scala.scalanative.nscplugin.NirGenExpr.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package scala.scalanative.nscplugin
import scala.language.implicitConversions
import scala.annotation.tailrec
import dotty.tools.dotc.ast
import ast.tpd._
import ast.TreeInfo._
import dotty.tools.backend.ScalaPrimitivesOps._
import dotty.tools.dotc.core
import core.Contexts._
import core.Symbols._
import core.Names._
import core.Types._
import core.Constants._
import core.StdNames._
import core.Flags._
import core.Denotations._
import core.SymDenotations._
import core.TypeErasure.ErasedValueType
import core._
import dotty.tools.FatalError
import dotty.tools.dotc.report
import dotty.tools.dotc.transform
import transform.{ValueClasses, Erasure}
import dotty.tools.backend.jvm.DottyBackendInterface.symExtensions
import scala.scalanative.nscplugin.CompilerCompat.SymUtilsCompat.*
import scala.collection.mutable
import scala.scalanative.nir
import nir._
import scala.scalanative.util.ScopedVar.scoped
import scala.scalanative.util.unsupported
import scala.scalanative.util.StringUtils
import dotty.tools.dotc.ast.desugar
trait NirGenExpr(using Context) {
self: NirCodeGen =>
import positionsConversions.fromSpan
sealed case class ValTree(value: nir.Val) extends Tree
sealed case class ContTree(f: () => nir.Val) extends Tree
class ExprBuffer(using fresh: Fresh) extends FixupBuffer {
buf =>
def genExpr(tree: Tree): Val = {
tree match {
case EmptyTree => Val.Unit
case ValTree(value) => value
case ContTree(f) => f()
case tree: Apply =>
val updatedTree = lazyValsAdapter.transformApply(tree)
case tree: Assign => genAssign(tree)
case tree: Block => genBlock(tree)
case tree: Closure => genClosure(tree)
case tree: Labeled => genLabelDef(tree)
case tree: Ident => genIdent(tree)
case tree: If => genIf(tree)
case tree: JavaSeqLiteral => genJavaSeqLiteral(tree)
case tree: Literal => genLiteral(tree)
case tree: Match => genMatch(tree)
case tree: Return => genReturn(tree)
case tree: Select => genSelect(tree)
case tree: This => genThis(tree)
case tree: Try => genTry(tree)
case tree: Typed => genTyped(tree)
case tree: TypeApply => genTypeApply(tree)
case tree: ValDef => genValDef(tree)
case tree: WhileDo => genWhileDo(tree)
case _ =>
throw FatalError(
s"""Unexpected tree in genExpr: `${tree}`
def genApply(app: Apply): Val = {
given nir.Position = app.span
val Apply(fun, args) = app
val sym = fun.symbol
def isStatic = sym.owner.isStaticOwner
def qualifier = qualifierOf(fun)
fun match {
case _: TypeApply => genApplyTypeApply(app)
case Select(Super(_, _), _) =>
statically = true,
case Select(New(_), nme.CONSTRUCTOR) =>
case _ if sym == defn.newArrayMethod =>
val Seq(
Literal(componentType: Constant),
SeqLiteral(dimensions, _)
) = args: @unchecked
if (dimensions.size == 1)
val length = genExpr(dimensions.head)
buf.arrayalloc(genType(componentType.typeValue), length, unwind)
else genApplyMethod(sym, statically = isStatic, qualifier, args)
case _ =>
if (nirPrimitives.isPrimitive(fun)) genApplyPrimitive(app)
else if (Erasure.Boxing.isBox(sym))
val arg = args.head
genApplyBox(arg.tpe, arg)
else if (Erasure.Boxing.isUnbox(sym))
genApplyUnbox(app.tpe, args.head)
else genApplyMethod(sym, statically = isStatic, qualifier, args)
def genAssign(tree: Assign): Val = {
val Assign(lhsp, rhsp) = tree
given nir.Position = tree.span
desugarTree(lhsp) match {
case sel @ Select(qualp, _) =>
def rhs = genExpr(rhsp)
val sym = sel.symbol
val name = genFieldName(sym)
if (sym.isExtern) {
// Ignore intrinsic call to extern in class constructor
// It would always present and would lead to undefined behaviour otherwise
val shouldIgnoreAssign =
curMethodSym.get.isClassConstructor &&
rhsp.symbol == defnNir.UnsafePackage_extern
if (shouldIgnoreAssign) Val.Unit
else {
val externTy = genExternType(sel.tpe)
genStoreExtern(externTy, sym, rhs)
} else {
val qual =
if (sym.isStaticMember) genModule(qualp.symbol)
else genExpr(qualp)
val ty = genType(sel.tpe)
buf.fieldstore(ty, qual, name, rhs, unwind)
case id: Ident =>
val rhs = genExpr(rhsp)
val slot = curMethodEnv.resolve(id.symbol)
buf.varstore(slot, rhs, unwind)
def genBlock(block: Block): Val = {
val Block(stats, last) = block
def isCaseLabelDef(tree: Tree) =
tree.isInstanceOf[Labeled] && tree.symbol.isAllOf(SyntheticCase)
def translateMatch(last: Labeled) = {
val (prologue, cases) = stats.span(!isCaseLabelDef(_))
val labels = cases.asInstanceOf[List[Labeled]]
genMatch(prologue, labels :+ last)
last match {
case label: Labeled if isCaseLabelDef(label) =>
case Apply(
TypeApply(Select(label: Labeled, nme.asInstanceOf_), _),
) if isCaseLabelDef(label) =>
case _ =>
// Scala Native does not have any special treatment for closures.
// We reimplement the anonymous class generation which was originally used on
// Scala 2.11 and earlier.
// Each anonymous function gets a generated class for it,
// similarly to closure encoding on Scala 2.11 and earlier:
// class AnonFunX extends java.lang.Object with FunctionalInterface {
// var capture1: T1
// ...
// var captureN: TN
// def (this, v1: T1, ..., vN: TN): Unit = {
// java.lang.Object.(this)
// this.capture1 = v1
// ...
// this.captureN = vN
// }
// def samMethod(param1: Tp1, ..., paramK: TpK): Tret = {
// EnclsoingClass.this.staticMethod(param1, ..., paramK, this.capture1, ..., this.captureN)
// }
// }
// Bridges might require multiple samMethod variants to be created.
def genClosure(tree: Closure): Val = {
given nir.Position = tree.span
val Closure(env, fun, functionalInterface) = tree
val treeTpe = tree.tpe.typeSymbol
val funSym = fun.symbol
val funInterfaceSym = functionalInterface.tpe.typeSymbol
val isFunction =
!funInterfaceSym.exists || defn.isFunctionClass(funInterfaceSym)
val anonClassName = {
val Global.Top(className) = genTypeName(curClassSym)
val suffix = "$$Lambda$" + curClassFresh.get.apply().id
nir.Global.Top(className + suffix)
val isStaticCall = funSym.isStaticInNIR
val allCaptureValues =
if (isStaticCall) env
else qualifierOf(fun) :: env
val captureSyms = allCaptureValues.map(_.symbol)
val captureTypesAndNames = {
(tree, idx) <- allCaptureValues.zipWithIndex
tpe = tree match {
case This(iden) => genType(fun.symbol.owner)
case _ => genType(tree.tpe)
name = anonClassName.member(nir.Sig.Field(s"capture$idx"))
yield (tpe, name)
val (captureTypes, captureNames) = captureTypesAndNames.unzip
def genAnonymousClass: nir.Defn = {
val traits =
if (functionalInterface.isEmpty) genTypeName(treeTpe) :: Nil
else {
val parents = funInterfaceSym.info.parents
genTypeName(funInterfaceSym) +: parents.collect {
case tpe if tpe.typeSymbol.isTraitOrInterface =>
attrs = Attrs.None,
name = anonClassName,
parent = Some(nir.Rt.Object.name),
traits = traits
def genCaptureFields: List[nir.Defn] = {
for (tpe, name) <- captureTypesAndNames
yield nir.Defn.Var(
attrs = Attrs.None,
name = name,
ty = tpe,
rhs = Val.Zero(tpe)
val ctorName = anonClassName.member(Sig.Ctor(captureTypes))
val ctorTy = nir.Type.Function(
Type.Ref(anonClassName) +: captureTypes,
def genAnonymousClassCtor: nir.Defn = {
val body = {
val fresh = Fresh()
val buf = new nir.Buffer()(fresh)
val superTy = nir.Type.Function(Seq(Rt.Object), Type.Unit)
val superName = Rt.Object.name.member(Sig.Ctor(Seq.empty))
val superCtor = Val.Global(superName, Type.Ptr)
val self = Val.Local(fresh(), Type.Ref(anonClassName))
val captureFormals = captureTypes.map(Val.Local(fresh(), _))
buf.label(fresh(), self +: captureFormals)
buf.call(superTy, superCtor, Seq(self), Next.None)
captureNames.zip(captureFormals).foreach { (name, capture) =>
buf.fieldstore(capture.ty, self, name, capture, Next.None)
nir.Defn.Define(Attrs.None, ctorName, ctorTy, body)
def resolveAnonClassMethods: List[Symbol] = {
val samMethods =
if (funInterfaceSym.exists) funInterfaceSym.info.possibleSamMethods
else treeTpe.info.possibleSamMethods
def genAnonClassMethod(sym: Symbol): nir.Defn = {
val Global.Member(_, funSig) = genName(sym): @unchecked
val Sig.Method(_, sigTypes :+ retType, _) = funSig.unmangled: @unchecked
val selfType = Type.Ref(anonClassName)
val methodName = anonClassName.member(funSig)
val paramTypes = selfType +: sigTypes
val paramSyms = funSym.paramSymss.flatten
def genBody = {
given fresh: Fresh = Fresh()
given buf: ExprBuffer = new ExprBuffer()
curFresh := fresh,
curExprBuffer := buf,
curMethodEnv := MethodEnv(fresh),
curMethodLabels := MethodLabelsEnv(fresh),
curMethodInfo := CollectMethodInfo(),
curUnwindHandler := None
) {
val self = Val.Local(fresh(), selfType)
val params = sigTypes.map(Val.Local(fresh(), _))
buf.label(fresh(), self +: params)
// At this point, the type parameter symbols are all Objects.
