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xsbt.Dependency.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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/* sbt -- Simple Build Tool
 * Copyright 2008, 2009 Mark Harrah
package xsbt


import xsbti.api.DependencyContext
import DependencyContext._

import{ PlainFile, ZipArchive }

object Dependency {
  def name = "xsbt-dependency"
 * Extracts dependency information from each compilation unit.
 * This phase uses CompilationUnit.depends and CallbackGlobal.inheritedDependencies
 * to collect all symbols that given compilation unit depends on. Those symbols are
 * guaranteed to represent Class-like structures.
 * The CallbackGlobal.inheritedDependencies is populated by the API phase. See,
 * ExtractAPI class.
 * When dependency symbol is processed, it is mapped back to either source file where
 * it's defined in (if it's available in current compilation run) or classpath entry
 * where it originates from. The Symbol->Classfile mapping is implemented by
 * LocateClassFile that we inherit from.
final class Dependency(val global: CallbackGlobal) extends LocateClassFile with GlobalHelpers {
  import global._

  def newPhase(prev: Phase): Phase = new DependencyPhase(prev)
  private class DependencyPhase(prev: Phase) extends GlobalPhase(prev) {
    override def description = "Extracts dependency information"
    def name =
    def apply(unit: CompilationUnit): Unit = {
      if (!unit.isJava) {
        // build dependencies structure
        val sourceFile = unit.source.file.file
        if (global.callback.nameHashing) {
          val dependencyExtractor = new ExtractDependenciesTraverser

          dependencyExtractor.memberRefDependencies foreach processDependency(context = DependencyByMemberRef)
          dependencyExtractor.inheritanceDependencies foreach processDependency(context = DependencyByInheritance)
          dependencyExtractor.localInheritanceDependencies foreach processDependency(context = LocalDependencyByInheritance)
        } else {
          throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Turning off name hashing is not supported in class-based dependency trackging.")
         * Registers top level import dependencies as coming from a first top level class/trait/object declared
         * in the compilation unit.
         * If there's no top level template (class/trait/object def) declared in the compilation unit but `deps`
         * is non-empty, a warning is issued.
        def processTopLevelImportDependencies(deps: Iterator[Symbol]): Unit = if (deps.nonEmpty) {
          val classOrModuleDef = firstClassOrModuleDef(unit.body)
          classOrModuleDef match {
            case Some(classOrModuleDef) =>
              val sym = classOrModuleDef.symbol
              val firstClassSymbol = if (sym.isModule) sym.moduleClass else sym
              deps foreach { dep =>
                processDependency(context = DependencyByMemberRef)(ClassDependency(firstClassSymbol, dep))
            case None =>
                """|Found top level imports but no class, trait or object is defined in the compilation unit.
                  |The incremental compiler cannot record the dependency information in such case.
                  |Some errors like unused import referring to a non-existent class might not be reported.""".stripMargin
         * Handles dependency on given symbol by trying to figure out if represents a term
         * that is coming from either source code (not necessarily compiled in this compilation
         * run) or from class file and calls respective callback method.
        def processDependency(context: DependencyContext)(dep: ClassDependency): Unit = {
          val fromClassName = className(dep.from)
          def binaryDependency(file: File, onBinaryClassName: String) =
            callback.binaryDependency(file, onBinaryClassName, fromClassName, sourceFile, context)
          val onSource =
          if (onSource == null) {
            classFile( match {
              case Some((f, binaryClassName, inOutDir)) =>
                if (inOutDir && registerTopLevelSym(
                f match {
                  case ze: ZipArchive#Entry =>
                    for (zip <- ze.underlyingSource; zipFile <- Option(zip.file)) binaryDependency(zipFile, binaryClassName)
                  case pf: PlainFile => binaryDependency(pf.file, binaryClassName)
                  case _             => ()
              case None => ()
          } else if (onSource.file != sourceFile) {
            val onClassName = className(
            callback.classDependency(onClassName, fromClassName, context)

  private case class ClassDependency(from: Symbol, to: Symbol)

  private class ExtractDependenciesTraverser extends Traverser {
    import scala.collection.mutable.HashSet
    // are we traversing an Import node at the moment?
    private var inImportNode = false

    private val _memberRefDependencies = HashSet.empty[ClassDependency]
    private val _inheritanceDependencies = HashSet.empty[ClassDependency]
    private val _localInheritanceDependencies = HashSet.empty[ClassDependency]
    private val _topLevelImportDependencies = HashSet.empty[Symbol]
    private def enclOrModuleClass(s: Symbol): Symbol =
      if (s.isModule) s.moduleClass else s.enclClass

