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 * sbt IO
 * Copyright Scala Center, Lightbend, and Mark Harrah
 * Licensed under Apache License 2.0
 * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
 * See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for
 * additional information regarding copyright ownership.


import{ File, IOException }
import java.nio.file.attribute._
import java.nio.file.{
  Path => NioPath

import sbt.nio.file.{ AnyPath, FileAttributes, FileTreeView, Glob }
import sbt.nio.file.Glob.GlobOps

import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
import scala.collection.mutable

final class RichFile(val asFile: File) extends AnyVal with RichNioPath {
  def /(component: String): File = if (component == ".") asFile else new File(asFile, component)

  /** True if and only if the wrapped file exists. */
  def exists: Boolean = asFile.exists

  /** True if and only if the wrapped file is a directory. */
  def isDirectory: Boolean = asFile.isDirectory

  /** The last modified time of the wrapped file. */
  def lastModified: Long = IO.getModifiedTimeOrZero(asFile)

   * True if and only if the wrapped file `asFile` exists and the file 'other'
   * does not exist or was modified before the `asFile`.
  def newerThan(other: File): Boolean = Path.newerThan(asFile, other)

   * True if and only if the wrapped file `asFile` does not exist or the file `other`
   * exists and was modified after `asFile`.
  def olderThan(other: File): Boolean = Path.newerThan(other, asFile)

  /** The wrapped file converted to a URL. */
  def asURL: URL = asFile.toURI.toURL

  def absolutePath: String = asFile.getAbsolutePath

  /** The last component of this path. */
  def name: String = asFile.getName

  def baseAndExt: (String, String) = {
    val nme = name
    val dot = nme.lastIndexOf('.')
    if (dot < 0) (nme, "") else (nme.substring(0, dot), nme.substring(dot + 1))

   * The extension part of the name of this path.
   * This is the part of the name after the last period, or the empty string if there is no period.
  def ext: String = baseAndExt._2

   * The base of the name of this path.
   * This is the part of the name before the last period, or the full name if there is no period.
  def base: String = baseAndExt._1

  def relativize(sub: File): Option[File] = IO.relativizeFile(asFile, sub)
  def relativeTo(base: File): Option[File] = IO.relativizeFile(base, asFile)

  def hash: Array[Byte] = Hash(asFile)
  def hashString: String = Hash.toHex(hash)
  def hashStringHalf: String = Hash.halve(hashString)

  override def asPath: NioPath = asFile.toPath

  override private[sbt] def linkOptions: Vector[LinkOption] = Vector.empty

  def withLinkOptions(linkOption: LinkOption*): LinkOptionPath =
    new LinkOptionPath(asPath, linkOption.toVector)

final class LinkOptionPath(p: NioPath, lo: Vector[LinkOption]) extends RichNioPath {
  override val asPath: NioPath = p
  private[sbt] val linkOptions: Vector[LinkOption] = lo

sealed trait RichNioPath extends Any {
  def asPath: NioPath

  private[sbt] def linkOptions: Vector[LinkOption]

   * Returns this file's POSIX permissions.
   * This operation requires underlying filesystem to support `IO.isPosix`.
  def permissions: Set[PosixFilePermission] =
    Files.getPosixFilePermissions(asPath, linkOptions: _*).asScala.toSet

   * Returns this file's POSIX permissions.
   * This operation requires underlying filesystem to support `IO.isPosix`.
  def permissionsAsString: String =

   * Updates permission of this file.
   * This operation requires underlying filesystem to support `IO.isPosix`.
   * @param permissions the permissions to add
  def setPermissions(permissions: Set[PosixFilePermission]): Unit = {
    Files.setPosixFilePermissions(asPath, permissions.asJava)

   * Adds permission to this file.
   * This operation requires underlying filesystem to support `IO.isPosix`.
   * @param permission the permission to add
  def addPermission(permission: PosixFilePermission): Unit =
    setPermissions(permissions + permission)

   * Removes permission from this file.
   * This operation requires underlying filesystem to support `IO.isPosix`.
   * @param permission the permission to remove
  def removePermission(permission: PosixFilePermission): Unit =
    setPermissions(permissions - permission)