// We need to transform them, so that their type conforms to
// what the apply method expects:
// - values that can be unboxed, are unboxed
// - otherwise, the value is cast to the appropriate type
val paramVals =
for (param, sym) <- params.zip(paramSyms)
yield ensureUnboxed(param, sym.info.finalResultType)
val captureVals =
for (sym, (tpe, name)) <- captureSyms.zip(captureTypesAndNames)
yield buf.fieldload(tpe, self, name, unwind)
val allVals = (captureVals ++ paramVals).toList.map(ValTree(_))
val res = if (isStaticCall) {
scoped(curMethodThis := None) {
} else {
val thisVal :: argVals = allVals: @unchecked
scoped(curMethodThis := Some(thisVal.value)) {
statically = false,
val retValue =
if (retType == res.ty) res
// Get the result type of the lambda after erasure, when entering posterasure.
// This allows to recover the correct type in case value classes are involved.
// In that case, the type will be an ErasedValueType.
buf.ensureBoxed(res, funSym.info.finalResultType)
Type.Function(paramTypes, retType),
def genAnonymousClassMethods: List[nir.Defn] =
generatedDefns ++= {
genAnonymousClass ::
genAnonymousClassCtor ::
genCaptureFields :::
def allocateClosure() = {
val alloc = buf.classalloc(anonClassName, unwind)
val captures = allCaptureValues.map(genExpr)
Val.Global(ctorName, Type.Ptr),
alloc +: captures,
def genIdent(tree: Ident): Val =
desugarIdent(tree) match {
case Ident(_) =>
val sym = tree.symbol
given nir.Position = tree.span
if (curMethodInfo.mutableVars.contains(sym))
buf.varload(curMethodEnv.resolve(sym), unwind)
else if (sym.is(Module))
else curMethodEnv.resolve(sym)
case desuaged: Select =>
case tree =>
throw FatalError(s"Unsupported desugared ident tree: $tree")
def genIf(tree: If): Val = {
given nir.Position = tree.span
val If(cond, thenp, elsep) = tree
def isUnitType(tpe: Types.Type) =
tpe =:= defn.UnitType || defn.isBoxedUnitClass(tpe.sym)
val retty =
if (isUnitType(thenp.tpe) || isUnitType(elsep.tpe)) nir.Type.Unit
else genType(tree.tpe)
genIf(retty, cond, thenp, elsep)
def genIf(
retty: nir.Type,
condp: Tree,
thenp: Tree,
elsep: Tree,
ensureLinktime: Boolean = false
): Val = {
val thenn, elsen, mergen = fresh()
val mergev = Val.Local(fresh(), retty)
locally {
given nir.Position = condp.span
getLinktimeCondition(condp) match {
case Some(cond) =>
curMethodUsesLinktimeResolvedValues = true
buf.branchLinktime(cond, Next(thenn), Next(elsen))
case None =>
if ensureLinktime then
"Cannot resolve given condition in linktime, it might be depending on runtime value",
val cond = genExpr(condp)
buf.branch(cond, Next(thenn), Next(elsen))(using condp.span)
locally {
given nir.Position = thenp.span
val thenv = genExpr(thenp)
buf.jumpExcludeUnitValue(retty)(mergen, thenv)
locally {
given nir.Position = elsep.span
val elsev = genExpr(elsep)
buf.jumpExcludeUnitValue(retty)(mergen, elsev)
buf.labelExcludeUnitValue(mergen, mergev)
def genJavaSeqLiteral(tree: JavaSeqLiteral): Val = {
val JavaArrayType(elemTpe) = tree.tpe: @unchecked
val arrayLength = Val.Int(tree.elems.length)
val elems = tree.elems
val elemty = genType(elemTpe)
val values = genSimpleArgs(elems)
given nir.Position = tree.span
if (values.forall(_.isCanonical) && values.exists(v => !v.isZero))
buf.arrayalloc(elemty, Val.ArrayValue(elemty, values), unwind)
val alloc = buf.arrayalloc(elemty, Val.Int(values.length), unwind)
for (v, i) <- values.zipWithIndex if !v.isZero do
given nir.Position = elems(i).span
buf.arraystore(elemty, alloc, Val.Int(i), v, unwind)
def genLabelDef(label: Labeled): Val = {
given nir.Position = label.span
val Labeled(bind, body) = label
assert(bind.body == EmptyTree, "non-empty Labeled bind body")
val (labelEntry, labelExit) = curMethodLabels.enterLabel(label)
val labelExitParam = Val.Local(fresh(), genType(bind.tpe))
curMethodLabels.enterExitType(labelExit, labelExitParam.ty)
buf.label(labelEntry, Nil)
buf.labelExcludeUnitValue(labelExit, labelExitParam)
def genLiteral(lit: Literal): Val = {
given nir.Position = lit.span
val value = lit.const
value.tag match {
case ClazzTag => genTypeValue(value.typeValue)
case _ => genLiteralValue(lit)
private def genLiteralValue(lit: Literal): Val = {
val value = lit.const
value.tag match {
case UnitTag => Val.Unit
case NullTag => Val.Null
case BooleanTag => if (value.booleanValue) Val.True else Val.False
case ByteTag => Val.Byte(value.intValue.toByte)
case ShortTag => Val.Short(value.intValue.toShort)
case CharTag => Val.Char(value.intValue.toChar)
case IntTag => Val.Int(value.intValue)
case LongTag => Val.Long(value.longValue)
case FloatTag => Val.Float(value.floatValue)
case DoubleTag => Val.Double(value.doubleValue)
case StringTag => Val.String(value.stringValue)
def genMatch(m: Match): Val = {
given nir.Position = m.span
val Match(scrutp, allcaseps) = m
case class Case(
name: Local,
value: Val,
tree: Tree,
position: nir.Position
// Extract switch cases and assign unique names to them.
val caseps: Seq[Case] = allcaseps.flatMap {
case CaseDef(Ident(nme.WILDCARD), _, _) =>
case cd @ CaseDef(pat, guard, body) =>
assert(guard.isEmpty, "CaseDef guard was not empty")
val vals: Seq[Val] = pat match {
case lit: Literal =>
case Alternative(alts) =>
alts.map {
case lit: Literal => genLiteralValue(lit)
case _ =>
vals.map(Case(fresh(), _, body, cd.span: nir.Position))
// Extract default case.
val defaultp: Tree = allcaseps.collectFirst {
case c @ CaseDef(Ident(nme.WILDCARD), _, body) => body
val retty = genType(m.tpe)
val scrut = genExpr(scrutp)
// Generate code for the switch and its cases.
def genSwitch(): Val = {
// Generate some more fresh names and types.
val casenexts = caseps.map { case Case(n, v, _, _) => Next.Case(v, n) }
val defaultnext = Next(fresh())
val merge = fresh()
val mergev = Val.Local(fresh(), retty)
val defaultCasePos: nir.Position = defaultp.span
// Generate code for the switch and its cases.
val scrut = genExpr(scrutp)
buf.switch(scrut, defaultnext, casenexts)
buf.label(defaultnext.name)(using defaultCasePos)
buf.jumpExcludeUnitValue(retty)(merge, genExpr(defaultp))(using
caseps.foreach {
case Case(n, _, expr, pos) =>
given nir.Position = pos
val caseres = genExpr(expr)
buf.jumpExcludeUnitValue(retty)(merge, caseres)
buf.labelExcludeUnitValue(merge, mergev)
def genIfsChain(): Val = {
/* Default label needs to be generated before any others and then added to
* current MethodEnv. It's label might be referenced in any of them in
* case of match with guards, eg.:
* "Hello, World!" match {
* case "Hello" if cond1 => "foo"
* case "World" if cond2 => "bar"
* case _ if cond3 => "bar-baz"
* case _ => "baz-bar"
* }
* might be translated to something like:
* val x1 = "Hello, World!"
* if(x1 == "Hello"){ if(cond1) "foo" else default4() }
* else if (x1 == "World"){ if(cond2) "bar" else default4() }
* else default4()
* def default4() = if(cond3) "bar-baz" else "baz-bar
* We need to make sure to only generate LabelDef at this stage.
* Generating other ASTs and mutating state might lead to unexpected
* runtime errors.
val optDefaultLabel = defaultp match {
case label: Labeled => Some(genLabelDef(label))
case _ => None
def loop(cases: List[Case]): Val = {
cases match {
case Case(_, caze, body, p) :: elsep =>
given nir.Position = p
val cond =
leftp = ValTree(scrut),
rightp = ValTree(caze),
ref = false,
negated = false
retty = retty,
condp = ValTree(cond),
thenp = ContTree(() => genExpr(body)),
elsep = ContTree(() => loop(elsep))
case Nil => optDefaultLabel.getOrElse(genExpr(defaultp))
/* Since 2.13 we need to enforce that only Int switch cases reach backend
* For all other cases we're generating If-else chain */
val isIntMatch = scrut.ty == Type.Int &&
caseps.forall(_._2.ty == Type.Int)
if (isIntMatch) genSwitch()
else genIfsChain()
private def genMatch(prologue: List[Tree], lds: List[Labeled]): Val = {
// Generate prologue expressions.
