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* sbt IO
* Copyright Scala Center, Lightbend, and Mark Harrah
* Licensed under Apache License 2.0
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
* See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for
* additional information regarding copyright ownership.
package sbt.nio.file
import java.nio.file.{ FileSystems, Path, Paths }
import java.util
import sbt.nio.file.PathFilter.PathFilterExtensions
import sbt.nio.file.RelativeGlob.{ PathComponent, SingleComponentMatcher }
import scala.annotation.tailrec
import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
import scala.util.Properties
import scala.util.matching.Regex
* Represents a query for a path on the file system. Instances of `Glob` can be combined together
* to build a more complicated query. Similar to the path name components of a `Path`, a `Glob` has
* components and matching is done from left to right component-wise. Each component is matched
* using a
* [[
* PathMatcher]].
* For example,
* {{{
* val baseGlob = Glob("/foo/bar")
* baseGlob.matches(Paths.get("/foo/bar")) // true
* baseGlob.matches(Paths.get("/foo")) // false
* baseGlob.matches(Paths.get("/foo/bar/baz")) // false
* val children = baseGlob / AnyPath
* children.matches(Paths.get("/foo/bar")) // false
* children.matches(Paths.get("/foo/bar/baz")) // true
* children.matches(Paths.get("/foo/bar/baz/buzz")) false
* val secondGenerationChildren = children / AnyPath
* secondGeneration.matches(Paths.get("/foo/bar/baz")) // false
* secondGeneration.matches(Paths.get("/foo/bar/baz/buzz")) // true
* secondGeneration.matches(Paths.get("/foo/bar/baz/buzz/fizz")) // false
* }}}
* where [[AnyPath]] matches any path name.
* Globs can be recursive and are constructed using the [[RecursiveGlob]]:
* {{{
* val baseGlob = Glob("/foo/bar")
* val allDescendants = baseGlob / RecursiveGlob
* allDescendants.matches(Paths.get("/foo/bar")) // false
* allDescendants.matches(Paths.get("/foo/bar/baz/buzz.txt")) // true
* }}}
* They can also filter on the basis file names:
* {{{
* val baseGlob = Glob("/foo/bar")
* val allScalaSources = baseGlob / RecursiveGlob / "*.scala"
* allScalaSources.matches(Paths.get("/foo/bar/Foo.scala")) // true
* allScalaSources.matches(Paths.get("/foo/bar/baz/fizz/buzz/Bar.scala")) // true
* allScalaSources.matches(Paths.get("/foo/bar/baz/fizz/buzz/")) // false
* val allScalaAndJavaSources = baseGlob / RecursiveGlob / "*.{java,scala}"
* allScalaAndJavaSources.matches(Paths.get("/foo/bar/baz/fizz/buzz/Bar.scala")) // true
* allScalaAndJavaSources.matches(Paths.get("/foo/bar/baz/fizz/buzz/")) // true
* }}}
sealed trait Glob {
* Indicates whether a path matches the pattern specified by this [[Glob]].
* @param path the path to match
* @return true it the path matches.
def matches(path: Path): Boolean
object Glob {
private[this] def comp[T](left: T, right: T)(implicit ordering: Ordering[T]): Int =, right)
* Construct a single file [[Glob]]. The resulting [[Glob]] will only match the input file.
* @param file the single path to match.
* @return a Glob whose [[Glob.matches]] method only accepts the input path.
def apply(file: File): Glob = if (file.isAbsolute) Root(file.toPath) else apply(file.toString)
* Construct a Glob with a file prefix and relativeGlob glob string. For example:
* {{{
* val glob = Glob(file("foo/bar"), "*.txt") // matches all txt files in foo/bar
* val recursiveGlob = Glob(file("foo/bar"), "**/*.txt") // recursively matches all text files in foo/bar
* }}}
* @param file the prefix of the glob pattern. This can be an absolute or relativeGlob file.
