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package scala.scalanative
package build
import java.nio.file.{Path, Paths}
/** An object describing how to configure the Scala Native toolchain. */
sealed trait NativeConfig {
import NativeConfig._
/** The path to the `clang` executable. */
def clang: Path
/** The path to the `clang++` executable. */
def clangPP: Path
/** The options passed to LLVM's linker. */
def linkingOptions: Seq[String]
/** The compilation options passed to LLVM. */
def compileOptions: Seq[String]
/** Optional target triple that defines current OS, ABI and CPU architecture.
def targetTriple: Option[String]
/** The garbage collector to use. */
def gc: GC
/** The LTO mode to use used during a release build. */
def lto: LTO
/** Compilation mode. */
def mode: Mode
/** Build target for current compilation */
def buildTarget: BuildTarget
/** Shall linker check that NIR is well-formed after every phase? */
def check: Boolean
/** Shall linker NIR check treat warnings as errors? */
def checkFatalWarnings: Boolean
/** Should build fail if it detects usage of unsupported feature on given
* platform
def checkFeatures: Boolean
/** Shall linker dump intermediate NIR after every phase? */
def dump: Boolean
/** Should sanitizer implemention be used? */
def sanitizer: Option[Sanitizer]
/** Should stubs be linked? */
def linkStubs: Boolean
/** Shall we optimize the resulting NIR code? */
def optimize: Boolean
/** Shall we use the incremental compilation? */
def useIncrementalCompilation: Boolean
/** Shall be compiled with multithreading support. If equal to `None` the
* toolchain would detect if program uses system threads - when not thrads
* are not used, the program would be linked without multihreading support.
def multithreading: Option[Boolean]
/* Was multhithreadinng explicitly select, if not default to true */
private[scalanative] def multithreadingSupport: Boolean =
/** Map of user defined properties resolved at linktime */
def linktimeProperties: NativeConfig.LinktimeProperites
/** Shall the resource files be embedded in the resulting binary file? Allows
* the use of getClass().getResourceAsStream() on the included files. Will
* not embed files with certain extensions, including ".c", ".h", ".scala"
* and ".class".
def embedResources: Boolean
/** A glob pattern that matches list of files to embed into the executable. */
def resourceIncludePatterns: Seq[String]
/** A glob pattern that matches list of files to exclude from embedding into
* the executable.
def resourceExcludePatterns: Seq[String]
/** Base name for executable or library, typically the project name. */
def baseName: String
/** Configuration when doing optimization */
def optimizerConfig: OptimizerConfig
/** Configuration for semantics of generated program */
def semanticsConfig: SemanticsConfig
/** Configuration for LLVM metadata generation controlling source level
* debugging support
def sourceLevelDebuggingConfig: SourceLevelDebuggingConfig
/** Create a new [[NativeConfig]] with given [[SourceLevelDebuggingConfig]] */
def withSourceLevelDebuggingConfig(
config: SourceLevelDebuggingConfig
): NativeConfig = withSourceLevelDebuggingConfig(_ => config)
/** Update [[NativeConfig]] with given [[SourceLevelDebuggingConfig]] */
def withSourceLevelDebuggingConfig(
mapping: Mapping[SourceLevelDebuggingConfig]
): NativeConfig
/** List of service providers which shall be allowed in the final binary */
def serviceProviders: Map[ServiceName, Iterable[ServiceProviderName]]
private[scalanative] lazy val configuredOrDetectedTriple =
/** Are we targeting a 32-bit platform?
