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sbt.internal.nio.PollingWatchService.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* sbt IO
* Copyright Scala Center, Lightbend, and Mark Harrah
* Licensed under Apache License 2.0
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
* See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for
* additional information regarding copyright ownership.
package sbt.internal.nio
import java.nio.file.StandardWatchEventKinds._
import java.nio.file.{ WatchService => _, _ }
import java.util
import java.util.concurrent._
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.{ AtomicBoolean, AtomicReference }
import java.util.{ List => JList }
import sbt.internal.nio.FileEvent.{ Creation, Deletion, Update }
import sbt.nio.file.{ AnyPath, Glob }
import scala.annotation.tailrec
import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
import scala.collection.immutable
import scala.concurrent.duration.{ Deadline => _, _ }
import scala.util.Random
/** A `WatchService` that polls the filesystem every `delay`. */
private[sbt] class PollingWatchService(delay: FiniteDuration, timeSource: TimeSource)
extends WatchService
with Unregisterable {
def this(delay: FiniteDuration) = this(delay, TimeSource.default)
private[this] implicit def ts: TimeSource = timeSource
private[this] val closed = new AtomicBoolean(false)
private[this] val registered = new ConcurrentHashMap[Path, PollingWatchKey].asScala
private[this] val lastModifiedConverter: Path => Long = p => IO.getModifiedTimeOrZero(p.toFile)
private[this] val pollQueue: util.Queue[PollingWatchKey] =
new LinkedBlockingDeque[PollingWatchKey]
private[this] val random = new Random()
override def close(): Unit = if (closed.compareAndSet(false, true)) {
override def init(): Unit = {
override def poll(timeout: Duration): WatchKey = {
val numKeys = pollQueue.size
val (adjustedTimeout, deadline) = timeout match {
case t: FiniteDuration => t -> ( + t)
case _ => (numKeys * 2.millis) -> Deadline.Inf
val millis = adjustedTimeout.toMillis
val (batchSize, batchTimeout) = (1 to Int.MaxValue)
.dropWhile(i => (millis * i) / numKeys == 0)
.fold(1 -> 1.millis)(i => i -> (adjustedTimeout / i.toLong))
pollImpl(batchSize, batchTimeout, deadline).orNull
private def pollImpl(
batchSize: Int,
duration: FiniteDuration,
deadline: Deadline
): Option[WatchKey] = {
pollQueue.poll() match {
case null => None
case key =>
key.poll() match {
case r if r.isDefined => r
case _ =>
if (batchSize > 1) {
pollImpl(batchSize - 1, duration, deadline)
} else if (!deadline.isOverdue) {
pollImpl(batchSize, duration, deadline)
} else {
override def pollEvents(): Map[WatchKey, immutable.Seq[WatchEvent[Path]]] = {
ensureNotClosed() => (k: WatchKey) -> k.pollEventsImpl.asScala.toVector).toMap
override def register(path: Path, events: WatchEvent.Kind[Path]*): WatchKey = {
registered.get(path) match {
case Some(k) => k
case None =>
val newKey = new PollingWatchKey(path, events: _*)
registered.put(path, newKey)
override def unregister(path: Path): Unit = {
pollQueue.removeIf(_.path == path)
private def ensureNotClosed(): Unit =
if (closed.get()) throw new ClosedWatchServiceException
private object Overflow
extends PollingWatchEvent(null, OVERFLOW.asInstanceOf[WatchEvent.Kind[Path]])
private class PollingWatchKey(
private[PollingWatchService] val path: Path,
eventKinds: WatchEvent.Kind[Path]*
) extends WatchKey {
private[this] val events =
new ArrayBlockingQueue[FileEvent[Long]](256)
private[this] val hasOverflow = new AtomicBoolean(false)
private[this] lazy val acceptCreate = eventKinds.contains(ENTRY_CREATE)
private[this] lazy val acceptDelete = eventKinds.contains(ENTRY_DELETE)
private[this] lazy val acceptModify = eventKinds.contains(ENTRY_MODIFY)
private[this] val glob = Glob(path, AnyPath)
private[this] val fileCache =
new FileCache[Long](lastModifiedConverter)
private[this] def nextPollTime: Deadline = + random.nextInt(2 * delay.toMillis.toInt).millis
private[this] val lastPolled = new AtomicReference(nextPollTime)
override def cancel(): Unit = {
override def isValid: Boolean = true
override def pollEvents(): JList[WatchEvent[?]] =
override def reset(): Boolean = events.synchronized {
override def watchable(): Watchable = path
private[PollingWatchService] def poll(): Option[WatchKey] = {
lastPolled.get match {
case d if d < =>
val res = fileCache.refresh(glob)
if (events.isEmpty) None else Some(this)
case _ => None
private[PollingWatchService] def pollEventsImpl: JList[WatchEvent[Path]] = {
events.synchronized {
val overflow = hasOverflow.getAndSet(false)
val size = events.size + (if (overflow) 1 else 0)
val rawEvents = new util.ArrayList[FileEvent[Long]](size)
val res = new util.ArrayList[WatchEvent[Path]](size)
res.addAll( {
case Creation(p, _) => new PollingWatchEvent(p, ENTRY_CREATE)
case Deletion(p, _) => new PollingWatchEvent(p, ENTRY_DELETE)
case Update(p, _, _) => new PollingWatchEvent(p, ENTRY_MODIFY)
if (overflow) res.add(Overflow)
private[PollingWatchService] def maybeAddEvent(
event: FileEvent[Long]
): Option[PollingWatchKey] = {
def offer(event: FileEvent[Long]): Option[PollingWatchKey] = {
if (!events.synchronized(events.offer(event))) hasOverflow.set(true)
event match {
case _: Creation[?] if acceptCreate => offer(event)
case _: Deletion[?] if acceptDelete => offer(event)
case _: Update[?] if acceptModify => offer(event)
case _ => None
private class PollingWatchEvent(
override val context: Path,
override val kind: WatchEvent.Kind[Path]
) extends WatchEvent[Path] {
override val count: Int = 1
override def toString: String = kind match {
case ENTRY_CREATE => s"Creation($context)"
case ENTRY_DELETE => s"Deletion($context)"
case ENTRY_MODIFY => s"Modify($context)"
case _ => "Overflow"