* @param relative the relativeGlob glob string
* @return a Glob that matches the file prefix with
def apply(file: File, relative: String): Glob =
Glob(file, RelativeGlob.parse(relative, isRegex = false))
* Construct a [[Glob]] with a file prefix and a [[RelativeGlob]] suffix. In order for a path to
* match the output [[Glob]], it must start with `file` and its relative path with respect to
* `file` must match the `relativeGlob`. For example:
* {{{
* val txtFiles = Glob(file("foo/bar"), * / "*.txt") // matches all text files in any subdirectory of foo/bar
* val allChildren = Glob(file("/foo/bar"), **) // matches all descendants of /foo/bar
* val scalaSources = Glob(file("src/main/scala", ** / "*.scala")) // matches scala source file
* }}}
* @param file the prefix of the glob pattern. This can be an absolute or relativeGlob file.
* @param relativeGlob the [[RelativeGlob]] to append to the file prefix
* @return a Glob that matches a path with the same prefix as `file` and whose suffix matches
* `relativeGlob`.
def apply(file: File, relativeGlob: RelativeGlob): Glob = Glob(file.toPath) / relativeGlob
* Appends a relative glob specified by a regex pattern to an existing [[Glob]]. For example:
* {{{
* val scalaSources = Glob(file("foo/bar"), "^[^.].*\\.scala".r
* scalaSources.matches(Paths.get("foo/bar/Foo.scala")) // true
* scalaSources.matches(Paths.get("foo/bar/.hidden.scala")) // false
* }}}
* Note that on Windows, `\` will be treated as a regex escape character but `/` will be treated
* as a path separator.
* @param file the file prefix of the pattern
* @param regex the pattern to apply
* @return a Glob with the new [[RelativeGlob]] appended to the query.
def apply(file: File, regex: Regex): Glob =
Glob(file, RelativeGlob.parse(regex.regex, isRegex = true))
* Construct a single path Glob. The resulting glob
* @param path the single path to match.
* @return a Glob whose [[Glob.matches]] method only accepts the input path.
def apply(path: Path): Glob = if (path.isAbsolute) Root(path) else apply(path.toString)
* Construct a Glob with a path prefix and a `RelativeGlob`. For example:
* {{{
* val txtFiles = Glob(Paths.get("foo/bar"), * / "*.txt") // matches all text files in any subdirectory of foo/bar
* val allChildren = Glob(Paths.get("/foo/bar"), **) // matches all descendants of /foo/bar
* val scalaSources = Glob(Paths.get("src/main/scala", ** / "*.scala")) // matches scala source file
* }}}
* @param path the prefix of the glob pattern. This can be an absolute or relativeGlob file.
* @param relativeGlob the [[RelativeGlob]] to append to the file prefix
* @return a Glob that matches the file prefix with
def apply(path: Path, relativeGlob: RelativeGlob): Glob = Glob(path) / relativeGlob
* Construct a Glob with a file prefix and relativeGlob glob string. For example:
* {{{
* val glob = Glob(file("foo/bar"), "*.txt") // matches all text files in foo/bar
* }}}
* @param path the prefix of the glob pattern. This can be an absolute or relativeGlob file.
* @param relative the relativeGlob glob string
* @return a Glob that matches the file prefix with
def apply(path: Path, relative: String): Glob = Glob(path) / relative
* Appends a relative glob specified by a regex pattern to an existing [[Glob]]. For example:
* {{{
* val scalaSources = Glob(file("foo/bar"), "^[^.].*\\.scala".r
* scalaSources.matches(Paths.get("foo/bar/Foo.scala")) // true
* scalaSources.matches(Paths.get("foo/bar/.hidden.scala")) // false
* }}}
* Note that on Windows, `\` will be treated as a regex escape character but `/` will be treated
* as a path separator.
* @param path the file path prefix of the pattern
* @param regex the pattern to apply
* @return a Glob with the new [[RelativeGlob]] appended to the query.
def apply(path: Path, regex: Regex): Glob =
Glob(path, RelativeGlob.parse(regex.regex, isRegex = true))
* Construct a glob from a string. It can represent a full path. Any `/` characters in a pathname
* are automatically converted to `\\` on windows.
