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sbt.compiler.Eval.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* sbt
* Copyright 2023, Scala center
* Copyright 2011 - 2022, Lightbend, Inc.
* Copyright 2008 - 2010, Mark Harrah
* Licensed under Apache License 2.0 (see LICENSE)
package sbt
package compiler
import scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer
import scala.tools.nsc.{ ast, io, reporters, CompilerCommand, Global, Phase, Settings }
import io.{ AbstractFile, PlainFile, VirtualDirectory }
import ast.parser.Tokens
import reporters.Reporter
import scala.reflect.internal.util.{ AbstractFileClassLoader, BatchSourceFile }
import Tokens.{ EOF, NEWLINE, NEWLINES, SEMI }
import java.io.{ File, FileNotFoundException }
import java.nio.ByteBuffer
import java.net.URLClassLoader
import java.security.MessageDigest
import Eval.{ getModule, getValue, WrapValName }
import sbt.io.{ DirectoryFilter, FileFilter, GlobFilter, Hash, IO, Path }
// TODO: provide a way to cleanup backing directory
final class EvalImports(val strings: Seq[(String, Int)], val srcName: String)
* The result of evaluating a Scala expression. The inferred type of the expression is given by `tpe`.
* The value may be obtained from `getValue` by providing a parent class loader that provides the classes from the classpath
* this expression was compiled against. Each call to `getValue` constructs a new class loader and loads
* the module from that class loader. `generated` contains the compiled classes and cache files related
* to the expression. The name of the auto-generated module wrapping the expression is `enclosingModule`.
final class EvalResult(
val tpe: String,
val getValue: ClassLoader => Any,
val generated: Seq[File],
val enclosingModule: String
* The result of evaluating a group of Scala definitions. The definitions are wrapped in an auto-generated,
* top-level module named `enclosingModule`. `generated` contains the compiled classes and cache files related to the definitions.
* A new class loader containing the module may be obtained from `loader` by passing the parent class loader providing the classes
* from the classpath that the definitions were compiled against. The list of vals with the requested types is `valNames`.
* The values for these may be obtained by providing the parent class loader to `values` as is done with `loader`.
final class EvalDefinitions(
val loader: ClassLoader => ClassLoader,
val generated: Seq[File],
val enclosingModule: String,
val valNames: Seq[String]
) {
def values(parent: ClassLoader): Seq[Any] = {
val module = getModule(enclosingModule, loader(parent))
for (n <- valNames) yield module.getClass.getMethod(n).invoke(module)
final class EvalException(msg: String) extends RuntimeException(msg)
// not thread safe, since it reuses a Global instance
final class Eval(
optionsNoncp: Seq[String],
classpath: Seq[File],
mkReporter: Settings => EvalReporter,
backing: Option[File]
) {
def this(mkReporter: Settings => EvalReporter, backing: Option[File]) =
this(Nil, IO.classLocationPath[Product].toFile :: Nil, mkReporter, backing)
def this() = this(EvalReporter.console, None)
val classpathString = Path.makeString(classpath ++ backing.toList)
val options = "-cp" +: classpathString +: optionsNoncp
lazy val settings = {
val s = new Settings(println)
new CompilerCommand(options.toList, s) // this side-effects on Settings..
private lazy val evalReporter = mkReporter(settings)
def reporter: Reporter = evalReporter // kept for binary compatibility
* Subclass of Global which allows us to mutate currentRun from outside.