* @return
* true if 32 bit, false if 64 bit, unknown, or 16 bit
def is32BitPlatform = {
import TargetTriple._
val arch = configuredOrDetectedTriple.arch
if (isArch32Bit(arch)) true
else if (isArch64Bit(arch)) false
else {
s"Unexpected architecture in target triple: ${arch}, defaulting to 64-bit"
// update methods - order as properties above
/** Create a new config with given path to clang. */
def withClang(value: Path): NativeConfig
/** Create a new config with given path to clang++. */
def withClangPP(value: Path): NativeConfig
/** Create a new config with given linking options. */
final def withLinkingOptions(value: Seq[String]): NativeConfig =
withLinkingOptions(_ => value)
/** Create a new config with updated linking options. */
def withLinkingOptions(update: Mapping[Seq[String]]): NativeConfig
/** Create a new config with given compilation options. */
final def withCompileOptions(value: Seq[String]): NativeConfig =
withCompileOptions(_ => value)
/** Create a new config with updated compilation options. */
def withCompileOptions(update: Mapping[Seq[String]]): NativeConfig
/** Create a new config given a target triple. */
def withTargetTriple(value: Option[String]): NativeConfig
/** Create a new config given a target triple. Delegates to
* [[#withTargetTriple(value:Option[String])* withTargetTriple(Option[String])]].
* @param value
* target triple as a String
* @return
* a new NativeConfig with a new target triple
def withTargetTriple(value: String): NativeConfig
/** Create a new config with given garbage collector. */
def withGC(value: GC): NativeConfig
/** Create a new config with the given lto mode. */
def withLTO(value: LTO): NativeConfig
/** Create a new config with given compilation mode. */
def withMode(value: Mode): NativeConfig
/** Create a new config with given build target */
def withBuildTarget(target: BuildTarget): NativeConfig
/** Create a new config with given check value. */
def withCheck(value: Boolean): NativeConfig
/** Create a new config with given checkFatalWarnings value. */
def withCheckFatalWarnings(value: Boolean): NativeConfig
/** Create a new config with given checkFeatures value. */
def withCheckFeatures(value: Boolean): NativeConfig
/** Create a new config with given dump value. */
def withDump(value: Boolean): NativeConfig
/** Create a new config with given sanitizer enabled. */
def withSanitizer(value: Sanitizer): NativeConfig = withSanitizer(Some(value))
/** Create a new config with given sanitizer enabled. */
def withSanitizer(value: Option[Sanitizer]): NativeConfig
/** Create a new config with given behavior for stubs. */
def withLinkStubs(value: Boolean): NativeConfig
/** Create a new config with given optimize value */
def withOptimize(value: Boolean): NativeConfig
/** Create a new config with given incrementalCompilation value */
def withIncrementalCompilation(value: Boolean): NativeConfig
/** Create a new config with support for multithreading */
def withMultithreading(enabled: Boolean): NativeConfig
/** Create a new config with support for multithreading */
def withMultithreading(defined: Option[Boolean]): NativeConfig
/** Create a new config with given linktime properites */
final def withLinktimeProperties(
value: NativeConfig.LinktimeProperites
): NativeConfig = withLinktimeProperties(_ => value)
/** Create a new config with updated linktime properites */
def withLinktimeProperties(
update: Mapping[NativeConfig.LinktimeProperites]
): NativeConfig
/** Create a new [[NativeConfig]] enabling embedded resources in the
* executable with a value of `true` where `false` is default.
def withEmbedResources(value: Boolean): NativeConfig
/** Create a new [[NativeConfig]] with updated resource include patterns. */
def withResourceIncludePatterns(value: Seq[String]): NativeConfig
/** Create a new [[NativeConfig]] with updated resource exclude patterns. */
def withResourceExcludePatterns(value: Seq[String]): NativeConfig
/** Create a new [[NativeConfig]] with a updated list of service providers
* allowed in the final binary
def withServiceProviders(
value: Map[ServiceName, Iterable[ServiceProviderName]]
): NativeConfig
/** Create a new config with given base artifact name.