* {{{
* val absoluteGlob = Glob("/foo/bar/**/*.txt")
* val relativeGlob = Glob("*/*.txt")
* }}}
* @param glob the string to convert to a glob
* @return a parsed `Glob` for the input. May throw if the input cannot be parsed into a `Glob`.
def apply(glob: String): Glob = apply(glob, isRegex = false)
private[sbt] def apply(glob: String, isRegex: Boolean): Glob = {
val parts = splitter(glob, isRegex)
@tailrec def fullGlob(path: Path, rest: List[String]): Glob = {
rest match {
case component :: tail if !hasMeta(component) => fullGlob(path.resolve(component), tail)
case Nil => Root(path)
case _ => Pattern(path, RelativeGlob(rest: _*))
def addRegexPrefix(parts: List[String]): List[String] =
if (isRegex) => s"regex:$p") else parts
parts match {
case h :: rest if !hasMeta(h) =>
val base = if (isWin) {
if (h.endsWith(":")) Paths.get(h + File.separator) else Paths.get(h)
} else {
if (h.isEmpty) Paths.get("/") else Paths.get(h)
base match {
case p if p.isAbsolute => fullGlob(p, addRegexPrefix(rest))
case _ => RelativeGlob(addRegexPrefix(parts): _*)
case _ => RelativeGlob(addRegexPrefix(parts): _*)
* Provides a default ordering for glob. Globs with a path prefix precede relative globs and are
* sorted by their path prefix.
implicit object ordering extends Ordering[Glob] {
override def compare(left: Glob, right: Glob): Int = left match {
case Pattern(leftRoot, leftRelative) =>
right match {
case Pattern(rightRoot, rightRelative) =>
leftRoot.compareTo(rightRoot) match {
case 0 => compare(leftRelative, rightRelative)
case i => i
case Root(rightRoot) =>
leftRoot.compareTo(rightRoot) match {
case 0 => -1
case i => i
case FullFileGlob(base, _, _) =>
leftRoot.compareTo(base) match {
case 0 => -1
case i => i
case _: RelativeGlob => -1
case l: RelativeGlob =>
right match {
case r: RelativeGlob => comp(l.matchers, r.matchers)
case _: Pattern => 1
case _: Root => 1
case _: FullFileGlob => 1
case Root(leftRoot) =>
right match {
case Root(rightRoot) => leftRoot.compareTo(rightRoot)
case FullFileGlob(leftBase, _, _) =>
leftRoot.compareTo(leftBase) match {
case 0 => -1
case i => i
case _ => -compare(right, left)
case FullFileGlob(leftBase, _, _) =>
right match {
case FullFileGlob(rightBase, _, _) => leftBase.compareTo(rightBase)
case _ => -compare(right, left)
private object Root {
implicit val ordering: Ordering[Root] =
private[file] final case object Empty extends RelativeGlob {
override private[file] def matchers: List[RelativeGlob.Matcher] = Nil
override def matches(path: Path): Boolean = false
private[file] final case class Root(root: Path) extends Glob {
require(root.isAbsolute, s"Tried to construct absolute glob from relative path $root")
override def matches(path: Path): Boolean = root == path
override def toString: String = root.toString
override def equals(o: Any): Boolean = o match {
case that: Root => this.root == that.root
case _ => false
override def hashCode: Int = root.hashCode
private[sbt] final case class FullFileGlob(base: Path, recursive: Boolean, filter: FileFilter)
extends Glob {
override def matches(path: Path): Boolean = {
path.startsWith(base) && {
if (recursive) filter.accept(path.toFile)
else path.getParent == base && filter.accept(path.toFile)
private[nio] object Pattern {
implicit val ordering: Ordering[Pattern] = => (p.root, p.relative))
private[nio] final case class Pattern(root: Path, relative: RelativeGlob) extends Glob {
override def matches(path: Path): Boolean =
path.startsWith(root) && ((path != root) && relative.matches(root.relativize(path)))
override def equals(o: Any): Boolean = o match {
case that: Pattern =>
this.root == that.root && this.relative == that.relative
case _ => false
override def hashCode: Int = (root.hashCode * 31) ^ relative.hashCode
override def toString: String = s"$root${File.separatorChar}$relative"
private[sbt] sealed trait RelativeGlobViewOption
private[sbt] object RelativeGlobViewOption {
private[sbt] val propName = ""
implicit val default: RelativeGlobViewOption = System.getProperty(propName) match {
case "allow" => Ignore
case "error" => Error
case "warn" | null => Warn
case p =>
val message = s"Unrecognized option $p passed in for $propName. " +
"Valid values are: {'allow', 'warn', 'error'}. Setting default to: 'warn'."