* See for rationale https://issues.scala-lang.org/browse/SI-8794
final class EvalGlobal(settings: Settings, reporter: Reporter)
extends Global(settings, reporter) {
override def currentRun: Run = curRun match {
case null => super.currentRun // https://github.com/scala/bug/issues/11381
case r => r
var curRun: Run = null
lazy val global: EvalGlobal = new EvalGlobal(settings, evalReporter)
import global._
private[sbt] def unlinkDeferred(): Unit = {
toUnlinkLater foreach unlink
toUnlinkLater = Nil
private[this] var toUnlinkLater = List[Symbol]()
private[this] def unlink(sym: Symbol) = sym.owner.info.decls.unlink(sym)
def eval(
expression: String,
imports: EvalImports = noImports,
tpeName: Option[String] = None,
srcName: String = "",
line: Int = DefaultStartLine
): EvalResult = {
val ev = new EvalType[String] {
def sourceName: String = srcName
def makeUnit = mkUnit(srcName, line, expression)
def unlink = true
def unitBody(unit: CompilationUnit, importTrees: Seq[Tree], moduleName: String): Tree = {
val (parser, tree) = parse(unit, settingErrorStrings, _.expr())
val tpt: Tree = expectedType(tpeName)
augment(parser, importTrees, tree, tpt, moduleName)
def extra(run: Run, unit: CompilationUnit) = enteringPhase(run.typerPhase.next) {
(new TypeExtractor).getType(unit.body)
def read(file: File) = IO.read(file)
def write(value: String, f: File) = IO.write(f, value)
def extraHash = ""
val i = evalCommon(expression :: Nil, imports, tpeName, ev)
val value = (cl: ClassLoader) => getValue[Any](i.enclosingModule, i.loader(cl))
new EvalResult(i.extra, value, i.generated, i.enclosingModule)
def evalDefinitions(
definitions: Seq[(String, scala.Range)],
imports: EvalImports,
srcName: String,
file: Option[File],
valTypes: Seq[String]
): EvalDefinitions = {
require(definitions.nonEmpty, "Definitions to evaluate cannot be empty.")
val ev = new EvalType[Seq[String]] {
lazy val (fullUnit, defUnits) = mkDefsUnit(srcName, definitions)
def sourceName: String = srcName
def makeUnit = fullUnit
def unlink = false
def unitBody(unit: CompilationUnit, importTrees: Seq[Tree], moduleName: String): Tree = {
val fullParser = new syntaxAnalyzer.UnitParser(unit)
val trees = defUnits flatMap parseDefinitions
syntheticModule(fullParser, importTrees, trees.toList, moduleName)
def extra(run: Run, unit: CompilationUnit) = {
enteringPhase(run.typerPhase.next) {
(new ValExtractor(valTypes.toSet)).getVals(unit.body)
def read(file: File) = IO.readLines(file)
def write(value: Seq[String], file: File) = IO.writeLines(file, value)
def extraHash = file match {
case Some(f) => f.getAbsolutePath
case None => ""
val i: EvalIntermediate[Seq[String]] = evalCommon(definitions.map(_._1), imports, Some(""), ev)
new EvalDefinitions(i.loader, i.generated, i.enclosingModule, i.extra.reverse)
private[this] def evalCommon[T](
content: Seq[String],
imports: EvalImports,
tpeName: Option[String],
ev: EvalType[T]
): EvalIntermediate[T] = {
import Eval._
// TODO - We also encode the source of the setting into the hash to avoid conflicts where the exact SAME setting
// is defined in multiple evaluated instances with a backing. This leads to issues with finding a previous
// value on the classpath when compiling.
// This is a hot path.
val digester = MessageDigest.getInstance("SHA")
content foreach { c =>
backing foreach { x =>
options foreach { o =>
classpath foreach { f =>
fileModifiedHash(f, digester)
imports.strings.map(_._1) foreach { x =>
tpeName foreach { x =>
val d = digester.digest()
val hash = Hash.toHex(d)
val moduleName = makeModuleName(hash)
val (extra, loader) = try {
backing match {
case Some(back) if classExists(back, moduleName) =>
val loader = (parent: ClassLoader) =>
(new URLClassLoader(Array(back.toURI.toURL), parent): ClassLoader)
val extra = ev.read(cacheFile(back, moduleName))
(extra, loader)
case _ =>
compileAndLoad(imports, backing, moduleName, ev)
} finally {
// send a final report even if the class file was backed to reset preceding diagnostics
val generatedFiles = getGeneratedFiles(backing, moduleName)
new EvalIntermediate(extra, loader, generatedFiles, moduleName)
// location of the cached type or definition information
private[this] def cacheFile(base: File, moduleName: String): File =
new File(base, moduleName + ".cache")
private def compileAndLoad[T](
imports: EvalImports,
backing: Option[File],
moduleName: String,
ev: EvalType[T]
): (T, ClassLoader => ClassLoader) = {
val unit = ev.makeUnit
val run = new Run {
override def units = (unit :: Nil).iterator
try {
compileAndLoad(run, unit, imports, backing, moduleName, ev)
} finally {
// unlink all
for ((sym, _) <- run.symSource) if (ev.unlink) unlink(sym) else toUnlinkLater ::= sym
