaths}
import java.util.stream.{Stream => JStream}
import java.util.function.{Consumer => JConsumer}
import scala.collection.mutable
import scala.language.implicitConversions
import nir.Defn.Define.DebugInfo
import scala.scalanative.util.ScopedVar.scoped
import scala.tools.nsc.plugins._
import scala.tools.nsc.{Global, util => _, _}
import scala.reflect.internal.util.{SourceFile => CompilerSourceFile}
import scala.tools.nsc
abstract class NirGenPhase[G <: Global with Singleton](override val global: G)
extends NirPhase[G](global)
with NirGenStat[G]
with NirGenExpr[G]
with NirGenUtil[G]
with NirGenFile[G]
with NirGenType[G]
with NirGenName[G]
with NirCompat[G]
with NirGenExports[G] {
import global._
import definitions._
import nirAddons._
val phaseName = "scalanative-genNIR"
protected val curClassSym = new util.ScopedVar[Symbol]
protected val curClassFresh = new util.ScopedVar[nir.Fresh]
protected val curMethodSym = new util.ScopedVar[Symbol]
protected val curMethodSig = new util.ScopedVar[nir.Type]
protected val curMethodInfo = new util.ScopedVar[CollectMethodInfo]
protected val curMethodEnv = new util.ScopedVar[MethodEnv]
protected val curMethodThis = new util.ScopedVar[Option[nir.Val]]
protected val curMethodLocalNames =
new util.ScopedVar[mutable.Map[nir.Local, nir.LocalName]]
protected val curMethodIsExtern = new util.ScopedVar[Boolean]
protected val curFresh = new util.ScopedVar[nir.Fresh]
protected val curUnwindHandler = new util.ScopedVar[Option[nir.Local]]
protected val curStatBuffer = new util.ScopedVar[StatBuffer]
protected val cachedMethodSig =
collection.mutable.Map.empty[(Symbol, Boolean), nir.Type.Function]
protected var curScopes =
new util.ScopedVar[mutable.Set[DebugInfo.LexicalScope]]
protected val curFreshScope = new util.ScopedVar[nir.Fresh]
protected val curScopeId = new util.ScopedVar[nir.ScopeId]
implicit protected def getScopeId: nir.ScopeId = curScopeId.get
protected def initFreshScope(rhs: Tree) = nir.Fresh(rhs match {
case _: Block => -1L // Conpensate the top-level block
case _ => 0L
protected def unwind(implicit fresh: nir.Fresh): nir.Next =
curUnwindHandler.get.fold[nir.Next](nir.Next.None) { handler =>
val exc = nir.Val.Local(fresh(), nir.Rt.Object)
nir.Next.Unwind(exc, nir.Next.Label(handler, Seq(exc)))
override def newPhase(prev: Phase): StdPhase =
new NirCodePhase(prev)
class NirCodePhase(prev: Phase) extends StdPhase(prev) {
override def run(): Unit = {
override def apply(cunit: CompilationUnit): Unit = try {
val classDefs = mutable.UnrolledBuffer.empty[ClassDef]
def collectClassDefs(tree: Tree): Unit = tree match {
case EmptyTree =>
case PackageDef(_, stats) =>
case cd: ClassDef =>
val sym = cd.symbol
if (isPrimitiveValueClass(sym) || (sym == ArrayClass)) {
} else {
classDefs += cd
val statBuffer = new StatBuffer
curStatBuffer := statBuffer
) {
classDefs.foreach(cd => statBuffer.genClass(cd))
val reflectiveInstFiles = reflectiveInstantiationInfo.map {
reflectiveInstBuf =>
val path = genPathFor(cunit, reflectiveInstBuf.name)
(path, reflectiveInstBuf.toSeq)
val allRegularDefns = if (generatedMirrorClasses.isEmpty) {
/* Fast path, applicable under -Xno-forwarders, as well as when all
* the `object`s of a compilation unit have a companion class.
} else {
val regularDefns = statBuffer.toSeq.toList
/* #4148 Add generated static forwarder classes, except those that
* would collide with regular classes on case insensitive file
* systems.
/* I could not find any reference anywhere about what locale is used
* by case insensitive file systems to compare case-insensitively.
* In doubt, force the English locale, which is probably going to do
* the right thing in virtually all cases (especially if users stick
* to ASCII class names), and it has the merit of being deterministic,
* as opposed to using the OS' default locale.
* The JVM backend performs a similar test to emit a warning for
* conflicting top-level classes. However, it uses `toLowerCase()`
* without argument, which is not deterministic.
def caseInsensitiveNameOf(classDef: nir.Defn.Class): String =
val generatedCaseInsensitiveNames =
regularDefns.collect {
case cls: nir.Defn.Class => caseInsensitiveNameOf(cls)
val staticForwarderDefns: List[nir.Defn] =
.collect {
case (site, MirrorClass(classDef, forwarders)) =>
val name = caseInsensitiveNameOf(classDef)
if (!generatedCaseInsensitiveNames.contains(name)) {
classDef +: forwarders
} else {
s"Not generating the static forwarders of ${classDef.name.show} " +
"because its name differs only in case from the name of another class or " +
"trait in this compilation unit."
regularDefns ::: staticForwarderDefns
val regularFiles = allRegularDefns.toSeq
.map {
case (ownerName, defns) =>
(genPathFor(cunit, ownerName), defns)
val allFiles = regularFiles ++ reflectiveInstFiles
.of(allFiles.toSeq: _*)
.forEach { case (path, stats) => genIRFile(path, stats) }
} finally {
def fallbackSourcePosition: nir.SourcePosition = curMethodSym.get.pos
protected implicit def toNirPosition(
pos: global.Position
): nir.SourcePosition = {
if (!pos.isDefined) nir.SourcePosition.NoPosition
source = nirPositionCachedConverter.toNIRSource(pos.source),
line = pos.line - 1,
column = pos.column - 1
private[this] object nirPositionCachedConverter {
import scala.reflect.internal.util._
private[this] var lastNscSource: CompilerSourceFile = _
private[this] var lastNIRSource: nir.SourceFile = _
def toNIRSource(nscSource: CompilerSourceFile): nir.SourceFile = {
if (nscSource != lastNscSource) {
lastNIRSource = convert(nscSource)
lastNscSource = nscSource
/** Returns the relative path of `source` within the `reference` path
* It returns the absolute path of `source` if it is not contained in
* `reference`.
def relativePath(source: CompilerSourceFile, reference: JPath): String = {
val file = source.file
val jfile = file.file
if (jfile eq null)
file.path // repl and other custom tests use abstract files with no path
else {
val sourcePath = jfile.toPath.toAbsolutePath.normalize
val refPath = reference.normalize
if (sourcePath.startsWith(refPath)) {
val path = refPath.relativize(sourcePath)
import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
path.iterator.asScala.mkString("/"): @scala.annotation.nowarn
} else sourcePath.toString
private val sourceRoot = JPaths
.get {
val sourcePath = settings.sourcepath.value
if (sourcePath.isEmpty) settings.rootdir.value
else sourcePath
private[this] def convert(
nscSource: CompilerSourceFile
): nir.SourceFile = {
if (nscSource.file.isVirtual) nir.SourceFile.Virtual
else {
val absSourcePath = nscSource.file.absolute.file.toPath()
val relativeTo = scalaNativeOpts.positionRelativizationPaths
nir.SourceFile.Relative(relativePath(nscSource, relativeTo))
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