// Enter symbols for all labels and jump to the first one.
val firstLd = lds.head
given nir.Position = firstLd.span
// Generate code for all labels and return value of the last one.
def genModule(sym: Symbol)(using nir.Position): Val = {
val moduleSym = if (sym.isTerm) sym.moduleClass else sym
val name = genModuleName(moduleSym)
buf.module(name, unwind)
def genReturn(tree: Return): Val = {
val Return(exprp, from) = tree
given nir.Position = tree.span
val rhs = genExpr(exprp)
val fromSym = from.symbol
val label = Option.when(fromSym.is(Label)) {
genReturn(rhs, label)
def genReturn(value: Val, from: Option[Local] = None)(using
pos: nir.Position
): Val = {
val retv =
if (curMethodIsExtern.get)
val Type.Function(_, retty) = genExternMethodSig(curMethodSym)
toExtern(retty, value)
else value
from match {
case Some(label) =>
val retty = curMethodLabels.resolveExitType(label)
buf.jumpExcludeUnitValue(retty)(label, retv)
case _ if retv.ty == Type.Unit => buf.ret(Val.Unit)
case _ => buf.ret(retv)
def genSelect(tree: Select): Val = {
given nir.Position = tree.span
val Select(qualp, selp) = tree
val sym = tree.symbol
val owner = sym.owner
if (sym.is(Module)) genModule(sym)
else if (sym.isStaticInNIR && !sym.isExtern)
genStaticMember(sym, qualp.symbol)
else if (sym.is(Method))
genApplyMethod(sym, statically = false, qualp, Seq.empty)
else if (owner.isStruct) {
val index = owner.info.decls.filter(_.isField).toList.indexOf(sym)
val qual = genExpr(qualp)
buf.extract(qual, Seq(index), unwind)
} else {
val ty = genType(tree.tpe)
val qual =
if (sym.isStaticMember) genModule(owner)
else genExpr(qualp)
val name = genFieldName(tree.symbol)
if (sym.isExtern) {
val externTy = genExternType(tree.tpe)
genLoadExtern(ty, externTy, tree.symbol)
} else {
buf.fieldload(ty, qual, name, unwind)
def genThis(tree: This): Val = {
given nir.Position = tree.span
val sym = tree.symbol
def currentThis = curMethodThis.get
def currentClass = curClassSym.get
def currentMethod = curMethodSym.get
def canUseCurrentThis = currentThis.nonEmpty &&
(sym == currentClass || currentMethod.owner == currentClass)
val canLoadAsModule =
sym != currentClass &&
sym.is(ModuleClass, butNot = Package) ||
if (canLoadAsModule) genModule(sym)
else if (canUseCurrentThis) currentThis.get
s"Cannot resolve `this` instance for ${tree}",
def genTry(tree: Try): Val = tree match {
case Try(expr, catches, finalizer)
if catches.isEmpty && finalizer.isEmpty =>
case Try(expr, catches, finalizer) =>
val retty = genType(tree.tpe)
genTry(retty, expr, catches, finalizer)
private def genTry(
retty: nir.Type,
expr: Tree,
catches: List[Tree],
finallyp: Tree
): Val = {
given nir.Position = expr.span
val handler, excn, normaln, mergen = fresh()
val excv = Val.Local(fresh(), Rt.Object)
val mergev = Val.Local(fresh(), retty)
// Nested code gen to separate out try/catch-related instructions.
val nested = ExprBuffer()
scoped(curUnwindHandler := Some(handler)) {
val res = nested.genExpr(expr)
nested.jumpExcludeUnitValue(retty)(mergen, res)
locally {
nested.label(handler, Seq(excv))
val res = nested.genTryCatch(retty, excv, mergen, catches)
nested.jumpExcludeUnitValue(retty)(mergen, res)
// Append finally to the try/catch instructions and merge them back.
val insts =
if (finallyp.isEmpty) nested.toSeq
else genTryFinally(finallyp, nested.toSeq)
// Append try/catch instructions to the outher instruction buffer.
buf ++= insts
buf.labelExcludeUnitValue(mergen, mergev)
private def genTryCatch(
retty: nir.Type,
exc: Val,
mergen: Local,
catches: List[Tree]
)(using exprPos: nir.Position): Val = {
val cases = catches.map {
case cd @ CaseDef(pat, _, body) =>
val (excty, symopt) = pat match {
case Typed(Ident(nme.WILDCARD), tpt) =>
genType(tpt.tpe) -> None
case Ident(nme.WILDCARD) =>
genType(defn.ThrowableClass.info.resultType) -> None
case Bind(_, _) =>
genType(pat.tpe) -> Some(pat.symbol)
val f = { () =>
symopt.foreach { sym =>
val cast = buf.as(excty, exc, unwind)(cd.span)
curMethodEnv.enter(sym, cast)
val res = genExpr(body)
buf.jumpExcludeUnitValue(retty)(mergen, res)
(excty, f, exprPos)
def wrap(cases: Seq[(nir.Type, () => Val, nir.Position)]): Val =
cases match {
case Seq() =>
buf.raise(exc, unwind)
case (excty, f, pos) +: rest =>
val cond = buf.is(excty, exc, unwind)(pos)
ContTree(() => wrap(rest))
)(using pos)
private def genTryFinally(
finallyp: Tree,
insts: Seq[nir.Inst]
): Seq[Inst] = {
val labels =
insts.collect {
case Inst.Label(n, _) => n
def internal(cf: Inst.Cf) = cf match {
case inst @ Inst.Jump(n) =>
case inst @ Inst.If(_, n1, n2) =>
labels.contains(n1.name) && labels.contains(n2.name)
case inst @ Inst.LinktimeIf(_, n, n2) =>
labels.contains(n.name) && labels.contains(n2.name)
case inst @ Inst.Switch(_, n, ns) =>
labels.contains(n.name) && ns.forall(n => labels.contains(n.name))
case inst @ Inst.Throw(_, n) =>
(n ne Next.None) && labels.contains(n.name)
case _ =>
val finalies = new ExprBuffer
val transformed = insts.map {
case cf: Inst.Cf if internal(cf) =>
// We don't touch control-flow within try/catch block.
case cf: Inst.Cf =>
// All control-flow edges that jump outside the try/catch block
// must first go through finally block if it's present. We generate
// a new copy of the finally handler for every edge.
val finallyn = fresh()
val res = finalies.genExpr(finallyp)
finalies += cf
// The original jump outside goes through finally block first.
case inst =>
transformed ++ finalies.toSeq
def genTyped(tree: Typed): Val = tree match {
case Typed(Super(_, _), _) => curMethodThis.get.get
case Typed(expr, _) => genExpr(expr)
def genTypeApply(tree: TypeApply): Val = {
given nir.Position = tree.span
val TypeApply(fun @ Select(receiverp, _), targs) = tree: @unchecked
val funSym = fun.symbol
val fromty = genType(receiverp.tpe)
val toty = genType(targs.head.tpe)
def boxty = genBoxType(targs.head.tpe)
val value = genExpr(receiverp)
def boxed = boxValue(receiverp.tpe, value)(using receiverp.span)
if (funSym == defn.Any_isInstanceOf) buf.is(boxty, boxed, unwind)
else if (funSym == defn.Any_asInstanceOf)
(fromty, toty) match {
case _ if boxed.ty == boxty =>
case (_: Type.PrimitiveKind, _: Type.PrimitiveKind) =>
genCoercion(value, fromty, toty)
case (_, Type.Nothing) =>
val isNullL, notNullL = fresh()
val isNull = buf.comp(Comp.Ieq, boxed.ty, boxed, Val.Null, unwind)
buf.branch(isNull, Next(isNullL), Next(notNullL))
buf.raise(Val.Null, unwind)
buf.as(Rt.RuntimeNothing, boxed, unwind)
case _ =>
val cast = buf.as(boxty, boxed, unwind)
unboxValue(tree.tpe, partial = true, cast)
else {
report.error("Unkown case genTypeApply: " + funSym, tree.sourcePos)
def genValDef(vd: ValDef): Val = {
given nir.Position = vd.span
val rhs = genExpr(vd.rhs)
val isMutable = curMethodInfo.mutableVars.contains(vd.symbol)
if (vd.symbol.isExtern)
checkExplicitReturnTypeAnnotation(vd, "extern field")
if (isMutable)
val slot = curMethodEnv.resolve(vd.symbol)
buf.varstore(slot, rhs, unwind)
curMethodEnv.enter(vd.symbol, rhs)
def genWhileDo(wd: WhileDo): Val = {
val WhileDo(cond, body) = wd
val condLabel, bodyLabel, exitLabel = fresh()
locally {
given nir.Position = wd.span
locally {
given nir.Position = cond.span
val genCond =
if (cond == EmptyTree) nir.Val.Bool(true)
else genExpr(cond)
buf.branch(genCond, Next(bodyLabel), Next(exitLabel))
locally {
given nir.Position = body.span
val _ = genExpr(body)
buf.jump(condLabel, Nil)
locally {
given nir.Position = wd.span.endPos
buf.label(exitLabel, Seq.empty)
if (cond == EmptyTree) Val.Zero(genType(defn.NothingClass))
else Val.Unit
private def genApplyBox(st: SimpleType, argp: Tree): Val = {
given nir.Position = argp.span
val value = genExpr(argp)
buf.box(genBoxType(st), value, unwind)
private def genApplyUnbox(st: SimpleType, argp: Tree)(using
): Val = {
val value = genExpr(argp)
value.ty match {
case _: scalanative.nir.Type.I | _: scalanative.nir.Type.F =>
// No need for unboxing, fixing some slack generated by the general
// purpose Scala compiler.