private[this] def compileAndLoad[T](
run: Run,
unit: CompilationUnit,
imports: EvalImports,
backing: Option[File],
moduleName: String,
ev: EvalType[T]
): (T, ClassLoader => ClassLoader) = {
global.curRun = run
run.currentUnit = unit
val dir = outputDirectory(backing)
settings.outputDirs setSingleOutput dir
val importTrees = parseImports(imports)
unit.body = ev.unitBody(unit, importTrees, moduleName)
def compile(phase: Phase): Unit = {
globalPhase = phase
if (phase == null || phase == phase.next || evalReporter.hasErrors)
else {
enteringPhase(phase) { phase.run() }
checkError("Type error in expression")
val extra = ev.extra(run, unit)
for (f <- backing) ev.write(extra, cacheFile(f, moduleName))
val loader = (parent: ClassLoader) => new AbstractFileClassLoader(dir, parent)
(extra, loader)
private[this] def expectedType(tpeName: Option[String]): Tree =
tpeName match {
case Some(tpe) => parseType(tpe)
case None => TypeTree(NoType)
private[this] def outputDirectory(backing: Option[File]): AbstractFile =
backing match {
case None => new VirtualDirectory("", None); case Some(dir) => new PlainFile(dir)
def load(dir: AbstractFile, moduleName: String): ClassLoader => Any =
parent => getValue[Any](moduleName, new AbstractFileClassLoader(dir, parent))
def loadPlain(dir: File, moduleName: String): ClassLoader => Any =
parent => getValue[Any](moduleName, new URLClassLoader(Array(dir.toURI.toURL), parent))
//wrap tree in object objectName { def WrapValName = }
def augment(
parser: global.syntaxAnalyzer.UnitParser,
imports: Seq[Tree],
tree: Tree,
tpt: Tree,
objectName: String
): Tree = {
val method = DefDef(NoMods, newTermName(WrapValName), Nil, Nil, tpt, tree)
syntheticModule(parser, imports, method :: Nil, objectName)
private[this] def syntheticModule(
parser: global.syntaxAnalyzer.UnitParser,
imports: Seq[Tree],
definitions: List[Tree],
objectName: String
): Tree = {
val emptyTypeName = nme.EMPTY.toTypeName
def emptyPkg = parser.atPos(0, 0, 0) { Ident(nme.EMPTY_PACKAGE_NAME) }
def emptyInit = DefDef(
List(Apply(Select(Super(This(emptyTypeName), emptyTypeName), nme.CONSTRUCTOR), Nil)),
def moduleBody =
Template(List(gen.scalaAnyRefConstr), noSelfType, (emptyInit: Tree) :: definitions)
def moduleDef = ModuleDef(NoMods, newTermName(objectName), moduleBody)
parser.makePackaging(0, emptyPkg, (imports :+ (moduleDef: Tree)).toList)
private[this] final class TypeExtractor extends Traverser {
private[this] var result = ""
def getType(t: Tree) = { result = ""; traverse(t); result }
override def traverse(tree: Tree): Unit = tree match {
case d: DefDef if d.symbol.nameString == WrapValName =>
result = d.symbol.tpe.finalResultType.toString
case _ => super.traverse(tree)
/** Tree traverser that obtains the names of vals in a top-level module whose type is a subtype of one of `types`.*/
private[this] final class ValExtractor(tpes: Set[String]) extends Traverser {
private[this] var vals = List[String]()
def getVals(t: Tree): List[String] = { vals = Nil; traverse(t); vals }
def isAcceptableType(tpe: Type): Boolean = {
tpe.baseClasses.exists { sym =>
override def traverse(tree: Tree): Unit = tree match {
case ValDef(_, n, actualTpe, _)
if isTopLevelModule(tree.symbol.owner) && isAcceptableType(actualTpe.tpe) =>
vals ::= n.dropLocal.encoded
case _ => super.traverse(tree)
// inlined implemented of Symbol.isTopLevelModule that was removed in e5b050814deb2e7e1d6d05511d3a6cb6b013b549
private[this] def isTopLevelModule(s: Symbol): Boolean =
s.hasFlag(reflect.internal.Flags.MODULE) && s.owner.isPackageClass
private[this] final class EvalIntermediate[T](
val extra: T,
val loader: ClassLoader => ClassLoader,
val generated: Seq[File],
val enclosingModule: String
private[this] def classExists(dir: File, name: String) = (new File(dir, name + ".class")).exists
// TODO: use the code from Analyzer
private[this] def getGeneratedFiles(backing: Option[File], moduleName: String): Seq[File] =
backing match {
case None => Nil
case Some(dir) => dir listFiles moduleFileFilter(moduleName)
private[this] def moduleFileFilter(moduleName: String) = new java.io.FilenameFilter {
def accept(dir: File, s: String) =
(s contains moduleName)
private[this] class ParseErrorStrings(
val base: String,
val extraBlank: String,
val missingBlank: String,
val extraSemi: String
private[this] def definitionErrorStrings = new ParseErrorStrings(
base = "Error parsing definition.",
extraBlank = " Ensure that there are no blank lines within a definition.",
missingBlank = " Ensure that definitions are separated by blank lines.",
extraSemi = " A trailing semicolon is not permitted for standalone definitions."
