ncsa.hdf.object.ScalarDS Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright by The HDF Group. *
* Copyright by the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois. *
* All rights reserved. *
* *
* This file is part of the HDF Java Products distribution. *
* The full copyright notice, including terms governing use, modification, *
* and redistribution, is contained in the files COPYING and Copyright.html. *
* COPYING can be found at the root of the source code distribution tree. *
* Or, see http://hdfgroup.org/products/hdf-java/doc/Copyright.html. *
* If you do not have access to either file, you may request a copy from *
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package ncsa.hdf.object;
* A scalar dataset is a multiple dimension array of scalar points. The Datatype
* of a scalar dataset must be an atomic datatype. Common datatypes of scalar
* datasets include char, byte, short, int, long, float, double and string.
* A ScalarDS can be an image or spreadsheet data. ScalarDS defines few methods
* to deal with both images and spreadsheets.
* ScalarDS is an abstract class. Current implementing classes are the H4SDS,
* H5GRImage and H5ScalarDS.
* @version 1.1 9/4/2007
* @author Peter X. Cao
public abstract class ScalarDS extends Dataset {
// The following constant strings are copied from
// http://hdf.ncsa.uiuc.edu/HDF5/doc/ADGuide/ImageSpec.html
// to make the defination consistent with the image specs.
private static final long serialVersionUID = 8925371455928203981L;
* Indicates that the pixel RGB values are contiguous.
public final static int INTERLACE_PIXEL = 0;
/** Indicates that each pixel component of RGB is stored as a scan line. */
public static final int INTERLACE_LINE = 1;
/** Indicates that each pixel component of RGB is stored as a plane. */
public final static int INTERLACE_PLANE = 2;
* The interlace mode of the stored raster image data. Valid values are
protected int interlace;
* The min-max range of image data values. For example, [0, 255] indicates
* the min is 0, and the max is 255.
protected double[] imageDataRange;
* The indexed RGB color model with 256 colors.
* The palette values are stored in a two-dimensional byte array and arrange
* by color components of red, green and blue. palette[][] = byte[3][256],
* where, palette[0][], palette[1][] and palette[2][] are the red, green and
* blue components respectively.
protected byte[][] palette;
* True if this dataset is an image.
protected boolean isImage;
* True if this dataset is a true color image.
protected boolean isTrueColor;
* True if this dataset is ASCII text.
protected boolean isText;
* Flag to indicate if the original C data is unsigned integer.
protected boolean isUnsigned;
* Flag to indicate is the original unsigned C data is converted.
protected boolean unsignedConverted;
/** The fill value of the dataset. */
protected Object fillValue = null;
/** Flag to indicate if the dataset is displayed as an image */
protected boolean isImageDisplay;
* Flag to indicate if the dataset is displayed as an image with default
* order of dimensions
protected boolean isDefaultImageOrder;
* Flag to indicate if the FillValue is converted from unsigned C.
public boolean isFillValueConverted;
* Constructs an instance of a ScalarDS with specific name and path. An HDF
* data object must have a name. The path is the group path starting from
* the root.
* For example, in H5ScalarDS(h5file, "dset", "/arrays/"), "dset" is the
* name of the dataset, "/arrays" is the group path of the dataset.
* @param theFile
* the file that contains the data object.
* @param theName
* the name of the data object, e.g. "dset".
* @param thePath
* the full path of the data object, e.g. "/arrays/".
public ScalarDS(FileFormat theFile, String theName, String thePath) {
this(theFile, theName, thePath, null);
* @deprecated Not for public use in the future.
* Using {@link #ScalarDS(FileFormat, String, String)}
public ScalarDS(FileFormat theFile, String theName, String thePath,
long[] oid) {
super(theFile, theName, thePath, oid);
palette = null;
isImage = false;
isTrueColor = false;
isText = false;
isUnsigned = false;
interlace = -1;
datatype = null;
imageDataRange = null;
isImageDisplay = false;
isDefaultImageOrder = true;
isFillValueConverted = false;
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see ncsa.hdf.object.Dataset#clearData()
public void clearData() {
unsignedConverted = false;
* Converts the data values of this dataset to appropriate Java integer if
* they are unsigned integers.
* @see ncsa.hdf.object.Dataset#convertToUnsignedC(Object)
* @see ncsa.hdf.object.Dataset#convertFromUnsignedC(Object, Object)
* @return the converted data buffer.
public Object convertFromUnsignedC() {
// keep a copy of original buffer and the converted buffer
// so that they can be reused later to save memory
if ((data != null) && isUnsigned && !unsignedConverted) {
originalBuf = data;
convertedBuf = convertFromUnsignedC(originalBuf, convertedBuf);
data = convertedBuf;
unsignedConverted = true;
if (fillValue != null) {
fillValue = convertFromUnsignedC(fillValue, null);
isFillValueConverted = true;
return data;
* Converts Java integer data of this dataset back to unsigned C-type
* integer data if they are unsigned integers.