case _ =>
buf.unbox(genBoxType(st), value, unwind)
private def genApplyPrimitive(app: Apply): Val = {
import NirPrimitives._
import dotty.tools.backend.ScalaPrimitivesOps._
given nir.Position = app.span
val Apply(fun, args) = app
val Select(receiver, _) = desugarTree(fun): @unchecked
val sym = app.symbol
val code = nirPrimitives.getPrimitive(app, receiver.tpe)
if (isArithmeticOp(code) || isLogicalOp(code) || isComparisonOp(code))
genSimpleOp(app, receiver :: args, code)
else if (code == THROW) genThrow(app, args)
else if (code == CONCAT) genStringConcat(receiver, args.head)
else if (code == HASH) genHashCode(args.head)
else if (code == BOXED_UNIT) Val.Unit
else if (code == SYNCHRONIZED) genSynchronized(receiver, args.head)
else if (isArrayOp(code) || code == ARRAY_CLONE) genArrayOp(app, code)
else if (isCoercion(code)) genCoercion(app, receiver, code)
else if (NirPrimitives.isRawPtrOp(code)) genRawPtrOp(app, code)
else if (NirPrimitives.isRawCastOp(code)) genRawCastOp(app, code)
else if (NirPrimitives.isUnsignedOp(code)) genUnsignedOp(app, code)
else if (code == CFUNCPTR_APPLY) genCFuncPtrApply(app)
else if (code == CFUNCPTR_FROM_FUNCTION) genCFuncFromScalaFunction(app)
else if (code == STACKALLOC) genStackalloc(app)
else if (code == CQUOTE) genCQuoteOp(app)
else if (code == CLASS_FIELD_RAWPTR) genClassFieldRawPtr(app)
// scala.reflect.Selectable.selectDynamic
genReflectiveCall(app, isSelectDynamic = true)
// scala.reflect.Selectable.applyDynamic
genReflectiveCall(app, isSelectDynamic = false)
else {
s"Unknown primitive operation: ${sym.fullName}(${fun.symbol.showName})",
private def genApplyTypeApply(app: Apply): Val = {
val Apply(tApply @ TypeApply(fun, targs), argsp) = app: @unchecked
val Select(receiverp, _) = desugarTree(fun): @unchecked
given nir.Position = fun.span
val funSym = fun.symbol
val value = genExpr(receiverp)
def boxed = boxValue(receiverp.tpe, value)(using receiverp.span)
if (funSym == defn.Object_synchronized)
assert(argsp.size == 1, "synchronized with wrong number of args")
genSynchronized(ValTree(boxed), argsp.head)
else genTypeApply(tApply)
private def genApplyNew(app: Apply): Val = {
val Apply(fun @ Select(New(tpt), nme.CONSTRUCTOR), args) = app: @unchecked
given nir.Position = app.span
fromType(tpt.tpe) match {
case st if st.sym.isStruct =>
genApplyNewStruct(st, args)
case SimpleType(cls, Seq()) =>
val ctor = fun.symbol
"'new' call to non-constructor: " + ctor.name
genApplyNew(cls, ctor, args)
case SimpleType(sym, targs) =>
unsupported(s"unexpected new: $sym with targs $targs")
private def genApplyNewStruct(st: SimpleType, argsp: Seq[Tree]): Val = {
val ty = genType(st)
val args = genSimpleArgs(argsp)
var res: Val = Val.Zero(ty)
for ((arg, argp), idx) <- args.zip(argsp).zipWithIndex
given nir.Position = argp.span
res = buf.insert(res, arg, Seq(idx), unwind)
private def genApplyNew(clssym: Symbol, ctorsym: Symbol, args: List[Tree])(
using nir.Position
): Val = {
val alloc = buf.classalloc(genTypeName(clssym), unwind)
val call = genApplyMethod(ctorsym, statically = true, alloc, args)
def genApplyModuleMethod(
module: Symbol,
method: Symbol,
args: Seq[Tree]
): Val = {
val self = genModule(module)
genApplyMethod(method, statically = true, self, args)
def genApplyMethod(
sym: Symbol,
statically: Boolean,
selfp: Tree,
argsp: Seq[Tree]
)(using nir.Position): Val = {
if (sym.isExtern && sym.is(Accessor)) genApplyExternAccessor(sym, argsp)
else if (sym.isStaticInNIR && !sym.isExtern)
genApplyStaticMethod(sym, selfp.symbol, argsp)
val self = genExpr(selfp)
genApplyMethod(sym, statically, self, argsp)
private def genApplyMethod(
sym: Symbol,
statically: Boolean,
self: Val,
argsp: Seq[Tree]
)(using nir.Position): Val = {
assert(!sym.isStaticMethod, sym)
val owner = sym.owner.asClass
val name = genMethodName(sym)
val isExtern = sym.isExtern
val origSig = genMethodSig(sym)
val sig =
if isExtern then genExternMethodSig(sym)
else origSig
val args = genMethodArgs(sym, argsp)
val isStaticCall = statically || owner.isStruct || isExtern
val method =
if (isStaticCall) Val.Global(name, nir.Type.Ptr)
val Global.Member(_, sig) = name: @unchecked
buf.method(self, sig, unwind)
val values =
if isExtern then args
else self +: args
val res = buf.call(sig, method, values, unwind)
if !isExtern then res
else {
val Type.Function(_, retty) = origSig
fromExtern(retty, res)
def genApplyStaticMethod(
sym: Symbol,
receiver: Symbol,
argsp: Seq[Tree]
)(using nir.Position): Val = {
require(!sym.isExtern, sym)
val sig = genMethodSig(sym)
val args = genMethodArgs(sym, argsp)
val methodName = genStaticMemberName(sym, receiver)
val method = Val.Global(methodName, nir.Type.Ptr)
buf.call(sig, method, args, unwind)
private def genApplyExternAccessor(sym: Symbol, argsp: Seq[Tree])(using
): Val = {
argsp match {
case Seq() =>
val ty = genMethodSig(sym).ret
val externTy = genExternMethodSig(sym).ret
genLoadExtern(ty, externTy, sym)
case Seq(valuep) =>
val externTy = genExternType(valuep.tpe)
genStoreExtern(externTy, sym, genExpr(valuep))
// Utils
private def boxValue(st: SimpleType, value: Val)(using
): Val = {
if (st.sym.isUnsignedType)
else if (genPrimCode(st) == 'O') value
else genApplyBox(st, ValTree(value))
private def unboxValue(st: SimpleType, partial: Boolean, value: Val)(using
): Val = {
if (st.sym.isUnsignedType) {
// Results of asInstanceOfs are partially unboxed, meaning
// that non-standard value types remain to be boxed.
if (partial) value
} else if (genPrimCode(st) == 'O') value
else genApplyUnbox(st, ValTree(value))
private def genSimpleOp(app: Apply, args: List[Tree], code: Int): Val = {
given nir.Position = app.span
val retty = genType(app.tpe)
args match {
case List(right) => genUnaryOp(code, right, retty)
case List(left, right) => genBinaryOp(code, left, right, retty)
case _ =>
s"Too many arguments for primitive function: $app",
private def negateBool(value: nir.Val)(using nir.Position): Val =
buf.bin(Bin.Xor, Type.Bool, Val.True, value, unwind)
private def genUnaryOp(code: Int, rightp: Tree, opty: nir.Type): Val = {
given nir.Position = rightp.span
val right = genExpr(rightp)
val coerced = genCoercion(right, right.ty, opty)
val tpe = coerced.ty
def numOfType(num: Int, ty: nir.Type): Val = ty match {
case Type.Byte => Val.Byte(num.toByte)
case Type.Short | Type.Char => Val.Short(num.toShort)
case Type.Int => Val.Int(num)
case Type.Long => Val.Long(num.toLong)
case Type.Float => Val.Float(num.toFloat)
case Type.Double => Val.Double(num.toDouble)
case _ => unsupported(s"num = $num, ty = ${ty.show}")
(opty, code) match {
case (_: Type.I | _: Type.F, POS) => coerced
case (_: Type.I, NOT) =>
buf.bin(Bin.Xor, tpe, numOfType(-1, tpe), coerced, unwind)
case (_: Type.F, NEG) =>
buf.bin(Bin.Fmul, tpe, numOfType(-1, tpe), coerced, unwind)
case (_: Type.I, NEG) =>
buf.bin(Bin.Isub, tpe, numOfType(0, tpe), coerced, unwind)
case (Type.Bool, ZNOT) => negateBool(coerced)
case _ =>
report.error(s"Unknown unary operation code: $code", rightp.sourcePos)
private def genBinaryOp(
code: Int,
left: Tree,
right: Tree,
retty: nir.Type
)(using nir.Position): Val = {
val lty = genType(left.tpe)
val rty = genType(right.tpe)
val opty = {
if (isShiftOp(code))
if (lty == nir.Type.Long) nir.Type.Long
else nir.Type.Int
binaryOperationType(lty, rty)
def genOp(op: (nir.Type, Val, Val) => Op): Val = {
val leftcoerced = genCoercion(genExpr(left), lty, opty)(using left.span)
val rightcoerced =
genCoercion(genExpr(right), rty, opty)(using right.span)
buf.let(op(opty, leftcoerced, rightcoerced), unwind)(using left.span)
val binres = opty match {
case _: Type.F =>
code match {
case ADD => genOp(Op.Bin(Bin.Fadd, _, _, _))
case SUB => genOp(Op.Bin(Bin.Fsub, _, _, _))
case MUL => genOp(Op.Bin(Bin.Fmul, _, _, _))
case DIV => genOp(Op.Bin(Bin.Fdiv, _, _, _))
case MOD => genOp(Op.Bin(Bin.Frem, _, _, _))
case EQ => genOp(Op.Comp(Comp.Feq, _, _, _))
case NE => genOp(Op.Comp(Comp.Fne, _, _, _))
case LT => genOp(Op.Comp(Comp.Flt, _, _, _))
case LE => genOp(Op.Comp(Comp.Fle, _, _, _))
case GT => genOp(Op.Comp(Comp.Fgt, _, _, _))
case GE => genOp(Op.Comp(Comp.Fge, _, _, _))
case _ =>
s"Unknown floating point type binary operation code: $code",
case Type.Bool | _: Type.I =>
code match {
case ADD => genOp(Op.Bin(Bin.Iadd, _, _, _))
case SUB => genOp(Op.Bin(Bin.Isub, _, _, _))
case MUL => genOp(Op.Bin(Bin.Imul, _, _, _))
case DIV => genOp(Op.Bin(Bin.Sdiv, _, _, _))
case MOD => genOp(Op.Bin(Bin.Srem, _, _, _))
case OR => genOp(Op.Bin(Bin.Or, _, _, _))
case XOR => genOp(Op.Bin(Bin.Xor, _, _, _))
case AND => genOp(Op.Bin(Bin.And, _, _, _))
case LSL => genOp(Op.Bin(Bin.Shl, _, _, _))
case LSR => genOp(Op.Bin(Bin.Lshr, _, _, _))
case ASR => genOp(Op.Bin(Bin.Ashr, _, _, _))
case EQ => genOp(Op.Comp(Comp.Ieq, _, _, _))
case NE => genOp(Op.Comp(Comp.Ine, _, _, _))
case LT => genOp(Op.Comp(Comp.Slt, _, _, _))
case LE => genOp(Op.Comp(Comp.Sle, _, _, _))
case GT => genOp(Op.Comp(Comp.Sgt, _, _, _))
case GE => genOp(Op.Comp(Comp.Sge, _, _, _))
case ZOR => genIf(retty, left, Literal(Constant(true)), right)
case ZAND => genIf(retty, left, right, Literal(Constant(false)))
case _ =>
s"Unknown integer type binary operation code: $code",
case _: Type.RefKind =>
def genEquals(ref: Boolean, negated: Boolean) = (left, right) match {
// If null is present on either side, we must always
// generate reference equality, regardless of where it
// was called with == or eq. This shortcut is not optional.