private[sbt] case object Warn extends RelativeGlobViewOption
private[sbt] case object Error extends RelativeGlobViewOption
private[sbt] case object Ignore extends RelativeGlobViewOption
private[this] def errorMessage(relative: Glob, warn: Boolean): String = {
val prefix = if (warn) "Warning" else "Error"
val action =
if (warn) "To disable this warning, "
else "To allow implicit conversions using the current jvm working directory, "
s"$prefix: Tried to extract the base path for relative glob $relative. $action" +
s"re-run the program with java option, -D${RelativeGlobViewOption.propName}=allow"
* Provides extension methods for [[Glob]].
* @param glob the [[Glob]] to augment.
implicit class GlobOps(val glob: Glob) extends AnyVal {
private[sbt] def descendentMatches(path: Path): Boolean = glob match {
case Pattern(p, relative) if path.startsWith(p) => relative.matches(p.getFileName)
case g => g.matches(path)
private[sbt] def toFileFilter: FileFilter = pathname => glob.matches(pathname.toPath)
private[sbt] def toAbsolutePath(path: Path)(implicit option: RelativeGlobViewOption): Path = {
import RelativeGlobViewOption._
if (!path.isAbsolute) {
option match {
case Error => throw new IllegalArgumentException(errorMessage(glob, warn = false))
case Ignore => path.toAbsolutePath
case Warn =>
System.err.println(errorMessage(glob, warn = true))
} else path
private[sbt] def fileTreeViewListParameters(implicit
option: RelativeGlobViewOption
): (Path, Int, Glob) = {
val b = base
val r = range._2
val g = glob match {
case r: RelativeGlob =>
r.tail match {
case Nil => Root(b)
case t => Pattern(b, RelativeGlob(t))
case _ => glob
(b, r, g)
private[sbt] def base(implicit option: RelativeGlobViewOption): Path =
toAbsolutePath(glob match {
case Pattern(root, r) =>
case Root(root) => root
case r: RelativeGlob => r.prefix.getOrElse(Paths.get(""))
case FullFileGlob(base, _, _) => base
private[sbt] def range: (Int, Int) = glob match {
case Pattern(_, relative: RelativeGlob) => RelativeGlob.range(relative)
case Root(_) => (0, 0)
case relative: RelativeGlob => RelativeGlob.range(relative)
case FullFileGlob(_, recursive, _) => if (recursive) (1, Int.MaxValue) else (1, 1)
* Appends a relative glob path to an existing [[Glob]]. For example:
* {{{
* val glob = Glob("foo/bar")
* val scalaSources = glob / "**/*.scala"
* scalaSources.matches(Paths.get("foo/bar/Foo.scala")) // true
* scalaSources.matches(Paths.get("foo/bar/baz/fizz/buzz/Bar.scala")) // true
* scalaSources.matches(Paths.get("foo/bar/baz/fizz/buzz/")) // false
* }}}
* @param relativeGlob the string that will be parsed into a [[RelativeGlob]] and appended to
* the base glob
* @return a Glob with the new [[RelativeGlob]] appended to the query.
def /(relativeGlob: String): Glob = /(RelativeGlob.parse(relativeGlob, isRegex = false))
* Appends a relative glob specified by a regex pattern to an existing [[Glob]]. For example:
* {{{
* val glob = Glob("foo/bar")
* val scalaSources = glob / "^[^.].*\\.scala".r
* scalaSources.matches(Paths.get("foo/bar/Foo.scala")) // true
* scalaSources.matches(Paths.get("foo/bar/.hidden.scala")) // false
* }}}
* Note that it is not possible to specify a recursive glob this way because `**` is not valid
* in regex. To make a recursive glob, combine with [[RecursiveGlob]]:
* {{{
* val scalaSources = Glob("foo/bar") / ** / "^[^.].*\\.scala".r
* scalaSources.matches(Paths.get("foo/bar/baz/fizz/buzz/Foo.scala")) // true
* scalaSources.matches(Paths.get("foo/bar/baz/fizz/buzz/.hidden.scala")) // false
* }}}
* On Windows, `\` will be treated as a regex escape character but `/` will be treated
* as a path separator.