* Warning: must be unique across project modules.
def withBaseName(value: String): NativeConfig
/** Create a optimization configuration */
final def withOptimizerConfig(value: OptimizerConfig): NativeConfig =
withOptimizerConfig(_ => value)
/** Modify a optimization configuration */
def withOptimizerConfig(update: Mapping[OptimizerConfig]): NativeConfig
/** Create a semantics configuration */
final def withSemanticsConfig(value: SemanticsConfig): NativeConfig =
withSemanticsConfig(_ => value)
/** Modify a semantics configuration */
def withSemanticsConfig(update: Mapping[SemanticsConfig]): NativeConfig
object NativeConfig {
type Mapping[T] = T => T
type LinktimeProperites = Map[String, Any]
type ServiceName = String
type ServiceProviderName = String
/** Default empty config object where all of the fields are left blank. */
def empty: NativeConfig =
clang = Paths.get(""),
clangPP = Paths.get(""),
linkingOptions = Seq.empty,
compileOptions = Seq.empty,
targetTriple = None,
gc = GC.default,
lto = LTO.default,
mode = Mode.default,
buildTarget = BuildTarget.default,
check = false,
checkFatalWarnings = false,
checkFeatures = true,
dump = false,
sanitizer = None,
linkStubs = false,
optimize = true,
useIncrementalCompilation = true,
multithreading = None, // detect
linktimeProperties = Map.empty,
embedResources = false,
resourceIncludePatterns = Seq("**"),
resourceExcludePatterns = Seq.empty,
serviceProviders = Map.empty,
baseName = "",
optimizerConfig = OptimizerConfig.empty,
sourceLevelDebuggingConfig = SourceLevelDebuggingConfig.disabled,
semanticsConfig = SemanticsConfig.default
private final case class Impl(
clang: Path,
clangPP: Path,
linkingOptions: Seq[String],
compileOptions: Seq[String],
targetTriple: Option[String],
gc: GC,
lto: LTO,
mode: Mode,
buildTarget: BuildTarget,
check: Boolean,
checkFatalWarnings: Boolean,
checkFeatures: Boolean,
dump: Boolean,
sanitizer: Option[Sanitizer],
linkStubs: Boolean,
optimize: Boolean,
useIncrementalCompilation: Boolean,
multithreading: Option[Boolean],
linktimeProperties: LinktimeProperites,
embedResources: Boolean,
resourceIncludePatterns: Seq[String],
resourceExcludePatterns: Seq[String],
serviceProviders: Map[ServiceName, Iterable[ServiceProviderName]],
baseName: String,
optimizerConfig: OptimizerConfig,
sourceLevelDebuggingConfig: SourceLevelDebuggingConfig,
semanticsConfig: SemanticsConfig
) extends NativeConfig {
def withClang(value: Path): NativeConfig =
copy(clang = value)
def withClangPP(value: Path): NativeConfig =
copy(clangPP = value)
def withLinkingOptions(update: Mapping[Seq[String]]): NativeConfig =
copy(linkingOptions = update(linkingOptions))
def withCompileOptions(update: Mapping[Seq[String]]): NativeConfig =
copy(compileOptions = update(compileOptions))
def withTargetTriple(value: Option[String]): NativeConfig = {
val propertyName = "target.triple"
value match {
case Some(triple) => System.setProperty(propertyName, triple)
case None => System.clearProperty(propertyName)
copy(targetTriple = value)
def withTargetTriple(value: String): NativeConfig = {
def withBuildTarget(target: BuildTarget): NativeConfig =
copy(buildTarget = target)
def withGC(value: GC): NativeConfig =
copy(gc = value)
def withMode(value: Mode): NativeConfig =
copy(mode = value)
def withLinkStubs(value: Boolean): NativeConfig =
copy(linkStubs = value)
def withLTO(value: LTO): NativeConfig =
copy(lto = value)
def withCheck(value: Boolean): NativeConfig =
copy(check = value)
def withCheckFatalWarnings(value: Boolean): NativeConfig =
copy(checkFatalWarnings = value)
def withCheckFeatures(value: Boolean): NativeConfig =