case (Literal(Constant(null)), _) | (_, Literal(Constant(null))) =>
genClassEquality(left, right, ref = true, negated = negated)
case _ =>
genClassEquality(left, right, ref = ref, negated = negated)
code match {
case EQ => genEquals(ref = false, negated = false)
case NE => genEquals(ref = false, negated = true)
case ID => genEquals(ref = true, negated = false)
case NI => genEquals(ref = true, negated = true)
case _ =>
s"Unknown reference type binary operation code: $code",
case Type.Ptr =>
code match {
case EQ | ID => genOp(Op.Comp(Comp.Ieq, _, _, _))
case NE | NI => genOp(Op.Comp(Comp.Ine, _, _, _))
case ty =>
s"Unknown binary operation type: $ty",
genCoercion(binres, binres.ty, retty)(using right.span)
private def binaryOperationType(lty: nir.Type, rty: nir.Type) =
(lty, rty) match {
// Bug compatibility with scala/bug/issues/11253
case (Type.Long, Type.Float) => Type.Double
case (nir.Type.Ptr, _: nir.Type.RefKind) => lty
case (_: nir.Type.RefKind, nir.Type.Ptr) => rty
case (nir.Type.Bool, nir.Type.Bool) => nir.Type.Bool
case (nir.Type.I(lwidth, _), nir.Type.I(rwidth, _))
if lwidth < 32 && rwidth < 32 =>
case (nir.Type.I(lwidth, _), nir.Type.I(rwidth, _)) =>
if (lwidth >= rwidth) lty
else rty
case (nir.Type.I(_, _), nir.Type.F(_)) => rty
case (nir.Type.F(_), nir.Type.I(_, _)) => lty
case (nir.Type.F(lwidth), nir.Type.F(rwidth)) =>
if (lwidth >= rwidth) lty
else rty
case (_: nir.Type.RefKind, _: nir.Type.RefKind) => Rt.Object
case (ty1, ty2) if ty1 == ty2 => ty1
case (Type.Nothing, ty) => ty
case (ty, Type.Nothing) => ty
case _ =>
report.error(s"can't perform binary operation between $lty and $rty")
private def genClassEquality(
leftp: Tree,
rightp: Tree,
ref: Boolean,
negated: Boolean
): Val = {
given nir.Position = leftp.span
val left = genExpr(leftp)
if (ref) {
val right = genExpr(rightp)
val comp = if (negated) Comp.Ine else Comp.Ieq
buf.comp(comp, Rt.Object, left, right, unwind)
} else {
val thenn, elsen, mergen = fresh()
val mergev = Val.Local(fresh(), nir.Type.Bool)
val isnull = buf.comp(Comp.Ieq, Rt.Object, left, Val.Null, unwind)
buf.branch(isnull, Next(thenn), Next(elsen))
locally {
val right = genExpr(rightp)
val thenv = buf.comp(Comp.Ieq, Rt.Object, right, Val.Null, unwind)
buf.jump(mergen, Seq(thenv))
locally {
val elsev = genApplyMethod(
statically = false,
buf.jump(mergen, Seq(elsev))
buf.label(mergen, Seq(mergev))
if (negated) negateBool(mergev)
else mergev
def genMethodArgs(sym: Symbol, argsp: Seq[Tree]): Seq[Val] =
if sym.isExtern
then genExternMethodArgs(sym, argsp)
else genSimpleArgs(argsp)
private def genSimpleArgs(argsp: Seq[Tree]): Seq[Val] = argsp.map(genExpr)
private def genExternMethodArgs(sym: Symbol, argsp: Seq[Tree]): Seq[Val] = {
val res = Seq.newBuilder[Val]
val Type.Function(argTypes, _) = genExternMethodSig(sym)
val paramTypes = sym.paramInfo.paramInfoss.flatten
argTypes.size == argsp.size && argTypes.size == paramTypes.size,
"Different number of arguments passed to method signature and apply method"
def genArg(
argp: Tree,
paramTpe: Types.Type,
isVarArg: Boolean = false
): nir.Val = {
given nir.Position = argp.span
given ExprBuffer = buf
val externType = genExternType(paramTpe.finalResultType)
val rawValue = genExpr(argp)
val maybeUnboxed =
if (isVarArg) ensureUnboxed(rawValue, paramTpe.finalResultType)
else rawValue
val value = (maybeUnboxed, Type.box.get(externType)) match {
case (value @ Val.Null, Some(unboxedType)) =>
externType match {
case Type.Ptr | _: Type.RefKind => value
case _ =>
s"Passing null as argument of type ${paramTpe.show} to the extern method is unsafe. " +
s"The argument would be unboxed to primitive value of type $externType.",
case (value, _) => value
toExtern(externType, value)
for ((argp, sigType), paramTpe) <- argsp zip argTypes zip paramTypes
sigType match {
case nir.Type.Vararg =>
argp match {
case Apply(_, List(seqLiteral: JavaSeqLiteral)) =>
for tree <- seqLiteral.elems
given nir.Position = tree.span
val tpe = tree
val arg = genArg(tree, tpe, isVarArg = true)
def isUnsigned = Type.isUnsignedType(genType(tpe))
// Decimal varargs needs to be promoted to at least Int, and Float needs to be promoted to Double
val promotedArg = arg.ty match {
case Type.Float =>
this.genCastOp(Type.Float, Type.Double, arg)
case Type.I(width, _) if width < Type.Int.width =>
val conv =
if (isUnsigned) nir.Conv.Zext
else nir.Conv.Sext
buf.conv(conv, Type.Int, arg, unwind)
case _ => arg
res += promotedArg
case _ =>
"Unable to extract vararg arguments, varargs to extern methods must be passed directly to the applied function",
case _ => res += genArg(argp, paramTpe)
private def genArrayOp(app: Apply, code: Int): Val = {
import NirPrimitives._
import dotty.tools.backend.ScalaPrimitivesOps._
val Apply(Select(arrayp, _), argsp) = app: @unchecked
val Type.Array(elemty, _) = genType(arrayp.tpe): @unchecked
given nir.Position = app.span
def elemcode = genArrayCode(arrayp.tpe)
val array = genExpr(arrayp)
if (code == ARRAY_CLONE)
val method = defnNir.RuntimeArray_clone(elemcode)
genApplyMethod(method, statically = true, array, argsp)
else if (isArrayGet(code))
val idx = genExpr(argsp(0))
buf.arrayload(elemty, array, idx, unwind)
else if (isArraySet(code))
val idx = genExpr(argsp(0))
val value = genExpr(argsp(1))
buf.arraystore(elemty, array, idx, value, unwind)
else buf.arraylength(array, unwind)
private def genHashCode(argp: Tree)(using nir.Position): Val = {
val arg = boxValue(argp.tpe, genExpr(argp))
val isnull =
buf.comp(Comp.Ieq, Rt.Object, arg, Val.Null, unwind)(using
argp.span: nir.Position
val cond = ValTree(isnull)
val thenp = ValTree(Val.Int(0))
val elsep = ContTree { () =>
val meth = defnNir.NObject_hashCode
genApplyMethod(meth, statically = false, arg, Seq.empty)
genIf(Type.Int, cond, thenp, elsep)
private def genStringConcat(leftp: Tree, rightp: Tree): Val = {
def stringify(sym: Symbol, value: Val)(using nir.Position): Val = {
val cond = ContTree { () =>
buf.comp(Comp.Ieq, Rt.Object, value, Val.Null, unwind)
val thenp = ContTree { () => Val.String("null") }
val elsep = ContTree { () =>
if (sym == defn.StringClass) value
else {
val meth = defn.Any_toString
genApplyMethod(meth, statically = false, value, Seq.empty)
genIf(Rt.String, cond, thenp, elsep)
val left = {
given nir.Position = leftp.span
val typesym = leftp.tpe.typeSymbol
val unboxed = genExpr(leftp)
val boxed = boxValue(typesym, unboxed)
stringify(typesym, boxed)
val right = {
given nir.Position = rightp.span
val typesym = rightp.tpe.typeSymbol
val boxed = genExpr(rightp)
stringify(typesym, boxed)
statically = true,
)(using leftp.span: nir.Position)
private def genStaticMember(sym: Symbol, receiver: Symbol)(using
): Val = {
/* Actually, there is no static member in Scala Native. If we come here, that
* is because we found the symbol in a Java-emitted .class in the
* classpath. But the corresponding implementation in Scala Native will
* actually be a val in the companion module.