private[this] def settingErrorStrings = new ParseErrorStrings(
base = "Error parsing expression.",
extraBlank = " Ensure that there are no blank lines within a setting.",
missingBlank = " Ensure that settings are separated by blank lines.",
extraSemi =
" Note that settings are expressions and do not end with semicolons. (Semicolons are fine within {} blocks, however.)"
* Parses the provided compilation `unit` according to `f` and then performs checks on the final parser state
* to catch errors that are common when the content is embedded in a blank-line-delimited format.
private[this] def parse[T](
unit: CompilationUnit,
errors: ParseErrorStrings,
f: syntaxAnalyzer.UnitParser => T
): (syntaxAnalyzer.UnitParser, T) = {
val parser = new syntaxAnalyzer.UnitParser(unit)
val tree = f(parser)
val extra = parser.in.token match {
case EOF => errors.extraBlank
case _ => ""
checkError(errors.base + extra)
val extra2 = parser.in.token match {
case SEMI => errors.extraSemi
case NEWLINE | NEWLINES => errors.missingBlank
case _ => ""
checkError(errors.base + extra2)
(parser, tree)
private[this] def parseType(tpe: String): Tree = {
val tpeParser = new syntaxAnalyzer.UnitParser(mkUnit("", DefaultStartLine, tpe))
val tpt0: Tree = tpeParser.typ()
checkError("Error parsing expression type.")
private[this] def parseImports(imports: EvalImports): Seq[Tree] =
imports.strings flatMap { case (s, line) => parseImport(mkUnit(imports.srcName, line, s)) }
private[this] def parseImport(importUnit: CompilationUnit): Seq[Tree] = {
val parser = new syntaxAnalyzer.UnitParser(importUnit)
val trees: Seq[Tree] = parser.importClause()
checkError("Error parsing imports for expression.")
private[this] def parseDefinitions(du: CompilationUnit): Seq[Tree] =
parse(du, definitionErrorStrings, parseDefinitions)._2
/** Parses one or more definitions (defs, vals, lazy vals, classes, traits, modules). */
private[this] def parseDefinitions(parser: syntaxAnalyzer.UnitParser): Seq[Tree] = {
val defs = ListBuffer[Tree]()
do {
defs ++= parser.nonLocalDefOrDcl
} while (!parser.isStatSeqEnd)
private[this] trait EvalType[T] {
/** Extracts additional information after the compilation unit is evaluated.*/
def extra(run: Run, unit: CompilationUnit): T
/** Deserializes the extra information for unchanged inputs from a cache file.*/
def read(file: File): T
/** Serializes the extra information to a cache file, where it can be `read` back if inputs haven't changed.*/
def write(value: T, file: File): Unit
def sourceName: String
* Constructs the full compilation unit for this evaluation.
* This is used for error reporting during compilation.
* The `unitBody` method actually does the parsing and may parse the Tree from another source.
def makeUnit: CompilationUnit
/** If true, all top-level symbols from this evaluation will be unlinked.*/
def unlink: Boolean
* Constructs the Tree to be compiled. The full compilation `unit` from `makeUnit` is provided along with the
* parsed imports `importTrees` to be used. `moduleName` should be name of the enclosing module.