* @see ncsa.hdf.object.Dataset#convertToUnsignedC(Object)
* @see ncsa.hdf.object.Dataset#convertToUnsignedC(Object, Object)
* @see #convertFromUnsignedC(Object data_in)
* @return the converted data buffer.
public Object convertToUnsignedC() {
// keep a copy of original buffer and the converted buffer
// so that they can be reused later to save memory
if ((data != null) && isUnsigned) {
convertedBuf = data;
originalBuf = convertToUnsignedC(convertedBuf, originalBuf);
data = originalBuf;
return data;
* Returns the palette of this scalar dataset or null if palette does not
* exist.
* Scalar dataset can be displayed as spreadsheet data or image. When a
* scalar dataset is chosen to display as an image, the palette or color
* table may be needed to translate a pixel value to color components (for
* example, red, green, and blue). Some scalar datasets have no palette and
* some datasets have one or more than one palettes. If an associated
* palette exists but not loaded, this interface retrieves the palette from
* the file and returns the palette. If the palette is loaded, it returnd
* the palette. It returns null if there is no palette assciated with the
* dataset.
* Current implementation only supports palette model of indexed RGB with
* 256 colors. Other models such as YUV", "CMY", "CMYK", "YCbCr", "HSV will
* be supported in the future.
* The palette values are stored in a two-dimensional byte array and arrange
* by color components of red, green and blue. palette[][] = byte[3][256],
* where, palette[0][], palette[1][] and palette[2][] are the red, green and
* blue components respectively.
* Sub-classes have to implement this interface. HDF4 and HDF5 images use
* different libraries to retrieve the associated palette.
* @return the 2D palette byte array.
public abstract byte[][] getPalette();
* Sets the palette for this dataset.
* @param pal
* the 2D palette byte array.
public final void setPalette(byte[][] pal) {
palette = pal;
* Reads a specific image palette from file.
* A scalar dataset may have multiple palettes attached to it.
* readPalette(int idx) returns a specific palette identified by its index.
* @param idx
* the index of the palette to read.
public abstract byte[][] readPalette(int idx);
* Get the name of a specific image palette from file.
* A scalar dataset may have multiple palettes attached to it.
* getPaletteName(int idx) returns the name of a specific palette identified by its index.
* @param idx
* the index of the palette to retrieve the name.
* @return The name of the palette
public String getPaletteName(int idx){
String paletteName = "Default ";
if (idx !=0)
paletteName = "Default " + idx;
return paletteName;
* Returns the byte array of palette refs.
* A palette reference is an object reference that points to the palette
* dataset.
* For example, Dataset "Iceberg" has an attribute of object reference
* "Palette". The arrtibute "Palette" has value "2538" that is the object
* reference of the palette data set "Iceberg Palette".
* @return null if there is no palette attribute attached to this dataset.
public abstract byte[] getPaletteRefs();
* Returns true if this dataset is an image.
* For all Images, they must have an attribute called "CLASS". The value of
* this attribute is "IMAGE". For more details, read HDF5 Image
* and Palette Specification
* @return true if the dataset is an image; otherwise, returns false.
public final boolean isImage() {
return isImage;
* Returns true if this dataset is displayed as an image.
* A ScalarDS can be displayed as an image or table.
* @return true if this dataset is displayed as an image; otherwise, returns
* false.
public final boolean isImageDisplay() {
return isImageDisplay;
* Returns true if this dataset is displayed as an image with default image
* order.
* A ScalarDS can be displayed as an image with different orders of
* dimensions.
* @return true if this dataset is displayed as an image with default image
* order; otherwise, returns false.
public final boolean isDefaultImageOrder() {
return isDefaultImageOrder;
* Sets the flag to display the dataset as an image.
* @param b
* if b is true, display the dataset as an image
public final void setIsImageDisplay(boolean b) {
isImageDisplay = b;
if (isImageDisplay) {
enumConverted = false;
* Sets the flag to indicate this dataset is an image.
* @param b
* if b is true, the dataset is an image.
public final void setIsImage(boolean b) {
isImage = b;
if (isImage) {
enumConverted = false;
* Returns true if this dataset is a true color image.
public final boolean isTrueColor() {
return isTrueColor;
* Returns true if this dataset is ASCII text.
* @return true if this dataset is ASCII text.
public final boolean isText() {
return isText;
* Returns the interlace mode of a true color image (RGB).
* Valid values:
* INTERLACE_PIXEL -- RGB components are contiguous, i.e. rgb, rgb, rgb, ...
* INTERLACE_LINE -- each RGB component is stored as a scan line
* INTERLACE_PLANE -- each RGB component is stored as a plane
* @return the interlace mode of a true color image (RGB).
public final int getInterlace() {
return interlace;
* Returns true if the original C data are unsigned integers.
* @return true if the original C data are unsigned integers.
public final boolean isUnsigned() {
return isUnsigned;
* Returns the (min, max) pair of image data range.
* @return the (min, max) pair of image data range.
public double[] getImageDataRange() {
return imageDataRange;
* Returns the fill values for the dataset.
* @return the fill values for the dataset.
public final Object getFillValue() {
return fillValue;