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* sbt IO
* Copyright Scala Center, Lightbend, and Mark Harrah
* Licensed under Apache License 2.0
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
* See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for
* additional information regarding copyright ownership.
package sbt.nio.file
import java.nio.file.{ Files, NoSuchFileException, NotDirectoryException, Path }
import java.util
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap
import sbt.internal.nio.SwovalFileTreeView
import sbt.nio.file.Glob.GlobOps
import sbt.nio.file.Glob.Root
import scala.annotation.tailrec
import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
* Provides a view into the file system that allows retrieval of the children of a particular path.
* Specific implementations may use native library on some platforms to speed up recursive
* file tree traversal.
* @tparam T the type of object returned for each file
trait FileTreeView[+T] {
* List the contents of a current directory.
* @param path the directory to list
* @return a sequence of values corresponding to each path that is a direct child of the input
* path. The implementation may throw an IOException if the input path is not a Directory
* or
def list(path: Path): Seq[T]
object FileTreeView {
* An implementation of [[FileTreeView]] that uses the swoval library, which provides native
* apis for faster directory traversal on 64 bit Linux, Mac OS and Windows. This implementation
* will throw an IOException if the input path is not a directory or doesn't exist.
val native: FileTreeView.Nio[FileAttributes] = SwovalFileTreeView
* An implementation of [[FileTreeView]] that uses built in jvm apis. This implementation
* will throw an IOException if the input path is not a directory or doesn't exist.
val nio: FileTreeView.Nio[FileAttributes] = {
val excludedExceptions = List(classOf[NotDirectoryException], classOf[NoSuchFileException])
(path: Path) =>
val stream = Files.list(path)
try stream.iterator.asScala.flatMap(p => FileAttributes(p) -> _)).toVector
finally stream.close()
excludedExceptions: _*
* Adds additional methods to [[FileTreeView]]. This api may be changed so it should not be
* imported directly.
* @param fileTreeView the [[FileTreeView]] to augment.
implicit class Ops(val fileTreeView: FileTreeView.Nio[FileAttributes]) extends AnyVal {
* Returns all of the existing paths on the file system that match the [[Glob]] pattern. It
* should not throw an IOException and will return an empty sequence if no paths exist that
* match the pattern. It will print a warning if the glob does not have an absolute
* base path but it will expand the glob to `Paths.get("").toAbsolutePath.toGlob / glob`
* for traversal.
* @param glob the search query
* @return all of the paths that match the search query.
def list(glob: Glob): Seq[(Path, FileAttributes)] = all(glob :: Nil, fileTreeView)
* Returns a filtered list of the existing paths on the file system that match the [[Glob]]
* pattern. It should not throw an IOException and will return an empty sequence if no paths
* exist that match the patterns and filter. It will print a warning if any of the globs do not
* have an absolute base path but it will expand the glob to `Paths.get("").toGlob / glob` for
* traversal.
* @param glob the search query
* @param filter the filter for the path name and attributes of each file in the result set
* @return all of the paths that match the search query.
def list(glob: Glob, filter: PathFilter): Seq[(Path, FileAttributes)] =
all(glob :: Nil, fileTreeView, filter)
* Returns all of the existing paths on the file system that match the [[Glob]] pattern. This
* method should not throw and will return an empty sequence if no paths exist that match
* the patterns. It will print a warning if any of the globs do not have an absolute
* base path but it will expand the glob to `Paths.get("").toGlob / glob` for traversal. It
* optimizes traversal so that each directory on the file system is only listed once:
* {{{
* val dir = Paths.get("").toAbsolutePath.toGlob
* // This only lists the current directory once
* val view = FileTreeView.default
* val sources = view.list(Seq(dir / "*.scala", dir / "*.java"))
* // This lists the current directory twice
* val slowSources = view.list(dir / "*.scala") ++ view.list(current / "*.java")
* }}}
* @param globs the search queries
* @return all of the paths that match the search query.
def list(globs: Traversable[Glob]): Seq[(Path, FileAttributes)] = all(globs, fileTreeView)
* Returns a filtered list of the existing paths on the file system that match the [[Glob]]
* pattern. It should not throw an IOException and will return an empty sequence if no paths
* exist that match the patterns and filter. It will print a warning if any of the globs do not
* have an absolute base path but it will expand the glob to `Paths.get("").toGlob / glob` for
* traversal. It optimizes traversal so that each directory on the file system is only listed
* once:
* {{{
* val dir = Paths.get("").toAbsolutePath.toGlob
* // This only lists the current directory once
* val view = FileTreeView.default
* val filter: (Path, FileAttributes) = (_, a) => a.isRegularFile
* val sources = view.list(Seq(dir / "*.scala", dir / "*.java"), filter)
* // This lists the current directory twice
* val slowSources =
* view.list(dir / "*.scala", filter) ++ view.list(current / "*.java", filter)
* }}}
* @param globs the search queries
* @param filter the filter for the path name and attributes of each file in the result set
* @return all of the paths that match the search query.
def list(globs: Traversable[Glob], filter: PathFilter): Seq[(Path, FileAttributes)] =
all(globs, fileTreeView, filter)
* Returns an iterator for all of the existing paths on the file system that match the [[Glob]]
* pattern. It should not throw an IOException and will return an empty sequence if no paths
* exist that match the pattern. It will print a warning if the glob does not have an absolute
* base path but it will expand the glob to `Paths.get("").toAbsolutePath.toGlob / glob`
* for traversal.