   * Tests if this file has the given permission.
   * This operation requires underlying filesystem to support `IO.isPosix`.
   * @param permission the permission to remove
  def testPermission(permission: PosixFilePermission): Boolean =

   * Tests if this file has the owner+read permission.
   * This operation requires underlying filesystem to support `IO.isPosix`.
  def isOwnerReadable: Boolean =

   * Tests if this file has the owner+write permission.
   * This operation requires underlying filesystem to support `IO.isPosix`.
  def isOwnerWritable: Boolean =

   * Tests if this file has the owner+execute permission.
   * This operation requires underlying filesystem to support `IO.isPosix`.
  def isOwnerExecutable: Boolean =

   * Tests if this file has the group+read permission.
   * This operation requires underlying filesystem to support `IO.isPosix`.
  def isGroupReadable: Boolean =

   * Tests if this file has the group+write permission.
   * This operation requires underlying filesystem to support `IO.isPosix`.
  def isGroupWritable: Boolean =

   * Tests if this file has the group+execute permission.
   * This operation requires underlying filesystem to support `IO.isPosix`.
  def isGroupExecutable: Boolean =

   * Tests if this file has the others+read permission.
   * This operation requires underlying filesystem to support `IO.isPosix`.
  def isOthersReadable: Boolean =

   * Tests if this file has the others+write permission.
   * This operation requires underlying filesystem to support `IO.isPosix`.
  def isOthersWritable: Boolean =

   * Tests if this file has the others+execute permission.
   * This operation requires underlying filesystem to support `IO.isPosix`.
  def isOthersExecutable: Boolean =

  def attributes: BasicFileAttributes =
    Files.readAttributes(asPath, classOf[BasicFileAttributes], linkOptions: _*)

  def posixAttributes: PosixFileAttributes =
    Files.readAttributes(asPath, classOf[PosixFileAttributes], linkOptions: _*)

  def dosAttributes: DosFileAttributes =
    Files.readAttributes(asPath, classOf[DosFileAttributes], linkOptions: _*)

  def aclFileAttributeView: AclFileAttributeView =
    Files.getFileAttributeView(asPath, classOf[AclFileAttributeView], linkOptions: _*)

   * Returns the owner of a file.
   * This operation requires underlying filesystem to support `IO.hasFileOwnerAttributeView`.
  def owner: UserPrincipal =
    Files.getOwner(asPath, linkOptions: _*)

   * Returns the owner of a file.
   * This operation requires underlying filesystem to support `IO.hasFileOwnerAttributeView`.
  def ownerName: String = owner.getName

   * Returns the group owner of a file.
   * This operation requires underlying filesystem to support `IO.hasFileOwnerAttributeView`.
  def group: GroupPrincipal =

   * Returns the group owner of a file.
   * This operation requires underlying filesystem to support `IO.hasFileOwnerAttributeView`.
  def groupName: String = group.getName

   * Updates the file owner.
   * This operation requires underlying filesystem to support `IO.hasFileOwnerAttributeView`.
   * @param owner the new group owner
  def setOwner(owner: String): Unit = {
    val fileSystem: FileSystem = asPath.getFileSystem
    Files.setOwner(asPath, fileSystem.getUserPrincipalLookupService.lookupPrincipalByName(owner))

   * Updates the group owner of the file.
   * This operation requires underlying filesystem to support `IO.hasFileOwnerAttributeView`.
   * @param group the new group owner
  def setGroup(group: String): Unit = {
    val fileSystem: FileSystem = asPath.getFileSystem

object Path extends Mapper {
  def apply(f: File): RichFile = new RichFile(f)
  def apply(f: String): RichFile = new RichFile(new File(f))
  def fileProperty(name: String): File = new File(System.getProperty(name))
  def userHome: File = fileProperty("user.home")

  def absolute(file: File): File = new File(file.toURI.normalize).getAbsoluteFile
  def makeString(paths: Seq[File]): String = makeString(paths, File.pathSeparator)
  def makeString(paths: Seq[File], sep: String): String = {
    val separated =
    separated.find(_ contains sep).foreach(p => sys.error(s"Path '$p' contains separator '$sep'"))
  def newerThan(a: File, b: File): Boolean =
    a.exists && (!b.exists || IO.getModifiedTimeOrZero(a) > IO.getModifiedTimeOrZero(b))