copy(checkFeatures = value)
def withDump(value: Boolean): NativeConfig =
copy(dump = value)
def withSanitizer(value: Option[Sanitizer]): NativeConfig =
copy(sanitizer = value)
def withOptimize(value: Boolean): NativeConfig =
copy(optimize = value)
override def withIncrementalCompilation(value: Boolean): NativeConfig =
copy(useIncrementalCompilation = value)
def withMultithreading(enabled: Boolean): NativeConfig =
copy(multithreading = Some(enabled))
def withMultithreading(defined: Option[Boolean]): NativeConfig =
copy(multithreading = defined)
def withLinktimeProperties(
update: Mapping[LinktimeProperites]
): NativeConfig = {
val v = update(linktimeProperties)
copy(linktimeProperties = v)
def withEmbedResources(value: Boolean): NativeConfig = {
copy(embedResources = value)
def withResourceIncludePatterns(value: Seq[String]): NativeConfig = {
copy(resourceIncludePatterns = value)
def withResourceExcludePatterns(value: Seq[String]): NativeConfig = {
copy(resourceExcludePatterns = value)
def withServiceProviders(
value: Map[ServiceName, Iterable[ServiceProviderName]]
): NativeConfig = {
copy(serviceProviders = value)
def withBaseName(value: String): NativeConfig = {
copy(baseName = value)
override def withOptimizerConfig(
update: Mapping[OptimizerConfig]
): NativeConfig = {
copy(optimizerConfig = update(optimizerConfig))
override def withSourceLevelDebuggingConfig(
update: Mapping[SourceLevelDebuggingConfig]
): NativeConfig =
copy(sourceLevelDebuggingConfig = update(sourceLevelDebuggingConfig))
override def withSemanticsConfig(
update: Mapping[SemanticsConfig]
): NativeConfig = copy(semanticsConfig = update(semanticsConfig))
override def toString: String = {
def showSeq(it: Iterable[Any]) = it.mkString("[", ", ", "]")
def showMap(map: Map[String, Any], indent: Int = 4): String =
if (map.isEmpty) "[]"
else {
val maxKeyLength =
val keyPadSize = maxKeyLength.min(20)
val indentPad = " " * indent
"\n" + map.toSeq
.map {
case (key, value) =>
val valueString = value match {
case seq: Iterable[_] => showSeq(seq)
case v => v.toString()
s"$indentPad- ${key.padTo(keyPadSize, ' ')}: $valueString"
| - baseName: $baseName
| - clang: $clang
| - clangPP: $clangPP
| - linkingOptions: ${showSeq(linkingOptions)}
| - compileOptions: ${showSeq(compileOptions)}
| - targetTriple: $targetTriple
| - GC: $gc
| - LTO: $lto
| - mode: $mode
| - buildTarget $buildTarget
| - check: $check
| - checkFatalWarnings: $checkFatalWarnings
| - checkFeatures $checkFeatures
| - dump: $dump
| - sanitizer: ${"none")}
| - linkStubs: $linkStubs
| - optimize $optimize
| - incrementalCompilation: $useIncrementalCompilation
| - multithreading $multithreading
| - linktimeProperties: ${showMap(linktimeProperties)}
| - embedResources: $embedResources
| - resourceIncludePatterns: ${showSeq(resourceIncludePatterns)}
| - resourceExcludePatterns: ${showSeq(resourceExcludePatterns)}
| - serviceProviders: ${showMap(serviceProviders)}
| - optimizerConfig: ${" " * 4)}
| - semanticsConfig: ${" " * 4)}
| - sourceLevelDebuggingConfig: ${
" " * 4
private[scalanative] def checkLinktimeProperties(
properties: LinktimeProperites
): Unit = {
def isNumberOrString(value: Any) = {
value match {
case _: Boolean | _: Byte | _: Char | _: Short | _: Int | _: Long |
_: Float | _: Double | _: String | _: nir.Val =>
case _ => false
val invalid = properties.collect {
case (key, value) if !isNumberOrString(value) => key
if (invalid.nonEmpty) {
throw new BuildException(
s"""Link-time properties needs to be non-null primitives or non-empty string
|Invalid link-time properties:
|${invalid.mkString(" - ", "\n", "")}