* @param glob the search query
* @return an iterator for all of the paths that match the search query.
def iterator(glob: Glob): Iterator[(Path, FileAttributes)] =
FileTreeView.iterator(glob :: Nil, fileTreeView)
* Returns a filtered iterator for all of the existing paths on the file system that match the
* [[Glob]] pattern. It should not throw an IOException and will return an empty sequence if no
* paths exist that match the pattern and the filter. It will print a warning if the glob does
* not have an absolute base path but it will expand the glob to
* `Paths.get("").toAbsolutePath.toGlob / glob` for traversal.
* {{{
* val dir = Paths.get("").toAbsolutePath.toGlob
* val regularNonHiddenFiles = FileTreeView.default.list(dir / "*.scala",
* (p: Path, a: FileAttributes) => a.isRegularFile && !Files.isHidden(p) )
* }}}
* @param glob the search query
* @param filter the filter for the path name and attributes of each file in the result set
* @return an iterator for all of the paths that match the search query.
def iterator(glob: Glob, filter: PathFilter): Iterator[(Path, FileAttributes)] =
FileTreeView.iterator(glob :: Nil, fileTreeView, filter)
* Returns all of the existing paths on the file system that match the [[Glob]] pattern. It
* should not throw an IOException and will return an empty sequence if no paths exist tha
* match the patterns. It will print a warning if any of the globs do not have an absolute
* base path but it will expand the glob to `Paths.get("").toGlob / glob` for traversal. It
* optimizes traversal so that each directory on the file system is only listed once:
* {{{
* val dir = Paths.get("").toAbsolutePath.toGlob
* // This only lists the current directory once
* val view = FileTreeView.default
* view.iterator(Seq(dir / "*.scala", dir / "*.java")).foreach {
* case (path: Path, attributes: FileAttributes) =>
* println(s"path: $$path, attributes: $$attributes")
* }
* // This lists the current directory twice
* (view.iterator(dir / "*.scala") ++ view.iterator(dir / "*.java")) .foreach {
* case (path, attributes) => println(s"path: $$path, attributes: $$attributes")
* }
* }}}
* @param globs the search queries
* @return all of the paths that match the search query.
def iterator(globs: Traversable[Glob]): Iterator[(Path, FileAttributes)] =
FileTreeView.iterator(globs, fileTreeView)
* Returns a filtered of the existing paths on the file system that match the [[Glob]] pattern.
* It should not throw an IOException and will return an empty sequence if no paths exist that
* match the patterns. It will print a warning if any of the globs do not have an absolute
* base path but it will expand the glob to `Paths.get("").toGlob / glob` for traversal. It
* optimizes traversal so that each directory on the file system is only listed once:
* {{{
* val dir = Paths.get("").toAbsolutePath.toGlob
* // This only lists the current directory once
* val view = FileTreeView.default
* val filter: (Path, FileAttributes) => Boolean = (_, a) => a.isRegularFile
* view.iterator(Seq(dir / "*.scala", dir / "*.java"), filter).foreach {
* case (path, attributes) => println(s"path: $$path, attributes: $$attributes")
* }
* // This lists the current directory twice
* (view.iterator(dir / "*.scala", filter) ++ view.iterator(dir / "*.java"), filter).foreach {
* case (path, attributes) => println(s"path: $$path, attributes: $$attributes")
* }
* }}}
* @param globs the search queries
* @param filter the pathfilter
* @return all of the paths that match the search query.
def iterator(globs: Traversable[Glob], filter: PathFilter): Iterator[(Path, FileAttributes)] =
FileTreeView.iterator(globs, fileTreeView, filter)
private[sbt] type Nio[+T] = FileTreeView[(Path, T)]
* Provides a default instance of [[FileTreeView]]. The default may be configured by the
* `` system property. When it is set to `nio`, the built in jvm implementation
* if used [[FileTreeView.nio]]. Otherwise, [[FileTreeView.native]] will be used.