  /** The separator character of the platform. */
  val sep: Char =

  def toURLs(files: Seq[File]): Array[URL] =

  private[sbt] val defaultLinkOptions: Vector[LinkOption] = Vector.empty
  private[sbt] val defaultDescendantHandler: (File, FileFilter, mutable.Set[File], Int) => Unit =
    if ("native" == sys.props.getOrElse("sbt.pathfinder", ""))
    else DescendantOrSelfPathFinder.default
  private[sbt] val defaultChildHandler: (File, FileFilter) => Seq[File] =
    if ("native" == sys.props.getOrElse("sbt.pathfinder", "")) {
      val fileTreeView = FileTreeView.default
      (file, filter) =>
          .list(Glob(file.toPath, AnyPath))
          .flatMap { case (path: NioPath, attrs: FileAttributes) =>
            if (filter.accept(new AttributedFile(path, attrs))) Some(path.toFile) else None
    } else { (file, filter) =>
  private class AttributedFile(path: NioPath, attributes: FileAttributes)
      extends File(path.toString) {
    override def isDirectory: Boolean = attributes.isDirectory
    override def isFile: Boolean = attributes.isRegularFile
    def isSymbolicLink: Boolean = attributes.isSymbolicLink

object PathFinder {

  /** A PathFinder that always produces the empty set of Paths. */
  val empty: PathFinder = new PathFinder {}

  def apply(file: File): PathFinder = new SingleFile(file)

  def apply(files: => Traversable[File]): PathFinder = new PathFinder {
    override def get(): Seq[File] = files.toIndexedSeq.distinct

  def strict(files: Traversable[File]): PathFinder = apply(files)

  sealed trait Combinator extends Any {

    /** The union of the paths found by this PathFinder with the paths found by 'paths'. */
    def +++(paths: PathFinder): PathFinder

    /** Excludes all paths from excludePaths from the paths selected by this PathFinder. */
    def ---(excludePaths: PathFinder): PathFinder

     * Applies `mapper` to each path selected by this PathFinder
     * and returns the path paired with the non-empty result.
     * If the result is empty (None) and `errorIfNone` is true, an exception is thrown.
     * If `errorIfNone` is false, the path is dropped from the returned Traversable.
    def pair[T](mapper: File => Option[T], errorIfNone: Boolean = true): Seq[(File, T)]

     * Selects all descendant paths with a name that matches include
     * and do not have an intermediate path with a name that matches intermediateExclude.
     * Typical usage is descendantsExcept("*.jar", ".svn")
    def descendantsExcept(include: FileFilter, intermediateExclude: FileFilter): PathFinder

     * Only keeps paths for which `f` returns true.
     * It is non-strict, so it is not evaluated until the returned finder is evaluated.
    def filter(f: File => Boolean): PathFinder

    /** Non-strict flatMap: no evaluation occurs until the returned finder is evaluated. */
    def flatMap(f: File => PathFinder): PathFinder

    /** Evaluates this finder and converts the results to an `Array` of `URL`s. */
    def getURLs(): Array[URL]

    /** Evaluates this finder and converts the results to a distinct sequence of absolute path strings. */
    def getPaths(): Seq[String]

     * Create a PathFinder from this one where each path has a unique name.
     * A single path is arbitrarily selected from the set of paths with the same name.
    def distinct(): PathFinder