* The Tree doesn't need to be parsed from the contents of `unit`.
def unitBody(unit: CompilationUnit, importTrees: Seq[Tree], moduleName: String): Tree
/** Extra information to include in the hash'd object name to help avoid collisions. */
def extraHash: String
val DefaultStartLine = 0
private[this] def makeModuleName(hash: String): String = "$" + Hash.halve(hash)
private[this] def noImports = new EvalImports(Nil, "")
private[this] def mkUnit(srcName: String, firstLine: Int, s: String) =
new CompilationUnit(new EvalSourceFile(srcName, firstLine, s))
private[this] def checkError(label: String) =
if (evalReporter.hasErrors) throw new EvalException(label)
private[this] final class EvalSourceFile(name: String, startLine: Int, contents: String)
extends BatchSourceFile(name, contents) {
override def lineToOffset(line: Int): Int = super.lineToOffset((line - startLine) max 0)
override def offsetToLine(offset: Int): Int = super.offsetToLine(offset) + startLine
* Constructs a CompilationUnit for each definition, which can be used to independently parse the definition into a Tree.
* Additionally, a CompilationUnit for the combined definitions is constructed for use by combined compilation after parsing.
private[this] def mkDefsUnit(
srcName: String,
definitions: Seq[(String, scala.Range)]
): (CompilationUnit, Seq[CompilationUnit]) = {
def fragmentUnit(content: String, lineMap: Array[Int]) =
new CompilationUnit(fragmentSourceFile(srcName, content, lineMap))
import collection.mutable.ListBuffer
val lines = new ListBuffer[Int]()
val defs = new ListBuffer[CompilationUnit]()
val fullContent = new java.lang.StringBuilder()
for ((defString, range) <- definitions) {
defs += fragmentUnit(defString, range.toArray)
lines ++= range
lines ++= (range.end :: range.end :: Nil)
val fullUnit = fragmentUnit(fullContent.toString, lines.toArray)
(fullUnit, defs.toSeq)
* Source file that can map the offset in the file to and from line numbers that may discontinuous.
* The values in `lineMap` must be ordered, but need not be consecutive.
private[this] def fragmentSourceFile(srcName: String, content: String, lineMap: Array[Int]) =
new BatchSourceFile(srcName, content) {
override def lineToOffset(line: Int): Int =
super.lineToOffset(lineMap.indexWhere(_ == line) max 0)
override def offsetToLine(offset: Int): Int = index(lineMap, super.offsetToLine(offset))
// the SourceFile attribute is populated from this method, so we are required to only return the name
override def toString = new File(srcName).getName
private[this] def index(a: Array[Int], i: Int): Int = if (i < 0 || i >= a.length) 0 else a(i)
private[sbt] object Eval {
def optBytes[T](o: Option[T])(f: T => Array[Byte]): Array[Byte] = seqBytes(o.toSeq)(f)
def stringSeqBytes(s: Seq[String]): Array[Byte] = seqBytes(s)(bytes)
def seqBytes[T](s: Seq[T])(f: T => Array[Byte]): Array[Byte] = bytes(s map f)
def bytes(b: Seq[Array[Byte]]): Array[Byte] = bytes(b.length) ++ b.flatten.toArray[Byte]
def bytes(b: Boolean): Array[Byte] = Array[Byte](if (b) 1 else 0)
// fileModifiedBytes is a hot method, taking up 0.85% of reload time
// This is a procedural version
def fileModifiedHash(f: File, digester: MessageDigest): Unit = {
if (f.isDirectory)
(f listFiles classDirFilter) foreach { x =>
fileModifiedHash(x, digester)
} else digester.update(bytes(getModifiedTimeOrZero(f)))
// This uses NIO instead of the JNA-based IO.getModifiedTimeOrZero for speed
def getModifiedTimeOrZero(f: File): Long =
try {
} catch {
case _: FileNotFoundException => 0L
def fileExistsBytes(f: File): Array[Byte] =
bytes(f.exists) ++
def bytes(s: String): Array[Byte] = s getBytes "UTF-8"
def bytes(l: Long): Array[Byte] = {
val buffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(8)
def bytes(i: Int): Array[Byte] = {
val buffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(4)
/** The name of the synthetic val in the synthetic module that an expression is assigned to. */
final val WrapValName = "$sbtdef"
* Gets the value of the expression wrapped in module `objectName`, which is accessible via `loader`.
* The module name should not include the trailing `$`.
def getValue[T](objectName: String, loader: ClassLoader): T = {
val module = getModule(objectName, loader)
val accessor = module.getClass.getMethod(WrapValName)
val value = accessor.invoke(module)
/** Gets the top-level module `moduleName` from the provided class `loader`. The module name should not include the trailing `$`.*/
def getModule(moduleName: String, loader: ClassLoader): Any = {
val clazz = Class.forName(moduleName + "$", true, loader)
private val classDirFilter: FileFilter = DirectoryFilter || GlobFilter("*.class")
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