* @param regex the pattern to apply
* @return a Glob with the new [[RelativeGlob]] appended to the query.
def /(regex: Regex): Glob = /(RelativeGlob.parse(regex.regex, isRegex = true))
* Appends a relative glob path to an existing [[Glob]]. For example:
* {{{
* val glob = Glob("foo/bar")
* val scalaSources = glob / "**/*.scala"
* scalaSources.matches(Paths.get("foo/bar/Foo.scala")) // true
* scalaSources.matches(Paths.get("foo/bar/baz/fizz/buzz/Bar.scala")) // true
* scalaSources.matches(Paths.get("foo/bar/baz/fizz/buzz/")) // false
* }}}
* @param relativeGlob the [[RelativeGlob]] to be appended to the query
* @return a Glob with the new [[RelativeGlob]] appended to the query.
def /(relativeGlob: RelativeGlob): Glob = glob match {
case Pattern(root, relative) => Pattern(root, relative / relativeGlob)
case Root(path) =>
val newRoot =
relativeGlob.tail match {
case Nil => Root(newRoot)
case t => Pattern(newRoot, RelativeGlob(t))
case f: FullFileGlob =>
throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"Can't call / on legacy glob $f")
case r: RelativeGlob => r / relativeGlob
* Provides extension methods to [[Glob]] that allows it to create combined
* [[sbt.nio.file.PathFilter]] instances with `&&` and `||`.
* @param glob the Glob to extend
implicit class PathFilterOps(val glob: Glob) extends AnyVal with PathFilterExtensions {
def &&(other: PathFilter): PathFilter = (glob: PathFilter) && other
def ||(other: PathFilter): PathFilter = (glob: PathFilter) || other
def unary_! : PathFilter = !(glob: PathFilter)
* Converts a string to a [[Glob]].
* @param glob the string to convert
* @return the converted [[Glob]].
implicit def stringToGlob(glob: String): Glob = Glob(glob)
* Provides extension methods to `java.nio.file.Path`.
* @param path the `Path` instance to extend.
final class PathOps(val path: Path) extends AnyVal {
* Converts the path to a single path glob
* @return the single path [[Glob]].
def toGlob: Glob =
if (path.isAbsolute) Root(path)
else {
path.iterator.asScala.toList match {
case Nil => Empty
case h :: Nil if h.getFileName.toString.isEmpty => Empty
case parts => RelativeGlob( => PathComponent(p.getFileName.toString)))
* Appends a path component to a path.
* @param component the component to append
* @return the appended path.
def /(component: String): Path = path.resolve(component)
* Provides extension methods to `java.nio.file.Path`
* @param file the `File` instance to extend.
final class FileOps(val file: File) extends AnyVal {
* Converts the file to a single path glob.
* @return the single path [[Glob]].
def toGlob: Glob = new PathOps(file.toPath).toGlob
private[this] val windowsEscapable = "(){}"
private[this] val allMeta = "*{([?"
private[file] val hasMeta: String => Boolean = _.exists(allMeta.contains(_))
private[file] val isWin = Properties.isWin
private[this] val splitter: (String, Boolean) => List[String] = {
if (Glob.isWin) { (glob, isRegex) =>
val stringBuilder = new StringBuilder(glob.length)
val components = new util.ArrayList[String]
val array = glob.toCharArray
val separator = File.separatorChar
@tailrec def fillComponents(index: Int): Unit = index match {
case i if i < array.length =>
array(i) match {
case `separator` if !isRegex =>
val nextIndex = i + 1
if (nextIndex < array.length) {
array(nextIndex) match {
case c if windowsEscapable.contains(c) =>
case c =>
fillComponents(nextIndex + 1)
} else {
case '/' =>
fillComponents(i + 1)
case c =>
fillComponents(i + 1)
case _ =>
fillComponents(index = 0)
} else { (glob, _) =>
* A specialization of [[Glob]] that applies only to relative paths. [[RelativeGlob]] instances
* can always be combined with the `/` operator whereas general `Glob` instances cannot because they
* may correspond to an absolute file path:
* {{{
* val combined = Glob("/foo/bar") / RelativeGlob("
* }}}
sealed trait RelativeGlob extends Glob {
private[file] def matchers: List[RelativeGlob.Matcher]
private[file] def prefix: Option[Path] = matchers.takeWhile(_.isInstanceOf[PathComponent]) match {
case Nil => None
case (h: PathComponent) :: (t: List[PathComponent] @unchecked) =>
Some(Paths.get(h.glob, _*))
case _ => None
private[file] def tail: List[RelativeGlob.Matcher] =
* Appends additional components to this [[RelativeGlob]]:
* {{{
* val glob = Glob("foo/bar")
* val scalaSources = glob / "**/*.scala"
* scalaSources.matches(Paths.get("foo/bar/Foo.scala")) // true
* scalaSources.matches(Paths.get("foo/bar/baz/fizz/buzz/Bar.scala")) // true
* scalaSources.matches(Paths.get("foo/bar/baz/fizz/buzz/")) // false
* }}}
* @param relativeGlob the additional query string to parse and append
* @return a Glob with the new [[RelativeGlob]] appended to the query.