     * Constructs a string by evaluating this finder, converting the resulting Paths to absolute path strings,
     * and joining them with the platform path separator.
    def absString(): String

  object Combinator {
    implicit class SingleFilePathFinderCombinator(val file: File) extends AnyVal with Combinator {
      override def +++(paths: PathFinder): PathFinder = new SingleFile(file) +++ paths
      override def ---(excludePaths: PathFinder): PathFinder = new SingleFile(file) --- excludePaths
      override def pair[T](mapper: File => Option[T], errorIfNone: Boolean): Seq[(File, T)] =
        new SingleFile(file).pair(mapper)
      override def descendantsExcept(
          include: FileFilter,
          intermediateExclude: FileFilter
      ): PathFinder =
        new SingleFile(file).descendantsExcept(include, intermediateExclude)
      override def filter(f: File => Boolean): PathFinder = new SingleFile(file).filter(f)
      override def flatMap(f: File => PathFinder): PathFinder = new SingleFile(file).flatMap(f)
      override def getURLs(): Array[URL] = new SingleFile(file).getURLs()
      override def getPaths(): Seq[String] = new SingleFile(file).getPaths()
      override def distinct(): PathFinder = new SingleFile(file).distinct()
      override def absString(): String = Path.makeString(new SingleFile(file).get())
  private[sbt] final class GlobPathFinder(val glob: Glob) extends PathFinder {
    override def get(): Seq[File] = {
      val base = glob.base
      if (glob.range._1 == 0 && glob.range._2 == 0) {
        if (Files.exists(base)) base.toFile :: Nil else Nil
      } else if (glob.range._2 > 1) {
        val files = new java.util.LinkedHashSet[File].asScala
        if (glob.descendentMatches(glob.base)) files.add(glob.base.toFile)
        Path.defaultDescendantHandler(glob.base.toFile, glob.toFileFilter, files, glob.range._2)
      } else {
        Path.defaultChildHandler(glob.base.toFile, glob.toFileFilter)

 * A path finder constructs a set of paths.
 * The set is evaluated by a call to the get method.
 * The set will be different for different calls to get if the underlying filesystem has changed.
sealed abstract class PathFinder extends PathLister with PathFinderDefaults {

   * Evaluates this finder and converts the results to a `Seq` of distinct `File`s.
   * The files returned by this method will reflect the underlying filesystem at the time of calling.
   * If the filesystem changes, two calls to this method might be different.
  override def get(): Seq[File] = Nil

sealed trait PathLister {

   * Evaluates this finder and converts the results to a `Seq` of distinct `File`s.
   * The files returned by this method will reflect the underlying filesystem at the time of calling.
   * If the filesystem changes, two calls to this method might be different.
  def get(): Seq[File]
object PathLister {
  private class SingleFilePathLister(private val file: File) extends PathLister {
    override def get(): Seq[File] = new GlobPathFinder(Glob(file)).get()
    override def toString: String = s"SingleFilePathLister($file)"
    override def equals(o: Any): Boolean = o match {
      case that: SingleFilePathLister => this.file == that.file
      case _                          => false
    override def hashCode: Int = file.hashCode
  def apply(file: File): PathLister = new SingleFilePathLister(file)

sealed trait PathFinderDefaults extends PathFinder.Combinator {
  self: PathFinder =>
  import Path._
  import syntax._

   * This is a vestigial implementation detail that shouldn't have made it into the base class
   * definition. It can't be moved into [[PathFinderImpl]] without breaking binary compatibility
   * unfortunately.
   * @param fileSet the result set to append files to
  private[sbt] def addTo(fileSet: mutable.Set[File]): Unit = ()

  /** The union of the paths found by this PathFinder with the paths found by 'paths'. */
  override def +++(paths: PathFinder): PathFinder = new Paths(this, paths)

  /** Excludes all paths from excludePaths from the paths selected by this PathFinder. */
  override def ---(excludePaths: PathFinder): PathFinder = new ExcludeFiles(this, excludePaths)

   * Constructs a new finder that selects all paths with a name that matches filter and are
   * descendants of paths selected by this finder.
   * @param filter only include files that this filter accepts
  def globRecursive(filter: FileFilter): PathFinder =
    new DescendantOrSelfPathFinder(this, filter)

   * Constructs a new finder that selects all paths with a name that matches filter and are
   * descendants of paths selected by this finder.
   * @param filter only include files that this filter accepts
   * @param walker use this walker to traverse the file system
  def globRecursive(
      filter: FileFilter,
      walker: (File, FileFilter, mutable.Set[File]) => Unit
  ): PathFinder =
    new DescendantOrSelfPathFinder(this, filter, walker)

