Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
* sbt IO
* Copyright Scala Center, Lightbend, and Mark Harrah
* Licensed under Apache License 2.0
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
* See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for
* additional information regarding copyright ownership.
abstract class Mapper {
type PathMap = File => Option[String]
type FileMap = File => Option[File]
/** A path mapper that pairs a File with the path returned by calling `getPath` on it. */
val basic: PathMap = f => Some(f.getPath)
* A path mapper that pairs a File with its path relative to `base`.
* If the File is not a descendant of `base`, it is not handled (None is returned by the mapper).
def relativeTo(base: File): PathMap = IO.relativize(base, _)
def relativeTo(bases: Iterable[File], zero: PathMap = transparent): PathMap =
fold(zero, bases)(relativeTo)
* A path mapper that pairs a descendent of `oldBase` with `newBase` prepended to the path relative to `oldBase`.
* For example, if `oldBase = /old/x/` and `newBase = new/a/`, then `/old/x/y/z.txt` gets paired with `new/a/y/z.txt`.
def rebase(oldBase: File, newBase: String): PathMap = {
val normNewBase = normalizeBase(newBase)
(file: File) =>
if (file == oldBase)
Some(if (normNewBase.isEmpty) "." else normNewBase)
IO.relativize(oldBase, file).map(normNewBase + _)
* A mapper that throws an exception for any input.
* This is useful as the last mapper in a pipeline to ensure every input gets mapped.
def fail: Any => Nothing = f => sys.error("No mapping for " + f)
/** A path mapper that pairs a File with its name. For example, `/x/y/z.txt` gets paired with `z.txt`. */
val flat: PathMap = f => Some(f.getName)
* A path mapper that pairs a File with a path constructed from `newBase` and the file's name.
* For example, if `newBase = /new/a/`, then `/old/x/z.txt` gets paired with `/new/a/z.txt`.
def flatRebase(newBase: String): PathMap = {
val newBase0 = normalizeBase(newBase)
(f => Some(newBase0 + f.getName))
/** A mapper that is defined on all inputs by the function `f`. */
def total[A, B](f: A => B): A => Some[B] = x => Some(f(x))
/** A mapper that ignores all inputs. */
def transparent: Any => Option[Nothing] = _ => None
def normalizeBase(base: String) = if (!base.isEmpty && !base.endsWith("/")) base + "/" else base
* Pairs a File with the absolute File obtained by calling `getAbsoluteFile`.
* Note that this usually means that relative files are resolved against the current working directory.
def abs: FileMap = f => Some(f.getAbsoluteFile)
* Returns a FileMap that resolves a relative File against `newDirectory`
* and pairs the original File with the resolved File.
* The mapper ignores absolute files.
def resolve(newDirectory: File): FileMap =
file => if (file.isAbsolute) None else Some(new File(newDirectory, file.getPath))
def rebase(oldBases: Iterable[File], newBase: File, zero: FileMap = transparent): FileMap =
fold(zero, oldBases)(old => rebase(old, newBase))
* Produces a File mapper that pairs a descendant of `oldBase` with a file in `newBase` that preserving the relative path of the original file against `oldBase`.
* For example, if `oldBase` is `/old/x/` and `newBase` is `/new/a/`, `/old/x/y/z.txt` gets paired with `/new/a/y/z.txt`.
def rebase(oldBase: File, newBase: File): FileMap =
file =>
if (file == oldBase)
IO.relativize(oldBase, file) map (r => new File(newBase, r))
* Constructs a FileMap that pairs a file with a file with the same name in `newDirectory`.
* For example, if `newDirectory` is `/a/b`, then `/r/s/t/d.txt` will be paired with `/a/b/d.txt`
def flat(newDirectory: File): FileMap = file => Some(new File(newDirectory, file.getName))
* Selects all descendants of `base` directory and maps them to a path relative to `base`.
* `base` itself is not included.
def allSubpaths(base: File): Traversable[(File, String)] =
selectSubpaths(base, AllPassFilter)
* Selects descendants of `base` directory matching `filter` and maps them to a path relative to `base`.
* `base` itself is not included.
def selectSubpaths(base: File, filter: FileFilter): Traversable[(File, String)] =
PathFinder(base).globRecursive(filter).get().collect {
case f if f != base => f -> base.toPath.relativize(f.toPath).toString
* return a Seq of mappings which effect is to add a whole directory in the generated package
* @example In order to create mappings for a static directory "extra" add
* {{{
* mappings ++= directory(baseDirectory.value / "extra")
* }}}
* The resulting mappings sequence will look something like this
* {{{
* File(baseDirectory/extras) -> "extras"
* File(baseDirectory/extras/file1) -> "extras/file1"
* File(baseDirectory/extras/file2) -> "extras/file2"
* ...
* }}}
* @param baseDirectory The directory that should be turned into a mappings sequence.
* @return mappings The `baseDirectory` and all of its contents
def directory(baseDirectory: File): Seq[(File, String)] =
.map(parent => PathFinder(baseDirectory).allPaths pair relativeTo(parent))
.getOrElse(PathFinder(baseDirectory).allPaths pair basic)
* return a Seq of mappings excluding the directory itself.
* @example In order to create mappings for a static directory "extra" add
* {{{
* mappings ++= contentOf(baseDirectory.value / "extra")
* }}}
* The resulting mappings sequence will look something like this
* {{{
* File(baseDirectory/extras/file1) -> "file1"
* File(baseDirectory/extras/file2) -> "file2"
* ...
* }}}
* @example Add a static directory "extra" and re-map the destination to a different path
* {{{
* mappings ++= contentOf(baseDirectory.value / "extra").map {
* case (src, destination) => src -> s"new/path/destination"
* }
* }}}
* @param baseDirectory The directory that should be turned into a mappings sequence.
* @return mappings - The `basicDirectory`'s contents exlcuding `basicDirectory` itself
def contentOf(baseDirectory: File): Seq[(File, String)] = (
(PathFinder(baseDirectory).allPaths --- PathFinder(baseDirectory))
pair relativeTo(baseDirectory)
private[this] def fold[A, B, T](zero: A => Option[B], in: Iterable[T])(
f: T => A => Option[B]
): A => Option[B] =
in.foldLeft(zero)((mapper, base) => a => f(base)(a) orElse mapper(a))