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package scala.scalanative
package build
import java.nio.file.{Files, Path}
import java.util.Arrays
import java.util.regex._
/** Original jar or dir path and generated dir path for native code */
private[scalanative] case class NativeLib(src: Path, dest: Path)
/** Utilities for dealing with native library code */
private[scalanative] object NativeLib {
/** Name of directory that contains native code: "scala-native"
val nativeCodeDir = "scala-native"
/** Finds all the native libs on the classpath.
* The method generates a unique directory for each classpath entry that has
* native source.
* @param classpath
* The classpath
* @param workdir
* The base working directory
* @return
* The Seq of NativeLib objects
def findNativeLibs(classpath: Seq[Path], workdir: Path): Seq[NativeLib] = {
val nativeLibPaths = classpath.flatMap { path =>
if (isJar(path)) readJar(path)
else readDir(path)
val extractPaths =
for ((path, index) <- nativeLibPaths.zipWithIndex) yield {
val name =
src = path,
dest = workdir.resolve(s"native-code-$name-$index")
if (extractPaths.isEmpty)
throw new BuildException(
s"No Scala Native libraries were found: $classpath"
/** Find the native file paths for this native library
* @param destPath
* The native lib dest path
* @return
* All file paths to compile
def findNativePaths(workdir: Path, destPath: Path): Seq[Path] = {
val srcPatterns = destSrcPattern(workdir, destPath)
IO.getAll(workdir, srcPatterns)
/** The linker uses the VirtualDirectory which is sensitive to empty
* directories in the classpath or anything other than a jar file.
* Issue #911: Linking fails in a pure testing project with source only in
* src/test/scala.
* Issue #1711: Files put in the lib directory in sbt such as will
* end up on the classpath. Linking fails if the entries on the classpath are
* not either jars or directories.
* @param classpath
* Build tool classpath
* @return
* Filtered classpath for Scala Native tools
def filterClasspath(classpath: Seq[Path]): Seq[Path] =
classpath.filter(p => Files.exists(p) && (isJar(p) || Files.isDirectory(p)))
/** Called to unpack jars and copy native code.
* @param nativelib
* the native lib to copy/unpack
* @return
* The destination path of the directory
def unpackNativeCode(nativelib: NativeLib): Path =
if (isJar(nativelib)) unpackNativeJar(nativelib)
else copyNativeDir(nativelib)
/** Unpack the `src` Jar Path to `workdir/dest` where `dest` is the generated
* directory where the Scala Native lib or a third party library that
* includes native code is copied.
* If the same archive has already been unpacked to this location and hasn't
* changed, this call has no effect.
* @param nativelib
* The NativeLib to unpack.
* @return
* The Path where the nativelib has been unpacked, `workdir/dest`.
private def unpackNativeJar(nativelib: NativeLib): Path = {
val target = nativelib.dest
val source = nativelib.src
val jarhash = IO.sha1(source)
val jarhashPath = target.resolve("jarhash")
def unpacked =
Files.exists(target) &&
Files.exists(jarhashPath) &&
Arrays.equals(jarhash, Files.readAllBytes(jarhashPath))
if (!unpacked) {
IO.unzip(source, target)
IO.write(jarhashPath, jarhash)
/** Copy project code from project `src` Path to `workdir/dest` Path where it
* can be compiled and linked.
* This does not copy if no native code has changed.
* @param nativelib
* The NativeLib to copy.
* @return
* The Path where the code was copied, `workdir/dest`.
private def copyNativeDir(nativelib: NativeLib): Path = {
val target = nativelib.dest
val source = nativelib.src
val files = IO.getAll(source, allFilesPattern(source))
val fileshash = IO.sha1files(files)
val fileshashPath = target.resolve("fileshash")
def copied =
Files.exists(target) &&
Files.exists(fileshashPath) &&
Arrays.equals(fileshash, Files.readAllBytes(fileshashPath))
if (!copied) {
IO.copyDirectory(source, target)
IO.write(fileshashPath, fileshash)
/** Java Archive extension: ".jar" */
private val jarExt = ".jar"
/** Does this Path point to a jar file */
private def isJar(path: Path): Boolean =
/** Is this NativeLib in a jar file */
private def isJar(nativelib: NativeLib): Boolean = isJar(nativelib.src)
/** Used to find native source files in jar files */
private val jarSrcRegex: String = {
val regexExtensions = srcExtensions.mkString("""(\""", """|\""", ")")
// Paths in jars always contains '/' separator instead of OS specific one.
private val jarPattern = Pattern.compile(jarSrcRegex)
private def isNativeFile(name: String): Boolean =
private def readDir(path: Path): Option[Path] =
IO.existsInDir(path, srcPatterns(path)) match {
case true => Some(path)
case false => None
private def readJar(path: Path): Option[Path] =
IO.existsInJar(path, isNativeFile) match {
case true => Some(path)
case false => None
/** Used to find native source files in directories */
private def srcPatterns(path: Path): String =
srcExtensions.mkString(s"glob:${srcPathPattern(path)}**{", ",", "}")
private def srcPathPattern(path: Path): String =
makeDirPath(path, nativeCodeDir)
/** Used to create hash of the directory to copy
* @param path
* The classpath entry
* @return
* The file pattern
private def allFilesPattern(path: Path): String =
/** This method guarantees that only code copied and generated into the
* `native` directory and also in the `scala-native` sub directory gets
* picked up for compilation.
* @param workdir
* The base working directory
* @param destPath
* The dest Path to the native lib
* @return
* The source pattern
private def destSrcPattern(workdir: Path, destPath: Path): String = {
val dirPattern = s"{${destPath.getFileName()}}"
val pathPat = makeDirPath(workdir, dirPattern, nativeCodeDir)
srcExtensions.mkString(s"glob:$pathPat**{", ",", "}")
private def makeDirPath(path: Path, elems: String*): String = {
val pathSep = if (Platform.isWindows) raw"\\" else File.separator
(path.toString.replace(File.separator, pathSep) +: elems)
.mkString("", pathSep, pathSep)