  /** Alias of globRecursive. */
  final def **(filter: FileFilter): PathFinder = globRecursive(filter)

  def allPaths: PathFinder = **(AllPassFilter)

   * Constructs a new finder that selects all paths with a name that matches filter
   * and are immediate children of paths selected by this finder.
   * @param filter only include files that this filter accepts
  def glob(filter: FileFilter): PathFinder = new ChildPathFinder(this, filter)

  /** Alias of glob */
  final def *(filter: FileFilter): PathFinder = glob(filter)

   * Constructs a new finder that selects all paths with name literal
   * that are immediate children of paths selected by this finder.
  def /(literal: String): PathFinder = new ChildPathFinder(this, new ExactFilter(literal))

   * Constructs a new finder that selects all paths with name literal
   * that are immediate children of paths selected by this finder.
  final def \(literal: String): PathFinder = this / literal

   * Applies `mapper` to each path selected by this PathFinder
   * and returns the path paired with the non-empty result.
   * If the result is empty (None) and `errorIfNone` is true, an exception is thrown.
   * If `errorIfNone` is false, the path is dropped from the returned Traversable.
  def pair[T](mapper: File => Option[T], errorIfNone: Boolean = true): Seq[(File, T)] = {
    val apply = if (errorIfNone) (a: File) => mapper(a) orElse fail(a) else mapper
    for (file <- get(); mapped <- apply(file)) yield file -> mapped

   * Selects all descendant paths with a name that matches include
   * and do not have an intermediate path with a name that matches intermediateExclude.
   * Typical usage is descendantsExcept("*.jar", ".svn")
  override def descendantsExcept(include: FileFilter, intermediateExclude: FileFilter): PathFinder =
    (this ** include) --- (this ** intermediateExclude ** include)

   * Only keeps paths for which `f` returns true.
   * It is non-strict, so it is not evaluated until the returned finder is evaluated.
  override final def filter(f: File => Boolean): PathFinder = PathFinder(get() filter f)

  /** Non-strict flatMap: no evaluation occurs until the returned finder is evaluated. */
  override final def flatMap(f: File => PathFinder): PathFinder =
    PathFinder(get().flatMap(p => f(p).get()))

  /** Evaluates this finder and converts the results to an `Array` of `URL`s. */
  override final def getURLs(): Array[URL] = get()

  /** Evaluates this finder and converts the results to a distinct sequence of absolute path strings. */
  override final def getPaths(): Seq[String] = get().map(_.absolutePath)

   * Create a PathFinder from this one where each path has a unique name.
   * A single path is arbitrarily selected from the set of paths with the same name.
  override def distinct(): PathFinder = PathFinder {
    get().map(p => (p.asFile.getName, p)).toMap.values

   * Constructs a string by evaluating this finder, converting the resulting Paths to absolute path strings,
   * and joining them with the platform path separator.
  final def absString(): String = Path.makeString(get())

private abstract class PathFinderImpl extends PathFinder {

   * Evaluates this finder and converts the results to a `Seq` of distinct `File`s.
   * The files returned by this method will reflect the underlying filesystem at the time of calling.
   * If the filesystem changes, two calls to this method might be different.
  override final def get(): Seq[File] = {
    import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
    val pathSet: mutable.Set[File] = new java.util.LinkedHashSet[File].asScala
  private[sbt] def addTo(files: mutable.Set[File]): Unit

private class SingleFile(asFile: File) extends PathFinderImpl {
  override private[sbt] def addTo(fileSet: mutable.Set[File]): Unit =
    if (asFile.exists) {
      fileSet += asFile; ()

  override def toString: String = s"SingleFile($asFile)"
  override def equals(o: Any): Boolean = o match {
    case that: SingleFile => this._asFile == that._asFile
    case _                => false
  override def hashCode: Int = asFile.hashCode
  private def _asFile = asFile

private abstract class FilterFiles extends PathFinderImpl with FileFilter {
  def parent: PathFinder
  def filter: FileFilter

  final def accept(file: File): Boolean = filter.accept(file)