if (sym == defn.BoxedUnit_UNIT) Val.Unit
else if (sym == defn.BoxedUnit_TYPE) Val.Unit
else genApplyStaticMethod(sym, receiver, Seq.empty)
private def genSynchronized(receiverp: Tree, bodyp: Tree)(using
): Val = {
def genSynchronized(
receiverp: Tree
)(bodyGen: ExprBuffer => Val)(using nir.Position): Val = {
val monitor =
val enter = genApplyMethod(
statically = true,
val ret = bodyGen(this)
val exit = genApplyMethod(
statically = true,
private def genThrow(tree: Tree, args: List[Tree]): Val = {
given nir.Position = tree.span
val exception = args.head
val res = genExpr(exception)
buf.raise(res, unwind)
def genCastOp(from: nir.Type, to: nir.Type, value: Val)(using
): Val =
castConv(from, to).fold(value)(buf.conv(_, to, value, unwind))
private def genCoercion(app: Apply, receiver: Tree, code: Int): Val = {
given nir.Position = app.span
val rec = genExpr(receiver)
val (fromty, toty) = coercionTypes(code)
genCoercion(rec, fromty, toty)
private def genCoercion(value: Val, fromty: nir.Type, toty: nir.Type)(using
): Val = {
if (fromty == toty) value
else if (fromty == nir.Type.Nothing || toty == nir.Type.Nothing) value
else {
val conv = (fromty, toty) match {
case (nir.Type.Ptr, _: nir.Type.RefKind) => Conv.Bitcast
case (_: nir.Type.RefKind, nir.Type.Ptr) => Conv.Bitcast
case (nir.Type.I(fromw, froms), nir.Type.I(tow, tos)) =>
if (fromw < tow)
if (froms) Conv.Sext
else Conv.Zext
else if (fromw > tow) Conv.Trunc
else Conv.Bitcast
case (nir.Type.I(_, true), _: nir.Type.F) => Conv.Sitofp
case (nir.Type.I(_, false), _: nir.Type.F) => Conv.Uitofp
case (_: nir.Type.F, nir.Type.I(iwidth, true)) =>
if (iwidth < 32) {
val ivalue = genCoercion(value, fromty, Type.Int)
return genCoercion(ivalue, Type.Int, toty)
case (_: nir.Type.F, nir.Type.I(iwidth, false)) =>
if (iwidth < 32) {
val ivalue = genCoercion(value, fromty, Type.Int)
return genCoercion(ivalue, Type.Int, toty)
case (nir.Type.Double, nir.Type.Float) => Conv.Fptrunc
case (nir.Type.Float, nir.Type.Double) => Conv.Fpext
case _ =>
s"Unsupported coercion types: from $fromty to $toty"
buf.conv(conv, toty, value, unwind)
private def coercionTypes(code: Int): (nir.Type, nir.Type) = {
code match {
case B2B => (nir.Type.Byte, nir.Type.Byte)
case B2S => (nir.Type.Byte, nir.Type.Short)
case B2C => (nir.Type.Byte, nir.Type.Char)
case B2I => (nir.Type.Byte, nir.Type.Int)
case B2L => (nir.Type.Byte, nir.Type.Long)
case B2F => (nir.Type.Byte, nir.Type.Float)
case B2D => (nir.Type.Byte, nir.Type.Double)
case S2B => (nir.Type.Short, nir.Type.Byte)
case S2S => (nir.Type.Short, nir.Type.Short)
case S2C => (nir.Type.Short, nir.Type.Char)
case S2I => (nir.Type.Short, nir.Type.Int)
case S2L => (nir.Type.Short, nir.Type.Long)
case S2F => (nir.Type.Short, nir.Type.Float)
case S2D => (nir.Type.Short, nir.Type.Double)
case C2B => (nir.Type.Char, nir.Type.Byte)
case C2S => (nir.Type.Char, nir.Type.Short)
case C2C => (nir.Type.Char, nir.Type.Char)
case C2I => (nir.Type.Char, nir.Type.Int)
case C2L => (nir.Type.Char, nir.Type.Long)
case C2F => (nir.Type.Char, nir.Type.Float)
case C2D => (nir.Type.Char, nir.Type.Double)
case I2B => (nir.Type.Int, nir.Type.Byte)
case I2S => (nir.Type.Int, nir.Type.Short)
case I2C => (nir.Type.Int, nir.Type.Char)
case I2I => (nir.Type.Int, nir.Type.Int)
case I2L => (nir.Type.Int, nir.Type.Long)
case I2F => (nir.Type.Int, nir.Type.Float)
case I2D => (nir.Type.Int, nir.Type.Double)
case L2B => (nir.Type.Long, nir.Type.Byte)
case L2S => (nir.Type.Long, nir.Type.Short)
case L2C => (nir.Type.Long, nir.Type.Char)
case L2I => (nir.Type.Long, nir.Type.Int)
case L2L => (nir.Type.Long, nir.Type.Long)
case L2F => (nir.Type.Long, nir.Type.Float)
case L2D => (nir.Type.Long, nir.Type.Double)
case F2B => (nir.Type.Float, nir.Type.Byte)
case F2S => (nir.Type.Float, nir.Type.Short)
case F2C => (nir.Type.Float, nir.Type.Char)
case F2I => (nir.Type.Float, nir.Type.Int)
case F2L => (nir.Type.Float, nir.Type.Long)
case F2F => (nir.Type.Float, nir.Type.Float)
case F2D => (nir.Type.Float, nir.Type.Double)
case D2B => (nir.Type.Double, nir.Type.Byte)
case D2S => (nir.Type.Double, nir.Type.Short)
case D2C => (nir.Type.Double, nir.Type.Char)
case D2I => (nir.Type.Double, nir.Type.Int)
case D2L => (nir.Type.Double, nir.Type.Long)
case D2F => (nir.Type.Double, nir.Type.Float)
case D2D => (nir.Type.Double, nir.Type.Double)
private def castConv(fromty: nir.Type, toty: nir.Type): Option[nir.Conv] =
(fromty, toty) match {
case (_: Type.I, Type.Ptr) => Some(nir.Conv.Inttoptr)
case (Type.Ptr, _: Type.I) => Some(nir.Conv.Ptrtoint)
case (_: Type.RefKind, Type.Ptr) => Some(nir.Conv.Bitcast)
case (Type.Ptr, _: Type.RefKind) => Some(nir.Conv.Bitcast)
case (_: Type.RefKind, _: Type.RefKind) => Some(nir.Conv.Bitcast)
case (_: Type.RefKind, _: Type.I) => Some(nir.Conv.Ptrtoint)
case (_: Type.I, _: Type.RefKind) => Some(nir.Conv.Inttoptr)
case (Type.I(w1, _), Type.F(w2)) if w1 == w2 => Some(nir.Conv.Bitcast)
case (Type.F(w1), Type.I(w2, _)) if w1 == w2 => Some(nir.Conv.Bitcast)
case _ if fromty == toty => None
case (Type.Float, Type.Double) => Some(nir.Conv.Fpext)
case (Type.Double, Type.Float) => Some(nir.Conv.Fptrunc)
case _ => unsupported(s"cast from $fromty to $toty")
/** Boxes a value of the given type before `elimErasedValueType`.
* This should be used when sending values to a LLVM context, which is
* erased/boxed at the NIR level, although it is not erased at the
* dotty/JVM level.
* @param value
* Value to be boxed if needed.
* @param tpeEnteringElimErasedValueType
* The type of `value` as it was entering the `elimErasedValueType`
* phase.
private def ensureBoxed(
value: Val,
tpeEnteringPosterasure: core.Types.Type
)(using buf: ExprBuffer, pos: nir.Position): Val = {
tpeEnteringPosterasure match {
case tpe if tpe.isPrimitiveValueType =>
buf.boxValue(tpe, value)
case ErasedValueType(valueClass, _) =>
val boxedClass = valueClass.typeSymbol.asClass
val ctorName = genMethodName(boxedClass.primaryConstructor)
val ctorSig = genMethodSig(boxedClass.primaryConstructor)
val alloc = buf.classalloc(genTypeName(boxedClass), unwind)
val ctor = buf.method(
buf.call(ctorSig, ctor, Seq(alloc, value), unwind)
case _ =>
/** Unboxes a value typed as Any to the given type before
* `elimErasedValueType`.
* This should be used when receiving values from a LLVM context, which is
* erased/boxed at the NIR level, although it is not erased at the
* dotty/JVM level.
* @param value
* Tree to be extracted.