* @return the default [[FileTreeView]]
def default: FileTreeView[(Path, FileAttributes)] =
if ("nio" == System.getProperty("", "")) nio else native
private[sbt] implicit class NioFileTreeViewOps[T](val view: FileTreeView.Nio[T]) {
def map[A >: T, B](f: (Path, A) => B): FileTreeView.Nio[B] = {
val converter: ((Path, A)) => (Path, B) = { case (path: Path, attrs) =>
path -> f(path, attrs)
(path: Path) => view.list(path).map(converter)
def flatMap[B, A >: T](f: (Path, A) => Traversable[B]): FileTreeView.Nio[B] = {
val converter: ((Path, A)) => Traversable[(Path, B)] = { case (path: Path, attrs) =>
f(path, attrs).map(path -> _)
(path: Path) => view.list(path).flatMap(converter(_))
private[sbt] def all(
globs: Traversable[Glob],
view: FileTreeView.Nio[FileAttributes]
): Seq[(Path, FileAttributes)] =
all(globs, view, AllPass)
private[sbt] def all(
globs: Traversable[Glob],
view: FileTreeView.Nio[FileAttributes],
filter: PathFilter
): Seq[(Path, FileAttributes)] =
iterator(globs, view, filter).toVector
private[sbt] def iterator(
globs: Traversable[Glob],
view: FileTreeView.Nio[FileAttributes]
): Iterator[(Path, FileAttributes)] =
iterator(globs, view, (_, _) => true)
private[sbt] def iterator(
globs: Traversable[Glob],
view: FileTreeView.Nio[FileAttributes],
filter: PathFilter
): Iterator[(Path, FileAttributes)] = {
* As an optimization, partition the Globs into Root globs and other kinds. Then for each of
* the root Globs, we can partition by parent path and aggregate these into a single Glob
* for each parent. For example, if the input globs are `/foo/bar.txt` and `/foo/baz.txt`, we
* can aggregate these into the glob: `/foo/{bar.txt,baz.txt}`. In the case where there are
* 1000 input globs of the form { /foo/a1, /foo/a2, .., /foo/a1000 }, and 10 random files that
* match that pattern, e.g. /foo/63, the total time to run FileTreeView.list(globs) drops from
* about 20ms to 1ms.
val (roots, rest) = globs.toVector.partition { case _: Root => true; case _ => false }
val rootPaths = {
case r: Root => r.root
case _ => throw new IllegalStateException("Partition failed (should be unreachable).")
val rootPathsByParent = rootPaths.groupBy(_.getParent)
val rootPathParams = { case (parent, paths) => match {
case Seq(fileName) => (parent, 1, Glob(parent, fileName.toString))
case fileNames => (parent, 1, Glob(parent, fileNames.mkString("{", ",", "}")))
val params = (rootPathParams.toSeq ++
var directoryCache: Option[(Path, ConcurrentHashMap[Path, FileAttributes])] = None
val needListDirectory: Path => Boolean = (path: Path) =>
params.exists { case (base, maxDepth, _) =>
path.startsWith(base) && base.relativize(path).getNameCount < maxDepth
val visited = new util.HashSet[Path]
val pathFilter: Path => Boolean = path => params.exists(_._3.matches(path))
val totalFilter: (Path, FileAttributes) => Boolean = { (path, attributes) =>
pathFilter(path) && filter.accept(path, attributes)
val remainingGlobs = new util.LinkedList[Glob]()
params.foreach(p => remainingGlobs.add(p._3))
val remainingPaths = new util.LinkedList[Path]()
new Iterator[(Path, FileAttributes)] {
private[this] val buffer = new util.LinkedList[(Path, FileAttributes)]
private[this] val maybeAdd: ((Path, FileAttributes)) => Unit = {
case pair @ (path, attributes) =>
if (totalFilter(path, attributes)) buffer.add(pair)
private def listPath(path: Path): Unit = {
try {
view.list(path) foreach {
case pair @ (p, attributes) if attributes.isDirectory =>
if (needListDirectory(p)) remainingPaths.add(p)
case pair => maybeAdd(pair)
} catch {
case _: NotDirectoryException if !visited.contains(path.getParent) =>
val map = directoryCache match {
case Some((parent, m)) if parent == path.getParent => m
case _ =>
val map = new ConcurrentHashMap[Path, FileAttributes]()
try view.list(path.getParent).foreach { case (p, a) => map.put(p, a) }
catch {
case _: IOException =>
directoryCache = Some(path.getParent -> map)
map.get(path) match {
case null =>
case a => maybeAdd(path -> a)
case _: IOException =>
private def fillBuffer(): Unit = {
remainingPaths.poll match {
case null =>
remainingGlobs.poll() match {
case null =>
case g =>
case path if !visited.contains(path) =>
path.getParent match {
case null =>
case p =>
directoryCache match {
case Some((`p`, m)) =>
m.get(path) match {
case null =>
case a if a.isDirectory => listPath(path)
case a => maybeAdd(path -> a)
case _ => listPath(path)
if (buffer.isEmpty) fillBuffer()
// if we've already visited the path, go to next
case _ =>
if (buffer.isEmpty) fillBuffer()
override def hasNext: Boolean = !buffer.isEmpty
override def next(): (Path, FileAttributes) = {
val res = buffer.poll()
if (buffer.isEmpty) {