sbt.internal.nio.FileEventMonitor.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
* sbt IO
* Copyright Scala Center, Lightbend, and Mark Harrah
* Licensed under Apache License 2.0
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
* See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for
* additional information regarding copyright ownership.
package sbt.internal.nio
import java.nio.file.{ Path => JPath }
import java.util.concurrent.{ ArrayBlockingQueue, ConcurrentHashMap, TimeUnit }
import sbt.internal.nio.FileEvent.{ Creation, Deletion, Update }
import scala.annotation.tailrec
import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
import scala.concurrent.duration.{ Deadline => _, _ }
* Provides a blocking interface for awaiting events from an [[Observable]].
* @tparam T the cached value type
private[sbt] trait FileEventMonitor[+T] extends AutoCloseable {
* Block for the specified duration until an event is emitted or a timeout occurs.
* @param duration the timeout (can be infinite)
* @return a sequence of [[FileEvent]] instances.
final def poll(duration: Duration): Seq[T] = poll(duration, (_: T) => true)
* Block for the specified duration until an event is emitted or a timeout occurs.
* @param duration the timeout (can be infinite)
* @param filter a filter that may be applied to events
* @return a sequence of [[FileEvent]] instances.
def poll(duration: Duration, filter: T => Boolean): Seq[T]
private[sbt] object FileEventMonitor {
private[sbt] def apply[T](
observable: Observable[FileEvent[T]],
logger: WatchLogger = NullWatchLogger
)(implicit timeSource: TimeSource): FileEventMonitor[FileEvent[T]] =
new FileEventMonitorImpl[T](observable, logger)
* Create a [[FileEventMonitor]] that tracks recent events to prevent creating multiple events
* for the same path within the same window. This exists because there are many programs that
* may make a burst of modifications to a file in a short window. For example, many programs
* implement save by renaming a buffer file to the target file. This can create both a deletion
* and a creation event for the target file but we only want to create one file in this scenario.
* This scenario is so common that we specifically handle it with the quarantinePeriod parameter.
* When the monitor detects a file deletion, it does not actually produce an event for that
* path until the quarantinePeriod has elapsed or a creation or update event is detected.
* @param observable the [[Observable]] to monitor for events
* @param period the anti-entropy quarantine period
* @param logger a debug logger
* @param quarantinePeriod configures how long we wait before creating an event for a delete file.
* @param retentionPeriod configures how long in wall clock time to cache the anti-entropy
* deadline for a path. This is needed because sometimes there are long
* delays between polls and we do not want a stale event that occurred
* within an anti-entropy window for the event path to trigger. This
* is not a perfect solution, but a smarter solution would require
* introspection of the internal state of the pending events.
* @tparam T the generic type for the [[Observable]] that we're monitoring
* @return the [[FileEventMonitor]] instance.
private[sbt] def antiEntropy[T](
observable: Observable[FileEvent[T]],
period: FiniteDuration,
logger: WatchLogger,
quarantinePeriod: FiniteDuration,
retentionPeriod: FiniteDuration
)(implicit timeSource: TimeSource): FileEventMonitor[FileEvent[T]] = {
new AntiEntropyFileEventMonitor(
new FileEventMonitorImpl[T](observable, logger),
* Create a [[FileEventMonitor]] that tracks recent events to prevent creating multiple events
* for the same path within the same window. This exists because there are many programs that
* may make a burst of modifications to a file in a short window. For example, many programs
* implement save by renaming a buffer file to the target file. This can create both a deletion
* and a creation event for the target file but we only want to create one file in this scenario.
* This scenario is so common that we specifically handle it with the quarantinePeriod parameter.
* When the monitor detects a file deletion, it does not actually produce an event for that
* path until the quarantinePeriod has elapsed or a creation or update event is detected.
* @param fileEventMonitor the delegate file event monitor
* @param period the anti-entropy quarantine period
* @param logger a debug logger
* @param quarantinePeriod configures how long we wait before creating an event for a delete file.
* @param retentionPeriod configures how long in wall clock time to cache the anti-entropy
* deadline for a path. This is needed because sometimes there are long
* delays between polls and we do not want a stale event that occurred
* within an anti-entropy window for the event path to trigger. This
* is not a perfect solution, but a smarter solution would require
* introspection of the internal state of the pending events.
* @tparam T the generic type for the [[Observable]] that we're monitoring
* @return the [[FileEventMonitor]] instance.
private[sbt] def antiEntropy[T](
fileEventMonitor: FileEventMonitor[FileEvent[T]],
period: FiniteDuration,
logger: WatchLogger,
quarantinePeriod: FiniteDuration,
retentionPeriod: FiniteDuration
)(implicit timeSource: TimeSource): FileEventMonitor[FileEvent[T]] = {
new AntiEntropyFileEventMonitor(
private class FileEventMonitorImpl[T](observable: Observable[FileEvent[T]], logger: WatchLogger)(
implicit timeSource: TimeSource
) extends FileEventMonitor[FileEvent[T]] {
private case object Trigger
private val events =
new ConcurrentHashMap[JPath, FileEvent[T]]().asScala
private val queue = new ArrayBlockingQueue[Trigger.type](1)
private val lock = new Object
* This method will coalesce the new event with a possibly existing previous event. The aim is
* that whenever the user calls poll, they will get the final difference between the previous
* state of the file system and the new state, but without the incremental changes that may
* have occurred along the way.