* @param tpeEnteringElimErasedValueType
* The type of `value` as it was entering the `elimErasedValueType`
* phase.
private def ensureUnboxed(
value: Val,
tpeEnteringPosterasure: core.Types.Type
buf: ExprBuffer,
pos: nir.Position
): Val = {
tpeEnteringPosterasure match {
case tpe if tpe.isPrimitiveValueType =>
val targetTpe = genType(tpeEnteringPosterasure)
if (targetTpe == value.ty) value
else buf.unbox(genBoxType(tpe), value, Next.None)
case ErasedValueType(valueClass, _) =>
val boxedClass = valueClass.typeSymbol.asClass
val unboxMethod = ValueClasses.valueClassUnbox(boxedClass)
val castedValue = buf.genCastOp(value.ty, genType(valueClass), value)
sym = unboxMethod,
statically = false,
self = castedValue,
argsp = Nil
case tpe =>
val unboxed = buf.unboxValue(tpe, partial = true, value)
if (unboxed == value) // no need to or cannot unbox, we should cast
buf.genCastOp(genType(tpeEnteringPosterasure), genType(tpe), value)
else unboxed
// Native specifc features
private def genRawPtrOp(app: Apply, code: Int): Val = {
if (NirPrimitives.isRawPtrLoadOp(code)) genRawPtrLoadOp(app, code)
else if (NirPrimitives.isRawPtrStoreOp(code)) genRawPtrStoreOp(app, code)
else if (code == NirPrimitives.ELEM_RAW_PTR) genRawPtrElemOp(app, code)
else {
report.error(s"Unknown pointer operation #$code : $app", app.sourcePos)
private def genRawPtrLoadOp(app: Apply, code: Int): Val = {
import NirPrimitives._
given nir.Position = app.span
val Apply(_, Seq(ptrp)) = app
val ptr = genExpr(ptrp)
val ty = code match {
case LOAD_BOOL => nir.Type.Bool
case LOAD_CHAR => nir.Type.Char
case LOAD_BYTE => nir.Type.Byte
case LOAD_SHORT => nir.Type.Short
case LOAD_INT => nir.Type.Int
case LOAD_LONG => nir.Type.Long
case LOAD_FLOAT => nir.Type.Float
case LOAD_DOUBLE => nir.Type.Double
case LOAD_RAW_PTR => nir.Type.Ptr
case LOAD_OBJECT => Rt.Object
buf.load(ty, ptr, unwind)
private def genRawPtrStoreOp(app: Apply, code: Int): Val = {
import NirPrimitives._
given nir.Position = app.span
val Apply(_, Seq(ptrp, valuep)) = app
val ptr = genExpr(ptrp)
val value = genExpr(valuep)
val ty = code match {
case STORE_BOOL => nir.Type.Bool
case STORE_CHAR => nir.Type.Char
case STORE_BYTE => nir.Type.Byte
case STORE_SHORT => nir.Type.Short
case STORE_INT => nir.Type.Int
case STORE_LONG => nir.Type.Long
case STORE_FLOAT => nir.Type.Float
case STORE_DOUBLE => nir.Type.Double
case STORE_RAW_PTR => nir.Type.Ptr
case STORE_OBJECT => Rt.Object
buf.store(ty, ptr, value, unwind)
private def genRawPtrElemOp(app: Apply, code: Int): Val = {
given nir.Position = app.span
val Apply(_, Seq(ptrp, offsetp)) = app
val ptr = genExpr(ptrp)
val offset = genExpr(offsetp)
buf.elem(Type.Byte, ptr, Seq(offset), unwind)
private def genRawCastOp(app: Apply, code: Int): Val = {
given nir.Position = app.span
val Apply(_, Seq(argp)) = app
val fromty = genType(argp.tpe)
val toty = genType(app.tpe)
val value = genExpr(argp)
genCastOp(fromty, toty, value)
private def genUnsignedOp(app: Tree, code: Int): Val = {
given nir.Position = app.span
import NirPrimitives._
def castUnsignedInteger = code >= BYTE_TO_UINT && code <= INT_TO_ULONG
def castUnsignedToFloat = code >= UINT_TO_FLOAT && code <= ULONG_TO_DOUBLE
app match {
case Apply(_, Seq(argp)) if castUnsignedInteger =>
val ty = genType(app.tpe)
val arg = genExpr(argp)
buf.conv(Conv.Zext, ty, arg, unwind)
case Apply(_, Seq(argp)) if castUnsignedToFloat =>
val ty = genType(app.tpe)
val arg = genExpr(argp)
buf.conv(Conv.Uitofp, ty, arg, unwind)
case Apply(_, Seq(leftp, rightp)) =>
val bin = code match {
case DIV_UINT | DIV_ULONG => nir.Bin.Udiv
case REM_UINT | REM_ULONG => nir.Bin.Urem
val ty = genType(leftp.tpe)
val left = genExpr(leftp)
val right = genExpr(rightp)
buf.bin(bin, ty, left, right, unwind)
private def getLinktimeCondition(condp: Tree): Option[LinktimeCondition] = {
import nir.LinktimeCondition._
def genComparsion(name: Name, value: Val): Comp = {
def intOrFloatComparison(onInt: Comp, onFloat: Comp) = value.ty match {
case _: Type.F => onFloat
case _ => onInt
import Comp._
name match {
case nme.EQ => intOrFloatComparison(Ieq, Feq)
case nme.NE => intOrFloatComparison(Ine, Fne)
case nme.GT => intOrFloatComparison(Sgt, Fgt)
case nme.GE => intOrFloatComparison(Sge, Fge)
case nme.LT => intOrFloatComparison(Slt, Flt)
case nme.LE => intOrFloatComparison(Sle, Fle)
case nme =>
report.error(s"Unsupported condition '$nme'", condp.sourcePos)
condp match {
// if(bool) (...)
case Apply(LinktimeProperty(name, _, position), Nil) =>
Some {
propertyName = name,
comparison = Comp.Ieq,
value = Val.True
)(using position)
// if(!bool) (...)
case Apply(
Apply(LinktimeProperty(name, _, position), Nil),
) =>
Some {
propertyName = name,
comparison = Comp.Ieq,
value = Val.False
)(using position)
// if(property x) (...)
case Apply(
Select(LinktimeProperty(name, _, position), comp),
List(arg @ Literal(Constant(_)))
) =>
Some {
val argValue = genLiteralValue(arg)
propertyName = name,
comparison = genComparsion(comp, argValue),
value = argValue
)(using position)
// special case for Scala 3 - it wraps != into !(_ == _)
// if(property == x) (...)
case Apply(
Select(LinktimeProperty(name, _, position), nme.EQ),
List(arg @ Literal(Constant(_)))
) =>
Some {
val argValue = genLiteralValue(arg)
propertyName = name,
comparison = genComparsion(nme.NE, argValue),
value = argValue
)(using position)
// if(cond1 {&&,||} cond2) (...)
case Apply(Select(cond1, op), List(cond2)) =>
(getLinktimeCondition(cond1), getLinktimeCondition(cond2)) match {
case (Some(c1), Some(c2)) =>
val bin = op match {
case nme.ZAND => Bin.And
case nme.ZOR => Bin.Or
given nir.Position = condp.span
Some(ComplexCondition(bin, c1, c2))
case (None, None) => None
case _ =>
"Mixing link-time and runtime conditions is not allowed",
case _ => None
private def genStackalloc(app: Apply): Val = {
val Apply(_, Seq(sizep)) = app
val size = genExpr(sizep)
val unboxed = buf.unbox(size.ty, size, unwind)(using sizep.span)
buf.stackalloc(nir.Type.Byte, unboxed, unwind)(using app.span)
def genCQuoteOp(app: Apply): Val = {
app match {
// case q"""
// scala.scalanative.unsafe.`package`.CQuote(
// new StringContext(scala.this.Predef.wrapRefArray(
// Array[String]{${str: String}}.$asInstanceOf[Array[Object]]()
// ))
// ).c()
case Apply(
_, // Ident(CQuote),
List(Apply(_, List(javaSeqLiteral: JavaSeqLiteral)))
) =>
given nir.Position = app.span
val List(Literal(Constant(str: String))) =
javaSeqLiteral.elems: @unchecked
val chars = Val.Chars(StringUtils.processEscapes(str).toIndexedSeq)
val const = Val.Const(chars)
buf.box(nir.Rt.BoxedPtr, const, unwind)
case _ =>
report.error("Failed to interpret CQuote", app.sourcePos)
def genClassFieldRawPtr(app: Apply): Val = {
given nir.Position = app.span
val Apply(_, List(target, fieldName: Literal)) = app: @unchecked
val fieldNameId = fieldName.const.stringValue
val classInfo = target.tpe.finalResultType
val classInfoSym = classInfo.typeSymbol.asClass
def matchesName(f: SingleDenotation) =
f.name.mangled == termName(fieldNameId).mangled
def isImmutableField(f: SymDenotation) = {
// If `val` was defined in trait it would be internally mutable, but with stable accessors
!f.is(Mutable) || classInfoSym.parentSyms.exists(s =>
s.asClass.info.decls.exists { f =>
matchesName(f) && f.asSymDenotation
.isAllOf(Method | Accessor, butNot = Mutable)
val allFields =
classInfoSym.info.fields ++ classInfoSym.info.parents.flatMap(_.fields)
.collectFirst {
case f if matchesName(f) =>
// Don't allow to get pointer to immutable field, as it might allow for mutation
if (isImmutableField(f.asSymDenotation)) {
val owner = f.asSymDenotation.owner
s"Resolving pointer of immutable field ${fieldNameId} in ${owner.show} is not allowed"
buf.field(genExpr(target), genFieldName(f.symbol), unwind)
.getOrElse {
s"${classInfoSym.show} does not contain field ${fieldNameId}",
def genLoadExtern(ty: nir.Type, externTy: nir.Type, sym: Symbol)(using
): Val = {
assert(sym.isExtern, "loadExtern was not extern")
val name = Val.Global(genName(sym), Type.Ptr)
fromExtern(ty, buf.load(externTy, name, unwind))
def genStoreExtern(externTy: nir.Type, sym: Symbol, value: Val)(using
): Val = {
assert(sym.isExtern, "storeExtern was not extern")
val name = Val.Global(genName(sym), Type.Ptr)
val externValue = toExtern(externTy, value)
buf.store(externTy, name, externValue, unwind)
def toExtern(expectedTy: nir.Type, value: Val)(using nir.Position): Val =
(expectedTy, value.ty) match {
case (Type.Unit, _) => Val.Unit
case (_, refty: Type.Ref)
if Type.boxClasses.contains(refty.name)
&& Type.unbox(Type.Ref(refty.name)) == expectedTy =>
buf.unbox(Type.Ref(refty.name), value, unwind)
case _ =>
def fromExtern(expectedTy: nir.Type, value: Val)(using nir.Position): Val =
(expectedTy, value.ty) match {
case (refty: nir.Type.Ref, ty)
if Type.boxClasses.contains(refty.name)