def /(relativeGlob: String): RelativeGlob = /(RelativeGlob.parse(relativeGlob, isRegex = false))
* Appends an additional [[RelativeGlob]] to this [[RelativeGlob]]:
* {{{
* val glob = Glob("foo/bar")
* val scalaSources = glob / ** / "*.scala"
* scalaSources.matches(Paths.get("foo/bar/Foo.scala")) // true
* scalaSources.matches(Paths.get("foo/bar/baz/fizz/buzz/Bar.scala")) // true
* scalaSources.matches(Paths.get("foo/bar/baz/fizz/buzz/")) // false
* }}}
* @param relativeGlob the additional query string to parse and append
* @return a Glob with the new [[RelativeGlob]] appended to the query.
def /(relativeGlob: RelativeGlob): RelativeGlob =
RelativeGlob(this.matchers ::: relativeGlob.matchers)
* Appends a relative glob specified by a regex pattern to an existing [[Glob]]. For example:
* {{{
* val glob = Glob("foo/bar")
* val scalaSources = glob / "^[^.].*\\.scala".r
* scalaSources.matches(Paths.get("foo/bar/Foo.scala")) // true
* scalaSources.matches(Paths.get("foo/bar/.hidden.scala")) // false
* }}}
* Note that it is not possible to specify a recursive glob this way because `**` is not valid
* in regex. To make a recursive glob, combine with [[RecursiveGlob]]:
* {{{
* val scalaSources = Glob("foo/bar") / ** / "^[^.].*\\.scala".r
* scalaSources.matches(Paths.get("foo/bar/baz/fizz/buzz/Foo.scala")) // true
* scalaSources.matches(Paths.get("foo/bar/baz/fizz/buzz/.hidden.scala")) // false
* }}}
* On Windows, `\` will be treated as a regex escape character but `/` will be treated
* as a path separator.
* @param regex the pattern to apply
* @return a Glob with the new [[RelativeGlob]] appended to the query.
def /(regex: Regex): RelativeGlob = /(RelativeGlob.parse(regex.regex, isRegex = true))
* A [[RelativeGlob]] that matches any path. Can be combined with other [[Glob]] instances to build
* recursive queries:
* {{{
* val scalaSources = Glob("/foo/bar") / RecursiveGlob / "*.scala"
* scalaSources.matches(Paths.get("/foo/bar/Foo.scala")) // true
* scalaSources.matches(Paths.get("/foo/bar/baz/fizz/buzz/Bar.scala")) // true
* }}}
case object RecursiveGlob extends SingleComponentMatcher with RelativeGlob {
override private[file] def glob: String = "**"
def matches(path: Path): Boolean = true
* A [[RelativeGlob]] that matches any single path name.