     * Resolves dependency source by getting the enclosing class for `currentOwner`
     * and then looking up the most inner enclosing class that is non local.
     * The second returned value indicates if the enclosing class for `currentOwner`
     * is a local class.
    private def resolveDependencySource: (Symbol, Boolean) = {
      val fromClass = enclOrModuleClass(currentOwner)
      if (fromClass == NoSymbol || fromClass.hasPackageFlag)
        (fromClass, false)
      else {
        val fromNonLocalClass = localToNonLocalClass.resolveNonLocal(fromClass)
        assert(!(fromClass == NoSymbol || fromClass.hasPackageFlag))
        (fromNonLocalClass, fromClass != fromNonLocalClass)
    private def addClassDependency(deps: HashSet[ClassDependency], fromClass: Symbol, dep: Symbol): Unit = {
        s"The ${fromClass.fullName} defined at ${fromClass.fullLocationString} is not a class symbol."
      val depClass = enclOrModuleClass(dep)
      if (fromClass.associatedFile != depClass.associatedFile) {
        deps += ClassDependency(fromClass, depClass)

    def addTopLevelImportDependency(dep: global.Symbol): Unit = {
      val depClass = enclOrModuleClass(dep)
      if (!dep.hasPackageFlag) {
        _topLevelImportDependencies += depClass

    private def addTreeDependency(tree: Tree): Unit = {
      if (tree.tpe != null)
    private def addDependency(dep: Symbol): Unit = {
      val (fromClass, _) = resolveDependencySource
      if (fromClass == NoSymbol || fromClass.hasPackageFlag) {
        if (inImportNode) addTopLevelImportDependency(dep)
          devWarning(s"No enclosing class. Discarding dependency on $dep (currentOwner = $currentOwner).")
      } else {
        addClassDependency(_memberRefDependencies, fromClass, dep)
    private def addInheritanceDependency(dep: Symbol): Unit = {
      val (fromClass, isLocal) = resolveDependencySource
      if (isLocal)
        addClassDependency(_localInheritanceDependencies, fromClass, dep)
        addClassDependency(_inheritanceDependencies, fromClass, dep)
    def memberRefDependencies: Iterator[ClassDependency] = _memberRefDependencies.iterator
    def inheritanceDependencies: Iterator[ClassDependency] = _inheritanceDependencies.iterator
    def topLevelImportDependencies: Iterator[Symbol] = _topLevelImportDependencies.iterator
    def localInheritanceDependencies: Iterator[ClassDependency] = _localInheritanceDependencies.iterator

     * Some macros appear to contain themselves as original tree.
     * We must check that we don't inspect the same tree over and over.
     * See
    private val inspectedOriginalTrees = collection.mutable.Set.empty[Tree]

    override def traverse(tree: Tree): Unit = tree match {
      case Import(expr, selectors) =>
        inImportNode = true
        selectors.foreach {
          case ImportSelector(nme.WILDCARD, _, null, _) =>
          // in case of wildcard import we do not rely on any particular name being defined
          // on `expr`; all symbols that are being used will get caught through selections
          case ImportSelector(name: Name, _, _, _) =>
            def lookupImported(name: Name) =
            // importing a name means importing both a term and a type (if they exist)
        inImportNode = false
       * Idents are used in number of situations:
       *  - to refer to local variable
       *  - to refer to a top-level package (other packages are nested selections)
       *  - to refer to a term defined in the same package as an enclosing class;
       *    this looks fishy, see this thread:
      case id: Ident => addTreeDependency(id)
      case sel @ Select(qual, _) =>
        traverse(qual); addTreeDependency(sel)
      case sel @ SelectFromTypeTree(qual, _) =>
        traverse(qual); addTreeDependency(sel)

      case Template(parents, self, body) =>
        // use typeSymbol to dealias type aliases -- we want to track the dependency on the real class in the alias's RHS
        def flattenTypeToSymbols(tp: Type): List[Symbol] = if (tp eq null) Nil
        else tp match {
          // rt.typeSymbol is redundant if we list out all parents, TODO: what about rt.decls?
          case rt: RefinedType => rt.parents.flatMap(flattenTypeToSymbols)
          case _               => List(tp.typeSymbol)

        val inheritanceTypes =
        val inheritanceSymbols = inheritanceTypes.flatMap(flattenTypeToSymbols)

        debuglog("Parent types for " + tree.symbol + " (self: " + self.tpt.tpe + "): " + inheritanceTypes + " with symbols " +


        val allSymbols = (inheritanceTypes + self.tpt.tpe).flatMap(symbolsInType)
        (allSymbols ++ inheritanceSymbols).foreach(addDependency)

      // In some cases (eg. macro annotations), `typeTree.tpe` may be null. See sbt/sbt#1593 and sbt/sbt#1655.
      case typeTree: TypeTree if typeTree.tpe != null =>
        symbolsInType(typeTree.tpe) foreach addDependency
      case m @ MacroExpansionOf(original) if inspectedOriginalTrees.add(original) =>
      case _: ClassDef | _: ModuleDef if tree.symbol != null && tree.symbol != NoSymbol =>
        // make sure we cache lookups for all classes declared in the compilation unit; the recorded information
        // will be used in Analyzer phase
        val sym = if (tree.symbol.isModule) tree.symbol.moduleClass else tree.symbol
      case other => super.traverse(other)

  def firstClassOrModuleDef(tree: Tree): Option[Tree] = {
    tree foreach {
      case t @ ((_: ClassDef) | (_: ModuleDef)) => return Some(t)
      case _                                    => ()


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