&& Type.unbox(Type.Ref(refty.name)) == ty =>
buf.box(Type.Ref(refty.name), value, unwind)
case _ =>
/** Generates direct call to function ptr with optional unboxing arguments
* and boxing result Apply.args can contain different number of arguments
* depending on usage, however they are passed in constant order:
* - 0..N args
* - 0..N+1 type evidences of args (scalanative.Tag)
* - return type evidence
private def genCFuncPtrApply(app: Apply): Val = {
given nir.Position = app.span
val Apply(appRec @ Select(receiverp, _), aargs) = app: @unchecked
val argsp = if (aargs.size > 2) aargs.take(aargs.length / 2) else Nil
val evidences = aargs.drop(aargs.length / 2)
val self = genExpr(receiverp)
val retTypeEv = evidences.last
val unwrappedRetType = unwrapTag(retTypeEv)
val retType = genType(unwrappedRetType)
val unboxedRetType = Type.unbox.getOrElse(retType, retType)
val args = argsp
.map {
case (Apply(Select(_, nme.box), List(value)), _) =>
case (arg, evidence) =>
given nir.Position = arg.span
val tag = unwrapTag(evidence)
val tpe = genType(tag)
val obj = genExpr(arg)
/* buf.unboxValue does not handle Ref( Ptr | CArray | ... ) unboxing
* That's why we're doing it directly */
if (Type.unbox.isDefinedAt(tpe)) buf.unbox(tpe, obj, unwind)
else buf.unboxValue(tag, partial = false, obj)
val argTypes = args.map(_.ty)
val funcSig = Type.Function(argTypes, unboxedRetType)
val selfName = genTypeName(defnNir.CFuncPtrClass)
val getRawPtrName = selfName
.member(Sig.Field("rawptr", Sig.Scope.Private(selfName)))
val target = buf.fieldload(Type.Ptr, self, getRawPtrName, unwind)
val result = buf.call(funcSig, target, args, unwind)
if (retType != unboxedRetType) buf.box(retType, result, unwind)
else boxValue(unwrappedRetType, result)
private final val ExternForwarderSig = Sig.Generated("$extern$forwarder")
private def genCFuncFromScalaFunction(app: Apply): Val = {
given pos: nir.Position = app.span
val fn :: evidences = app.args: @unchecked
val paramTypes = evidences.map(unwrapTag)
def resolveFunction(tree: Tree): Val = tree match {
case Typed(expr, _) => resolveFunction(expr)
case Block(_, expr) => resolveFunction(expr)
case fn @ Closure(env, target, _) =>
if env.nonEmpty then
s"Closing over local state of ${env.map(_.symbol.show).mkString(", ")} in function transformed to CFuncPtr results in undefined behaviour.",
val fnRef = genClosure(fn)
val Type.Ref(className, _, _) = fnRef.ty: @unchecked
generatedDefns += genFuncExternForwarder(
case ref: RefTree =>
s"Function passed to ${app.symbol.show} needs to be inlined",
case _ =>
"Failed to resolve function ref for extern forwarder",
val fnRef = resolveFunction(fn)
val className = genTypeName(app.tpe.sym)
val ctorTy = nir.Type.Function(
Seq(Type.Ref(className), Type.Ptr),
val ctorName = className.member(Sig.Ctor(Seq(Type.Ptr)))
val rawptr = buf.method(fnRef, ExternForwarderSig, unwind)
val alloc = buf.classalloc(className, unwind)
Val.Global(ctorName, Type.Ptr),
Seq(alloc, rawptr),
private def genFuncExternForwarder(
funcName: Global,
funSym: Symbol,
funTree: Closure,
evidences: List[SimpleType]
)(using nir.Position): Defn = {
val attrs = Attrs(isExtern = true)
// In case if passed function is adapted closure it's param types
// would be erased, in such case we would recover original types
// using evidence types (materialized unsafe.Tags)
val isAdapted = funSym.name.mangledString.contains("$adapted$")
val sig = genMethodSig(funSym)
val externSig = genExternMethodSig(funSym)
val Type.Function(origtys, _) =
if (!isAdapted) sig
else {
val params :+ retty = evidences
.map(t => nir.Type.box.getOrElse(t, t)): @unchecked
Type.Function(params, retty)
val forwarderSig @ Type.Function(paramtys, retty) =
if (!isAdapted) externSig
else {
val params :+ retty = evidences
.map(t => nir.Type.unbox.getOrElse(t, t)): @unchecked
Type.Function(params, retty)
val methodName = genMethodName(funSym)
val method = Val.Global(methodName, Type.Ptr)
val forwarderName = funcName.member(ExternForwarderSig)
val forwarderBody = scoped(
curUnwindHandler := None
) {
val fresh = Fresh()
val buf = ExprBuffer(using fresh)
val params = paramtys.map(ty => Val.Local(fresh(), ty))
buf.label(fresh(), params)
val origTypes =
if (funSym.isStaticInNIR || isAdapted) origtys else origtys.tail
val boxedParams = origTypes.zip(params).map(buf.fromExtern(_, _))
val argsp = boxedParams.map(ValTree(_))
// Check number of arguments that would be be used in a call to the function,
// it should be equal to the quantity of implicit evidences (without return type evidence)
// and arguments passed via closure env.
if (argsp.size != evidences.length - 1 + funTree.env.size) {
"Failed to create scalanative.unsafe.CFuncPtr from scala.Function, report this issue to Scala Native team.",
val res =
if (funSym.isStaticInNIR)
buf.genApplyStaticMethod(funSym, NoSymbol, argsp)
val owner = buf.genModule(funSym.owner)
val selfp = ValTree(owner)
buf.genApplyMethod(funSym, statically = true, selfp, argsp)
val unboxedRes = buf.toExtern(retty, res)
Defn.Define(attrs, forwarderName, forwarderSig, forwarderBody)
private object WrapArray {
lazy val isWrapArray: Set[Symbol] = {
val names = defn
.map(sym => nme.wrapXArray(sym.name))
.concat(Set(nme.wrapRefArray, nme.genericWrapArray))
val symsInPredef = names.map(defn.ScalaPredefModule.requiredMethod(_))
val symsInScalaRunTime =
(symsInPredef ++ symsInScalaRunTime).toSet
def unapply(tree: Apply): Option[Tree] = tree match {
case Apply(wrapArray_?, List(wrapped))
if isWrapArray(wrapArray_?.symbol) =>
case _ =>
private def genReflectiveCall(
tree: Apply,
isSelectDynamic: Boolean
): Val = {
given nir.Position = tree.span
val Apply(fun @ Select(receiver, _), args) = tree: @unchecked
val selectedValue = genApplyMethod(
statically = false,
// Extract the method name as a String
val methodNameStr = args.head match {
case Literal(Constants.Constant(name: String)) => name
case _ =>
"The method name given to Selectable.selectDynamic or Selectable.applyDynamic " +
"must be a literal string. " +
"Other uses are not supported in Scala Native.",
val (formalParamTypeRefs, actualArgs) =
if (isSelectDynamic) (Nil, Nil)
args.tail match {
// Extract the param type refs and actual args from the 2nd and 3rd argument to applyDynamic
case WrapArray(classOfsArray: JavaSeqLiteral) ::
WrapArray(actualArgsAnyArray: JavaSeqLiteral) :: Nil =>
// Extract nir.Type's from the classOf[_] trees
val formalParamTypes = classOfsArray.elems.map {
// classOf[tp] -> tp
case Literal(const) if const.tag == Constants.ClazzTag =>
// Anything else is invalid
case otherTree =>
"The java.lang.Class[_] arguments passed to Selectable.applyDynamic must be " +
"literal classOf[T] expressions (typically compiler-generated). " +
"Other uses are not supported in Scala Native.",
// Gen the actual args, downcasting them to the formal param types
val actualArgs =
.map { (actualArgAny, formalParamType) =>
val genActualArgAny = genExpr(actualArgAny)
(genActualArgAny.ty, formalParamType) match {
case (ty: Type.Ref, formal: Type.Ref) =>
if ty.name == formal.name then genActualArgAny
case (ty: Type.Ref, formal: Type.PrimitiveKind) =>
assert(Type.Ref(ty.name) == Type.box(formal))
case _ => scalanative.util.unreachable
(formalParamTypes, actualArgs)
case _ =>
"Passing the varargs of Selectable.applyDynamic with `: _*` " +
"is not supported in Scala Native.",
(Nil, Nil)
val dynMethod = buf.dynmethod(
Sig.Proxy(methodNameStr, formalParamTypeRefs),
// Proxies operate only on boxed types, however formal param types and name of the method
// might contain primitive types. With current imlementation of proxies we workaround it
// by always using boxed types in function calls
val boxedFormalParamTypeRefs = formalParamTypeRefs.map {
case ty: Type.PrimitiveKind => Type.box(ty)
case ty => ty
Type.Function(selectedValue.ty :: boxedFormalParamTypeRefs, Rt.Object),
selectedValue :: actualArgs,
private def labelExcludeUnitValue(label: Local, value: nir.Val.Local)(using
): nir.Val =
value.ty match
case Type.Unit => buf.label(label); Val.Unit
case _ => buf.label(label, Seq(value)); value
private def jumpExcludeUnitValue(
mergeType: nir.Type
)(label: Local, value: nir.Val)(using
): Unit =
mergeType match
case Type.Unit => buf.jump(label, Nil)
case _ => buf.jump(label, Seq(value))
sealed class FixupBuffer(using fresh: Fresh) extends nir.Buffer {
private var labeled = false
override def +=(inst: Inst): Unit = {
given nir.Position = inst.pos
inst match {
case inst: nir.Inst.Label =>
if (labeled) {
labeled = true
case _ =>
if (!labeled) {
labeled = !inst.isInstanceOf[nir.Inst.Cf]
inst match {
case Inst.Let(_, op, _) if op.resty == Type.Nothing =>
case _ =>
override def ++=(insts: Seq[Inst]): Unit =
insts.foreach { inst => this += inst }
override def ++=(other: nir.Buffer): Unit =
this ++= other.toSeq
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