* {{{
* AnyPath.matches(Paths.get("foo")) // true
* AnyPath.matches(Paths.get("foo/bar")) // false
* Glob("foo/bar", AnyPath).matches(Paths.get("foo/bar")) // false
* Glob("foo/bar", AnyPath).matches(Paths.get("foo/bar/baz")) // true
* Glob("foo/bar", AnyPath).matches(Paths.get("foo/bar/baz/buzz")) // false
* }}}
* It can be used to specify the minimum depth of a query:
* {{{
* val childScalaSources = Glob("/foo/bar") / AnyPath / RecursiveGlob / "*.scala"
* childScalaSources.matches(Paths.get("/foo/bar/Foo.scala")) // false
* childScalaSources.matches(Paths.get("/foo/bar/baz/Bar.scala")) // true
* childScalaSources.matches(Paths.get("/foo/bar/baz/fizz/buzz/Bar.scala")) // true
* }}}
case object AnyPath extends SingleComponentMatcher with RelativeGlob {
override private[file] def glob: String = "*"
override def matches(path: Path): Boolean = path.getNameCount == 1
object RelativeGlob {
* Aliases [[RecursiveGlob]].
val ** = RecursiveGlob
* Aliases [[AnyPath]].
val * = AnyPath
private[file] def parse(glob: String, isRegex: Boolean): RelativeGlob =
Glob(glob, isRegex) match {
case r: RelativeGlob => r
case _ =>
val msg = s"Couldn't create relativeGlob glob from absolute glob: $glob"
throw new IllegalArgumentException(msg)
private[sbt] def apply(matchers: String*): RelativeGlob =
new RelativeGlobImpl(matchers.view.filterNot(_ == ".").map(Matcher.apply).toList)
private[sbt] def apply(matchers: List[Matcher]): RelativeGlob = new RelativeGlobImpl(matchers)
implicit val ordering: Ordering[RelativeGlob] =
private[file] def range(relative: RelativeGlob): (Int, Int) = {
val res = relative.matchers.foldLeft((0, 0)) {
case ((0, 0), RecursiveGlob) => (1, Int.MaxValue)
case (r @ (_, Int.MaxValue), RecursiveGlob) => r
case ((min, Int.MaxValue), _) => (min + 1, Int.MaxValue)
case ((min, max), _) => (min + 1, max + 1)
private final class RelativeGlobImpl(val matchers: List[Matcher]) extends RelativeGlob {
override def matches(path: Path): Boolean = {
val count = path.getNameCount
@tailrec def impl(currentIndex: Int, matchers: List[Matcher]): Boolean = matchers match {
case RecursiveGlob :: Nil => count > 0
case RecursiveGlob :: matchersTail =>
currentIndex match {
case i if i < count => recursiveMatches(matchersTail, i)
case _ => false
case m :: Nil if currentIndex == count - 1 => m.matches(path.getFileName)
case m :: matchersTail =>
currentIndex match {
case i if i < count && m.matches(path.getName(i)) => impl(i + 1, matchersTail)
case _ => false
case Nil => currentIndex == count
def recursiveMatches(remaining: List[Matcher], currentIndex: Int): Boolean = {
remaining match {
case Nil => true
case nameMatcher :: Nil => nameMatcher.matches(path.getFileName)
case _ =>
@tailrec def recursiveImpl(index: Int): Boolean = index match {
case i if i < count => impl(i, remaining) || recursiveImpl(i + 1)
case _ => false
impl(currentIndex = 0, matchers)
override def hashCode: Int = matchers.hashCode
override def toString: String = matchers.mkString(File.separator)
override def equals(o: Any): Boolean = o match {
case that: RelativeGlob => this.matchers == that.matchers
case _ => false
private[sbt] sealed trait Matcher extends RelativeGlob
private[sbt] object Matcher {
private[sbt] implicit object ordering extends Ordering[Matcher] {
override def compare(x: Matcher, y: Matcher): Int = x match {
case RecursiveGlob =>
y match {
case RecursiveGlob => 0
case _ => -1
case AnyPath =>
y match {
case AnyPath => 0
case RecursiveGlob => 1
case _ => -1
case spm: SingleComponentMatcher =>
y match {
case that: SingleComponentMatcher => spm.glob.compareTo(that.glob)
case _ => -1
case _: FunctionNameFilter =>
y match {
case _: FunctionNameFilter => 0
case _: NotMatcher | _: AndMatcher | _: OrMatcher => -1
case _ => 1
case _: NotMatcher =>
y match {
case _: NotMatcher | _: AndMatcher | _: OrMatcher => 0
case _ => 1
case _: AndMatcher =>
y match {
case _: NotMatcher | _: AndMatcher | _: OrMatcher => 0
case _ => 1
case _: OrMatcher =>
y match {
case _: NotMatcher | _: AndMatcher | _: OrMatcher => 0
case _ => 1
