scala.scalanative.nscplugin.NirCodeGen.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package scala.scalanative.nscplugin
import scala.scalanative.util
import scala.scalanative.nir
import dotty.tools.dotc.{CompilationUnit, report}
import dotty.tools.dotc.ast.tpd
import dotty.tools.dotc.ast.Trees._
import dotty.tools.dotc.core
import core.Contexts._
import core.Symbols._
import core.Names._
import dotty.tools.FatalError
import scala.collection.mutable
import scala.language.implicitConversions
class NirCodeGen(val settings: GenNIR.Settings)(using ctx: Context)
extends NirGenStat
with NirGenExpr
with NirGenType
with NirGenName
with NirGenUtil
with GenReflectiveInstantisation
with GenNativeExports:
import tpd._
import nir._
protected val defnNir = NirDefinitions.get
protected val nirPrimitives = new NirPrimitives()
protected val positionsConversions = new NirPositions(settings.sourceURIMaps)
protected val cachedMethodSig =
collection.mutable.Map.empty[(Symbol, Boolean), nir.Type.Function]
protected val curClassSym = new util.ScopedVar[ClassSymbol]
protected val curClassFresh = new util.ScopedVar[nir.Fresh]
protected val curMethodSym = new util.ScopedVar[Symbol]
protected val curMethodSig = new util.ScopedVar[nir.Type]
protected val curMethodInfo = new util.ScopedVar[CollectMethodInfo]
protected val curMethodEnv = new util.ScopedVar[MethodEnv]
protected val curMethodLabels = new util.ScopedVar[MethodLabelsEnv]
protected val curMethodThis = new util.ScopedVar[Option[nir.Val]]
protected val curMethodIsExtern = new util.ScopedVar[Boolean]
protected var curMethodUsesLinktimeResolvedValues = false
protected val curFresh = new util.ScopedVar[nir.Fresh]
protected val curUnwindHandler = new util.ScopedVar[Option[nir.Local]]
protected val lazyValsAdapter = AdaptLazyVals(defnNir)
protected def unwind(implicit fresh: Fresh): Next =
.fold[Next](Next.None) { handler =>
val exc = Val.Local(fresh(), nir.Rt.Object)
Next.Unwind(exc, Next.Label(handler, Seq(exc)))
def run(): Unit = {
try {
} finally {
private def genCompilationUnit(cunit: CompilationUnit): Unit = {
def collectTypeDefs(tree: Tree): List[TypeDef] = {
tree match {
case EmptyTree => Nil
case PackageDef(_, stats) => stats.flatMap(collectTypeDefs)
case cd: TypeDef => cd :: Nil
case _: ValDef => Nil // module instance
.groupBy(defn => getFileFor(cunit, defn.name.top))
.foreach(genIRFile(_, _))
.groupMapReduce(buf => getFileFor(cunit, buf.name.top))(_.toSeq)(_ ++ _)
.foreach(genIRFile(_, _))
if (generatedMirrorClasses.nonEmpty) {
// Ported from Scala.js
/* #4148 Add generated static forwarder classes, except those that
* would collide with regular classes on case insensitive file systems.
/* I could not find any reference anywhere about what locale is used
* by case insensitive file systems to compare case-insensitively.
* In doubt, force the English locale, which is probably going to do
* the right thing in virtually all cases (especially if users stick
* to ASCII class names), and it has the merit of being deterministic,
* as opposed to using the OS' default locale.
* The JVM backend performs a similar test to emit a warning for
* conflicting top-level classes. However, it uses `toLowerCase()`
* without argument, which is not deterministic.
def caseInsensitiveNameOf(classDef: nir.Defn.Class): String =
val generatedCaseInsensitiveNames =
generatedDefns.collect {
case cls: Defn.Class => caseInsensitiveNameOf(cls)
for ((site, staticCls) <- generatedMirrorClasses) {
val MirrorClass(classDef, forwarders) = staticCls
val caseInsensitiveName = caseInsensitiveNameOf(classDef)
if (!generatedCaseInsensitiveNames.contains(caseInsensitiveName)) {
val file = getFileFor(cunit, classDef.name)
val defs = classDef +: forwarders
genIRFile(file, defs)
} else {
s"Not generating the static forwarders of ${classDef.name} " +
"because its name differs only in case from the name of another class or trait in this compilation unit.",
private def genIRFile(
outfile: dotty.tools.io.AbstractFile,
defns: Seq[nir.Defn]
): Unit = {
import scalanative.nir.serialization.serializeBinary
val output = outfile.bufferedOutput
try {
serializeBinary(defns, output)
} finally {
private def getFileFor(
cunit: CompilationUnit,
ownerName: nir.Global
): dotty.tools.io.AbstractFile = {
val nir.Global.Top(className) = ownerName: @unchecked
val outputDirectory = ctx.settings.outputDir.value
val pathParts = className.split('.')
val dir = pathParts.init.foldLeft(outputDirectory)(_.subdirectoryNamed(_))
val filename = pathParts.last
dir.fileNamed(filename + ".nir")
class MethodLabelsEnv(val fresh: nir.Fresh) {
private val entries, exits = mutable.Map.empty[Symbol, Local]
private val exitTypes = mutable.Map.empty[Local, nir.Type]
def enterLabel(ld: Labeled): (nir.Local, nir.Local) = {
val sym = ld.bind.symbol
val entry, exit = fresh()
entries += sym -> entry
exits += sym -> exit
(entry, exit)
def resolveEntry(sym: Symbol): nir.Local = entries(sym)
def resolveEntry(label: Labeled): nir.Local = entries(label.bind.symbol)
def resolveExit(sym: Symbol): nir.Local = exits(sym)
def resolveExit(label: Labeled): nir.Local = exits(label.bind.symbol)
def enterExitType(local: nir.Local, exitType: nir.Type): Unit =
exitTypes += local -> exitType
def resolveExitType(local: nir.Local): nir.Type = exitTypes(local)
class MethodEnv(val fresh: nir.Fresh) {
private val env = mutable.Map.empty[Symbol, nir.Val]
def enter(sym: Symbol, value: nir.Val): Unit = env += sym -> value
def enterLabel(ld: Labeled): nir.Local = {
val local = fresh()
enter(ld.bind.symbol, nir.Val.Local(local, nir.Type.Ptr))
def resolve(sym: Symbol): Val = env(sym)
def resolveLabel(ld: Labeled): Local = {
val Val.Local(n, Type.Ptr) = resolve(ld.bind.symbol): @unchecked
class CollectMethodInfo extends TreeTraverser {
var mutableVars = Set.empty[Symbol]
var labels = Set.empty[Labeled]
override def traverse(tree: Tree)(using Context): Unit = {
tree match {
case label: Labeled =>
labels += label
case Assign(ident: Ident, _) =>
desugarIdent(ident) match {
case id: Ident => mutableVars += id.symbol
case _ => ()
case _ => ()
def collect(tree: Tree): CollectMethodInfo = {
end NirCodeGen
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