  private[this] val getFiles: (File, FileFilter) => Seq[File] = Path.defaultChildHandler
  protected def handleFile(file: File, fileSet: mutable.Set[File]): Unit =
    for (matchedFile <- getFiles(file, this))
      fileSet += new File(file, matchedFile.getName)
  override def toString: String = s"FilterFiles($parent, $filter)"
  override def equals(o: Any): Boolean = o match {
    case that: FilterFiles => this.parent == that.parent && this.filter == that.filter
    case _                 => false
  override def hashCode: Int = (parent.hashCode * 31) ^ filter.hashCode

private class DescendantOrSelfPathFinder(
    val parent: PathFinder,
    val filter: FileFilter,
    handleFileDescendant: (File, FileFilter, mutable.Set[File]) => Unit
) extends FilterFiles {
  def this(parent: PathFinder, filter: FileFilter) =
    this(parent, filter, Path.defaultDescendantHandler(_, _, _, Int.MaxValue))
  override private[sbt] def addTo(fileSet: mutable.Set[File]): Unit = {
    for (file <- parent.get()) {
      if (accept(file)) fileSet += file
      handleFileDescendant(file, filter, fileSet)
  override def toString: String = s"DescendantOrSelfPathFinder($parent, $filter)"
private object DescendantOrSelfPathFinder {
  def native(file: File, filter: FileFilter, fileSet: mutable.Set[File], depth: Int): Unit = {
    try {
      if (filter.accept(file)) fileSet += file
      if (depth > 0)
        FileTreeView.default.list(file.toPath).foreach { case (path, attributes) =>
          val file = path.toFile
          if (
            attributes.isRegularFile && filter.accept(new File(path.toString) {
              override def isDirectory: Boolean = attributes.isDirectory
              override def isFile: Boolean = attributes.isRegularFile
          ) {
            fileSet += file
          } else if (attributes.isDirectory) {
            native(file, filter, fileSet, depth - 1)
    } catch {
      case _: IOException =>
  def default(file: File, filter: FileFilter, fileSet: mutable.Set[File], depth: Int): Unit = {
      depth - 1,
      new FileVisitor[NioPath] {
        override def preVisitDirectory(
            dir: NioPath,
            attrs: BasicFileAttributes
        ): FileVisitResult = {
          val file = dir.toFile
          if (filter.accept(file)) fileSet += file
        override def visitFile(file: NioPath, attrs: BasicFileAttributes): FileVisitResult = {
          val ioFile = file.toFile
          if (filter.accept(ioFile)) fileSet += ioFile
        override def visitFileFailed(file: NioPath, exc: IOException): FileVisitResult =
        override def postVisitDirectory(dir: NioPath, exc: IOException): FileVisitResult =

private class ChildPathFinder(val parent: PathFinder, val filter: FileFilter) extends FilterFiles {
  override private[sbt] def addTo(fileSet: mutable.Set[File]): Unit =
    for (file <- parent.get())
      handleFile(file, fileSet)
  override def toString: String = s"ChildPathFinder($parent, $filter)"

private class Paths(a: PathFinder, b: PathFinder) extends PathFinder {
  override def get(): Seq[File] = (a.get() ++ b.get()).distinct
  override def toString: String = s"Paths($a, $b)"
  override def equals(o: Any): Boolean = o match {
    case that: Paths => this._a == that._a && this._b == that._b
    case _           => false
  override def hashCode: Int = (a.hashCode * 31) ^ b.hashCode
  private def _a: PathFinder = a
  private def _b: PathFinder = b

private class ExcludeFiles(include: PathFinder, exclude: PathFinder) extends PathFinder {
  override def get(): Seq[File] = (include.get().toSet -- exclude.get()).toSeq
  override def toString: String = s"ExcludeFiles($include, $exclude)"
  override def equals(o: Any): Boolean = o match {
    case that: ExcludeFiles => this._include == that._include && this._exclude == that._exclude
    case _                  => false
  override def hashCode: Int = (include.hashCode * 31) ^ exclude.hashCode
  private def _include: PathFinder = include
  private def _exclude: PathFinder = exclude

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