private[sbt] implicit val listOrdering: Ordering[List[Matcher]] = new Ordering[List[Matcher]] {
override def compare(left: List[Matcher], right: List[Matcher]): Int = {
val leftIt = left.iterator
val rightIt = right.iterator
while (leftIt.hasNext && rightIt.hasNext) {
val res =,
if (res != 0) return res
}, rightIt.hasNext)
private[sbt] def and(left: Matcher, right: Matcher): Matcher = {
if (left == NoPath || right == NoPath) NoPath
else if (left == AnyPath) right
else if (right == AnyPath) left
else AndMatcher(left, right)
private[sbt] def or(left: Matcher, right: Matcher): Matcher = OrMatcher(left, right)
private[sbt] def not(matcher: Matcher): Matcher = matcher match {
case NoPath => AnyPath
case AnyPath => NoPath
case m => NotMatcher(m)
private[sbt] def apply(glob: String): Matcher = glob match {
case "**" => RecursiveGlob
case "*" => AnyPath
case g if !g.startsWith("regex:") && !Glob.hasMeta(g) => PathComponent(g)
case g => new GlobMatcher(g)
private[sbt] def apply(f: String => Boolean): Matcher = FunctionNameFilter(f)
private[sbt] case object NoPath extends SingleComponentMatcher with RelativeGlob {
override def glob: String = ""
override def matches(path: Path): Boolean = false
private[file] sealed trait SingleComponentMatcher extends Matcher {
private[file] def glob: String
override private[file] final val matchers: List[Matcher] = this :: Nil
override def toString: String = glob
private[file] object PathComponent {
def apply(component: String): PathComponent = new PathComponent(component)
def unapply(glob: Glob): Option[String] = glob match {
case p: PathComponent => Some(p.glob)
case _ => None
private[file] final case class NotMatcher(matcher: Matcher) extends Matcher {
override private[sbt] def matchers: List[Matcher] = this :: Nil
* Indicates whether a path matches the pattern specified by this [[Glob]].
* @param path the path to match
* @return true it the path matches.
override def matches(path: Path): Boolean = !matcher.matches(path)
override def toString: String = s"!$matcher"
private[file] final case class OrMatcher(left: Matcher, right: Matcher) extends Matcher {
override private[sbt] def matchers: List[Matcher] = this :: Nil
* Indicates whether a path matches the pattern specified by this [[Glob]].
* @param path the path to match
* @return true it the path matches.
override def matches(path: Path): Boolean = left.matches(path) || right.matches(path)
override def toString: String = s"($left || $right)"
private[file] final case class AndMatcher(left: Matcher, right: Matcher) extends Matcher {
override private[sbt] def matchers: List[Matcher] = this :: Nil
* Indicates whether a path matches the pattern specified by this [[Glob]].
* @param path the path to match
* @return true it the path matches.
override def matches(path: Path): Boolean = left.matches(path) && right.matches(path)
override def toString: String = s"($left && $right)"
private[file] final case class FunctionNameFilter(f: String => Boolean) extends Matcher {
override private[sbt] def matchers: List[Matcher] = this :: Nil
override def matches(path: Path): Boolean = f(path.getFileName.toString)
private[file] final class PathComponent private (override val glob: String)
extends SingleComponentMatcher {
override def matches(path: Path): Boolean =
path.getNameCount == 1 && path.getFileName.toString == glob
override def equals(o: Any): Boolean = o match {
case that: PathComponent => this.glob == that.glob
case _ => false
override def hashCode: Int = glob.hashCode
private final class GlobMatcher(override val glob: String) extends SingleComponentMatcher {
private[this] val (prefixString, pattern) = glob.indexOf(":") match {
case -1 => ("glob", glob)
case i => (glob.substring(0, i), glob.substring(i + 1))
private[this] val matcher = FileSystems.getDefault.getPathMatcher(s"$prefixString:$pattern")
override def matches(path: Path): Boolean = matcher.matches(path)
override def equals(o: Any): Boolean = o match {
case that: GlobMatcher => this.glob == that.glob
case _ => false
override def hashCode(): Int = glob.hashCode