private def add(event: FileEvent[T]): Unit = {
def put(path: JPath, event: FileEvent[T]): Unit = lock.synchronized {
events.put(path, event)
logger.debug(s"Received $event")
val path = event.path
lock.synchronized(events.putIfAbsent(path, event)) match {
case Some(d: Deletion[T]) =>
event match {
case _: Deletion[T] =>
case Update(_, previous, _) =>
put(path, Deletion(path, previous, event.occurredAt))
case _ => put(path, Update(path, d.attributes, event.attributes, event.occurredAt))
case Some(_: Creation[T]) =>
event match {
case _: Deletion[T] => events.remove(path)
case _: Update[T] => put(path, Creation(path, event.attributes, event.occurredAt))
case _ => put(path, event)
case Some(u @ Update(_, previous, _)) =>
event match {
case _: Deletion[T] => put(path, Deletion(path, previous, u.occurredAt))
case e => put(path, Update(path, previous, e.attributes, u.occurredAt))
case None =>
private val handle = observable.addObserver(add)
final override def poll(
duration: Duration,
filter: FileEvent[T] => Boolean
): Seq[FileEvent[T]] = {
val limit = duration match {
case d: FiniteDuration => + d
case _ => +
@tailrec def impl(): Seq[FileEvent[T]] = {
if (lock.synchronized(events.isEmpty) && duration > 0.seconds) {
duration match {
case d: FiniteDuration => queue.poll(d.toNanos, TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS)
case _ => queue.take()
val res = lock.synchronized {
queue.poll(0, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)
val r = events.values.toVector.filter(filter)
res match {
case e if e.isEmpty =>
val now =
if (now < limit) impl() else Nil
case e =>
override def close(): Unit = {
private class AntiEntropyFileEventMonitor[T](
period: FiniteDuration,
fileEventMonitor: FileEventMonitor[FileEvent[T]],
logger: WatchLogger,
quarantinePeriod: FiniteDuration,
retentionPeriod: FiniteDuration
)(implicit timeSource: TimeSource)
extends FileEventMonitor[FileEvent[T]] {
private[this] val antiEntropyDeadlines = new ConcurrentHashMap[JPath, Deadline].asScala
* It is very common for file writes to be implemented as a move, which manifests as a delete
* followed by a write. In sbt, this can manifest as continuous builds triggering for the delete
* and re-compiling before the replaced file is present. This is undesirable because deleting
* the file can break the build. Even if it doesn't break the build, it may cause the build to
* become inconsistent with the file system if the creation is dropped due to anti-entropy. To
* avoid this behavior, we quarantine the deletion and return immediately if a subsequent
* creation is detected. This provides a reasonable compromise between low latency and
* correctness.
private[this] val quarantinedEvents = new ConcurrentHashMap[JPath, FileEvent[T]].asScala
private[this] def quarantineDuration = {
val now =
val waits = + quarantinePeriod - now).toVector
if (waits.isEmpty) None else Some(waits.min)
override final def poll(
duration: Duration,
filter: FileEvent[T] => Boolean
): Seq[FileEvent[T]] = pollImpl(duration, filter)
private[this] final def pollImpl(
duration: Duration,
filter: FileEvent[T] => Boolean
): Seq[FileEvent[T]] = {
val start =
val adjustedDuration =, _).min).getOrElse(duration)
* The impl is tail recursive to handle the case when we quarantine a deleted file or find
* an event for a path that is an anti-entropy quarantine. In these cases, if there are other
* events in the queue, we want to immediately pull them. Otherwise it's possible to return
* None while there events ready in the queue.
val results = fileEventMonitor.poll(adjustedDuration, filter)
* Note that this transformation is not purely functional because it has the side effect of
* modifying the quarantinedEvents and antiEntropyDeadlines maps.
val transformed: Seq[FileEvent[T]] = results.flatMap {
case event @ FileEvent(path, attributes) =>
val occurredAt = event.occurredAt
val quarantined = if (event.exists) quarantinedEvents.remove(path) else None
quarantined match {
case Some(d @ Deletion(_, oldAttributes)) =>
antiEntropyDeadlines.put(path, d.occurredAt + period)
s"Triggering event for newly created path $path that was previously quarantined."
Some(Update(path, oldAttributes, attributes, d.occurredAt))
case _ =>
antiEntropyDeadlines.get(path) match {
case Some(deadline) if occurredAt < deadline =>
val msg = s"Discarding entry for recently updated path $path. " +
s"This event occurred ${(occurredAt - (deadline - period)).toMillis} ms since " +
"the last event for this path."
case _ if !event.exists =>
quarantinedEvents.put(path, event)
logger.debug(s"Quarantining deletion event for path $path for $period")
case _ =>
antiEntropyDeadlines.put(path, occurredAt + period)
logger.debug(s"Received event for path $path")
} ++ quarantinedEvents.collect {
case (path, event: Deletion[FileEvent[T]] @unchecked)
if event.occurredAt + quarantinePeriod < =>
antiEntropyDeadlines.put(path, event.occurredAt + period)
logger.debug(s"Triggering event for previously quarantined deleted file: $path")
event: FileEvent[T]
// Keep old anti entropy events around for a while in case there are still unhandled
// events that occurred between polls. This is necessary because there is no background
// thread polling the events. Because the period between polls could be quite large, it's
// possible that there are unhandled events that actually occurred within the anti-entropy
// window for the path. By setting a long retention time, we try to avoid this.
antiEntropyDeadlines.retain((_, deadline) => < deadline + retentionPeriod)
transformed match {
case s: Seq[FileEvent[T]] if s.nonEmpty => s
case _ =>
val limit = duration - ( - start)
if (limit > 0.millis) pollImpl(limit, filter) else Nil
override def close(): Unit = {